Karcher BR30-4 User Manual [en, es, fr]

BR 30/4 C BR 30/4 C Adv
English 3
Français 14
Español 27
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To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury:
DO NOT LEAVE appliance unat-
tended when plugged in. Unplug from outlet when not in use and be­fore servicing.


Do not allow to be used as a toy.
Close attention is necessary when used near children.
Use only as discribed in this manu-
al. Use only manufacturer’s recom­mended attachments.
Do not use with damaged cord or
plug. If appliance is not working as it should, has been dropped, dam­aged, left outdoors, or dropped into water, return it to a service center.
Do not pull or carry by cord, use
cord as a handle, close a door on cord, or pull cord around sharp edg­es or corners. Do not run the unit over cord. Keep cord away from heated surfaces.
Do not unplug by pulling on cord. To
unplug, grasp the plug, not the cord.
Do not handle plug or appliance
with wet hands.
Do not put any object into openings.
Do not use with any opening blocked; keep free of dust, lint, hair,
and anything that may reduce air flow.
Keep hair, loose clothing, fingers,
and all parts of body away from openings and moving parts.
Turn off all controls before unplug-
Use extra care when cleaning on
Do not use to pick up flammable or
combustible liquids, such as gaso­line, or use in areas where they may be present.
Connect to a properly grounded
outlet only. See Grounding Instruc­tions.



This appliance must be grounded. If it should malfunction or break down, grounding provides a path of least re­sistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock. The plug must be inserted into an ap­propriate outlet that is properly in­stalled and grounded in accordance with all local codes and ordinances.


Improper connection of the equipment­grounding conductor can result in a risk of electric shock. Check with a qualified electrician or service person if you are in doubt as to whether the outlet is properly ground­ed. Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If it will not fit the outlet, have a proper outlet installed by a qualified electri­cian.
This appliance is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit and has a grounding at­tachment plug that looks like the plug illustrated in sketchpicture A. Make sure that the appliance is connected to an outlet having the same configura­tion as the plug. No adaptor should be used with this appliance.
1 Grounded outlet 2 Grounded outlet box 3 Grounded pin

Operator Responsibility

Save operation is in the responsibility of the operator. The operator shall be familiar with the operation and function of all controls and instruments before undertaking to operate the unit. Before operating the unit, operators shall have read and be familiar with the operator’s manual for the particular unit being operated and they shall also abide by the safety rules and practices in the following paragraphs. Before operating any unit, the operator shall be familiar with unusual operating conditions which may require addition­al safety precautions or special operat­ing instructions.


Before starting to operate the unit be in operating position. Do not start or operate the unit, any of its functions or attachments, from any place other than from the designated operators position. Before leaving the operator’s position: A bring the unit to a complete stop;
B if the unit must be on an incline,
block the wheels.
Maintain a safe distance from the edge of ramps, platforms, and other similar working surfaces. Do not add to, or modify the unit. Do not block access to fire aisles, stair­ways or fire equipment.


Yield the right of way to pedestrians and emergency vehicles such as am­bulances and fire trucks. Cross railroad tracks at an angle wher­ever possible. Do not park closer than 6 ft (1800 mm) to the nearest rail of a railroad track. Keep a clear view of the path of travel and observe for other traffic, person­nel, and safe clearances. Under all travel conditions, operate the unit at a speed that will pernit it to be brought to a stop in a safe manner. Do not indulge in stunt driving or horse­play. Slow down for wet and slippery floors. Before driving over a dockboard or bridge plate, be sure that it is properly secured. Drive carefully and slowly across the dockboard or bridge plate, and never exceed its rated capacity. When negotiating turns, reduce speed to a safe level consistent with the oper­ating environment. Make the turns smoothly.
4 EN

