Endress+Hauser EngyVolt RV12 Operating Instructions Manual

Products Solutions Services
Operating Instructions
EngyVolt RV12
Multifunction electrical energy meter
BA01039K/09/EN/03.13 71211948
Table of contents
1 Safety instructions .................. 4
1.1 Workplace safety ....................... 4
1.2 Requirements concerning the staff .......... 4
1.3 Operational safety ...................... 4
1.4 Designated use ........................ 4
1.5 Technical improvement .................. 5
1.6 Return ............................... 5
1.7 Notes on safety conventions and icons ....... 5
2 Identification ....................... 7
2.1 Device designation ...................... 7
2.2 Scope of delivery ....................... 7
2.3 Certificates and approvals ................ 7
3 Installation ........................ 8
3.1 Incoming acceptance, transport, storage ...... 8
3.2 Installation conditions ................... 8
3.3 Dimensions ........................... 8
3.4 Installation instructions .................. 9
3.5 Post-installation check ................... 9
4 Wiring ............................ 10
4.1 Supply voltage ........................ 10
4.2 Electrical connection ................... 10
4.3 Connecting the outputs ................. 13
4.4 Post-connection check .................. 14
5 Operation ......................... 15
5.1 Display ............................. 15
5.2 Operating elements .................... 15
5.3 Display mode ......................... 15
5.4 Configuration mode .................... 16
5.5 Power-up screen ...................... 17
6 Commissioning .................... 18
6.1 Post-installation check and switching on the
device .............................. 18
6.2 Menu structure ....................... 18
6.3 Device settings ........................ 20
7 Maintenance ...................... 25
8 Troubleshooting .................. 26
8.1 Spare parts .......................... 26
8.2 Return .............................. 26
8.3 Disposal ............................ 26
9 Accessories ....................... 27
10 Technical data .................... 28
11 Appendix ......................... 34
11.1 Basis of measurement and calculations ...... 34
11.2 Modbus implementation ................ 35
11.3 RS485 general information .............. 41
11.4 Modbus protocol general information ....... 43
11.5 RS485 Implementation of Johnson Controls
Metasys ............................ 55
Index .................................. 59
Safety instructions EngyVolt RV12
1 Safety instructions
The reliable and safe operation of the device is only ensured if the user reads these Operating Instructions and complies with the safety instructions they contain.
1.1 Workplace safety
For work on and with the device:
Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national regulations.
1.2 Requirements concerning the staff
The personnel for installation, commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance must fulfill the following requirements:
Trained, qualified specialists: must have a relevant qualification for this specific function and task
Are authorized by the plant owner/operator
Are familiar with federal/national regulations
Before beginning work, the specialist staff must have read and understood the instructions in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation as well as in the certificates (depending on the application)
Following instructions and basic conditions
The operating personnel must fulfill the following requirements:
Being instructed and authorized according to the requirements of the task by the facility's owner-operator
Following the instructions in these Operating Instructions
1.3 Operational safety
Risk of injury.
Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.
Conversions to the device
Unauthorized modifications to the device are not permitted and can lead to unforeseeable dangers.
If, despite this, modifications are required, consult with Endress+Hauser.
To ensure continued operational safety and reliability,
Carry out repairs on the device only if they are expressly permitted.
Observe federal/national regulations pertaining to repair of an electrical device.
Use original spare parts and accessories from Endress+Hauser only.
Environmental requirements
If a plastic transmitter housing is permanently exposed to certain steam and air mixtures, this can damage the housing.
If you are unsure, please contact your Endress+Hauser Sales Center for clarification.
If used in an approval-related area, observe the information on the nameplate.
1.4 Designated use
The multifunction electrical energy meter is designed to record, display and transmit electrical measured values in low-voltage systems with a maximum nominal voltage of
EngyVolt RV12 Safety instructions
500 V L-L (289 V L/N), power connection via low-voltage current transformer x/5A at a nominal frequency of 45 to 66 Hz. It is suitable for use in single-phase power systems, and in three-phase power systems with three or four wires.
