Avery 9855 Operator Handbook

Operator's Handbook
Monarch 9855
TC9855OH Rev. AJ 5/15
©2003 Avery Dennison Corp. All rights reserved.
yton, Ohio
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2003 Avery Den nison Corp. All rig hts reserved. No part of this publicatio n may be reproduc ed, transm itted, stor ed in a retr ieval syst em, or trans lated into any language in an y form by any means, wi thout the prior wr itten permission of Avery Dennison Corp.
This equipm ent has been tested and found to c omply with t he limits f or a Class A digital device , pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Thes e limits are des igned to provide reaso nable protect ion against harmf ul interference when the equipm ent is operated in a commer cial environm ent. This e quipment g enerates, us es, and ca n radiate radi o frequency energ y and, if not instal led and used in accor dance with the instruc tion manua l, may cause harmful i nterferenc e to radio c ommunicat ions. Operation of this equip ment in a r esidential area is lik ely to cause harmful interferenc e in which c ase the us er will be r equired to c orrect th e interfer ence at his own expe nse.
This digital apparatus does not ex ceed the Class A lim its for rad io noise emissions f rom digita l apparatus set out in t he Radio In terference Regulations of the Canadia n Departm ent of Comm unications.
Le présent a ppareil nu mérique n ’émet pas de bruits rad ioélectriq ues dépassan t les limites app licables aux app areils numériq ues de la classe A pr escrites dans l e Réglement s ur le brou illage radi oélectrique édicte p ar le ministèr e des Communicat ions du Cana da.
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Avery Denn ison Printer Systems Di vision 170 Monarch Lane Miamisburg , OH 45342


