Burkert 8791 User Manual [en, de, fr]

- Software Tool for Communication
Software Tool for Communication for Positioner Kommunikationssoftware für Positioner Logiciel de communication pour positionneur
Supplement to Operating Instructions
Ergänzung zur Bedienungsanleitung Complément aux manuel d‘utilisation
We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice. Technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Sous réserve de modifications techniques.
© 2009 - 2013 Bürkert Werke GmbH
Operating Instructions 1303/02_EU-ML_00806104 / Original DE
Software Tool - Positioner
Communication Software (Software Tool) for Positioners
Table of ConTenTs
1. SUPPLEMENTARY OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ..............................................................................................................6
1.1. Symbols ......................................................................................................................................................................................6
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................................................7
2.1. Contact Addresses ................................................................................................................................................................7
2.2. Information on the Internet ...............................................................................................................................................7
3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ...............................................................................................................................................................8
3.1. Required Components ........................................................................................................................................................8
3.1.1. Windows 2000, XP, Vista ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2. Windows XP, Vista, 7 ............................................................................................................................... 8
3.2. Definitions of Terms for PACTware / FDT / DTM .................................................................................................8
4. CONTROL AND DISPLAY ELEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................9
4.1. Overview of Screen Display .............................................................................................................................................9
4.2. PACTware Control and Display Elements ..............................................................................................................10
4.2.1. Toolbar .......................................................................................................................................................10
4.2.2. Status bar ..................................................................................................................................................11
4.3. Control and Display Elements of Bürkert DTMs ................................................................................................12
4.3.1. Toolbar .......................................................................................................................................................12
4.3.2. Status bar ..................................................................................................................................................12
4.3.3. Navigation Area and Work Area ..........................................................................................................13
4.3.4. Buttons for data transfer ........................................................................................................................14
4.3.5. Icons ...........................................................................................................................................................14
5. INSTALLATION ...................................................................................................................................................................................15
5.1. System Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................15
5.2. Installing PACTware and DTMs ...................................................................................................................................15
5.2.1. PACTware version 3.6 and .NET Framework 1.1 including SP1 .................................................16
5.2.2. PACTware version 4.1 and .NET Framework 2.0 ............................................................................17
5.2.3. Bürkert device DTM ................................................................................................................................18


Software Tool - Positioner
6. OPERATION AND FUNCTION ....................................................................................................................................................19
6.1. Starting PACTware .............................................................................................................................................................19
6.2. Creating a Project ...............................................................................................................................................................19
6.2.1. General Description ................................................................................................................................19
6.2.2. Creating a Project for Bürkert Positioners .........................................................................................21
6.3. Basic Settings .......................................................................................................................................................................24
6.3.1. Activation of device DTMs .....................................................................................................................24
6.3.2. Device Identification ...............................................................................................................................26
6.3.3. Running the Automatic Adjustment for X.TUNE .......................................................................27
6.4. Transferring Parameters .................................................................................................................................................29
6.4.1. Reading Parameters from the Device .................................................................................................29
6.4.2. Write parameters to the device ............................................................................................................30
6.5. Parameterization .................................................................................................................................................................30
6.5.1. Parameterizing functions .......................................................................................................................31
6.6. Overview of Basic Functions and Auxiliary Functions ....................................................................................32
6.6.1. Basic Functions .......................................................................................................................................32
6.6.2. Auxiliary functions ....................................................................................................................................32
