Citizen TW600 User Manual

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Safety precautions …………………………………………… 1 Precautions for handling and storage ………………………2 Before using this product …………………………………… 3 Features ………………………………………………… 4 and 5 Names and functions of parts ……………………… 6 and 7 Initialization (Setting of your weight and stride) …………… 8 Initialization (Setting of date and clock) ……………………9 Initialization (Setting end screen) ………………………… 10 Changing set values ……………………………………… 11 How to carry the unit ……………………………………… 12 For your correct measuring ………………………………… 13 Reviewing various data (14-day memory) ……………… 15 Reviewing various data (Measured values) ……………… 16 Reviewing various data (Changing display screen) …… 17 Reviewing various data (Accumulated data) …………… 18 Reviewing various data (Sectional trip measuring) 19 and 20 Remaining battery level mark ……………………………… 21 How to replace the battery ………………………………… 22 What is an amount of exercise? …………………………… 23 Troubleshooting and guidance …………………………… 24 Specifications ……………………………………………… 25
This instruction manual uses various illustrations to explain how to use the product correctly and safely in order to prevent any damage or injuries occurring to you, other people or property.
The column bearing this mark describes the content related to a hazard that may cause "death or serious injuries."
The column bearing this mark describes the content related to a hazard that may cause "injuries or property damage."
This mark indicates a "Prohibited matter."
This mark indicates a "Mandatory matter" that the user is required to observe at all times.
Keep batteries,main unit and attached
driver away from babies.
>> Otherwise they may be accidentally in-
gested or cause injuries.
Never dispose of batteries in the fire.
>> Otherwise they may explode.
If you are not accustomed to daily ex
­ercise, consult with your physicians or trainers for instruction.
>> Sudden and strenuous exercise is dan-
If you are receiving treatment for injuries
or diseases, consult with your physician or trainer for instruction.
Safety precautions
About handling
Never disassemble the product.
>> Otherwise it may cause the product to fail.
Do not use or stor e the product in a
dusty or damp location or where it may be splashed with water.
>> Otherwise it may cause the product to fail.
Do not subject the product to vibration or
>> Otherwise it may cause the product to fail.
Be careful not to put the product into a
washing machine by mistake or drop it in water.
>> Otherwise it may cause the product to fail.
Refrain from wearing it in the hip pocket of
your trousers.
>> Otherwise it may break or cause an injury
when you sit down.
About maintenance
Do not use thinner, benzine, alcohol,
etc. for maintenance.
>> Clean the main unit using a soft cloth.
Precautions for handling and storage
1. Thin-type pedometer
This is a compact, thin type pedometer convenient for wear­ing.
2. Indication of amount of exercise (Ex)
Indicates the amount of exercise (Ex) by using walking as an index for healthy exercise.
For the amount of exercise, see page 23.
3. Various measurement
Measures your number of steps, amount of exercise, calorie consumption, amount of burnt fat, walking distance, walking time and mean walking speed.
Fo r revi ew in g va rio us dat a (M eas ur ed val ues ),
see page 16.
4. You can review the accumulated data for a 7-day period
Individuals set up their own target. Some may set a weekly walking target of 70,000 steps in addition to the daily target of 10,000 steps. You can use the function to review the "accumu­lated data for a 7-day period" for such an occasion. This function also becomes handy when reviewing your week­ly amount of exercise recommended by the health authority in your area.
Fo r rev ie wi ng va ri ous data (A cc um ul at ed data),
see page 18.
5. Memory for 14 days
At 2 o'clock every morning, various measured data including the number of steps taken during the past 24 hours will be memorized. The display reading turns to "0." Your data for 14 days can be stored in the memory automatically. This is con­venient in the case you plan to walk continually.
Fo r r ev i ew i ng va r iou s d ata (1 4-d ay me m ory ) ,
see page 15.
Names and functions of parts
1 2 3
6 5 4
1. LCD screen
This illustration shows the display screen state when all the lights are lit simultaneously, which differs from the screen display observed during actual use of the unit.
Changes the display to a screen for actual use (number of steps, accumulated step data, sec­tional measuring, and date and time)
Shows the memory for 14 days. For selecting a section, and for increasing a set value.
Shows the memory for 14 days. For selecting a section, and for decreasing a set value.
Shows measured data (your number of steps, calorie consumption, amount of burnt fat, walking distance, walking time and mean walking speed)..
6. Strap mount (on the side)
7. RESET switch
Pressing RESET switch turns all the LCD lamps ON simultaneously for approximately one (1 ) second. Press RESET switch at time of battery replacement.
