Endress+Hauser Ecograph RSG35, Ecograph T Operating Instructions Manual

BA01146R/09/EN/05.16 71344137
Valid as of version ENU000A, V2.01.xx
Products Solutions Services
Operating Instructions
Ecograph T, RSG35
Universal Data Manager

Table of contents

1 Document information .............. 6
1.1 Document function ..................... 6
1.2 Symbols used .......................... 6
1.2.1 Safety symbols .................. 6
1.2.2 Electrical symbols ................ 6
1.2.3 Symbols for certain types of
information .................... 7
1.2.4 Symbols in graphics ............... 7
1.3 Terminology .......................... 7
1.4 Registered trademarks ................... 7
2 Basic safety instructions ............ 8
2.1 Requirements concerning the staff .......... 8
2.2 Designated use ........................ 8
2.3 Workplace safety ....................... 8
2.4 Operational safety ...................... 8
2.5 Product safety ......................... 9
2.6 Safety information for table version (option) ... 9
2.7 IT security ............................ 9
3 Product description ................. 9
3.1 Product design ......................... 9
4 Incoming acceptance and product
identification ..................... 10
4.1 Incoming acceptance ................... 10
4.2 Scope of delivery ...................... 10
4.3 Product identification ................... 10
4.3.1 Nameplate .................... 10
4.4 Storage and transport .................. 11
5 Installation ....................... 11
5.1 Mounting requirements ................. 11
5.1.1 Installation dimensions ........... 11
5.2 Mounting the measuring device ........... 11
5.3 Post-mounting check ................... 12
6 Electrical connection .............. 13
6.1 Connection conditions .................. 13
6.2 Connection instructions ................. 13
6.2.1 Cable specification ............... 13
6.3 Connecting the measuring device .......... 14
6.3.1 Terminal assignment on the rear of
the device ..................... 14
6.3.2 Supply voltage .................. 15
6.3.3 Relays ........................ 15
6.3.4 Digital inputs; auxiliary voltage
output ........................ 15
6.3.5 Analog inputs .................. 16
6.3.6 Connection example: Auxiliary voltage output as transmitter power
supply for 2-wire sensors .......... 17
6.3.7 Connection example: Auxiliary voltage output as transmitter power
supply for 4-wire sensors .......... 18
6.3.8 Option: RS232/RS485 interface (rear
of device) ..................... 18
6.3.9 Ethernet connection (rear of
device) ....................... 19
6.3.10 Option: Ethernet Modbus TCP slave .. 20
6.3.11 Option: Modbus RTU slave ......... 20
6.3.12 Connections at front of device ...... 20
6.4 Post-connection check .................. 22
7 Operation options ................. 23
7.1 Overview of operation options ............ 23
7.2 Structure and function of the operating
menu .............................. 23
7.2.1 Operating menu for operators and
maintenance personnel ........... 23
7.2.2 Operating menu for experts ........ 24
7.2.3 Submenus and users ............. 24
7.3 Measured value display and operating
elements ............................ 26
7.4 Display representation of symbols used in
operation ........................... 27
7.4.1 Symbols in operating menus ....... 28
7.4.2 Symbols in the event logbook ....... 28
7.5 Entering text and numbers (virtual
keyboard) ........................... 28
7.6 Channel color assignment ............... 29
7.7 Access to the operating menu via the local
display ............................. 29
7.8 Device access via operating tools .......... 29
7.8.1 Field Data Manager (FDM) analysis
software (SQL database support) .... 29
7.8.2 Web server .................... 30
7.8.3 OPC server (optional) ............ 30
7.8.4 FieldCare/DeviceCare configuration
software (included in the delivery) ... 30
8 System integration ................ 31
8.1 Integrating the measuring device in the
system ............................. 31
8.1.1 General notes .................. 31
8.1.2 Ethernet ...................... 31
8.1.3 Modbus RTU/TCP slave ........... 31
9 Commissioning .................... 32
9.1 Function check ....................... 32
9.2 Switching on the measuring device ......... 32
9.3 Setting the operating language ............ 32
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Table of contents Ecograph T, RSG35
9.4 Configuring the measuring device (Setup
menu) .............................. 32
9.4.1 Step-by-step: to the first measured
value ........................ 33
9.4.2 Step-by-step: set or delete the limit
values ........................ 33
9.4.3 Setup directly at the device ........ 33
9.4.4 Setup via SD card or USB stick ...... 34
9.4.5 Setup via Web server ............. 34
9.4.6 Setup via FieldCare/DeviceCare
configuration software (included in
the delivery) ................... 35
9.5 Advanced settings (Expert menu) .......... 36
9.6 Configuration management .............. 36
9.7 Simulation ........................... 37
9.8 Protecting settings from unauthorized
access .............................. 37
10 Operation ......................... 38
10.1 Displaying and modifying current Ethernet
settings ............................. 38
10.2 Reading the device locking status .......... 38
10.3 Reading measured values ................ 39
10.4 Reading measured values via the Web
server .............................. 39
10.4.1 Access to the Web server via HTTP
(HTML) ...................... 40
10.4.2 Access to the Web server via XML ... 40
10.4.3 Remote control via the Web server ... 41
10.5 Data analysis and visualization with the Field
Data Manager software (FDM) provided ..... 41
10.5.1 Structure/layout of a CSV file ....... 42
10.5.2 Importing UTF-8-encoded CSV files
into spreadsheets ............... 43
10.6 Change group ........................ 43
10.7 Block keyboard/navigator ............... 43
10.8 Log on/log out ........................ 43
10.9 SD card/USB stick ..................... 43
10.9.1 Function of SD card or USB stick .... 43
10.9.2 Functions relating to the SD card or
USB stick ..................... 44
10.9.3 Notes on e-mail encryption ........ 45
10.9.4 Notes on WebDAV encryption ...... 45
10.9.5 SSL certificates ................. 46
10.10 Showing measured values history .......... 47
10.10.1 Historical data: changing a group .... 47
10.10.2 Historical data: Scroll speed ........ 47
10.10.3 Historical data: Time scaling ....... 47
10.10.4 Historical data: Time range
displayed ..................... 47
10.10.5 Historical data: Screenshot ......... 47
10.10.6 Historical data: Change the display
mode ........................ 47
10.11 Signal analysis ........................ 48
10.12 Search in trace ........................ 48
10.13 Changing the display mode .............. 48
10.14 Adjusting the brightness of the display ...... 48
10.15 Limit values .......................... 49
10.16 WebDAV Client ....................... 49
10.16.1 Access to the WebDAV server via
HTTP (HTML) .................. 49
11 Diagnostics and troubleshooting ... 50
11.1 General troubleshooting ................. 50
11.2 Troubleshooting ...................... 50
11.2.1 Device error/alarm relay .......... 50
11.3 Diagnostic information on the local display ... 51
11.4 Pending, current diagnostic messages ....... 54
11.5 Diagnosis list ......................... 54
11.6 Event logbook ........................ 55
11.7 Device information .................... 55
11.8 Diagnostics of measured values ........... 55
11.9 Diagnostics of outputs .................. 55
11.10 Simulation ........................... 55
11.10.1 E-mail test .................... 55
11.10.2 Test WebDAV Client ............. 56
11.10.3 Test time synchronization/SNTP .... 56
11.10.4 Relay test ..................... 56
11.11 Initialize modem ...................... 56
11.12 Resetting the measuring device ........... 56
11.13 Firmware history ...................... 57
12 Maintenance ...................... 57
12.1 Updating the device software ("firmware") .... 57
12.2 Instructions for enabling a software option ... 57
12.3 Cleaning ............................ 57
13 Repairs ........................... 58
13.1 General notes ........................ 58
13.2 Spare parts .......................... 58
13.3 Return .............................. 60
13.4 Disposal ............................ 60
14 Accessories ....................... 61
14.1 Device-specific accessories ............... 61
15 Technical data .................... 63
15.1 Function and system design .............. 63
15.2 Input ............................... 64
15.3 Output ............................. 67
15.4 Power supply ........................ 69
15.5 Performance characteristics .............. 71
15.6 Installation .......................... 71
15.7 Environment ......................... 73
15.8 Mechanical construction ................ 73
15.9 Display and operating elements ........... 74
15.10 Certificates and approvals ............... 77
15.11 Ordering information ................... 77
16 Appendix ......................... 78
16.1 Operating items in the "Expert" menu ....... 78
16.1.1 "System" submenu ............... 78
16.1.2 "Inputs" submenu ................ 97
4 Endress+Hauser
16.1.3 "Outputs" submenu .............. 119
16.1.4 "Communication" submenu ........ 120
16.1.5 "Application" submenu ........... 134
16.1.6 "Diagnostics" submenu ........... 165
Index ................................. 170
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Document information Ecograph T, RSG35

