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A-180186 EB Board Manual Parts List.............................................................................A-1
A-280186 EC Board Manual Parts List.............................................................................A-4
About This Manual
This manual describes how to set up and use the Intel 186 EB/EC Evaluation Board. The board
is used to evaluate hardware and software performance and provide an “emulation-like” feel
when executing and debugging user-written code. This board operates at either 3.3 volts or 5.0
volts. It supports the following processors:
• 80C186EB/80C188EB
• 80L186EB/80L188EB
• 80C186EC/80C188EC
• 80L186EC/80L188EC.
The 3.3 V, 16 MHz 80L186EB or 80L186EC proce ssor is instal led on th e evalua tion boa rd. This
manual covers both processors.
Chapter 1, About This Manual —This chapter contains an overview of this manual.
Chapter 2, Getting Start ed — This chapt er des cribe s the I ntel 186 EC/EB Evaluat ion Boa rd, and
provides setup instructions.
Chapter 3, Hardware Overview — This chapter describes the evaluation board hardware, such
as connectors, jumpers, memory configuration, and power supply.
Chapter 4, Introducti on to the Softwa re — This chapter provides an overview of the software
used on the evaluation board and the host computer.
Chapter 5, iECM-86 Commands — This chapter describes the iECM-86 software, which runs
on the host computer.
Chapter 6, iRISM-186 Commands — This chapter describes the iRISM-186 software, which
runs on the evaluation board.
Appendix A, Parts List — This chapter contains a part list for both the EB and EC versions of
the evaluation board.
The following notation conventions are used in this manual.
#Pound symbol (#) appended to a signal name indicates that the signal is
active low.
italicsItalics identify variables and indicate new terms.
This font is used for code examples. All characters are equal width; this is
useful for maintaining accurate character spacing.
UPPERCASEIn text, signal names are shown in uppercase. When several signals share a
common name, each signal is represented by the signal name followed by a
number; the group is represented by the signal name followed by a variable
(n). In code examples, signal names are shown in the case required by the
software development tool in use.
Designations fo r
hexadecimal a nd
binary numbers
Hexadecimal numbers are represented by a string of hex digits followed by
the letter H. A zero prefix is added to numbers that begin with A through F.
(FF is shown as 0FFH.) For binary numbers, the letter B may be appended
for clar ity.
Units of
milliamps, milliamperes
amps, amperes
Units listed are
frequently used;
other units and
symbols are used
as necessary.
Kbit, Kbyte
Mbit, Mbyte
KHz, MHz
kilobits, kilobytes
megabits, megabyte s
kilohertz, megahertz
You can order Intel product literature from the following Intel literature centers.
The following documents may be useful for designing applications using this evaluation board.
Document NameIntel Order #
80C186EB/80C188EB Microproces sor User’s Manual
80C186EC/80C 188EC Microprocessor User’s Manual
80C186EB/80C188EB and 80L186EB /80L188EB
80C186EC/80C188EC and 80L186EC/80L188EC
Flash Memory
AP484: Interfacing a Floppy D isk Drive to an 80C186EX Family Process or
AP730: Interfacing the 82C59A-2 to Intel186 Family Processors
AP731: Understanding the In terrupt Control Unit of the
80C186EC/8 0C188EC
80C186EC/80C188EC Hypertext Manual & Datasheet
ApBuilder Interactive Programmi ng Tool Software Pack age272216
ApBuilder and Hypertext
Application Notes
Intel’s FaxBack* service provides up-to-date technical information. Intel also offers a variety of
informatio n on the Worl d Wide Web. These systems are avai labl e 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
providing technical information whenever you need it.
1.4.1FaxBack Service
FaxBack is an on- demand publ ishi ng syst em that s ends docu ments to your fax machi ne. You can
get product announcements, change notifications, product literature, device characteristics,
design recommendations, and quality and reliability information.
This chapter des cribes t he Intel 18 6 EC/EB Eval uation Boar d kit, and provi des se tup instru ctions.
Figure 2-1 shows the 80x186 EB Evaluation Board layout, and Figure 2-2 shows the EC board
layout. Refer to these figu res wh en you are fo llow ing the inst ructio ns in this ch apt er for se tting
up your evaluation board.
• IBM* PC AT, XT or BIOS-compatible computer host system (interfaces via COM1 or
COM2 at 9600 baud).
