Avery 9855 User Manual

TC9800NCLPM Rev. AE 3/08 ©2006 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp. All rights reserved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Paxar reserves t he right to make changes in the product, the programs, and their availability at an y time and without notice. Although Paxar has made every effort to provide comple te and accurate information in this manual, Paxar shall not be liable for any omissio ns or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later edition of this manual.
©2006 Paxar Americas, Inc. a subsidiary of Avery Dennison Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this publication ma y be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or transla ted into any language in any form by any means, without the prior written permissi on of Paxar Americas, Inc.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Oper ation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful inter ference in which case the user will be required to correct the in terference at his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed th e Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications .
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de brui ts radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouilla ge radioélectrique édicte par le ministère des Communications du Canada.
Trademarks Monarch®, MonarchNet2, Smart Relay, 7410, 7411, 9855®, and 9860 are trademarks of Paxar Americas, Inc. Paxar® is a trademark of Paxar Corporation. Avery Dennison® is a trademark of Aver y Dennison Corp.
Microsoft, Windows, NT, and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries . UNIX® is a trademark of The Open Grou p. Centronics is a registered trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corporation.
Avery Dennison Printer Systems Divisio n 170 Monarch Lane Miamisburg, OH 45342
About NCL..............................................................................................1-1
Using This Manual ...................................................................................1-3
Standard Syntax Guidelines......................................................................1-4
NCL File Sequence...............................................................................1-6
Using Constants...................................................................................1-7
Using Functions...................................................................................1-8
Using Strings .......................................................................................1-8
Using Math Operators ...........................................................................1-9
NCL File Specifications ............................................................................1-9
Using Global Commands ........................................................................ 1-10
Getting Started...................................................................................... 1-10
CONFIGURING THE PRINTER.......................................................................2-1
CONFIGURING THE NETWORK.....................................................................3-1
TCP/IP Settings.......................................................................................3-1
Wireless Settings ....................................................................................3-2
Setting the Time ......................................................................................3-5
REQUESTING FILE TRANSFERS ...................................................................4-1
About File Transfers ................................................................................4-2
Using FTP ..............................................................................................4-3
Using TFTP.............................................................................................4-4
Using the Printer List Section ...................................................................4-6
Specifying a First Configuration File ..........................................................4-7
USING CONFIGURATION FILES....................................................................5-1
Uploading a Configuration File ..................................................................5-1
Using Remote Shell ..............................................................................5-3
Viewing Data in a Configuration File..........................................................5-4
Cloning a Printer.....................................................................................5-6
Modifying a Configuration File ..................................................................5-6
Table of Contents i
CREATING A CUSTOM MENU ....................................................................... 6-1
Specifying the Menu ................................................................................6-1
Specifying the Menu Items....................................................................... 6-2
USING A DATABASE ...................................................................................7-1
Searching a Database .............................................................................7-1
USING FLASH FILES & UPDATING FIRMWARE.............................................8-1
Creating an NCL Flash File ...................................................................... 8-1
Creating an NCL Flash File ...................................................................... 8-2
Booting the Printer ..................................................................................8-3
Using a Flash Configuration File ...........................................................8-3
Using a BOOTP or DHCP Server...........................................................8-3
About Firmware Updates..........................................................................8-3
Updating Firmware .................................................................................. 8-4
Using Log Files.......................................................................................9-1
Viewing a Log File...............................................................................9-3
Using the General Section .......................................................................9-4
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................9-5
Printing Test Labels................................................................................9-6
Configuring the Printer ............................................................................ A-1
Changing TCPIP Settings.........................................................................A-1
Changing Wireless Settings ..................................................................... A-1
Transferring a File ..................................................................................A-2
Using a Log File ..................................................................................... A-2
Updating Firmware .................................................................................. A-3
Creating a Custom Menu ......................................................................... A-4
Creating a First Configuration File ............................................................ A-5
Creating a Database ............................................................................... A-5
DEFAULTS .................................................................................................. B-1
Printer Setup .......................................................................................... B-1
Ethernet Setup ....................................................................................... B-2
Wireless Setup ....................................................................................... B-3
INDEX ............................................................................................................. i
ii NCL Programmer’s Manual
Your Monarch® 9855 or 9860 Version 5.0 or greater printer contains MonarchNet2 soft ware with the addition of Monarch® Network Control Language (NCL). Additional NCL features are available in later software versions.
