Q1: What is the longest that the DN-M1050R can record for?
A1: When recording in stereo the recording time is limited to 74 minutes, however in mono it can be due to the greater recording time of 148 minutes.
Q2: Is the DN-M1050R capable of auto start level recording?
A2: Features auto level start recording where recording can be set to begin at -36 to -72 dB audio levels.
Q3: For a single track, how many cue points will be assigned to it?
A3: A maximum of 5 cue points can be assigned to a single track.
Q4: The DN-M1050R has the option of outputting digital data, do you support it?
A4: All site suggest and advocate its use to enable the user to output digital signals at 32 kHz, 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz.
Q5: Editing functions on tracks, do they exist?
A5: The product provides erasing, moving, divide, A-B insert and combine as a few of the editing functions that are available.
Q6: Can a DN-M1050R communicate with a regular keyboard?
A6: It does work with most IBM-PC™ compatible keyboards plugged through a PS/2 port.
Q7: Why would you need a pitch control?
A7: The feature allows range adjustment of up to +9.9% and as low as -9.9% on the speed of the recorded tape which is adaptable for various purposes.
Q8: What's the process of making the auto track increment feature?
A8: The feature enables a gradual, automatic numeric increment on the track based on the presence of silence in the recording.
Q9: So what do you think will happen, say, with a disc that has been marked write protect, what will happen if I attempt to record in the disc?
A9: The device will simply state that the disk is protected and hence it will not allow any recording or erasing on the disk.
Q10: What options do I have if I try to edit but want to go back to what was done before?
A10: There is an undo that will allow you to undo any up to two of your last operations or alternatively reset all your operations by utilizing the “First” option prior to writing the UTOC.