Avery 9840 Technical Reference Manual

9800 Series
TC9800ENTR Rev. AA 10/00 ©2000 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Each product and program carries a respective written warranty, the only warranty on which the customer can rely. Monarch reserves the right to make changes in the product, the programs, and their availability at any time and without notice. Although Monarch has made every effort to provide complete and accurate information in this manual, Monarch shall not be liable for any omissions or inaccuracies. Any update will be incorporated in a later edition of this manual.
©2000 Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means, without the prior written permission of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.
Le présent appareil numérique n’émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de la classe A prescrites dans le Réglement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicte par le ministère des Communications du Canada.
MONARCH is a registered trademark of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. MonarchNet, 9800, and 9840 are trademarks of Monarch Marking Systems, Inc. Paxar is a trademark of Paxar Corporation. Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows and NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft in the U.S. and other countries. Hewlett-Packard is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. HP Jet Admin, HP JetDirect, and HP Web Jet Admin are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group. Novell and NetWare are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc., in the United States and other countries. IBM, RS/6000, OS/2, and OS/2 Warp are registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States. Centronics is a registered trademark of Centronics Data Computer Corporation. Other products are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and should be noted as such. Monarch Marking Systems P. O . B o x 6 0 8 Dayton, Ohio 45401
SECTION I........................................................................................TCP/IP
MONARCHNET FOR TCP/IP ...................................................................1-1
System Requirements...........................................................................1-1
Installing a New Print Server.................................................................1-1
Before You Start ...............................................................................1-2
Configuring a Print Server ....................................................................1-4
Configuring TCP/IP Options ..................................................................1-5
IP Address Resolution .......................................................................1-5
Configuring NetWare Options................................................................1-6
Selecting PSERVER or RPRINTER/NPRINTER Mode .........................1-7
Configuring for PSERVER Mode ........................................................1-7
Configuring for RPRINTER/NPRINTER Mode......................................1-8
Configuring NetWare Queues Options ...................................................1-9
Configuring NetWare Port Options ......................................................1-10
PSERVER Mode Settings ................................................................1-10
RPRINTER/NPRINTER Mode Settings..............................................1-11
Configuring Output Port Options .........................................................1-12
Configuring SNMP Options .................................................................1-13
Enabling and Disabling Protocols ........................................................1-14
Configuring SNMP Traps ....................................................................1-15
Configuring Token-Ring Options .........................................................1-16
Print Configuration label .....................................................................1-17
Printer Diagnostic Information.............................................................1-18
Printer Information ..........................................................................1-19
Print Server Diagnostic Information.....................................................1-19
Network Diagnostic Information...........................................................1-20
Receive Packets .............................................................................1-20
Transmit Packets ............................................................................1-21
System Diagnostic Information............................................................1-21
Table of Contents i
Host Name .........................................................................................1-21
Special Options..................................................................................1-22
Creating Customized Views ................................................................1-23
Telnet ................................................................................................1-23
Bootp Server......................................................................................1-23
Resetting/Restoring the Print Server ...................................................1-23
MonarchNet for TCP/IP Problems........................................................1-25
Printing Problems...............................................................................1-26
Monarch Device Problems ..................................................................1-27
MonarchNet for TCP/IP - Winsock Errors.............................................1-28
Add an Access Entry ..........................................................................1-28
Advanced NetWare Configuration........................................................1-29
Advanced TCP/IP Configuration ..........................................................1-30
Enter An IP Address ...........................................................................1-30
MonarchNet for TCP/IP Column Options..............................................1-31
MonarchNet for TCP/IP Display Filters ................................................1-32
MonarchNet for TCP/IP Refresh Rate ..................................................1-33
MonarchNet for TCP/IP Search Filter Options ......................................1-33
Search Methods ..............................................................................1-34
MonarchNet for TCP/IP Sorts..............................................................1-34
Sorts ..............................................................................................1-34
FTP ...................................................................................................1-35
Initializing the IP Address ...................................................................1-36
Opening a View..................................................................................1-37
Raw Printer Port.................................................................................1-37
Remote Print Queue Name .................................................................1-37
