BOSS FRV-1 User Guide

The result of a collaboration with Fender®, the FRV-1 is a compact pedal that uses COSM technology to faithfully reproduce the sound of the classic Fender Reverb unit.
(Composite Object Sound Modeling)
Composite Object Sound Modeling—or “COSM” for short—is BOSS/ Roland’s innovative and powerful technology that’s used to digitally recreate the sound of classic musical instruments and effects. COSM analyzes the many factors that make up the original sound—including its electrical and physical characteristics—and creates a digital model that accurately reproduces the original.
Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” and “IMPORTANT NOTES” (supplied on a separate sheet). These s ections provide important infor mation concerni ng the proper operation of the uni t. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, this manual shoul d be read in i ts entire ty. The man ual should be saved and kept on hand a s a conveni ent refere nce. A battery is supplied with the unit. The life of this battery may be limited, however, since its primary purpose was to enable testi ng.
What is the Fender Reverb?
The Fender Reverb was first introduced in 1961. Created many years before the digital reverbs that are common today, it’s known as a “spring reverb” because it produces reverberation by using a vacuum tube circuit to drive a long spring mechanism. Its distinctively warm yet brilliant sound has been used in thousands of recordings and countless live performances, earning it the status of “industry standard” among standalone spring-reverb units.
Extremely versatile and musical, the Fender Reverb sounds great with vocals and a wide range of instruments. However, its unique sound characteristics—including the mechanical r esonance of its springs—are a perfect match for guitar. Surf music guitarists consider its sound to be indispensable, and it has achieved long-lasting popularity among blues, country, and rockabilly players as well. The 1963 Fender Reverb model is particularly revered, and was the basis for the reverb circuit built into guitar amps such as the TWIN REVERB
, which was first introduced that
same year.
Spring unit
AC Adaptor Jack
Accepts connection of an AC Adaptor (PSA series; optional). By using an AC Adaptor, you can play without being concerned about how much battery power you have left.
* If the AC adaptor is connected while power is on, the power
supply is d rawn from the AC adapto r.
* We recommend that you keep batteries installed in the unit
even though you’ll be powering it with the AC adaptor. That way, you’ll be able to continue a performance even if the cord of the AC ada ptor gets accidently disconnected from th e unit.
Use only the specied AC adaptor (PSA series), and
CHECK Indicator
This indicator shows whether the effect is on or off, and also doubles as the battery check indicator. The indicator lights when the effect is on.
* If you’re powering the unit with a battery and the CHECK in dicator goes dim—
or doesn’t light at all—when you try to turn the effect on, the battery is near depletion and should be replaced. For instructions on changing the battery, refer to “C hanging the Battery.”
* The CHECK indicator shows whether the effect is being applied or not. It does
not indicate whether the power to the d evice is on or not.
This knob adjusts the balance between the direct sound and the reverb sound. Turning it toward the right increases the reverb sound, and turning it toward the left increases the direct sound.
* When you turn thi s knob all the way to the left, there is no r everb sound.
Pedal Switch
This switch turns the effect on/off.
When this screw is loosened, the pedal will open, allowing you to change the battery.
* For instruct ions on changing th e battery, refer to “C hanging the Battery.”
This knob determines the character of the reverb sound. As you turn the knob to the right, both the richness and volume of the reverb sound increases. At higher settings, the sound takes on a distinctive “springy” or “twangy” character that’s unique to spring-type reverb units.
* When you turn this knob all the way to the left, there is no reverb sound.
This knob adjusts the tone of the reverb sound. Turning it to the right of center will make the sound brighter, and turning it to the left of center will make the sound warmer.
Connect this jack to your amp or to the input of another effect unit.
This jack accepts signals coming from a guitar or other musical instrument, or another effects unit.
* The INPUT jack doubles as the power switch. Power to the unit is turned on when you
plug into the INPUT jack; the power is turned off when the cable is unplugged. To prevent unnecessary battery consumption, be sure to disconnect the plug from the INPUT jack when not using the effects unit.
