Advanc e Informa tion
General Description
The ICS82C404 is a fully programmable graphics clock generator. It can generate user specified clock frequencies using
an exter nally generated input reference or by a single crystal.
The output frequency is programmed by entering a 24-bit
digital word through t he seri al port .
Two fully user-programmable phase-locked loops are offered
in a single packa ge. One PLL is designed to drive the mem ory
clock, while the second drives the video clock. The outputs
may be changed on-the-fly to any desired frequency between
390 kHz and 120 MHz. The ICS82C404 is ideally suited for
any desi gn whe re mult iple or varyin g freq uenc ies are require d.
This part is ideal for graphics applications. It generates low
jitter, high speed pixel clocks. It can be used to replace
multiple, expensive high speed crystal oscillators. The flexibility of the device allows it to generate non-standard graphics clock s .
The le ader in the ar ea of multip le clock ou tput clocks on a
single chip, ICS has been shipping graphics frequency generators since October, 1990, and is constantly improving the
phase-locked loop. The ICS82C404 incorporates a patented
fourth generation PLL that offers the best jitter performance
avai labl e.
•• Pin-for-pin and function compatible with ICD’s version
of the 82C404
•• Dual programmable graphics clo ck generator
•• Memo ry and v ideo cloc ks are i ndivid uall y progra mm able
“on- the-f ly”
•• Ideal for designs where multiple or varying frequencies
are required
•• Increased frequency resolution from optional pre-divide-
by-2 on the M cou n te r
•• Output enable feature available for tristating outputs
•• Independent clock outputs range from 390 kHz to
120 MHz
•• Operation up to 140 MHz available
•• Power-down capabilit ies
•• Low-power , high speed 0.8 µ CMOS technology
•• Glitch-free transitions
•• Available in 16-pin PDIP or SOIC packa ge
Dual P rogram mable Graphi cs Freq uency Genera tor
Block Diagram