GETTING STARTED ....................................................................................... 1-1
Audience.................................................................................................. 1-2
Using this Manual ..................................................................................... 1-2
Unpacking the Printer ............................................................................... 1-3
Shipping the Printer ............................................................................... 1-3
9445™ Printer Online Emulation ................................................................ 1-4
Ordering Programmer's Manuals ................................................................ 1-4
About Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox Utilities.................................................. 1-4
Connecting the Power Cable...................................................................... 1-4
Establishing Communications .................................................................... 1-5
Connecting the Communication Cable ..................................................... 1-5
Using the Control Panel ............................................................................ 1-6
Printer Status Lights .............................................................................. 1-6
Button Functions ................................................................................... 1-6
Display ................................................................................................. 1-7
Selecting a Function ................................................................................. 1-7
Exiting an Option ...................................................................................... 1-8
LOADING SUPPLIES ..................................................................................... 2-1
Loading Labels or Tags ............................................................................. 2-2
Loading Labels for the Optional Peel Mode ............................................. 2-7
Using the Optional Tear Bar ...................................................................... 2-9
Using String Tag Supply .......................................................................... 2-10
String Tag Considerations .................................................................... 2-10
Adjusting the Wide/Narrow Knobs ............................................................ 2-12
Table of Contents i
LOADING RIBBON ......................................................................................... 3-1
Loading Ribbon ........................................................................................ 3-2
Using a High Energy Ribbon ...................................................................... 3-4
High Energy Ribbon Limitations .............................................................. 3-5
SETTING SUPPLY OPTI ONS .......................................................................... 4-1
Setting the Supply Type ............................................................................ 4-3
Setting the Ribbon .................................................................................... 4-4
Setting the Speed ..................................................................................... 4-5
Setting the Feed Mode .............................................................................. 4-6
Setting the Backfeed ................................................................................. 4-7
Changing the Position Settings .................................................................. 4-8
Setting the Print Position ....................................................................... 4-8
Setting the Supply Position .................................................................. 4-10
Setting the Margin Position .................................................................. 4-11
Setting the Cut Position ....................................................................... 4-12
Setting the Dispense Position ............................................................... 4-13
Setting the Backfeed Distance .............................................................. 4-14
Using Batch Separators .......................................................................... 4-15
Using Skip Index .................................................................................... 4-16
Setting the Knife Control ......................................................................... 4-17
Setting the Error Action ........................................................................... 4-18
Setting the Print Contrast ........................................................................ 4-20
Enabling the Verifier ............................................................................... 4-22
ii Operator's Handbook
SETTING COMMU NICATIONS ........................................................................ 5-1
Setting the Baud Rate ............................................................................... 5-2
Setting the Word Length ............................................................................ 5-2
Setting the Stop Bits ................................................................................. 5-3
Setting the Parity ...................................................................................... 5-3
Setting the Flow Control ............................................................................ 5-4
Resetting to Default Values ....................................................................... 5-4
Using Parallel Communications .................................................................. 5-5
Setting the Port ..................................................................................... 5-5
Setting the Mode ................................................................................... 5-6
SETTING DEFAULTS ..................................................................................... 6-1
Setting the Monetary Sign ......................................................................... 6-3
Setting the Secondary Sign ....................................................................... 6-4
Setting the Number of Decimal Places ........................................................ 6-5
Setting the Slashed Zero Appearance ........................................................ 6-5
Setting the Power-Up Mode ....................................................................... 6-6
Changing the Prompt Set .......................................................................... 6-6
Setting the Numeric Format ....................................................................... 6-7
Using Flash Storage ................................................................................. 6-8
Disabling Image Errors .............................................................................. 6-9
Ignoring Configuration Packets ................................................................ 6-10
Using Error Retry Mode ........................................................................... 6-11
Adjusting the Image Length ..................................................................... 6-12
Using Flash Memory ............................................................................... 6-14
Formatting Flash Memory ..................................................................... 6-14
Checking Available Flash Memory ........................................................ 6-15
Packing Flash Memory ......................................................................... 6-16
Table of Contents iii
Memory Guidelines ................................................................................. 6-17
Setting Batch Options ............................................................................. 6-18
Setting Up the Network Printer ................................................................ 6-18
Setting Up the RFID Printer ..................................................................... 6-18
USING SCRIPTS ............................................................................................ 7-1
Initial Script Startup Procedures ................................................................ 7-2
Viewing Script Information ......................................................................... 7-2
Downloading a Script ................................................................................ 7-3
Enabling a Script ...................................................................................... 7-4
Deleting a Script ....................................................................................... 7-5
Enabling Status Polling ............................................................................. 7-6
Using Immediate Commands...................................................................... 7-7
PRINTING ..................................................................................................... 8-1
Printing .................................................................................................... 8-1
On-Demand Mode Printing......................................................................... 8-2
Printing an Error Label .......................................................................... 8-2
Pausing a Batch ....................................................................................... 8-3
Restarting a Batch .................................................................................... 8-3
Canceling a Paused Batch ......................................................................... 8-4
Repeating a Batch .................................................................................... 8-6
Offline Printing ......................................................................................... 8-6
Special Printing Considerations ................................................................. 8-7
Printing TrueType® Fonts ......................................................................... 8-8
Licensing Your Fonts ................................................................................ 8-8
CARE & MAINTE NANCE ................................................................................ 9-1
Clearing Label Jams ................................................................................. 9-1
Cleaning .................................................................................................. 9-1
Replacing the Printhead ............................................................................ 9-5
iv Operator's Handbook
DIAGNOSTICS & TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................................... 10-1
Factory Set Password ............................................................................. 10-1
Checking the Software Version ................................................................ 10-1
Printing a Test Label ............................................................................... 10-2
Checking Supply Quality ......................................................................... 10-3
Using Password Protection ...................................................................... 10-4
Enabling the Password (System Administrators only) ............................. 10-4
Service Diagnostics ................................................................................ 10-5
Troubleshooting...................................................................................... 10-6
Error Messages ...................................................................................... 10-7
Common Errors ...................................................................................... 10-8
SPECIFCATIONS ........................................................................................... A-1
Printer ..................................................................................................... A-1
Tag Cut Dimensions .............................................................................. A-2
Supplies .................................................................................................. A-3
String Tag Supplies ............................................................................... A-4
Ribbon Specification ................................................................................. A-5
About Ribbons ...................................................................................... A-5
Cable Pinouts ........................................................................................... A-6
ACCESSORIES & OPTIONS ........................................................................... B-1
Accessories ............................................................................................. B-1
Packaging Materials .............................................................................. B-2
Factory-Installed Options .......................................................................... B-2
Ethernet Information .............................................................................. B-3
RF Information ...................................................................................... B-3
MENU STRUCTURE ....................................................................................... C-1
GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. G-1
INDEX .............................................................................................................. 1
Table of Contents v
vi Operator's Handbook
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
Repeat Batch
Batch Options
Diagnostics Supply
Port Settings
Flash Memory


