Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, ICX Diagnostic Reference

30 July 2014
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX
Diagnostic Reference
Supporting FastIron Software Release 08.0.10d
Brocade, the B-wing symbol, Brocade Assurance, ADX, AnyIO, DCX, Fabric OS, FastIron, HyperEdge, ICX, MLX, MyBrocade, NetIron, OpenScript, VCS, VDX, and Vyatta are registered trademarks, and The Effortless Network and the On-Demand Data Center are trademarks of Brocade Communications Systems, Inc., in the United States and in other countries. Other brands and product names mentioned may be trademarks of others.
Notice: This document is for informational purposes only and does not set forth any warranty, expressed or implied, concerning any equipment, equipment feature, or service offered or to be offered by Brocade. Brocade reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time, without notice, and assumes no responsibility for its use. This informational document describes features that may not be currently available. Contact a Brocade sales office for information on feature and product availability. Export of technical data contained in this document may require an export license from the United States government.
The authors and Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. assume no liability or responsibility to any person or entity with respect to the accuracy of this document or any loss, cost, liability, or damages arising from the information contained herein or the computer programs that accompany it.
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Document History
Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
Brocade FastIron, FCX, ICX, and TurboIron Diagnostic Reference
Brocade FastIron, FCX, ICX, and TurboIron Diagnostic Reference
Brocade FastIron, FCX, ICX, and TurboIron Diagnostic Reference
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
53-1002645-01 Release 07.4.00 document
updated with enhancements in Release
53-1002645-02 Release 08.0.00 document
updated for Release
53-1002965-01 Release 08.0.00a
document updated for Release 08.0.01.
53-1003076-01 Release 08.0.01 document
updated for Release
53-1003076-02 Release 08.0.10 document
updated for Release
April 2013
June 2013
September 2013
January 2014
July 2014
About This Guide
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Supported Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Unsupported features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
What’s new in this document. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Document conventions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Text formatting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Command syntax conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Notes and caution notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Document feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Chapter 1 Using Diagnostic Commands
Using debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Brief and detail debug options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Generic debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Disabling debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Chapter 2 System Level and Layer 1 Diagnostics
Layer 1 debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Hardware backplane debug command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Loop detect debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Port debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
System debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Software licensing debug command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
Chapter 3 Layer 2 Diagnostics
STP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
RSTP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
MSTP debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
DHCP debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
GVRP debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
MAC address debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference iii 53-1003076-02
MCT debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
MCT show commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Packet-capture debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .45
VXLAN debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Link aggregation debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Chapter 4 IP Diagnostics
ARP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
BGP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
DHCP snooping debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
GRE debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61
ICMP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
OSPF debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
RIP debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
NTP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Source Guard debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
SSH debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Synchronization debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80
TCP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
UDP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
VRRP and VRRP-E debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .84
Web debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Chapter 5 IPv6 Diagnostics
General IPv6 debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
IPv6 MLD debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
IPv6 OSPF debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
DHCPv6 debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
DHCPv6 show commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120
IPv6 PIM debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121
IPv6 RIP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126
Chapter 6 Multicast Diagnostics
MSDP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
IGMP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
IGMP snooping debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .152
PIM debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
PIM-SM snooping debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
iv Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
MLD snooping debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
Chapter 7 Security Diagnostics
ACL debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
802.1x debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
MAC authentication debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
sFlow debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
IP security debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
Web events debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
Web authentication debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
RA guard debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Chapter 8 supportsave Diagnostics
supportsave overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
supportsave commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Limitations and pre-requisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179
Recovery during continuous reload . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
Chapter 9 Technical Support Diagnostics
show tech-support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .199
Diagnostic Command Index
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference v 53-1003076-02
vi Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference

About This Guide

This chapter contains the following sections:
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Audience. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Disclaimer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
What’s new in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii
Document conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x
Document feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi


This guide describes many common diagnostic processes for the Brocade FastIron devices. Each chapter contains diagnostic information about a specific segment of your network configuration.

Supported Hardware

FastIron X Series devices (chassis models):
Brocade FastIron SX 800
FastIron SX 1600
Brocade FCX Series (Brocade FCX) Stackable Switch
Brocade ICX 6610 (ICX 6610) Stackable Switch
Brocade ICX 6430 Series (ICX 6430)
Brocade ICX 6450 Series (ICX 6450)
Brocade ICX 6650 Series (ICX 6650)
Brocade ICX 7750 Series (ICX 7750)
For information about the specific models and modules supported in a product family, refer to the hardware installation guide for that product family. “Related publications” on page x lists the hardware installation guides and software configuration guides.
The Brocade ICX 6430-C switch supports the same feature set as the Brocade ICX 6430 switch unless otherwise noted.
The Brocade ICX 6450-C12-PD switch supports the same feature set as the Brocade ICX 6450 switch unless otherwise noted.
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference vii 53-1003076-02



Some debug commands report information about internal hardware settings and registers that is relevant primarily to the Brocade engineering staff. Consequently, this information is not described in this document.