About NCL
The Network Control Language files (NCL) are in a readable forma t similar to Microsoft® Windows® 3.0 initialization (.ini) files. You can create the NCL file using any text editor and save it with a .txt extension.
You can create an NCL file that sets your printer to specific set tings every time you turn on the printer, such as black mark supply, high energy ribbon, and on-demand mode. See the sample below of this information in an NCL file and in an MPCL file. The NCL file is easier to read and troubleshoot than its MCPL counterpart.
NCL File: MPCL File:
[NCL_START] [Printer.9855] SupplyType="Black Mark" Ribbon="High Energy" FeedMode="On-Demand" [NCL_END]
NCL is a powerful tool that can do more than just remotely configure you r printer and network card.
You can use NCL to
monitor and manage large numbers of printers over WAN and LAN
update the printer’s or network card’s firmware across the network. clone a single printer’s confi guration to multiple printers a cross the
transfer files to and from the printe r. create custom menu items for the printer's display. query a simple database.
Introduction 1-1
There are several methods of configuring a Monarch® printer with a network card. Decide which method works best for your organization. You may prefer to use a combination of methods. This man ual explains the Network Control Language method.
Method See the Related Manual
MPCL Packet Reference Manual (TC9800PM) MonarchNet2 Telnet or
Remote Shell NCL This manual Offline via the
printer’s menu
Note: Information in this document supercedes information in previous
Check our Web site (www.paxar.com) for the latest release and documentation informati on.
MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions (TC7411MN2OI) MonarchNet2 Operating Instructions (TC7411MN2OI)
Operator’s Handbooks (TC9855OH or T C9860OH)
Not all parameters can be confi gured offline.
This manual is for the System Administrator, who configures and manages the printers over a network or the Progra mmer, who creates the configuration files for those printers.
1-2 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Using This Manual
Following is a summary of the contents of this manu al.
Chapter Contents
1 Introduction Information you should know before using NCL.
Configuring the
Configuring the
Requesting File
Configuration Files Creating a Custom
7 Using a Database Information about searching a database.
Using Flash Files &
Updating Firmware
9 Troubleshooting
A Samples Several sample NCL files. B Defaul ts Lists the printer defa ult values.
Information about creating NCL files to configure the printer, including specifying the supply type , contrast, and communication values.
Information about creating NCL files to configure the network, including Ethernet and wireless settings including IP address, SSID, and security.
Information about requesting/receiving files using FTP and TFTP and specifying an initial (first) configuration file.
Information about uploading and modifying NCL files and printer cloning.
Information about creating custom menus to perform specific tasks.
Information about creating a flash file, using BOOTP/DHCP to boot the printer, and updating the printer’s firmware.
Information about creating a log file and any errors you may encounter with NCL.
Introduction 1-3
This manual uses the following conventi ons: Lines of text that you enter are shown in bold with a different typeface.
For example:
SupplyType="Die Cut"
All text shown in square brackets ([]) are required Sectio n names and must be entered exactly as shown. For example:
When a list of mutually-exclusive options exist, they are separated by a vertical bar (|). Select only ONE of the options. For example:
Aperture | Die Cut | Black Mark | Continuous
When an alphanumeric value is required you see an “n” for each character; for example, nn nn means to enter four charact ers, such as
9855. NIC is an abbreviation for Network Interface Card.
Standard Syntax Guidelines
When creating NCL files:
All lines are processed in the order received. Groups of like parameters are di vided into Sections. Within each Section are multiple options, which are identified by a
Key-name (Keys) and set to some Value.
Major Sections are identified by square brackets ( []). Commands and options are ident ified by Keys. The assigned Values are separated from the Keys by an
equal sign (=).
If no Value is specified, use 1. White space (spaces, tabs, and blank lines), outside of q uoted strings,
is ignored.
Sections and Keys are not case-sensitive, except for [NCL_START]. Values are case-sensitive.
1-4 NCL Programmer’s Manual
For the Values, use the exact text listed in this manual (or the
printer’s offline menu). For example, Speed=10 does not work, use Speed="10.0 IPS", which is how it appears in the printer’s offline
Only include the Keys you need to c hange from their current value in
the NCL file.
