Using the unit in the following locations can re­sult in a malfunction.
• In direct sunlight Locations of extreme temperature or humidity
• Excessively dusty or dirty locations
• Locations of excessive vibration
• Close to magnetic fields
Power supply
Please connect the designated AC adapter to an AC outlet of the correct voltage. Do not connect it to an AC outlet of voltage other than that for which your unit is intended.
Interference with other electrical de­vices
Radios and televisions placed nearby may ex­perience reception interference. Operate this unit at a suitable distance from radios and televisions.
To avoid breakage, do not apply excessive force to the switches or controls.
If the exterior becomes dirty, wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use liquid cleaners such as ben­zene or thinner, or cleaning compounds or flam­mable polishes.
Keep this manual
After reading this manual, please keep it for lat­er reference.
Keeping foreign matter out of your equipment
Never set any container with liquid in it near this equipment. If liquid gets into the equipment, it could cause a breakdown, fire, or electrical shock. Be careful not to let metal objects get into the equipment. If something does slip into the equip­ment, unplug the AC adapter from the wall out­let. Then contact your nearest Korg dealer or the store where the equipment was purchased.
CE mark for European Harmonized Standards
CE mark which is attached to our company’s prod­ucts of AC mains operated apparatus until Decem­ber 31, 1996 means it conforms to EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and CE mark Directive (93/68/EEC). And, CE mark which is attached after January 1, 1997 means it conforms to EMC Directive (89/336/ EEC), CE mark Directive (93/68/EEC) and Low Volt­age Directive (73/23/EEC). Also, CE mark which is attached to our company’s products of Battery operated apparatus means it conforms to EMC Directive (89/336/EEC) and CE mark Directive (93/68/EEC).
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful in­terference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency en­ergy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guaran­tee that interference will not occur in a particular in­stallation. If this equipment does cause harmful inter­ference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dif­ferent from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV tech­nician for help.
Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.


Introduction ............................. 6
Main features .......................... 6
Tur ning on the power ............... 8
Battery Low display ........................... 8
Using the strap holder .............. 8
Controls and connectors ........... 9
LCD screen ....................................... 11
Making connections ............... 12
Initial Settings ........................ 13
Quick Edit ........................................ 13
Play mode ............................. 14
1. Selecting a program ..................... 14
2. Master level ................................. 14
3. Bypass/Mute ............................... 14
4. Tuner ........................................... 15
5. Specifying the function of the Value
Dial .............................................. 16
6. Key Lock function .........................17
Rhythm & Bass mode ............. 17
1. Rhythm Pattern ............................ 18
2. Tempo .......................................... 18
3. Bass On/Off & Bass Key .............. 18
4. Rhythm & Bass Reverb Level......... 19
5. Rhythm & Bass Level .................... 19
6. Chain Pattern settings .................. 19
Phrase Trainer mode .............. 20
1. Select the recording mode ............ 20
2. Recording .................................... 22
3. Playback ...................................... 22
4. Pause........................................... 23
AUX Pitch mode ..................... 23
Edit mode .............................. 24
1. Select the effect that you wish to edit
........................................................ 25
2. Editing each effect ........................ 25
1) DYNA (Dynamics & Pickup Modeling) 25
2) AMP (Amp Modeling) ...................... 25
3) CAB (Cabinet Modeling).................. 26
4) MOD (Modulation & Filter Effect
Modeling)....................................... 26
5) DLY (Delay Modeling) ...................... 27
6) REV (Reverb Modeling) .................... 27
7) NR (Noise reduction) ....................... 27
8) RENAME ........................................ 27
9) WRITE ............................................ 28
3. Reloading the factory programs ... 28
Troubleshooting ..................... 29
Effect Parameter .................... 30
DYNA (Dynamics & Pickup modeling) 30
AMP (Amp Modeling) ....................... 32
Synth parameters ................................ 36
CAB (Cabinet modeling) ................... 37
MOD (Modulation & Filter Effect
Modeling) ........................................ 39
About the Intelligent Pitch Shifter........... 42
DLY (Delay Modeling) ....................... 43
REV (Reverb Modeling) ..................... 44
Preset Program Name ............ 45
Rhythm Pattern List ................ 46
Specifications ......................... 48


Thank you for purchasing the TONEWORKS PANDORA PX4D personal multi-effect pro­cessor. In order to enjoy your PANDORA PX4D,
please read this owner’s manual carefully and retain it for future reference.

