Intel 810A3 Design Manual

Intel® 810A3 Chipset Platform
Design Guide
July 2000
Order Number: 298186-002
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Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide
1 Introduction................................................................................................................1-1
1.1 About This Design Guide..............................................................................1-1
1.1.1 Terminology and Definitions ...................................... ...... ....... ...... ...1-2
1.1.2 References.......................................................................................1-7
1.2 System Overview..........................................................................................1-7
1.2.1 Graphics and Memory Controll er Hub (GMCH) ............................ ...1-8
1.2.2 I/O Controller Hub (82801AA ICH)...................................................1-9
1.2.3 System Configurations.....................................................................1-9
1.3 Platform Initiatives.......................................................................................1-10
1.3.1 Hub Interface .................................................................................1-10
1.3.2 Manageability.................................................................................1-10
1.3.3 AC97.............................................................................................1-11
1.3.4 Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface......................................................1-12
2 PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines......................................................................2-1
2.1 Electrical Differences for Flexible PGA370 Designs.....................................2-1
2.2 PGA370 Socket Definition Details ................................................................2-2
2.2.1 Processor Pin Definition Comparison ..............................................2-3
2.2.2 Layout Guidelines for Intel
2.2.3 Undershoot/Overshoot Requirements .............................................2-9
2.2.4 BSEL[1:0] Implementation for PGA370 Designs .............................2-9
2.2.5 CLKREF Circuit Implementation....................................................2-10
2.2.6 Undershoot/Overshoot Requirements ...........................................2-10
2.2.7 Connecting RESET# and RESET2# on a Flexible
PGA370 Design .............................................................................2-11
2.2.8 Reset Strapping Options................................................................2-11
2.2.9 Voltage Regulation Differences .....................................................2-12
2.2.10 Decoupling Guidelines for Flexible PGA370 Designs....................2-12
2.2.11 Thermal/EMI Differences ...............................................................2-13
2.2.12 Debug Port Changes .....................................................................2-14
Pentium® III Processors......................2-4
3 SC242 Processor Design Guidelines.........................................................................3-1
3.1 Intel
3.2 Determine General Topology and Layout.....................................................3-3
3.3 Solution Space..............................................................................................3-3
3.4 Minimizing Crosstalk.....................................................................................3-4
3.5 Motherboard Layout Rules for Non-AGTL+ (CMOS) Signals.......................3-4
3.6 THRMDP and THRMDN........................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...3-5
3.7 Additional Considerations.............................................................................3-5
3.8 Motherboard Frequency Select for SC242 Designs .....................................3-6
3.9 S.E.C.C. 2 Grounding Retention Mechanism (GRM)....................................3-7
4 Layout and Routing Guidelines..................................................................................4-1
4.1 General Recommendations ............. ...... ....... ...... ..........................................4-1
4.2 Nominal Board Stackup................................................................................4-1
4.3 Component Quadrant Layouts......................................................................4-2
4.4 Intel
Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide iii
Pentium® III Processors Layout Guidelines........................................3-1
3.9.1 Motherboard Interfaces....................................................................3-7
810A3 Chipset Component Placement...............................................4-4
4.5 System Memory Layout Guidelines..............................................................4-5
4.5.1 System Memory Solution Space......................................................4-5
4.5.2 System Memory Routing Example...................................................4-6
4.5.3 System Memory Connectivity ..........................................................4-7
4.6 Display Cache Interface................................................................................4-7
4.6.1 Display Cache Solution Space .............................. ....... ...... ....... ......4-8
4.7 Hub Interface ................................................................................................4-9
4.7.1 Data Signals ............................................. ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....4-10
4.7.2 Strobe Signals ...............................................................................4-10
4.7.3 HREF Generation/Distribution .......................................................4-10
4.7.4 Compensation................................................................................4-11
4.8 Ultra ATA/66 ...............................................................................................4-12
4.8.1 IDE Routing Guidelines .................................................................4-12
4.8.2 Ultra ATA/66 Detection..................................................................4-15
4.9 AC97..........................................................................................................4-18
4.9.1 Audio/Modem Riser Card (AMR)...................................................4-18
4.9.2 AC’97 Routing................................................................................4-19
4.9.3 Motherboard Implementation.........................................................4-21
4.10 USB ............................................................................................................4-22
4.11 IOAPIC (I/O Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller).......................4-23
4.12 PCI..............................................................................................................4-24
4.13 RTC ............................................................................................................4-24
4.13.1 RTC Crystal ...................................................................................4-24
4.13.2 External Capacitors .......................................................................4-25
4.13.3 RTC Layout Considerations...........................................................4-26
4.13.4 RTC External Battery Connection..................................................4-26
4.13.5 RTC External RTCRESET Circuit..................................................4-27
4.13.6 VBIAS DC Voltage and Noise Measurements..............................4-27
4.14 Processor PLL Filter Recommendation......................................................4-28
4.14.1 Processor PLL Filter Recommendation .........................................4-28
4.14.2 Topology........................................................................................4-28
4.14.3 Filter Specification .........................................................................4-28
4.14.4 Recommendation for Intel Platforms..............................................4-30
4.14.5 Custom Solutions................................ ...... ....... ..............................4-31
4.15 RAMDAC/Display Interface ........................................................................4-32
4.15.1 Reference Resistor (Rset) Calculation...........................................4-33
4.15.2 RAMDAC Board Design Guidelines...............................................4-33
4.16 DPLL Filter Design Guidelines....................................................................4-35
4.16.1 Filter Specification .........................................................................4-36
4.16.2 Recommended Routing/Component Placement............................4-37
4.16.3 Example LC Filter Components.....................................................4-37
5 Advanced System Bus Design ..................................................................................5-1
5.1 AGTL+ Design Guidelines............................................................................5-1
5.1.1 Initial Timing Analysis......................................................................5-2
5.1.2 Determine General Topology, Layout, and Routing Desired...........5-3
5.1.3 Pre-Layout Simulation .....................................................................5-3
5.1.4 Place and Route Board....................................................................5-5
5.1.5 Post-Layout Simulation....................................................................5-7
5.1.6 Validation.........................................................................................5-8
5.2 Theory.........................................................................................................5-10
5.2.1 AGTL+ ...........................................................................................5-10
iv Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide
5.2.2 Timing Requirements.....................................................................5-10