Save List To File ................................................................................1-39
NETWORKALERT 32 ..............................................................................2-1
Event Flow...........................................................................................2-1
Filter Configuration...............................................................................2-1
NetworkAlert 32 Main Screen................................................................2-2
NetworkAlert 32 Setup..........................................................................2-2
ii Table of Contents
Accounting and Reporting..................................................................2-2
View filter only ..................................................................................2-4
Using the Report Wizard....................................................................2-4
Using the Graph Editor ......................................................................2-5
NetworkAlert 32 Configuration ..............................................................2-7
Log Settings .....................................................................................2-8
Device Filtering.................................................................................2-9
Adding a Device IP Address ............................................................2-10
Event Filtering ................................................................................2-11
Generic Events ...............................................................................2-11
Print Server Events .........................................................................2-11
Event Details ..................................................................................2-12
Finding Events ................................................................................2-12
Selecting Event Logs.......................................................................2-13
Common Tasks ..................................................................................2-13
Clearing Events ..............................................................................2-13
Filtering Events...............................................................................2-14
Viewing Filter Settings.....................................................................2-14
MonarchNet for TCP/IP.......................................................................2-14
Troubleshooting .................................................................................2-14
ADVANCED TCP/IP SETTINGS...............................................................3-1
Printer Security for TCP/IP Printing.......................................................3-1
TCP/IP Load Balancing.........................................................................3-1
IP ADDRESS ASSIGNMENT ...................................................................4-1
Choosing an IP Address .......................................................................4-1
Assigning the IP Address......................................................................4-2
MonarchNet for TCP/IP.........................................................................4-2
DHCP ..................................................................................................4-2
Printer Front Panel: Configuration of TCP/IP Addresses.........................4-3
BOOTP ................................................................................................4-3
What is Bootp? .................................................................................4-4
Why use Bootp?................................................................................4-4
Table of Contents iii
Bootp Features Implemented ................................................................4-4
Using the Bootp Server.........................................................................4-5
Bootptab file ........................................................................................4-5
Adding a Device Entry ..........................................................................4-5
Managing the Device List......................................................................4-6
Gleaning ..............................................................................................4-6
Static Route Entry ................................................................................4-7
Other Utilities.......................................................................................4-8
Verifying Access to the MonarchNet Print Server ...................................4-8
Unable to Assign IP Address.................................................................4-8
BOOTP .............................................................................................4-9
UNIX BOOTP ....................................................................................4-9
Static Route Entry ...........................................................................4-10
SECTION II.................................................................................NETWARE
MONARCHNET FOR NETWARE..............................................................5-1
Installing a New Print Server.................................................................5-1
Before You Start ...............................................................................5-1
Configuring a Print Server ....................................................................5-3
Configuring NetWare Options................................................................5-4
Selecting PSERVER or RPRINTER/NPRINTER Mode .........................5-4
Configuring NetWare Queues Options ...................................................5-6
Configuring NetWare Port Options ........................................................5-7
PSERVER Mode Settings ..................................................................5-8
RPRINTER/NPRINTER Mode Settings................................................5-9
Configuring TCP/IP Options ..................................................................5-9
IP Address Resolution .......................................................................5-9
Configuring Output Port Options .........................................................5-10
Configuring SNMP Options .................................................................5-12
Enabling and Disabling Protocols ........................................................5-13
Configuring SNMP Traps ....................................................................5-14
Configuring Token Ring Options..........................................................5-15
Print Configuration label .....................................................................5-16
iv Table of Contents
Printer Diagnostic Information.............................................................5-18
Printer Information ..........................................................................5-18
Print Server Diagnostic Information.....................................................5-19
Network Diagnostic Information...........................................................5-19
