JAMO C 80 CEN, C 80 SUR, C 803, C 803 IW, C 805 Brochure

Jamo C 80
General description ........................................................................................................................ 3
The products ..................................................................................................................................... 4
X-over ................................................................................................................................................17
Cabinets ............................................................................................................................................17
Specifi cations ..................................................................................................................................18
General description
The primary goal of the new Jamo C 80 speaker line was to create a unique show­case of Jamo competencies, as well as a loudspeaker that would ‘push the enve­lope’ in its category.
Over the years Jamo products have been recognized worldwide for their uniquely Danish character – with regards to sound, technologies, design, build quality and attention to detail.
But building a speaker involves compromise – if it sounds good it often isn’t el­egant and vice versa. So, with the C 80 the challenge to the development team was to create a speaker line that encompassed all the traditional Jamo virtues – and with the minimum of compromise!
This, of course, was a huge challenge for the acoustics, electronics and mechanical engineers as well as the designer, Boye Lippert.
The design is very much inspired by the iconic Jamo D 5 and E 8 speakers, employ­ing the symmetrical arc-shaped cabinets from the former and the curved top from the latter.
This combined with well-established Jamo driver technologies: DTT, WaveGuide, Hard Conical Cones and Metal Centre-Plugs result in a unique speaker line.
Of course achieving the task would also require the selection of very high qual­ity materials and development of completely new, not to mention powerful drive units.
The sound reproduction of the C 80 is very detailed, clear and open in the entire spectra, with a large listening window making it easy to locate instruments, vocals and subtle details when listening to music or enjoying a movie. You will also experience a very authentic standard of bass reproduction i.e. one that’s fi rm, precise and dynamic.
In two words the experience could best be described as unfailingly musical. And isn’t that what it’s all about? As for the “C” in C 80… well, that’s short for Concert, a good indication of the level of quality you can expect . . .
The Products
C 803
C 803 is a 2-way, bass-refl ex system featuring a 7in HCC woofer and a 1in DTT/ WaveGuide tweeter. This compact bookshelf speaker can be placed on a bookshelf – although you would probably be advised to place it on a high quality stand in order to experi­ence the full potential of this little gem.
The C 80 main speakers all feature Jamo’s Convex Tapered Vent. This high-fl ow, bass-refl ex port design ensures less turbulence and allows 5 dB higher SPL before port noise occurs – which means that in practice, port noise is eliminated!
The C 803 features heavy gauge matt-chromated bi-wiring/amping terminals, giv­ing you the opportunity of “fi ne-tuning” the sound by using cables that exactly suit your equipment, your room and your personal preferences.
C 803 IW
Utilizing the same drivers as the C 803, the C 803 IW is a high-performance in-wall speaker with a 7in HCC woofer and a 1in DTT/ WaveGuide tweeter.
Thanks to the potent drivers used as well as the acoustical back-box, this speaker works very well when used without a subwoofer. If you want some extra bass e.g. for a surround sound solution, just partner it with a subwoofer for extra low-fre­quency weight.
The front-plate features a sandwich-type construction with an ultra-rigid MDF core. This gives the it enhanced rigidity and so prevents vibrations from being transmit­ted. This keeps colouration of the sound to an absolute minimum while increasing the level of detail conveyed.
For optimal visual integration. two front grilles are supplied with this speaker: a black cloth grille and a (paint-able) white grille.
The C 803 IW is very installer-friendly, not least because its speaker terminals are mounted directly on the speaker, rather than protruding from the back-box.
C 805, C 807, C 809
The C 805 and C 807 fl oorstanders are 2½-way, dual bass-refl ex systems. The 805 features a 6in HCC woofer, a 6in HCC mid-woofer and a 1in DTT/WaveGuide tweet­er. The 807 features the same confi guration - only using 7in woofers - while the 3­way C 809 features an additional woofer, for fuller bass response in even the largest rooms.
The 2½-way confi guration has become something of a Jamo hallmark, one that
started with the debut of our highly acclaimed D 870 speaker.
The reason for choosing this confi guration is that it grants you the best of two worlds: The tweeter and mid-woofer reproduce the full frequency range, so, this 2 way system delivers the coherent, harmonious and smooth sound typical of tradi­tional 2-way systems.