6.7. Error Messages ....................................................................................................................................................................33
6.7.1. Error messages while the X.TUNE function is running ................................................................ 33
7. PARAMETERIZATION OF BASIC FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 34
7.1. Overview of Basic Functions ........................................................................................................................................34
7.2. Basic Functions ...................................................................................................................................................................34
7.2.1. INPUT -
Enter the input signal ..............................................................................................................................34
7.2.2. CHARACT - Select the transfer characteristic between input signal (position set-point value) and stroke .. 35
7.2.3. CUTOFF -
Sealing Function for the Positioner .....................................................................................................39
7.2.4. DIR.CMD -
Effective Direction of the Positioner Set-Point Value ......................................................................40
7.2.5. RESET -
Reset to Factory Settings ......................................................................................................................41
7.2.6. TUNE -
Automatic Adjustment of the Positioner to the Relevant Operating Conditions ......................41
Software Tool - Positioner
8. CONFIGURING AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS .............................................................................................................................42
8.1. Adding auxiliary functions ..............................................................................................................................................42
8.2. Removing Auxiliary Functions ......................................................................................................................................42
8.3. Parameterization of Auxiliary Functions .................................................................................................................... 43
8.4. Overview of Possible Auxiliary Functions ..............................................................................................................43
8.5. Auxiliary Functions .............................................................................................................................................................44
Effective Direction of the Actuator Drive ............................................................................................44
Signal Split Range ..................................................................................................................................45
8.5.3. X.LIMIT -
Limiting the Mechanical Stroke Range ...............................................................................................46
8.5.4. X.TIME -
Limiting the Control Speed ...................................................................................................................47
8.5.5. X.CONTROL -
Parameterization of the Positioner .......................................................................................................48
Definition of the Safe Position ..............................................................................................................49
Configuration of signal level fault detection ......................................................................................49
Activation of the binary input ................................................................................................................50
8.5.9. OUTPUT (optional) -
Configuration of the analog output .....................................................................................................51
9. DEINSTALLATION OF PACTWARE/ DTMS..........................................................................................................................52
9.1. Deinstallation process ......................................................................................................................................................52
Software Tool - Positioner
Supplementary Operating Instructions
The Supplementary Operating Instructions describe the communication software for positioners.
Safety Information!
Safety instructions and information for using the device may be found in the corresponding operating instructions.
• The operating instructions must be read and understood.
1.1. Symbols
Warns of an immediate danger!
• Failure to observe the warning will result in a fatal or serious injury.
Warns of a potentially dangerous situation!
• Failure to observe the warning may result in serious injuries or death.
Warns of a possible danger!
• Failure to observe this warning may result in a moderate or minor injury.
Warns of damage to property!
• Failure to observe the warning may result in damage to the device or the equipment.
Indicates important additional information, tips and recommendations.
Refers to information in these operating instructions or in other documentation.
→ Designates a procedure which you must carry out.
Software Tool - Positioner
General Information
2.1. Contact Addresses
Bürkert Fluid Control Systems Sales Center Chr.-Bürkert-Str. 13-17 D-74653 Ingelfingen Tel. + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 111 Fax + 49 (0) 7940 - 10 91 448 E-mail: info@de.buerkert.com
Contact addresses can be found on the final pages of the printed operating instructions.
And also on the Internet at:
2.2. Information on the Internet
The operating instructions and data sheets for device types can be found on the Internet at:
3.1. Required Components
3.1.1. Windows 2000, XP, Vista
• Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1
• Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1
• PACTware Version 3.6 including HART protocol driver from Codewrights GmbH
• Bürkert device DTM “8694 Positioner - TopControl Basic”
“8696 Positioner - TopControl Basic” “8791 Positioner - SideControl Basic”
Software Tool - Positioner
Product description
• Firmware Version A.05 or later for types 8694 and 8696 (03/26/2009 or later); no version restriction for 8791
• Adapter USB-RS232, ID number 227093 (HART communication on the 4/20 mA interface is not possible)
3.1.2. Windows XP, Vista, 7
• Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
• PACTware Version 4.1 including HART protocol driver from Codewrights GmbH
• Bürkert device DTM “8694 Positioner - TopControl Basic”
“8696 Positioner - TopControl Basic” “8791 Positioner - SideControl Basic”
• Firmware Version A.05 or later for types 8694 and 8696 (03/26/2009 or later); no version restriction for 8791
• Adapter USB-RS232, ID number 227093 (HART communication on the 4/20 mA interface is not possible)
3.2. Definitions of Terms for PACTware / FDT / DTM
PACTware (Process Automation Configuration Tool): Manufacturer- and field bus-independent software for start-up, operation, and maintenance of all types of field devices. This general product series includes the DTMs (Device Type Managers) of the corresponding field device manufacturers. They are integrated according to interface specification FDT 1.20. Therefore a DTM belonging to the relevant device type is always required to operate a field device.