Receive Packets .............................................................................5-20
Transmit Packets ............................................................................5-20
System Diagnostic Information............................................................5-20
Special Options..................................................................................5-21
Creating Customized Views ................................................................5-22
Search ...............................................................................................5-23
Resetting/Restoring the Print Server ...................................................5-23
MonarchNet for NetWare Problems .....................................................5-24
Printing Problems...............................................................................5-25
NetWare Environment......................................................................5-25
TCP/IP Environment........................................................................5-25
Monarch Device Problems ..................................................................5-26
Add Access Entry ...............................................................................5-27
Advanced NetWare Configuration........................................................5-27
Advanced TCP/IP Configuration ..........................................................5-28
MonarchNet for NetWare Column Options............................................5-29
MonarchNet for NetWare Display Filters ..............................................5-29
MonarchNet for NetWare Refresh Rate................................................5-30
MonarchNet for NetWare Search Filter Options....................................5-31
Search Methods ..............................................................................5-31
MonarchNet for NetWare Sorts............................................................5-31
Save List To File ................................................................................5-32
NETWORKALERT FOR NETWARE..........................................................6-1
Alert Management ................................................................................6-1
NetworkAlert Main Screen.....................................................................6-1
NetworkAlert Setup...............................................................................6-2
Print Server Device Setup.....................................................................6-2
Selecting Devices.................................................................................6-2
Selecting Alerts....................................................................................6-3
Table of Contents v
MonarchNet Utility................................................................................6-3
Debug Device.......................................................................................6-3
MONARCHNET FOR NDS .......................................................................7-1
Creating a New Monarch Print Server Object .........................................7-1
Create a Monarch Print Server Object ...................................................7-2
Screen regions and buttons ...............................................................7-3
Object Naming Conventions..................................................................7-4
Object Name Restrictions for Bindery Services...................................7-5
Rename an Object................................................................................7-6
Screen regions and buttons ...............................................................7-6
How to Use the Object Dialog ...............................................................7-6
Screen regions and buttons ..................................................................7-7
Define a List of Monarch Devices ..........................................................7-7
Screen regions and buttons ...............................................................7-7
Find a Specific Monarch Device ............................................................7-8
Screen Regions and Buttons..............................................................7-8
Configuring an Monarch Print Server Device..........................................7-8
Identification Page ............................................................................7-8
Screen regions and buttons ...............................................................7-9
Assignments Page..............................................................................7-10
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-11
Create a Print Server Object ...............................................................7-12
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-12
Create a Printer Object.......................................................................7-13
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-13
Create a Print Queue Object ...............................................................7-14
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-14
Printer/Queue Assignments.................................................................7-15
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-15
Network Protocols Page......................................................................7-16
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-16
Network Configuration Page ...............................................................7-17
vi Table of Contents
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-17
Port Configuration Page .....................................................................7-18
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-19
Language Switching Options............................................................7-20
Status Page .......................................................................................7-21
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-21
Selecting PServer or NPrinter Mode ....................................................7-22
TCP/IP Options ..................................................................................7-23
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-23
Token-Ring Options............................................................................7-25
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-25
Restore Defaults ................................................................................7-26
Screen regions and buttons .............................................................7-26
How to Print with a Monarch Print Server Device .................................7-27
NetWare Printing................................................................................7-29
Adding or Removing the Monarch Print Server Class ...........................7-30
MonarchNet for NDS Problems............................................................7-31
Printing Problems...............................................................................7-31
Monarch Device Problems ..................................................................7-32