8. Battery cover screw
9. Battery cover
Front Back
6. You can measure the number of steps it may take to reach there from here
You can use convenient "Sectional trip measuring" function to measure the number of steps to cover a section from here to there.
For reviewing various data (Sectional meas uring),
see pages 19 and 20.
7. Drip-proof construction
This product has drip-proof construction and it poses no prob­lem if it gets wet with drizzle. Care should be taken, however, when washing the product under the tap or placing it under water as doing so may cause the product to fail.
8. Memory data remains unerased up to the day preceding battery replacement
9. Fu nct ion for prev ent ing mea sur ing errors when walking
This product has a measuring error preventive function, which recognizes periods of walking over 6 seconds as a countable walking period and adds the data to the number of steps thus far memorized. This unit does not count periods of walking of less than 5 seconds or when it is held in the hand and swung two to three times only.
10. Power saving mode
If you are not walking or the buttons are not being operated, the unit enters the power-saving mode approximately 30 seconds later and the screen display blacks out. The screen display automatically returns when you start walking.
11. Automatic return function to step number dis­play screen
If the switch is not pressed for approximately 10 seconds, the unit automatically returns to the step number display screen.
[Set your weight]
Pressing RESET switch causes the "Body weight" in the weight setting screen to flash.
switch until correct weight is
switch once.
The weight is verified and the length of stride lamp starts flashing.
[Set your length of stride].
switch until correct length of
stride is displayed.
switch once.
The length of stride is verified and the year of the Christian era lamp starts flashing.
If you made an entry mistake during setting, complete the
initialization described in pages 8 and 9, then read page 11.
[Set Date and Clock]
switch until correct "year of the Chris-
tian era" is displayed. switch once to verify it.
Set [Month]
swi tch es and
verif y by pre ssing switch.
Set [Day]
swi tch es and
verif y by pre ssing switch.
Set [Time].
swi tch es and
verif y by pre ssing switch.
Set [Minute]
swi tch es and
verif y by pre ssing switch.
The clock is for 24-hour indication.
If you made a mistake while setting, read page 11.
[Initialization end screen]
Step number
Amount of exercise
[How to attach the strap]
Put the strap through an accessory clip.
Connect the strap to the mating part.
[Place the unit in your pocket]
Breast pocket on your shirt or other pockets of pants, skirt, jacket, vest, etc.
[Place the unit in your bag]
To prevent the product from falling, clip the unit
on to your pants, skirt or the end of a bag.
Pulling the unit forcibly without releasing the
clip may damage the fabric the clip is on, for which care should be taken.
Contents Features
Initialization (Setting of your weight and stride)
Initialization (Setting of the Date and Clock)
Initialization (Setting end screen)
How to carry the unit
Mating part
Please check if the following items are packed
in the package.
Please pull the battery insulation sheet off.
Before use, pull the battery insulation sheet with force in the direction of the arrow (horizontally). Then press RESET switch and make initialization by reading pages 8 and 9 for reference.
Before using this product
Main unit
Accessory driver
Strap mating part
Following the procedures below when you want to change any or all of the weight, stride, date and clock data.
switch to display the [Date and
Day and time
switch for an extended pe-
riod (approximately 2 sec) causes the [Body weight] to start flashing.
Body weight, stride, date and clock can be changed in this order. Change necessary item(s) accordingly. (See pages 8 and 9 for reference.)
This unit does not count your walking steps
during setting.
Changing set values
In the following cases, this product
may not make correct measure­ment:
When the main unit is hanging or suspended
The swing bec om es irreg ular, disab lin g cor rect
measuring. Always keep it in a pock et or a bag. (See page 12.)
When you walk in an irregular fashion
Corr ect counting may be disabled wh en you slide
your feet, or when you walk in sandals, clogs. No cor­rect counting will be made when your walking steps became irregular such as when you are walking in a crowded area.
Repeating a short period of walking of less than 6 sec
onds may not be counted correctly.
When used during up-and-down movement or
where there are major vibrations
The unit may not corre ctly
measure your walking steps when your body is rising up and/or carrying out a squat­ting motion besides walking, when eng aged in a spor t, when walking u p or d own a stairway, or when in a ve­hicle experiencing a bumpy or swinging motion.
For correct measuring
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[Reviewing various measured values]
Change the screen to display the number of steps.
Each time switch is pressed,the screen display on
the top column changes, enabling you to view respective measured values as shown below: (Number of steps
Calorie consumption→Amount of burnt fat→Walking dis­tance→Walking time→Mean speed→Number of steps...)