The Monarch® 9855® printer let s you print text, graphics, and bar codes on thermal transf er (ribbon) and thermal direct la bels or tags. The 9855 printer prints labels cont inuously (in one strip) or on-demand (one label at a time).
You can print on aperture, die cut, black mark, or continuous (n on-indexed) supplies. Continuous supply must be used in continuous mod e. See "Supply Type" in Chapter 4 f or more information about the suppl y types.
This chapter includes information about
unpacking the printer connecting the power cord connecting the communicat ion cable using the printer's con trol panel.
Several chapters of this manua l have one or more charts showi ng the printer's menu struct ure. For example:
Main Menu
The black boxes show where you are; the bordered boxes sho w how you got there.
Refer to the MonarchNet2™ Operating Instructions f or information about the Network menu.
Refer to the RFID Applicat ion Notes for informat ion about the RFID menu.
Getting Started 1-1


The Operator's Handbook is f or the person who prints and app lies labels.

Using this Manual

Following is a summary of t he contents of this manual.
Chapter Contents
1 Getting Start ed Contains infor mation abo ut connect ing the pow er
cable and using the control panel.
2 Loading
3 Loading Ri bbon Describes how to load a roll of ribbon and lists high-
4 Setting Supply
5 Setting
Communication Values
6 Setting Def aults Using the D efaults m enu to set the monetar y sign,
7 Using Scripts Using the Scripts menu to load a s cript, ena ble a
8 Printing Explains how to print labels and use the Paus e menu. 9 Care &
10 Diagnostics &
Troubleshooting A Specifications Contains pr inter and su pply specif ications. B Accessories &
Options C Menu Structure Contains a chart of the printer’s men u options.
Describes how to load a roll of su pply, fan-fold supply, and tag s upply.
energy ribbo n information. Using the Supply menu to set the various supp ly
options (su pply, ribb on, feed m ode, etc.). Using the Port Settings menu to se t the seria l and
parallel com municatio n values (ba ud rate, par ity, etc.).
number of decim al places, prom pt set, etc.
script, delet e a script, etc.
Describes ho w to clear a label jam , clean the printer, and replace the print head.
Describes ho w to print a test label and lists common problems an d their sol utions.
Contains pr inter acces sories and optional e quipment.
1-2 Operator's Handbook

Unpacking the Printer

After you unpack the printer, you should have the printer, a power cord, and a ribbon take-up core (may alread y be on take-up reel). Keep the bo x and packaging material in case the printer ever needs repa ir.

Shipping the Prin ter

If you need to ship the printer to a different location:
1. Remove the ribbon roll, if one is loaded.
2. Remove the supply roll, if one is loaded.
3. Close the printhead by press ing down on the thumb well unti l you hear it
click into p lace.
Thumb Well
4. Place the printer in the orig inal box and secure with packag ing material.
Make sure the printer is a dequately packed to avoid damage during shipment. See Appendix B, "Acces sories & Options" for the pack aging
materials part numbers.
Getting Started 1-3

9445™ Printer Online Emulation

The 9855 printer using 203 dpi (dots per inch) printing s upports 94x5 emulation. You can send 94x5 data st reams to this printer.
Refer to your 9445 Program mer's Manual for inform ation about 94x5 data streams.

Ordering Programmer's Manuals

The Packet Reference Manual, which describes how to creat e format and batch packets for print ing labels, how to config ure the printer online, how to diagnose printer error messages, and how to perfor m other advanced techniques can be downloaded f rom our Web site (www.monarch.averydennison.com hard-copy version (part number TC9800PM).
). You can print this manual or order a

About Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox Utilities

The Monarch® MPCL™ Toolbox util ities are available on our W eb site and are free to download. T his group of development utilities he lps you configure the printer , customize fonts, and download f iles. Monarch MPCL Toolbox utilities are n ot label production software. Call Custome r Service for information about labe l production software.

