Garmin GPSMAP 4000 series, GPSMAP 45000 series, GPSMAP 4008, GPSMAP 4012, GPSMAP 5008 Owner's Manual

GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series
owner’s manual
© 2007 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries
Garmin International, Inc. 1200 East 151st Street, Olathe, Kansas 66062, USA Tel.(913) 397.8200 or (800) 800.1020 Fax (913) 397.8282
All rights reserved. Except as expressly provided herein, no part of this manual may be reproduced, copied, transmitted, disseminated, downloaded or stored in any storage medium, for any purpose without the express prior written consent of Garmin. Garmin hereby grants permission to download a single copy of this manual onto a hard drive or other electronic storage medium to be viewed and to print one copy of this manual or of any revision hereto, provided that such electronic or printed copy of this manual must contain the complete text of this copyright notice and provided further that any unauthorized commercial distribution of this manual or any revision hereto is strictly prohibited.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Garmin reserves the right to change or improve its products and to make changes in the content without obligation to notify any person or organization of such changes or improvements. Visit the Garmin Web site ( for current updates and supplemental information concerning the use and operation of this and other Garmin products.
Garmin® is a trademark of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries, registered in the USA and other countries. GPSMAP®, AutoLocate®, TracBack®, and BlueChart® are trademarks of Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. These trademarks may not be used without the express permission of Garmin.
Garmin (Europe) Ltd. Liberty House Hounsdown Business Park, Southampton, Hampshire, SO40 9RB UK Tel.+44 (0) 870.8501241 (outside the UK) 0808 2380000 (within the UK) Fax +44 (0) 870.8501251
Garmin Corporation No. 68, Jangshu 2nd Road, Shijr, Taipei County, Taiwan Tel. 886/2.2642.9199 Fax 886/2.2642.9099
May 2007 Part Number 190-00854-00 Rev. A Printed in Taiwan


This manual includes information for the following products:
GPSMAP® 4008
GPSMAP® 4012
GPSMAP® 5008
GPSMAP® 5012

Tips and Shortcuts

Press or touch HOME from any screen to return to the Home screen.
Press or touch MENU from any main screen to access additional settings.
Press and release the POWER key to adjust the display settings.
Press and hold the POWER key to turn the unit on or off.

Manual Conventions

In this manual, when you are instructed to select an item, press the soft key along the right side
of the screen (GPSMAP 4008/4012 units) or use your nger to touch that item on the screen
(GPSMAP 5008/5012 units) to select it. Small arrows (>) in the text indicate that you should select each item in order. For example, if you see “select Charts > Nav Chart,” you should select or touch
Charts, and then select or touch Nav Chart.

Quick Links

Turning the Unit On or Off: page 2.
Acquiring GPS Satellite Signals: page 3.
Inserting and Removing SD Cards: page 3.
Restoring Factory Settings: page 3.
Using the Navigation Chart: page 5.
Changing the Chart Settings: page 9.
Navigating to a Destination: page 17.
Creating a Waypoint: page 19.
Conguring System Settings: page 27.
Using Radar: page 33.
Using Sonar: page 37.
Calibrating the Touchscreen: page 42.
Alarms and Messages: page 43.
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual i
table of contents
Introduction ...............................................i
Tips and Shortcuts .....................................i
Manual Conventions ..................................i
Quick Links .................................................i
Getting Started .........................................1
Unit Overview ............................................1
Turning the Unit On or Off ........................2
Adjusting the Backlight ............................2
Acquiring GPS Satellite Signals ..............3
Inserting and Removing SD Cards ..........3
Restoring Factory Settings ......................3
Viewing System Information ....................3
Using Simulator Mode ..............................4
Understanding the Home Screen ............. 4
Using Charts ............................................5
Using the Navigation Chart ......................5
Using Mariner’s Eye ..................................8
Changing the Chart Settings ....................9
Using BlueChart g2 Vision .....................10
Using Mariner’s Eye 3D ..........................10
Using Fish Eye 3D ...................................11
Using Fishing Charts ..............................12
Enabling High Resolution Satellite
Imagery ................................................13
Viewing Aerial Photos .............................14
Viewing Current Station Information .....14
Detailed Road and POI Data ...................14
Using Automatic Guidance .....................14
Using Combinations ..............................15
Where To ................................................17
Navigating to a Destination ....................17
Creating and Using Waypoints ..............19
Creating and Using Routes ....................21
Viewing Information ..............................23
Viewing Tide Station Information ...........23
Viewing Current Information ..................23
Viewing Celestial Information ................24
Viewing User Data ...................................24
Viewing Other Boats ...............................25
Viewing Gauges .......................................25
Viewing Video ..........................................26
Conguring the Unit .............................. 27
Conguring System Settings .................27
Changing Units of Measure ....................27
Conguring Communications
Settings ...............................................28
Setting Alarms .........................................28
Conguring My Boat ...............................29
Conguring Other Boats ........................30
Using the Garmin Marine Network ....... 31
Viewing Connected Garmin
Marine Network Devices ....................32
Using Radar ...........................................33
Understanding the Cruising Screen ......34
Understanding the Radar
Overlay Screen ...................................36
Changing Radar Settings .......................36
Using Sonar ...........................................37
Understanding the Full Screen ..............37
Understanding the Split Zoom Screen ..37
Understanding the Split Freq Screen ....38
Understanding the Temp Log .................38
Setting Up Sonar .....................................39
Advanced Sonar Settings .......................40
Appendix ................................................41
Specications ..........................................41
Initializing Unit Settings ..........................42
Calibrating the Touchscreen ..................42
Alarms and Messages .............................43
Product Registration ...............................45
Declaration of Conformity (DoC) ...........45
Software License Agreement .................45
NMEA 0183 and NMEA 2000 ...................46
Index .......................................................47
ii GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
GettInG Started