Main features

The PX4D is a versatile multi-effect unit that packs an incredible range of guitar/bass amps and effects into a compact unit which utilizes
Korg's proprietary “ ogy to create detailed and powerful modeling
158 types of effect variations with a maximum of seven effects that can be used simultaneously.
IPE (Integrated Parameter Edit) system allows
easy to adjust effect settings.
” modeling technol-
100 user and 100 preset programs
Amp modeling selector and control knobs
The PX4D includes 25 different amp types in­cluding 15 types of guitar amp models, 10 types of bass amp models, plus a synth, each of which can be edited quickly and easily.
Backlit LCD
The LCD screen can be easily viewed even in dark locations.
Auto Tuner function
This feature makes tuning fast and easy. You can also tune without being heard (i.e., while muted).
Rhythm and Bass function
100 types of rhythm and bass patterns or a met­ronome can be used. 16 multiple patterns can also be connected for successive playback.
AUX pitch function
You can transpose audio from a CD player or other device connected to the AUX jack of the PX4D, and “erase” the bass from a song f or pla y along purposes with Bass Cancel function.
Phrase Trainer function
Audio from a CD player, guitar or bass can be recorded (maximum of 31.7 seconds), and then played back as a loop. The playback speed can also be slowed down without affecting the pitch of the audio. The rhythm selected in Rhythm & Bass mode and the effect output can also be recorded simultaneously.
TAP button
You can easily set the Delay Time or the tempo of the Rhythm & Bass function to match the tem­po of the song.
Value dial
This lets you rapidly select programs or edit the effects.
What is ?
(Resonant structure and Electronic circuit Modeling System) is KORG’s propri­etary sound modeling technology which pre­cisely reproduces the complex character and nature of both acoustic and electric instru­ments as well as electronic circuits in real world environments. variety of sound generation characteristics including instrument bodies, speakers & cabinets, acoustic fields, microphones, vac­uum tubes, transistors, etc.
emulates a wide

Turning on the power

Remove the battery cover located on the bottom of the PX4D by sliding it in the direction of the arrow. In­sert four AAA alkaline batteries as shown in the illustration. Be sure to insert the batteries observing the correct polarity.

Battery Low display

When the battery begins to run low, the Low Battery icon replace the batteries as soon as possible. Programs and other data (except for the data being edited) will not be lost even if the battery is removed and changed.
Batteries that have run down must be removed from the PX4D. If you leave dead batteries in the unit, malfunctions (battery leakage, etc.) may occur. You should also remove the batter­ies when you do not expect to use the PX4D for an extended period of time.
will light. When this icon lights,
An AC adapter is not included with this prod­uct. It must be purchased separately.

Using the strap holder

Pass your strap through the strap holder.
2. Slide the protrusion (A) of the strap holder into the attachment slot (B) on the rear of the
3. Press in the direction of the arrow (a) until locking tab (C) clicks into place.
4. Shake the PX4D lightly to ver­ify that it does not fall off.
1. Press the strap holder locking tab (C) in the direction of ar­row (b) to release the lock.
2. With the lock released, slide the PX4D in the opposite direc­tion from when attaching it, and remove it from the holder.