FRV-1 Fender® 社とのコラボ レーションによりFenderReverb COSM クノロジーで忠実に再現し たコンパクト・エフェクターです。
COSM とは、電気回路や構造、素材など、音に影響 る様々な要素を解析し、それらを組み合わせて再 築していくボス/ローランド独自のモデリング技 です。
の機器を正しくお使いいただくために、ご使用前に別紙『安全上のご注意』と『使用上のご注意 よくお読みください。
この機器の 優れた機能を十分ご理解いただくためにも、取扱説明書をよくお読みください。 説明書は必要なときにすぐ見ることができるよう、お手元においてください。 の機器には、 場出荷時に電池がセットされています。この電池は動作確認用のため、寿命が短い 合があります
FenderReverb 1961 発表されました今日一般的なリバー ブであるデジタル・リバーブより何十年も前から作られ、真空管に る駆動回路と長いスプリングによってリバーブ音を発生させるこ とからスプリングリバーブ」として知られています独特の華 やかでかつウォームな響きのある音は、何千ものレコーディングや 無数のライブパフォ ーマンスに使用され、体スプリングバー ブ機としてまさに「業界標準」といえる地位を確立しました
FenderReverb その汎用性の高さからボーカルやさまざまな 楽器にも使用されましたが、でもギターとの相性は非常に高く評 価されました。スプリングならではの機械的な共振音
サーフ ュージックのギタリストには必要不可欠なサウンドとなってい ます。また、ブルース、カントリーやロカビリー系のプレイヤーに も支持され続けています。中でも 1963 製モデルの評価は特に 高く、年に発表され TWINREVERB
® などのリバーブ内蔵ギ
AC アダプター・ジャック
ACダプタPSA-100別売)を接続するジャッ クです。 AC アダプターを使用すれば、電池切れの心配をせ ずに長時間の演奏ができます。 池が入っている状態ACアダプターを接続す
くと、万一製品本体から AC アダプターのコー が抜けても演奏が続けられます。
AC必ず指定の(PSA-100)を、 AC100Vの電源使い。 故障の原因指定以外のAC ター使
フェクオン/オフの表示とバッテリーェックの機能 兼ね備えたインジケーターです。 フェクオン時に点灯して、フェク/オフの確認 できます。
池が消耗していますので、新しい電池と交換してください 換方法については、『電池交換のしかた』をご覧ください
CHECK インジケーターはエフェクト・オン/オフを表すイ
ダイレクト音とリバーブ音のバランスを調節します。 右に回すほどリバーブ音が大きくなり左に回すとダイ
レクト音が大きくなります 回しきるとリバーブ音がなくなります。
エレクトリック・ギターをはじめ、他の楽器やエフェクターからの 力を接続するジャックです。 INPUT ジャックは、電源スイッチも兼ねています。接続プラグを
INPUT ャックに差しり、抜くとオフにな ます。電池の消耗を抑えるため、エフェクターを使用しないとき INPUT ャックに接続しているプラグを抜いてください
のサムリューをゆるめるとペダルが開き電池の交換が簡単に行なえます 換方法については、『電池交換のしかた』をご覧ください
バーブ音のキャラクターを設定します。 つまみを右に回すほどリバーブ音の音量が上がります。より右に回し 設定にするとプリンリバーブ特有の華やかでウォームなキャ クターが強調されます。 左に回しきるとリバーブ音がなくなります。
リバーブ音の音質を調節しま まみを中り右に回すと きらびやかな音になり、左に回すと 暖かみのある音になります。
スプリング 台座凸部
コイル・ スプリング
ガイド・ ブッシュ穴
電池スナップ・ コード
電池 スナップ
電池 006P/9V
connect it to an AC outlet of the correct voltage. Do not use any other AC adaptor, since this may cause malfunction.
As an alternate connection method, you can insert the FRV-1 in your guitar amp’s serial eect loop (send/return) if it is equipped with one. This is recommended if you’re using your amp’s preamp section to generate high-gain distortion sounds. Refer to the owner’s manual for your amp to learn more about using its eect loop.
Guitar Amplier
AC Adaptor (PSA series: optional)
If you use an overdrive or distortion-type eect, we recommend that you connect it before the FRV-1.
Electric Guitar
Precautions When Connecting
* To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or other devices,
always turn down the volume, and turn off the power on all devices before making any connec tions.
* Some connection cables contain resistors. When connection cables
with resistors are used, the sound level may be extremely low, or impossible to hear. For information on cable specifications, contact the manufacturer of the cable.
* If you'll be using the FRV-1 for an extended time, we recommend that
you use a n AC adaptor. If you pre fer to use a battery, w e recommend an alkaline ba ttery.
* Raise the amp volume only after turning on the power to all connected
* Once the connections have been completed, turn on power to your
various devices in the order specified. By turning on devices in the wrong order , you risk causing malfun ction and/or damage to spea kers and other devices.
When powering up: When powering down:
* This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A brief interval (a few
seconds) after power up is required before the unit will operate normally.
* When operating on battery power only, the unit’s indicator will become
dim when battery power gets too low. Replace the battery as soon as possible.
Turn on the power to your gui tar amp Turn off the power to your gui tar amp
last first
Changing the Battery
When the indicator goes dim or no longer lights while the effect is on, it means that the battery must be replaced.