FDT (Field Device Tool): Standardized interface description; defines data exchange between the various DTMs and the frame application, for example PACTware.
DTM (Device Type Manager): The DTM is the actual control module of actuators, sensors, and field components. It includes all specific data and functions of a specific device type and returns all elements and dialogs needed for operation. A DTM is only capable of running within a frame program such as PACTware.
Software Tool - Positioner
Control and display elements
4.1. Overview of Screen Display
PACTware toolbar
PACTware window
DTM window
DTM toolbar
Identification area
Navigation area
PACTware status bar
Project window
Fig. 1: Overview of screen display
Many icons have Tooltips (brief explanation) which clarify the function.
DTM status bar
Work area
Software Tool - Positioner
Control and display elements
4.2. PACTware Control and Display Elements
4.2.1. Toolbar
The toolbar is a combination of frequently required commands from the menu bar and project view. It is divided into 4 sections.
Section 1 2 3 4
Fig. 2: PACTware toolbar
Section 1: Icons for project administration
Print the current project
Save the current project
Open an existing project
Create a new project
Fig. 3: PACTware toolbar - Section 1
Section 2: Icons for working with DTMs
Write current data to file
Write all data to the device
Read all data from the device
Edit current data
Fig. 4: PACTware toolbar - Section 2
Section 3: Icons for activating specific PACTware windows
Device catalog
Project view
Fig. 5: PACTware toolbar - Section 3
Software Tool - Positioner
Control and display elements
Section 4: Icons for working with DTMs
Break the connection
Create a connection between the selected DTM and the field device
Delete the selected DTM from the project
Insert an additional DTM into the project at the selected position
Fig. 6: PACTware toolbar - Section 4
4.2.2. Status bar
The status bar contains information about the current state of the project being processed.
Fig. 7: Status bar
Meaning of the displays (from left to right):
• Connection status: Broken / connected
• Project has been changed (indicated by an asterisk)
• There are error messages. The icon flashes if the messages have not been displayed on the error monitor yet. A Tooltip indicates the number of error messages present.
• Name of the project
• Active user role
More extensive explanations describing operation and how to create a project are available in the PAC­Tware online help.
Software Tool - Positioner
Control and display elements
4.3. Control and Display Elements of Bürkert DTMs
4.3.1. Toolbar
Fig. 8: DTM toolbar
The section on the left contains icons for the screen display: Show and hide identification range Show and hide navigation range
The second section is a combination of icons for device communication:
Read parameters from device You can select here between: Read all parameters from the device
Read directory only Read directory and subdirectories only
Write parameters to device You can select here between: Write all parameters to device
Write directory only Write directory and subdirectories only
Cyclic update of parameters in display (every 2 seconds)
Table 1: DTM icons
The two sections on the right contain the help function and the print function .
4.3.2. Status bar
The status bar contains information about the current state of the project being processed.
Fig. 9: Status bar
Meaning of the displays (from left to right):
• Connection status: Broken / connected
• Communication status
• Data source: Database / device
• Instance data record
• Device status
• Direct mode
• Device diagnostics
• User status
• Progress bar
Software Tool - Positioner
Control and display elements
4.3.3. Navigation Area and Work Area
Value entry in the work area
Selection of function in the navigation area
Fig. 10: Bürkert DTM screen display
Buttons for data transfer
Functions are displayed in the navigation area.
When you click on the required function, it is highlighted in color and the corresponding (entry) screen appears:
Entry field for texts or values
Input via dropdown list
Select via checkbox
Table 2: Input screens
Parameters can be transferred to the database with the "Apply" or "OK" buttons. "Cancel" closes the DTM window without saving (see also Section “4.3.4. Buttons for data transfer”).
You can save the project with the "File / Save" menu item. To transfer to the device, select the
You can start the RESET and TUNE functions with the "Execute" and "Start X.TUNE" buttons respectively.
4.3.4. Buttons for data transfer
Button Description
Software Tool - Positioner
Control and display elements
Table 3: Buttons for Data Transfer
The DTM window closes Modified values are transferred to the database.
The DTM window closes Modified values are not transferred to the database.
The DTM window remains open Modified values are transferred to the database.