GettInG started

Unit Overview

Automatic backlight sensor
NOTE: Use the soft keys to select menu items on the GPSMAP 4008/4012 unit. Touch menu items
on the GPSMAP 5008/5012 screen to select them.
Soft keys
RANGE (+/-)
Numeric keypad (GPSMAP 4012)
SD card slot
Automatic backlight sensor
SD card slot
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 1
GettInG Started
NMEA 2000
Garmin Marine

Turning the Unit On or Off

Press and hold the POWER key until the Garmin screen appears. When the Warning screen appears, select I Agree to open the Home screen.
NOTE: The rst time you power on your unit, you must go through a setup sequence. See page 42.
To turn the unit off, press and hold the POWER key.
Marine video
NMEA 0183
Warning Screen Home Screen

Adjusting the Backlight

1. Press and release the POWER key.
2. Select Backlight.
3. To allow the unit to automatically adjust the backlight based on ambient light, select Auto.
To manually adjust the backlight, either select
Up or Down, or use the ROCKER.
2 GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
GettInG Started
To adjust the color mode:
1. Press and release the POWER key.
2. Select Color Mode.
3. Select Day, Night, or Auto.

Acquiring GPS Satellite Signals

When you turn the unit on, the GPS receiver must collect satellite data and establish its current location. When the unit acquires satellite signals, the signal strength bars at the top of the Home screen are green . When the unit loses satellite signals, the green bars disappear and the
position icon shows a ashing question mark.
For more information about GPS, visit the Garmin Web site at

Inserting and Removing SD Cards

Your unit supports Secure Digital (SD) cards. Insert optional BlueChart view high-resolution satellite imagery, and aerial reference photos of ports, harbors, marinas, and other points of interest. Insert blank SD cards to transfer data such as waypoints, routes, and tracks to another compatible Garmin unit or a computer. The SD card slot is located on the bottom-right corner of the unit.
To insert the SD card, open the access door and press the SD card in until it clicks. Press in again to eject the SD card.
g2 Vision™ SD cards to
Card label
GPSMAP 4008/5008/5012
Card label

Restoring Factory Settings

You can restore your unit to the original factory settings.
CAUTION: This procedure deletes any information you have entered.
To restore factory settings:
1. From the Home screen, select Congure > System > System Information.
2. Select Factory Settings.
3. Select Reset to restore all factory settings. Otherwise, select Back to cancel.

Viewing System Information

You can view your unit’s software version, basemap version, and unit ID number. You may need this information to update the system software or purchase additional map data information.
From the Home screen, select Congure > System > System Information.
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 3
GettInG Started

Using Simulator Mode

Simulator Mode turns the GPS receiver off for use indoors or for practice. The unit does not track satellites in simulator mode.
CAUTION: Do not try to navigate using Simulator Mode because the GPS receiver is turned off.
Any satellite signal strength bars shown are only simulations and do not represent the strength of actual satellite signals.
To turn on Simulator Mode
1. From the Home screen select Congure > System > Simulator > On.
2. Select Setup to set speed, track control, position, simulator time, and simulator date.