5.2.3 Cross-Talk Theory .........................................................................5-11
5.3 More Details and Insight.............................................................................5-13
5.3.1 Textbook Timing Equations ...........................................................5-13
5.3.2 Effective Impedance and Tolerance/Variation ...............................5-14
5.3.3 Power/Reference Planes, PCB Stackup, and High
Frequency Decoupling...................................................................5-14
5.3.4 Clock Routing......... ....... ...... ...........................................................5 -1 7
5.4 Definitions of Flight Time Measurements/Corrections and Signal Quality..5-18
5.4.1 V
5.4.2 Ringback Levels.............................................................................5-18
5.4.3 Overdrive Region...........................................................................5-18
5.4.4 Flight Time Definition and Measurement .......................................5-19
5.5 Conclusion ..................................................................................................5-19
6 Clocking.....................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Clock Generation ............................. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ................6- 1
6.2 Clock Architecture......... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...................................6-2
6.3 Clock Routing Guidelines .... ....... ...... ...... .......................................................6- 3
6.4 Capacitor Sites..............................................................................................6-6
6.5 Clock Power Decoupling Guideli nes................................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ...6-6
7 System Design Considerations..................................................................................7-1
7.1 Power Delivery..............................................................................................7-1
7.1.1 Intel
810A3 Chipset Power Delivery ..............................................7-1
7.1.2 LED Indicator for S0-S5 States........................................................7-5
7.2 Decoupling Guidelines..................................................................................7-6
7.2.1 Vcc
7.2.2 Phase Lock Loop (PLL) Decoupling ................................................7-6
7.2.3 82810A3 GMCH Decoupling Guidelines..........................................7-7
7.2.4 Ground Flood Planes........................................................................7-8
7.3 Thermal Design Power .................................................................................7-8
7.4 Power Sequencing........................................................................................7-9
8 Design Checklist ........................................................................................................8-1
8.1 Design Review Checklist ........................................................ ...... ....... ...... ...8-1
8.1.1 Design Checklist Summary........................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...8-1
8.2 Pullup and Pulldown Resistor Values .........................................................8-15
8.3 RTC.............................................................................................................8-16
8.4 Power Management Signals.......................................................................8-16
8.4.1 Power Button Implementation........................................................8-18
9 Third-Party Vendor Information..................................................................................9-1
A PCI Devices/Functions/Registers/Interrupts ............................................................. A-1
Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide v
1-1 Intel® 810A3 Chipset ....................................................................................1-9
1-2 AC'97 with Audio and Modem Codec Connections....................................1-12
2-1 Topology for 370-Pin Socket Designs with Single Ended
Termination (SET) ........................................................................................2-6
2-2 Routing for THRMDP and THRMDN ............................................................2-8
2-3 BSEL[1:0] Circuit Implementation for PGA370 Designs...............................2-9
2-4 Examples for CLKREF Divider Circuit ........................................................2-10
2-5 RESET# Schematic for PGA370 Designs ................................. ...... ....... ....2-11
2-6 Capacitor Placement on the Motherboard..................................................2-12
2-7 TAP Connector Comparison............................ ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ....2-14
3-1 Intel
3-2 Routing for THRMDP and THRMDN ............................................................3-5
3-3 System Bus Frequency Selection Topology for SC242................................3-6
3-4 Hole Locations and Keep-out Zones for Support Components ....................3-7
3-5 Detailed Drawing of Minimum Ground Pad Size and Location.....................3-8
4-1 Nominal Board Stackup................................................................................4-2
4-2 GMCH Quadrant Layout (topview) ...............................................................4-2
4-3 ICH 241-uBGA Quadrant Layout (topview) ..................................................4-3
4-4 uATX Placement Example for PGA370 Processors.....................................4-4
4-5 System Memory Topologies .........................................................................4-5
4-6 System Memory Routing Example ...............................................................4-6
4-7 System Memory Connectivity .......................................................................4-7
4-8 Display Cache (Topology 1) .........................................................................4-7
4-9 Display Cache (Topology 2) .........................................................................4-8
4-10 Display Cache (Topology 3) .........................................................................4-8
4-11 Display Cache (Topology 4) .........................................................................4-9
4-12 Hub Interface Signal Routing Example.........................................................4-9
4-13 Single Hub Interface Reference Divider Circuit..........................................4-11
4-14 Locally Generated Hub Interface Reference Dividers ................................4-11
4-15 IDE Min/Max Routing and Cable Lengths...................................................4-12
4-16 Ultra ATA/66 Cable.....................................................................................4-13
4-17 Resistor Schematic for Primary IDE Connectors........................................4-14
4-18 Resistor Schematic for Secondary IDE Connectors...................................4-14
4-19 Host-Side IDE Cable Detection ..................................................................4-16
4-20 Host-Side IDE Cable Detection ..................................................................4-17
4-21 Host-Side IDE Cable Detection ..................................................................4-17
4-22 Tee Topology AC'97 Trace Length Requirements for ATX ........................4-20
4-23 Daisy-Chain Topology AC'97 Trace Length Requirements for ATX...........4-20
4-24 USB Data Signals.......................................................................................4-23
4-25 PCI Bus Layout Example for 4 PCI Connectors.........................................4-24
4-26 External Circuitry for the ICH RTC..............................................................4-25
4-27 A Diode Circuit to Connect RTC External Battery ......................................4-26
4-28 RTCRESET External Circuit for the ICH RTC ............................................4-27
4-29 Filter Topology............................................................................................4-28
4-30 Filter Specification ......................................................................................4-29
4-31 Using Discrete R.........................................................................................4-30
4-32 No Discrete R .............................................................................................4-31
4-33 Core Reference Model................................................................................4-31
4-34 Schematic of RAMDAC Video Interface .....................................................4-32
Pentium® III Uni-Processor Configuration ..........................................3-3
vi Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide
4-35 RAMDAC Component and Routing Guidelines ..........................................4-34
4-36 Recommended RAMDAC Reference Resistor Placement and
4-37 Recommended LC Filter Connection..........................................................4-36
4-38 Frequency Response (see Table 4-13).......................................................4-38
5-1 PICD[1,0] Uni-Processor Topology...............................................................5-7
5-2 Test Load vs. Actual System Load ...............................................................5-9
5-3 Aggressor and Victim Networks..................................................................5-11
5-4 Transmission Line Geometry: (A) Microstrip (B) Stripline...........................5-11
5-5 One Signal Layer and One Reference Plane..............................................5-15
5-6 Layer Switch with One Reference Plane ....................................................5-15
5-7 Layer Switch with Multiple Reference Planes (same type).........................5-15
5-8 Layer Switch with Multiple Reference Planes.............................................5-16
5-9 One Layer with Multiple Reference Planes.................................................5-16