1 Document information

1.1 Document function

These Operating Instructions contain all the information that is required in various phases of the life cycle of the device: from product identification, incoming acceptance and storage, to mounting, connection, operation and commissioning through to troubleshooting, maintenance and disposal.
Integrated Operating Instructions
At the push of a button, the device displays operating instructions directly on the screen. This manual complements the operating instructions in the device and explains what is not directly described in the operating instructions.

1.2 Symbols used

1.2.1 Safety symbols

Symbol Meaning
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation will result in serious or fatal injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in serious or fatal injury.
This symbol alerts you to a dangerous situation. Failure to avoid this situation can result in minor or medium injury.
This symbol contains information on procedures and other facts which do not result in personal injury.

1.2.2 Electrical symbols

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning
Direct current Alternating current
Direct current and alternating current Ground connection
Protective ground connection
A terminal which must be connected to ground prior to establishing any other connections.
A grounded terminal which, as far as the operator is concerned, is grounded via a grounding system.
Equipotential connection
A connection that has to be connected to the plant grounding system: This may be a potential equalization line or a star grounding system depending on national or company codes of practice.
6 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Document information

1.2.3 Symbols for certain types of information

Symbol Meaning
Procedures, processes or actions that are permitted.
Procedures, processes or actions that are preferred.
Procedures, processes or actions that are forbidden.
Indicates additional information.
Reference to documentation
Reference to page
Reference to graphic
Series of steps
Result of a step
Help in the event of a problem
Visual inspection

1.2.4 Symbols in graphics

Symbol Meaning
1, 2, 3,... Item numbers
Series of steps
A, B, C, ... Views
A-A, B-B, C-C, ... Sections
Flow direction
Hazardous area
Indicates a hazardous area.
Safe area (non-hazardous area)
Indicates a non-hazardous area.

