This reference describes the AppleTalk application programming interface
(API) specifications jointly developed by AT&T Computer Systems and Apple
Computer, Inc. These API specifications define a standard interface to
AppleTalk network protocols for AT&T's UNIX System V Release 4 operating
Software developers can create AppleTalk network application programs for
UNIX systems that support both these API specifications and AppleTalk. Such
applications are readily portable across various UNIX platforms.
AppleTalk network applications running in a UNIX environment can provide a
standard desktop interface to Macintosh users accessing network services -such as file sharing, printer sharing, electronic mail, distributed
databases, and other client/server applications. UNIX file servers that
support AppleTalk allow Macintosh and other personal computers to store and
share information on the servers.
APIs implemented according to these specifications provide interfaces to the
AppleTalk family of protocols. AT&T's Transport Interface (TLI) provides the
interface to the AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol (ADSP) and the Datagram
Delivery Protocol (DDP).
AT&T's TLI and the STREAMS input/output system provide developers with the
tools needed to build distributed applications that are both protocol and
media independent. The TLI's library of functions facilitates the development
of network applications that are compatible with most industry-standard
protocols. Such applications can easily provide support for multiple
protocols on a UNIX system, migration to new protocols, and the addition of
new features to existing network applications.
ADSP resides in the session layer of the International Standards
Organization's (ISO) Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model.
Protocols in the session layer guarantee reliable data delivery. ADSP
provides bidirectional, sequential, duplicate-free byte-stream service
between any two sockets on an AppleTalk internet. ADSP services allow client
processes to establish socket connections, to send and receive data -- either
as a continuous stream or as logical messages intelligible by the receiving
client -- and to close socket connections. ADSP provides a flow-control
mechanism to ensure that transmitted data does not exceed the capacity of the
receiving client's buffer.
DDP corresponds to the network layer of the OSI model and provides besteffort data delivery service. DDP is an end-to-end data flow protocol that
extends socket-to-socket datagram delivery to an AppleTalk internet
consisting of one or more AppleTalk networks connected by routers. A datagram
is a packet of data that carries its own routing information. DDP defines
logical addresses for sockets on an internet.
The AppleTalk Session Protocol (ASP) resides in the session layer of the OSI
model. ASP provides the transport services needed for higher-level
interactions between workstations and servers. ASP uses the services of the
AppleTalk Transaction Protocol to open, manage, and close sessions; and to
sequence requests and replies. ASP services include sending commands to a
server and returning replies to a workstation, writing blocks of data to a
server, and retrieving status information from a server. During a session -that is, when a logical connection exists between a workstation and a server
-- ASP guarantees the delivery and execution of a sequence of transactions in
the order sent.
The AppleTalk Transaction Protocol (ATP) resides in the transport layer of
the OSI model. ATP provides loss-free transaction service between sockets on
an internet, using a request/response transaction model and error recovery.
By binding requests to responses, ATP ensures the reliable exchange of
request/response pairs. ATP provides the basis for the session-oriented
services of the AppleTalk Session Protocol and the Printer Access Protocol.
The Name Binding Protocol (NBP) resides in the transport layer of the OSI
model. NBP converts user-defined names for zones and devices, or entities, to
internet socket addresses that AppleTalk protocols can use. Each node
maintains name-to-address mapping for its sockets. NBP uses a names directory
to provide services that include name registration, deletion, lookup, and
The Printer Access Protocol (PAP) resides in the session layer of the OSI
model. PAP manages transactions between workstations and servers -- including
setting up, maintaining, and terminating connections; and transferring data.
PAP allows multiple connections at both the workstation and the server. PAP
uses NBP services to locate addresses and ATP services to transfer data. PAP
can determine a server's status and filter duplicate requests.
The Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP) resides in the transport layer
of the OSI model. Internet routers use RTMP to establish and maintain routing
tables used in forwarding datagrams from any source socket to any destination
socket on an internet. Each router on an internet periodically broadcasts
RTMP data packets containing updated routing tables, allowing all other
routers on the internet to update their own routing tables.
