Apple APPLESHARE 3.0 File Server Controls

AppleShare File Server 3.0 Control
_____________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER 1-SERVER CONTROL CALLS _____________________________________________________________________________
This chapter introduces the server control calls available with the AppleShare File Server 3.0 and describes how server control calls interact with the main elements of file server software. The chapter presents each server control call individually and includes a sample code segment for each call that demonstrates how you might use the call in your own programs.
Server control calls enable applications to monitor and control the major functions of the AppleShare File Server 3.0. These control calls let your programs
- get and modify server configuration information
- check a server's status
- start and stop file service
- get information on users, volumes, and shared items
- disconnect users (including the users of a specific volume)
- send messages to users
- set or clear the copy-protect status of files
- use server event handlers
Server control calls, together with server event handling (described in Chapter 2), make it possible to create any number of services and utilities for the AppleShare File Server 3.0. Because you can monitor file usage -- who uses files, which files are saved to or deleted from a server, where files are copied to, and so on -- you can create file-usage audit trails, generate server-usage statistics, and perform other types of accounting services. You can also control file servers remotely. By monitoring the number of active users, logging off idle users, and controlling log-on access, you can perform load-balancing services for a group of related servers. Many other services are possible. AppleShare File Server 3.0 server control calls and event handling form a complete interface through which your applications and programs can control and extend the capabilities of the file server software. This guide refers to such programs and applications as server additions.
Note Macintosh File Sharing supports a subset of the AppleShare File Server
3.0 server control calls. See Appendix A for a list of these calls.
Main elements of file servers and server control calls
This section describes the software components and data files that make up the AppleShare File Server 3.0 and Macintosh File Sharing. Because the AppleShare File Server 3.0 and Macintosh File Sharing perform similar functions, the components for each are similar and both use the same types of data files.
AppleShare File Server 3.0 software components
The AppleShare File Server 3.0 is composed of a number of files. The File Server Extension provides the actual functionality of the file server. The AppleShare File Server and the AppleShare Admin applications provide the user interface for the server.
This section describes each of AppleShare File Server 3.0 software components. The section "Data Files," later in this chapter, describes the Users & Groups Data File and the AppleShare PDS file.
File Server Extension The File Server Extension contains the actual file server code. It is an extension of the system and resides in the Extensions folder. The File Server Extension is a launchable file, though its file type is 'INIT' instead of 'APPL', which prevents users from starting it from the Finder. (The 'INIT' file type also tells the system to put the file in the Extensions folder and causes the extension to be opened during system startup.) When the File Server Extension is launched, it runs as a background application.
The File Server Extension contains no user interface of its own. The user interface is provided by the AppleShare File Server and AppleShare Admin applications (described next). These applications communicate with the File Server Extension primarily by means of server control calls. Server control calls are also the primary means of communication between server additions and the file server. The File Server Extension communicates with remote AppleShare clients through Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) sessions, and, locally, with shared volumes and files by means of Macintosh File Manager routines.
When the File Server Extension is launched, it checks its environment, the Users & Groups Data File, and the desktop databases and AppleShare PDS files of appropriate volumes. (The File Server Extension does not attempt to share remote volumes, or volumes such as floppy disks or volumes that are ejected and off line during startup.) If an important required condition is not satisfied, the offending volume will not be prepared for use with the file server or the file server will not be enabled.
Once started, the File Server Extension takes over the dispatching of all file system calls -- both local calls and remote requests. Essentially, the file server acts as a mediator between the network and your local HFS volumes. The file server imposes access privilege constraints on AFP requests and implements some calls that are not implemented in HFS -- such as those that govern byte-range locking, access privileges, and extended file access permissions.
AppleShare File Server The AppleShare File Server application provides part of the user interface for the File Server Extension. Users start the file server by opening the AppleShare File Server application. The AppleShare File Server application also provides the interface for controlling and monitoring the file server while it is running. The AppleShare File Server application displays the Volume Info window, which lists the volumes that are available on the server, and the Connected Users window, which lists users who are currently logged on to the server. The Server menu lets you unmount volumes, disconnect users, send messages to users, and set the greeting message. (See the AppleShare Server 3.0 Administrator's Guide for more information about the features of the AppleShare File Server 3.0 user interface.)
The AppleShare Installer initially installs the AppleShare File Server application in the System Folder, but the file can reside anywhere on the server volume. The AppleShare File Server application communicates with the File Server Extension primarily by means of server control calls.
AppleShare Admin The AppleShare Admin application provides the user interface for defining users and groups for the server. The AppleShare Admin application also lets you set preferences, set access privileges, and perform other administrative tasks for the file server. (See the AppleShare Server
3.0 Administrator's Guide for more information about the administrative features of the AppleShare File Server 3.0.)
Like the AppleShare File Server application, the AppleShare Admin application is initially installed in the System Folder but can reside anywhere on the server volume. It communicates with the File Server Extension primarily by means of server control calls. It also uses the AppleShare PDS file and the Users & Groups Data File to store and retrieve information about server volumes and the users and groups defined for the server, respectively.
Network AppleShare clients Network workstations with AppleShare client software installed can connect to the File Server Extension. AppleShare clients communicate with the server through AFP sessions.
File Manager The Macintosh File Manager normally handles local requests for file access. While the file server is running, however, the File Server Extension intercepts all file access calls from the File Manager.