Controls and connectors

1 2
3 4
5 6 7
17 16
15 14
1. Control knobs
These knobs control the gain, tone, and volume
of the amp models and synth parameters.
2. LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
3. TUNE/BYPASS button
4. EXIT button
This button returns you back to Play mode from any mode.
5. ENTER/REC button
This button is used to switch an effect on/off , or to start recording in Phrase Trainer mode.
6. Input level switch
Use this to adjust the input level depending on the output level of your guitar or bass.
7. Amp Modeling selector
Selects the amp models.
8. ▲/▼ buttons
Use these buttons to select programs and edit effects.
9. OUTPUT jack
Connect this jack to your guitar amp, bass amp, or headphones etc.
10. INPUT jack
Connect your guitar or bass to this jack.
11. AUX jack (stereo)
Connect this jack to a CD player or other audio source.
12. DC4.5V
The separately sold AC adapter (DC4.5V should be connected here.
13. √/® buttons
Use these buttons to select the parameter that you wish to edit, and to operate the Phrase Train­er function.
14. Power switch/Backlight switch
This switch turns the power on/off, and also turns the backlight on/off.
If you are operating the PX4D on batteries, the operating time will be shorter if the backlight is on.
15. Value dial
Use this to adjust the master level, edit effects, and select programs.
16. TAP button
Use this button to set the delay time or the tempo in Rhythm & Bass mode.
17. Mode buttons
Use these buttons to enter Rhythm & Bass, Phrase Trainer, or AUX Pitch modes.

LCD screen

a. Effect chain This area indicates the on/off status of the DYNA, AMP, CAB, MOD, DLY, and REV effects.
b. Program name/Effect type display
This area shows the program name or effect type. When the PX4D is bypassed or muted, this will function as the tuner.
c. Low Battery icon
This icon will light when the batteries run low.
d. Mode icons
These icons will light when you are in AUX Pitch, Phrase Trainer, or Rhythm & Bass modes.
e. Edit/Original icons
The EDIT icon will light when you enter Edit mode . If the parameter or value being edited matches the value that is written in the program, the ORIG icon will light.
f. Program number / value display
This displays the program number. When you change the Master Level, its value will be displayed here for several seconds. During editing, this displays the parameter values.
g. Master/Value icons, bar graph
When MASTER is lit, the master level of the program is indicated graphically. When VALUE is lit, the value of the parameter is indicated graphically.

Making connections

When connecting an external device (ie-guitar amp, bass amp, CD player, ac adapter, etc.) be sure to turn the unit off.
mini-component / stereo etc.
guitar amp /bass amp /
powered monitor
headphone *5
guitar or bass
AC adapter *1
CD player etc.*2
*1 Be sure to use only the specified AC adapt-
er (DC4.5V ).
*2 If a CD player or other audio source is con-
nected to the AUX jack, you can play along with your guitar or bass. However the vol­ume must be adjusted from the connected
device. *3 Connecting cables are sold separately. *4 PX4D’s output jack is stereo. If you use a
standard mono cable to connect it to a gui-
tar or bass amp etc., only the L (left) output
will be heard. *5
PX4D’s output level and sound quality will vary
depending on which headphones are used.
We recommend using good quality low im-
pedance headphones, 32 Ohms or less with
a sensitivity rating near 100dB/mW or above.
Many headphones sold for use with portable
CD or cassette players will work just fine.

Initial Settings

Program selection
Program name
Input level switch
Amp selection
Amp gain, tone, and volume
Program number
Set the delay time
Master level adjustment
1. When you finish making connections, set the power switch to the “ON” position. (This set­ting is referred to as Play mode.) Use the / buttons to select a program.
2. Set the input level switch for the output level of your guitar or bass. Hi: High-output pickups (e.g., humbucking
pickups or pickups with a preamp)
Lo: Low-output pickups (e.g., single-coil
type pickups)
3. Set the volume control of your guitar or bass to its usual position. Use the Value dial to adjust the master level.

