abbreviated and so create different magical effects than the full non-combat
versions. The shorter combat versions don't endure as long either, only one
round of fighting.
Only one Bard tune can be played at a time. If a second one is played
while the first is still playing (by the same or a different Bard), the first will end.
A Bard can play as many tunes as experience levels before his throat gets dry.
Then it's off to a tavern for a drink to rejuvenate his voice. Tough duty, but
someone has to do it.
Bard songs vary according to the difficulty of the dungeon. When the
going gets tough, the Bard goes drinking.
HUNTER: an assassin, a mercenary, a ninja. The hunter can use most
weapons, and has the ability (which grows with experience) to do critical
hits in combat (i.e., to attack a nerve center or other vital area and
instantly kill an opponent). A good skill.
MONK: a martial artist, an almost inhuman fighting machine trained to
fight without weapons or armor. The monk can use them, but, at higher
levels particularly, often does better without.
CONJURER: one of the 4 classes of Magic Users, Conjurers deal in the
physical creation and manifestation of real things (like fire, light, healing).
MAGICIAN: another of the 4 classes of Magic Users, Magicians deal
with magic as it affects physical objects (i.e., enchanting a sword, making
armor stronger, making a dungeon wall disappear).
SORCERER: Sorcerers are Magic Users who deal with the creation and
manipulation of illusion. Due to the power of sorcerer spells, this class is
not available to newly created characters.
WIZARD: Wizards are Magic Users who are dedicated to the summoning
and binding of various supernatural creatures. These creatures are not
friendly to humankind and trying to control them is extremely hazardous.
The Wizard-class is not available to new characters either.
Each character you create has five basic attributes which define his
physical and mental prowess. When you create a character each attribute is
assigned a value from 1 to 18, with the higher number reflecting higher
The Bard’s Tale
The Bard’s Tale
HALF-ELF: These crossbreeds are usually blond and fair-skinned, like
elves, and get some added size and strength from their human ancestry.
HALF-ORC: An orc is a large, goblin-like creature often found working
for evil wizards. The Half-orc, being half human, is not quite as despicable
as his orc parent, but you wouldn't want to date one.
GNOME: Gnomes closely resemble dwarves, but have less hair and even
shorter tempers. They are also more magically inclined, as a rule.
In fantasy role-playing games, characters choose different "Classes" or
professions. There is no single best class; each has its own strengths. Your
characters must use teamwork to succeed.
Class selection is the most important aspect of creating a character in The
Bard's Tale. There are ten different classes of characters, but only 8 can be
selected for a newly generated character. Class types carry with them different
abilities and limitations, as are roughly covered below.
WARRIOR: the base fighter-type in The Bard's Tale, warriors can use
nearly every weapon there is. For every 4 levels of experience after the
1st, Warriors get an extra attack ability in combat.
PALADIN: Paladins are fighters who have sworn to abstain from all evil
and to uphold honor and purity in all places. They can use most weapons
and some that no other fighters can. They get multiple attacks at higher
levels. They also have a greatly increased resistance to evil magic.
ROGUE: a professional thief with so-so combat ability, the rogue can
hide in shadows, search for traps and disarm them. Without a rogue your
party will pay very dearly for the booty it wins.
BARD: The Bard is a wandering minstrel. You'll see him with a tankard of
ale in front of him in the less reputable taverns -- the rowdier the better.
Bards were once warriors, and can still use most warrior weapons. But
they turned to music instead and now play songs with an almost magical effect
on other characters. Bards don't get the warrior's advantage of extra attacks in
combat anymore -- but their magic is so unique, it is almost impossible to
survive Skara Brae without one.
Any true Bard has six songs on his lips, though to play them he must have
an instrument equipped. A song played as the party is exploring is long-lasting
and continues even after the party returns from combat mode, even if other
songs were played during combat. Any songs played during combat are
The Bard’s Tale
The Bard’s Tale