HP LaserJet M1120, LaserJet M1120n Reference Guide

HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series
Software Technical Reference
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series
Software Technical Reference
Copyright and license
Trademark credits
©2008 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Reproduction, adaptation or translation without prior written permission is prohibited, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.
The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.
Edition 1, 1/2008
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Table of contents
1 Purpose and scope
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 1
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP ..................................................................................................................... 3
Printing-system software ...................................................................................................................... 4
MS Windows system requirements ..................................................................................... 4
Operating-system support .................................................................................................. 4
Full software installation ...................................................................................... 4
Standalone drivers .............................................................................................. 5
Driver support in other operating systems .......................................................... 5
Availability ........................................................................................................................... 5
Software on the Web ........................................................................................... 5
In-box software CD ............................................................................................. 5
Windows partition ............................................................................... 6
CD versions ........................................................................................ 8
Documentation availability and localization ........................................................................................ 11
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series User Guide .................................................................... 12
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes ........................................................ 13
2 Software description
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Windows printing-system software ..................................................................................................... 16
Software and installer ........................................................................................................ 16
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD for MS Windows systems ....... 16
Installer features ................................................................................................ 17
HP LaserJet host-based print driver .................................................................................. 18
Print-driver version numbers for MS Windows operating systems .................... 18
HP Embedded Web Server (HP LaserJet M1120n MFP only) ........................................................... 19
Information ......................................................................................................................... 19
Device Status .................................................................................................... 19
Device Configuration ......................................................................................... 20
Supplies Status ................................................................................................. 21
Network Summary ............................................................................................. 21
Settings .............................................................................................................................. 21
Networking ......................................................................................................................... 21
ENWW iii
IPv4 Configuration ............................................................................................. 22
IPv6 Configuration ............................................................................................. 23
Advanced .......................................................................................................... 23
Bonjour .............................................................................................................. 24
Password .......................................................................................................... 24
SNMP ................................................................................................................ 25
Network Summary ............................................................................................. 25
HP Extended Capabilities ................................................................................................................... 27
HP Status Application ......................................................................................................................... 28
Scanning software .............................................................................................................................. 29
Scanning methods ............................................................................................................. 29
HP LaserJet Scan software ............................................................................................... 29
E-mail ................................................................................................................ 31
Scan drivers ....................................................................................................................... 32
TWAIN driver ..................................................................................................... 32
TWAIN compatibility ......................................................................... 32
TWAIN scanning does not work with some programs ...................... 32
Additional information about TWAIN ................................................ 32
TWAIN driver user interface (MS Windows) ..................................... 33
WIA driver ......................................................................................................... 40
Optional software ............................................................................................................................... 49
Text-recognition software .................................................................................................. 49
About text-recognition reliability ........................................................................ 49
Readiris text-recognition software ..................................................................................... 49
3 Install MS Windows software components
Installation overview .......................................................................................................................... 52
Installation options .............................................................................................................................. 53
Microsoft Windows installation for direct connections ....................................................... 53
Microsoft Windows installation for computers on a network .............................................. 53
Set up Microsoft Windows Sharing (peer-to-peer networking) .......................................... 54
Set up the MS Windows 2000 host computer ................................................... 54
Set up the MS Windows Server 2003 or MS Windows XP host computer ....... 55
Set up the client computers ............................................................................... 55
