Keyence CV-X100, CV-X170, CV-X100A, CV-X100F, CV-X150 Series Manual

Human-level judgement
readily available for anybody
Easy Setup, Auto-Teaching,
Machine Vision System
CV-X100 Series
A new function that allows anyone to quickly and easily achieve everything from setup to conrmation of inspection standards.
Auto-Teach Inspection
Human-like sense of judgement
workpieces to set
The different workpieces from these “learned ones” are judged as “defective
Learns non-defective
The image sensor auto-teaches variations such as product colour and individual differences that exist in the non-defective workpieces. “Auto-Teach Inspection” is a thinking tool which recognises the similarity with the non-defective workpieces instead of detecting the defective one. This feature eliminates the conventional unstable factors.
Dimensions/ Geometry Tool
The high-precision measurement requires nothing more than clicks
Measurement is completed just by clicking the measured point. Complex calculation elements that were conventionally needed for dimensional geometric measurement have been completely eliminated.
Professional knowledge adjustments incorporated into utilities
“Adjustment Navigation” is for false positive correction, and “Camera Installation Replication” for the horizontal deployment of the line. Those make the professional adjustment know-how into utilities.
Connector Tools
Complex connector inspection setting is completed just by following steps
Setting is completed just by following steps. KEYENCE original appearance inspection tools can also be used at the same time.
Tool Catalogue
Your desired selection of inspection tools achieved through the catalogue
Tool Catalogue enables intuitive tool selection from applications such as “Presence/ Discrimination inspection” and “Stain/ Flaw inspection”.
Measurement Algorithm
Image Optimisation
User Interface
The evolving algorithm delivers reliable inspection
The latest algorithm groups that have continued to evolve based on long eld­proven experience, strongly support stable inspection.
Robust security preserves your assets
Passwords of up to 32 digits can be set. Place restrictions on editing and browsing settings to
prevent leakage of user know-how embedded in the programme.
Ideal imaging according to inspection targets and equipment
Various tools are provided to dramatically optimise
Before After
User Manual
inspection images according to inspection targets, installation environments, and equipment motions.
A single button click to create customised user manual based on applied settings
It is possible to create a dedicated manual according to the settings with a single button. This feature suppor ts the operation after introduction, the most important for the image processing.
Optimal operation screen selection possible through pre-dened options
Optimal screen conguration is completed just by selecting from the catalogue on the screen and a specialised operator menu setting is completed just by selecting the setting parameters.
Communication and Control
A wide variety of communication methods compatible with existing systems
Supports linking
to PLCs made by several manufacturers as well as EtherNet/IP and PROFINET.
Easy Setup, Auto-Teaching,
Machine Vision System
CV-X100 Series
Auto-Teach Inspection Tool
An inspection tool that “auto-teaches”; Just running non-defective workpieces completes the application setup
Just run non-defective
The newly incorporated “Auto-Teach inspection tool” that uses the image sensor to
learn variations and individual differences that exist in the non-defective
workpieces and recognises workpieces that differ from these as defective
workpieces. These algorithms, which are unlimitedly close to the human sensation,
eliminate unstable elements to successfully guide on-site inspection. Settings are
performed just by running non-defective workpieces, and resolves the conventional
highly expertise and the complication of settings. This is an inspection tool that
makes it possible for anyone to achieve and maintain the stable inspection.
Ideal for the following applications:
Setting is often required due to
multiple product types
Misarrangement inspection for boxes of tissues
Setting completed!
“Those different from learnt non­defectives” are detected as “defectives”.
Non-defectives learnt!
There are many points to
Plating defect inspection for lead frames Flaw inspection for connector housings
Complex shaped positions to
Defectives not expected at the time of setting can also be detected.
FlawNon-defective Incomplete
Variable non-defectives
Assembly defect inspection for instrument panel buttons
Even with many product types, setting is completed just by running non-defective workpieces. A wide variety of product type elements, including colour, shape, and pattern can be handled with a single tool.
Complex setting with many points to inspect can be covered by the “Auto-Teach Inspection Tool” alone. No colour setting is required either.
Since this tool learns the entire workpiece including the prole, you do not have to set multiple regions according to complex shapes of workpieces.