The Zone Information Protocol (ZIP) resides in the session layer of the OSI
model. Routers use ZIP to maintain network-to-zone-name mapping on an
internet. ZIP allows a node on an extended network to select its zone at
startup. ZIP provides commands that allow nodes on a local area network to
obtain zone information. NBP uses ZIP mapping to determine which networks
contain nodes that belong to a zone.
What this reference contains
This reference consists of three sections, which contain the following
- Section 1, "ADSP TLI Specification," describes the Transport Interface to
the AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol.
- Section 2, "DDP TLI Specification," describes the Transport Interface to
the Datagram Delivery Protocol.
- Section 3, "AppleTalk Manual Pages," contains all AppleTalk Section 3N
(Network Programming) manual pages for UNIX System V Release 4. These manual
pages correspond to the following AppleTalk protocols: AppleTalk Session
Protocol, AppleTalk Transaction Protocol, Routing Table Maintenance Protocol,
Name Binding Protocol, Printer Access Protocol, and Zone Information
Conventions used in this reference
This reference uses the following typographic conventions to distinguish
elements of the text:
- The names of function calls, parameters, and fields in structures appear in
italics in the text of the reference.
- Code samples appear in Courier type -- for example:
This is 10-point Courier type.
- The manual pages in Section 3 appear in the standard UNIX man page format.
For more information
The following documents provide information about either the AppleTalk
network system or the UNIX System V Release 4 operating system:
- Sidhu, Gursharan S., Andrews, Richard F., and Oppenheimer, Alan B. Apple
Computer, Inc. Inside AppleTalk, second edition. Reading, Mass.: AddisonWesley, 1990. Explains the AppleTalk protocols in detail.
- AT&T, UNIX System V Release 4 Programmer's Guide: Networking Interfaces.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1990. Defines the TLI programming
calls and describes programming with TLI.
- AT&T, UNIX System V Release 4 Programmer's Guide: STREAMS. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1990. Provides detailed information about
- Jacobson, Van. "Congestion Avoidance and Control." Proceedings of the ACM,
SIGCOM '88, Palo Alto, Calif., August 1988. Describes algorithms developed
for the TCP/IP protocol that improve performance over slow or congested data
Summary of ADSP data structures
This section describes a Transport Interface (TLI) to the AppleTalk Data
Stream Protocol (ADSP) and consists of several subsections:
- "General Concepts" explains STREAMS and TLI concepts relevant to this
- "Implementation Issues" describes several important implementation issues.
- "ADSP TLI Library Calls and Parameters" describes each ADSP function call
and its parameters.
- "A Client/Server Example" presents a sample client/server program.
- "Summary of ADSP Data Structures" presents ADSP constants and data
Some portions of this document are taken from The External Reference
Specification for ADSP 1.5/2.0, version 0.14.
General concepts
The services of ADSP map closely to the TLI connection-mode calls. TLI's
connection-mode service enables data to be transferred over an established
connection in a reliable, sequenced manner. This service enables the
negotiation of the parameters and options that govern the transfer of data.
The following is a general scenario under TLI:
A connection end is identified by a local file descriptor (fd) returned by
t_open(3N). Then an address is associated with this endpoint using
t_bind(3N). At this point, the process can either listen for an incoming
connect indication, t_listen(3N), or initiate a connection request,
t_connect(3N). The passive user can then accept the connection on a different
fd, t_accept(3N). After the connection has been established, the process can
send data, t_snd(3N), receive data, t_rcv(3N), or close the connection,
Error handling
Failures are indicated by a return value of -1. An external integer, t_errno,
holds the specific error numbers. When a function sets t_errno to [TSYSERR]
it indicates an operating system error, the specifics about which can be
accessed through the external variable errno. When a function sets t_errno to
[TLOOK], it indicates that an asynchronous event has happened. The user can
call t_look(3N) to determine what event has occured.