Operator care of the unit

If the unit is found to be in need of re­pair or in any way unsafe, or contrib­utes to an unsafe condition, the matter shall be reported immediately to the user’s designated authority, and the unit shall not be operated until it has been restored to safe operating condi­tion. If during operation the unit becomes unsafe in any way, the matter shall be reported immediately to the user’s des­ignated authority, and the unit shall not be operated until it has been restored to safe operating condition. Do not make repairs or adjustments unless specifically authorized to do so.
Operation of the unit may be hazard­ous if maintenance is neglected or re­pairs, rebuilds, or adjustments are not performed in accordance with the man­ufacturer’s design criteria. Therefore, maintenance facilities (on or off prem­ises), trained personnel, and detailed procedures shall be provided. Maintenance and inspection of the unit shall be performed in conformance with the following practices: A a schedules planned maintenance,
lubrication, and inspection system shall be followed; consult the man­ufacturer’s recommendations.
B only tranined and authorized per-
sonnel shall be permitted to main­tain, repair, adjust, and inspect the unit, and in accordance with manu­facturer’s specifications.
Avoid fire hazards and have fire pro­tection equipment present in the work area. Do not use open pans of fuel or
flammable cleaning fluids for cleaning parts.


Any unit not in safe operating condition shall be removed from service. Repairs shall not be made in Class I, Class II, and Class III locations. Fire Prevention: The unit shall be kept in a clean condition and reasonably free of lint, excess oil, and grease. Noncombustible agents are preferred for cleaning the unit. Flammable liquids [those having flash points at or above 100°F (37,8°C)] are not allowed. Pre­cautions regarding toxicity, ventilation, and fire hazard shall be appropriate for the agent or solvent used. Nameplate Visibility: The unit type des­ignations as shown on the nameplate and the type markers shall not be cov­ered over with paint so that their identi­fication information is obscured. The unit shall not be used in classified areas.
Please read and comply
with these instructions prior to the initial operation of your appli­ance. Retain these operating instruc­tions for future reference or for subsequent possessors.


Safety instructions . . . . . . . EN . . .4
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .4
Proper use . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .4
Environmental protection . . EN . . .4
Control elements . . . . . . . . EN . . .5
Initial startup. . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .5
Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .5
Maintenance and care . . . . EN . . .7
Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . . .8
Technical specifications . . . EN . .10
Warranty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . .11
Spare parts. . . . . . . . . . . . . EN . .11

Safety instructions

Before using the appliance for the first time, read and observe these operat­ing instructions and the accompanying brochure: Safety information for brush cleaning units and spray-extraction units, 5.956-251.
Symbols in the operating in-
Immediate danger that can cause se­vere injury or even death.
Possible hazardous situation that could lead to severe injury or even death.
Possible hazardous situation that could lead to mild injury to persons or damage to property.


The appliance is used for the wet cleaning of level floors. A working width of 300 mm and a ca­pacity of 4 l each of the fresh and dirt water reservoirs enable an effective cleaning of smaller surfaces. The power supply operation allows a high capacity without a restriction of the working time.
The appliance can be equipped with various accessories depending on the cleaning task. Please request our cata­logue or visit us on the Internet at www.kaercher.com.

Proper use

Use this appliance only as directed in these operating instructions.
The appliance may only be used for
the cleaning of hard surfaces that are not sensitive to moisture and polishing operations.
The application temperature ranges from +5°C to +40°C.
The appliance is not suited for the
cleaning of frozen grounds (e.g. in cold stores).
The appliance may only be
equipped with original accessories and spare parts.
The appliance was designed for the
cleaning of floors inside or of cov­ered surfaces.
The appliance is not intended for
the cleaning of public traffic routes.
The appliance is not suited for the
use in potentially explosive environ­ments.
6 EN

Environmental protection

The packaging materials are recyclable. Please do not throw packaging in the domestic waste but pass it on for recycling.
Old units contain valuable recyclable materials. Batter­ies, oil and similar substanc­es may not be released into the environment. Therefore please dispose of old units through suitable collection systems.
Notes about the ingredients (REACH)
You will find current information about the ingredients at:

Control elements

17 Unlocking button for the change-
able brush 18 Cover dirt water reservoir 19 Lock 20 Cable hook, rotating 21 Mains cable with mains plug 22 Suction tube handle (BR 30/4 C
Adv only)

Colour coding

The operating elements for the
cleaning process are yellow.
The controls for the maintenance
and service are light gray.

Initial startup

Figure 2, see cover page
Insert tube into the opening of the
appliance at the end of the handle.
Press down and slide the handle
into the appliance until it clicks.