1.3 Terminology

To improve clarity, abbreviations or synonyms are used in these instructions for the following terms:
• Endress+Hauser: Term used in these instructions: "Manufacturer" or "Supplier"
• Ecograph T RSG35: Term used in these instructions: "Device" or "Measuring device"

1.4 Registered trademarks

Registered trademark of SCHNEIDER AUTOMATION, INC.
Endress+Hauser 7
Basic safety instructions Ecograph T, RSG35
Internet Explorer®, Excel
Registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation
Mozilla Firefox
Registered trademark of the Mozilla Foundation
Registered trademark of Opera Software ASA.
Google Chrome
Registered trademark of Google INC.

2 Basic safety instructions

Reliable and safe operation of the device is guaranteed only if the user reads these Operating Instructions and complies with the safety instructions they contain.

2.1 Requirements concerning the staff

The personnel for installation, commissioning, diagnostics and maintenance must fulfill the following requirements:
Trained, qualified specialists: must have a relevant qualification for this specific
function and task Are authorized by the plant owner/operator
Are familiar with federal/national regulations
Before beginning work, the specialist staff must have read and understood the
instructions in the Operating Instructions and supplementary documentation as well as in the certificates (depending on the application) Following instructions and basic conditions
The operating personnel must fulfill the following requirements:
Being instructed and authorized according to the requirements of the task by the
facility's owner-operator Following the instructions in these Operating Instructions

2.2 Designated use

This device is designed for the electronic acquisition, display, recording, analysis, remote transmission and archiving of analog and digital input signals in non-hazardous areas.
• The manufacturer accepts no liability for damages resulting from incorrect use or use other than that designated. It is not permitted to convert or modify the device in any way.
• The device is designed for installation in a panel and must only be operated in an installed state.

2.3 Workplace safety

For work on and with the device:
Wear the required personal protective equipment according to federal/national

2.4 Operational safety

Risk of injury.
Operate the device in proper technical condition and fail-safe condition only.
The operator is responsible for interference-free operation of the device.
8 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Product description
Conversions to the device
Unauthorized modifications to the device are not permitted and can lead to unforeseeable dangers.
If, despite this, modifications are required, consult with the manufacturer.
To ensure continued operational safety and reliability,
Carry out repairs on the device only if they are expressly permitted.
Observe federal/national regulations pertaining to repair of an electrical device.
Use original spare parts and accessories from the manufacturer only.
Hazardous area
To eliminate a danger for persons or for the facility when the device is used in the hazardous area (e.g. explosion protection, pressure vessel safety):
Based on the nameplate, check whether the ordered device is permitted for the
intended use in the hazardous area. Observe the specifications in the separate supplementary documentation that is an
integral part of these Instructions.

2.5 Product safety

This measuring device is designed in accordance with good engineering practice to meet state-of-the-art safety requirements, has been tested, and left the factory in a condition in which it is safe to operate.
It meets general safety standards and legal requirements. It also complies with the EC directives listed in the device-specific EC Declaration of Conformity. The manufacturer confirms this by affixing the CE mark to the device.

2.6 Safety information for table version (option)

• The mains plug should only be inserted into a socket with a ground contact.
• The protective effect may not be suspended by an extension cable without a protective ground.
• Relay outputs: U (max) = 30 V
(AC)/60 V (DC).

2.7 IT security

The manufacturer only provides a warranty if the device is installed and used as described in the Operating Instructions. The device is equipped with security mechanisms to protect it against any inadvertent changes to the device settings.
IT security measures in line with operators' security standards and designed to provide additional protection for the device and device data transfer must be implemented by the operators themselves.

3 Product description

3.1 Product design

This device is best suited for the electronic acquisition, display, recording, analysis, remote transmission and archiving of analog and digital input signals.
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Incoming acceptance and product identification Ecograph T, RSG35

3 4 5 6
35 VA
The device is intended for installation in a panel or cabinet. There is also the option of operating it in a table-mounted or field-mounted housing.
4 Incoming acceptance and product

4.1 Incoming acceptance

On receipt of the goods, check the following points:
• Is the packaging or the content damaged?
• Is the delivery complete? Compare the scope of delivery against the information on your order form.

4.2 Scope of delivery

The scope of delivery of the device comprises:
• Device (with terminals, as per order)
• 2 fastening clips
• USB cable
• Optional: Industrial grade SD card (card is located in the SD slot behind the flap on the front of the housing)
• "Field Data Manager (FDM)" analysis software on DVD (Essential, Demo or Professional version, depending on order)
• "FieldCare Device Setup / DeviceCare" configuration software on DVD
• Delivery note
• Multilanguage Brief Operating Instructions, hard copy

4.3 Product identification

4.3.1 Nameplate

Compare the nameplate with the following diagram:
 1 Device nameplate (example)
1 Device tag 2 Order code, serial number, extended order code 3 Power supply, mains frequency 4 Maximum power consumption
10 Endress+Hauser
5 Temperature range 6 Software version; MAC address 7 Device approvals
Ecograph T, RSG35 Installation

4.4 Storage and transport

Compliance with the permitted environmental and storage conditions is mandatory. For precise specifications, see the "Technical data" section→  63 of the Operating Instructions.
Please note the following:
• Pack the device so that is protected against impact for storage and transport. The original packaging provides optimum protection.
• The permitted storage temperature is –20 to +60 °C (–4 to +140 °F).