• 5 V power supply (the connector housing and contact pins are included in the kit).
Evaluation BoardYour kit includes a board with either a 3.3 volt, 16 MHz
80L186EB or 80L186EC microprocessor installed. Separately
packaged components included with the board are 5 VDC versions of the microprocessor and SRAM for conversion to a
5 VDC evaluation platform.
Monitor ProgramThe Embedded Controller Monitor (ECM) program supports
basic software and hardware evaluation and basic debug facilities
(LOAD, GO, STEP, etc.) on the evaluation board. The ECM consists of two prog rams : RISM -186 ex ecutes in the ev aluat ion boa rd
and ECM-86 executes in an IBM PC or BIOS-compatible computer, called the host PC. These two programs communicate
through an asynchronous serial channel using a binary protocol
defined specifically for this application.
The source co de for the monitor soft ware is pro vid ed on a di sket te
included in your kit; this allows you to update the software for
various operating conditions in your target application.
Contents on DiskIn addition to Flash downloading software, a diskette provided in
the kit contains schematics, a pld file for the programmable logic
device used on the board, and a sample assembly file for working
the with L CD display. Compiler software is not included in the
Software Development
Flash Loading
Serial CableA serial cable is provided to connect the evaluation board to the
The kit provides a software development kit, which includes a
software debugger, locator, and sample code.
Users can download application programs to the on-board Flash
memory for execution. The Flash loading uti l it y is co nta in ed on a
diskette, and a separate manual, the CQI Flash Loader User’s Manual, provides instructions for using this utility.
host PC.
The schematics provided on the diskette are in the Adobe* Acrobat .pdf format. You can view
and print the schem atic s using the Acrobat Reader. The Reade r is availa bl e at no char ge from the
Intel World Wide Web site ( or from the Adobe site
This section tells you how to set up the board for use with a host PC. This section assumes you
won’t be using some of the advanced features of the board when you first power it up. For
additional options, such as selecting 80188 evaluation mode, refer to Chapter 3, “Hardware
1.Make sure you are in a static-free environment before removing any components from
their anti-static packaging. The evaluation board is susceptible to electro-static discharge
damage; such damage may cause product failure or unpredictable operation.
2.Inspect the contents of your kit. Make sure that all items are included. Check for damage
that may have oc cur re d during shipmen t. Cont act y our sales repres ent at iv e i f any items are
missing or damaged.
CAUTION:Many of the connectors on the evaluation board provide power through non-
standard pins. Connecting the wrong cable or reversing the cable can damage the
evaluation board and may damage the device being connected. Use extreme
caution when preparing to connect cables to this product.
3.Connect the power supply. The Intel 186 EC/EB Evaluation Board operates from a
5 VDC ± 10% power supply plugged into the J2 power connector (see Figures 2-1
and 2-2). This 5 volt signal is stepped down to 3.3 volts on the board. The connector
housing and contact pins provided in your kit match the power supply to the J2 connector.
To select 5 V, place a jumper on pins B and C of jumpe r E1. To select 3 V, place a jumper
on pins A and B of jumper E1. See Figures 2-1 and 2-2 for jumper locations.
All devices on the board operate at both 3.3 volts and 5.0 volts (except the LCD display,
which is hardwired to 5 volts). This option allows comparison of current consumption
when running code at either voltage. Separately packaged 5 V versions of the 80C186
processor and SRAM must be installed on the board for 5V operation.
4.Apply power to the host PC and the evaluation board.
When power is applied to the board, the message “i186 Ex 3V/5V EV” should appear
across the LCD display. This message indicates board initialization is complete. If the
message does not appear, press the reset button (S1).
Connect one end of the standard 9-pin AT-type serial connector to header P1 on the
evaluation board. Connect the other end to the COM1 port of the host computer. (You can
use COM2 if you need to, but you’ll have to specify COM2 when you run the Monitor
Software.) The PC and board communicate at 9600 baud.
After connection to the PC, the processor may appear to be held in the reset state. The
reason this occurs is that one of the host signals is used to reset the board. This signal may
be active prior to invoking the ECM86 host software on the PC. The PC and board
communicate at 9600 baud.
5.Insert the ECM-86 floppy disk provided with your kit in the floppy drive on the host PC.