Synchronous and asynchronous modes
In the synchronous mode, the user has to wait for a specific event to happen
before control is returned to the user. The asynchronous mode of operation
provides a mechanism for notifying a user of some event without forcing the
user to wait for the event. Synchronous mode is the default mode of
operation. This mode can be changed through the O_NDELAY or O_NONBLOCK flag,
which may be set during t_open(3N) or fcntl(2). The following is a list of
asynchronous events: T_LISTEN, T_CONNECT, T_DATA, T_EXDATA, and
T_DISCONNECT. In synchronous mode, a function may return -1 with t_errno set
to [TLOOK] to indicate the occurrence of an asynchronous event. The
t_look(3N) function is then invoked to identify the specific event. Another
means to notify a process that an asynchronous event has occured is polling.
TLI functions supported for ADSP
The following TLI functions, which correspond to connection-oriented
services, are supported:
The following general TLI functions are also supported:
The following functions are not supported and upon calling will return -1,
with t_errno set to [TNOTSUPPORT]:
Key for parameter arrays
For each function, an array is presented that summarizes the content of the
input and output parameters. The key for the parameter arrays is as follows:
The parameter value is meaningful. (The input parameter must be set before
the call and the output parameter may be read after the call.)
(x) The content of the object to which the x pointer points is
The parameter value is meaningful but the parameter is optional.
-- The parameter value is meaningless.
The parameter keeps the same value after the call as before the call.
Implementation issues
Options and management parameters
There are two user-selectable options: filter_addr, which supports
connection-opening filters, and checksum, which is a boolean variable that
can be set to TRUE or FALSE, indicating the desire to turn on or off DDP
checksum. Other options or parameters are either set by the system
administrator or calculated dynamically.
Connection-opening filters
The ADSP client may need to be selective about establishing connections with
remote clients, because the addresses of some remote clients that make openconnection requests may not be acceptable to the local client. In order to
establish a selection criterion, the client can provide ADSP with a filter of
valid network addresses with which it is willing to establish connections.
This filter could be as simple as specifying "open a connection only with the
socket to which you are sending the open-connection request" or "open a
connection only with a socket on a particular node." If ADSP receives an
open-connection request from an address that does not match the filter, it
sends back an open-connection denial and ignores the packet. In the case of a
connection-listening socket, the end could conceivably become established
with a different network address than the one to which the original open
request was sent. The original requester can provide ADSP with a filter of
network addresses with which it is willing to establish a connection.
Filter_addr is defined in adsp_opt structure. (See "Summary of ADSP Data
Structures" later in Section 1.) It can be set when calling t_connect(3N) or
before a t_listen(3N) by calling t_optmgmt(3N). A zero in the network number,
node identifier, or socket number of filter_addr means that a connection can
be established with any connection end on any network, node, or socket,
respectively. Setting filter_addr to be the same as remote address means that
a connection will be established only with a connection end on the specified
remote address.
System administration parameters
There are several parameters tunable by the system administrator. These are:
- Max Receive buffer
- open connection request retries
- initial round-trip time
Dynamically set parameters
Many of the ADSP variables are dynamically determined based on algorithms
that have been successful in the TCP/IP community. A researcher at the
Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Van Jacobson, has done significant work to improve
the performance of the TCP/IP protocol over slow or congested data links.
Since ADSP is very similar in design to TCP/IP, several of the techniques
developed can and will be used for ADSP.
One of the techniques used involves dynamically determining round-trip times
between two connection ends, through which ADSP will dynamically determine
the values to use for retry intervals.
