BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
1 User instructions
1User instructions
1.1Using this manual
This manual describes the application of the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software in
combination with the BioPhotometer plus. It also applies to the BioPhotometer.
Please read this operating manual thoroughly before using the software for the first time.
For the operation of the BioPhotometer plus or the BioPhotometer please read the operating
manual accompanying the device.
Please view this CD with the operating manual as part of the product and keep it somewhere
easily accessible.
User instructions
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
2 Product description
2Product description
The BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software is a PC software for measurement data transfer from
BioPhotometer plus to the PC.
The received data can be saved in CSV format, opened and edited with calculation programs.
The data in CSV format is directly opened in Excel on a PC with Microsoft Office version 2000 or
With the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software routine application results can be displayed
simply, archived and printed.
The BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software can only be connected to one BioPhotometer plus or
2.2Delivery package
one BioPhotometer.
Order No.
6132 854.007952000500
Order No.
(North America)
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software
incl. null modem cable and CD with software and operating
2.3System requirements
Product description
• Pentium III 1.0 GHz or higher
• > 1 GByte RAM free main memory
• Serial interface (RS232)
Alternatively: at least one USB Port to use a USB-RS232 adapter
• CD-ROM drive
• Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
• Optional: Microsoft Office version 2000 or higher
BioPhotometer plus
• The menu language of the Biophotometer plus is set as LANGUAGE ENGLISH or
3 Safety
3.1Intended use
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
The BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software is an accessory to the BioPhotometer and
BioPhotometer plus devices.
The BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software is a PC software which exclusively serves to transfer
measurement data from BioPhotometer and BioPhotometer plus to the PC.
The received data can be saved in CSV format, opened and edited with calculation programs.
The data in CSV format is directly opened in Excel on a PC with Microsoft Office version 2000 or
The BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software serves to display routine application results simply, to
archive and print them. It is not intended for work in the regulated area.
The BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software can only be connected to one BioPhotometer plus or
one BioPhotometer.
For a description of the intended use of the BioPhotometer and BioPhotometer plus devices
please read the respective operating manuals.
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
4 Installation
4.1Preparing installation
4.1.1PC with serial interface
1. Connect BioPhotometer plus via the provided null modem cable to the serial interface of the
PC (see operating manual BioPhotometer plus).
2. Tighten the fastening screws of the null modem cable at BioPhotometer plus and also at the
PC in order to avoid any interruption of the connection.
4.1.2PC with USB-RS232 adapter
1. Connect the USB-RS232 adapter to the USB-Port of the PC.
The computer detects new hardware. If applicable, a message box opens for the installation
of e.g. driver components. Follow the instructions step by step.
2. Connect the BioPhotometer plus via the provided null modem cable to the plug connection of
the adapters.
3. Tighten the fastening screws of the null modem cable at BioPhotometer plus and also at the
adapter in order to avoid any interruption of the connection.
4.2Install software
For the installation of the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software the BioPhotometer plus must
not be connected.
In order to install the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software onto your PC proceed as follows:
1. Make sure that all programs are exited.
2. Put the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software CD into the CD drive of your PC.
If the autostart function is active on your PC installation starts automatically.
3. If the installation does not start automatically start the file Setup.exe from the CD.
You are guided step by step through the installation.
Other programs can interrupt the automatic installation of the BioPhotometer Data Transfer
Software. In such a case restart the installation with the file Setup.exe from the CD.
The installation is successful if the shortcut to the software appears on the desktop:
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
5 Short Instructions
5Short Instructions
• BioPhotometer plus is connected to the PC with the provided null modem cable.
• The set menu language of the Biophotometer plus is LANGUAGE ENGLISH or
LANGUAGE U.S.ENGL. It may lead to faulty data transfer with a different language setting.
• The software is installed.
1. Switch the BioPhotometer plus on.
2. Start the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software via the shortcut on the desktop.
The connected BioPhotometer plus is displayed by a corresponding message, e.g. Connected device: BioPhotometer plus 6132 found at COM1.
3. Select a method at the BioPhotometer plus and start the measurement.
The data is automatically transferred during the measurement and is displayed in the section
Data Output of the Work area in the format of a device print.
4. For the results display in table format select the rider Samples in the Work area. With Methods
with calibrations the rider appears additionally Calibrations in which the calibration results are
displayed in table format.
You can print these formats directly via the icon Print or by selecting the corresponding
print options with Print in the menu File.
5. You have two possibilities to export data from the areas Samples or Calibrations:
1. Excel Export
Click on the icon Excel Export .
A dialog window opens. After entering the file name and path the data is saved as CSV
file and automatically opened with Excel.
2. CSV Export
Click on the icon CSV Export .
A dialog window opens. After entering the file name and path the data is saved as CSV
file. The data can be opened with a calculation program.
You can also save new measurement data in an existing CSV file. The new data is
automatically inserted at the end of the table.
6. Exit the BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software with the menu File/ Exit.
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
6 Operation
6.1Work area
The Work area is divided into various sections:
Abb. 1:Work area
Fig. 1:Work area
1 Method List
Contains all transferred methods after starting the
3 Data Output
Display of the data parallel to the measurement
procedure at the BioPhotometer plus. The display and
order of the data corresponds to the display of the
BioPhotometer plus and the corresponding device
5 Calibrations
Display of the calibration data in table format. This
area only appears if data with calibration was
2 File information
Archive file: name of the current archive file where the
recorded measurement data is saved.
Measurement ID: Identification code under which the
transferred measurement data are filed. The entry is
4 Samples
Display of the data in table format parallel to the
measurement procedure at the BioPhotometer plus.
The data does not differ as regards to contents form
Data Output. The order of the data corresponds to the
display of BioPhotometer plus.
6 Operation
6.2Archive area
BioPhotometer Data Transfer Software — Operating Manual
Abb. 2:Archive area
The Archive area is subdivided into various sections:
Fig. 2:Archive area
1 Method List
Displays all methods where measurement data has
been transferred into the open archive file. All:
Contains all measurement data of the different
methods in chronological order. The results are not
sorted according to methods.
2 File information
Archive file: Name of the opened archive file.
3 Search Filter
Search for measurement results within one method.
Date, User (for active user administration), ID (if
entered) and Device can be defined as filter.
5 Calibrations
Display of the calibration results of a method in table
format in chronological order.
4 Samples
Display of the measurement results of a method in
table format in chronological order.
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