Among other values, the electrical energy meter measures the voltage, frequency, current, power, power factor, total harmonic distortion (THD) as well as active energy and reactive energy.
• The manufacturer accepts no liability for damages resulting from incorrect use or use other than that designated. It is not permitted to convert or modify the device in any way.
• The device is designed for mounting on a top-hat rail according to DIN 43880 and must only be operated in an installed state.
1.5 Technical improvement
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify technical data without prior notice. Please contact your sales center for information on modifications or updates to the Operating Instructions.
1.6 Return
The device must be packed in protective packaging if it is being returned for repair, for example. The original packaging offers the best protection. Repairs may only be performed by your supplier's service organization.
When returning the device for repair, enclose a note with a description of the problem and the application.
1.7 Notes on safety conventions and icons
1.7.1 Warnings
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid the situation will result in a fatal or serious injury.
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid the situation can result in a fatal or serious injury.
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in minor or more serious injuries.
Safety instructions EngyVolt RV12
Causes (/consequences)
Consequences of non-compliance (if applicable)
Corrective action
This symbol alerts you to situations which may result in damage to property.
1.7.2 Document symbols
Permitted Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are permitted.
Preferred Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.
Forbidden Indicates procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.
Additional information, tips
Reference to documentation
Reference to a page in this manual
Reference to a graphic
EngyVolt RV12 Identification
2 Identification
2.1 Device designation
2.1.1 Nameplate
Made in UK 2012
D-87484 Nesselwang
Ord. cd.: RV12-XXXX/XX Ser. no.: XXXXXXXXXXXX Ext. ord. cd.: X
INPUT: 100-289V AC L-N, 173-500V AC L-L INPUT: 5A AC FREQ.: 45-66 Hz
Caution: refer to installation instruction
AUX: 120-350V DC, 110-400V AC, 5 VA
 1 EngyVolt RV12 nameplate (example)
1 Device designation 2 Order code, serial number and extended order code of the device 3 Input variables and power supply 4 Year of manufacture and manufacturer address
2.2 Scope of delivery
The scope of delivery comprises:
• Multifunction electrical energy meter for top-hat rail mounting
• Brief Operating Instructions
• Comprehensive Operating instructions are available for download at www.endress.com/ download
2.3 Certificates and approvals
2.3.1 CE mark, declaration of conformity
The device is designed to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested and left the factory in a condition in which it is safe to operate. The device meets the relevant standards and directives as per EN 61 010-1 "Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use".
Thus, the device described in these Operating Instructions meets the legal requirements for the EU directives. The manufacturer confirms successful testing of the device by affixing to it the CE mark.
For an overview of all available certificates and approvals, refer to the "Technical data" chapter.
Installation EngyVolt RV12
3 Installation
3.1 Incoming acceptance, transport, storage
Compliance with the permitted storage and transportation conditions is mandatory. Precise specifications are provided in the "Technical data" section (→  28).
3.1.1 Incoming acceptance
On receipt of the goods, check the following points:
• Is the packaging or the content damaged?
• Is the delivery complete? Compare the scope of delivery against the information on your order form.
3.1.2 Transport and storage
Please note the following: Pack the device so that is protected against impact for storage and transport. The original packaging provides optimum protection.
3.2 Installation conditions
The device can be mounted on a standard top-hat rail.
Measuring devices must be mounted in a dry location at stable ambient temperatures that do not exceed or drop below the range of –10 to 55 °C (14 to 131 °F). There should be minimum tension from vibrations. If possible, the measuring device should be mounted in such a way that the contrast of the display is not affected by direct sunlight or strong lighting. The LCD display is optimized for vertical reading. If the display is read horizontally, lighting conditions can affect the readability of the display.