Opening an Object Dialog ...................................................................7-33
SECTION III ...................................................................................TELNET
PRINT SERVER CONFIGURATION USING TELNET.................................8-1
Running a Telnet Session .....................................................................8-1
MonarchNet Configuration Utility...........................................................8-2
Specifying Print Server IP Address........................................................8-2
Specifying the Subnet Mask for Your Network........................................8-2
Identifying Default Gateway IP Address.................................................8-3
Configure Port Connection (Ports 1 and 2 only) (MPX, DX, SX and
MIO only)..........................................................................................8-5
Timeout Checking.................................................................................8-6
Changing the Password ........................................................................8-6
Resetting the MonarchNet Hardware .....................................................8-6
Restoring to Factory Default Configuration ............................................8-7
Enabling/Disabling Protocol ..................................................................8-7
Table of Contents vii
Exiting Telnet.......................................................................................8-7
Configuring Token-Ring Parameters......................................................8-8
SECTION IV .................................................... MICROSOFT WINDOWS
WINDOWS PRINTER SETUP...................................................................9-1
MonarchNet Connect for TCP/IP (Windows NT 4.0)................................9-1
System Requirements........................................................................9-1
Configure Port ..................................................................................9-4
Using the Windows NT 4.0 LPR Print Monitor ........................................9-4
System Requirements........................................................................9-4
Install TCP/IP on NT Server...............................................................9-4
Install LPR Print Monitor....................................................................9-5
Assign Print Server IP Address ..........................................................9-5
Add LPR Printer ................................................................................9-5
MonarchNet Connect for TCP/IP (Windows NT 3.51)..............................9-6
System Requirements........................................................................9-6
Using the Windows NT 3.51 LPR Print Monitor ......................................9-8
System Requirements........................................................................9-8
Install TCP/IP and LPR Print Monitor .................................................9-9
Assign Print Server IP Address ..........................................................9-9
Add LPR Printer ................................................................................9-9
MonarchNet Connect for TCP/IP .........................................................9-10
System Requirements......................................................................9-10
Port Settings...................................................................................9-12
MonarchNet for IPX/SPX.....................................................................9-13
MonarchNet for DLC...........................................................................9-13
Output Port Configuration Options.......................................................9-14
Enabling/Disabling .............................................................................9-14
Token Ring Configuration ...................................................................9-15
viii Table of Contents
SECTION V ...................................................HP JETADMIN & WEBVIEW
ADVANCED MANAGEMENT FEATURES ...............................................10-1
HP JetAdmin Support .........................................................................10-1
Software Requirements ...................................................................10-1
NetWare Configuration ....................................................................10-1
TCP/IP Configuration ......................................................................10-2
AppleTalk Configuration ..................................................................10-2
Obtaining Diagnostic Information Using JetAdmin.............................10-3
HP Web JetAdmin Support..................................................................10-3
Software Requirements ...................................................................10-3
Configuring the MonarchNet Using Web JetAdmin ............................10-3
Installing a Windows NT or NetWare Printer for the Print Server .......10-4
Obtaining Diagnostic Information From MonarchNet..........................10-4
SNMP ................................................................................................10-4
Security ..........................................................................................10-5
Software Requirements ...................................................................10-6
Connecting to the MonarchNet Print Server......................................10-6
Configuration ..................................................................................10-7
Web Admin Configuration ................................................................10-8
Server Connection ........................................................................ 10-10
TECHNICAL SUPPORT.........................................................................11-1
Before You Call..................................................................................11-1
Table of Contents ix
x Table of Contents
The MonarchNet for TCP/IP utility monitors, configures, and manages
Monarch TCP/IP print servers. This chapter contains information on how to configure the print server in TCP/IP environments using the MonarchNet for TCP/IP utility.
System Requirements
MonarchNet for TCP/IP is a Microsoft Windows based program, which is
compatible with Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT
MonarchNet for TCP/IP requires that the TCP/IP protocol is running using a Winsock (Windows Sockets) TCP/IP stack, version 1.1 or greater. A Winsock TCP/IP protocol stack is available from many vendors including the following:
Microsoft Windows FTP Software Trumpet NetManage Distinct
Installing a New Print Server
A new print server can be installed using the standard IP address initialization process or by using the MonarchNet for TCP/IP utility.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-1
Before You Start
You should be familiar with network administration as well as the physical setup an operation of your network. Record the serial number and Ethernet or Token-Ring address of your print server.