Step number display
Press MODE
[Changing display screen]
switch is pressed, the screen display chang-
es as shown below, enabling the measuring func­tion to be changed: (step→7D→trip→date→step...)
Step number display
Press SET
[Reviewing the memory data for 14 days]
Change the screen to display the number
of steps.
switch enables memo-
ry data up to 14 days old to be viewed.
One(1) day ago, two (2) days ago, …… 14 days ago, and this day
Example of display) Step number for Dec. 31 reads 10,210 steps, or 5.8 exercise
14 days ago, 13 days ago, . one(1) day ago, and this day
switch enables respective mea-
sured data to be viewed. (See page 16.)
Memory data is not changeable/amendable.
Always set the date.
Replacing the battery or pressing RESET switch
on the back does not erase the memory data for 14 days.
If the switch is not pressed for approximately 10
seconds, the unit screen automatically returns to the step number display for the current day.
[Reviewing the accumulated data for a 7-day period]
switch displays the char-
acters reading [7D] on the screen.Accu­mulated data for the past 7 days is dis­played. (From 6 days ago to the current day)
Accumulation display
Example of display) Accumulated step number since Jan. 1 (6 days ago) to this day reads 69,070 steps, or 34.6 exercise.
switch enables respective mea-
sured data to be viewed. (See page 16.)
To return to the step number screen for the cur
rent day, press switch three (3) times.
If the switch is not pressed for approximately 10
seconds, the unit screen automatically returns to the step number display for the current day.
[Sectional trip measuring] Convenient function
1. switch displays the characters reading [trip] on the screen. You can measure op-
tional three (3) sections.
Sectional trip measuring
Section 1 to 3
2. switches, select a section (1 to 3).
switch for an extended period (approximately 2 sec) to change the step number in-
dication to read "0."
4. Place the unit in the pocket or a bag and walk to the destination with it.
5. Upon arrival, set to the sectional trip measuring mode and check the screen.
No amount of exercise is indicated.
switch enables to show respective measured values. (See page 16.)
To return to the step number screen for the current day, press switch two (2) times.
When the step number exceeds 999,999, the reading returns to 0.
If the switch is not pressed for approximately 10 seconds, the unit screen automatically returns to the step
number display for the current day.
(Example 1 of actual use) Section 1: When you want to measure the number
of steps to the station, for example
Section 2: When measuring the number of steps
while you are on a business trip
Section 3: When measuring the number of steps for
one (1) month
(Example 2 of actual use) Section 1: For setting a rough marking for a break
after every 5,000 steps
Section 2: For setting a rough marking for the dis-
tance from the station to a rest point
Section 3: For measuring the number of steps of a
complete hiking route
When the battery is low, appears on the screen. Replace the battery with a new one (CR2032) soon (within a week)
Replace the battery according to the procedures de­scribed in "How to replace the battery" on page 22.
Replace the battery in the morning for instance,
before you start using the pedometer. This product is designed to memorize the data for the past 24 hours at 2 o'clock in the morning. Replacing the battery after beginning to use the unit for the day will erase all the data for the portion of the day before the battery is replaced. To prevent this oc­curring, it is recommended that you store the data in memory before replacing the battery.
Dispose of used batteries according to the dispos
al methods outlined by authorities in your area.
Ba tt er y ser vi ce li fe is approximat el y six (6 )
months. The accessory battery to your unit is just for trial use. Its life may be short compared to standard individual batteries.
When the battery is completely exhausted, only
is displayed.
Amount of exercise (Ex) refers to the unit indicating the amount of physical activity. To prevent lifestyle diseases, you are recommended to actively engage in a minimum of 23 Ex physical activities (exercise and daily activities) a week. It is also recommended that you check with the guideline by the health au­thority in your area.
Amount of exercise (Ex) = Intensity of physical activities (METs) x Time (hr).
Intensity of physical activities (METs) multiplied by duration (hr) of physical activity makes an amount of exercise (Ex).
METs = Metabolic Equivalents, the unit of inten­sity of physical activities
The unit for expressing the "intensity of physical ac­tivities" by the multiplication equivalent to the coun­terpart during rest. Normal walking is equivalent to 3 METs. This product indicates the amount of exercise (Ex) by the number of steps.