ADSP TLI protocol address
There are two ways to view the TLI protocol address for ADSP. Primitives like
t_bind(3N) and t_connect(3N) accept an NBP entity name (object:type@zone) as
their protocol address. The name registration, in t_bind(3N), or name
resolution, in t_connect(3N), is done by the transport provider, transparent
to the applications. This eliminates the need for NBP primitives in
applications. The elimination of NBP primitives and use of the Name-toAddress Mapping provided by System V Release 4 are necessary to allow the
development of protocol-independent applications. Since AppleTalk nodes are
not required to have network names, NBP entity names are not available in
some cases. Sometimes all that is available is the internet socket address.
This is the case with t_listen(3N). When a connection request arrives,
t_listen(3N) returns the protocol address of the requesting user. All that is
available for return is the internet socket address. An application is
likely to respond with a t_accept(3N) and use the address returned by
t_listen(3N) as the destination address.
The transport provider must be able to distinguish between NBP entity names
and internet socket addresses, so that it knows how to process the address
field. The convention adopted involves using NULL-terminated strings for NBP
entity names and using a leading NULL in the first character position,
followed by an at_inet_t structure to identify an internet socket address.
The t-bind(3N), t-connect(3N),
t-rcvconnect(3N), and t-listen(3N) calls return an internet socket address.
See "Summary of ADSP Data Structures" later in Section 1.
The object and type fields of the NBP entity names cannot contain wildcards.
The zone name field may be set to an asterik (*). Using an illegal NBP entity
name or a name that cannot be resolved causes t-bind(3N) or t-connect(3N) to
return a -1 and set t-errno to [TBADADDR]
Names that are transparently registered with a t_bind(3N) are transparently
deregistered with t_unbind(3N) or upon the closing of the corresponding file
ADSP features not supported
The following ADSP features are outside the scope of TLI and are not
- connection opening outside of ADSP
- accepting connections on alternate nodes
Non-TLI calls
In addition to the TLI calls mentioned in "TLI Functions Supported for ADSP"
earlier in Section 1 the following nonstandard call is also supported:
ADSP TLI library calls and parameters
Several of the ADSP TLI library function calls are described here. For a more
detailed description of these calls refer to the UNIX System V Release 4
Programmer's Guide: Networking Interfaces.
fd = t_open (path, oflag, info)
T_open(3N) is called as the first step in the initialization of a transport
endpoint. This function returns various default characteristics of the
underlying transport protocol by setting fields in the t_info structure.
The following should be the values returned by the call to t_open(3N) and
t_getinfo(3N) with ADSP as the transport provider:
Parameters Before call After call
path ADSP_DEV -oflag x -info->addr -- 99
info->options -- 64
info->tsdu -- -1
info->etsdu -- 572
info->connect -- -2
info->discon -- -2
info->servtype -- T_COTS
The argument path points to the ADSP device identifier, such as, /dev/adsp,
normally extracted from /etc/netconfig (see netconfig(4) and getnetpath(3N)).
Oflag may be constructed from O_NDELAY or O_NONBLOCK OR-ed with O_RDWR.
T_open returns a file descriptor that identifies the local ADSP endpoint. The
default characteristics of ADSP are returned in info. The maximum size of the
ADSP address, addr, is 99 bytes. There is no limit to the size of the
Transport Service Data Unit (TSDU). The maximum size of the Expedited
Transport Service Data Unit (ETSDU), the attention packet, is 572 bytes. The
attention packet is composed of 2 bytes of attention code followed by up to
570 bytes of attention data. No data can be sent with connection-request or
disconnect calls. The only service type supported is T_COTS, the connectionoriented mode.
t_bind (fd, req, ret)
This function associates a protocol address with the transport endpoint
specified by fd and activates that transport endpoint. The transport provider
can then begin accepting or requesting connections. The req and ret arguments
point to a t_bind structure. Qlen is used to indicate the maximum number of
outstanding connection indications.
Parameters Before call After call
req->addr.maxlen -- --
req->addr.len x>=0 -req->addr.buf x(x) -req->qlen x>=0 -ret->addr.maxlen x -ret->addr.len -- x
ret->addr.buf x (x)
req->qlen -- x>=0
req->addr.buf is a pointer to an NBP name (a NULL-terminated C string). The
transport provider will allocate a dynamic socket and register that name on
this socket.