♦ Place comments after a semicolon (;). ♦ Strings containing spaces must be in quotes (""). ♦ NCL files must start with [NCL_START] and end with [NCL_End]. ♦ One NCL file can contain multiple sections for different print er models,
for example, [Printer.9855] and [Printer.9860]. Information that does not match the cu rrent printer is ignored.
Use the [Printer.General] section to change values for all printer
models with NCL capability on your network.
Each line, including [NCL_End] must end with a c arriage return, a line
feed, or both (carriage return and a line feed).
When specifying a pathna me or filename, the spelling, capi talization
and spacing must match exactly.
Do not use a backslash (\) o r a forward slash (/) at the be ginning of
the pathname. Follow the standard conventions fo r your operating system (Microsoft® Windows®, UNIX®, et c.) For example, UNIX uses a forward slash while Microsoft Windows uses a backslash. However, some FTP and TFTP software only accepts one or the other and substitutes the character for the appropriate operating system.
Introduction 1-5
NCL File Sequence
When creating NCL files, foll ow the standard syntax guidelines o utlined above and keep in mind the follow ing:
Since all lines are processed in the order received and file transfers
may take several minutes to complete, do not re quest file transfers while making changes to the network configuration in the same NCL file.
Creating a custom menu [MenuStart] requires the user to make a
selection before processing any instruction s in the rest of the NCL file.
Make sure all lines within the [MenuStart] section are arranged
Certain sections should be at the beginning of the NCL file or in a
separate NCL file to avoid losing data. For example, after the firmware is updated, the printer and network card are reset.
When creating NCL files, we recomme nd arranging the sections in this
[NCL_START] [Flash] [Log] [Firmware] [FirstCfg]
[General] TestLabel=1
[Config] [NCL_END]
**** At this point in the file, you can include configuring the printer
[Printer.9855], network card [NIC.TCPIP.7411BG], network time [Time], or other sections not prev iously listed.
Note: Not all sections are needed in every NCL file.
1-6 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Using Constants
Constants are replaced by a string or numeric value. Use constants to generate unique log (or configuration) file names or in mathematical expressions.
These constants are useful to determine
a printer’s IP address, subnet mask, or location (perform a search). which file goes with a particular printer? when a log file was created base d on time and/or date.
%IPA The IP address is substituted for %IPA and dots (‘.’) are replaced
with dashes (‘-‘).
%MAC The MAC address is substituted for %MAC and dots (‘.’) are
replaced with dashes (‘-‘).
%PUC The value of a Power-Up Counter is inserted in place of %PUC.
The counter is set to zero when the printer is turned on or reset and incremented each time a log file is sent to the host.
%DAT The current date is substituted for %DAT and slashes (‘/’) are
replaced with dashes (‘-‘). The format is YY-MM-DD.
%TIM The current time is substituted f or %TIM and colons (‘:’) are
replaced with dashes (‘-‘). The format is HH=MM=SS.
%DNT The current date and time are substituted for %DNT and slashes
(‘/’) and colons (‘:’) are replaced with dashes (‘-‘). The format is YY-MM-DD_ HH=MM=SS.
%NSA Network subnet address. This is the logical AND of the printer's
IP address and the subnet mask. This is a decimal stri ng, separated by dots or a LONG in nume ric operations.
%PNO The printer number found by the NextPrinter command. %SNM The subnet mask as a decimal s tring, separated by dots or as a
LONG in numeric operations.
Note: The time comes from the network's time server (if available), not
from the file transfer server (FTP or TFTP).
Example "Logs/PX_%IPA_%DAT.log"
This line generates a filen ame similar to:
Introduction 1-7
Using Functions
Functions are replaced by a string or numeric value. A function contains one or more arguments and may be used multiple times in the same file.
%Field(FieldNumber) The function is replaced with t he string in
Example Echo1="Printer Name"
Echo2=%Field(1) + %Field(2) + "-0" + %PNO WaitSec=3
This code displays "Printer Name" on line 1 of the display and the results of the strings contained in Field(1) and Field(2) with –0 and the next printer number in sequence on line 2. The message displays for 3 seconds.
Using Strings
Strings can contain constants or functions. Use strings sepa rately, enclosed within quotation marks , or concatenated with a plus sign (+) in between.