Detailed MS Windows installation instructions ................................................................................... 57
User uninstall ...................................................................................................................................... 79
Uninstall methods .............................................................................................................. 79
Uninstall instructions for MS Windows operating systems ................................ 79
Add or repair software using the installation CD ................................................................ 81
4 Host-based driver features for MS Windows
Introduction to host-based printing ..................................................................................................... 84
Access to the driver ............................................................................................................................ 85
Printing Preferences tab set .............................................................................................. 85
Properties tab set ............................................................................................................... 85
Help system ........................................................................................................................................ 86
What's this? Help ............................................................................................................... 86
Context-sensitive Help ....................................................................................................... 86
Paper Type Warning .......................................................................................................... 86
Driver tabs .......................................................................................................................................... 87
Printing Preferences tab set .............................................................................................. 87
Advanced tab features ...................................................................................... 87
Paper/Output .................................................................................... 88
Printer Features ................................................................................ 88
Paper/Quality tab features ................................................................................ 89
Print Task Quick Sets ....................................................................... 89
Paper Options ................................................................................... 91
Use Different Paper/Covers options ................................................. 94
Document preview image ................................................................. 96
Print Quality ...................................................................................... 97
Effects tab features ........................................................................................... 97
Print Task Quick Sets ....................................................................... 98
Resizing Options .............................................................................. 98
Document preview image ................................................................. 99
Watermarks .................................................................................... 100
Finishing tab features ...................................................................................... 103
Print Task Quick Sets ..................................................................... 103
Document Options .......................................................................... 103
Document preview image ............................................................... 107
Orientation ...................................................................................... 108
Services tab features ...................................................................................... 109
Properties tab set ............................................................................................................. 109
Device Settings tab features ........................................................................... 110
Jam Recovery ................................................................................. 110
Print density .................................................................................... 110
Status Message .............................................................................. 110
Courier Font Type ........................................................................... 111
Allow Manual Duplexing ................................................................. 111
About tab features ........................................................................................... 111
Driver Files: .................................................................................... 111
Configuration Status: ...................................................................... 111
5 Macintosh software and utilities
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 113
Macintosh printing-system software ................................................................................................. 114
Additional software .......................................................................................................... 114
System requirements ....................................................................................................... 114
Availability ........................................................................................................................ 114
Software on the Web ....................................................................................... 115
Macintosh software ......................................................................... 115
Software component availability ..................................................... 115
In-box printing-system software CDs .............................................................. 115
Macintosh partition ......................................................................... 115
CD versions .................................................................................... 115
Macintosh install and uninstall instructions ...................................................................................... 117
Macintosh component descriptions ................................................................................. 117
PDEs ............................................................................................................... 117
Install notes ..................................................................................................... 117
Online help ...................................................................................................... 117
Screen fonts .................................................................................................... 117
Install the Macintosh software ......................................................................................... 118
General installation for Macintosh operating systems ..................................... 118
Installation dialog-box options for Macintosh .................................................. 118
Device setup ................................................................................................... 121
Uninstall ........................................................................................................................... 122
Uninstall the Macintosh software .................................................................... 122
Macintosh remote firmware updates ................................................................................................ 123
Remote firmware update by using the HP Printer Utility .................................................. 123
TWAIN driver user interface (Macintosh) ......................................................................................... 124
6 Engineering Details
