This equipment h as bee n te sted and foun d to c omply with the limits of a Class
B digi ta l dev i ce, pu r su ant to Part 15 of t he FCC R ul es. Th es e lim it s ar e de sig ned
to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment genera tes, uses and can r adiate radio frequency
en ergy and, if not installed and used in accor dance wi th the instru ctions, may
cause har mful interf erence to radio communications. Ther e is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
The vendor makes no representations or warranties with respect to the
con te nt s h ere an d sp ec iall y di sc la im s an y im pl ied w ar r ant ie s of mer c ha nt ab il ity
or fitness for any purpose. Further the vendor rese rves the right to rev ise this
public ati on and to make changes to the contents h er e without ob liga tion to
notify a ny par ty beforehand .
Duplication of this publication, in part or in whole, is not allowed without first
obt aini ng the ve ndor’s approval in wr itin g.
The con te nt of thi s u ser’s m anu al i s subje ct to b e ch an ged with ou t no ti ce an d
we will not be r e sponsible for any mis takes found in this user’s manu a l. All the
brand and produ ct n ame s are trademarks of their re s pe ctive compa n ies.
You r mon ito r will atta c h di rectl y to that vid eo ca rd. This mothe rbo ard
supports video cards for PCI slots, but it i s also equipped wi th an
Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP). An AGP card will take advantage of
AGP technol ogy for improved video effi ciency and performance,
The CNR specifica tion is an op en Ind ustry Standar d Ar c hi tec t ur e, and it
defines a hardware scalable riser card i nterface, which supports modem
The illustration shows how to set up jumpers. When the jumper cap is
placed on pins, the jumper is “cl ose”, if not, that means the j umper is
Pin opened Pin closed Pin1-2 closed
JAUDIO1: Front Panel Audio Header
This header allows user to connect the front audio out put cable wi th the
PC front panel. It will disab le the o utput on ba c k pan el audio co nn ecto rs.
Pin Assign men t Pin Assig n men t
1 Mic in/center 2 Ground
3 Mic power/Bass 4 Audio power
Right line out/ Speak er out
7 Reserv ed 8 Key
9 Left line out/ Speak er out Left 10 Left line out/ Speak er out Left
Right line in/R ear speaker
13 Lef t line in/Rear s peak er Left 14 Left line in/R ear speaker Left
JCDI N1 : C D-ROM A ud io -in Co n ne cto r
This connector allows user to connect the audio source from the veriaty
devices, like CD-ROM, DVD-ROM, PCI so und ca rd, PCI T V turner card
6 Right line out/ Speak er out R ight
12 R ight line in/R ear speaker Right
Pin Assignment
1 Left channel input
2 Ground
3 Ground
4 Right channel input
JSP DI F _ OU T 1 : Dig ita l A u dio Conn ector (op tio n al)
This connector allows user to connect the PCI bracket SPDIF output
Pin Assignment
JPANEL1: F ront Panel Header
This 24-pin connector includes Power-on, Reset, HDD LED, Power LED,
Sleep button, speaker and IrDA Connection. It allows user to connect
the PC case’s front panel switch functions.
Pin Assignment Function Pin Assignment Function
1 +5V 2 Sleep control
3 N/A 4 Ground
5 N/A 6 N/A N/A
7 Speaker
9 HDD LED (+) 10 Power LED (+)
By placi ng the jumper on pin2-3, it allows user to restore the BIOS safe
setting and the CMOS data, please carefully follow the procedures to
avo id da ma ging th e mot her b oar d.
JCMOS1 Assignment
Pin 1-2 close
Pin 2-3 close
※ Clear CMOS Procedures:
1. Remove AC power line.
2. Set the jumper to “Pin 2-3 close”.
3. Wai t for f i ve seconds.
4. Set the jumper to “Pin 1-2 close”.
5. Power on the AC.
6. Reset your desired password or clear the CM OS data.
JCI1: Case Open Header
T his connecto r allows syste m to monitor PC case open statu s. If th e
signal has been tri ggered, i t will record to the CMOS and show the
message on next boot-up.