If you exit the program without saving the project, the data in the database is not saved.
You can save the project with the "File / Save" menu item. To transfer to the device, select the
4.3.5. Icons
Modified value not saved or not written to device
Saved to database
Table 4: Icons
Device data
Invalid input value Configuration or validation error with communication error
Software Tool - Positioner
5.1. System Requirements
Processor: Intel Pentium/ AMD, at least 500 MHz
Working memory: At least 128 MB RAM
Hard disk: At least 250 MB free storage space
Graphics resolution: At least 1024 x 768
1 USB port to connect the Adapter USB-RS232, ID number 227093
Operating system Windows 2000/XP/Vista:
PACTware 3.6 + Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 + .NET Framework 1.1 SP1
Operating system Windows XP/Vista/7:
PACTware 4.1 + Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Administrator rights are required for installation.
Windows must be rebooted after the installation. Then you must log into Windows under the same name, because the installation is completed during the reboot.
5.2. Installing PACTware and DTMs
Select the appropriate PACTware version depending on the operating system in use, see chapter “5.1. System Requirements”.
All installation programs are available on the Bürkert homepage and on CD.
Before the installation, exit all programs that are open.
Software Tool - Positioner
5.2.1. PACTware version 3.6 and .NET Framework 1.1 including SP1
Installation of PACTware requires the presence of software platform: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 with Service Pack 1 (SP1)
Procedure to follow if “Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 with Service Pack 1 (SP1)” is not present yet on the target computer:
→ Download and / or open the Zip file (1000103878), which includes the Microsoft.NET 1.1 framework. → Start “Dotnetfx.exe”. → Download and / or open the Zip file (1000103880), which includes the Microsoft.NET 1.1 SP1 framework. → Start “NDP1.1sp1*.exe”.
Procedure PACTware Setup:
→ Download and / or open the Zip file (1000103690), which includes the PACTware setup and unzip in a tem-
porary directory.
→ Start “Setup.exe”.
Setup file “PACTware36setup.zip” contains
• the basic setup for PACTware 3.6 with online help in various languages
• the HART communication DTM for PACTware 3.6
• the Generic HART DTM (not required)
After you have selected the installation language, the installation is performed.
At this point the HART communications DTM can also be installed. It is required because communication with Bürkert devices runs via the HART protocol and the physical layer has an RS232 interface rather than a HART interface.
Optional components such as the manual are not installed here.
If PACTware 2.4, PACTware 3.0 or PACTware 3.5 are already installed, all passwords can be transferred for PACTware 3.6 at the end of the installation.
During the installation, a program group is entered in the Windows start menu for the current user and a link to PACTware 3.6 appears on the desktop.
Procedure DTM Setup:
→ Download and / or open the Zip file (1000121980), which includes the “Buerkert DTM Positioner“ setup, and
unzip in a temporary directory.
→ Start “Setup.exe” in the “Buerkert” subdirectory.
After you have selected the installation language, the installation is performed.
Software Tool - Positioner
5.2.2. PACTware version 4.1 and .NET Framework 2.0
Download and / or open the Zip file “PACTware 4.1 SP1 Buerkert.zip“ and unzip in a temporary directory. This zip file contains all the necessary installation components.
Installation of PACTware requires the presence of software platform: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Procedure to follow if “Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0“ is not present yet on the target computer:
→ Start setup
with a 64-bit operating system in directory dotNet\dotNET_20\x64 or with other operating systems in directory \dotNet\dotNET_20\x86.
Procedure PACTware Setup:
→ Start \PACTware\PACTware.msi.
Setup file contains:
• the basic setup for PACTware 4.1 with online help in various languages
• the HART communication DTM for PACTware 4.1
• the Generic HART DTM (not required)
After you have selected the installation language, the installation is performed.
At this point the HART communications DTM can also be installed. It is required because communication with Bürkert devices runs via the HART protocol and the physical layer has an RS232 interface rather than a HART interface.
Optional components such as the manual are not installed here.
If PACTware 2.4, PACTware 3.0, PACTware 3.5 or PACTware 3.6 are already installed, all passwords can be transferred for PACTware 4.1 at the end of the installation.