You can run the ECM86 program directly from the diskette or copy the contents of the
diskette to your hard drive.
6.At the DOS prompt, change to the floppy disk drive (or to the directory to which you
copied the files in the previous step) and enter this command:
After a moment, the PC should display the ECM86 monitor screen.
Comple te information on using the monitor software is located in Chapters 4 and 5.
Hardware Overview
The evaluation board comes with a 16 MHz 80L186 EB or EC processor, 512 Kbytes of Flash
(containing the iRISM-186 monitor and a Flas h loa der utility in the boot blo ck) , and 256Kbytes
of SRAM. The expansion connector (JP1) supports up to 1 Mbyte of external memory and
64 K bytes of external I/O. Refer to Figures 2-1 and 2-2 for the exact locations of connectors,
jumpers and headers listed in this chapter.
The board utilizes the high peripheral integration of the 186 product family. The programmable
chip-selects support on-board memory, expansion memory, and the LCD interface. The
timer/counter unit controls timing for LCD display accesses. The serial control unit communicates with the hos t PC throug h the i ECM-86 softwa re and the Fl ash lo ader host softwa re. Fin ally,
the I/O port unit controls on-board power management functions (enable/disable serial drivers
and +12 volts).
Other on-chip peripherals are made available for hardware expansion via the JP1, JP2, and P2
connectors. The following sections describe in detail the specific devices used on the board.
B-C = 12 V program voltage
B-D = 5 V program voltage
A-B = Normal
B-C = Program boot block
A-B = 188 processor i nstalled
B-C = 186 processor in stalled
The core of the evaluation board is the 80x186 microprocessor. This processor operates at
3.3 volts up to 16 MHz in this board. Alternatively, the board can be configured to run at 5 volts
up to 33 MHz. To vary the CPU clock speed, an appropriate frequency value oscillator must be
installed at location U3 on the EC board and at location U5 on the EB board. The oscillator
operates at twice the frequency of the installed processor.
The 80x186 processor offers the following features:
• 16-bit data bus
• 1 Mbyte address space
• 2 on-chip UARTs
• 10 programmable chip-selects
• Interrupt control unit
• 3 programmable timer/counters
• Power management unit
• 32-bit watchdog timer (EC only)
• 4 DMA channels (EC only)
The 8-bit bus version of the processor (80C188/80L188) may also be used in this board. To
configure the board to operate with an 8-bit bus, jumper E5 must be in the A–B position. To
configure the board to operate with a 16-bit bus, jumper E5 must be in the B–C position. Many
of the proce ssor’ s on-c hip pe ripher als c an be a ccesse d usin g t he two e xpansi on conne cto rs on the
board (JP1 and JP2).
Because host communications use the on-chip serial ports, changing the
operating frequency of the board requires the processor serial ports to be
reconfigured. The RISM monitor source code is provided on a floppy diskette
in your kit and is commented to indicate current register values.
The 80x186 EC is packaged in a 100 lead PQFP and so cket and t he 80x186 EB is pac kaged in an
84 lead PLCC package and socket. Adaptors are available from Applied Microsystems Corp.*
and Emulation Technologies, Inc.* to allow for the connection of in-circuit emulators.
The memory on the evaluation board can be divided into three types: Flash, SRAM, and
expansion. Flash memory contains the Flash loader utility, located in the boot block boundary,
and the RISM monitor program, beginning at F800:0000. Users can execute their test code from
boot-up using the Flash loader utility. Refer to the CQI Flash Loader Reference Manual for
instructions on programming the Flash memory. SRAM memory is used for the processor
interrupt vector table , stack all ocati on, and RISM da ta vari able s, and as a poss ible de st inati on for
user-writ ten code down loaded on the host i nterf ace. Expan sion me mory can be ac cessed through
the expansion interface, if required.
Table 3-2 shows the log ic al memory map and Figure 3-1 s hows the phys ic al memory ma p of t he
evaluation board.
Table 3-2. Logical Memory Map
Memory AreaStart (H)Stop (H)Size
SRAM0000:00002000:0000128 Kbytes
Flash8000:0000F000:FFFF512 Kbytes
Flash Boot BlockFC00:0000F000:FFFF16 Kbytes
Expansion4000:00008000:000 0256 Kbytes
LCD (I/O)0000:04000000:044064 bytes
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