5 Installation

5.1 Mounting requirements

Overheating due to buildup of heat in the device
To avoid heat buildup, please always ensure that the device is sufficiently cooled.
The device is designed for use in a panel in non-hazardous areas.
• Ambient temperature range–10 to +50 °C (14 to 122 °F)
• Climate class as per IEC 60654-1: Class B2
• Degree of protection: IP65, NEMA 4 at front / IP20 housing at rear

5.1.1 Installation dimensions

Please observe the installation depth of approx. 158 mm (6.22 in) for the device incl. terminals and fastening clips.
• Panel cutout: 138 to 139 mm (5.43 to 5.47 in) x 138 to 139 mm (5.43 to 5.47 in)
• Panel strength: 2 to 40 mm (0.08 to 1.58 in)
• Angle of vision: from the midpoint axis of the display, 75° to the left and right, 65° above and below.
• A minimum distance of 15 mm (0.59 in) mm (inch) between the devices must be observed if aligning the devices in the Y-direction (vertically above one another). A minimum distance of 10 mm (0.39 in) mm (inch) between the devices must be observed if aligning the devices in the X-direction (horizontally beside one another).
• Securing to DIN 43 834

5.2 Mounting the measuring device

Mounting tool: For installation in the panel, all you need is a screwdriver.
Endress+Hauser 11
Installation Ecograph T, RSG35
144 (5.67)
144 (5.67)
141 (5.55)
17 (0.67)
 2 Panel mounting and dimensions in mm (Inch)
1. Push the device through the panel cutout from the front. To avoid heat buildup, maintain a distance of > 15 mm (>0.59 in) from walls and other devices.
2. Hold the device level and hang the fastening clips in the openings (1 x left, 1 x right).
3. Evenly tighten the screws on the fasting clip using a screwdriver to guarantee a secure seal to the control panel (torque 100 Ncm).

5.3 Post-mounting check

• Is the sealing ring undamaged?
• Does the seal run all around the housing collar?
• Are the threaded rods properly tightened?
• Is the device fixed firmly in the center of the control panel cutout?
12 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Electrical connection

6 Electrical connection

6.1 Connection conditions

Danger! Electric voltage!
The entire connection of the device must take place while the device is de-energized.
The mixed connection of safety extra-low voltage and dangerous contact voltage to the
relay is not permitted. Apart from the relays and the supply voltage, only energy-limited circuits according to
IEC/EN 61010-1 may be connected.
Danger if protective ground is disconnected
The ground connection must be made before all other connections.
Cable heat load
Use suitable cables for temperatures of 5 °C (9 °F) above ambient temperature.
Incorrect supply voltage can damage the device or cause malfunctions
Before commissioning the device, make sure that the supply voltage matches the
voltage specifications on the nameplate.
Check emergency shutdown for device
Provide suitable switch or circuit breaker in building installation. This switch must be
provided close to the device (within easy reach) and marked as a circuit breaker.
Protect the device from overload
Provide overload protection (nominal current = 10 A) for power cable.
Incorrect wiring may result in the device being destroyed
Note terminal designation on the rear of the device.
Energy-rich transients in the case of long signal lines
Install suitable overvoltage protection (e.g. E+H HAW562) upstream.

6.2 Connection instructions

6.2.1 Cable specification

Cable specification, spring terminals
All connections on the rear of the device are designed as pluggable screw or spring terminal blocks with reverse polarity protection. This makes the connection very quick and easy. The spring terminals are unlocked with a slotted screwdriver (size 0).
Please note the following when connecting:
• Wire cross-section, auxiliary voltage output, digital I/O and analog I/O: max. 1.5 mm (14 AWG) (spring terminals)
• Wire cross-section, mains: max. 2.5 mm2 (13 AWG) (screw terminals)
• Wire cross-section, relays: max. 2.5 mm2 (13 AWG) (spring terminals)
• Stripping length: 10 mm (0.39 in)
No ferrules must be used when connecting flexible wires to spring terminals.
Shielding and grounding
Optimum electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) can only be guaranteed if the system components and, in particular, the lines - both sensor lines and communication lines - are
Endress+Hauser 13
Electrical connection Ecograph T, RSG35
shielded and the shield forms as complete a cover as possible. A shielded line must be used for sensor lines that are longer than 30 m. A shield coverage of 90% is ideal. In addition, make sure not to cross sensor lines and communication lines when routing them. Connect the shield as often as possible to the reference ground to ensure optimum EMC protection for the different communication protocols and the connected sensors.
To comply with requirements, three different types of shielding are possible:
• Shielding at both ends
• Shielding at one end on the supply side with capacitance termination at the device
• Shielding at one end on the supply side
Experience shows that the best results with regard to EMC are achieved in most cases in installations with one-sided shielding on the supply side (without capacitance termination at the device). Appropriate internal device wiring measures must be taken to allow unrestricted operation when EMC interference is present. These measures have been taken into account for this device. Operation in the event of disturbance variables as per NAMUR NE21 is thus guaranteed.
Where applicable, national installation regulations and guidelines must be observed during the installation! Where there are large differences in potential between the individual grounding points, only one point of the shielding is connected directly with the reference ground.
If the shielding of the cable is grounded at more than one point in systems without potential matching, mains frequency equalizing currents can occur. These can damage the signal cable or significantly impact signal transmission. In such cases the shielding of the signal cable is to be grounded on one side only, i.e. it may not be connected to the ground terminal of the housing. The shield that is not connected should be insulated!