Connecting the Power Cable

The power supply automat ically switches between 115V or 230V . No operator settings are r equired.
1. Plug the power cable into the so cket. Plug the other end of the cable into a grounded electr ical outlet.
Note: Only use a cer tified power cable with proper voltage for the co untry
of installation.
2. Turn on the printer. Press ( I ) to turn on and ( O ) to turn off the printer.
1-4 Operator's Handbook
Parallel Port
goes here
USB Port
Serial Port

Establishing Communications

Before the printer can accept print jobs from the host, you must:
Connect the communication cab le to the printer and to the host . Set the communication values o n the printer to mat ch those at the host.
(Only required if you are using the serial port.)
Make sure the printer is off before connecting the cable to t he
communication port.
Ask your System Administrat or which method to use to communicate with t he host:
Serial Communication 9 to 25-pin cable (Part #119806) 25 to 25-pin cable (Part #126826)
Parallel Communication IEEE-1284 or Centronics® mode cable (Par t #126805)
Power Cable

Connecting the C ommunication Cable

Connect the communication cab le into the appropriate port. Secur e the cable with the connecting screws (serial) or spring clips (parallel).
If you are communicating with t he host through the serial port , make sure the printer's communication values match those at the host . The factory default values are 9600 Baud, 8 bit dat a frame, 1 stop bit, no parity, and DTR flow control.
The printer also has a USB (Uni versal Serial Bus) Version 1.1 communication port. Dri vers are available on our W eb site for a variety of operating systems.
Note: The pr inter supports a baud rate up to 115 200. Make sure your host
is capable of communicati ng at the speed you select fo r the printer.
Getting Started 1-5

Using the Control Panel

The control panel has a t wo-lin e LCD display, 2 status light s, and five buttons. The control pane l displays error codes/mess ages, and allows you to setup/configur e the printer.

Printer Sta tus Lights

The printer shows a stead y green light when it is on.
The Power light blinks when the b attery needs to be recharged (only on battery-powered/cart mo dels).
The printer shows a blinking am ber light when there is a printer er ror.

Button Functions

1-6 Operator's Handbook
Prints a label in the on-demand m ode. When the printer is online, f eeds a blank label if
Prints a label with error info rmation that is useful to
When the printer is online, cuts the supply when
When the printer is off line, changes the displayed
When the printer is online, pa uses the current print job or resumes a paused print j ob. When the printer is offline, selects the displayed m enu item.
there is no print job.
your System Administrator if an error is displayed.
pressed and held for two second s if a knife is installed.
value by one or 10.
Cancel All
Print Mode
Batch Entry
Repeat Batch
Batch Options
Diagnostics Supply
Port Settings
Flash Memory
When an error is present, clears the error. When a job (batch) is printing, cancels the print job
(batch). See "Canceling a Paused B atch" in Chapter 8 for more information.
When the printer is online ( without errors), enter s the
offline menu mode.
When the printer is in t he of fline menu mode, returns
the display to the next hig her menu.
When the printer is in t he offline menu mode, displays th e previous menu item.
When the printer is in t he offline menu mode, displays th e next menu item.
In online mode, prints a t est label when you press the buttons at the same time. Hold for one second and release.


The display shows a three-dig it error code and brief messag e to identify any problem the printer may ha ve. For a description of the pr oblem, look up the error code in Chapter 10, "Diagnostics & Troubleshoot ing."

Selecting a Function

The Main menu has several funct ions (operating modes). T hese functions are shown in the chart belo w. See Appendix C, “Menu Structure” f or a complete list of menu options.
Main Menu
Note: If t he printer displays PRINT MODE Ready when you turn it on,
press Escape/Clear to disp lay the Main menu.
Getting Started 1-7
To display menu options, pr ess or .
1. When the screen displays a rig ht arrow, press  to display more options.
MAIN MENU Cancel All
2. When the screen displays a le ft arrow, press  to display more o ptions.
MAIN MENU Diagnostics
3. When the screen displays a le ft and a right arrow, press either  or to display more options.
MAIN MENU Print Mode
4. When you see the menu option you want, press Enter/Pause to s elect it.
The Main Menu controls the print er's setup and operation. Through the Setup Menu, you can select a sub-menu f or the supply, contrast, default, or port settings. Each of t hose sub-menus have several options, such as ribbon, speed, monetary symbo ls, and baud rate.