Quick Edit

In each mode (except when Mute/Bypass or Ke y Lock are active), you can use the Amp Model- ing selector to quickly change the amp model­ing type, or use the control knobs to adjust the gain, tone, or volume of amp modeling. When you use the amp model selector to change the amp model type, the cabinet type will automat-
ically change to the recommended type. When you move a control knob, the parameter name and value will appear for sev er al seconds in the value display. If the setting matches the original setting, the ORIG icon will light. The Delay Time can also be set by pressing the TAP button twice at the desired interval (ex- cept when in Rhythm & Bass mode). To check the Delay Time that was specified, press and hold the TAP button for two seconds or longer.
Settings that you make using Quick Edit will
Master level value
Program number display
Master icon
Value graph
return to the original saved settings if you change programs or turn off the power before Writing (see p.28).

Play mode

Play mode is the mode in which you will nor­mally use the PX4D.

1. Selecting a program

You can choose from 100 user programs (U00...U99) and 100 preset programs (P00...P99). Use the / buttons to select a program. Programs can be selected even when you are in Rhythm & Bass mode, AUX Pitch mode, or Phrase Trainer mode (except while recording).

2. Master level

When the MASTER icon is lit, the value graph will indicate the master level. When you turn the Value dial to adjust the mas­ter level, the master level value will be shown in
the program number / value display for several seconds. The master level is remembered e ven when the power is turned off.
You can also adjust the settings so that the / buttons will adjust the master level. (See p.16)

3. Bypass/Mute

When you press the TUNE/BYP ASS button, the PX4D will be bypassed, and the original sound
will be dry (no effect). The effect chain will blink, and the display will in­dicate “BYPASS” for approximately one second.
If you press and hold the TUNE/BYPASS but- ton for longer than one second, the output sig­nal will be muted.
The effect chain will blink rapidly, and the display will indicate “MUTE” for approximately one second. Bypass/mute will be turned off when you press the TUNE/BYPASS button once again. You can also return to Play mode by pressing the EXIT button. Bypass or Mute can also be entered from modes other than Play mode.

4. Tuner

The tuner will operate when you bypass or mute.
sharp note name calibration
center mark
Play a single string on your guitar or bass. The LCD will show the note name and the calibra­tion. If the pitch is more than a semitone higher than the note name, a sharp symbol will appear at the upper right of the note name.
The display area will act as a meter to show the pitch. Tune each string of your guitar or bass so that the indicator above the center mark is lit. The tuner (bypass/mute) will be turned off when you press either the TUNE/BYPASS button. You can also return to Play mode by pressing the EXIT button.
Calibration (frequency of the standard A = 440 pitch)
You can use the Value dial to adjust calibr ation in the range of A = 438 Hz...445 Hz. The calibration setting you make will be v alid until the power is turned off. Once the power is turned off, calibration will be reset to A = 440 Hz.
5. Specifying the function of the Value
Select a program
Adjust the master level
You can specify the function that the Value dial will perform in Play mode. In Play mode, hold down the EXIT button and press either the button or the ® button to assign the following functions.
Hold down the EXIT button and press the button.
The LCD will indicate “MASTER” for approx­imately one second. The Value dial will and the / buttons will You can use the Value dial to adjust the mas­ter level quickly. Each time the power is turned on, this setting will be in effect.
adjust the master level,
select programs.
Adjust the master level
Select a program
Hold down the EXIT button and press the ® button.
The LCD will indicate “PROGRAM” for ap­proximately one second. The Value dial will / buttons will
select programs, and the
adjust the master level. You can use the Value dial to select programs quickly.
If you want to change the function of the Val- ue dial so that it will
adjust the master level, again, hold down the EXIT button once and press the button, or turn on the power.

6. Key Lock function

By activating the Key Lock function, you can disable all operations except for selecting pro­grams. This is a convenient way to prevent accidental operation during a live performance.
Hold down the EXIT button and press the TUNE/BYPASS button.
The LCD will indicate “KEYLOCK” for approx­imately one second. The /buttons will select programs, and the other buttons and Value dial will not function.
Only program selection is possible
The Key Lock function will be cancelled when the power is turned off. You can also cancel the Key Lock function by performing “5. Specifying the function of the Value Dial.” (p.16).

