Behringer 150 Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide
Legendary Analog Ring Modulator/ Noise/S&H/LFO Module for Eurorack
(10)(8)(6) (7)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(18) (15)
(12) (13)
(9) CLOCK RATE slider contr ols the internal clo ck signal’s rate
before t he clock signal is ro uted out through t he CLOCK OUT jack.
(10) S&H OUT jack s ends out the  nal S&H (Sample & Hol d)
signal over c ables with 3.5 mm TS con nectors.
(11) LAG TIME slider c an be used to smooth ou t the changes
betwee n control voltage va lues as the slider is rai sed, similar to a po rtamento or glid e e ec t on a keyboard.
(12) EXT CLOCK IN i nput jack routes an e xternal cloc k signal into
the S&H cir cuit.
(13) WAVEFO RM knob sele cts betwee n sine, triangle, squar e,
ramp and saw tooth waveform s for the LFO.
(14) FREQ RAN GE sliding switch s elects bet ween high (H),
mid (M) and low (L) fre quency ranges .
(15) TRIGGER jack allows a co ntrol voltage to tri gger the LFO
waveform by r esetting the am plitude to 0. The wavefor m then retu rns to the original a mplitude at a rate se t by the DELAY slider.
(16) FREQ slider  ne-ad justs the LFO fr equency withi n the range
chosen by th e FREQ RANGE switch.
(17) DELAY slider contr ols the amount of tim e that elapses
betwe en the beginning of a n ew note and the LFO’s amplitude peak.
(18) FREQ CV I N input jack allows a cont rol voltage to contr ol
the LFO fre quency in place of th e FREQ slider.
(19) OUTPUT LEVEL sliding sw itch selects b etween a
full-s trength LFO outp ut signal (x1 settin g) and a 1/10th-str ength signal (x 1/10 settin g).
(20) LFO OUT output ja cks o e r dual LFO outputs f or use with
cables w ith 3.5 mm TS connect ors.
(16) (17) (19)
(1) EXT SIG X /NOISE jack route s audio signals or nois e into the
ring modu lator. The audio signal or n oise coming in throu gh the EXT SI G X/NOISE jack is combi ned with and modulate d by the carr ier signal routed in to the EXT SIG Y/LFO jack.
(2) EXT SIG Y/LFO jac k routes the carr ier signal into the
ring modu lator. The carrier sig nal can be in the audio range, such a s a 500 Hz sine wave, or a signal f rom Low Frequenc y Oscillator (LFO).
(3) R.M OUT jac k sends out the  nal ring modul ator signal.
(4) PINK output ja cks o e r dual white pink nois e outputs for
use other m odules.
(5) WHITE output ja cks o e r dual white noise out puts for use
with othe r modules.
(6) EXT SIG in put jack routes ex ternal signals in to the S&H
circuit f or processing. Use t he EXT/LFO/NOISE switc h to optimize t he EXT SIG input for d i erent t ypes of signals.
(7) EXT/LFO/NOISE sli ding switch optim izes the EXT SIG fo r use
with cont rol signals (EXT ), signals fr om a Low Frequency Oscillato r (LFO) or noise signals (NOISE ).
(8) CLOCK OUT jack s ends out a clock sig nal generated insi de
the S&H cir cuit.
Power Connection
The 150 RING MOD/NOISE /S&H/LFO module c omes with the required p ower cable for connec ting to a standard Eu rorack power supply sy stem. Follow these s teps to connect p ower to the module. It is easier to m ake these connec tions before th e module has been mounted in to a rack case.
1. Turn the power supp ly or rack case power o and disconne ct the power cab le.
2. Insert t he 16-pin connect or on the power cable int o the socket on t he power supply or rack c ase. The connec tor has a tab that wi ll align with the gap in t he socket, so it can not be inser ted incorrect ly. If the power supply does n ot have a keyed socke t, be sure to orient pin 1 (-12 V) with the r ed stripe o n the cable.
3. Inser t the 10-pin connec tor into the socke t on the back of the modul e. The connector ha s a tab that will align wi th the socket fo r correct ori entation.
4. After bot h ends of the power cable h ave been securely attac hed, you may mount the mo dule in a case and tur n on the power supp ly.
The neces sary screws ar e included with th e module for mount ing in a Eurorack c ase. Connect the powe r cable before moun ting.
Dependin g on the rack case, the re may be a series of  xed holes spaced 2 HP ap art along the len gth of the case, or a tr ack that allows individ ual threaded plate s to slide along the leng th of the case. The free -moving thread ed plates allow prec ise positioning o f the module, but e ach plate should be po sitioned in the appr oximate relation t o the mounting hole s in your module befo re attaching the screw s.
Hold the mo dule against the Euro rack rails so that eac h of the mounting h oles are aligned wi th a threaded rail o r threaded plate. Attach t he screws par t way to start, whic h will allow small adjustm ents to the positi oning while you get th em all aligned. After th e  nal posit ion has been estab lished, tighten the screws down.
Speci cations
Signal Connections
Ring modulator
Ext si gnal X / Y 2 x 3.5 mm jack
X Impedance 100 k unb alanced
Y impedance 100 k unb alanced
Maximum level +20 dBu
R.M out 1 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 100  unbala nced
Maximum level +15 dBu
Noise generator
White 2 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 1 k unba lanced
Output level 0 dBu
Pink 2 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 1 k unba lanced
Output level 0 dBu
S & H
Ext si gnal 1 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 100 k unb alanced
Maximum level + 17 dBu
Ext cl ock in 1 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 100 k unb alanced
Threshold > 1 V
Clock ou t 1 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 1 k unba lanced
S & H out 1 x 3.5 mm jack
Impedance 1 k unba lanced
Freq CV in 1 x 3.5 mm ja ck
Impedance 100 k unb alanced
CV input range 0 V to +10 V
LFO out 2 x 3.5 m m jack
Impedance 1 k unba lanced
Output level 1 V p-p / 10 V p-p
S & H
Clock ra te 1 x slider, 2 Hz - 25 Hz
Lag time 1 x slider, 0 - 8 sec onds
Ext / LF O / noise 3-way sliding sw itch
Freq range 3-way sliding switch
Frequen cy 1 x slider, 0.03 Hz - 30 Hz i n 3 ranges
Delay 1 x slider, 4 ms to 8 s econds
Wavefor m 5 -way switch Si ne / triangle / s quare /
Outpu t level 2-way slidi ng switch x⁄  / x1, select able
Power supply Eurorack
Current d raw 60 m A (+12 V), 50 mA (-12 V)
Dimensi ons (H x W x D) 44 x 81 x 129 mm (1.7 x 3.2 x 5.1")
Rack uni ts 16 HP
Weight 0.16 kg (0.35 lbs)
High / mid / lo w, selectabl e
sawto oth /invert ed sawtoot h, selectab le
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Zhongs han Eurotec Ele ctronic s Limited
No. 10 Wanmei Road, South China Modern Chinese Medicine Park, Nanlang Town, 528451, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province, China