Example Echo1="IP" + "Addr:"
Echo2=%IPA WaitSec=2
This code displays "IPAddr:" on line 1 of the display and the IP address contained in the constant %IPA on line 2. The mess age displays for 2 seconds.
1-8 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Using Math Operators
The following table lists the priority (precede nce) of math operators from highest to lowest priority. Otherwise, items shown on t he same line are processed left to right.
Symbol Description
() parenthesis + - positive and negative * / % multiply, divide, and modulo + - add and subtract << >> less than and greater than & AND ^ XOR | OR
NCL File Specifications
The maximum lengths for the components of an NCL file are listed in the following table.
Component and Example Character Limit Description
File Config.txt
Each Line FeedMode=Continuous
Section [Printer.9855]
Keys SupplyType
Values "Die Cut"
Path/Filename "Xfer\Config.txt"
Log Buffer PX_10-24-05.log
2000 This limit is for actual data, after the parser
discards comments.
240 This limit applies to the total line, including
60 This limit applies to the section name.
60 This limit applies to the key name.
<240 The line limit minus the actual length of the key
240 This limit applies to the combined path and
filename string.
10,000 Data is discarded once the buffer fills.
Introduction 1-9
Using Global Commands
The following commands can be used in any section.
Keys Description Values
Log LogNum
Echo1 Echo2
Saves the value as a string to the log buffer. "any string" Evaluates the numeric expression and saves the result to
the log buffer. Writes the contents to the top line of the printer's display. "firstline" Writes the contents to the second line of the printer's
display. Displays the numeric value of the expression following the
equal sign. Displays the numeric value of the expression following the
equal sign. Pauses for the specified number of seconds. Displays a
countdown on the second line of the printer's display. Amount of time to show items on the printer's display (in
milliseconds). Pauses until any button is pressed on the printer's control
Any expression evaluated as a number
Any expression evaluated as a number
Any expression evaluated as a number
0 to 999999
0 to 999999
Any value
Getting Started
Follow these steps to get the most from NCL:
1. Decide what you want to do: configure the printer or network card, clone a printer, or update firmware.
2. When configuring the printer o r network card, only include the ite ms you need to change; for example , the print speed, contrast or security.
3. Decide if the configuration should be saved in the prin ter’s flash memory, so it is used ever y time the printer is turned on or reset.
4. Create the NCL file based on your answers above. See Chapters 2 – 7 for more information.
5. Transfer the NCL file to the printe r. See Chapter 4, “Requestin g File Transfers,” for more information.
6. Correct any common problems that may occur by viewi ng the NCL log files. See Chapter 9, “Troubleshooting, ” for more information.
1-10 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Use the syntax provided in this ch apter to write the printer-specific section of an NCL file.
Refer to the printer’s Operat or’s Handbook for more information about each option. For the recommende d file sequence of sections in a n NCL file, see “NCL File Sequence” in Chapter 1.
Note: You do not have to include every Key in the NCL file unless you
want to change it from the current value. The Keys can be listed in any order, but they are processed in the order received .
Syntax [NCL_START]
[Printer.nnnn] Keys=values [NCL_END]
Keys Description Select ONE of the following:
Ribbon Speed
FeedMode Backfeed PrintPosition
CutPosition DispensePosition BackfeedDistance
Selects the supply type Aperture | Die Cut | Black Mark |
Continuous Selects the ribbon or energy No | Yes | High Energy Selects the print speed in inches
per second (IPS) Selects the feed mode Continuous | On-Demand Enables backfeed mode Off | On | Extended Adjusts where data prints vertically
on supply Adjusts the printer to print at 0,0
point Adjusts where data prints
horizontally on supply Adjusts where the tag is cut -300 to 300 Adjusts the stopping point of label 50 to 200 Amount to move label backwards 10 to 200
2.5 IPS | 4.0 IPS | 6.0 IPS |
8.0 IPS | 10.0 IPS | 12.0 IPS | Default
-450 to 450
0 to 300
-99 to 99
Configuring the Printer 2-1
Keys Description Select ONE of the following:
BatchSeparators SkipIndex
KnifeCtrl ErrorAction
Contrast BaudRate
