Eppendorf A-2-VC User Manual

Rotor A-2-VC – Instructions for Use
These Instructions supplement the Concentrator plus/ Vacufuge® plus User Guide. They do not replace it. Be sure to read the User Guide before you begin to use the rotor. The current User Guide version is available on the Internet at www.eppendorf.com.
Caution: Rotor can fall over if not handled correctly.
The rotor A-2-VC buckets should not be used as handles.
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Remove the buckets before you reposition the rotor. Always grasp the rotor disc, using both hands.
Insert Skirted Plates
Place the skirted microtest plates and PCR plates securely into the bucket. Do not allow the plates to protrude over the edge of the bucket.
Insert Tubes, Tube Strips, and Unskirted PCR Plates
In order to insert tubes, tube strips, and unskirted PCR plates, you need to use a special work plate (order no.: 0030 124.235). Fit the loaded work plate into the rectangular hole in the bottom of the bucket. Use the guides at the sides of the hole.
Do Not Overfill
During centrifugation, the meniscus in the wells at the sides of the plates is not horizontal. This is an effect of the centrifugal force and is unavoidable.
The wells of the plates should be filled to no more than 2/3 of their volume capacity.
max. 2x 0.33 kg
max. 1400 rpm
is a registered trademark.
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