Install the MonarchNet for TCP/IP utility:
1. Insert the MonarchNet Utilities CD into your CD-ROM drive.
2. If the CD does not automatically start, run the file,
setup.exe from the
Start, Run menu. You will see
3. From the Welcome to Monarch screen, select the TCP/IP Management Utilities and click
4. From the Setup screen, select either MonarchNet for TCP/IP, MonarchNet for IP (Windows NT), or NetworkAlert 32 and click
5. The selected component installs. You can click additional components or click
1-2 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
Done to exit.
<Back to install
Installing a new print server using MonarchNet for TCP/IP requires three steps:
1. Connect the print server to the network.
Connect the network cable to the print server. Make sure the print server is on the same local network as the workstation that is running this utility.
2. Select the print server from the list.
Run MonarchNet for TCP/IP by selecting MonarchNet for TCP/IP from the Monarch Printing group. Select the print server from the list. By default, the All Print Servers view is selected and all print servers attached to the subnet of the network from which the MonarchNet utility is running are listed.
If the print server is not in the list, select the Unconfigured Print Servers view. If MonarchNet for TCP/IP was already running before the print server was installed, select the Refresh option from the View menu.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-3
3. Configure the print server.
Select the Configuration option from the Print Server menu. You will be prompted to enter the IP address for this print server. Once this is done, the full configuration will be displayed. Choose the applicable file folder tab and make any modifications to configure the print server for your environment. Select OK when done. The print server should be ready to accept print jobs!
Configuring a Print Server
The print server must be given an IP address before it can be configured. If the print server does not have an IP address, you will be prompted to enter one.
Once a print server has an IP address, it can be configured to change any settings necessary. Settings are grouped into the following categories:
TCP/IP NetWare NetWare Queues NetWare Port Output Port SNMP Protocols SNMP Traps Token-Ring
These settings can be accessed by selecting the Configuration option from the Print Server menu or by selecting the Telnet option from the Tools menu. Follow the menus to change any settings necessary.
If the print server does not support the SNMP private
MIB, a simple Telnet configuration utility will be started
when Configure is selected.
1-4 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
Configuring TCP/IP Options
The following options are used to configure the print server's TCP/IP-specific settings for your environment.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the
TCP/IP tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
IP Address Resolution
Set Permanent
Use Network Protocol
Subnet Mask
Select this option to make the IP address permanent. If the print server has been configured to remember its IP address, it does not need to determine its address each time it is powered on.
Enter the print server's IP address. The IP address must follow the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, where each XXX is a number between 0 and 254.
CAUTION: If you select an invalid IP address, you may not be able to access the print server.
Select this option to use RARP determine the IP address at power up. Specify which protocol(s) to use.
If your network environment includes subnets, you will want to set the subnet mask.
The subnet mask must follow the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, where each XXX is a number between 0 and 255. The default subnet mask is The print server interprets a subnet mask of or as no subnet mask specified.
CAUTION: If you select an invalid subnet mask, you may not be able to access the print server.
, BOOTP or DHCP to
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-5
Default Gateway
WINS Server
Use DHCP To Locate WINS Server
Password Select Password to open a dialog that allows a password for
If your network is attached to other networks, you should specify the address of your default gateway. This gateway will be used whenever messages need to be sent to another network. This gateway address must follow the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, where each XXX is a number between 0 and 255.
CAUTION: If you select an invalid default gateway or the
default gateway becomes unavailable, the print server may not be able to communicate with non­local networks.
If you use Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), you may enter the IP address of the WINS Server to allow resolution of the print server's System Name on the network.
Select to obtain the address of the WINS Sever from the DHCP Server (available only if you are using DHCP to obtain an IP address).
the print server to be entered. This password is used to configure the print server through Telnet or Http. A valid password is from 5 to 24 characters long.