It is possible to prevent non-defective workpieces from being rejected mistakenly because this tool learns and inspects variations such as different thicknesses caused by different lighting conditions, which can occur for non­defective workpieces.
Easy 3 steps auto-teaches the full colour information by pixel!
A c onf usion-fre e step method is ado pted for sett ing. In addition to basic 3- ste p s etting, a verification step is als o availabl e.
Position Adjustment
1 2 3
Just surround the featured region.
Region Settings
Just surround the region to be inspected.
Quality Learning
Just run non­defective workpieces.
Learning Full Colour information
The variability range of the non-defective workpieces is determined by learning all full colour information by pixel. The exact auto-teach is performed even in the non-defective colour shading which is not judged by the black & white.
Learns full colour information
Helpful in realising easy operation
auto-removal function
Auto-threshold value function
Defective workpieces are automatically eliminated even if they are mixed-in during auto-teach. It is possible to preclude the human errors by the image sensor.
Automatically calculates and sets threshold values from the learned non-defective workpieces.
Learning dataVariability range of
“Auto-Teach Inspection Adjustment Navigation” ensures learnt information to be updated
Thi s u tilit y e nables anyone to per for m “additiona l l earni ng” to widen the varia ble range all owed fo r n on-defect ive wor kpi eces. Unn ece ssary additional lea rning is prevented by com par ing imag es with defe ctive sam ples dur ing add iti onal learning.
Images are checked to judge NG archived images
Additionally learns
images judged as
Compares them
with pre-registered
defective samples
Unnecessary additional learning prevented!
It is possible to restore the conditions before additional learning if a defective sample has been judged as OK.
PosX=X(ISect(Line(line1_1. xy, line1_2. xy), Line(line2_1. xy, line2_2. xy))) PosY=Y(ISect(Line(line1_1. xy, line1_2. xy), Line(line2_1. xy, line2_2. xy)))
Dimensions/Geometry Tool
High-precision measurement can be done intuitively through simple mouse operations
In most cases, dimension/geometric measurement requires multiple tools and
complicated calculation processing. With the CV-X100 Series, dimension/geometric
tools that resolve this complicated processing with a clicking alone has been
prepared. Because point and straight line information from other tools can also be
referenced, it is possible to construct programme settings that are simpler and
easier to operate.
Create settings that will detect a line in the left area
Dimensions/geometry tool
Combination of multiple settings and calculation is required
Create settings that will detect a line in the top area
Calculate intersecting coordinates between 2 lines with the calculation function
Specify just with the mouse
Det e c ted!
A rich variety of geometry tools that allow you to “just choose”
Bisecti on of
Two Lines
Point/Lin e
Distanc e
Angle Fo rmed by
Two Lines
Distanc e
Line/V-Line Intersect ion
Point/Circ le
Distanc e
Two Lines
Intersect ion
Line/Ci rcle
Distanc e
Centre o f
Quadran gle
Distanc e
Midpoin t of
Line Pass ing
Two Points
Circle Pas sing
Three Poin ts
Easy scaling with any image size
Even for applications where you would like to perform operation
Measure the target
1 2 3
(Can select width or pitch)
with full scale values
instead of pixels, it is
possible to easily convert to full scale with specialised scaling settings.
312.8 px
Even complex shaped objects such as below can be measured quite easily.
Input t he full scale values for the inspec tion reg ion
Convert to full scale and dis play
10.00 0 mm
Two Lines
Select the feature to be executed, and
Just specify target lines with the mouse
Easy detection! It is also possible to reference coordinates, circles, or lines from other tools that have already had their settings completed!
Capacitor Press par ts Label
Conventionally, inspection setting for connectors with various items and points to
Connector Tools
be measured requires a signicant amount of man-hours. With CV-X100 connector
tools, this can be done by anyone simply by following steps.
Complex connector inspection setting can be completed just by following steps
Our step method enables ANYBODY to carry out connector inspection EASILY
Connector inspection that requires various items to be inspected for each product type and shape
Inspection tools that fully support
Can be completed just by following steps specic to connector inspection
appearance inspection
Existing tools can be incorporated into appearance inspection for resin overlaps, short-circuits, and aws on housings. Connector inspection is fully suppor ted with KEYENCE’s accumulated appearance inspection expertise for image processing.
adjustment menus
Purpose-specic, guided navigation is available, including “Change Component” and “Change Pin Number”. This allows anyone to make necessary modication.