Reference) Normal walking (3 METs) x 1 hour = 3 Ex Fast walking (4 METs) x 1 hour = 4 Ex
Detection system 3-D acceleration sensor Display method LCD
Display contents
Date and time 24-hour system
Number of steps
Maximum : 999999 steps
Calorie consumption
Maximum : 99999.9kcal
Amount of burnt fat
Maximum : 9999.9g
Walking distance
Maximum : 999.99km Walking time Maximum : 99999 minutes Mean speed Maximum : 99.99km/hr Exercise Maximum : 99.9 Ex 14-day memory, data accumulated for 7 days
Number of steps, calorie consumption,
amount of burnt fat, walking distance,
walking time, walking speed and
amount of exercise
Setting range
Body weight 20 kg to 150 kg Stride 30 cm to 120 cm
Number of steps
+/-5% (based on data from a vibration
tester) Clock Accurate within +/-30 seconds per
month (at 22ºC)
Drip-proof (Drip-proof type I)
Compatible with JIS C 0920:2003
Power supply DC 3V (one CR2032 battery)
Battery service life
Approx. 6 months
(In the case of walking about 10,000
steps in average a day)
Range of service temperature
0ºC to 40ºC
Range of storage temperature
-20ºC to 60ºC
Outside dimension in mm
Approx.73 (width) x 31 (height) x 10 (thickness)
Dimensions of display in mm
Approx. 32.5 (width) x 18.5 (height)
Weight Approx. 25 g
Please note that t he step numb er data, e tc. may be
erased when the device is subjected to repairs or replace­ment of parts.
• Thank you for purchasing the digital pedometer TW600.
• Please read this Instruction Manual before using this unit.
• Please keep this Instruction Manual for your future reference.
Reviewing various data (Measured values)
Reviewing various data (Changing display screen)
Reviewing various data (14-day memory)
Reviewing various data (Accumulated data)
Reviewing various data (Sectional trip measuring) Remaining battery level mark
What is an amount of exercise?
lights up.
Battery is low. Replace the battery with a new one (CR2032). (See pages 21 and 22.)
No display at all
• Nothing i s disp layed when it is in power-saving mode. Shake the unit.
• Check the battery for correct direction of polarity.
• Is the battery exhausted? Replace the battery with a new one.
• Press RESET switch.
When the battery is replaced, what will happen to the data?
Me asure d dat a for the day wil l be erased. Weight, stride and the 14-day memory data will remain in the memo­ry. The date and clock will return to the initial value. Reset these items. (See pages 8 and 9.)
Step number is too few or too many.
Check whet her you are using it cor­rectly. (See pages 12 and 13.)
Switches do not work
Press RESET switch on the back (see page 7).
Want to erase memory data
Not erasable. This product is designed with spe cifications not to eras e the memory data upon battery replacement or resetting.
How to measure your stride
Measure the distance from the toe to toe or heel to heel. When fully extended, this Instruction Manual measures ap­prox. 98 cm. Please use it as a rough measur e. (One ( 1) page is approxi­mately 7 cm wide.)
Return to the step number display screen
If the switch is not pressed for approxi­mately 10 seconds, the unit screen au­tomatically returns to the step number display for the current day.
Troubleshooting and guidance
Calorie consumption
Amount of burnt fat
Mean speed
Walking time
Date and time (Date, clock, year)
Accumulated data (See page 18.)
Sectional measuring (See pages 19 and 20.)
Walking distance
If the switch is not pressed for approximately 10
seconds, the unit screen automatically returns to the step number display for the current day.
Open the battery cover.
Remove the battery cover
screw using the accessory screwdriver or commer­cially available comp act screwdriver.
Insert a new battery.
Insert by holding the posi-
tive pole (+) of the battery facing upward.
Use a CR2032 battery.
Close the battery cover.
Check that the packing is
inserted into the groove.
Inse rt the claw on the
cover to the main unit.
Press down the cover.
Tighten the screw with the
Press the RESET switch.
Memor y data up to the pre­ceding day remains unerased if the battery is replaced or th e RES ET swi tc h on the back is pressed. Note that the data for the day is erased.
Pressing R ESE T switch tur ns all t he LCD l amp s ON
simultaneously and the display changes to the initialization screen.. Carry out initialization by reading pages 8 and 9.
How to replace the battery
CITIZEN is a registered trademark of Citizen Holdings CO., Japan.
CITIZEN es una marca registrada de Citizen Holdings CO., Japón.
6-1-12,Tanashi-cho,Nishi-Tokyo-shi,Tokyo188-8511,Japan E-mail:
If you want to dispose this product, do not mix with general household waste. There is a separate collection systems for used electronics products in accordance with legislation under the WEEE Directive (Di­rective 2002/96/EC) and is effective only within European Union.
TW600 Pedometer Manual.indd 2 6/3/2008 9:37:36