100 Corporate Drive Mahwah, NJ 07430
Service Bulletin
No. : OST-766
May 2, 2007
Model: AVR-3803
Subject: Replacement of a Maintenance Service Part (Regulator IC made by
KEC) due to a manufacturing defect.
Symptom: Regarding the Regulator IC used for the subject model, defective
parts were found during the production process at the Regulator manufacturer.
Therefore, from now on, please prohibit the use of this regulator and delete the
part number of this Regulator IC. Also, please replace the regulators in your
service section's stock with the following changed ones.
Use the part number outlined below when ordering a replacement
Ref #
Description Part Number Description Part Number
IC606 KIA78R09API 263 1180 038 KIA78R09PI 263 1163 000
• Please replace the old Regulator IC for maintenance service in your stock with
the improved IC. Regarding the old ICs, please scrap them after the collection.
• Please use the improved new IC when replacing the subject IC upon performing
maintenance service for the product.
• Please revise the description in the Service Manual at your service section.
Serial Number Range:
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