Advanced Select Advanced to open a dialog that allows configuration of
advanced TCP/IP specific settings.
Configuring NetWare Options
The following options are used to configure the print server's NetWare­specific settings for your environment.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the
NetWare tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
1-6 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
You can configure the print server to operate in PSERVER or RPRINTER/NPRINTER mode. In PSERVER mode, the Monarch print server operates as the NetWare print server. It services specified queues on specified file servers. In PSERVER mode the Monarch print server can simultaneously access up to eight different file servers and 32 print queues. In RPRINTER/NPRINTER mode, the Monarch print server acts as a printer connection for the NetWare Print Server NLM (EXE or VAP). The NetWare Print Server NLM (or VAP) runs on the file server. The NetWare Print Server EXE runs on a dedicated PC. In RPRINTER/NPRINTER mode, the Monarch print server can only service one file server.
Configuring for PSERVER Mode
Bindery Settings
Default File Server
Print Server Name
NDS Settings
(NDS Products Only)
Preferred File Server
Preferred Tree This is the Directory tree in which the Print Server
Select a default file server. The default file server can be selected from any file server listed in the Default File Server scroll menu. The default file server must be active at power up for the Monarch print server to get its configuration.
Enter a name for the print server. The print server uses this name to login to the file server. Select Password to enter the password the print server should use to log into the file server.
NDS settings must first be created and setup using Novell's NWAdmin or PConsole utility. In a Directory tree, create a Print Server object and one Printer object for each output port. For example, "Printer 1" goes to Port 1, "Printer 2" goes to Port 2. Attach NDS print queues to the NDS Printer objects.
This is the file server on which the Print Server object was created.
object was created.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-7
Print Server Name
Password Select Password to open a dialog that allows a password
This is the fully qualified (canonicalized) name of the Print Server object created (i.e. CN=MMS167892.OU=Marketing.O=Monarch). The Monarch print server device uses this name to login to the Directory tree specified above. Select Password to enter the password the print server should use to log into the Directory tree.
NOTE: You must have administrative rights to the
Directory tree to modify these settings. If these settings are disabled and you have administrative rights, the utility may be having difficulty loading the unicode tables. Add the directory of your unicode tables to your search path.
After any change to the servicing of queues for the print server from NWAdmin or Pconsole, the print server must be reset via MonarchNet for NetWare.
for the print server to be entered. This password is used to log into the file server or Directory tree. A password may be up to 9 characters long. The same password is used for Bindery and NDS environments.
Advanced Select Advanced to open a dialog that allows configuration
of advanced NetWare-specific settings.
Configuring for RPRINTER/NPRINTER Mode
Default File Server
Print Server Name
Advanced Select Advanced to open a dialog that allows configuration
1-8 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
Enter the file server associated with the PSERVER.NLM, PSERVER.EXE, or PSERVER.VAP.
Enter the name of the NetWare print server (NLM, EXE, or VAP) that will be servicing remote printers.
of advanced NetWare-specific settings.
Configuring NetWare Queues Options
The following options are used to select or create NetWare bindery queues that will be used in printing to the Monarch device from the NetWare bindery environment.
NetWare Queue Load Balancing
Port Number
Available Queues
Create Select Create to create a new NetWare print queue. A dialog
Delete Select Delete to delete the selected print queue in the
Print jobs can be distributed to multiple printers on selected queues by selecting the same queue multiple times and selecting a different output port for each queue entry.
NOTE: OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just
the NetWare Queues tab options. Do not choose OK until you've entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this dialog box.
Select the Monarch print server port number for which you wish to assign print queues. Select All to assign print queues for all the output ports at the same time.
A list of available file servers is displayed in this field. Select the + symbol to the left of each file server icon to display a list of queues available on that file server. Select the queue you wish to assign to the selected port and then select arrow to add the queue to the list of Selected Queues.
box will appear prompting for the queue name and the name of the file server the queue should be created on.