6.3 Connecting the measuring device

6.3.1 Terminal assignment on the rear of the device

 3 Terminals on the rear of the device
14 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Electrical connection

6.3.2 Supply voltage

Power unit type Terminal
100-230 VAC L+ N- PE
Phase L Zero conductor N Ground
24 V AC/DC L+ N- PE
Phase L or + Zero conductor N or - Ground

6.3.3 Relays

Type Terminal (max. 250 V, 3 A)
Alarm relay 1 R11 R12 R13
Changeover contact
Normally closed contact
Normally open contact (NO)
Relay 2 to 6 Rx1 Rx2
Switching contact Normally open
1) NC = normally closed (breaker)
2) NO = normally open (maker)

6.3.4 Digital inputs; auxiliary voltage output

Type Terminal
Digital input 1 to 6
Auxiliary voltage output, not stabilized, max. 250 mA
D11 to D61 GND1
Digital input 1 to 6 (+)
Ground (-) for digital inputs 1 to 6
24V Out - 24V Out +
- Ground + 24V (±15%)
contact (NO
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Electrical connection Ecograph T, RSG35

6.3.5 Analog inputs

The first digit (x) of the two-digit terminal number corresponds to the associated channel:
Type Terminal
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6
Voltage > 1V (+) (-)
Voltage ≤1V (+) (-)
Resistance thermometer RTD (2-wire)
Resistance thermometer RTD (3-wire)
Resistance thermometer RTD (4-wire)
Thermocouples TC (+) (-)
(A) (B)
(A) b (sense) (B)
(A) a (sense) b (sense) (B)
(+) (-)
1) If a universal input is used as a frequency or pulse input and the voltage is >2.5 V, a series resistor must be used in series connection with the voltage source. Example: 1.2 kΩ series resistor at 24 V
16 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Electrical connection
Out: max. 250 mA

6.3.6 Connection example: Auxiliary voltage output as transmitter power supply for 2-wire sensors

 4 Connecting auxiliary voltage output when using as a transmitter power supply for 2-wire sensors in the
current measuring range. (When connecting channel CH3-12, see pin assignment CH1-2.)
1 Sensor 1 (e.g. Cerabar from Endress+Hauser) 2 Sensor 2 3 External indicator (optional) (e.g. RIA16 from Endress+Hauser)
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Electrical connection Ecograph T, RSG35
Out: max. 250 mA

6.3.7 Connection example: Auxiliary voltage output as transmitter power supply for 4-wire sensors

 5 Connecting auxiliary voltage output when using as a transmitter power supply for 4-wire sensors in the
1 Sensor 1 (e.g. temperature switch TTR31 from Endress+Hauser) 2 Sensor 2 3 External indicator (optional) (e.g. RIA16 from Endress+Hauser)

6.3.8 Option: RS232/RS485 interface (rear of device)

current measuring range. (When connecting channel CH3-12, see pin assignment CH1-2.)
Use shielded signal lines for serial interfaces!
A combined RS232/RS485 connection is available on a shielded SUB D9 socket at the rear of the device. This can be used for data transfer and to connect a modem. For communication via modem, we recommend an industrial modem with a watchdog function.
18 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Electrical connection
Further units
Termination resistor (typical 120 )Ω
To PC: Cable with 9 pol. Sub-D plug RxD - 3 GND - 5 TxD - 2
To PC: Cable with 25 pol. Sub-D plug
To modem: Cable with 9 pol. Sub-D socket
To modem: Cable with 25 pol. Sub-D socket
Type Pin of the SUB-D9 socket
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
RS232 assignment
RS485 assignment
TxD (data output)
RxD (data input)
GND RxD/TxD – RxD/TxD +
Unoccupied connections should be left empty. Maximum cable length: RS232: 2 m (6.6 ft) RS485: 1000 m (3280 ft)
Only one interface can be used at any one time (RS232 or RS485).

6.3.9 Ethernet connection (rear of device)

The Ethernet interface can be used to integrate the device via a hub or switch into a PC network (TCP/ IP Ethernet). A standard patch cable (e.g. CAT5E) can be used for the connection. Using DHCP, the device can be fully integrated into an existing network without the need for additional configuration. The device can be accessed from every PC in the network.
• Standard: 10/100 Base T/TX (IEEE 802.3)
• Socket: RJ-45
• Max. cable length: 100 m
• Galvanic isolation; testing voltage: 500 V
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Electrical connection Ecograph T, RSG35
6 4
Meaning of the LEDs
Beneath the Ethernet connection (see rear of device) there are two light emitting diodes which indicate the status of the Ethernet interface.
• Yellow LED: link signal; is lit when the device is connected to a network. If this LED is not
illuminated then communication is impossible.
• Green LED: Tx/Rx; flashes irregularly if the device is transmitting or receiving data.

6.3.10 Option: Ethernet Modbus TCP slave

The Modbus TCP interface is used to connect to higher-ranking SCADA systems (Modbus master) to transmit all measured values and process values. Up to 12 analog inputs and 6 digital inputs can be transmitted via Modbus and stored in the device. Form a physical point of view, the Modbus TCP interface is identical to the Ethernet interface.