5-10 Overdrive Region and V
5-11 Rising Edge Flight Time Measurement.......................................................5-19
6-1 Intel
810A3 Chipset Clock Architecture ......................................................6-2
6-2 Different Topologies for the Clock Routing Guidelines .................................6-5
6-3 Example of Capacitor Placement Near Clock Input Receiver.......................6-6
7-1 Intel
810A3 Chipset Power Delivery Architecture.......................................7-2
7-2 82810A3 GMCH Power Plane Decoupling ...................................................7-8
7-3 G3-S0 Transistion.........................................................................................7-9
7-4 S0-S3-S0 Transition....................................................................................7-10
7-5 S0-S5-S0 Transition....................................................................................7-11
8-1 Pullup Resistor Example.............................................................................8-15
8-2 PWRGOOD and PWROK Logic .................................................................8-17
Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide vii
2-1 Platform Pin Definition Comparison for Single Processor Designs ..............2-2
2-2 Processor Pin Definition Comparison...........................................................2-3
2-3 Intel
Pentium® III Processor and GMCH AGTL+ Parameters for
Example Calculations ................... ...... ..........................................................2-4
2-4 Example T 2-5 Example T
Calculations FOR 100 MHz Bus.....................................2-5
Calculations (Frequency Independent)...........................2-5
2-6 Segment Descriptions and Lengths for Figure 2-1.......................................2-6
2-7 Trace Width (Space Gu id eli nes)............................ .......................................2-6
2-8 Routing Guidelines for Non-AGTL+ Signals.................................................2-8
2-9 Example Resistor Values for CLKREF Divider Circuit (3.3V Source).........2-10
3-1 Intel
Pentium® III Processor and GMCH AGTL+ Parameters for
Example Calculations ................... ...... ..........................................................3-1
3-2 Example T 3-3 Example T
Calculations for 100 MHz Bus .......................................3-2
Calculations (Frequency Independent)...........................3-2
3-4 Segment Descriptions and Lengths for Figure 3-2 ......................................3-3
3-5 Trace Width: Spa ce Guid el ine s ........... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ..........................3-3
3-6 Routing Guidelines for Non-AGTL+ Signals.................................................3-4
4-1 System Memory Routing ..............................................................................4-5
4-2 Display Cache Routing (Topology 1)............................................................4-8
4-3 Display Cache Routing (Topology 2)............................................................4-8
4-4 Display Cache Routing (Topology 3)............................................................4-8
4-5 Display Cache Routing (Topology 4)............................................................4-9
4-6 AC97 Configuration Combinations.............................................................4-18
4-7 Recommended USB Trace Characteristics................................................4-23
4-8 Inductor.......................................................................................................4-30
4-9 Capacitor ....................................................................................................4-30
4-10 Resistor.......................................................................................................4-30
4-11 DPLL LC Filter Component Example..........................................................4-37
4-12 Additional DPLL LC Filter Component Example.........................................4-38
4-13 Resistance Values for Frequency Response Curves (see Figure 4-38).....4-39
5-1 Trace Width Spa ce Guid elines..... ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ......5-6
5-2 Host Clock Routing.......................................................................................5-6
6-1 Intel
810A3 Chipset Clocks.........................................................................6-1
6-2 Group Skew and Jitter Limits at the Pins of the Clock Chip .........................6-3
6-3 Signal Group and Resistor............................................................................6-3
6-4 Layout Dimensions .......................................................................................6-4
7-1 Intel 7-2 Intel
810A3 Chipset Power Map.................................................................7-3
810A3 Chipset Voltage Regulator Specifications ...............................7-4
7-3 Power Sequencing Timing Definitions........................................................7-12
8-1 AGTL+ Connectivity Checklist for 370-Pin Socket Processors.....................8-2
8-2 CMOS Connectivity Checklist for 370-Pin Socket Processors .....................8-3
8-3 TAP Checklist for a 370-Pin Sock et Proc es sor ...........................................8-3
8-4 Miscellaneous Checklist for 370-Pin Socket Processors..............................8-4
8-5 AGTL+ Connectivity Checklist for SC242 Processors..................................8-5
8-6 CMOS Connectivity Checklist for SC242 Processors...................................8-6
8-7 TAP Checklist for SC242 Process or s................................. ....... ...... ....... ......8- 6
8-8 Miscellaneous Checklist for SC242 Processors ...........................................8-6
8-9 Special Consideration Checklist ...................................................................8-7
8-10 Clock Generator Checklist............................................................................8-7
viii Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide
8-11 ICH Checklist................................................................................................8-8
8-12 ICH Checklist................................................................................................8-9
8-13 GMCH Checklist .........................................................................................8-10
8-14 System Memory Checklist ..........................................................................8-10
8-15 Display Cache Checklist.............................................................................8-11
8-16 LPC Super I/O Checklist.............................................................................8-11
8-17 IDE Checklist ..............................................................................................8-11
8-18 Clock Generator Checklist............... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...........................8-12
8-19 FWH Flash BIOS Checklist.........................................................................8-12
8-20 PCI Bus Checklist.......................................................................................8-12
8-21 USB / Keyboard / Mouse Checklist.............................................................8-13
8-22 AC97 Checklist...........................................................................................8-13
8-23 Power Delivery Checklist............................................................................8-14
9-1 Super I/O... ....... ...... .................................................................................... ...9-1
9-2 Clock Generation ................ ..........................................................................9-1
9-3 Memory Vendors...........................................................................................9-1
9-4 Voltage Regulator Vendors...........................................................................9-1
9-5 Flat Panel......................................................................................................9-1
9-6 TV-Out ..........................................................................................................9-2
9-7 Software DVD ...............................................................................................9-2
9-8 AC97 ............................................................................................................9-2
9-9 TMDS Transmitters.......................................................................................9-3
9-10 TV Encoders.................................................................................................9-3
9-11 Combo TMDS Transmitters/TV Encoders ....................................................9-3
9-12 LVDS Transmitter .........................................................................................9-3
A-1 PCI Devices and Functions.......................................................................... A-1
A-2 PCI Devices and Registers.......................................................................... A-1
A-3 PCI Devices and Interrupts.......................................................................... A-2
Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide ix
Revision History
Revision Description Date
001 Initial Release April 2000
Minor edits throughout for clarity
Added Section 7.2.4, Ground Flood Plane
July 2000
x Intel® 810A3 Chipset Design Guide
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This design guide provides motherboard design guidelines for Intel 810A3 chipset systems. These design guidelines have been developed to ensure maximum flexibility for board designers while reducing the risk of board related issues. In addition to design guidelines, this document discusses Intel
The debug recommendations should be consulted when debugging an Intel system; however, the debug recommendations should be understood before completing board design to ensure that the debug port, in addition to other debug features, will be implemen ted correctly.