Exiting an Option

To exit an option, press Escape/Clear once.
1-8 Operator's Handbook


This chapter describ es how to load:
a roll of supply fan-fold supply a roll of tag supply.
There are three types of s upplies: Thermal Direct heat activated supplies that do not use a ribbon for
Thermal Transfer standard supplies that require a ribbon for printing. High Energy scratch, chemical, and t emperature resistant supplies
that require an elevated heat setting for resin ribbon applications. See "Using a High Energy Ribbon" in
Chapter 3 for more informat ion. If you are using thermal dire ct supplies, do not load a rib bon. If you switch from black mark to die cut supplies, make sur e the printer's
supply type is set correc tly. See "Supply Type" in Chapter 4 for more information. Your System Administrator can also send the s upply setup packet to change the supply t ype. Refer to the optional Pack et Reference Manual for more inf ormation about sending the suppl y setup packet.
Loading Supplies 2-1

Loading Labels or Tags

Printhead Tab
Make sure the printer is conf igured for the correct supply t ype.
1. Open the cover.
2. Unlock the printhead by tur ning the retaining latch .
3. Lift printhead assemb ly using the printhead tab unt il t he assembly locks
into place.
2-2 Operator's Handbook
Deflector Tab
4. Place the roll of supply on the sup ply holder. For labels, t he supply
unrolls from the top or t he bottom. For tags, make sure t he supply unrolls from the botto m, because tag rolls are wound fa ce in.
Note: Do not pick up the printer by the supply hol der.
Supply Holder Guides
Supply Roller
5. Adjust the supply holder g uides so the sides barely touch the ro ll. Make
sure the supply roll turns freely. If you are using fan-fold supplies , place the supply stack behind
the printer, label side facing up.
6. Push down on the supply lever to u nlock the supply guides.
7. Lay the label strip across t he supply guide so that a few inches extend
past the front of the printer . Tuck the supply under the nibs an d in between the die cut sensor. Do not feed supply between the suppl y
roller and deflector.
Loading Supplies 2-3
For fan-fold supplies, la y the label strip over the supply hold er and
across the supply guide so that a few inches extend past the f ront of the printer. Tuck the supply und er the nibs and in between the d ie cut sensor.
Supply Roller
2-4 Operator's Handbook
Supply Roller
For tag supplies using the opti onal knife, feed the supply thr ough
the knife. Make sure at least 0. 5 inches of supply is past the k nife.
8. Adjust the supply guides so the y touch the supply. Push up on the
supply lever to lock the supp ly guides into place.
Die Cut
Supply Lever
Loading Supplies 2-5
9. Hold the printhead assem bly by the printhead tab while pr essing down on
the printhead release .
10. Close the printhead by press ing down on the thumb well until you hear it
click into p lace.
Thumb Well
11. Close the cover.
12. Press Feed/Cut to position the supp ly under the printhead.
You may need to adjust the wide/na rrow knobs depending on the widt h of your supply. See "Adjusting the Wide/Narrow Knobs" for more information.
Note: If t he printer will be unused for extended p eriods of time, we
recommend leaving the print head unlatched.
2-6 Operator's Handbook
Exit Cover

Loading Labels for the Optional Peel Mode

Peel mode is an option that must be purchased separatel y. In peel mode, the printer separates t he backing paper from the label. T he next label is not printed until the complet ed one is removed from the printer. Make sure the printer is configured f or on-demand mode and the correct supply type.
The minimum feed lengt h is 1.5 inches for peel mode. We recom mend using
0.5-inch gap supplies in pee l mode when backfeed is disabled. Hold the leading edge of peeled labe ls when printing on stock longer than six inches. You must use non-perforate d supplies for peel mode. Follow th e steps for loading supplies from the previous section. T hen, follow these steps afte r you close the printhead.
1. Remove the labels from t he first 10 inches of the backing pa per.
2. Press down on the exit cover t abs to open the exit cover on the f ront of
the printer.
Loading Supplies 2-7
3. Feed the backing paper over t he peel bar.
Peel Bar
Lower Opening
4. Feed the backing paper t hrough the lower opening of t he exit cover.
Close the exit cover. Pul l down on the backing paper to remove any slack.
Tear Edge
Backing Paper
When removing the backing paper , pull up across the saw­toothed tear edge. Make sur e the backing paper tears at t he edge.
2-8 Operator's Handbook
5. Close the printer's cover.
6. Press Feed/Cut to position the supp ly under the printhead.