Unsupported features

Features that are not documented in “Related publications” on page x are not supported.
This document is designed for network engineers with a working knowledge of Layer 2 and Layer 3 switching and routing.
If you are using a Brocade Layer 3 switch, you should be familiar with the following protocols if applicable to your network – IP, RIP, OSPF, BGP, ISIS, IGMP, PIM, DVMRP, and VRRP.
This manual is provided without any warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. When using this manual to troubleshoot Brocade products, you assume all risk as to the quality and performance of the debug procedures. Brocade assumes no liability for any damages, including general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of the procedures in this manual (including, but not limited to any loss of profit or savings, loss of data, or failure to successfully troubleshoot network problems).
Debug information may be changed or updated without notice. You are responsible for obtaining newer versions of this manual when they are made available. The procedures in this document are not intended as a substitute for the expertise of qualified technicians.
Enabling debug commands can seriously degrade system performance. Debug commands are generally intended for use when troubleshooting specific problems while working with qualified service technicians, or in conjunction with calls to Brocade Technical Support. Whenever possible, troubleshoot your system during periods of low network traffic and user activity to preserve system performance.
If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer please contact us at

What’s new in this document

This document includes the information from IronWare software release 08.0.10d. Table 1 lists the enhancements for FastIron release 08.0.10d.
viii Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
TABLE 1 Summary of Enhancements in FastIron release 08.0.10d
Feature Description Described in
DHCPv6 Relay Agent Prefix Delegation (PD) notification
VXLAN debug commands

Document conventions

This section describes text formatting conventions and important notice formats used in this document.

Text formatting

The narrative-text formatting conventions that are used are as follows:
bold text Identifies command names
The debug ipv6 dhcp command has been modified to support DHCPv6 PD debugging.
Added new debug commands for debugging the VXLAN Layer 2 tunnel configurations.
“DHCPv6 debug commands”
“VXLAN debug commands”
Identifies the names of user-manipulated GUI elements
Identifies keywords
Identifies text to enter at the GUI or CLI
italic text Provides emphasis
Identifies variables
Identifies document titles
code text Identifies CLI output
For readability, command names in the narrative portions of this guide are presented in mixed lettercase: for example, switchShow. In actual examples, command lettercase is all lowercase.

Command syntax conventions

Command syntax in this manual follows these conventions:
command and parameters
[ ] Optional parameter.
variable Variables are printed in italics.
... Repeat the previous element, for example “member[;member...]”
| Choose from one of the parameters.
Commands and parameters are printed in bold.
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference ix 53-1003076-02

Notes and caution notices

The following notices and statements are used in this manual. They are listed below in order of increasing severity of potential hazards.
A note provides a tip, guidance, or advice, emphasizes important information, or provides a reference to related information.
An Attention statement indicates potential damage to hardware or data.
A Caution statement alerts you to situations that can be potentially hazardous to you or cause damage to hardware, firmware, software, or data.

Related publications

The following Brocade documents supplement the information in this guide and can be located at
FastIron Ethernet Switch Administration Guide, 08.0.10d
FastIron Ethernet Switch Platform and Layer 2 Switching Configuration Guide, 08.0.10d
FastIron Ethernet Switch Layer 3 Routing Configuration Guide, 08.0.10d
FastIron Ethernet Switch IP Multicast Configuration Guide, 08.0.10a
FastIron Ethernet Switch Security Configuration Guide, 08.0.10d
FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Upgrade Guide, 08.0.10a
FastIron Switch Stacking Configuration Guide, 08.0.10a
FastIron Ethernet Switch Traffic Management Guide, 08.0.10b
FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide, 08.0.10
FastIron Feature Support Matrix, 08.0.10d
Brocade ICX 6430-C Compact Switch Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade ICX 6430 and ICX 6450 Stackable Switches Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade FCX Series Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade FastIron ICX 6610 Stackable Switch Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade ICX 6650 Ethernet Switch Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade ICX 7750 Switch Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade FastIron SX Series Chassis Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Brocade ICX 6450-C Compact Switch Hardware Installation Guide, 08.0.10
Unified IP MIB Reference, 08.0.10
x Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
To contact Technical Support, go to for the latest e-mail and telephone contact information.