Please note these earlier design guides are still current:
chipset device for Intel
82810E chipset device for the Intel Bus designs.
1.1 About This Design Guide
This design guide is intended for hardware designers who are experienced with PC architectures and board design. The design guide assumes that the designer has a working knowledge of the vocabulary and practices of PC hardware design.
Chapter 1, “Introduction”—This chapter introduces the designer to the organization and
purpose of this design guide, and provides a list of references of related documents. This chapter also provides an overview of the Intel
Chapter 2, “PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines”—This chapter provides design guidelines
for the PGA370 processor including processor-specific layout guidelines.
Chapter 3, “SC242 Processor Design Guidelines”—This chapter provides design guidelines
for the SC242 processor including processor-specific layout guidelines.
Chapter 4, “Layout and Routing Guidelines”—This chapter provides a detailed set of
motherboard layout and routing guidelines, except for processor-specific layout guidelines. The motherboard functional units are covered (e.g., chipset component placement, system bus routing, system memory layout, display cache interface, hub interface, IDE, AC’97, USB, interrupts, SMBUS, PCD, LPC/FWH Flash BIOS, and RTC). For the PGA370 processor specific layout guidelines, refer to Chapter 2, “PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines”. For the SC242 processor spcific layout guidelines, refer to Chapter 3, “SC242 Processor Design
Chapter 5, “Advanced System Bus Design”—The goal of this chapter is to provide the system
designer with the information needed for the implementation of 133 MHz and 100 MHz AGTL+ bus PCB layout.
Chapter 6, “Clocking”— This chapter provides motherboard clocking guidelines (e.g., clock
architecture, routing, capacitor sites, clock power decoupling, and clock skew).
Chapter 7, “System Design Con sider ations”— This chapter includes guidelines regarding
power deliver, decoupling, thermal, and power sequencing.
Chapter 8, “Design Checklist”— This chapter provides a design review checklist. ATA/66
detection, calculation of pullup/pulldown resistors, minimizing RTC ESD, and power management signals are also discussed.
810A3 chipset system design issues (e.g., thermal requirements).
810 Chipset Design Guide, order number 290657, references the Intel
810E Chipset Platform Design Guide, order number 290675, references the Intel
Celeron™ processor 66 MHz Front Side Bus designs.
810A3 chipset
processor 100 MHz / 133 MHz Front Side
810A3 chipset.
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 1-1
Chapter 9, Third-Party Vendor Information— This chapter includes information regarding
various third-party vendors who provide products to support the Intel
Appendix A, PCI Devices/Functions/Registers/In ter rup ts— This appendix lists the PCI
devices and functions supported by the Intel component PCI Vendor ID, Device ID, Revision ID, Class code, Sub-class code, and Programming Interface code values. In addition, component APIC interrupt and ISA/PCI IRQs are listed.
1.1.1 Terminology and Definitions
Term Definition
Aggressor A network that transmits a coupled signal to another network is called
the aggressor network.
he processor system bus uses a bus technology called AGTL+, or Assisted Gunning Transceiver Logic. AGTL+ buffers are open-drain and require pull-up resistors for providing the high logic level and termination. The processor AGTL+ output buffers differ from GTL+ buffers with the addition of an active pMOS pull-up transistor to “assist” the pull-up resistors during the first clock of a low-to-high voltage transition. Additionally, the processor Single Edge Connector (S.E.C.) cartridge contains 56 Ω pull-up resistors to provide termination at each bus load.
810A3 chipset.
810A3 chipset. Also included are a list of
Bus Agent A component or group of components that, when combined, represent a
single load on the AGTL+ bus.
Core power rail A power rail that is only on during
rails are on when the PSON signal is asserted to the ATX power supply. The core power rails that are distributed supply are: ±5V, ±12V and +3.3V.
Corner Describes how a component performs when all parameters that could
impact performance are adjusted to have the same impact on performance. Examples of these parameters include variations in manufacturing process, operating temperature, and operating voltage. The results in performance of an electronic component that may change as a result of corners include (but are not limited to): clock to output time, output driver edge rate, output drive current, and input drive current. Discussion of the “slow” corner would mean having a component operating at its slowest, weakest drive strength performance. Similar discussion of the “fast” corner would mean having a component operating at its fastest, strongest drive strength performance. Operation or simulation of a component at its slow corner and fast corner is expected to bound the extremes between slowest, weakest performance and fastest, strongest performance.
operation. These power
from the ATX power
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
Term Definition
Cross-talk The reception on a victim network of a signal imposed by aggressor
network(s) through inductive and capacitive coupling between the networks.
Backward Cross-talk - coupling which creates a signal in a victim network that travels in the opposite direction as the aggressor’s signal.
rward Cross-talk - coupling which creates a signal in a victim
network that travels in the same direction as the aggressors signal.
Even Mode Cross-talk - coupling from multiple aggressors when all the aggressors switch in the same direction that the victim is switching.
Odd Mode Cross-talk - coupling from multiple aggressors when all the aggressors switch in the opposite direction that the victim is switching.
Derived power rail A derived power rail is any power rail that is ge nerated from ano ther
power rail using an on-board voltage regulator. For example, 3.3VSB is usually derived (on the motherboard) from 5VSB using a voltage regulator.
Dual power rail A dual power rail is derived from different rails at different times
(depending on the power state of the system). Usually, a dual power rail is derived from a standby supply during suspend operation and derived from a core supply during full-power operation.
Edge Finger The cartridge electrical contact that interfaces to the SC242 connector.