Understanding the Home Screen

Use the Home screen to access all other screens. Press or touch HOME from any screen to return to the Home screen.
NOTE: Options on this screen vary based on the unit type. When you add additional hardware to
your Garmin Marine Network, additional options appear.
GPSMAP 4008/4012 Home Screen GPSMAP 5008/5012 Home Screen
Charts—access Navigation, Mariner’s Eye, Mariner’s Eye 3D, Fish Eye 3D, Fishing Charts
and Radar Overlay charts (page 5).
NOTE: Mariner’s Eye 3D, Fish Eye 3D, and Fishing Charts are available only if you use a
BlueChart g2 Vision SD card.
Radar—set up and view radar (page 33).
Sonar—access sonar information (page 37).
Combinations—set up the screen to view a chart, sonar, radar, and video in a two or three
(GPSMAP 4008/4012), or four (GPSMAP 5008/5012) eld split screen (page 21).
Where To
Information—view information including tides, currents, celestial data, user data,
—access navigation features (page 23).
information about other boats, gauges, and video (page 29).
Congure—access unit and system settings (page 35).
Mark—mark, edit, or delete your current location as a waypoint or MOB
(GPSMAP 5008/5012).
Man Overboard—navigate to a Man Overboard location (GPSMAP 5008/5012).
4 GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
uSInG chartS

usInG charts

Your unit has a basic worldwide imagery map. By purchasing an optional Blue Chart® g2 Vision™ preprogrammed SD card, you can view detailed information for your region, including:
Navigation Chart—displays all relevant navigation data available, including buoys, lights,
• cables, depth soundings, marinas, and tide stations in an overhead view.
Mariner’s Eye—a view from above and behind your boat for a visual navigation aid.
Fishing Chart—removes navigational data from the chart, while enhancing bottom contours
for depth recognition.
Fish Eye 3D—an underwater view that visually represents the sea oor according to the
• chart’s information.
The unit automatically shows relevant navigational data when you select a navigation option..

Using the Navigation Chart

Use the Navigation Chart to plan your course, view map information, and as a navigational aid.
To access the Navigation Chart, from the Home screen, select Charts > Navigation Chart.
Your boat
Navigation Chart with BlueChart g2 Vision Data
Exposed wreck
Zoom scale
Zooming In and Out on the Map
The RANGE (+/-) keys (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or the and keys (GPSMAP 5008/5012) control the zoom level, indicated by the scale at the bottom of the navigation chart ( ). The bar under the number represents that distance on the map.
Navigation Chart Settings
To access additional settings or options for the Navigation chart, press or touch MENU.
Overlay Numbers—show or hide cruising, navigation, shing and sailing numbers on the screen.
Chart Setup—customize the Navigation chart.
Understanding Chart Data
BlueChart g2 and BlueChart g2 Vision charts use graphic symbols to denote map features, which follow the standards for US and international charts.
Other features common to most charts include depth contour lines (with deep water represented in white), intertidal zones, spot soundings (as depicted on the original paper chart), navigational aids and symbols, and obstructions and cable areas.
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 5
uSInG chartS
Navigating to a Point on the Chart
1. From the Home screen, select Charts.
2. Select Navigation Chart, Fishing Chart, or Radar Overlay.
3. Select the point on the chart where you want to go.
4. Select Navigate To.
5. Select Go To or Guide To (available when using a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision card
to use Auto Guidance).
6. Follow the colored line on the screen to the destination.
To create a route to a point on the chart, see page 21.
Panning the Navigation Chart
Use the ROCKER on your GPSMAP 4008/4012 unit to move the map pointer ( ) away from your current location, and scroll to other areas on the navigation chart. As you pan past the edge of the current map display, the screen scrolls forward to provide continuous map coverage. Touch and drag the Navigation screen on your GPSMAP 5008/5012 unit to pan away from your current location. The position icon ( ) stays at your present location. If the position icon leaves the map when you pan, a small window appears in the corner so you can keep track of your current position.
As you move the map pointer, its coordinates, distance, and bearing from your current location appear in the upper-left corner of the map.
To pan the map, press up, down, right, or left on the ROCKER (GPSMAP 4008/4012), or touch and drag the Navigation screen (GPSMAP 5008/5012).
Pointer distance
and bearing from current
To stop panning, select Stop Panning.
As you pan the map, a list of options appear along the right side. The options change as you move the map pointer over various objects and charts.
Review—(might not appear if the pointer is not near an object—if the pointer is near only one
• object, the object’s name appears.) This allows you to view details of objects in the vicinity of the pointer. When you select Review, you are presented with a list of all the objects near the pointer.
Navigate To—begin navigation to the pointer location.
Create Waypoint—mark a waypoint at the pointer location.
Information—view tide, current, celestial, or chart information near the pointer location.
6 GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
uSInG chartS
Accessing Additional Object Information
Use the map pointer ( ) (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or touch an item on the screen (GPSMAP 5008/5012) to view information about on-screen map items, waypoints, and charts.
Additional item information
Viewing Tide Station Information
Tide station information appears on the chart with a detailed icon showing the relevant tide level. You can view an in-depth graph for a tide station to help predict the tide level at different times or different days.
Relevant tide
Detailed tide station information
Highlight or touch a tide station icon ( ), and select Review to view a detailed tide graph.
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 7
uSInG chartS