Replace the battery following the ste ps below.
1. Hold down the pedal and
loosen the thumbscrew, then open the pedal upward.
* The pedal can be opened
without detaching the thumbscrew comp letely.
Remove the old battery from the battery housing, and remove the snap cord connected to it.
Connect the snap cord to the new battery, and place the bat tery inside the battery housing.
* Be sure to c arefully observe the battery’s polarity ( + versus -).
Slip the coil spring onto the spring base on the back of the pedal, and then cl ose the peda l.
* Carefully avoid getting the snap cord caught in the pedal, coil spring,
and battery housing.
Finally, insert the thumbs crew into the guid e bush hole and fasten it securely.
Battery Snap Cord
Battery Snap
9V Battery
Spring Base
Coil Spring
Guide Bush Hole
Battery Housing
Power won’t come on / CHECK indicator doesn’t light:
Q Is your guitar properly connected to the INPUT jack?
Check the connection once more.
* The power will not t urn on without a plug c onnected to the INPUT jack . * The CHECK indic ator shows whethe r the effect is be ing applied or not. It
does not indicate whether the power to the device is on or not.
Is the specified adaptor (PSA series: optional) properly connected?
Check the connection once more.
* Never use any AC adaptor other than one specified for use with the
Is the battery low or dead?
Replace with a new battery.
* The battery that is supplied with the unit is for temporary use, intended
primarily fo r testing the pedal’s operation.
* If you’ll be using the FRV-1 for an extended time, we recommend that
you use an AC adaptor. If you prefer to use a battery, we reco mmend an alkaline batter y.
* To prevent unne cessary battery cons umption, be sure to disconnect the
plug from th e INPUT jack when not u sing the effects un it.
No sound / Low volume:
Q Is your instrument properly connected to the FRV-1?
Check the connection once more.
Q Is the DWELL knob and/or MIXER knob turned down?
Turning the DWELL knob or MIXER knob toward the le ft will decrease the amount of reverb sound when the effect is on; if either knob is turned all the way to the left, there will be no reverb sound. To hear the reverb, turn the DWELL knob and MI XER knob to the right.
Q Is the volume turned down on any guitar amp or effects device
you have connected?
Check the settings of the connected device.
Q Is the battery low or dead?
Replace with a new battery.
“Springy,” “twangy,” or “drip-like” sounds are heard in the reverb:
In the original Fender Reverb, these sounds are produced by the mechanical resonances of the springs. They are apparent as the DWELL knob is turned up, and also when dynamic, percussive sounds are played into the unit. These sound characteristics are particularly popular in surf guit ar music, and are an integral part of the genre.
As with the other characteristics of the Fender Reverb, the FRV-1 faithfully models these resonance sounds. Turning the DWELL knob to the left will reduce their level and create more of a “room” reverb sound.
Setting Samples
Surf Sound Blues Sound
FRV-1: Fender Reverb
Nominal Input Leve l -20 dBu Input Impedance 1 M ohm Nominal Output L evel -20 dBu Output Impedance 1 k ohm Recommended Load
Power Supply
Current Draw
Dimensio ns
Weight 420 g / 15 oz (including battery)
Option AC a daptor (PSA series)
* 0 dBu = 0.775 Vrms * The battery that was supplied w ith the unit is for t emporary
use, intended primarily for testing the unit’s operation. We suggest replacing this with an alkaline dry cell .
* In the interest of product improvement, the specifications and/or
appearance of this unit are subject to change without pr ior notice.
*FENDER®, STRATOCASTER®, TWIN REVERB®, and the distinctive headstock
and body desi gn commonly f ound on the STRATOCASTER guitar are the trademarks of FMIC. All rights reserved. In this document, their names are used solely to identify the equipment whose sound is simulated by COSM.
10 k ohms or greater
DC 9 V: Dry battery 6F22 (9 V) type (carbon)/
Dry battery 6LR61 (9 V) type (alkaline), AC Adaptor ( PSA series: optional)
37 mA (DC 9 V)
Duration of continuous use with bat tery operation: Alkaline: 10.5 hours These figures will vary dep ending on the actual conditions of use.
73 (W) x 129 (D) x 59 (H) mm 2-7/8 (W) x 5-1/8 (D) x 2-3/8 (H) inche s
Owner’s Manual, L eaflet (“USING THE UNIT SAFE LY,” “IMPORTANT NOTES,” and “Information”), Dry battery/9 V type (6LR61)
Copyright © 2009 BOSS CORPORATION All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of BOSS CORPORATION.