Figure 1, see cover page
1 Handle 2 Water pump switch 3 Main switch for brushing/vacuum-
ing operations 4 Carrying handle 5 Support bow in waste water reser-
voir 6 Dirt water reservoir 7 Fresh water tank 8 Fresh water tank lock 9 Cleaning head 10 Vacuum bar lift pedal 11 Release, park position 12 Suction tube 13 Suction tube connection 14 Suction nozzle (BR 30/4 C Adv on-
ly) 15 Brush roller 16 Vacuum bar

Fill fresh water reservoir

Risk of damage. Only use the recom­mended detergents. With respect to different detergents the operator bears the increased risk regarding the opera­tional safety, accident risk and reduced product life of the appliance. Only use detergents that are free from solvents, hydrochloric acid and hydrofluoric acid. Follow the safety instructions for using detergents.
Do not use highly foaming detergents. Observe the dosing notes.
Recommended detergents:
Application Detergent
Everday cleaner, alkali-
RM 743
Everyday cleaner, acid-
RM 738 ic, for sanitary applica­tions, swimming pools, etc. Removes limestone deposits.
Remove the fresh water reservoir from the appliance.
Open the cover of the fresh water
Pour in water/detergent mixture.
Maximum temperature of the liquid 50 °C.
Close the cover of the fresh water
Insert the fresh water container into
the appliance.

Establish mains contact

Swivel bottom cable hook upward
and remove cable.
Check mains cable and plug for
damage or breakage. Get them re­placed only through customer ser­vice agent or an electrician.
Insert the mains plug into the sock-


Risk of injury on account of electric shock caused by a damaged mains ca­ble. Do not let the mains cable come in contact with the rotating brushes.
Risk of damage to the floor covering. The cleaning method for severe soiling must only be used on floors suitable for this kind of cleaning.
Risk of damage to the fresh water pump if it runs dry because of empty fresh water reservoir. Monitor the fill level indicator and switch the water pump switch off if the fresh water res­ervoir is empty.
Normal soiling
Move the suction bar lift pedal to
position „suction off“ (Fig. 3 - posi­tion "1/ON", see inside front cover).
Press the park position release and
swivel the handle toward the rear.
Set main switch for brush/vacuum
operation to “1”.
Activate the water pump switch.Move the appliance over the sur-
face to be cleaned.
Severe soiling
Risk of damage to the floor covering. The cleaning method for severe soiling must only be used on floors suitable for this kind of cleaning.
Move the vacuum bar lift pedal to
position „do not suction off“ (Fig. 3 ­position "0/OFF" see inside front cover) and perform the cleaning as you would with normal soiling. The detergent liquid remains on the sur­face to be cleaned and has time to settle in.
Move the vacuum bar lift pedal to
position "suction off" and reclean the surface.
Vacuuming in corners (BR 30/4 C Adv only)
Pull the suction tube out toward the
top, attach the suction nozzle and vacuum the dirt.
Remove the nozzle, replace the
suction tube and insert handle.
8 EN

Complete cleaning

Turn off the water pump switch.
  Push the appliance a little further to
vacuum up the remaining water.
Set main switch for brush/vacuum
operation to “0”.
Swivel the appliance handle for-
ward and arrest in the park position.
Disconnect the main plug from the
Emptying the Dirt Water Reser-
If the dirt water reservoir is full the float closes the suction channel. The suc­tion operation is interrupted. Empty the dirt water reservoir.
Please observe the local provisions re­garding the wastewater treatment.
Turn off the appliance. Position the appliance upright and
arrest it in the park position.
Remove the fresh water reservoir
from the appliance.
Swivel support bow downward and
remove the waste water reservoir.
Lift the lock and remove the lid of
the waste water reservoir.
Pour out dirt water.The rinse the dirt water reservoir
with clear water.
Replace the lid of the waste water
reservoir and lock it.
Insert the waste water container
into the appliance.
Emptying the Fresh Water Res-
Remove the fresh water reservoir
from the appliance.
Open the cover of the fresh water
Pour out the cleaning liquid.Close the cover of the fresh water
Insert the fresh water container into
the appliance.


Risk of injury and damage! Observe the weight of the appliance when you transport it.
Swivel the appliance handle for-
ward and arrest in the park position.
Swivel the pushing handle back-
wards and push the appliance.
Lift appliance by the carrying han-
dle and carry it.
When transporting in vehicles, se-
cure the appliance according to the guidelines from slipping and tipping over.


Risk of injury and damage! Note the weight of the appliance in case of stor­age.
This appliance must only be stored in interior rooms.