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 127
Media attributes ................................................................................................................................ 128
Media sources and destinations ...................................................................................... 128
Driver-supported paper sizes ........................................................................................... 128
Driver-supported paper types .......................................................................................... 130
Custom paper sizes ......................................................................................................... 131
Remote firmware updates ............................................................................................................... 132
Print a configuration page ............................................................................................... 132
Downloading the new firmware from the HP Web site .................................................... 132
Download new firmware to the device ............................................................................. 132
Device messages during the firmware update ................................................................ 133
Index ................................................................................................................................................................. 135
List of tables
Table 1-1 Software technical reference overview .............................................................................................. 1
Table 1-2 Features of the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series .............................................................................. 3
Table 1-3 AR – FR ............................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 1-4 HE – PL .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Table 1-5 PT – ZHTW ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 1-6 Documentation availability ............................................................................................................... 11
Table 2-1 Supported e-mail programs .............................................................................................................. 32
Table 4-1 Standard paper types and engine speed ......................................................................................... 93
Table 4-2 Page orientation ............................................................................................................................. 105
Table 5-1 Adding a printer in Macintosh operating systems .......................................................................... 118
Table 6-1 HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series paper sources and destination .................................................. 128
Table 6-2 Supported paper sizes and attributes ............................................................................................ 128
Table 6-3 Supported input paper types .......................................................................................................... 130
Table 6-4 Custom paper sizes ...................................................................................................................... 131
Table 6-5 Troubleshooting a firmware update .............................................................................................. 133
Table 6-6 Troubleshooting a firmware update failure .................................................................................... 133
Table 6-7 Update messages .......................................................................................................................... 134
ENWW vii
viii ENWW
List of figures
Figure 1-1 Installation software CD documentation and support screen ......................................................... 11
Figure 2-1 Installation software CD browser ................................................................................................... 17
Figure 2-2 HP EWS – Device Status page ....................................................................................................... 19
Figure 2-3 HP EWS – Device Configuration page ........................................................................................... 20
Figure 2-4 HP EWS – Supplies Status page .................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-5 HP EWS – Settings tab ................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2-6 HP EWS – IP v4 Configuration page .............................................................................................. 22
Figure 2-7 HP EWS – IP v6 Configuration page .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 2-8 HP EWS – Advanced page ............................................................................................................. 23
Figure 2-9 HP EWS – Bonjour page ................................................................................................................ 24
Figure 2-10 HP EWS – Password page ........................................................................................................... 24
Figure 2-11 HP EWS – SNMP page ................................................................................................................ 25
Figure 2-12 HP EWS – Network Summary page ............................................................................................. 26
Figure 2-13 HP Extended Capabilities screen ................................................................................................. 27
Figure 2-14 Sample pop-up error status message ........................................................................................... 28
Figure 2-15 hp LaserJet Scan dialog box ........................................................................................................ 30
Figure 2-16 Scan Settings dialog box .............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 2-17 TWAIN driver user interface (MS Windows) ................................................................................. 33
Figure 2-18 TWAIN driver user interface – Resize ........................................................................................... 35
Figure 2-19 TWAIN driver user interface – Resolution ..................................................................................... 36
Figure 2-20 TWAIN driver user interface – Lighten/Darken ............................................................................. 37
Figure 2-21 TWAIN driver user interface – Sharpen ........................................................................................ 38
Figure 2-22 TWAIN driver user interface – Color Adjustment .......................................................................... 39
Figure 2-23 TWAIN driver user interface – B/W Threshold .............................................................................. 40
Figure 2-24 Welcome to the Scanner and Camera Wizard dialog box ............................................................ 41
Figure 2-25 Choose Scanning Preferences dialog box .................................................................................... 42
Figure 2-26 Picture Name and Destination dialog box ..................................................................................... 43
Figure 2-27 Scanning Picture dialog box ......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 2-28 Other Options dialog box .............................................................................................................. 45
Figure 2-29 Completing the Scanner and Camera Wizard dialog box ............................................................. 46
Figure 2-30 Select Device dialog box ............................................................................................................... 47
Figure 2-31 Scan using (device name) dialog box ........................................................................................... 47
