HP LaserJet M3027, M3035, M5025
and M5035 MFP Series – Manual
Power Cycle Required to Complete the
Security Level: Public
Date Written/Updated: 10/03/2007
Document Summary
D Document identifies a condition with the release of firmware version 20070628 48.041.3 and
20071002 48.041.4 in which a manual power cycle is required to complete the firmware
Issue Description:
A manual power cycle is required when an update is performed with the following
versions of firmware:
LJ M3027/35 MFP Date code: 20070628 48.041.3
LJ M5025/35 MFP Date code: 20071002 48.041.4
The MFP will require that someone physically turn the power of the device “OFF” and
“ON” using the power switch. This power cycle is required to complete an update to a
component of the device which cannot initiate a power cycle on its own.
A message will be displayed on the HP Easy Select Control panel indicating that the
power cycle is required (See Figure # 1). In addition, a “Hide” button will also be
available on the screen which will allow a user to hide the screen to make a copy,
perform a digital send or send a fax but it will not finish the update until the power
cycle has been performed. It is important to realize that because the device has not
completed its update there may be some circumstances where not all features may work
as expected.
Figure #1
Firmware Update Process
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No methods that are available to remotely power cycle the device will work. Only
turning the power switch “off” and back “on” will finish the update process.
It is important to note that the device will still receive faxes and in most cases, a user will
be able to send a fax, digital send, copy and print while in this state. The update
process will not be complete until the power switch has been turned “off” and “on” and
the MFP comes to a READY state. This means that certain issues and behavior changes
addressed by this update will not be available until the update is complete. Hewlett
Packard highly recommends not leaving the device in this state and power cycling to
assure correct product behavior.
Solution or Workaround:
Turn the power of the device “OFF” and then back “ON” using the power switch.
The power switch on the LJ M5025/35 MFP is found on the lower left hand side of the
device as you face it from the front.
The power switch on the LJ M3027/35 MFP is found on the front of the MFP on the
right side next to tray 2.
Background Information:
Hewlett Packard is aware of this non-standard procedure and will be making changes
so that a remote power cycle can be used in the future if this component is updated in a
future firmware roll.
Document Attributes
Product Models: HP LaserJet M3035mfp Base, HP LaserJet M3035mfp XS, HP LaserJet M3027mfp, HP LaserJet
M3027mfp X, HP LaserJet M5035 MFP, HP LaserJet M5035 MFP X, HP LaserJet M5035 MFP XS, HP LaserJet
M5025 MFP
Product Numbers: CB414A, CB415A, CB416A, CB417A, Q7829A, Q7830A, Q7831A, Q7840A
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