Maintenance and care

Risk of injury by inadvertent startup of appliance and electrical shock. First pull out the plug from the mains before carrying out any tasks on the machine.
Risk of damage to the appliance on ac­count of water leakage. Empty the
waste water reservoir and the fresh water reservoir prior to performing maintenance on the appliance.

Maintenance schedule

After the work
Risk of damage. Do not wash down the appliance with water and do not use aggressive detergents.
Empty the dirt water reservoir.Clean the seals between the waste
water reservoir and the appliance.
Empty the fresh water reservoir.Rinse the appliance: Fill the fresh
water reservoir with clear water (without detergent) and let the ap­pliance run for one minute with the brush water supply turned on.
Empty the fresh water reservoir.Clean the outside of the appliance
with a damp cloth which has been soaked in mild detergent.
Clean the vacuum bar, check for
wear and replace if required (see "Maintenance tasks").
Check the brush for wear and re-
place if required (see "Maintenance tasks").
Have the prescribed safety inspec-
tion carried out by an electrician.

Maintenance Works

Replace the vacuum bar.
The vacuum bars are attached to the appliance with snaps and can simply be pulled off.
Move the suction bar lift pedal to
position „suction off“ (Fig. 3 - posi­tion "1/ON", see inside front cover).
Remove the fresh water reservoir.
Remove the dirt water reservoir.Lay the device on the reverse.Pull off the vacuum bar downwards.Insert the new vacuum bars and
lock them into place.
Replacing the brush roller
Remove the fresh water reservoir.Remove the dirt water reservoir.Lay the device on the reverse.Press the release button for the
brush roller and swivel the brush roller toward the bottom and pull it off the driver.
Place the new brush roller on the
driver and lock into place on the op­posite side.

Frost protection

In case of danger of frost:
Empty the fresh and dirt water res-
Store the appliance in a frost-pro-
tected room.


Risk of injury by inadvertent startup of appliance and electrical shock. First pull out the plug from the mains before carrying out any tasks on the machine.
Risk of damage to the appliance on ac­count of water leakage. Empty the waste water reservoir and the fresh water reservoir prior to performing maintenance on the appliance.
In case of faults that cannot be reme­died using the table below please con­tact the customer service.
10 EN
Fault Remedy
Appliance cannot
Check if the mains plug is connected.
be started Insufficient water
Check fresh water level, refill tank if necessary. Open the lock of the fresh water reservoir. If a vacuum is
detected when the tank is opened, clean the ventilation valve in the lock of the fresh water reservoir.
Clean the water distributor (see chapter "Cleaning the wa­ter distributor").
Remove the fresh water tanke and check the sieve for con­tamination. If necessary, remove the sieve and clean it.
Pull off the valve with filter on the fresh water reservoir (Fig. 4, see inside front cover) and rinse in lukewarm water.
Fresh water reser­voir drips when re-
Pull off the valve with filter on the fresh water reservoir (Fig. 4, see inside front cover) and rinse in lukewarm water.
filled Insufficient vacu-
um performance
Empty the dirt water reservoir. Lock the waste water reservoir in place on the appliance. Clean the seals between dirt water reservoir and cover and
check for tightness, replace if required. Check the seals between the lid of the waste water reser-
voir and the appliance. Contact Customer Service if the seals are damaged.
Check that all vacuum bars are locked into place in the cleaning head.
Suction bar plugged, clean. Suction bar worn; exchange the front and rear suctions
bars. If both suction bars are worn, install new suction bars. Check that both suction tube parts are correctly attached to
the suction tube connection. Check the suction tube and the suction channel in the
cleaning head for obstruction and remove if necessary (see "Cleaning suction tube").
Check whether the cable behind the tanks has been routed flat and whether the included cover is attached.
Insufficient clean-
Check the brush roller for wear, replace if required.
ing result Brush does not
turn Creaking sound,
brush does not turn
Check if foreign matters are blocking the brush roller; re­move foreign matter if required.
Slip clutch was triggered. Switch off the appliance, check/ clean the brush roller.

Clean water distributor

Take out the brush roller.
  Pull the water distribution bar out of
the brush tunnel (Fig. 5, see inside front cover).
Clean the irrigation channel and the
opening in the water distribution bar under running water.