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 1-3
Term Definition
Flight Time Flight Time is a term in the timing equation that includes the signal
propagation delay, any effects the system has on the T
of the driver,
plus any adjustments to the signal at the receiver needed to gu arantee the setup time of the receiver.
More precisely, flight time is defined to be:
The time difference between a signal at the input pin of a receiving agent crossing V
(adjusted to meet the receiver manufacturer’s
conditions required for AC timing specifications; i.e., ringback, etc.), and the output pin of the driving agent crossing V
if the driver was driving the Test Load used to specify the drivers AC timings.
See Section for details regarding flight time simulation and validation.
The V
Guardband takes into account sources of noise that may
affect the way an AGTL+ signal becomes valid at the receiver. See the definition of the V
Maximum and Minimum Flight Time - Flight time variations can
be caused by many different parameters. The more obvious causes include variation of the board dielectric constant, changes in load condition, cross-talk, V
noise, V
noise, variation in
termination resistance and differences in I/O buffer performance as a function of temperature, voltage and manufacturing process. Some less obvious causes include effects of Simultaneous Switching Output (SSO) and packaging effects.
The Maximum Flight Time is the largest flight time a network will experience under all variations of condi ti ons . Maximu m fl ight time is measured at the appropriate V
The Minimum Flight Time is the smallest flight time a network
Guardband boundary.
will experience under all variations of conditions. Minimum flight time is measured at the appropriate V
Guardband boundary.
For more information on flight time and the V
II Processor Developer’s Manual.
Guardband, see the
Full-power operation During full-power operation, all components on the motherboard r emain
powered. Note that full-power operation includes both the full-on operating state (S0) and the processor Stop Grant state (S1).
GTL+ GTL+ is the bus technology used by the Pentium Pro processor. This is
an incident wave switching, open-drain bus with pull-up resistors that provide both the high logic level and termination. It is an enhancement to the GTL (Gunning Transceiver Logic) technology. See the Pentium
II Processor Developer’s Manual for more details of GTL+.
Network The trace of a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) that completes an electrical
connection between two or more components.
Network Length The distance between extreme bus agents on the network and does not
include the distance connecting the end bus agents to the termination resistors.
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
Term Definition
Overdrive Region Is the voltage range, at a receiver, located above and below V
signal integrity analysis. See the Pentium
II Processor Developers
Manual for more details.
Overshoot Maximum voltage allowed for a signal at the processor core pad. See
each process’s Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Specification for overshoot specificatio n.
Pad A feature of a semiconductor die contained within an internal logic
package on the S.E.C cartridge substrate used to connect the die to the package bond wires. A pad is only observable in simulation.
Pin A feature of a logic package contained within the S.E.C. cartridge used
to connect the package to an internal substrate trace.
Power rails An ATX power supply has 6 power rails: +5V, -5V, +12V, -12V,
+3.3V, +5VSB. In addition to these power rails, several other power rails can be created with voltage regulators.
Ringback Ringback is the voltage that a signal rings back to after achieving its
maximum absolute value. Ringback may be due to reflections, driver oscillations, etc. See the respective Processors Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Specification for ringback specification.
Settling Limit Defines the maximum amount of ringing at the receiving pin that a
signal must reach before its next transition. See the respective Processors Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Specification for settling limit specification.
Setup Window Is the time between the beginning of Setup to Clock (T
) and the arrival of a valid clock edge. This window may be different for each type of bus agent in the system.
Simultaneous Switching Output (SSO) Effects
Refers to the difference in electrical timing parameters and degradation in signal quality caused by multiple signal ou tputs simultaneously switching voltage levels (e.g., high-to-low) in the opposite direction from a single signal (e.g., low-to-high) or in the same direction (e.g., high-to-low). These are respectively called odd-mode switching and even-mode switching. This simultaneous switching of multiple outputs creates higher current swings that may cause additional propagation delay (or “pushout”), or a decrease in propagation delay (or “pull-in”). These SSO effects may impact the setup and/or hold times and are not always taken into account by simulations. System timing budgets s hould include margin for SSO effects.
Standby power rail A power rail that in on during suspend operation (these rails are also on
during full-power operation). These rails are on at all times (when the power supply is plugged into AC power). The only standby power rail that is distributed directly from the ATX power supply is 5VSB (5V Standby). There can be other standby rails that are created with voltage regulators.
Stub The branch from the trunk terminating at the pad of an agent. Suspend operation During suspend operation, power i s remov ed from s ome compo nents on
the motherboard. The customer reference board supports three suspend states: processor Stop Grant (S1), Suspend-to-RAM (S3) and Soft-off (S5).
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 1-5
Term Definition
Suspend-To-RAM (STR)
In the STR state, the system state is stored in main memory and all unnecessary system logic is turned off. Only main memory and logic
required to wake the system remain powered. Test Load Intel uses a 50 Ω test load for specifying its components. Trunk The main connection, excluding interconnect branches, terminating at
agent pads. Undershoot Maximum voltage allowed for a signal to extend below V
at the
processor core pad. See the respective Processors Electrical,
Mechanical, and Thermal Specification for undershoot specifications. Victim A network that receives a coupled cross-talk signal from another
network is called the victim network. V
Guardband A guardband (DV
realistic model accounting for noise such as cross-talk, V
) defined above and below V
to provide a more
noise, and
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
1.1.2 References
Intel® 82810 Chipset: Intel® 82810/82810-DC 100 Graph ics and Memor y Con tr oller (GMCH)
Datasheet (Document Number: 290656)
Intel® 82801AA (ICH) and 82810AB (ICH0) I/O Controller Hub
(Document Number: 290655)
Intel® 82802AB/AC FirmWare Hub (FWH) Datasheet
Intel® Celeron Processor Data sh eet
Intel® Celeron Processor Specification Update
Intel® 810 Chipset Clock Synthesizer/Driver Specification
PPGA 370 Power Delivery Guidelines
Intel® Pentium® II Processor AGTL+ Guidelines
Intel® Pentium® II Processor Power Distribution Guidelines (
Intel® Pentium® II Processor Developer's Manual
Intel® Pentium II Processor at 350MHz, 400MHz and 450MHz Datasheet (Document Number: 243657)
Intel® Pentium II Processor Specification Update (Document Number: 243337)
Intel® Pentium III Processor Datasheet (Document Number: 244452)
Intel® Pentium III Processor Specification Update (Document Number: 244453)
AP-907: Intel®Pentium III Power Distribution Guidelines (Document Number: 245085)
PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2
Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 1.0
(Document Number: 290658)
(Document Number: 243658)
(Document Number: 243748)
(Document Number: 243330)
Document Number: 243332)
(Document Number: 243341)
1.2 System Overview
The Intel 810A3 chipset is the first generation Integrated Graphics chipset designed for the Intel Celeron engines executing in parallel to deliver high performance 3D, 2D, and motion compensation video capabilities. An integrated centralized memory arbiter allocates memory bandwidth to multiple system agents to optimize system memory utilization. A new chipset component interconnect, the hub interface, is designed into the Intel channel between the memory controller hub and the I/O hub controller.