During the installation, a program group is entered in the Windows start menu for the current user and a link to PACTware 4.1 appears on the desktop.
5.2.3. Bürkert device DTM
→ Start “Setup.exe” in the directory
or alternative
→ Start “Setup.exe” in the master directory:
After you have selected the language,
Software Tool - Positioner
you can choose which components should be installed: select PACTware 4.1 SP1 and Buerkert DTM Positioner 3-wire.
After you have selected the installation language, the installation is performed.
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.1. Starting PACTware
→ Start PACTware from the Windows start menu.
6.2. Creating a Project
6.2.1. General Description
AS a precondition for operating field devices, the device network must be represented in a PACTware project. PACTware provides an area for this purpose where all installed DTMs are shown: The Device Catalog. Normally the DTMs have the same name as the devices to facilitate control.
PACTware also provides a second area where the device network is represented: The Project Window. The actual device network is represented in this project window by inserting DTMs from the device catalog. The "HOST-PC" entry serves as the starting point for inserting a DTM. The required DTMs can be transferred from the device catalog into the project window by double clicking or using drag and drop.
If you do not want the project window or device catalog to be visible, they can be activated in the menu bar under "View".
If the Bürkert device DTMs are not visible in the device catalog, the device catalog must first be updated.
To update the device catalog:
→ Switch to the "Device catalog" window with "View / Device catalog" (F3) → Click "Update device catalog" → Confirm the question "Create new PACTware device catalog?" with YES → After the device catalog is opened again, the Bürkert device DTMs are present; see “Fig. 11: Device catalog
with HART Comm DTM and Bürkert device DTMs”
Project window PACTware windowDevice catalog
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
Fig. 11: Device catalog with HART Comm DTM and Bürkert device DTMs
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.2.2. Creating a Project for Bürkert Positioners
To be able to communicate with positioners of types 8694, 8696, and 8791, first select HART communication DTM and then a Bürkert device DTM:
1. To select a HART communication DTM:
→ Select "HART Communication, Fa. Codewrights GmbH" from the device catalog and double click or drag and
drop to integrate it into the project.
Fig. 12: To integrate a HART communication DTM:
→ Settings for the following parameters (mark communication DTM, then select the "Device / Parameter" menu
item with the menu bar or double click on the integrated communication DTM (COM1...n)):
Fig. 13: Parameterizing a HART communication DTM
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
Communication interface: Extended HART modem
Serial interface: Port: COM1…n, depending on the connection
Baudrate: 9600 Parity: None
The remaining parameters can retain their default settings.
Fig. 14: Settings of the HART communications DTM
→ Click "OK" to transfer the set parameters to the database.
You can save the project with the "File / Save" menu item.
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
2. To select a Bürkert DTM:
Select "8694 Positioner TopControl Basic" or "8696 Positioner TopControl Basic" or "8791 Positioner Side­Control Basic" from the device catalog and double click or drag and drop to integrate it into the project.
Fig. 15: Integrating a device
The project is now created and can be saved under "File / Save".
You can determine under PACTware "Tools / Options," in the "Project" area whether the last project should be opened when the program starts (see “Fig. 16: PACTware options”).
Fig. 16: PACTware options
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.3. Basic Settings
The basic settings of the positioner are implemented at the factory.
Once the device DTMs are activated, the basic settings can be adapted user-specifically:
• Define the device identification
• Run the automatic adjustment X.TUNE
• Transfer parameters (see Chapter “6.4. Transferring Parameters”)
• Parameterization of functions (see Chapter “6.5. Parameterization”).
6.3.1. Activation of device DTMs
The DTM window is used for device identification, defining the basic settings, and parameterization of the device. The window can be activated as follows:
• Double click on the required DTM in the project window or
• Right click and select "Parameters" or
• With the PACTware "Device / Parameters" menu item.