3.3 Dimensions
58 (2.28)
48 (1.89)
32.2 (1.27)
61.5 (2.42)
45 (1.77)
mm (in)
93.6 (3.69)
L3 L2 L1
B A G -I3+ -I2+ -I1+
90.5 (3.56)
71.3 (2.81)
 2 Device dimensions
EngyVolt RV12 Installation
3.4 Installation instructions
1. Fit the device on the top-hat rail from above.
2. Push the bottom of the device back until it locks into place.
To remove the device from the top-hat rail, lever down the black tab at the bottom of the device (use a suitable tool such as a screwdriver).
3.5 Post-installation check
Is the device securely mounted on the top-hat rail and locked in place?
Wiring EngyVolt RV12
4 Wiring
Danger! Electric voltage!
The entire electrical connection must be performed when the device is de-energized.
Establish the protective ground connection before making any other connections.
Cable heat load
Use suitable cables for temperatures that are 5 °C (9 °F) above the ambient temperature.
Incorrect supply voltage can damage the device or cause malfunctions
Before commissioning the device, make sure that the supply voltage matches the voltage specifications on the nameplate.
Incorrect wiring can damage the device
Observe the terminal designations on the device.
Electrical overloading can damage the device
Provide overcurrent protection elements for the power cables.
Provide a suitable switch or power-circuit breaker for emergency shutdown in building installations. This switch must be provided close to the device (within easy reach) and marked as a circuit breaker.
4.1 Supply voltage
The supply voltage is designed for the range from 100 to 400 V AC and 120 to 350 V DC. Preferably, the supply voltage should be provided from a source other than the measured voltage. The measured voltage can be used if it is within the tolerance limits of the supply voltage.
4.2 Electrical connection
To ensure maximum accuracy, we recommend that the current signal connecting cables pass through additional ferrite cores (e.g. of type 742 701 110 from Würth Elektronik) at least six times.
EngyVolt RV12 Wiring
4.2.1 Connection in single-phase, 2-wire power network
L3 L2 L1
B A G -I3+ -I2+ -I1+
L1 N
L1 N
 3 Connection in single-phase, 2-wire power network
1 Fast-acting fuse 1 A 2 Slow-blow fuse 1 A 3 Supply voltage 4 Load
4.2.2 Connection in 3-phase, 3-wire power network
The neutral wire connection (terminal N) is indirectly connected with the voltage input terminals (terminals L1, L2, L3). If connected to a 3-wire system, the neutral wire adopts a potential between the other wires.
Danger! Electric voltage!
If the external wiring is connected to terminal N, it must be connected either to the neutral wire or protective ground to prevent the risk of electric shock from the neutral terminal.
Wiring EngyVolt RV12
L3 L2 L1
B A G -I3+ -I2+ -I1+
L1 L2 L3
 4 Connection in 3-phase, 3-wire power network
1 Fast-acting fuse 1 A 2 Slow-blow fuse 1 A 3 Supply voltage 4 Load
The "S2" secondary terminals of the current transformers are connected in the multifunction electrical energy meter. Only one protective ground connection  must be provided for this reason.
EngyVolt RV12 Wiring
4.2.3 Connection in 3-phase, 4-wire power network
L3 L2 L1
L3 N
B A G -I3+ -I2+ -I1+
L1 L2 L3 N
 5 Connection in 3-phase, 4-wire power network
1 Fast-acting fuse 1 A 2 Slow-blow fuse 1 A 3 Supply voltage 4 Load
The "S2" secondary terminals of the current transformers are connected in the multifunction electrical energy meter. Only one protective ground connection  must be provided for this reason.
4.3 Connecting the outputs
4.3.1 RS485 interface for communication via Modbus RTU or Metasys N2
The RS485 Modbus RTU interface is connected to the terminals labeled A, B, G which are provided for this purpose (→  3,  11).
A shielded, two-wire cable is recommended for the connection between the RS485 master and the measuring device. A cable that is specially designed for connecting RS485 interfaces should be used where possible. However, satisfactory results can be achieved with most shielded cables for connection distances of just a few meters. Cat IV network cables also deliver satisfactory results. Given that the measuring device communicates with an external device via an RS485 connection, distances of up to 1200 m can be covered under good conditions. Electrical interference or other negative conditions can reduce the distance over which reliable operation is possible.