Document feedback

Quality is our first concern at Brocade and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this document. However, if you find an error or an omission, or you think that a topic needs further development, we want to hear from you. Forward your feedback to:
Provide the title and version number of the document and as much detail as possible about your comment, including the topic heading and page number and your suggestions for improvement.
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference xi 53-1003076-02
xii Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference

Using Diagnostic Commands

This chapter contains the following sections:
Using debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Generic debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Using debug commands

This section describes how to use debug commands to monitor and troubleshoot Brocade FastIron, Brocade FCX, and Brocade ICX switch configurations. The debug commands are accessible from the Privileged EXEC mode in the IronWare command line interface (CLI). Most of the debug commands can be configured to send output to a specified destination.
When enabled, the debug commands can noticeably affect system performance. Many debug commands are specifically designed to be used in conjunction with calls to Brocade technical support. If you report a problem, the support engineer may ask you to execute one or more of the debug commands described in this guide.
Some debug commands report information about internal hardware settings and registers, which is relevant primarily to the Brocade engineering staff. These commands are not described in this document.

Brief and detail debug options

When enabled, many debug commands can significantly impact system performance. Many debug commands provide options for brief or detailed reporting. Generating detailed output places an additional burden on system performance, and in many cases the results may be more difficult to interpret than output generated using the brief option. To conserve performance and prevent system disruption, use the brief option whenever possible.

Generic debug commands

The following generic debug commands perform functions related to all debugging actions:
debug ?—Generates a list of debug options.
[no] debug all—Enables or disables all debug functions.
show debug—Shows all enabled debug settings.
debug destination—Allows you to select an output destination; Telnet, SSH, console, or logging
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference 1 53-1003076-02
Generic debug commands
Brocade# debug ip Incomplete command Brocade#debug ip ? arp ARP messages dhcp_snooping DHCP snooping icmp ICMP transactions igmp IGMP protocol activity pim PIM/dvmrp protocol activity source_guard Source Guard ssh SSH information tcp TCP information udp UDP based transactionstp web WEB HTTP/HTTPS information
debug ?
Syntax: debug ?
This command generates a list of available debug variables.
Many first-level variables have their own variable subsets. When you enter a debug command, the system indicates that there are additional variables available and you have entered an incomplete command. Add a space and a question mark to your original command to view the additional variables.
debug all
Syntax: [no] debug all
This command enables all the debug functions, and should be used only during a troubleshooting session with a Brocade technician.
Brocade# debug all Warning! This may severely impact network performance! All possible debuggings have been turned on
Enter the no command to cancel the setting.
Brocade#no debug all Debug message destination: default (console) All possible debuggings have been turned off tracking is off and all results are cleared Disabling ACL log Don't monitor port
The debug all command generates extensive output and can significantly slow device operation. Use this command with caution. Never use this command during periods of peak network activity. Enter no debug all to stop the output.
2 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
debug destination
Syntax: [no] debug destination [ console | logging | telnet num | ssh num ]
Generic debug commands
Brocade# show who Console connections (by unit number): 1 established 4 minutes 29 seconds in idle Telnet connections (inbound): 1 established, client ip address you are connecting to this session 2 seconds in idle 2 closed 3 closed 4 closed 5 closed Telnet connection (outbound): 6 closed SSH connections: 1 closed 2 closed 3 closed 4 closed
Brocade# show debug Debug message destination: Console Enabling ACL log IPv6 Routing: ipv6: icmp debugging is on
console—Directs output to the system console.
logging—Directs output to the syslog buffer and to the syslog server (default).
telnet num—Directs output to a specified Telnet session (ranges from 1 through 5).
ssh num—Directs output to a specified Secure Shell (SSH) session (ranges from 1 through 5).
This command allows you to specify a destination for debugging output. The default destination is the system console, but you can redirect output to a syslog buffer, Telnet session, or SSH session.
To send debug output to a Telnet session, first determine your session number using the show who command.
This example indicates that you are connected through active Telnet session 1. To redirect the debug output to your Telnet session, enter the following command.
Brocade#debug destination telnet 1
show debug
Syntax: show debug
This command displays all the enabled debug functions. The output resembles the following example, which shows that ACL log and IPv6 debugging are enabled, with the console as the output
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference 3 53-1003076-02
Generic debug commands

Disabling debug commands

When activated, most debug commands instruct the system to collect specific information about router configurations and activity. In all cases, adding no in front of the command disables the debug function.
4 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference

System Level and Layer 1 Diagnostics

This chapter contains the following sections:
Layer 1 debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
System debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Software licensing debug command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Layer 1 debug commands

The following commands deal with the Layer 1 debugging for the Brocade FastIron platforms. In general, Layer 1 issues are related to hardware, the most common being physical connectivity problems.