Available Queues field from the file server.
Selected Queues
This area displays a list of file servers and queues currently assigned to the output port selected in the Port Number field. If the port number selected was All, the Selected Queues field displays a list of all queues assigned to all Monarch output ports. The port number appears to the left of each queue name. To remove the assignment of a queue, select the queue you wish to remove from the Selected Queues list and then select left arrow.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-9
Output Port Select Output Port to specify the port on the Monarch
device to which you want to assign the selected print queue.
NOTE: Print jobs can be distributed to multiple printers
on selected queues by selecting the same queue multiple times and selecting a different output port for each queue entry.
Configuring NetWare Port Options
The following options are used to configure ports that are using the NetWare protocol.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the
NetWare Port tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
Port Number Select the port number you wish to configure.
PSERVER Mode Settings
Font Download Font downloading allows the print server to ensure that
the appropriate fonts are available for each print job. Select this option to enable font downloading.
PCL Font Queue (only
available when font download is enabled)
1-10 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
This field displays the name of the queue in which you wish to place your PCL fonts and macros. You can also create a new queue or select an existing queue from a list of available queues.
Postscript Font Queue (only
available when font download is enabled)
This field displays the name of the queue in which you wish to place your Postscript fonts and macros. You can also create a new queue or select an existing queue from a list of available queues.
NOTE: To place files in your font queues, use the
NetWare NPRINT or CAPTURE commands. The contents of these special font queues are not deleted after being sent to the printer.
Forms Checking Select this option to enable form checking. Form
checking works with NetWare Print Forms. If the form number assigned to a print job matches the form number in the printer, the job will print normally. If the form number is different, printing will stop and the message "Print Server needs a form change. Mount form # " will be sent to the user. The print server will wait for the user to indicate that the form has been changed at the printer.
Form Number Enter the form number in the printer.
Notify Select this option to allow users to receive status
messages about their print jobs. In RPRINTER/NPRINTER mode, notification is managed by the NetWare print server NLM.
Printer Number Enter a printer number (0 - 15) for the port. NetWare 4.X
supports printer numbers 0 - 254.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-11
Configuring Output Port Options
The following options are used to configure output port specific information for your environment.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the Output Port tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
Port Number Select the port number you wish to configure.
Name Enter a descriptive name to identify the port.
Language Switching
Printer Type This field is used to determine the actual characters
PCL Switch Sequence
(only available if the selected printer type is No Specific Printer)
Each output port can be selected to perform the following language switching options: OFF, PCL, PostScript, or Automatic. Unless OFF is selected, a language switching character string will be inserted before each print job. The Printer Type selection is used to determine the actual characters required to switch the language of the printer. For advanced users, the Pre/Post String setting allows custom character strings to be added to the beginning or end of each print job.
Language Switching is only available in PSERVER mode.
required for your printer to switch the printer language. If your printer type is not listed, select No Specific Printer and then enter into the PCL or PostScript Switch Sequence fields the required character strings for switching your printer language.
Enter the character string to switch the printer to the PCL print language. To enter non printable characters, enclose the ASCII value of the character in angle brackets. For example, to enter the ESC character type: <27>.
1-12 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
Postscript Switch Sequence (only
available if the selected printer type is No Specific Printer)
Configuration Page Language
Output Type Select the appropriate baud rate or setting.
Bidirectional Printer Status Support
Enter the character string to switch the printer to the PostScript print language. To enter non printable characters, enclose the ASCII value of the character in angle brackets. For example, to enter the ESC character type: <27>.
Select the appropriate printer language for printing configuration pages on your printer (Text, PCL, PostScript or Off). The Off option, if available, will prevent configuration pages from being printed on the selected port.
WARNING:The Configuration Page Language value
should never be set to Off for all ports of the print server. At least one port should contain a language setting to allow a configuration label to be printed as needed for diagnostic/troubleshooting purposes.