Wiring EngyVolt RV12
4.3.2 Pulse output
The pulse output is connected to the terminals marked "pulse" which are provided for this purpose.
A semi-conductor relay is provided. The nominal power is 250 V, 50 mA. Connecting cables must be as short as possible, meet the specific requirements and be filtered where necessary.
4.4 Post-connection check
Device condition and specifications Notes
Are cables or the device damaged? Visual inspection
Electrical connection Notes
Does the supply voltage match the specifications in the "supply voltage" section?
(→  10)
Are the mounted cables strain-relieved? -
Are the power supply and signal cables correctly connected? (→  10) and (→  13)
EngyVolt RV12 Operation
5 Operation
5.1 Display
The display screen is used in 2 operating modes:
• Display mode (→  15) to display measured values
• Configuration mode (→  15) of the multifunction electrical energy meter. The possible
settings are described in the "Commissioning" section (→  18).
5.2 Operating elements
You can directly access various measured values via the 4 keys on the front of the multifunction electrical energy meter. The keys are used to configure the device in the configuration mode.
Is used to display voltage and frequency. Press this key repeatedly to select voltage, frequency and %THD (total harmonic distortion). This is the "Back" function in the setup mode.
Is used to display current. Press repeatedly to select phase and neutral currents (3P4W), maximum values and total harmonic distortion of currents. This is the "Up" function in the setup mode.
Is used to display power instantaneous values. Press repeatedly to select power (W, var & VA), power maximum values and power factor. This is the "Down" function in the setup mode.
Is used to display energy. Press repeatedly to select imported/exported Wh and varh. Flashing of the current figure indicates that data is being added. The "1%" symbol means that values < 1 %the upper range value are not included in the energy calculation. This is the "Enter" function in the setup mode.
5.3 Display mode
The measured values are shown on the backlit liquid crystal display.
Order in which measured values are displayed in the display mode
Key View No. Description
3-phase, 4-wire
View No. Description
3-phase, 3-wire
View No. Single-phase, 2-wire
1 V L1-N (voltage L1/N)
V L2-N (voltage L2/N) V L3-N (voltage L3/N)
1 V L1-L2 (voltage L1/L2)
V L2-L3 (voltage L2/L3) V L3-L1 (voltage L3/L1)
1 V L1 (voltage L1)
2 V L1-L2 (voltage L1/L2)
V L2-L3 (voltage L2/L3) V L3-L1 (voltage L3/L1)
3 Frequency 2 Frequency 2 Frequency
4 V L1-N %THD*
(%THD voltage L1/N) V L2-N %THD* (%THD voltage L2/N) V L3-N %THD* (%THD voltage L3/N)
5 V L1-L2 %THD*
(%THD voltage L1/L2) V L2-L3 %THD* (%THD voltage L2/L3) V L3-L1 %THD* (%THD voltage L3/L1)
3 V L1-L2 %THD*
(%THD voltage L1/L2) V L2-L3 %THD* (%THD voltage L2/L3) V L3-L1 %THD* (%THD voltage L3/L1)
3 V L1 %THD*
*) %THD = % Total Harmonic Distortion
Operation EngyVolt RV12
Key View No. Description
3-phase, 4-wire
View No. Description
3-phase, 3-wire
View No. Single-phase, 2-wire
1 A L1 (current L1)
A L2 (current L2) A L3 (current L3)
1 A L1 (current L1)
A L2 (current L2) A L3 (current L3)
1 A L1 (current L1)
2 A neutral current
3 A L1 MAX
(Current L1, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function) A L2 MAX (Current L2, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function) A L3 MAX (Current L3, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function)
2 A L1 MAX
(Current L1, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function) A L2 MAX (Current L2, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function) A L3 MAX (Current L3, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function)
2 A L1 MAX
(Current L1, maximum value, time-integrated, maximum indicator function)
4 A neutral current MAX
(Maximum value, time­integrated, maximum indicator function)
5 I %THD* L1
(%THD current L1) I %THD* L2 (%THD current L2) I %THD* L3 (%THD current L3)
3 I %THD* L1
(%THD current L1) I %THD* L2 (%THD current L2) I %THD* L3 (%THD current L3)
3 I %THD* L1
(%THD current L1)
1 kW active power
kvar reactive power kVA apparent power
1 kW active power
kvar reactive power kVA apparent power