The Intel through the Firmware Hub component.
An ACPI compliant Intel Suspend to RAM (S3), Suspend to Disk (S4), and Soft-off (S5) power management states. Through the use of an appropriate LAN device, the Intel remote administration and troubl esh oot i ng .
The Intel traditionally integrated into the I/O subsystem of PCIsets/AGPsets. This re mov e s m a ny of the conflicts experienced when installing hardware and drivers into legacy ISA systems. The elimination of ISA provides true plug-and-play for the Intel
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 1-7
processor. The graphics accelerator architecture consists of dedicated multi-media
810A3 chipset to provide an efficient communication
810A3 chipset architecture also enables a new security and manageability infrastructure
810A3 chipset platform can support the Full-on (S0), Stop Grant (S1),
810A3 chipset also supports wake-on-LAN* for
810A3 chipset architecture removes th e requirement for the ISA expansi on bus that was
810A3 chipset platform.
Traditionally, the ISA interface was used for audio and modem devices. The addition of AC’97 allows the OEM to use software configurable AC97 audio and modem coder/decoders (codecs) instead of the traditional ISA devices.
The Intel
The GMCH integrates a 66/100MHz, P6 family system bus controller, integrated 2D/3D graphics accelerator, 100 MHz SDRAM controller and a high-speed hub interface for communication with the I/O Controller Hub (ICH). The integrates an Ultra ATA/33 (82801AB ICH0) or Ultra ATA/66 (82801AA ICH) controller, USB host controller, LPC interface controller, FWH Flash BIOS interface controller, PCI interface controller, AC97 digital controller and a hub interface for communication with the GMCH.
The Intel product line. The Intel architecture and executes MMX communication performance.
The Intel Plastic Pin Grid Array (PPGA) package for use in low cost systems in the Basic PC market segment. The Intel Pentium II processor with support limited to single processor-based systems. The Intel processor PPGA includes an integrated 128 KB second level cache with separate 16K instruction and 16K data level one caches. The second level cache is capable of caching 4 GB of system memory.
810A3 chipset contains two core components:
Host Controller
82810A3 Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) 82810A3-DC100 Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
I/O Controller Hub
82801AA (ICH) 82801AB (ICH0)
Celeron processor PPGA is the next addition to the Intel Celeron processor
Celeron processor PPGA is based on a P6 family processor core, but is provided in a
Celeron processor PPGA implements a Dynamic Execution micro-
Celeron processor PPGA utilizes the AGTL+ system bus used by the
media technology instructions for enhanced media and
1.2.1 Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH)
The GMCH provides the interconnect between the SDRAM and the rest of the system logic:
421 Mini BGA
Integrated Graphics controller
processors with a 66, or 100 MHz
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
Support for Intel Celeron and Intel Pentium system bus.
100 MHz SDRAM interface supporting 64 MB/256 MB/512 MB with 16Mb/64Mb/128Mb SDRAM technology
Optional 100 MHz 4 MB Display Cache
Downstream hub interface for access to the ICH
TV-Out/Flat Panel Display support
1.2.2 I/O Controller Hub (82801AA ICH)
The I/O Controller Hub provides the I/O subsystem with access to the rest of the system:
241 Mini BGA
Upstream hub interface for access to the GMCH
PCI 2.2 interface with 6 PCI Req/Grant Pairs
Bus Master IDE controller; supports Ultra ATA/66.
USB controller
SMBus controller
FWH interface (FWH Flash BIOS)
LPC interface
AC97 2.1 interface
Integrated System Management Contro l ler
Interrupt controller
1.2.3 System Configurations
Figure 1-1. Intel 810A3 Chipset
Digital Video Out
Display Cache
(4 MB SDRAM,100 MHz)
2 IDE Ports
Ultra ATA/66
System Bus (66/100 MHz)
Intel® 810A3 Chipset
- Memory Controller
- Graphcs Controller
- 3D Engine
- 2D Engine
- Video Engine
(I/O Controller Hub)
64 Bit /
100 MHz Only
System Memory
PCI Slots
(ICH=6 Req/Gnt pairs)
Audio Codec
Modem Codec
FWH Flash
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 1-9
1.3 Platform Initiatives
1.3.1 Hub Interface
As I/O speeds increase, the demand placed on the PCI bus by the I/O bridge has become significant. With the addition of AC97 and Ultra ATA/66, coupled with the existing USB, I/O requirements could impact PCI bus performance. The Intel architecture ensures that the I/O subsystem (both PCI and the integrated I/O features (IDE, AC’97, USB, etc.)), receives adequate bandwidth. By placing the I/O bridge on the hub interface (instead of PCI), the hub architecture ensures that both the I/O fu nctions integrated into the ICH and the PCI peripherals obtain the bandwidth necessary for peak performance.
1.3.2 Manageability
The Intel 810A3 chipset platform i ntegrates s everal f unctions d esig ned to manag e the sys tem and lower the total cost of ownership (TCO) of the system. These system management functions are designed to report errors, diagnose the s ystem, and recov e r f rom system lo ckup s witho ut the aid of an external microcontroller.
810A3 Chipset’s hub interface
TCO Timer
The ICH integrates a programmable TCO T imer. This timer is used to detect system locks. The first expiration of the timer generates an SMI# which the system can use to recover from a software lock. The second expiration of the timer causes a system reset to recover from a hardware lock.
Processor Present Indicator
The ICH looks for the processor to fetch the first instruction after reset. If the processor does not fetch the first instruction, the ICH will reboot the system.