Bidirectional Printer Status Support enables the Monarch print server to get printer status information. The printer attached to the output port must support bidirectional communication and PJL. Disable this option if the printer attached does not support bidirectional communication or PJL.
Configuring SNMP Options
The SNMP options specify information necessary for an SNMP manager to access the print server.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the
SNMP options. Do not choose OK until you've entered all
changes on this tab and other tabs. If you choose Cancel,
you lose all changes in every tab of this dialog box.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-13
System Name
Enter the name of your choice. This name will identify your print server.
System Contact
System Location
Get Community Name
Set Community Name
Trap Community Name
Enter any information that will be useful to a user if problems arise with the print server.
Enter a description of the location of the print server.
This field is used to set the community name required to get information from the print server. The default community name is public. For the Monarch print server status information to display correctly in HP's JetAdmin utility, the Get Community Name must be set to public.
This field is used to set the community name required to set information on the print server. The default community name is public.
Enter the community name that will be used when traps are sent from the print server. This setting allows trap utilities to only accept traps from devices with appropriate community names.
Enabling and Disabling Protocols
Select the box in front of each protocol that you wish to enable. If you disable a protocol, the print server will no longer communicate with that protocol until it is re-enabled.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the
Protocols tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
1-14 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
Configuring SNMP Traps
The SNMP trap options allow configuration of traps. Traps are unsolicited information concerning the print server. Traps can be sent to an SNMP manager or be broadcast to all hosts on the local segment. These options only need to be configured if you are managing the Monarch print server using SNMP.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the
SNMP Traps tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
Protocol Select the protocol for which you wish to configure trap
Trap Destination
TCP/IP Protocol Destinations
NetWare Protocol Destinations
Ports To Trap
Printer Traps
This feature allows specific traps to be sent on designated ports to a specific destination(s). Destinations may be added or modified up to the maximum number (one or more) allowed for each protocol. To disable traps, delete all destinations.
Enter the IP address to which traps will be sent. The IP address must follow the format XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, where each XXX is a number between 0 and 255. To broadcast traps to all hosts on the local network, enter
Enter the network number and hardware address, respectively, to which traps will be sent. To broadcast traps to all addresses on all networks, enter FFFFFFFF in the first field and FFFFFFFFFFFF in the second field. To broadcast traps to all addresses on a specific local network, enter the network number in the first field and then FFFFFFFFFFFF in the second field.
Select each port on which you wish traps to be active.
Select each printer condition for which a trap will be sent.
MonarchNet for TCP/IP 1-15
Configuring Token-Ring Options
The token-ring configuration options described below are only available on token-ring products.
OK and Cancel affect the entire dialog box, not just the Token-Ring tab options. Do not choose OK until you've
entered all changes on this tab and other tabs. If you
choose Cancel, you lose all changes in every tab of this
dialog box.
Priority Priority allows selection of a priority level ranging from a low
of 0 to a high of 6. When a data packet is placed on the Token-Ring network, it uses the assigned priority. The priority of the packets sent by the Monarch device can be increased to improve printing performance. However, the performance of file servers and crucial stations could be affected.
Packet Size Packet Size allows selection of a number indicating the size
of each block of data sent from the Monarch device to the printer. Sending data in larger blocks usually results in improved printing performance. If you increase the packet size and do not observe improved performance, the server, bridge, or router through which the packets must travel may not be accepting the size that you have selected.
Early Token Release
Routing Routing allows selection of how packets are routed. The
1-16 MonarchNet for TCP/IP
Early Token Release enhances ring performance by releasing the token before receiving the complete frame. Early Token Release is enabled by default if your ring is running at 16 Mbps. If your ring is running at 4 Mbps, this setting is ignored. It is acceptable to enable Early Token Release on some stations while disabling it on others.
default is All-routes broadcast, non-broadcast return.
Other choices include: All routes broadcast, non-broadcast return Single-route broadcast, all routes broadcast return Single-route broadcast, non-broadcast return None
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