OVERVIEW ...... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... .......
INSTALLI NG DEFC ON ......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ......
MAI N M ENU OPTION S .... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... .....
LOBBY GAME OPTI ONS ...... ....... ........ ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ...
THE WOR LD MAP ... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... .....
WHAT IS FALLOUT? .... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... ......
HOW TO BUI LD A FALLOU T SHE LTER . ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... .......
YOUR INNER REFU GE .... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... .....
REC OMENDED SURVIVAL KIT ... ....... ..... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .........
BUI LDING YOUR OW N FAL LOUT SUI T .. ....... ... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... .
UNI T INVOLVM ENT ..... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ...
MAK ING A LLIANCES .... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... .
NUC LEAR EXCH ANGE SU RVIVAL TIPS .. ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... .....
GAM E I NTERFACE ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ...
UNI T CONT ROL ........ ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ......
UNI T TYPES ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ........
TRO UBLES HOOTING ... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... .......
WIN NING STR ATEGI ES ... ........ ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... .....
CRE DITS .... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... ....... ... ....... .......... ....... .......... ....... ..... ....... .......... ....... ....
If our cou ntry is at tacke d by nu clear b ombs or by
mis siles, we do no t kn ow wh at targ ets w ill be
cho sen or how seve re the assau lt will be.
If nuclear weapons are us ed on a large scale ,
tho se of us living in the co untry a reas might be
exp osed to as gre at a ri sk as thos e in th e tow ns.
The radioa ctive du st, fal ling where t he wind
blo ws it, will bring the mo st wi desprea d dange rs
of all .
No part of the cou ntry ca n b e consi dere d s afe
fro m both the direct effect s of the weapons and
the result ant fallou t.
The danger s which yo u and y our f amily w ill fac e
in this si tuation ca n be re duce d if yo u do as th is
boo klet de scribes.
Read t his boo klet with ca re
Do as it a dvises
Keep i t safely at han d
And only u se it as t oilet p aper as a la st reso rt

DEF CON is a multi-pl ayer st rategic game of
the rmonucl ear war, where you as sume the role
of a m ilita ry lead er in c har ge of one of six world
ter ritorie s.
Protect and survive
The common aim in DE FCON is to w ipe out the
pop ulation and units of o the r terri tories whi lst
pro tecting your own.
All games start with the pl aceme nt of ground
and sea un its and as the DE FCON level escalates ,
mor e and m ore deadly attack opti ons bec ome
availa ble, un til DEFCON 1 whereup on you can
lau nch you r nuclear missile s.
A g ame of D EFCON e nds wit h a victor y timer,
giv ing pla yers 45 ga me minu tes t o carry out an y
rem aining attacks, before the sc ore s are t allied
and the pl ayer with most po ints is decl ared
win ner.
To in stall run the set up.exe f ile o n the D EFCON
CD. DEFCON is protec ted against pi racy th ough
an authent ication key t hat is che cked ag ainst our
gam e match ing server.
Whe n you f irst start DEFCON , you will n eed to
ent er the authentica tion key o n t he back of this
man ual int o the auth enticat ion key window.
New Game
Sta rt a ne w game. Th is takes y ou to the game
lob by page where you can se t-up the ga me op
tio ns.
Join Game
Joi n an ex isting gam e. This allo ws you to join an
exi sting g ame, liste d ei ther on yo ur Loca l Are a
Net work (L AN), or over the internet. You may
als o use t his to spe ctate o n oth er game s.
Cli cking o n this but ton all ows y ou to r un one of 7
tut orial m issions fo r DEFCO N.
If that wi ndow isn’t au tomat ically shown , you
can reach it through the op tions menu w hich is
acc essible by clicki ng on t he op tions b utton i n
the main m enu.
Rolling Demo
In rolling demo mode , three very ag gressive CPU
pla yers ar e pitched ag ainst e ach o ther – nucle ar
Arm aged don is ass ured !
The option s menu all ows you to a lter ga me settin gs that can improve the perfor mance of th e
gam e, and solve ne twork c onn ectivit y probl ems .
To se e what an option does, hover t he mouse c ursor over it to s ee a sh ort exp lan ation.