Figure 2-32 Downloading picture dialog box .................................................................................................... 48
Figure 3-1 Step 1 - CD Browser window .......................................................................................................... 57
Figure 3-2 Step 2 - Choose Easy Install or Advanced Install dialog box ......................................................... 58
Figure 3-3 Step 3 - Please Allow All HP Install Wizard Processes dialog box ................................................. 59
Figure 3-4 Step 4 - Installing dialog box ........................................................................................................... 60
Figure 3-5 Step 5 - License Agreement dialog box .......................................................................................... 61
Figure 3-6 Step 6 - HP Privacy Policy dialog box ............................................................................................. 62
Figure 3-7 Step 7 - HP Extended Capabilities dialog box ................................................................................ 63
Figure 3-8 Step 8 - Select Printer dialog box ................................................................................................... 64
Figure 3-9 Step 9 - Printer Connections dialog box ......................................................................................... 65
Figure 3-10 Step 10 - Connect your device now - disconnected dialog box .................................................... 66
Figure 3-11 Step 10 - Connect your device now - connected dialog box ......................................................... 67
Figure 3-12 Step 11 - Identify Printer dialog box .............................................................................................. 68
Figure 3-13 Step 12 - Searching dialog box ..................................................................................................... 69
Figure 3-14 Step 13 - Printer Not Found dialog box ........................................................................................ 70
Figure 3-15 Step 14 - Check Printer Connection dialog box ............................................................................ 71
Figure 3-16 Step 15 - Specify Printer dialog box ............................................................................................. 72
Figure 3-17 Configuration Page ....................................................................................................................... 73
Figure 3-18 Step 16 - Printer Found dialog box ............................................................................................... 74
Figure 3-19 Step 17 - Confirm Network Settings dialog box ............................................................................ 75
Figure 3-20 Step 18 - Confirm Changing Settings dialog box .......................................................................... 76
Figure 3-21 Step 19 - Change TCP/IP Settings dialog box .............................................................................. 77
Figure 3-22 Step 20 - Congratulations! Software installation is complete. dialog box ..................................... 78
Figure 3-23 Step 21 - User cancelled installation dialog box ........................................................................... 78
Figure 3-24 The Are you sure you want to uninstall this product? dialog box .................................................. 79
Figure 3-25 Uninstalling dialog box .................................................................................................................. 80
Figure 3-26 Please reboot your computer dialog box ...................................................................................... 80
Figure 3-27 CD Browser - Main screen ............................................................................................................ 81
Figure 3-28 Please select from the following dialog box .................................................................................. 82
Figure 4-1 HP LaserJet M1120 MFP host-based driver overview ................................................................... 84
Figure 4-2 A typical paper type warning ........................................................................................................... 86
Figure 4-3 Advanced tab ................................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 4-4 Paper/Quality tab ........................................................................................................................... 89
Figure 4-5 Paper Options group box .............................................................................................................. 91
Figure 4-6 Custom Paper Size dialog box ........................................................................................................ 92
Figure 4-7 Front Cover setting ........................................................................................................................ 95
Figure 4-8 First Page, Other Pages, and Last Page options .......................................................................... 96
Figure 4-9 Effects tab ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 4-10 Preview images - Legal on Letter; Scale to Fit off (left) and on (right) ........................................ 99
Figure 4-11 Watermark Details .................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 4-12 Finishing tab ............................................................................................................................... 103
Figure 4-13 Print on Both Sides Instructions .................................................................................................. 104
Figure 4-14 Page-order preview images ....................................................................................................... 107
Figure 4-15 Services tab ............................................................................................................................... 109
Figure 4-16 Device Settings tab ..................................................................................................................... 110
Figure 4-17 About tab ..................................................................................................................................... 111
Figure 5-1 Step 1 - Insert the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD ................................................ 118
Figure 5-2 Step 2 - Run the printing-system software CD .............................................................................. 119
Figure 5-3 Step 3 - Main CD screen ............................................................................................................... 119
Figure 5-4 Step 4 - Authenticate .................................................................................................................... 120
Figure 5-5 Step 5 - License agreement, screen 1 ......................................................................................... 120
Figure 5-6 Step 6 - Software License Agreement, screen 2 .......................................................................... 121
Figure 5-7 Step 7 - Install files ........................................................................................................................ 121
Figure 5-8 Printer List screen ......................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 5-9 The configuration is not supported. screen (Macintosh) ............................................................... 124
Figure 5-10 Image Capture Devices screen (Macintosh) ............................................................................... 124
Figure 5-11 HP LaserJet M1120 MFP preview image settings screen (Macintosh) ...................................... 125
Figure 5-12 HP Scan Settings screen (Macintosh) ........................................................................................ 125
xii ENWW
1 Purpose and scope