Rhythm & Bass mode

To enter Rhythm & Bass mode, press the RHYTHM button once when in Play mode (ex­cept for mute/bypass or key lock), AUX Pitch mode, or Phrase Trainer mode.
When you enter this mode, the Rhythm Pattern selection screen will appear, the selected rhythm will start, and the Rhythm & Bass mode icon will light. The indication of the value graph will change according to the pattern or tempo.
This mode contains the following five parame­ters. Use /® buttons to select parameters, and use the Value dial and the ENTER/REC button to set the value of each parameter.
If you select “CHAIN” as the rhythm pattern, there will be more chain pattern settings. (Refer to p.19, “Chain pattern settings”)
Rhythm pattern
Additional settings when rhythm pattern is "CHAIN"
Chain pattern setting
Rhythm &
Bass On/Off and Bass Key
Rhythm &
reverb level
If you select “JAM” as the recording mode in Phrase Trainer mode, the rhythm will sound with the pattern and tempo that you specify here.
The settings you select here are remembered even when the power is turned off.

1. Rhythm Pattern

Use the Value dial to select the rhythm pattern (p.46)
Rhythm Pattern
Rhythm & Bass mode icon

2. Tempo

Set the tempo in the range of 40–208 bpm. You can also set the tempo by pressing the TAP button twice at the desired rhythm. For a 6/8 time signature, the tempo can be set in a range of   =40208.
tempo display

3. Bass On/Off & Bass Key

Here you can switch the bass on/off, and spec­ify the key in which the bass will play. If you press the ENTER/REC button in this screen, the bass will play in time with the rhythm. Depend­ing on the rhythm pattern that you have selected, some bass lines will include a chord progression. When the bass note is on, you can use the Val- ue dial to set the key in a range of C, C...A, B, allowing you to practice your guitar or bass in a scale that matches that key.
key display
Pattern location
If “METRONM” – “METRO7”(metronome) is se­lected as the rhythm pattern, there will be no bass notes, and this screen will not appear.
When using Chain Patterns, the Bass Key set­ting will be ignored.

4. Rhythm & Bass Reverb Level

Use the Value dial to set the amount of Reverb for the Rhythm & Bass.
Reverb level
This uses the same reverb as the program ef­fect. This parameter has no effect if you have selected a program that does not use reverb modeling, or if the reverb effect level is “0.”

5. Rhythm & Bass Level

Use the Value dial to set the level of Rhythm & Bass sound. The bass note will be affected only if Bass is turned on.
Rhythm & Bass level

6. Chain Pattern settings

These parameters are added only if you select “CHAIN” as the rhythm pattern. Press the EN- TER/REC button to access the Chain Parame­ter Select screen. Use the /® buttons to se­lect the location (1...16) for which you want to change the pattern, and use the Value dial to select the pattern (p.46) that will be used at that location. Use the / buttons to specify the bass key of the selected pattern.
Up to 16 patterns can be connected. If you want
Recording mode
Phrase Trainer icon
Recording time
to create a chain of 15 or fewer patterns, select “PTN END” for the last pattern. Press the ENTER/REC button to exit the Chain Pattern Select screen.
If you change the pattern location by turning the value dial while holding down the button, the pattern at which you were located will be copied to the destination pattern loca­tion. This function is con venient when y ou want to place the same pattern again.

Phrase Trainer mode

An audio source from the AUX jack or a phrase you play on your guitar or bass can be record­ed, and played back repeatedly as a loop. This provides a convenient way to practice by playing along with the repeating phrase. You can slow down the playback speed without affecting the pitch, which can help you to learn difficult phrases.
If you select “JAM” as the recording mode, the rhythm you specified in Rhythm & Bass mode will be recorded simultaneously with the guitar or bass input, and looped.