Whe n you c reate or j oin a g ame y ou’re pres ente d
wit h the g ame lobby. If you cre ated the gam e you
can change the game mode an d sco ring, a dd CPU
pla yers, a nd chat wi th othe r pla yers th at have
con nected to your game.
Team options
You can rename your team an d, select your un it
col our by clicking o n the r ight pointin g arrow by
you r team’s nam e (’ New Pla yer’ by default) .
DEF CON has a wide ar ray of g ame mod es that
can be cho sen from t he lobb y win dow. E ach g ame
mod e has i ts own cha llenges . Her e you c an see a
bri ef expl anation of ea ch.
Sco re poin ts by nuki ng your oppo nents c ities.
DEF CON wil l play at the slo west reque sted spee d.
Office mode
DEF CON wil l run in a Win dow w ith no Sound , and
in real-tim e for n o more tha n 6 hou rs. I f the b oss
app ears pr ess Esc twic e to hi de th e Wi ndow.
Dou lble cl ick on the DEFCON task bar ico n to
res ume com mand of your co unt ry!
The World i s tw ice as big ! Each unit is hal f the
nor mal siz e, and has half t he ra dar ran ge, hal f
the weap on ra nge, an d moves at half th e speed .
For those who love a long ga me.
Poi nts are awarded d ifferen tly depend ing on
whi ch mode has been set. So be s ure to see
whi ch has been chose n befor e the game b egin s.
You scor e 2 poi nts f or every e nemy kil l, and lose
1 p oint fo r everyo ne you fail to prot ect in you r
own territ ory.
The n selec t the terr itory y ou wi sh to p lay by
lef t click ing on the worl d map . To change to a
dif ferent territory you fir st ne ed t o desel ect
you r curre nt territo ry by l eft c licking on it.
The game b egins a fter al l pla yers ha ve press ed
the ready button.
DEF CON wil l run at f ull spe ed and will la st no
lon ger tha n 15 minut es. Pau sing is disa bled .
ins tinctive a nd br uta l!
All player s will sta rt as a memb er of the Gre en
all iance, with radar sharin g tur ned on. How lo ng
wil l the a lliance la st?
Sco ring is based on surv ivors - each te am be gins
wit h 100 p oints (r epres enting the 100 mi llion
peo ple ali ve in th eir ter ritor y) a nd thei r sco re
can only g o down.
Thr ee or m ore Human Players reco mmended.
No specifi c rules ar e enfor ced - a nyth ing goe s.
Set- up your game by select ing ‘Advance d Optio ns’.
You scor e 1 poi nt fo r eve ry en emy kil l.
You scor e 1 poi nt fo r eve ry su rvivo r in your
ter ritory. Al l tea ms start w ith 100 po ints an d
the score can only g o down.
Gam es take pl ace on a worl d map , which rema ins
you r prima ry view th roughou t the game.
As you move your mouse to the edge of the
scr een, yo ur view of th e world will pa n in the
app ropriat e directio n, or y ou ca n click the mi ddl e
mou se butt on to drag the vi ew. Use t he mous e
whe el to z oom in and out of the map , or you c an
use the Q and E ke ys.
You can also us e the WASD keys to pan yo ur view
aro und the world m ap, or you c an clic k the middle mouse button and drag t he vi ew arou nd.
Fog of War
Whi lst you know w here en emy c ities a re located,
you r view of enemy units in the world is re liant
on radar c overag e. Rada r coverage is of fer ed b y
naval and air un its as well as radar u nits.
If your ra dar coverag e is de stroyed, i t will
severe ly hamp er yo ur ability to see wh at’s h appen ing in your re gion of the world.
Nuclear lauch detected
The re is a n except ion to the a bove rul e. When a
sil o or su bmarine la unches a mis sile, t hat lau nch
is announc ed to p layers and the or igin of that
lau nch is displayed on your o ppone nts’ map s.
If a unit is detecte d, b ut the rad ar cover age of
tha t area subsequ ently d isapp ears, o r a uni t
is detecte d throu gh a la unch of its mis sil es, a
gho st of th at unit is lef t o n the s creen show ing
you where it once was. If the uni t subse quently
move s or su bmerg es, its ghost wil l disap pear.
Gho sts of b uilding s will rem ain for ever as they
can not move.