This software technical reference (STR) provides information about and troubleshooting tips for the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software.
This STR is prepared in an electronic format to serve as a quick-reference tool for Customer Care Center (CCC) agents, support engineers, system administrators, management information systems (MIS) personnel, andHP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series end users, as appropriate.
The following information is included in this STR:
Descriptions of print drivers, operating system support, and system modifications
Procedures for installing and uninstalling software components

Purpose and scope

Descriptions of various HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series topics, including engineering details
The following table describes the structure of this STR.
Table 1-1 Software technical reference overview
Chapter Content
Chapter 1, Purpose and scope This chapter contains basic information about the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series
Chapter 2, Software description This chapter provides an overview of the printing-system software installer and
and theHP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software:
Overview of the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series
Printing-system software overview, including the following topics:
System requirements
Operating-system support
HP LaserJet software documentation
print drivers.
This chapter also contains general information about other software features, including the following topics:
HP LaserJet Scan software program and driver
Readiris Professional text-recognition
Chapter 3, Install Microsoft® (MS) Windows® printing-system components
This chapter provides instructions for installing the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series in MS Windows operating systems.
ENWW Introduction 1
Purpose and scope
Table 1-1 Software technical reference overview (continued)
Chapter Content
Chapter 4, Host-based driver features for MS Windows
Chapter 5, Installation for Macintosh operating systems
Chapter 6, Engineering details This chapter contains information about the following special topics:
This chapter provides detailed descriptions of the host-based driver features for MS Windows.
This chapter provides instructions for installing the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series in Macintosh operating systems and using Macintosh features.
Media attributes
Remote firmware update
For information about the location of information within chapters, see the table of contents. An index is provided in this STR.
Additional detailed information about the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software is published in an addendum to this STR. The following information is available only in the addendum:
Lists of installed files
System-modification information, such as changes to the registry and registry keys
Descriptions of known software issues and solutions
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP
Printing-system software
Documentation availability and localization
2 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW

HP LaserJet M1120 MFP

The following table describes the features of the device.
Table 1-2 Features of the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series
Feature HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series
HP Product Numbers
Paper handling
CB537A (HP LaserJet M1120 MFP)
CC459A (HP LaserJet M1120n MFP)
32 megabytes (MB) of random-access memory (RAM)
Prints letter-size pages at speeds up to 20 pages per minute (ppm)
and A4-size pages at speeds up to 19 ppm.
First page out in less than 7 seconds
A 2.0 hi-speed universal serial bus (USB) port
HP LaserJet M1120n MFP includes a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet network
HP LaserJet M1120n MFP supports IPv4 and IPv6 network protocols
Priority input tray holds up to 10 sheets of paper or 1 envelope
Tray 1 holds up to 250 sheets of paper or 10 envelopes
Output bin holds up to 100 sheets of paper
Prints at 600 dots per inch (dpi) and FastRes 1200 dpi
Includes adjustable settings to optimize print quality
Manual two-sided (duplex) printing
Copies at 300 dpi
Purpose and scope
Printer driver features
Economical printing
Manual two-sided (duplex) copying
Flatbed scanner
HP LaserJet Scan software and driver
Provides 1200 pixels per inch (ppi) full-color scanning
Readiris optical character recognition (OCR)
NOTE: The OCR software is not installed with the HP LaserJet
M1120 MFP Series software. The OCR software is included on a separate CD and requires a separate installation.
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series host-based driver
FastRes 1200 produces 1200 dpi print quality for fast, high-quality
printing of business text and graphics
Provides N-up printing (printing more than one page on a sheet)
Provides an EconoMode setting, which uses less toner
Uses a no-shake print cartridge
The product ships with a 1,000-page (average yield) starter cartridge.
The average yield for replacement cartridges is 2,000 pages.
ENWW HP LaserJet M1120 MFP 3
Purpose and scope

Printing-system software


MS Windows system requirements

Operating-system support

MS Windows system requirements
Pentium® II or compatible processor
233-MHz processor with 64 MB RAM
35 MB of disk space
Minimum 16-color/grayscale display with 800 x 600 pixel resolution super video graphics array
Onboard USB port
CD-ROM drive or Internet connection
Operating-system support
MS Windows operating systems provide full-featured support for the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series. Operating systems that are not described in this document provide varying levels of functionality.
NOTE: Throughout this document, MS Windows XP is used to denote MS Windows XP Home Edition,
and MS Windows XP Professional, unless noted otherwise.
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software does not support MS Windows 3.1x, MS Windows NT®
4.0, MS Windows 95, MS Windows 98, MS Windows Millennium Edition (Me), or MS Windows Server
For more information about the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series, go to the following Web site:
Full software installation
Standalone drivers
Driver support in other operating systems
Full software installation
The following operating systems support the full software installation for the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series:
MS Windows Vista (32-bit)
MS Windows Server 2003 (32-bit)
4 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW
MS Windows XP (32-bit)
MS Windows 2000
Standalone drivers
The following operating systems support the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series print and scan drivers:
MS Windows Vista (64-bit)
MS Windows Server 2003 (64-bit)
MS Windows XP (64-bit)
Driver support in other operating systems
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series print and scan drivers are also supported in the following operating system:
Mac OS X V10.3 and later
NOTE: For Mac OS V10.4 and later, PPC and Intel Core Processor Macs are supported.