Then the additional woofer(s) blends in below 150Hz to add the extra cone area and power handling needed to give full fi delity in the low bass.
The dual bass refl ex confi guration means that the cabinet is divided into two cham­bers – one housing the tweeter/mid-woofer and one the designated woofer(s).
This gives several advantages: First of all the sound pressure inside the cabinet from the woofer does not infl uence the mid-woofer and vice versa. This of course elimi­nates colouration and so results in cleaner sound reproduction.
The two chambers are identically tuned but the bass cabinet features a larger port (both in diameter and length) to effortlessly provide the considerable airfl ow re­quired to reproduce deep bass. The upper set of of the heavy-gauge, matt chromated bi-wiring/amping terminals connect to the tweeter while the lower terminals connect to the mid-woofer and woofer. This split was chosen in order to separate the heavy current fl ow in the midrange and bass from the more delicate signal going to the tweeter. The bi-wir­ing/amping facility gives you lots of fl exibility to tune the sound balance.
C 80 CEN
C 80 CEN centre channel speaker is a 2-way, bass-refl ex system featuring two 6in HCC woofers and a 1in DTT/WaveGuide tweeter.
The C 80 CEN can be placed on a speaker stand, book-shelf or on a TV (in the sup­plied rubber cradle), allowing the arc-shaped speaker to be angled towards the lis­tening position and, just as importantly, ensuring stable placement of the speaker.
The C 80 CEN is of course magnetically shielded to enable placement in the vicinity of a normal CRT type TV.
C 80 SUR
The C 80 SUR dipolar surround speaker is deliberately designed to deliver a diffuse sound, giving you the feeling of being enveloped in sound. Dipolar loudspeakers usually suffer, however, from a lack of effi ciency in the deep bass area. To compen­sate for this fact the C 80 SUR is equipped with a special Jamo feature called XBR (eXtended Bass Response). XBR inverts the phase on one of the two woofers so that at frequencies below 250Hz it functions according to the bipolar principle.
Using a combination of di- and bi-polar principles not only ensures ultimate diffuse
reproduction of surround effects but also provides a remarkably deep and steady bass. In other words, Jamo XBR combines the best of these two principles. Because XBR carries out the electrical phase shift on one of the woofers, the C 80 SUR are individually confi gured as a left and a right loudspeaker. In this way the perfect interaction with the front speakers is achieved i.e. there’s a perfect tran­sition between front and surround speakers when sound effects pan back and forth across the room.
C 80 SUB
The C 80 motional feedback-controlled active subwoofer is equipped with two very powerful 10in aluminium cone woofers in a closed cabinet.
The advantage of using two 10in woofers instead of one large one are two-fold. One is higher power handling capability - as the heat is better disposed of in two voice coils/magnet systems – and the other a faster attack - as a smaller woofer has less moving mass and thus is better controlled. Finally the more compact resulting design makes it a lot easier to fi nd a suitable area to place the subwoofer. The cone area of the two 10in woofers equals the size of one 13in woofer.
The sub’s BASH® technology-based amplifi er delivers no less than 1800W – more than enough to secure suffi cient headroom, even for a subwoofer reaching down to 20Hz (- 6dB).
Amplifi er
The important thing with subwoofer amplifi ers is the ability to deliver high power, something that’s especially important for the reproduction of peak bursts (e.g. an explosion or a bass drum) with full fi delity. This has to be done with a minimum of distortion and while maintaining very tight control over the woofer.
Due to the nature of a conventional class AB amplifi er it needs to have a substantial supply since only approx 60% of the power is turned into sound – the rest is turned into heat. Consequently the heat sink of a conventional amplifi er also has to be enormous in order to cool it properly.
On the other hand a class AB amplifi er also has some excellent advantages, such as musicality, low distortion and a high damping factor.
So, wouldn’t it be nice if we could combine these qualities with the effi ciency of a Class D amplifi er?
That’s why the development team decided to turn to a specialized technology that met those needs – one that delivered high power output with high effi ciency while maintaining musicality, low distortion and tight control over the woofer. A patent­ed technology called BASH®.
The key operating principle of BASH technology is based on a continually variable
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