Function Disable
The ICH provides the ability to disable the following functions: AC'97 Modem , AC'97 Audio, IDE, USB or SMBus. Once disabled, these functions no longer decode I/O, memory, or PCI configuration space. Also, no interrupts or power management events are generated from the disabled functions.
Intruder Detect
The ICH provides an input signal (INTRUDER#) that can be attached to a switch that is activated by the system case being opened. The ICH can be programmed to gen erate an SMI# o r TCO ev ent due to an active INTRUDER# signal.
The ICH supports Alert-On-LAN*. In response to a TCO event (intruder detect, thermal event, processor not booting) the ICH sends a hardcoded message over the SMBus. A LAN controller supporting the Alert-On-LAN* protocol can decode this SMBu s message and s end a message ov er the network to alert the network manager.
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
1.3.3 AC97
The Audio Codec ’97 (AC97) Specification defines a digital link that can be used to attach an audio codec (AC), a modem codec (MC), an audio/modem codec (AMC), or both an AC and an
MC. The AC97 Specification defines the interface between the system logic and the audio or modem codec known as the AC97 Digital Link.
The ability to add cost-effective audio and modem solutions as the platform migrates away from ISA is important. The AC97 audio and modem components are software configurable, reducing configuration errors. The Intel replaces ISA audio and modem functionality, but also improves overall platform integration by incorporating the AC97 digital link. Using the Intel link reduces cost and eases migration from ISA.
The ICH is an AC97 compliant controller that supports up to two codecs with independent PCI functions for audio and modem. The ICH communicates with the codec(s) via a digital serial link called the AC-link. All digital audio/modem streams and command/status information is communicated over the AC-lin k. Microph one in put and le ft and r ight au dio channel s are sup porte d for a high quality t wo-speake r audi o solu tion. Wake on ring from suspend is al so s upported wit h an appropriate modem codec.
810A3 chipset’s AC97 (with the appropriate codecs) not only
810A3 chipset’s integrated AC97 digital
By using an audio codec, the AC97 digital link allows for cost-effective, high-quality, in tegrated audio on the Intel implemented with the use of a modem codec. Several system options exist when implementing AC97. The Intel
810A3 chipset platform. In addition, an AC97 soft modem can be
810A3 chipset’s integrated digital link allows two external codecs to be connected to the ICH. The system designer can provide audio with an aud io codec (Figure 1-2 a) or a modem with a modem codec (Figure 1-2 b). For systems requir ing both audio and a modem, there are two solutions. The audio codec and the modem codec can be integrated into an AMC (Figure 1-2 c), or separate audio and modem codecs can be connected to the ICH (Figure 1-2 d).
The modem implementation for different countries should be considered as telephone systems vary. By using a split design, the audio codec can be on-board and the modem codec can be placed on a riser. Intel is developing an AC97 digital link connector. With a single integrated codec, or AMC, both audio and modem can be routed to a connector near the rear panel where the external ports can be located.
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 1-11
Figure 1-2. AC'97 with Audio and Modem Codec Connections
a) AC'97 With Audio Codec
(241 mBGA)
b) AC'97 With Modem Codec
(241 mBGA)
c) AC'97 With Audio/Modem Codec
(241 mBGA)
d) AC'97 With Audio and Modem Codec
(241 mBGA)
AC'97 Digital
AC'97 Digital
AC'97 Digital
Digital Link
AC'97 Audio
Audio/ Codec
AC'97 Audio
Audio Ports
Modem Port
Modem Port
Audio Ports
Modem Port
Audio Ports
1.3.4 Low Pin Count (LPC) Interface
In the Intel 810A3 chipset platform, the Super I/O (SIO) component has m igrated to th e Low Pin Count (LPC) interface. Migration to the LPC interface allows for lower cost Super I/O designs. The LPC Super I/O component requires the same feature set as traditional Super I/O components. It should include a keyboard and mouse controller, floppy disk controller and serial and parallel ports. In addition to the Super I/O features, an integrated game port is recommended because the AC97 interface does not provide support for a game port. In a system with ISA audio, the game port typically existed on the audio card. The fifteen pin game port connector provides for two joysticks and a two-wire MPU-401 MIDI interface. Consult your preferred Super I/O vendor for a comprehensive list of devices offered and features supported.
In addition, depending on system requirements, a device bay controller and USB hub could be integrated into the LPC Super I/O component. For systems requiring ISA sup por t, an ISA-I RQ to serial-IRQ converter is required. Potentially, this converter could be integrated into the Super I/O.
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines
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PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines
This chapter provides PGA370 processor design guidelines including the PGA370 socket, Layout Guidelines, BSEL implementation, CLKREF, Undershoot/Overshoot requirements, Reset, Decoupling guidelines, Thermal/EMI differences, and Debug Port changes. The layout guidelines are processor-specific and should be us ed in conjunction with the Chapter 4, Layout and Routing Guidelines. For this chapter, the following terminology applies:
Legacy PGA370 refers to today’s Intel® 810A3 chipset platforms utilizing the PGA370 socket for the microprocessor. In general, these designs support 66/100 MHz host bus operation, VRM 8.2 DC-DC Converter Guidelines, and Intel Celeron processors.
Flexible PGA370 refers to new generation Intel® 810A3/810E chipset platforms utilizing the PGA370 socket and designed for microprocessor flexibility. In general, these designs support 66/100 MHz bus operation for the Intel chipset and 66/100/133 MHz host bus operation for the Intel VRM 8.4 DC-DC Converter Guidelines and Intel
processor PGA single processor based designs.
Celeron, and
810E chipset ,
2.1 Electrical Differences for Flexible PGA370 Designs
There are several electrical changes between the legacy and flexible PGA370 design. They include:
Changes to the PGA370 socket pin definitions. Intel® Pentium® utilize a superset of the Intel
Addition of VTT (AGTL+ termination voltage) delivery to the PGA370 socket.
Additional PLL reference voltage, 1.25V, on new CLKREF pin.
More stringent undersh oot/oversh oot requirements for CMOS and AGTL+ signals.
Addition of on-die Rtt (AGTL+ termination resistors) for the Intel® Pentium® processor. Requirement remains for on-motherboard Rtt implementation if supporting the Intel processors, the reset signals (RESET#) still requires termination to V motherboard.
Celeron processor pin definition.