Pin Assignment
Norm al Operation (D ef ault).
Clear CMOS data.
1 Cas e open signal
2 Ground
JUSB3/JU SB4: F ro nt USB Headers
This m otherboard provides 2 USB 2.0 headers, which all ows user to
connect additional USB cable on the PC front panel, and also can be
connected wi th internal USB devi ces, like USB card reader.
Pin Assignment Pin Assignment
1 +5V (f used) 2 +5V (f used)
3 USB- 4 USB-
5 USB+ 6 USB+
7 Ground 8 Ground
9 Key 10 NC
Beep Meaning
One long beep f ollowed by t wo s hort
High-low siren sound
One Short beep when system
Long beeps every other second No DRAM detected or inst all
Video card not f ound or video c ard
mem ory bad
CPU overheated, sys t em will shut down
No error found during POST
Problems Solution
1. No power to the system at all
Power light don’t illuminat e, f an
inside power s upply does not t ur
2. Indic at or light on key board does
not t urn on.
Sys t em inoperat iv e. Key board lights
are on, power indic at or lights are lit,
and hard driv e is spinning.
Sys t em does not boot from hard dis k
drive, can be booted fro m CD- ROM
System only boots f rom CD-ROM.
Hard disk can be read and
applicat ions can be used but boot ing
from hard disk is im possible.
Screen m essage say s “Invalid
Conf igurat ion” or “CMOS Failure.”
Cannot boot sys t em af t er inst alling
sec ond hard drive.
1. Make sure power c able is s ec urely
plugged in.
2. Replace cable.
3. Contact technical support.
Us ing even pres s ure on both ends of
the DIMM, press down firm ly unt il the
module s naps int o place.
1. Chec k cable running from disk t o
disk controller board. Make sure
both ends are s ec urely plugged in;
chec k the drive type in the standar
CMOS setup.
2. Back ing up the hard drive is
ext rem ely im port ant. All hard disks
are capable of break ing down at
any time.
Back up data and applications f iles.
Ref orm at t he hard drive. Re-install
applicat ions and dat a using bac k up
Rev iew system’s equipm ent. Make sure
correc t inf ormat ion is in setup.
1. Set master/slave jumpers correctly.
2. Run SETUP program and s elect
correc t driv e types. C all the drive
manuf acturers f or compatibility with
other driv es.
[WarpSpeeder™], a new powerful control uti lity, features three
user-friendly functions including Overclock Manager, Overvol tage
Manager, and Hardware Monitor.
With the Overclock Manager, users can easi ly adjust the frequency they
prefer or they can get the best CPU performance with just one click. The
Overvoltage Manager, on the other hand, helps to power up CPU core
vol tage an d Me mor y v ol ta ge. Th e co ol Har dw are Mo nit or s mar tly in d icates
the tem peratures, voltage and CPU fan speed as well as the chi pset
information. Also, in the About panel, you can get detail descripti ons about
BIOS m odel and chipsets. In addition, the frequency status of CPU,
memory, AGP and PCI along with the CPU speed are synchronically
s how n on our ma i n p an el .
Moreover, to protect users' computer systems if the setting i s not
appropriate when testing and results in system fail or hang,
[WarpSpeeder™] technology assures the sy stem stability by automatically
rebooting the com puter and then restart to a speed that is either the
original system speed or a suitable one.
OS Support: Windows 98 SE, Windows M e, Windows 2000, Windows XP
DirectX: DirectX 8.1 or above. (T he Windows XP operating system
incl udes DirectX 8.1. If you use Windows XP, you do not need to instal l
Dir ec tX 8.1.)
1. Execute the setup executi on file, and then the following dialog will pop
up. Please click “Next” button and follow the default procedure to
2. When you see the following dialog in setup procedure, it means setup
is completed. If the “Launch the WarpSpeeder Tray Utility” checkbox
is che c ked, th e Tray Icon utili ty and [ WarpSpeed er™] util ity will b e
automatically and immediately l aunched after you click “Finish”
The following figures are just only for reference, the screen printed in
this user manual will chan ge ac c ording to your motherboard on ha nd.