Hardware backplane debug command

The following command enables the hardware backplane debugging feature in a device.
debug hw
Syntax: [no] debug hw
This command enables the hardware backplane debugging feature. To disable this feature, enter the no form of the command.
Brocade# debug hw HW BP: backplane debugging is on

Loop detect debug commands

Brocade Port Loop Detection (PLD) protocol allows the Brocade devices to detect loops and disable a port that is on the receiving end of a loop. The loop is detected by sending Bridge Packet Data Unit (BPDU) test packets.
debug loop-detect
Syntax: [no] debug loop-detect
This command initiates debugging the loop detection.
Execute the command prior to configuring the modes.
Execute the following command to configure loop detection of a single port in strict mode.
Brocade# debug loop-detect Configure loop-detection strict mode on port 1/1/25 :
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference 5 53-1003076-02
Layer 1 debug commands
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/25)# loop-detection
When there is loop detection activity in the switch, the debug information regarding loop detection is displayed on the console. The following example shows the output for the debug loop-detect command when the port goes into a disabled state because of loop detection (strict mode).
insert_disable primary 1/1/25, vlan=4096 Loop-detection: port 1/1/25 (vlan=1), put into errdisable state
Execute the following command to configure loop detection in a VLAN in loose mode.
Configure loop-detection loose mode on port vlan 2 : Brocade(config-vlan-2)# loop-detection Brocade(config-vlan-2)# insert_disable primary 1/1/31, vlan=2
The following output is displayed after the configuration.
Loop-detection: port 1/1/31 (vlan=2), put into errdisable state insert_disable primary 1/1/32, vlan=2 Loop-detection: port 1/1/32 (vlan=2), put into errdisable state
debug loop-detect level
Syntax: [no] debug loop-detect level <decimal>
This command debugs loop detection in a particular level.
Brocade# debug loop-detect level 1
Topology: port 1/1/25 is single port. Brocade# debug loop-detect level 3 Configure loop-detection on port 1/1/25 : Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/25)# loop-detection Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/25)# Loop-detection: port 1/1/25 (vlan=1), put into errdisable state
Topology: port 1/1/31 is connected to 1/1/32 in same vlan.
Configure loop-detection on port vlan 2 : Brocade(config-vlan-2)# loop-detection Brocade(config-vlan-2)# Loop-detection: port 1/1/31 (vlan=2), put into errdisable state Loop-detection: port 1/1/32 (vlan=2), put into errdisable state