1. Select the recording mode

In Play mode (except during bypass/mute or k ey
lock), Rhythm & Bass mode, or A UX Pitch mode, press the PHRASE TRAINER button to enter Phrase T rainer mode. When you enter this mode, the recording mode and time select screen will appear, and the Phrase Trainer icon will blink. In this screen, the PX4D will be ready to record.
The recording mode will cycle through the fol­lowing choices each time you press the
AUX Records only the AUX input GTR/BAS Records only the guitar or bass AUX+G/B Records both the AUX input and
guitar or bass
Records the guitar or bass togeth­er with the rhythm that was last se­lected in Rhythm & Bass mode
Use the value dial to select the recording time (for “JAM,” the number of measures).
8 Approximately 7.9 seconds 16 Approximately 15.8 seconds 32 Approximately 31.7 seconds 1, 2, 3… Number of measures
If the recording mode is “JAM,” the recording quality will be set automatically, based on the tempo and the specified number of measures.
If you select a long recording time (16 or 32), the audio quality of the recording will be lower.
If the tempo of the rhythm is extremely slow, it will not be possible to record a large number of measures. Please re-specify the tempo in Rhythm & Bass mode (maximum length is ap­proximately 31.7 seconds)
Start playback on your CD or other audio source, and at the point where you wish to begin re­cording, press the ENTER/REC button. Record­ing will begin.
If the recording mode is “JAM,” recording will begin after precount.
If, after recording, you want to change the re­cording mode or recording time, press the PHRASE TRAINER button while playback is paused.
The recorded content will be lost when the power is turned off.

2. Recording

playback speed(%)
playback time display
When you begin recording, the recording time will be indicated as a numerical value and by a value graph.
Recording time display

3. Playback

The recorded phrase will playback as a loop. During playback or while paused, you can use the / buttons to select programs.
When you want to stop recording, press the EN- TER/REC button or the [®❙❙]. Recording will stop, and loop playback will begin automatical­ly. If you do not stop recording, recording will continue until the selected recording time has elapsed, and loop playback will begin automat­ically. If the recording mode is “JAM,” recording will end automatically at the specified number of measures, and will switch to loop playback.
The phrase will be recorded and played back in mono.
Rotating the Value dial toward the left will slow down the playback speed without affecting the pitch. You can choose from six levels of playback speed: 100%, 90%, 80%, 75%, 66%, and 50%. During playback, you can press the [√√] but- ton to rewind. By pressing the PHRASE TRAINER button, you can hold the sound that was being played at the moment you pressed the button (the Hold function). This is convenient when you need to hear individual notes in a phrase.

4. Pause

AUX Pitch icon
Key Transpose only
Bass Cancel turned on
When you press the [®❙❙] button, the playback will pause. Press the [®❙❙] button once again, and playback will resume. Pressing the [√√] button while playback is paused will return you to the beginning of the recorded phrase.
If you wish to re-record the phrase, press the [®❙❙] button to pause playback.
Start the CD or other audio source, and press the ENTER/REC button at the beginning of the desired phrase. If you want to change the recording mode or time, press the PHRASE TRAINER button while paused.

AUX Pitch mode

In this mode you can transpose the key (pitch) of the sound from a CD or other audio source connected to the AUX jack. You can also apply the Bass Cancel effect to eliminate the low-fre­quency range. Press the AUX PITCH button to enter AUX Pitch mode and the icon will light. Each time you press the AUX PITCH button, you will alternate between Key Transpose Only and Key Transpose + Bass Cancel.
By setting the Key Transpose setting to 0 and selecting Key Transpose + Bass Cancel, you can turn on the Bass Cancel function only. Press the EXIT button to return to Play mode.
The output will be mono in AUX Pitch mode.
Before writing
After writing
The AUX Pitch setting is remembered even when the power is turned off.
For some recordings, Bass Cancel may not be as effective as you would like.
Use the Value dial to specify the amount of key transposition. The key can be transposed in a range of +/-1 octave.
Display of 10 cent units
Display of 100 cent units
The value can be adjusted upward and down­ward for 3 semitones in 10 cent steps, and in semitone steps (100 cents) for the remainder of the range.