Image stitching
Multiple split-captured images can easily be stitched into one image.
Stitch ed image
All you have to do for dimension measurement is to select from various pre-dened connector inspection tools
Adjacent Pins Deviation
Gap Horizontal Distance
Pin Flatness
Gap Vertical Distance
Connector Appearance Inspection
“Stain”, “Blob”, “Area”, and “Intensity” tools are “multi-region” compatible, which enables simultaneous deployment in multiple areas. This signicantly reduces setting and adjustment man-hours required for connector-specic multi-point inspection.
First im age
Secon d image
Just specify a pin or stitching point
Frame Tilt
Inspection (Area)
Inspection (Stain)
End Pins Distance
Housing1 Ends Distance
Inspection (Blob)
Inspection (Intensity)
List screen of connector­dedicated measured values
This screen lists measured values for each pin so that you can nd NG areas at a glance.
Setting just one point enables automatic deployment in the remaining areas!
A varie ty of
Measurement Algorithm
measure ment
are available.
The evolving algorithm supports stable measurement
Trend Edge
Trend Edge
IntensityTrend Edge
Inspect Colours
OCR 1D Code
Edge Pairs StainEdge PitchEdge WidthEdge AngleEdge
2D Code
Auto-Teach Inspection
(Pattern Search)
High robustness that performs accurate searches even under poor conditions
An advanced search tool that combines high robustness, high speed, and high precision
Ultra high-speed processing Ultra high precision
ShapeTrax2 achieves the signicant high-speed performance by the fundamental review of the processing algorithms. It gains maximum 10 times faster than conventional speed. In addition, the processing time little increases even for a large capacity image such as 5 megapixel, and the
Registere d image Defect Unclea r prole Inverted tones
Stain Trend edge stain
A de-facto standard for appearance
high-speed processing can be made.
inspection tool
A stain tool is incorporated to realise the appearance inspection without eliminating the non­defective workpieces. A variet y of parameters such as size, density, shape, and count are used to accurately nd the aw that you wish to detect.
Flaw detection for resin cap Flaw detection for nonwoven fabric cloth (ne colour)
Detects the aw on the prole of the product. The prole is automatically extracted just by setting the inspection region to surround it. In addition to geometric shapes such as circles and straight lines, the oval or the prole with the complex shape consisting of the free curve is supported.
At 0.025 pixels, a search accuracy that is equivalent to the best in the industry is achieved along with linearity and repeatability. Demands to improve search precision through target miniaturisation and changes to high-accuracy are supported.
Optimised for aw object
A small aw is found in the side of the resin cap.
The stain inspection tool is available for the stable detection of the aw only and ignoring the inuence of the R surface of the side.
The full colour information captured by the colour camera is directly processed. Regardless of any colour variation against the background, detection can be made.
The aw occurred on the corner is detected. Even if the product prole is changed, the reference model follows it to catch only changed segment.
The aw occurred on the line is detected. Only the change of aw is caught against the reference line.
Strong against variations in the on-site capture environment!
1D/2D code readers
Executes reading and inspection simultaneously
The OCR function is incorporated, which enables recognition of the strings only with the character
registration and region setting. Not only alphanumeric but also user text (symbols, etc.) can be registered.
The marking of dates that change on a daily basis are also supported with the auto calendar function.
Easy settings with the step method
Capable of recognition without inuence on the background printing
Combining use with the Image Extraction lter or the colour to greyscale processing is available for the extraction of the prints solely. Therefore, the recognise strings stabilises.
Trend edge position/width
High precision multi-point detection
Just by describing a single region, multi-point edges are detected and in
addition to measuring all data for this information, measurement is
performed without complicated calculations such as max./min., average
width, tip position, and peak-to-peak width. It is also possible to nd virtual
Measuring bolt
Capable of measuring the maximum diameter of the bolt or the screw thread.
The edge detection is displayed for each segment. The result is output individually.