6.3.11 Option: Modbus RTU slave

The Modbus RTU (RS485) interface is galvanically isolated (testing voltage: 500 V) and is used to connect to higher-ranking systems to transmit all measured values and process values. Up to 12 analog inputs and 6 digital inputs can be transmitted via Modbus and stored in the device. Connection is via the combined RS232/RS485 interface.
Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU cannot be used at the same time.

6.3.12 Connections at front of device

 6 Front of device with open flap
1 Navigator 2 LED at SD slot. Orange LED lights up or flashes when the device writes to or reads from the SD card. 3 Slot for SD card 4 USB B socket "Function" e.g. to connect to PC or laptop 5 Green LED lit: power supply present 6 USB A socket "Host" e.g. for USB memory stick or external keyboard 7-12 For a description of the displays, see the "Operability" section
20 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Electrical connection
USB connection type A (host)
A USB 2.0 port is available on a shielded USB A socket at the front of the device. A USB stick, for example, can be connected to this interface as a storage medium. An external keyboard or USB hub may also be connected.
USB connection type B (function)
A USB 2.0 port is available on a shielded USB B socket at the front of the device. This can be used to connect the device for communication with a laptop, for example.
USB-2.0 is compatible with USB-1.1 or USB-3.0, i.e. communication is possible.
Information on USB devices
The USB devices are detected by the "plug-and-play" function. If several devices of the same type are connected, only the USB device that was connected first is available. Settings for the USB devices are made in the setup. A maximum of 8 external USB devices (incl. USB hub) can be connected if they do not exceed the maximum load of 500 mA. If overloaded, the corresponding USB devices are automatically disabled.
Requirements with regard to an external USB hub
The USB devices are detected by the "plug-and-play" function. If several devices of the same type are connected, only the USB device that was connected first is available. Settings for the USB devices are made in the setup. A maximum of 8 external USB devices (incl. USB hub) can be connected if they do not exceed the maximum load of 500 mA. If overloaded, the corresponding USB devices are automatically disabled.
Requirements with regard to the USB stick
There is no guarantee that all manufacturers' USB sticks will function faultlessly. That is why an industrial grade SD card is recommended to ensure the reliable recording of data. →  61
The USB stick must be formatted to FAT or FAT32. NTFS format is not readable. The system supports only USB sticks with max. 32 GB.
The USB stick must not be connected to the device via a USB hub. Interference from other USB devices may result in data loss.
Requirements with regard to an external USB keyboard
The system only supports keyboards which can be addressed using generic drivers (HID keyboard - Human Interface Device). Special keys are not supported (e.g. Windows keys). Users can only enter characters that are available in the entry character set of the device. All unsupported characters are rejected. It is not possible to connect a wireless keyboard. The following keyboard layouts are supported: DE, CH, FR, USA, USA International, UK, IT. See setting under "Setup -> Advanced setup -> System -> Keyboard layout".
Requirements for the SD card
Industrial grade SD-HC cards with max. 32 GB are supported.
Use only the industrial grade SD cards described in the "Accessories" section of the Operating Instructions. These have been tested by the manufacturer and guaranteed to function faultlessly in the device. →  61
The SD card must be formatted to FAT or FAT32. NTFS format is not readable.
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Electrical connection Ecograph T, RSG35

6.4 Post-connection check

Device condition and specifications Notes
Are cables or the device damaged? Visual inspection
Electrical connection Notes
Does the supply voltage match the specifications on the nameplate? -
Are all terminals firmly engaged in their correct slot? -
Are the mounted cables strain-relieved? -
Are the power supply and signal cables correctly connected? See connection diagram and
rear of device.
22 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Operation options
Advanced setup
Measured Values
Diagnostics list
Event logbook
Device information
Change group
SD card/USB stick
Change date/time
Date/time setup
Change display mode
Adjust brightness
External memory
Screen saver
Device options,...
Universal inputs
Digital inputs
Relaiy 1 - 6
Serial interface
Modbus Slave
Signal analysis
Signal groups
Initialize modem
Signal analysis
WebDAV Client
Lock operation
Search in trace

7 Operation options

7.1 Overview of operation options

The device can be operated directly onsite with the Navigator and USB keyboard/mouse or via interfaces (serial, USB, Ethernet) and operating tools (Web server, FieldCare/ DeviceCare configuration software).

7.2 Structure and function of the operating menu

7.2.1 Operating menu for operators and maintenance personnel

Endress+Hauser 23
Operation options Ecograph T, RSG35
Enter Access code
Diagnosis list
(see before)
+Clear memory
+Expert functions
Event logbook
Device information
(see before)
(see before)
(see before)
Direct Access
+Expert functions
+Expert functions
+Expert functions
+Expert functions
(see before)