Parity FlowControl
Reset ParPort ParMode Monetarysign
SecondarySign DecimalPlaces SlashedZero PowerUpMode
Enables batch separators No | Yes | Long Enables skip index mode (print one
image over multiple labels) Adjusts the length of cut tags -20 to 20 Sets the error action mode Normal | Ostrk/Cont 1X |
Adjusts the print contrast -699 to 699 Selects the baud rate for the main serial
port Selects the word length for the main
serial port Selects the stop bits for the main serial
port Selects the parity for the main serial port None | Odd | Even Selects the flow control for the main
serial port Resets the serial port to default values No | Yes Selects the parallel port External | Internal Selects the parallel port mode Compatible | IEEE-1284 Selects the monetary sign None | USA | UK | Japan | Germany |
Selects the secondary monetary sign No | Yes Selects the number of decimal places 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 Enables the slashed zero No | Yes Selects the power up mode Online | Offline
Yes | No
Ostrk/Cont 2X | Ostrk/Cont 3X | Ostrk/Cont 4X | Ostrk/Cont 5X
1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200
7 | 8
1 | 2
None | Xon-Xoff | DTR | CTS
France | Spain | Italy | Sweden | Finland | Austria | India | Russia | Korea | Thailand | China | Euro-Dollar
2-2 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Keys Description Select ONE of the following:
FlashStorage VerifyState ScanBeam VerifMode VerifClearData CableDetect
Selects the prompt set English | French | German | Spanish |
Enables flash storage Disabled | Enabled Enables the verifier Enabled | Disabled Enables the scan beam Off When Idle | Always On Selects the verifier mode Def 2 | Def 19 Clears the verifier’s data Yes | No Detects the verifier’s cables None | I/O | I/O & Data
Example [NCL_START]
[Printer.9855] SupplyType="Die Cut" Ribbon=Yes FeedMode=Continuous MarginPosition=15 Contrast=100 Speed="8.0 IPS" [NCL_END]
Japanese | Portuguese | Italian | Swedish | Spanish 2 | Danish | Dutch | Finnish | Norwegian
This NCL file for the 9855 printer uses die c ut supply, a ribbon, continuous feed mode, sets the margi n position to 15, and uses 8.0 IPS printing. The contrast is set to 100.
Configuring the Printer 2-3
2-4 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Use the syntax provided in this ch apter to write the network­specific section of an NCL file including TCP/IP, wireless, an d network time protocol settings .
Refer to the MonarchNet2 Operati ng Instructions for more informa tion about each option.
TCP/IP Settings
For the recommended file sequence o f sections in an NCL file, see “NCL File Sequence” in Chapter 1.
Syntax [NCL_START]
[NIC.TCPIP.7411BG] Keys=values [NCL_END]
Note: Using version 5.4 or greater software, use .7411BG as the
section name. With previous software versions, use .7411 as the section name.
Keys Description Select ONE of the following:
Address Banner Boot Chksum Keepalive
Subnet Timeout
Sets the network address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Enables trailing banner page for lpr/lpd jobs Enable | Disable Number of DHCP/BOOTP/RARP tries 1 to 10 Enables the IP receive checksum Enable | Disable Sets the IP keepalive timer in minutes 1 to 65534
0 keep alive indefinitely
Sets the method of obtaining the IP address Auto | Static | BOOTP | DHCP |
Selects whether to set the subnet mask or router 1 | 2 | 3
1 Subnet mask is not set 2 Router is not set 3 Neither the subnet mask
or router address is set Sets the subnet mask nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Sets the inactivity timeout in minutes 0 to 255
0 No timeout
Configuring the Network 3-1
Keys Description Select ONE of the following:
Router CmdStr
Sets the router/gateway address nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Sends the quoted string directly to the network card. This
allows data to pass directly through the printer to the network card. Do not use SHOW or HELP commands.
"your command here"
Example [NCL_START]
[NIC.TCPIP.7411BG] Boot=4 Method=BOOTP CmdStr="SET PRN REL POR S2" [NCL_END]
This NCL file sets the number of Boot tries to 4 and the device receives its IP address via a BOOTP server. It also sets the Monarch® Smart Relay port to serial port 2 (enables the Smart Relay system).
Wireless Settings
For the recommended file sequence o f sections in an NCL file, see “NCL File Sequence” in Chapter 1.
Syntax [NCL_START]
[NIC.EN.7411BG] Keys=values [NCL_END]
Note: EN is the only valid section name for wireless settings.