The settings are done in steps, organised by workpiece. It is useful for easy understanding operation such as “adjusting only judgement conditions”.
circle or approximate line from multiple points that have been detected.
Peak-to-peak width
Virtual circle Line
Error d ata is cancel ed
Reads the 1D/2D code printed on the target workpiece. This function leads
to space saving and cost reduction compared with a conventional case
where 1D/2D code readers and camera are installed separately.
Appeara nce inspectio n is per formed simulta neously with
DataMatrix QR code
Graphic display
Visualisation of
reading of the 2D code printed on a product.
necessary information
Draws gures such as points, lines, circles, and scales on the screen. Since it is also possible to view values measured by tools, various advantages are offered such as an improved visibility of a detected location on the screen.
Graphic display
Scale display
Displays a scale on th e screen. Values c an be displayed after conversion to ful l scale becaus e of a scale reecting scaling correct ion.
The maximum diameter is detected.
Capable of checking the edge graph for each segment. The reliable setting can be made.
Image Optimisation
Ideal imaging to ensure stable inspection
High dynamic range capture that images inspection targets as they are
“Imaging (capture)” is an extremely important process in image processing.
The CV-X100 Series is equipped with many functions to optimise inspection images
by resolving problems that may be caused by “target workpiece conditions”,
“installation environments”, and “equipment motions” in this process.
Glare removal
Captures multiple images while
automatically changing the shutter
speed and composes them at high
speed to generate images without
blown out highlights and blocked up
shadows. Clear images ideal for
processing can be captured even
when on-site capture conditions vary
or inspection targets contain uneven
glossiness or mixed intensities.
Removes effects of changes in the capture
conditions due to installation- and
hardware-related factors such as “camera
tilting ” and “lens distor tion”. This function
offers consistent capture conditions,
including replicating the same capture
conditions for line deployment and
eliminating effects of restrictions in the
installation environment.
Removes effects of lens distortion or camera tilting
HDR capture (capture while automatically
changing the shutter speed)
Detection is possible only within a specic dynamic range
Capture-by-capture dynamic range
tiltin g
to high
Corrects “tilting”
Corrects camera tilting that may occur during installation. This is also effective when a camera is installed at a tilt angle due to an installation space-related reason.
Stably detects inspection targets without
blown out highlights and blocked up shadows
Dynamic range after HDR capture
Corrects “lens distortion”
Corrected image
Addresses a problem where measurement results differ between image centre and edge due to lens distor tion.
Lighting variation removal
Corrected image
HDR capture
HDR capture
Multi-capture, random trigger, and pre-capture
Ideal capture congurations can be selected according to inspection
Multi-Capture Pre-Capture Random trigger
Multiple images are captured in one measurement cycle. A workpiece is captured while lighting is switched and image processing and result output can be done all together.
Coaxial light clearly shows direction marks on corners.
Low angle light clearly shows print and lead.
Image capture is performed at top speed simultaneously storing the image inside the device and concurrently executing image processing. No restriction will be imposed on the halt time or moving speed regarding the object, and the designed maximum performance can be exerted.
Image processing
Halt time
Capture Capture Capture
Image processing Image processing Image processing
Halt time
Image processing
Enable moving
Enable moving
Image processing
Random trigger is supported, and makes it possible to enter triggers without synchronisation with the process currently being executed. There is no reliance on current image processing conditions and it is possible to perform image capture that matches equipment movement.
Thorough elimination of factors causing the unstable inspection (image enhance lters)
Shading correction Blurring by direction
The index stopping time had to be extended to align timing or 2 controller units had to be used.
Because there is no latency for image processing, operation without stopping the equipment is possible even with a single controller.
Improves in real time the factors which prevents the stable inspection such as random shading or uneven brightness
on the surface of workpiece.
Inspecting stains on the bottom of a can
There are stains among the lustre that occurs at random.
Extracts stains only with a combination of Shading Correction.
Stain inspection of a clear bottle
Stain is attached in the randomly­occurred uneven brightness.
Stably detects stains only
Has an effect that removes a signicant amount of ne
background patter ns or noise.
Foreign particle detection on a striped pattern
There are foreign particles within the striped pattern that is set in a random direction.
Extracts foreign particles only with a combination of shading correction.
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