Port debug commands

The following commands deal with the debugging of port activity.
debug port hw-state
Syntax: [no] debug port hw-state
This command monitors the hardware status of a port. This helps to enable or disable port debugging in the hardware state.
Brocade# debug port hw-state Topology: Port 1/1/31 is connected to port 1/1/32.
6 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
Layer 1 debug commands
If port 1/1/31 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/31 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# disable ( when port is disabled) Change port 1/1/31 hw_state from PORT_READY(7) to DISABLED(0) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608BF8 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# change port 1/1/32 hw_state from PORT_READY(7) to SEEQ_INIT(1) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608E18 20609344 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
If port 1/1/31 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/32)# interface ethernet 1/1/31 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# enable Change port 1/1/31 hw_state from DISABLED(0) to SEEQ_INIT(1) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608A34 2060B598 20576BC4 20576C74 2057707C 202A4F84 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# change port 1/1/31 hw_state from SEEQ_INIT(1) to PORT_READY(7) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 206093D0 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 Change port 1/1/32 hw_state from SEEQ_INIT(1) to PORT_READY(7) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 206093D0 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
debug port port
Syntax: [no] debug port port stackid/slot/port
This command monitors a specific physical port and is used with the debug port up-down or debug port hw-state commands. The stackid/slot/port variable refers to the stack ID, slot number, and port number.
Brocade# debug port port 1/1/2 Topology: Port 1/1/31 is connected to port 1/1/2.
When the debug port hw-state command is enabled after the debug port port command, the output similar to the following example is displayed.
Brocade# debug port port 1/1/2 monitor port 1/1/2 Brocade# debug port hw-state
If port 1/1/2 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/2)# disable port_disable_cmd: for port 0x1 1/1/2 U1, hal_pp_link_port_enable(1/1/2, 0), is_stby=0, to_shadow=0, parsed = 3, stack=1 stack: 0116c83c 000de8f0 00accc3c 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00 012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524 00246f54 0159f920 017713c4 pp_link_port_en_dis(port=1/1/2, 0), return 0 stack: 0116ca20 000de8f0 00accc3c 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00 012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524 00246f54 0159f920 017713c4 Change 1/1/2 state from Forward to Disable
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Layer 1 debug commands
stack: 00acb98c 00ad1e14 00aebd74 0071dddc 0071ebbc 00af0e8c 00af18e8 00ad0e20 00acccf4 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00 012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524 00246f54 0159f920 017713c4 Change port 1/1/2 hw_state from PORT_READY(7) to DISABLED(0) stack: 00ad5d4c 00accd2c 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00 012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524 00246f54 0159f920 017713c4 Change 1/1/2 state from Disable to Blocked stack: 00acb98c 00acba3c 00acbce4 00accd38 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00 012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524 00246f54 0159f920 017713c4 Change 1/1/2 state from Blocked to Disable stack: 00acb98c 00acba3c 00accd48 00acd6ac 00ad21f4 0136c614 0136c850 0136cf00 012b842c 0084b3b0 0084e0a0 00847608 00966c0c 0086c110 0086c154 00243f98 000f0524 00246f54 0159f920 017713c4
If port 1/1/2 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/2)# enable Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/2)# change port 1/1/2 hw_state from SEEQ_INIT(1) to PORT_READY(7) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 206093D0 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 Change 1/1/2 state from Disable to Blocked stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 206215F8 203F9F10 203FB4D8 203FA2B4 2062268C 20623404 2060A624 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C Change 1/1/2 state from Blocked to Listen stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 20621734 203F9F10 203FD490 203FD1C4 203FA2BC 2062268C 20623404 2060A624 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 Change 1/1/2 state from Listen to Learn stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 2062178C 203F9F10 20400F38 20400C84 20400A1C 203F9980 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 Change 1/1/2 state from Learn to Blocked stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 206215F8 203F9F10 203FD70C 203FD248 203FDFD8 204F3C8C 20616AB8 20612D30 200DC33C 200DC600 200DC6C0 200DC780 200444C4 2011BC28 20047698
The debug port up-down disables or enables a port to get output information of the specified port. When the debug port up-down command is enabled after the debug port port command, the output similar to the following example is displayed.
Brocade# debug port port 1/1/32 monitor port 1/1/32 Brocade# debug port up-down
If port 1/1/32 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/32)# disable port_down_indication. port=1/1/32, UNTAG, vlan-idx=1 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A8FC 20608BEC 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 Change 1/1/32 state from Blocked to Disable stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 206214F0 203F9F10 203FA3A0 20622F60 20623404 2060AA38 20608BEC 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 Change 1/1/32 state from Disable to Blocked
8 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
Layer 1 debug commands
stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 20608330 206084C4 20608C00 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 Change 1/1/32 state from Blocked to Disable stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 20608330 20608C0C 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C
If port 1/1/32 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/32)# enable Change 1/1/32 state from Disable to Blocked stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 206089A0 2060B598 20576BC4 20576C74 2057707C 202A4F84 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/32)# pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/32, up=1 port_up_indication. port=1/1/32, UNTAG, vlan-idx=1 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A2C8 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 Change 1/1/32 state from Blocked to Listen stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 20621734 203F9F10 203FD490 203FD1C4 203FA2BC 2062268C 20623404 2060A624 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 Change 1/1/32 state from Listen to Blocked stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 206082E0 2060B354 206215F8 203F9F10 203FD70C 203FD248 203FDFD8 204F3C8C 20616AB8 20612D30 200DC33C 200DC600 200DC6C0 200DC780 200444C4 2011BC28 20047698
debug port ten-gig
Syntax: [no] debug port ten-gig
This command monitors all 10 Gigabit ports in the Brocade FastIron devices and is used in conjunction with the debug port hw-state command.
Brocade# debug port ten-gig Topology: Port 2/3/1 is the 10 gig port which is Up and forwarding on stack.
Brocade# debug port ten-gig Brocade# debug port hw-state hw-state monitor hw_state change Brocade# debug port hw-state
If port 1/1/32 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e10000-2/3/1)# disable Change port 2/3/1 hw_state from PORT_READY(7) to DISABLED(0) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608BF8 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 2027FD8C 20280888 202809F0 2015FCDC 2015FF44 20160B80
If port 1/1/32 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e10000-2/3/1)# enable Change port 2/3/1 hw_state from DISABLED(0) to SEEQ_INIT(1) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 20608A34 2060B598 20576BC4 20576C74 2057707C 202A4F84 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 2027FD8C 20280888 202809F0 2015FCDC 2015FF44 20160B80 Brocade(config-if-e10000-2/3/1)# change port 2/3/1 hw_state from SEEQ_INIT(1) to PORT_READY(7) stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060D498 206093D0 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference 9 53-1003076-02
Layer 1 debug commands
debug port up-down
Syntax: [no] debug port up-down decimal
This command monitors the status of the ports. The port status up, down, and up/down are indicated by 1, 2, and 3 respectively. The decimal variable refers to the status of the port.
Brocade# debug port up-down 1 Monitor port up Topology: Port 1/1/31 is connected to port 1/1/32.
The debug port up-down command disables or enables a port to get output information of the specified port.
If port 1/1/31 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config)# interface ethernet 1/1/31 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# disable port_down_indication. port=1/1/31, UNTAG, vlan-idx=1 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A8FC 20608BEC 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# port_down_indication. port=1/1/32, UNTAG, vlan-idx=3 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A8FC 20608DA0 20609344 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/32, up=0
If port 1/1/31 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# enable Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/31, up=1 port_up_indication. port=1/1/31, UNTAG, vlan-idx=1 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A2C8 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/32, up=1 port_up_indication. port=1/1/32, UNTAG, vlan-idx=3 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A2C8 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
debug port vlan
Syntax: [no] debug port vlan decimal
This command monitors a specific VLAN and is used with the debug port up-down and debug port commands. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
Brocade# debug port vlan 1 monitor vlan 1
Topology: Port 1/1/31 is connected to port 1/1/32.
Brocade# debug port vlan 2 monitor vlan 2 Brocade# debug port up-down up-down monitor port up/down event. 1: up, 2: down, 3: up/down
Brocade# debug port up-down 3 Monitor both port up and down
10 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference

System debug commands

If port 1/1/31 is disabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# disable port_down_indication. port=1/1/31, TAG, vlan-idx=4096 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A8FC 20608BEC 2060B5A4 20576A90 20576C74 2057707C 202A50A8 20491E9C 20492DC0 204906D8 2050BF48 204A03C8 204A0418 2011BBC8 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# port_down_indication. port=1/1/32, TAG, vlan-idx=4096 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A8FC 20608DA0 20609344 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/32, up=0
If port 1/1/31 is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# enable Brocade(config-if-e1000-1/1/31)# pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/31, up=1 port_up_indication. port=1/1/31, TAG, vlan-idx=4096 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A2C8 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524 pp_link_change_final. port=1/1/32, up=1 port_up_indication. port=1/1/32, TAG, vlan-idx=4096 stack: 4040 2050A970 2050AA44 2060A2C8 20609520 20609AFC 2055FA50 2050A214 200478DC 2011BBCC 20047698 2011CF7C 5008 135C8 18524
System debug commands
The following system debug commands enable debugging of the system services and device drivers.
debug system campram
Syntax: [no] debug system campram
This command traces Content Addressable Memory (CAM) or Parallel Random Access Machine (PRAM) operations.
Brocade# debug system campram cam/pram: Trace debugging is on
debug system optics
Syntax: [no] debug system optics
This command activates optical monitor debugging.
Brocade# debug system optics optics: Trace debugging is on
debug system poll
Syntax: [no] debug system poll
This command is used for backplane polling.
Brocade# debug system poll backplane-poll: Trace debugging is on
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Software licensing debug command

Software licensing debug command
This section describes the debug command that generates software licensing information.
debug license
Syntax: [no] debug license
This command is used to display the package information on which the license has been loaded. The license information is encoded as Hexa decimal values and can be displayed only when the show license command is used with the license index; for example, show license unit 1 index 1.
Before enabling debugging::
Brocade# show license unit 1 index 1 License information for unit 1 license <1>: +license name: FCX-ADV-LIC-SW +lid: deyHHGLhGvz +license type: trial +status: active +license period: 30 days Trial license information: +days used: 0 +hours used: 0 +days left: 30 +hours left: 0
After enabling debugging::
Brocade# debug license License all debugging ON Brocade(config)# show license unit 1 index 1 License information for unit 1 license <1>: +license name: FCX-ADV-LIC-SW +lid: deyHHGLhGvz +license type: trial +status: active +license period: 30 days Trial license information: +license precedence: 1 +days used: 0 +hours used: 0 +days left: 30 +hours left: 0 Brocade license information: +pkg info: 0X200
12 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference

Layer 2 Diagnostics

This chapter contains the following sections:
STP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
RSTP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
MSTP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
DHCP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
GVRP debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
MAC address debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
MCT debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Packet-capture debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
VXLAN debug commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Link aggregation debug commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

