1 Indicates the amount of treasure aboard the ship.
If no ship is selected, it indicates the cumulative total of your fortune (total
treasure of all your ships and secret hideaways).
2 Allows you to adjust the sail level, the ship’s type of cannonballs.
3 Allows you to consult the condition of the sails and the hull of the selected
4 Allows you to consult in detail:
- The ship’s cargo ( quantity of: Cannons, Munitions, Rum, Provisions,
Freight, Precious freight, Special objets )
- The personnel aboard the ship ( number of corsairs, captains, sailors,
special characters )
5 Location for the contextual interface.
6 Allows you to access a list of all the cities classified by nation. When you
click on the button you unroll the list of cities.
You have the name of the city and above it 2 figures. These 2 figures
correspond to the price of the selected resource.
On the left = price for which you will purchase this resource
On the right = price for which you will sell this resource
The cities are classified by nation.
Cities Button : classification by city name.
Sale Button : classification from the most expensive to the least
expensive in Sale mode.
Purchase Button : classification from the least expensive to the most
expensive in Purchase mode.
Scroller page : By clicking on this button you unscroll the pages.
Scroller Nation : By clicking on this button you unscroll the Nations.
If you click with the right button of the mouse on a city, you centre the
screen directly on this city.
If you click with the left button of the mouse, the selected boat goes to this city.
7 Allows you to reread the objective(s) of the mission.
8 Allows you to reread the objective(s) of the mission.
9 Allows you to consult the list of messages.
10 Mini-map: It represents the whole of the maritime region concerning the
current mission, and allows you to localise at a glance the “visible” ships
and ports of each nation (visible = within the of sight of a friendly port or
ship or also a ship with a friendly spy aboard). It also allows you to quickly
display any part of the map on screen.