Using Mariner’s Eye

Mariner’s Eye provides a view from above and behind the boat (according to your course), and provides a visual navigation aid. This view is helpful when navigating tricky shoals, reefs, bridges,
or channels, and is benecial when trying to identify entry and exit routes in unfamiliar harbors or
To access the Mariner’s Eye screen, from the Home screen, select Charts > Mariner’s Eye.
Press the RANGE (+) key (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or touch the key (GPSMAP 5008/5012) to
move the view closer to your boat and lower to the water, Press the RANGE (-) key (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or touch the key (GPSMAP 5008/5012) to move the view away from the boat.
Mariner’s Eye Settings
To access additional settings or options from the Mariner’s Eye screen, press MENU.
Rings—toggle the range rings on or off.
—turn the visible track log on or off. The unit continues to record tracks if you turn this
setting off, but they are hidden from view.
Safe Depth—adjust your boat’s safe depth.
Lane Width—adjust the width of the course line drawn when navigating. This setting does not affect routes (Route To) or automatic guidance (Guide To).
Show Radar—
If you have a Garmin marine radar device connected to your Garmin Marine
Network, you can overlay radar readings on the Mariner’s Eye screen.
Mariner’s Eye With Radar Information
Overlay Numbers—show or hide cruising, navigation, shing, and sailing numbers.
8 GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual

Changing the Chart Settings

To change chart settings, from the Home screen, select Charts > Chart Setup.
Orientation—change the perspective of the map display:
North Up—sets the top of the map display to a north heading.
Track Up—sets the map display to the current track heading.
Course Up—sets the map so the direction of navigation is always up. The heading line
• appears vertically on the screen if shown.
Heading line
Chart border
uSInG chartS
Heading Line—draws an extension from the bow of the boat in the direction of travel.
Off—turns off the heading line.
Distance—sets the distance to the end of the heading line.
—sets the amount of time until you reach the end of the heading line.
Chart Borders—turn on chart borders when using a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card and you want to
see what area the maps cover.
—hides (off) or shows (on) tracks on the chart.
Inset Map—turn the inset map on or off when panning away.
Appearance—customizes how items are shown on the map.
Changing the Chart Appearance
From the Home screen, select Charts > Chart Setup > Appearance.
Detail—adjust the amount of detail shown on the map at different zoom levels.
Photos—set the high resolution satellite images to on, off, or land only. High-resolution satellite
imagery is only available while using a BlueChart g2 Vision SD card.
Spot Depths—turn on spot soundings and set a dangerous depth.
Light Sectors—adjust the drawing of light sectors on the map.
Symbols—select the navaid symbol set (NOAA or IALA).
Symbol Size—adjust the size of the symbols shown on the map.
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 9
uSInG chartS