Edit mode

In this mode you can turn each effect on/off, and edit the effect type, parameter values, and program name. In Play mode, press the √ (or ®) button to access the DYNA effect edit screen. In any screen of Edit mode, you can use the control knobs to edit the Amp models, or use the TAP button to set the delay time. Press the EXIT button to re­turn to Play mode. If a program was not written af­ter it was edited, the decimal point of the program number will light.
The edited settings will return to the settings
of the original program if you switch programs or turn off the power without Writing (see p.28).

1. Select the effect that you wish to edit

On, Off
Parameter value
Type selection
*Operation will be different if SYNTH is
selected as the type.
Amount of distortion*
High range*Low range*
On, Off
Mid range*
Type selection
Each time you press the /® buttons, you will cycle through the effects in the order shown be­low. When an eff ect is selected, its icon will blink.
(Dynamics & Pickup Modeling)
These are dynamics-type effects such as com­pressor and auto-wah that modify the tone, and pickup modeling effects.

2. Editing each effect

For each effect, you can select the effect type and set its parameter values.
Effects that are turned “OFF” will automatically be turned on if you press the ENTER/REC but- ton or use the / buttons to select the effect type. For details on the effect types and parameters, refer to Effect P ar ameters (p.30). Renaming the program and writing the program are also per­formed here.
2)AMP (Amp Modeling)
The fifteen types BTQ CLNFUZZ are guitar amps, and the ten types VALVE–UKMAJOR are bass amps. SYNTH is a synth for both guitar and bass.
The value display will indicate “Gt” for approxi-
Type selection
On, Off
On, Off
Parameter value
Type selection
mately one second if you’ve selected a guitar model, or “bA” if you’ve selected a bass model. The amp type selected by the amp modeling selector can be selected and edited even with­out entering Edit mode.
When you use the Amp Modeling selector to select an amp, the PX4D will automatically select the most appropriate cabinet model and turn it on. The VOLUME control knob can be used to ad- just the V OLUME even when the amp modeling effect is “OFF.”
3)CAB (Cabinet Modeling)
This simulates the acoustical characteristics of the amp’s cabinet. This is especially effective when you are not using an amp (e.g., when us­ing headphones, or when connecting to a mix­er, hard-disk recorder , or audio de vice). The elev­en types 1X8TWD–4X12VIN are guitar amp cab- inets, and the twelve types LA 4X10COMBI are bass amp cabinets.
The value display will indicate “Gt” for approxi­mately one second if you’ve selected a guitar amp cabinet, or “bA” if you’ve selected a bass amp cabinet. You are free to use a guitar AMP with a bass CAB, or a bass AMP with a guitar CAB.
4)MOD (Modulation & Filter Effect Modeling)
These are modulation and filter-type effects such as chorus, flanger, phaser, and pitch shifter.
5)DLY (Delay Modeling)
Adjust the depth of noise reduction
Select the character
Select the character location
These are spatial-type effects for which y ou can set the delay time by the interval at which you press the TAP button.
On, Off
time Effect
Type selection
6)REV (Reverb Modeling)
These are spatial-type effects that add spacious­ness to the sound.
On, Off
Effect level
Type selection
7)NR (Noise reduction)
Use the Value dial to adjust the depth of the noise reduction that is applied.
Increasing this value will produce more noise reduction. Normally you will adjust this so that you do not hear obtrusive noise when the strings are lightly muted.
If the NR value is raised excessively, the sound may be cut off prematurely, depending on the device that is connected. If this occurs , reduce the value.
Adjust the NR level as suitable for your guitar, bass, or pickup.
Here you can specify a name for each program. The following characters can be used: space, 09, AZ, , , ❋, +, -, /.
Here you can write (store) a program that you created. Use the Value dial to select the writing destina­tion (User programs only). When you do so, the name of the program that currently occupies the writing destination will be displayed briefly. If you decide not to write, press the (or ®) button to select a different screen. When you press the ENTER/REC button, the ed­ited program will be written into memory. When the program has been written, the LCD will indicate “COMPLT” for appro ximately one second.
Select a user program
number as the writing
Program number that currently occupies the writing destination
Before writing an edited program into a different pro­gram number, be sure that you do not mind over­writing the data that is currently in that program num­ber. The program data that is overwritten will be lost.
It is not possible to write to a preset program.