If req is set to NULL or req->addr.len is zero, the transport provider will
assign a dynamic socket and return the internet address of this socket in
ret->addr.buf in a format described in "ADSP TLI Protocol Address," earlier
in Section 1.
t_unbind (fd)
This function disables the transport endpoint specified by fd, which was
previously bound by t_bind(3N). On completion of this call, no further data
or events destined for this transport endpoint will be accepted by the
transport provider.
Parameters Before call After call
fd x -The NBP name that was transparently registered by the transport provider
during t_bind(3N) will be deregistered.
t_connect (fd, sndcall, rcvcall)
This function enables a user to request a connection to a specified
destination. Fd identifies the local connection endpoint. Sndcall and rcvcall
point to a t_call structure.
Parameters Before call After call
fd x -sndcall->addr.maxlen -- -sndcall->addr.len x>0 -sndcall->addr.buf x(x) -sndcall->opt.maxlen -- -sndcall->opt.len x>0 -sndcall->opt.buf x(x) --
sndcall->udata.maxlen -- -sndcall->udata.len 0 -sndcall->udata.buf -- -sndcall->sequence -- -rcvcall->addr.maxlen x -rcvcall->addr.len -- x
rcvcall->addr.buf x (x)
rcvcall->opt.maxlen x -rcvcall->opt.len -- x
rcvcall->opt.buf x (x)
rcvcall->udata.maxlen -- -rcvcall->udata.len -- -rcvcall->udata.buf -- -rcvcall->sequence -- -In sndcall, addr specifies the protocol address of the destination transport
user. The sndcall->addr.buf points to an NBP name. The transport provider
will resolve the name before sending a connection request.
In sndcall, opt points to an adsp_opt structure that is used to set ADSP
address filters or turn on/off DDP checksum. The user can set the filter_addr
field in the adsp_opt to filter connection ends responding to this connection
request. A zero in the network number, node identifier, or socket number of
filter_addr means that a connection can be established with any connection
end on any network, node, or socket, respectively. Setting filter_addr to be
the same as remote address means that a connection will be established only
with a connection end on the specified remote address.
Since data cannot be sent with a t_connect(3N), sndcall->udata.len must be
set to 0.
t_rcvconnect (fd, call)
This function enables a user to determine the status of a previously sent
connection request and is used in conjunction with t_connect(3N) to establish
a connection in asynchronous mode. The connection will be established on
successful completion of this function. Fd identifies the endpoint and call
contains information associated with the newly established connection.
Parameters Before call After call
fd x -call->addr.maxlen x --
call->addr.len -- x
call->addr.buf x (x)
call->opt.maxlen x -call->opt.len -- x
call->opt.buf x (x)
call->udata.maxlen 0 -call->udata.len -- -call->udata.buf -- -call->sequence -- -Since data cannot be sent with a connection request, call->udata.maxlen must
be set to 0 before calling t_rcvconnect(3N). On return, the call->addr
structure contains the protocol address of the responding endpoint.
t_optmgmt (fd, req, ret)
This function enables a transport user to retrieve, verify, or negotiate
protocol options with the transport provider. The argument fd identifies a
bound transport endpoint. The req and ret arguments point to a t_optmgmt
Parameters Before call After call
fd x -req->opt.maxlen -- -req->opt.len x -req->opt.buf x(x) -req->flags x -ret->opt.maxlen x -ret->opt.len -- x
ret->opt.buf x (x)
req->flags -- x
The req->opt.buf points to an adsp_opt structure. The user can set the
filter_addr field in the adsp_opt. A zero in the network number, node
identifier, or socket number of filter_addr means that a connection can be
established with any connection end on any network, node, or socket,
respectively. Setting filter_addr to be the same as remote address means that
a connection will be established only with a connection end on the specified
remote address. The user can also change the default value of checksum.
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