Download the software from the Web, or order it on a CD from HP fulfillment centers.
Purpose and scope
NOTE: This STR describes drivers that are shipped with the printing-system software CD. This STR
does not describe any drivers that might be released by support personnel.
Software on the Web
In-box software CD
Software on the Web
All software that is contained on the installation CD is also available on the Web.
Web deployment is the preferred method for obtaining the latest software. The HP Web site offers an option for automatic e-mail notification of new software releases.
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software is available for download at the following Web site:
In-box software CD
The software CD for the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series contains a variety of files for installing the software on the computer.
NOTE: The Readiris software uses a separate installer that comes on a separate CD.
ENWW Printing-system software 5
Purpose and scope
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD is divided into two partitions, one for each of the following operating systems:
MS Windows
The files in each partition include documentation files and files that are required in order to install and uninstall the software components.
Windows partition
CD versions
Windows partition
The root directory in the MS Windows partition of the software CD contains the HPSETUP.EXE file, the SETUP.EXE file, and the following directories and support files:
6 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW
Screen Fonts
Purpose and scope
The software files and help documentation for each language reside in the following subdirectories:
Digital Imaging
To view the files, insert the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD into the CD-ROM drive, right­click Start, click Explore, and then select the CD-ROM drive.
ENWW Printing-system software 7
Purpose and scope
CD versions
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD is available in a single version (Part No. CB537-60120) that contains software in these languages:
AR = Arabic
BG = Bulgarian
CA = Catalan
CS = Czech (Cestina)
DA = Danish (Dansk)
DE = German (Deutsch)
EL = Greek
EN = English
ES = Spanish (Español)
ET = Estonian (Eesti)
FI = Finnish (Suomi)
FR = French (Français)
HE = Hebrew
HR = Croatian (Hrvatski)
HU = Hungarian (Magyar)
ID = Indonesian
IT = Italian (Italiano)
KK = Kazakh
KO = Korean
LT = Lithuanian (Lietuviskai)
LV = Latvian (Latviski)
NL = Dutch (Nederland)
NO = Norwegian (Norsk)
PL = Polish (Polski)
PT = Brazilian Portuguese (Português)
RO = Romanian
RU = Russian
SK = Slovak
SL = Slovenian
8 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW
SV = Swedish (Svenska)
TH = Thai
TR = Turkish (Turkçe)
UK = Ukrainian
VI = Vietnamese
ZHCN = Simplified Chinese
ZHTW = Traditional Chinese
The following tables list the software components that are supported in each language.
Table 1-3 AR – FR
Purpose and scope
HP LaserJet M1120 host-based driver
Common MS Windows Installer
Add Printer Wizard Installer
CD Browser x x x x x x x
HP LaserJet Scan x x x x x x x
Fonts x x x x x x x x
HP Web Registration x x x x x x x
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.PDF file)
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.CHM file)
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x xx xxxx x
Table 1-4 HE – PL
HP LaserJet M1120 host-based driver
Common MS Windows Installer
Add Printer Wizard Installer
CD Browser x x x x x x
HP LaserJet Scan x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
ENWW Printing-system software 9
Purpose and scope
Table 1-4 HE – PL (continued)
Fonts x x x x x
HP Web Registration x x x x x x
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.PDF file)
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.CHM file)
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
Table 1-5 PT – ZHTW
HP LaserJet M1120 host-based driver
Common MS Windows Installer
Add Printer Wizard Installer
CD Browser x x x x x x
HP LaserJet Scan x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x
Fonts x x x x
HP Web Registration x x x x x x
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.PDF file)
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.CHM file)
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x
10 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW

Documentation availability and localization

On the main screen of the printing-system software CD browser, click Help to open the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series documentation and support screen.
Figure 1-1 Installation software CD documentation and support screen
Purpose and scope
The following table listsHP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series documents that are available for each operating system.
Table 1-6 Documentation availability
Document MS Windows Vista
MS Windows Server 2003
MS Windows XP
MS Windows 2000
Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes x x
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.PDF file) x x
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP User Guide (.CHM file) x
ENWW Documentation availability and localization 11
Purpose and scope
Access to HP LaserJet documents depends on the type of document and its location:
Some documents can be opened from the CD Browser.
Some documents appear on the software CD and can be opened by navigating to the folder where
they reside.
Some documents are available on the Web through links in the CD Browser or CD folders.
Documents are available in the following file formats:
Portable Document Format (.PDF). The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD includes
Adobe® Acrobat® Reader for viewing online documentation.
Compiled HTML (.CHM). When you click a documentation link to a .CHM document, a Microsoft
HTML Viewer opens the file on the computer screen.
Hypertext Markup (.HTM). When you click a documentation link to an .HTM document, a Web
browser opens the file on the computer screen.
The following documents are available:

HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series User Guide

Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series User Guide
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series User Guide describes the basic device features.
To view this guide from the software CD, follow these steps:
1. In the main screen of the CD browser, click Help.
2. Click Users Guide.
The guide opens as an MS Windows Help file (.CHM file). This readable, onscreen version of the guide is provided in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
You can also gain access to the file by following these steps:
1. Insert the software CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Navigate to the <language>\Manuals folder.
3. Open HP1120UG.CHM.
The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series User Guide is provided as a printable .PDF file. To print the guide, follow these steps:
1. Insert the software CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Navigate to the <language>\Manuals folder.
3. Open HP1120UG.PDF.
When the file is open, click File and then click Save As to save a copy of the file to another location.
12 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW

Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes

The Hewlett-Packard LaserJet M1120 MFP Install Notes (in .HTM format) contains important information about device features, instructions for installing the printing-system software, and technical assistance.
To view this guide from the software CD, follow these steps:
1. In the main screen of the CD browser, click Help.
2. Click Install Notes.
You can also gain access to the file by following these steps:
1. Insert the software CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. Navigate to the <language>\Manuals folder.
Purpose and scope
ENWW Documentation availability and localization 13
Purpose and scope
14 Chapter 1 Purpose and scope ENWW
2 Software description


The HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series comes with software and installers for MS Windows and Apple Computer, Inc., Macintosh systems. For information about specific system installers, drivers, and components, see the section that corresponds to that operating system.
NOTE: The HP Toolbox is not available on the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series.
Windows printing-system software
HP Embedded Web Server (HP LaserJet M1120n MFP only)
HP Extended Capabilities
HP Status Application
Scanning software
Optional software

Software description

ENWW Introduction 15

Windows printing-system software


Software and installer

HP LaserJet host-based print driver
Software and installer
Software description
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD for MS Windows systems
Installer features
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD for MS Windows systems
In the MS Windows Vista, MS Windows Server 2003, MS Windows XP, and MS Windows 2000 operating systems, insert the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series software CD into the CD-ROM drive to open an interactive CD browser. Use the CD browser to install the print driver and related components, and to gain access to online user documentation.
NOTE: Readiris Professional V11.0 text-recognition software by IRIS is also included with the
HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series products. This software is included on a separate CD and uses a separate installer.
The following figure shows the main screen of the HP LaserJet M1120 MFP Series printing-system software CD. If the screen does not appear when you insert the software CD into the CD-ROM drive, follow these steps to open the CD browser:
1. Click Start.
2. Click Run.
3. Click Browse…, and navigate to the root directory of the software CD.
4. Double-click the SETUP.EXE file to start the installer.
16 Chapter 2 Software description ENWW
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