Using BlueChart g2 Vision

Optional BlueChart g2 Vision preprogrammed SD cards allow you to get the most out of your unit. In addition to detailed marine charting, BlueChart g2 Vision has the following features:
Mariner’s Eye 3D—a view from above and behind the boat, for a visual, three-dimensional
navigation aid. The BlueChart g2 Vision Mariner’s Eye 3D is more detailed than the preloaded data.
Fish Eye 3D—an underwater, 3D view that visually represents the sea oor according to the
chart’s information.
Fishing Charts—view the chart with enhanced bottom contours and without navigational
data. This chart works best for offshore deep-sea shing.
High Resolution Satellite Imagery—high resolution satellite images are provided for a
realistic view of the land and water on the Navigation chart.
Aerial Photos—view marinas and other navigationally signicant aerial photos to help you
visualize your surroundings.
Detailed Roads and POI data—view roads, restaurants, and other points of interest (POIs)
along the shore.
Current Data—view current station information.
Auto Guidance—uses the specied boat safe depth and chart data to determine the best
course to your destination.
NOTE: You cannot transfer BlueChart g2 Vision data from the SD card to your computer for
backup or viewing purposes. You can only use the SD card on BlueChart g2 Vision compatible Garmin GPS units.

Using Mariner’s Eye 3D

A BlueChart g2 Vision SD card offers Mariner’s Eye 3D, which provides a detailed three­dimensional view from above and behind the boat (according to your course), and provides a visual navigation aid. This view is helpful when navigating tricky shoals, reefs, bridges, or channels, and is
benecial when trying to identify entry and exit routes in unfamiliar harbors or anchorages.
Mariner’s Eye 3D Navigation Chart
Press the RANGE (+) key (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or touch the key (GPSMAP 5008/5012) to move the view closer to your boat and lower to the water, Press the RANGE (-) key (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or touch the key (GPSMAP 5008/5012) to move the view away from the boat.
10 GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
uSInG chartS
Mariner’s Eye 3D Settings
To access additional settings or options from the Mariner’s Eye 3D screen, press MENU.
Colors —choose between Normal (Default), Water Hazard, and All Hazard. The Normal setting shows the land as seen from the water. The Water Hazard setting indicates shallow water and land with a color scale. Blue indicates deep water, yellow is shallow water, and red is very shallow. The
Water Hazard setting indicates land in green and brown, and the All Hazard setting shows land as
dark red.
Mariner’s Eye 3D, Normal Colors Mariner’s Eye 3D, Hazard Colors
Safe Depth—adjust the depth at which red indicates shallow water. This also changes the global Safe Depth setting as it applies to the Auto Guidance feature.
Rings, Tracks, Lane Width, and Show Radar—see “Mariner’s Eye Settings” on page 8.

Using Fish Eye 3D

Using the depth contour lines of the BlueChart g2 Vision cartography, Fish Eye 3D provides an underwater view of the sea oor or lake bottom. Use the RANGE keys (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or the
and keys (GPSMAP 5008/5012) to adjust the view.
Fish Eye 3D
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 11
uSInG chartS
Fish Eye 3D Settings
To access additional settings or options for the Fish Eye 3D screen, press MENU.
Sonar Cone—turn a cone on or off that shows the area covered by your transducer.
Sonar Data—visually show the sonar readings received by your transducer for the best combination
of sonar and mapping.
—turn the track log on or off.
Overlay Numbers—show or hide cruising, navigation, or shing numbers.

Using Fishing Charts

Use the Fishing chart for a detailed, unobstructed view of the bottom contours and depth soundings on the chart.
Fishing Chart Navigation Chart
The Fishing chart uses detailed bathymetric data on a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision SD card,
and is best for offshore deep-sea shing.
12 GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual
uSInG chartS

Enabling High Resolution Satellite Imagery

You can overlay high-resolution satellite images on the land, sea, or both portions of the Navigation chart when using a preprogrammed BlueChart g2 Vision SD card.
To enable satellite imagery:
1. While viewing the Navigation Chart, press MENU.
2. Select Chart Setup > Appearance > Photos.
3. Select one of the following:
Off—standard chart information is shown on the map.
Land Only—standard chart information is shown on water with photos overlaying the land.
On—photos overlay both the water and the land at a specied opacity. The higher you set
the percentage, the more the satellite photos will cover both land and water.
NOTE: When enabled, the high resolution satellite images are only present at lower zoom levels.
If you cannot see the high resolution images in your BlueChart g2 Vision region, either zoom in further using the RANGE (+) key (GPSMAP 4008/4012) or touch the key (GPSMAP 5008/5012), or set the detail level higher.
Photo Overlay Off Land Only Photo Overlay
Photo Overlay at 50%
GPSMAP® 4000/5000 Series Owner’s Manual 13
Photo Overlay at 100%
+ 37 hidden pages