1 kW active power
kvar reactive power kVA apparent power
2 kW MAX (active power,
maximum value, time­integrated, maximum indicator function)
2 kW MAX (active power,
maximum value, time­integrated, maximum indicator function)
2 kW MAX (active power,
maximum value, time­integrated, maximum indicator function)
3 PF power factor (with symbol:
coil = inductive, capacitor = capacitance)
3 PF power factor (with symbol:
coil = inductive, capacitor = capacitance)
3 PF power factor (with symbol:
coil = inductive, capacitor = capacitance)
1 kWh imported electrical energy
(active component)
1 kWh imported electrical energy
(active component)
1 kWh imported electrical energy
(active component)
2 kWh exported electrical energy
(active component)
2 kWh exported electrical energy
(active component)
2 kWh exported electrical energy
(active component)
3 kvarh imported electrical energy
(reactive component)
3 kvarh imported electrical energy
(reactive component)
3 kvarh imported electrical energy
(reactive component)
4 kvarh exported electrical energy
(reactive component)
4 kvarh exported electrical energy
(reactive component)
4 kvarh exported electrical energy
(reactive component)
*) %THD = % Total Harmonic Distortion
5.4 Configuration mode
The abbreviation for the parameter is displayed in the top display row in the configuration mode. The middle row displays the parameter value. The bottom row is used to confirm the set value of the parameter.
To enter the configuration mode, press and hold the and keys simultaneously for 5 seconds. The screen to enter the 4-digit password is displayed. No default password is set. A password can be used to prevent unauthorized access to the device settings. Once the correct password has been entered, the device is on the first level of the menu structure. If
EngyVolt RV12 Operation
a password was not configured for the device beforehand, the setup is called up by pressing the key four times.
The parameter to be configured is selected with the and keys. When the key is pressed, the parameter is selected and the user enters the second level of the menu structure. Values can be changed at this level, such as the values of the system configuration, for example. There is a third level in the menu structure for some parameters, such as the parameters for communication. This level is reached in the same way. Once the necessary settings have been made, press the key to return to the first level in the menu structure.
Generally speaking, the and keys change the value of the parameter; the key confirms the change / setting and skips to the next display screen (next parameter).
You can exit the configuration mode at any time by pressing the and keys simultaneously for 5 seconds. Any changes that have already been made are retained. You can also exit the configuration mode by repeatedly pressing the key. In both cases, the device switches back to the last measured values displayed.
The possible settings are described in the "Commissioning" section (→  18).
5.4.1 Entering numbers
Users must frequently change digits in the configuration mode, usually in the middle row of numbers.
The key is used to increase and the key to decrease a value.
The current digit to be changed flashes on the screen. Pressing the key accepts the set value and switches to the next digit. In each particular row of numbers, the digits are set in succession from left to right.
Pressing the key takes you back to the previous digit.
Once the last digit has been accepted, "SET" is displayed in the bottom row of the display.
5.5 Power-up screen
After powering up the energy meter (switching on the supply voltage), a number of screens are displayed by way of a self-test.
1st screen: All the LCD segments are displayed. This is used as a self-test for the display.
2nd screen: The firmware version of the energy meter is displayed.
3rd screen: Displays the result of the self-test when powering up the energy meter.
The device then switches to the first measured value display and displays the voltage values.
Commissioning EngyVolt RV12
6 Commissioning
6.1 Post-installation check and switching on the device
Perform all the final checks before commissioning the device.