STP debug commands

The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) eliminates Layer 2 loops in networks, by selectively blocking some ports and allowing other ports to forward traffic, based on the global (bridge) and local (port) parameters.
STP-related features, such as Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST), extend the operation of standard STP, enabling you to fine-tune standard STP and avoid some of its limitations.
You can enable or disable STP on a global basis (for the entire device), a port-based Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) basis (for the individual Layer 2 broadcast domain), or an individual port basis. For more information on configuring STP, refer to the FastIron Configuration Guide.
A control protocol, such as STP, can block one or more ports in a protocol-based VLAN that uses a virtual routing interface to route to other VLANs. For IP VLANs and IP subnet VLANs, even though some of the physical ports of the virtual routing interface are blocked, the virtual routing interface can still route as long as at least one port in the protocol-based VLAN is not blocked by STP.
The following are the commands used to enable the STP debugging.
debug span all_802_1d_events
Syntax: [no] debug span all_802_1d_events vlan decimal
This command monitors information about all the events, timers, and packets on a specific VLAN. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
The output from this command resembles the following example.
Brocade# debug span all_802_1d_events vlan 2 STP Enabling All events Debugging for VLAN 2
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STP debug commands
Brocade# STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00
Disabling the debug span all_802_1d_events on FCX: Brocade# no debug span all_802_1d_events vlan 2 STP : Disabling All 802.1w Debugging for VLAN 2
debug span config
Syntax: [no] debug span config vlan decimal
This command monitors information about STP Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) configuration on a specific VLAN. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
If the configuration of VLAN 2 on the Brocade FCX is enabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug span config vlan 2 STP Enabling packets Debugging for VLAN 2
Brocade# STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/5 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 05 0100 1400 0200 0f00 STP: Transmitting Config BPDU - VLAN 2 - Port 1/1/6 0000 00 00 00 80000012f2dbfd80 00000004 8000002438154580 08 06 0100 1400 0200 0f00
14 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference

RSTP debug commands

If the configuration of VLAN 2 on the Brocade FCX is disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# no debug span config vlan 2 STP : Disabling Packets Debugging for VLAN 2
debug span timers
Syntax: [no] debug span timers vlan decimal
This command displays information about the specific STP timer events. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
If the STP timer event on VLAN 2 of the Brocade FastIron device is enabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug span timers vlan 2 STP Enabling Timer Debugging for VLAN 2
Sample output: STP: Timer Alert - Forward Delay Timer expired On port 1/1/6(5) , VLAN 2 STP: Timer Alert - Forward Delay Timer expired On port 1/1/1(0) , VLAN 2 STP: Timer Alert - Forward Delay Timer expired On port 1/1/6(5) , VLAN 2 STP: Timer Alert - Message Age Timer expired On port 1/1/1(0) , VLAN 2 STP: Timer Alert - Message Age Timer expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 STP: Timer Alert - Forward Delay Timer expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 STP: Timer Alert - Forward Delay Timer expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2
If the STP timer event on VLAN 2 of the Brocade FastIron device is disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# no debug span timers vlan 2 STP Disabling Timer Debugging for VLAN 2
RSTP debug commands
RSTP provides rapid traffic reconvergence for point-to-point links within a few milliseconds (less than 500 milliseconds) following the failure of a bridge or bridge port. This reconvergence occurs more rapidly than that provided by STP because convergence in RSTP bridges is based on the explicit handshakes between designated ports and their connected root ports rather than on timer values. The debug 802.1w command displays some information about RSTP.
For RSTP debug commands, enter 4094 if STP is enabled. Enter the VLAN ID for Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP). The CLI alerts the user if the VLAN ID does not exist.
debug 802.1w all_802_1w_events
Syntax: [no] debug 802.1w all_802_1w_events vlan decimal
This command debugs all the RSTP transactions, timers, and packets on a specific VLAN. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
If the events are enabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug 802.1w all_802_1w_events vlan 2 RSTP Enabling All events Debugging for VLAN 2
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference 15 53-1003076-02
RSTP debug commands
Brocade# RSTP[daa69]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX =>ROLE is ALTERNATE or BACKUP , port 1/1/2(1), VLAN 2 RSTP[daa69]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/9(8) , VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 RSTP[daa69]: Tx RST Config BPDU Port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00004e20 8000002438154580 08 09 0100 1400 0200 0f00 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP: PRT =>no valid transition found ,no error, port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 02 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP[daa7d]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX =>ROLE is ALTERNATE or BACKUP , port 1/1/2(1), VLAN 2 RSTP[daa7d]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/9(8) , VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 RSTP[daa7d]: Tx RST Config BPDU Port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00004e20 8000002438154580 08 09 0100 1400 0200 0f00 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP: PRT =>no valid transition found ,no error, port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 02 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP[daa91]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX =>ROLE is ALTERNATE or BACKUP , port 1/1/2(1), VLAN 2 RSTP[daa91]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/9(8) , VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 RSTP[daa91]: Tx RST Config BPDU Port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2
If the events are disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# no debug 802.1w all_802_1w_events vlan 2 RSTP Disabling All 802.1w Debugging for VLAN 2
debug 802.1w messages
Syntax: [no] debug 802.1w messages vlan decimal
This command displays BPDU information on a VLAN. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
If the 802.1w messages are enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug 802.1w messages vlan 2 RSTP Enabling packets Debugging for VLAN 2
Brocade# RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000
16 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
RSTP debug commands
80000012f2dbfd80 08 02 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP[db06d]: Tx RST Config BPDU Port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00004e20 8000002438154580 08 09 0100 1400 0200 0f00 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 02 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP[db081]: Tx RST Config BPDU Port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00004e20 8000002438154580 08 09 0100 1400 0200 0f00 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 02 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP[db095]: Tx RST Config BPDU Port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00004e20 8000002438154580 08 09 0100 1400 0200 0f00
Brocade# RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 01 0000 0000 0000 0000 RSTP: Rcvd RST Config BPDU: Port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 0000 02 02 7e 80000012f2dbfd80 00000000 80000012f2dbfd80 08 02 0000 0000 0000 0000
If the 802.1w messages are disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# no debug 802.1w messages valn 2 RSTP Disabling Packets Debugging for VLAN 2
debug 802.1w timer
Syntax: [no] debug 802.1w timer vlan decimal
This command debugs the RSTP (802.1w) timer expiration. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
If the timer is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug 802.1w timer vlan 2
Brocade# RSTP[db6fd]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 RSTP[db6fd]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/9(8) , VLAN 2 RSTP[db711]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 RSTP[db711]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/9(8) , VLAN 2 RSTP[db725]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2 RSTP[db725]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/9(8) , VLAN 2 RSTP[db739]: Timer Alert - helloWhen timer_expired On port 1/1/2(1) , VLAN 2
If the timer is disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# no debug 802.1w timer vlan 2 RSTP Disabling Timer Debugging for VLAN 2
Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference 17 53-1003076-02