7.2.2 Operating menu for experts

7.2.3 Submenus and users

Certain parts of the menu are assigned to certain user roles. Each user role corresponds to typical tasks within the lifecycle of the device.
User role Typical tasks Menu Content/meaning
Operator Tasks during operation:
• Configuration of the display.
• Reading measured values.
Maintenance Commissioning:
• Configuration of the measurement.
• Configuration of data processing.
"Operation" Contains all the parameters that are required in
ongoing operation: configuration of the measured value display (displayed values, display format, etc.).
"Setup" Contains all parameters for commissioning:
Change date/time
"Advanced setup" submenu Contains additional submenus and parameters: – System: Basic settings required for operating the
device. – Inputs: Settings for analog and digital inputs. – Outputs: Setup required only if outputs (e.g.
relays) are to be used. – Communication: Settings required if you are
using the USB, RS232, RS485 or Ethernet
interface of the device (PC operation, serial data
export, modem operation, etc.). – Application: Define different application-specific
settings (e.g. group settings, limit values, etc.).
Once values have been set for these parameters, the measurement should generally be completely configured.
24 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Operation options
User role Typical tasks Menu Content/meaning
Fault elimination:
• Diagnosing and eliminating process errors.
• Interpretation of device error messages and correcting associated errors.
Expert Tasks that require detailed knowledge of the
function of the device:
• Commissioning measurements under difficult conditions.
• Optimal adaptation of the measurement to difficult conditions.
• Detailed configuration of the communication interface.
• Error diagnostics in difficult cases.
"Diagnostics" Contains all parameters for detecting and analyzing
Diagnosis list All diagnosis messages are listed in chronological order.
Event logbook Events such as limit value violations and power failures are listed in chronological order.
Device information Displays important device information (e.g. serial number, firmware version, device options for hardware and software, memory information, etc.).
Measured values Display of current measured values of device.
Outputs Displays the current status of the outputs e.g. switch status of relay outputs.
Simulation Various functions/signals can be simulated for test purposes here. Note: In Simulation mode, normal recording of the measured values is interrupted and the intervention is logged in the event log.
Initialize modem Initializes the modem connected to the serial interface (for automatic call answering).
"Expert" Contains all parameters of the device (including those
that are already in one of the other menus). The expert menu is protected by a code. Factory setting: 0000. This menu is structured according to the function blocks of the device:
"System" submenu Contains all higher-order device parameters that do not concern the measurement or measured value communication.
"Inputs" submenu Contains all parameters for configuring the analog and digital inputs.
"Output" submenu Contains all parameters for configuring the outputs (e.g. relays).
"Communication" submenu Contains all parameters for configuring the communication interfaces.
"Application" submenu Contains all parameters for configuring application­specific settings (e.g. group settings, limit values etc.).
"Diagnostics" submenu Contains all parameters needed to detect and analyze operational errors.
Endress+Hauser 25
Operation options Ecograph T, RSG35
6 4

7.3 Measured value display and operating elements

 7 Front of device with open flap
Item No.
1 "Navigator": jog/shuttle dial for operating with additional press/hold function.
2 LED at SD slot. Orange LED lit when the device writes to the SD card or reads it.
3 Slot for SD card
4 USB B socket "Function" e.g. to connect to PC or laptop
5 Green LED lit: power supply present
6 USB A socket "Host" e.g. for USB memory stick or external keyboard
7 In display mode: alternating status display (e.g. set zoom range) of the analog or digital inputs in the
8 In display mode: window for measured value display (e.g. curve display).
Operating function (display mode = display of measured values) (Setup mode = operating in the Setup menu)
In display mode: turn the dial to switch between the various signal groups. Press the dial to display the main menu.
In setup mode or in a selection menu: turn the dial anticlockwise to move the bar or the cursor upwards or counterclockwise, changes the parameter. Turning clockwise moves the bar or cursor down or clockwise, changes parameter. Press briefly (<2 sec.) = Select highlighted function, parameter change starts (ENTER key).
Access online help: Press and hold Navigator (>3 sec.) to show information on the selected
function. To quit the menu immediately, press and hold "Back" (>3 sec.) in the Navigator. The devices switches to display mode.
Do not remove the SD card if the LED is lit! Risk of data loss!
appropriate color of the channel.
In setup mode: different information can be displayed here depending on the display type.
In setup mode: display of operating menu
26 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Operation options
Item No.
9 In display mode: current group name, type of evaluation
10 In display mode: displays current date/time
11 In display mode: alternating display indicating the percentage space on the SD card or USB stick that
12 In display mode: display of current measured values and the status in the event of an error/alarm
Operating function (display mode = display of measured values) (Setup mode = operating in the Setup menu)
In setup mode: name of the current operating item (dialog title)
In setup mode: --
has already been used. Status symbols are also displayed in alternation with the memory information (see the following table).
In setup mode: the current "direct access" operating code is displayed
condition. In the case of counters, the type of counter is displayed as a symbol (see the following table).
If a measuring point has limit value status, the corresponding channel identifier is highlighted
in red (quick detection of limit value violations). During a limit value violation and device operation, the acquisition of measured values continues uninterrupted.