Keys Description Values or Select ONE of the following:
ActiveKey KeyVal
3-2 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Sets the 802.11b/g wireless mode Infastruct | Adhoc Sets the 802.11b/g wireless SSID or network name nnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Up to 14 alphanumeric characters, enclose in quotes ("") if using a space
Sets the Wired Equivalent Privacy encryption Note: Your access point may show 40-bit instead of
64-bit, but they are the same. Sets which WEP key number is used 1 to 4 Sets the WEP key value for the current ActiveKey;
entered in Hex
Disabled | 64-bit | 128-bit
nnnnnnnnnn 10 digits for 64-bit WEP (or 40-bit) nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 26 digits for 128-bit WEP (or 104-bit)
Keys Description Values or Select ONE of the following:
Speed APDensity Auth
InAP Cert
CertKey ID PW
Sets the wireless speed 11 | 5.5 | 2 | 1 Sets the access point’s density Low | Med | High Sets the authentication value
Note: When disabling WEP, set the authentication to OPEN.
Sends the quoted string directly to the network card. This allows data to pass directly through the printer to the network card. Do not use SHOW or HELP commands.
Sets the encryption mode Disabled | 64 | 128 | WPA | WPA2 |
Sets the EAP inner authentication protocol PAP | MSCHAP_V2 Sets the EAP certificate, which is too long to enter
on one line. Use <Block_Start> at the beginning of the certificate and <Block_End> at the end of the certificate.
Sets the EAP common name. If no value is set (null), all host certificates are accepted.
Sets the second EAP common name. If no value is set (null), all host certificates are accepted.
Sets the EAP certificate exponent value nnnnn
Sets the EAP root key value See “Note” Sets the authentication user ID 63 characters Sets the password for 802.11b/g EAP
authentication Sets whether to use WPA auto mode (use WPA
and/or non-WPA access points) Sets whether to use the WPA group key mode EN | DI Sets the WPA pre-shared key or pass-phrase nnnnnnnnnnn
Open | Shared | TTLS | LEAP | PEAP | WPA-PSK
"your command here"
WPA2-WPA | Dynamic WEP
See “Note”
63 characters
63 characters
(5 digits)
63 characters
64 hex characters For a pass-phrase, it must be between 8 and 63 displayable characters.
Note: Refer to the Telnet commands c hapter in the Monarch Net2
Operating Instructions for mo re information.
Configuring the Network 3-3
Example [NCL_START]
[NIC.EN.7411BG] WEP=64-bit ActiveKey=1 KeyVal=12345678ABCDEF ActiveKey=2 WepKey=FEDCBA87654321 ActiveKey=1 SSID=Acme001 APDensity=MED [NCL_END]
This NCL file enables 64-bit WEP and sets values for WEP Key 1 (12345678ABCDEF) and Key 2 (FEDCBA87654321) and selects Key 1 as the currently used Key. The SSID is set to Acme001. The access point’s density is MED (2 to 5.5 Mbps communications).
Note: WEP key values must be entered in Hex.
Example [NCL_START]
This NCL file sets the encryption to WPA2 and the inner authentication protocol to PAP. A group ke y is used for data link encryption.
3-4 NCL Programmer’s Manual
Setting the Time
The date/time stamp can be us ed in NCL log and configu ration upload file names. For the recommende d file sequence of sections in an NCL file, see “NCL File Sequence” in Chapt er 1.
Network time protocol must be enabled using MonarchNet2 software before including the [Time] section in an NCL file.
Note: The time comes from the network's time server (if available), not
from the file transfer server (FTP or TFTP).
Syntax [NCL_START]
[Time] Keys=values [NCL_END]
Keys Description Values:
IPAddr TimeZone
IP address of the host time server. nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn Time zone offset from Greenwich Mean Time (GMT),
in hours and minutes. This offset varies by location and time zone. For example, Eastern/Standard time is five hours behind GMT. Use –5:00 for the offset. For an offset of 3.5 hours, use 3:30.
0 to 9999
Example [NCL_START]
[Time] IPAddr= TimeZone=-5:00 [NCL_END]
This NCL file specifies the IP address of the network’s time server and sets the time zone offset to –5:00 (five hours behind GMT).
Configuring the Network 3-5
3-6 NCL Programmer’s Manual
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