Through the choices which you make at this time, you fashion the type of
hero you wish to guide through this adventure. Each option is represented by
a button. To make a choice, use the mouse to move the cursor onto the option
button you want to select and click either mouse-button. (You may also use the
cursor keys to highlight the option you want — a highlighted option appears
raised — and then press ENTER to select the option.)
In order, the choices you must make are:
Choose Player Sex. Male or female. Controls whether your Avatar is a man or a
woman, and which portraits you may select later. Gender has no effect on
your character’s strength or abilities.
Select Handedness. Right or left. Determines which hand you use to hold your
primary weapon, and which is your shield-hand.
Fighter. A warrior, trained in the military arts since youth.
Mage. One born with the ability to cast spells.
Bard. A traveling entertainer, perhaps a storyteller or a musician.
Tinker. A skilled craftsman, particularly with weapons and armor.
Druid. A guardian of the woodlands, able in both combat and magic.
Paladin. A warrior who also has some grasp of the art of spellcasting.
Ranger. A woodsman, skilled at tracking, hunting and fighting.
Shepherd. A resourceful sheep-tender, often a jack-of-all-trades.
Pick Skills. Your character description includes several skills — abilities you
have honed and tasks you have practiced. Many of these skills come
automatically, as a result of the character class you choose. (For instance, all
Mages can use magic so they all begin with casting and mana skills.)
In addition to innate skills, you are asked to select some skills unique
to your character. For instance, you may give your Fighter sword skill, or you
might choose axe, mace, missile weapon or the unarmed combat skill. When the
skill selection list appears on the right-hand side of the screen, simply click
on the skill you want for your character.
For now, pick skills that sound useful and interesting. Later, you can consult
the skill list on page 30 and create carefully honed characters.
Portrait. Select the appearance of your character by clicking on one of the five
pictures that appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
Choose Difficulty. Standard or Easy. In easy mode, monsters and hostile
characters are less dangerous and are easier to defeat than in standard
mode. (Note that you can’t change this after you begin playing — to change
the difficulty level, you must begin a new game.)
Name. The last step in creating your character is to give him or her a name. Type
in the name of your choice, then press the ENTER key when done.
Keep This Character. Finally, the game asks you whether or not you want to
play the game with the character you have just designed. If this character is
acceptable, answer “yes.” Otherwise, select “no” and you can design
another character.