MSTP debug commands

debug 802.1w transitions
Syntax: [no] debug 802.1w transitions vlan decimal
This command debugs the RSTP state machine transitions. The decimal variable refers to the number of the VLAN.
If the 802.1w transtitions are enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug 802.1w transitions vlan 2 RSTP Enabling Events Debugging for VLAN 2
Brocade# RSTP: PRT =>no valid transition found ,no error, port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX =>ROLE is ALTERNATE or BACKUP , port 1/1/2(1), VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 RSTP: PRT =>no valid transition found ,no error, port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX =>ROLE is ALTERNATE or BACKUP , port 1/1/2(1), VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2 RSTP: PRT =>no valid transition found ,no error, port 1/1/1(0) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/2(1) VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX =>ROLE is ALTERNATE or BACKUP , port 1/1/2(1), VLAN 2 RSTP: PTX entering the Periodic state , port 1/1/9(8) VLAN 2
If the 802.1w transtitions are disabled, the output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# no debug 802.1w transitions vlan 2 RSTP Disabling Events Debugging for VLAN 2
MSTP debug commands
With Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP), the entire network runs a common instance of RSTP. Within the common instance, one or more VLANs can be individually configured into distinct regions. The entire network runs the Common Spanning Tree (CST) instance and the regions run a local instance, or Internal Spanning Tree (IST). Because the CST treats each IST as a single bridge, ports are blocked to prevent loops that might occur within an IST and also throughout the CST. In addition, MSTP can coexist with individual devices running STP or RSTP in the Common and Internal Spanning Tree instance (CIST). With the exception of the provisions for multiple instances, MSTP operates exactly like RSTP.
The following MSTP debug commands are used for debugging information.
debug mstp bpdu
Syntax: [no] debug mstp bpdu
This command records and displays information in conjunction with the debug mstp enable and debug mstp events commands. When the debug mstp bpdu command is enabled, it monitors MSTP BPDUs.
If this command is enabled, an output similar to the following is displayed.
Brocade# debug mstp bpdu MSTP Bpdu debugging ON
Brocade# debug mstp enable
Brocade# MSTP[0xeb217]: PRX RECEIVE->RECEIVE - Port 1/1/1
18 Brocade FastIron SX, FCX, and ICX Diagnostic Reference
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