HP Officejet Pro 9020 User manual

Quick reference guide
HP Smart app
Productivity, creativity, and learning at your fingertips
Get the freedom to work anywhere with the HP Smart app—best-in-class mobile print app. and send a secure mobile fax from your phone, and save time with customisable shortcuts. Plus, with HP Instant Ink, your printer automatically orders ink before you run out.
Send documents and
from anywhere
Send a secure mobile fax
from your smartphone,
tablet, or PC
Customise photos
with easy-to-use
editing tools
Print, scan, copy,
Keep learning and
playing with printable
scanning from your
Organise documents 50%
faster with Smart Tasks—
the first mobile print app that
automates scanning tasks
Save money and never run
out of ink with Instant Ink—
HP’s ink delivery service
Fast setup from your
mobile or PC—
no cables or CD
HP Smar t app quick reference guide
HP Smart app feature highlights
Printer name
Notifications bell
Printer carousel
Monitor your printer’s connection status and supply levels.
Supplies ordering
Order cartridges or sign up with HP Instant Ink, HP’s ink delivery service that can save you up to 70% on ink.
Print Photos
Print and edit photos from Google Drive, Google Photos, Dropbox, and more.
Create Photo Books
Create photo books and more with Chatbooks.
Use of Chatbooks is governed by
their terms of service and policies.
Add printer
Printer Status
(greyed out printer when not connected)
Ink levels
Smart Tasks
Create customisable shortcuts to scan, print, share, and email—all with a single tap.
Mobile Fax
Save time by sending a secure mobile fax from your smartphone, tablet, or PC.
Camera Scan
Scan it, share it, print it, save it—all with your smartphone.
Personalise Tiles
Select the tiles you want displayed.
Task b ar
Quickly select Home, Scan, View & Print, and Settings.
Available for PC in the Microsoft store.
Learn more at hp.com/go/smartapp
Share with colleagues
1. Requi res the HP Sm art app dow nload. Fo r details o n local pri nting req uiremen ts, see hp.c om/go/mob ileprint ing. Cer tain featu res/soft ware are a vailabl e in Englis h languag e only. Inter net access r equired a nd must b e purchas ed separat ely.
2. Comp ared to maj ority of OE M mobile pr inting ap ps for inkj et and lase r printer s and all-i n-ones f or home and h ome offi ce, priced l ess than or e qual to €429.9 9. Market sh are as repor ted by IDC C YQ2 2018 Hard copy Perip herals Tra cker. Claim b ased on lab te sting an d research o f printer m anufact urers’ mo bile prin t apps and Ke ypoint In telligen ce – Buyers L ab study c ommissio ned by HP. See Sep tember 2018 report at keypointintelligence.com/HPSmartApp.
3. Base d on intern al HP testi ng. Averag e timing e stimate ba sed on: (a) do wnloade d HP Smart a pp on mobile d evice, (b) s etting up S mart Tasks s hortcut , (c) scann ing jobs wh ich have mo re than two t o three tas ks asso ciated wit h them (sca n to email, s ave and ren ame, store t o cloud, etc .). Averag e timing sa vings com parison b ased on usi ng printe r and deskt op scan sof tware to co mplete sim ilar scan ning task s. Requi res the HP S mart app d ownload an d suppor ted HP prin ter. For detai ls on local p rinting r equirem ents, see h p.com/go/m obilepri nting.
4. Bas ed on HP Inst ant Ink ser vice 300 pa ge plan (s avings fo r other pla ns will be low er). Based o n use of all pag es in plan w ithout pu rchase of ad ditiona l sets of pag es compar ed to cost per page (C PP) to print I SO/IEC 24711 pages o n market ma jority of c olour ink jet printe rs less tha n €200 usi ng origin al standa rd capaci ty cartr idges as re ported by I DC in Q1 2018. For f urther deta ils, plea se refer to hp. com/go/UK compare. A ll prices i nclude VAT. ISO yi eld based o n continu ous printi ng in defa ult mode. Fo r more infor mation on I SO standa rds, plea se refer to hp.com/go/pageyield.
© Copy right 2020 HP D evelopm ent Compa ny, L.P. The info rmation co ntained h erein is su bject to ch ange with out notice . Google, Go ogle Driv e, and Goog le Photos ar e tradema rks of Goo gle Inc.
4AA7-58 65EEE, Ma rch 2020, Rev. 2