Clean suction tube

Remove the fresh water reservoir
from the appliance.
Swivel support bow downward and
remove the waste water reservoir.
Pull the suction tube connection out
toward the rear of the appliance and swivel out both ends of the suction tube (Fig. 6, see inside front cover).
The suction tube is separated and both ends are accessible for clean­ing.
Pull the vacuum bar off toward the
bottom, the suction channel in the cleaning head is accessible for cleaning (Fig. 7, see inside front cover).
Flush the suction hose and the suc-
tion channel with water or pull or push the obstruction out with a blunt object.

Technical specifications

Nominal voltage V/Hz 120 /
1~60 Power consumption A 6 Protective class I Type of protection IPX4
Cleaning power, air quantity
Cleaning power, nega­tive pressure
Cleaning brush
Working width in
Brush diameter in
Brush speed 1/min 1550
Dimensions and weights
Theoretical surface cleaning performance
Fresh/dirt water reser­voir volume
Length in
Width in
Height in
Weight lb (kg) 35.3
Values determined as per EN 60335-2­72
Hand-arm vibration value
Uncertainty K m/s Sound pressure level
Uncertainty K Sound pressure level
Uncertainty K
gpm (l/s)
psi (kPa)
ft²/h (m²/h)
gal (l) 1 (4)
dB(A) 72
dB(A) 1 dB(A) 85
dB(A) 1
2.0 (14)
2.4 (60)
12 EN
– 10


The warranty terms published by our competent sales company are applica­ble in each country. We will repair po­tential failures of your accessory within the warranty period free of charge, pro­vided that such failure is caused by faulty material or defects in fabrication. In the event of a warranty claim please contact your dealer or the nearest au­thorized Customer Service center. Please submit the proof of purchase.

Spare parts

Only use accessories and spare
parts which have been approved by the manufacturer. The exclusive use of original accessories and original spare parts ensures that the appliance can be operated safely and trouble free.
At the end of the operating instruc-
tions you will find a selected list of spare parts that are often required.
For additional information about
spare parts, please go to the Ser­vice section at www.kaercher.com.
– 11


Afin de réduire les risques d'incendie, d'électrocution et de blessures, prendre les précautions suivantes :
NE PAS LAISSER l'appareil sans
surveillance lorsqu'il est branché. Débrancher l'appareil lorsqu'il n'est pas utilisé et avant de procéder à l'entretien.


Cet appareil n'est pas un jouet. Ne
jamais le laisser sans surveillance lorsqu'il est utilisé à proximité d'en­fants.
Respecter impérativement les
consignes d'utilisation de ce ma­nuel. Utiliser uniquement les acces­soires recommandés par le fabricant.
Ne pas mettre l'appareil en service
en cas d'endommagement du cor­don ou de la prise. Si l'appareil ne fonctionne pas correctement, s'il est tombé, s’il a été endommagé, s’il est resté à l’extérieur ou est tom­bé dans l’eau, le retourner à un centre de service.
Ne pas tirer ou transporter l’appa-
reil par le cordon électrique ou se servir de ce dernier comme d’une poignée. Veiller à ne pas coincer le
cordon dans une porte et éviter de le tirer sur des bords ou des coins tranchants. Ne pas rouler sur le cor­don électrique. Tenir le cordon à l'écart des surfaces chaudes.
Ne pas tirer sur le cordon électrique
pour débrancher l'appareil. Tirer au niveau de la fiche pour déconnecter l'appareil du secteur.
Ne pas manipuler l’appareil ou la
fiche électrique avec les mains mouillées.
Ne rien introduire dans les orifices.
Ne pas utiliser l’appareil si l’un des orifices est obstrué. Protéger les orifices de la poussière, des pe­luches, des cheveux et autres ma­tières susceptibles de réduire le débit d'air.
Veiller à ne pas approcher les che-
veux, vêtements larges, doigts ou toute autre partie du corps des ori­fices et composants mobiles de l’appareil.
Désactiver toutes les commandes
avant de débrancher l'appareil.
Faire particulièrement attention lors
du nettoyage d'escaliers.
Ne pas aspirer de liquides inflam-
mables ou combustibles, tels que de l’essence avec l'appareil. Ne pas utiliser ce dernier dans des zones susceptibles de contenir de tels produits.
Brancher uniquement sur une prise
correctement reliée à la terre. Voir les instructions de mise à terre.
14 FR
+ 30 hidden pages