Using the Optional Tear Bar

Note the following chang e to loading labels if you have purcha sed the optional tear bar. Tear labe ls against the tear bar. You cannot t ear tags with the tear bar.
Slide the supply between t he tear bar and peel bar. It may be easier if you cut or fold one corner of t he supply first.
Tear Bar
Peel Bar
Note: Do not tea r both label and backing paper at the same time.
Tear labels against the t ear bar. Tear backing paper against the tear edge.
Tear Edge
Backing Paper
Loading Supplies 2-9

Using String Tag Supply

String tags are used in a variet y of applications, such as je welry tags and item marking.

String Tag Consi derations

Thermal direct printin g, fan-fold supplies, and the k nife are not supported
with string t ags.
The maximum print speed wit h s tring tags is 6.0 inches per sec ond (ips). A non-print zone of 0.250 inches (6.4 mm) exists on the string si de of the
Use the wide setting for st ring tags.
Make sure the printer is conf igured for the correct suppl y type.
1. Open the cover.
2. Unlock the printhead by turning the retaining latch.
3. Lift printhead assembly using the printhead tab until the assembly locks
into place.
4. Shake the roll of string tags down to untangle the roll.
2-10 Operator's Handbook
5. Place the roll of supply on the supply holder with the strings facing out.
6. Adjust the supply holder guides so the sides barely touch th e roll. Make
sure the supply roll turns freely.
7. Push down on the supply lever to unlock the supply guides. T he supply
guides have been angled slig htly for string tag supplies.
8. Lay the supply across the supply guide so that a f ew inches extend past
the front of the printer . Tuck the supply under the nibs and in be tween the die cut sensor.
9. Adjust the supply guides so they touch the supply. Push up on t he supply
lever to lock the suppl y guides into place.
Die Cut
Supply Lever
Loading Supplies 2-11
10. Hold the printhead assembl y by the printhead tab while press ing down on
the printhead release .
11. Close the printhead b y pressing down on the thumb wel l until you hear it
click into p lace.
12. Close the cover.
13. Press Feed/Cut to posit ion the supply under the print head.
If the printer will be unused f or extended periods of tim e, we recommend leaving the printhead unlat ched.

Adjusting the Wide/Narrow Knobs

You may need to adjust the t wo wide/narrow knobs according t o the width of your supply. For supply that is mor e than two inches, adjust the k nobs to the wide setting. For supply that is two inches or less, adjust t he knobs to the narrow setting. For s tring tag supply, use the wide set ting (knobs are down).
You must adjust both of the k nobs to the same position. If you experience ribbon
smudging in cold, dry environments, adjust t he wide/narrow knobs to the wide setting .
For wide supplies, push down and turn the wide/narrow knobs clockwise with a screwdriver.
For narrow supplies, tur n the wide/narrow knobs counter-c lockwise wit h a screwdriver until it po ps back up.
Note: The adj ustment is shown in the wide pos ition.
2-12 Operator's Handbook


This chapter describes how to load a ribbon roll. There are different ribbon requirements for the thr ee types of supplies:
Thermal Direct do not use a ribbon for printing . Supplies
Thermal Transfer require a ribbon for pr inting. Supplies
High Energy require a ribbon able to wit hstand high temperatures . Supplies
If you are using thermal direc t supplies, do not load a rib bon. If you are using high energ y supply, be sure to use a high energ y ribbon.
See "Using a Hig h Energy Ribbon" for more information. To set ribbon options at the printer, s ee "Ribbon" in Chapter 4.
Loading Ribbon 3-1

Loading Ribbon

Make sure the printer is conf igured to use a ribbon. To load ribbon:
1. Open the cover.
2. Unlock the printhead by tur ning the retaining latch .
3. Lift printhead assemb ly using the printhead tab unt il the assembly locks
into place.
Printhead Assembly
Deflector Tab
4. Push the deflector tab do wn.
5. Slide the extra ribbon cor e on the take-up reel as far as it will g o with the
"This End Out" writing facing out. Use your empty ribbon cor e as the take-up core. The take-up core onl y fits on the take-up reel one way. (An extra take-up core is availa ble by ordering part number 117961.)
3-2 Operator's Handbook
+ 104 hidden pages