3. Reloading the factor y programs

While holding down the RHYTHM button and the button, turn on the power. The LCD will ask “RELOAD?” If you press the ENTER/REC button, the facto­ry-set programs will be re-loaded into the user program area. The display will indicate “RE- LOAD”, “VERIFY”, “COMPLT” for a short time, and then the power-on screen will appear.
Never turn off the power during the reload op­eration.
If you decide not to reload, press the EXIT but- ton while the “RELO AD?” indication is still sho wn. The factory programs will not be reloaded; the normal power-on screen will appear, and the PX4D will be in Play mode.
Be aware that if you reload the factory pro­grams, the user programs and any settings that are remembered when the power is turned off (master level etc.) will all be rewritten.


If the PX4D does not operate as you expect, please check the follo wing points first. If this does not resolve the problem, contact your dealer.
1.Power does not turn on.
•Are batteries installed? Alternatively, is the correct AC adapter connected to an AC out­let?
2.No sound
•Are your guitar or bass, amp and/or head­phones connected to the correct jacks?
• Is your amp turned on and set correctly?
• Are any cables broken?
• Is the master level of the PX4D set to “0” or to a low level?
• The VOLUME control knob may have been turned down.
• Is the PX4D muted? Be aware that if all effects are off, the chain display will disappear, and it will not be pos­sible to distinguish Bypass or Mute from the LCD display.
• Is the volume of your guitar turned down?
3.The volume from the device connected to the AUX jack is too loud or too soft, or can­not be heard.
• Adjust the output level of the connected de­vice. Make connections to the headphone jack of the device, instead of to its line output.
• Are you in Phrase Trainer mode? Exit Phrase Trainer mode.
• Are you using a connection cable with a built­in resistor?
4.Effects do not apply
• Is the PX4D bypassed? (the effect chain will be blinking)
• Are the effects used in the program turned on?
5.Tuner does not work.
• Is the PX4D bypassed or muted?

Effect Parameter

DYNA (Dynamics & Pickup modeling)

TYPE (π/† button) VALUE (Value Dial)
COMP This compressor produces consistent levels and sustain. DYNAEXC This effect dynamically applies an exciter according to your
VOX WAH Models a VOX V847 wah pedal. Adjusts location of a pedal.
OCTAVE This generates a pitch one octave lower than the original
picking strength. (This is especially eff ective when you want to give more sparkle to clean sounds.)
Positive-polarity auto-wah that responds sensitively to attacks. Positive-polarity auto-wah that responds smoothly to attacks. Negative-polarity auto-wah that responds sensitively to attacks. Negative-polarity auto-wah that responds smoothly to attacks. Smooths the attack to create a violin-like effect
sound, and mixes it with the original sound to add a sense of depth and low end. This effect may not operate correctly if two or more strings are played simultaneously, or when low­pitched strings are played.
. Specify the attack speed.
Adjusts sensitivity. (1.0...10.0)
Adjusts sensitivity. (0...10.0)
Adjusts sensitivity. (0...10.0)
Adjusts effect level. (0...10.0)
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