DTM window
Identification area
Fig. 17: DTM window
Navigation area
Work area
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
The navigation area contains the parameters and functions of the selected device in the folder structure (see “Fig. 18: Navigation area”):
Identification: Enter user-specific device designations
Device menu: Parameterization of functions
Adding auxiliary functions
RESET: Reset to factory settings
TUNE: Automatic adjustment of the positioner to the relevant operating conditions
Device menu
- only readable
Description Device indicator (TAG) Date
Device Menu config. ADD.FUNCTION
Set-point value input
Select characteristic
Sealing function bottom Sealing function top
Effective direction set-point value
Start X.TUNE
Enter user-specific device designations
Adding auxiliary functions
Device menu items for parameterization of functions
Reset to factory settings
Automatic adjustment of the positioner to the relevant operating conditions
Fig. 18: Navigation area
You can find a description and parameterization of individual functions in Sections “7. Parameterization of Basic Functions” and “8. Configuring Auxiliary Functions”.
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.3.2. Device Identification
User-specific device data can be entered in the navigation area under the "Identification" item.
Fig. 19: Identification
Description: User-specific device description
Tag: User-specific device indicator (TAG)
Date: User-specific date
→ Click "Apply" to transfer the modified parameters to the database.
You can save the project with the "File / Save" menu item.
1) As per HART specification
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.3.3. Running the Automatic Adjustment for X.TUNE
The X.TUNE function must be run for a function check of the positioner to adjust to specific local features.
While the X.TUNE function is running, the valve automatically moves from its current position!
• Never run X.TUNE while a process is running!
• Take appropriate measures to prevent the system / positioner from being unintentionally actuated!
Avoid maladjustment of the controller due to an incorrect compressed air supply or applied operating medium pressure!
• Run X.TUNE whenever the compressed air supply (= pneumatic auxiliary energy) is available during subse­quent operation.
• Run the X.TUNE function preferably without operating medium pressure to exclude interference caused by flow forces.
Set up connection
Fig. 20: Starting X.TUNE
To run X.TUNE, the positioner must be in the AUTOMATIC operating state (DIP switch 4 = OFF).
→ Set up connection Set up TUNE in the navigation area
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
→ Start X.TUNE. To do this, click "Start X.TUNE"
The progress of X.TUNE is shown in the communication software:
XTUNE start POS 100 ... XTUNE end
When the automatic adjustment completes, the message "XTUNE end" appears
The changes are automatically transferred to the positioner's memory (EEPROM) after the X.TUNE function is successful.
After X.TUNE is complete, read the device parameter for processing from the positioner (see Chapter “6.4.1. Reading Parameters from the Device”).
2) X.TUNE can also be started by pressing the key 1 on the positioner and holding it for 5 seconds.
3) If an error occurs, an error message appears (see Chapter “6.7. Error Messages”).
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.4. Transferring Parameters
DTM: Read parameters from the device
DTM: Write parameters to the device
Set up connection
Break connection
Fig. 21: Transferring parameters
6.4.1. Reading Parameters from the Device
→ Connect
→ Read parameters from device
with option to select: Read all parameters from device
Read directory only Read directory and subdirectories only
If the parameters are transferred using the PACTware "Device / Load from device" menu item or using the PAC­Tware
icon, all parameters are read from the device.
Software Tool - Positioner
Operation and function
6.4.2. Write parameters to the device
If changes are made and transferred with the "Write all parameters to device" function, it is possible that parameters in the device will be unintentionally overwritten!
• Read the current device data before you make the changes or
• transfer only the modified parameters by using the selection options "Write directory only" or "Write directory and subdirectories only".
→ Connect
→ Write parameters to device
with option to select: Write all parameters to device
Write directory only Write directory and subdirectories only
If the parameters are transferred using the PACTware "Device / Store to device" menu item or using the PAC­Tware
icon, all (!) parameters will be written to the device.
More extensive explanations describing operation and how to create a project are available in the PAC­Tware online help. For start-up and parameterization, refer also to the operating instructions for the rel­evant device.
6.5. Parameterization
A distinction is made in parameterization between offline and online mode.
Offline mode
In Offline mode the project can be created and parameters can be changed and saved without devices con­nected. Then the data can be saved later to connected devices in Online mode.
Online mode
In Online mode the device to be parameterized must be connected and ready for operation. Selecting the cor­responding DTM by right clicking and selecting the "Connect" command or with PACTware menu "Device / Connect" causes Online mode to be prepared.
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