• Checklist for "post-installation check" (→  9)
• Checklist for "post-connection check" (→  14)
When the operating voltage is applied, a number of screens are first displayed by way of a self-test (→  17).
If you are commissioning the device for the first time, program the setup as described in the following sections. If you are commissioning a device that is already configured, the device starts measuring immediately as defined in the settings and the values are shown on the display.
6.2 Menu structure
First level Second level Third level
CHNG PASS Change password
NPWd (new password)
Change the value of the password. Range for selection: 0 to 9 999
Main menu Password entry SYS (system configuration) Choose from:
• 1P2W (single-phase, 2-wire)
• 3P3W (3-phase, 3-wire)
• 3P4W (3-phase, 4-wire)
CT (current transformer primary value)
Change the value. Range for selection: 1 to 9 999 A
dIT (integration time of average values for maximum indicator function)
Choose from:
• 60 minutes
• 30 minutes
• 20 minutes
• 15 minutes
• 10 minutes
• 8 minutes
• 5 minutes
RSET (reset) Choose from:
• dmd (maximum time-integrated average values - maximum indicator function)
• hour (kWh & kvarh)
COMS (communication) FMT (protocol) Choose from:
• Modb (Modbus RTU)
• N2 (Johnson Controls Metasys N2)
bAUd (baud rate) Choose from:
• 2 400
• 4 800
• 9 600
• 19 200
• 38 400
PARI (parity) Choose from:
• None
• Odd
• Even
EngyVolt RV12 Commissioning
First level Second level Third level
STOP (stop bits) Choose from:
• 1
• 2
Addr (device address) Choose value from between
1 to 247
RLY (relay) OP1 (value assignment to pulse
output relay 1)
Choose from:
• kvarh EXPORT
• kvarh IMPORT
RATE (pulse value) Choose from:
• 0.1
• 1
• 10
• 100
• 1 000
PULS (pulse length) Choose from:
• 60 ms
• 100 ms
• 200 ms
NRGY (energy) Choose from:
Lmt Choose from:
• ON
TEST Choose from:
• disp ON (tests the segments of the LC display)
• disp TOGL (display toggle. Tests the segments of the LC display alternately)
• PHAS SEQ (checks the phase sequence)
SOFT (software) Displays the version number of the
internal software (firmware)
6.2.1 Configuration example for the current transformer primary value
Press the and keys simultaneously and hold for 5 seconds. 
The screen to enter the password is displayed.
2. To enter the default password "0000" which is set at the factory, press the key four times or enter a password that has already been configured and press to confirm.
Commissioning EngyVolt RV12
The screen to make the settings for the system configuration is displayed.
3. Repeatedly press the key until the screen to set the current transformer primary value "CT" is displayed.
4. Press the key.  The first digit starts flashing.
5. Use the and keys to set the desired value.
6. Press the key to confirm the set value.  The next digit starts flashing.
7. Repeat this procedure until the last digit has been set and confirmed.  The set value is displayed as follows, for example: 0100 = 100 A, 1000 = 1 000 A,
etc. "SET" now also appears on the display.
The current transformer primary value is now configured. Press the key to return to the first level in the menu structure. Other parameters can now be selected for configuration in the first level.
If no more settings need to be made, press the key again to switch to the display mode.
6.3 Device settings
Calling up the Setup menu
1. Press the and keys simultaneously for 5 seconds.  The screen to enter the password is displayed.
2. To enter the default password "0000" which is set at the factory, press the key four times or enter a password that has already been configured and press to confirm.
 The screen to make the settings for the system configuration is displayed.
6.3.1 Changing the password - CHNG PASS
1. Call up the Setup menu.
2. Press the key.  CHNG PASS is displayed.
3. Press the key.  The first digit starts flashing.
4. Use the and keys to select the value of the first digit.
5. Press the key to confirm.  The next digit starts flashing.
6. Repeat this procedure until the last digit has been set and confirmed.  "SET" now also appears on the display.
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