7.4 Display representation of symbols used in operation

Item No.
8,12 Symbols for counters:
8, 12 Channel-related symbols:
11 Symbol for status signals:
Function Description
Interim analysis/ external analysis
Daily analysis
Monthly analysis
Annual analysis
Violation of lower limit value
Violation of upper limit value or limit value on counter
Violation of upper and lower limit values at the same time
"Out of specification"
e.g. input signal too high/low
Error message "Failure detected"
An operating error has occurred. The measured value is no longer valid (e.g. a channel not displayed in the current group is defective).
"Maintenance required"
Maintenance is required. The measured value is still valid.
Error, measured value not displayed.
Possible causes: Sensor / input error, line break, invalid value, input signal too high/low
"Device locked"
Setup is locked via a control input. Disable setup lock via a control input.
"Out of specification"
The device is being operated outside its technical specifications (e.g. during startup or cleaning).
"Function check"
The device is in Service mode.
Endress+Hauser 27
Operation options Ecograph T, RSG35
Item No.
7 "Historical data"
Function Description
"Maintenance required"
Maintenance is required. The measured value is still valid.
Error message "Failure detected"
An operating error has occurred. The measured value is no longer valid (e.g. a channel not displayed in the current group is defective).
"External communication"
The device is communicating externally (e.g. via Modbus).
SIM "Simulation"
Simulation is active.
Historical data are currently shown on screen.

7.4.1 Symbols in operating menus

Symbol for setup
Symbol for diagnostics
Symbol for expert setup
Back Use the "Back" function, which can be found at the bottom of each menu/submenu, to move up a level in the menu structure.
To quit the menu immediately, press and hold "Back" (>3 sec.) in the Navigator. The
devices switches to display mode.

7.4.2 Symbols in the event logbook

Setup changes
Power on
Power off
Limit value on
Limit value off
1 Digital on (on/off message)
0 Digital off (on/off message)
Texts saved / comments added
Acknowledging message
Continue searching

7.5 Entering text and numbers (virtual keyboard)

A virtual keyboard is available for entering text and numbers. This is opened automatically if needed. Here, turn the navigator to select the corresponding character and press the navigator to accept it.
The following characters are available for entering free text:
28 Endress+Hauser
Ecograph T, RSG35 Operation options
0-9 a-z A-Z = + - * / \ 2 3 ¼ ½ ¾ ( ) [ ] < > { } I ? ! ` " ' ^ % ° . , : _ µ & # $ € @ § £ ¥ ~
Jump one position to the left.
If this symbol is selected, the cursor jumps one position to the left.
Jump one position to the right.
If this symbol is selected, the cursor jumps one position to the right.
←x Delete backwards.
If this symbol is selected, the character to the left of the cursor position is deleted.
x→ Delete forwards.
If this symbol is selected, the character to the right of the cursor position is deleted.
Delete all. if this symbol is selected, the entire entry is deleted.
Reject entry. If this symbol is selected, the entry is rejected and you quit editing mode. The previously set text remains.
Accept entry. If this symbol is selected, the entry is applied at the position specified by the user, and you quit editing mode.

7.6 Channel color assignment

Channel color assignment is performed in the main menu under "Setup -> Advanced setup -> Application -> Signal groups -> Group x". 8 predefined colors are available per
group and can be assigned to the desired channels.

7.7 Access to the operating menu via the local display

Using the "Navigator" (jog/shuttle dial with additional press function), all settings can be made directly onsite at the device.

7.8 Device access via operating tools

7.8.1 Field Data Manager (FDM) analysis software (SQL database support)

The PC analysis software offers external, centralized data management with visualization for recorded data. The analysis software enables the complete archiving of all measuring point data e.g. measured values, diagnostic events and protocols. The analysis software stores data in an SQL database. The database can be operated locally or in a network (client / server). Access is via RS232/RS485, USB or Ethernet interface (network).
Function scope:
• Export of saved data (measured values, analyses, event log)
• Visualization and processing of saved data (measured values, analyses, event log)
• Safe archiving of exported data in a SQL database
The following versions of the software are available:
• Essential version (free, with limited functionalities)
• Professional version (see accessories →  61)
• Demo version (time-limited Professional version)
An "Essential" version of the analysis software is supplied with the device.
For details, see the Operating Instructions on the analysis software DVD provided.
Endress+Hauser 29
Operation options Ecograph T, RSG35

7.8.2 Web server

A web server is integrated into the device. This makes the current measured values of the device available in real time. Access is via an Ethernet interface from a PC in the network via the standard browser. The installation of additional software is not required.
The Web server offers the following range of functions:
• Display of current and historical data and measured value curves via a standard Web browser →  38
• Easy configuration without additional installed software →  32
• Remote access to device and diagnostic information

7.8.3 OPC server (optional)

The OPC server makes it possible to access data on the device. These data are made available to OPC clients in real time. The OPC server meets the requirements of the OPC specifications regarding the supply of data to an OPC client. Access is via RS232/RS485, USB or Ethernet interface (network). Communication takes place using automatic device detection; the operator does not need to make any additional settings. The OPC server enables the flexible and powerful exchange of data and is easy and convenient to use.
The following momentary values can be provided:
• Analog channels
• Digital channels
• Mathematics
• Totalizer
For details, see Operating Instructions BA00223R/09/xx
7.8.4 FieldCare/DeviceCare configuration software (included in the
Function scope
The configuration software is an FDT/DTM-based system asset management tool. It can configure all smart field devices in a system and helps you manage them. By using the status information, it is also a simple but effective way of checking their status and condition. Access is via USB or Ethernet interface (network).
Typical functions:
• Device configuration
• Loading and saving device data (upload/download)
• Documentation of the measuring point
For details, see the Operating Instructions on the configuration software DVD provided
Overview of device description files (DTM)
Information and files are available free of charge at:
See online at: www.de.endress.com/fieldcare
30 Endress+Hauser
+ 144 hidden pages