Celeron (PPGA). If only supporting Intel® Pentium®
on the
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 2-1
PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines
2.2 PGA370 Socket Definition Details
The following tables compare legacy pin names and functions to new flexible pin names and functions. Designers need to pay close attention to the notes section for this table for compatibility concerns regarding these pin changes.
Table 2-1. Platform Pin Definition Comparison for Single Processor Designs
Pin #
A29 Reserved DEP7# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 A31 Reserved DEP3# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 A33 Reserved DEP2# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 AC1 Reserved A33# Additional AGTL+ address AGTL+, I/O 2
AC37 Reserved RSP# Response parity AGTL+, I 2
AF4 Reserved A35# Additional AGTL+ address AGTL+, I/O 2
AH20 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power
AH4 Reserved RESET#
AJ31 GND BSEL1 System bus frequency select CMOS, I/O 1 AK16 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power AK24 Reserved AERR# Address parity error AGTL+, I/O 2
AL11 Reser ved AP0# Address parity AGTL+, I/O 2
AL13 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power
AL21 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power
AM2 GND Reserved Reserved Reserved 1 AN11 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power AN13 Reserved AP1# Address parity AGTL+, I/O 2 AN15 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power AN23 Reserved RP# Request parity AGTL+, I/O
B36 Reserved BINIT# Bus initialization AGTL+, I/O 2 C29 Reserved DEP5# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 C31 Reserved DEP1# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 C33 Reserved DEP0# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 E29 Reserved DEP6# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 E31 Reserved DEP4# Data bus ECC data AGTL+, I/O 2 G35 Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage Power
V4 Reserved BERR# Bus er ror AGTL+, I/O 2
W3 Reserved A34# Additional AGTL+ address AGTL+, I/O 2
X6 Reserved A32# Additional AGTL+ address AGTL+, I/O 2
Y33 GND CLKREF 1.25V PLL reference Power 1
pin name
Flexible PGA370
pin name
Function Type Notes
Processor reset (Intel
Processor reset (Value processors)
AGTL+, I 3
AGTL+, I 3
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines
1. These signals were previously defined as ground (Vss) connections in legacy designs utilizing the PGA370 socket to provide termination for unused inputs. For new Flexible PGA370 designs, use the new signal definitions. These new signal definitions are backwards compatible with the Intel® Celeron processor (PPGA).
2. While these signals are not used with Intel support these functions. Only the Intel platform.
3. The AGTL + reset signal, RESET#, is delivered to pin X4 on Legacy PGA370 designs. On Flexible PGA370 designs it is delivered to X4 and AH4 pins. See Figure 2-1 for more details.
810A3 chipset designs, they are available for chipsets that do
Pentium® III processor offers these capabilities in the PGA370
2.2.1 Processor Pin Definition Comparison
T a ble 2-2. Processor Pin Definition Comparison
Pin #
A29 Reserved Reserved DEP7# Data bus ECC data A31 Reserved Reserved DEP3# Data bus ECC data A33 Reserved Reserved DEP2# Data bus ECC data
AA33 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage AA35 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage
AC1 Reserved Reserved A33# Additional AGTL+ address
AC37 Reserved Reserved RSP# Response parity
AF4 Reserved Reserved A35# Additional AGTL+ address
AH20 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage
AH4 Reserved Reserved RESET#
AJ31 GND BSEL1 BSEL1 S ystem bus fr equency select AK16 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage AK24 Reserved Reserved AERR# Address parity error AL11 Reserved Reserved AP0# Address parity AL13 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage AL21 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage
AM2 GND Reserved Reserved Reserved AN11 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage AN13 Reserved Reserved AP1# Address parity AN15 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage AN21 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage AN23 Reserved Reserved RP # Request parity
B36 Reserved Reserved BINIT# Bus initialization C29 Reserved Reserved DEP5# Data bus ECC data C31 Reserved Reserved DEP1# Data bus ECC data C33 Reserved Reserved DEP0# Data bus ECC data E23 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage E29 Reserved Reserved DEP6# Data bus ECC data E31 Reserved Reserved DEP4# Data bus ECC data
pin name
pin name
Pentium® III
pin name
Pentium® III
Processor reset (Intel processor-256K)
Pentium III
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide 2-3
PGA370 Processor Design Guidelines
Table 2-2. Processor Pin Definition Comparison (Continued)
Pin #
G35 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage S33 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage S37 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage U35 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage U37 Reserved Reserved VTT AGTL+ termination voltage
V4 Reserved Reserved B ERR# Bus error
W3 Reserved Reserved A34# Additional AGTL+ address
X4 RESET# RESET# RESET2# X6 Reserved Reserved A32# Additional AGTL+ address
Y33 GND Reserved CLKREF 1.25V PLL reference
pin name
pin name
Pentium® III
pin name
Pentium® III
Processor reset (Celeron PPGA, Intel Pentium III 128K)
2.2.2 Layout Guidelines for Intel® Pentium® III Processors
The following layout guide supports designs using Intel Celeron processors and Intel® Pentium 66 MHz for the Intel The solution proposed in this segment requires the motherboard design to terminate the system bus AGTL+ sig na l s with a 56 Ω ±5% Rtt. The Intel
processor with the Intel 810A3 chipset. The solution covers system bus speeds of
Celeron processor and 100 MHz for the Intel® Pentium®
processor must also be configured
to 110Ω internal Rtt.
Note: 133 MHz system bus frequency is not supported on the Intel
810A3 chipset.
Initial Timing Analysis
Table 2-3 lists the AGTL+ component timings of the processors and 82810A3 GMCH defined at
the pins. These timings are for r eference only; obtain each processors specifications fr om its
respective processor Electrical, Mechanical, and Thermal Specification and appropriate
810A3 chipset component specification.
Table 2-3. Intel® Pentium® III Processor and GMCH AGTL+ Parameters for Example
IC Parameters
Clock to Output maximum (T Clock to Output minimum (T Setup time (T Hold time (T
) 1.20 2.72 2,3
) 1.0 0.10
Pentium® III
Processor Core at
100 MHz System Bus
100 MHz
System Bus
1. A ll times in nanoseconds.
Numbers in table are for reference only
appropriate component documentation for valid timing parameter values.
3. T
= 2.72 ns assumes the GMCH sees a minimum edge rate equal to 0.3 V/ns.
. These timing parameters are subject to change. Check the
Intel®810A3 Chipset Design Guide
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