Server additions Applications, INITs, extensions, and other types of programs can access the File Server Extension by using server control calls. A program that uses server control calls is referred to as a server addition. This guide tells you how to create server additions by using server control calls in your own programs.
Macintosh File Sharing software components
Like the AppleShare File Server 3.0, Macintosh File Sharing is composed of a number of parts distributed across several files in the System Folder. The File Sharing Extension provides the actual functionality of the AFP server. Five other files -- the Network Extension, three control panels, and the Finder -- work together to provide the user interface.
The File Sharing Extension handles all requests for access to files residing on local volumes, including local requests from the Macintosh File Manager and server additions, and remote requests from AFP clients.
This section describes the software components of Macintosh File Sharing. The section "Data Files," later in this chapter, describes the Users & Groups Data File and the AppleShare PDS file.
File Sharing Extension The File Sharing Extension contains the actual file server code.
It is a system extension that resides in the Extensions folder. The File Sharing Extension is a launchable file, though its file type is 'INIT' instead of 'APPL', which prevents users from starting it from the Finder. (The 'INIT' file type also tells the system to put the file in the Extensions folder and causes the extension to be opened during system startup.) When the File Sharing Extension is launched, it runs as a background application.
The File Sharing Extension contains no user interface of its own. The user interface is provided by the Network Extension, which allows users to start and to control the File Sharing Extension. The File Sharing Extension communicates with the Network Extension primarily by means of server control calls. The File Sharing Extension communicates with the Finder by means of PPC events, and with a remote AppleShare client through AFP sessions. The File Sharing Extension also communicates with local volumes and files by means of Macintosh File Manager routines, and with server additions by means of server control calls.
When the File Sharing Extension is launched, it checks its environment, the Users & Groups Data File, and the desktop databases and AppleShare PDS files of appropriate volumes. (The File Sharing Extension does not attempt to share remote volumes, or volumes such as floppy disks or volumes that are ejected and off line during startup.) If an important required condition is not satisfied, the offending volume will not be prepared for use with the file server or file sharing will not be enabled.
Once started, the File Sharing Extension takes over the dispatching of all file system calls -- both local calls and remote requests. Essentially, the File Sharing Extension acts as a mediator between the network and your local HFS volumes. The File Sharing Extension imposes access privilege constraints on AFP requests and implements some calls that are not implemented in HFS -­such as those that govern byte-range locking, access privileges, and extended file access permissions.
Network Extension The Network Extension provides the user interface for Macintosh File Sharing. It is an extension of the Finder and resides in the Extensions folder. The Network Extension is dynamically linked with the Finder code at startup time and uses the Finder's code to control its user interface. The user interface includes what appears to users to be the Sharing Setup, Users & Groups, and File Sharing Monitor control panels. When a user opens any one of these control panels, the Network Extension code intercepts the launch command, opens the appropriate window, and controls the interaction with the user.
Based on user interactions, the Network Extension communicates with the server primarily by means of server control calls. The File Server Extension communicates with users through the Network Extension by sending high-level Apple events to display dialog boxes. The Network Extension relies on the AppleShare PDS file and the Users & Groups Data File for information about server volumes and the users and groups defined for the server, respectively.
Finder The Finder provides part of the Macintosh File Sharing services. The Sharing menu item in the Finder's File menu lets users view and set the access privileges for disks and folders. In addition, through its extension mechanism, the Finder provides an environment for running the Network Extension code. The Finder communicates with the file server by using augmented Macintosh File Manager routines.
File Sharing Monitor, Sharing Setup, and Users & Groups These control panel files trigger execution of the appropriate Network Extension code. The control panel files themselves contain no executable code.
Network AppleShare clients Network workstations with AppleShare client software installed can connect to the File Sharing Extension. AppleShare clients communicate with the server by means of AFP packets.
File Manager The Macintosh File Manager normally handles local requests for file access. When Macintosh File Sharing is turned on, however, the File Sharing Extension intercepts all file access calls from the File Manager.
Server additions Applications, INITs, extensions, and other types of programs can access the File Server Extension by using server control calls. A program that uses server control calls is referred to as a server addition. This guide tells you how to create server additions by using server control calls in your own programs.
Data files
Both the AppleShare File Server 3.0 and Macintosh File Sharing use two data files to store user and directory information: the Users & Groups Data File and the AppleShare PDS file.
Users & Groups Data File The Users & Groups Data File contains a database of the users and groups defined on your computer. You define users and groups for the AppleShare File Server 3.0 by using the AppleShare Admin application. You define users and groups with Macintosh File Sharing by using the Users & Groups control panel. The data file is a B-Tree file. With the AppleShare File Server 3.0, the AppleShare Admin and File Server Extension files use the Users & Groups Data File. With Macintosh File Sharing, the Network Extension and File Sharing Extension files use the Users & Groups Data File.
AppleShare PDS The AppleShare PDS file is an invisible file that resides at the root of every unlocked volume. PDS stands for parallel directory structure. The AppleShare PDS file contains the access privilege and share­point information for the volume on which the file resides. The PDS file determines the access privileges of the volume's users and groups, which are defined in the Users & Groups Data File. Because the PDS file is created in conjunction with the Users & Groups Data File, the Users & Groups Data File must not be removed from the volume. (If the Users & Groups Data File is lost, the access privilege and share-point information contained in the PDS file is lost as well.)
The PDS file for CD-ROM drives resides in the File Sharing folder (in the Preferences folder) for Macintosh File Sharing, and in the File Server folder (in the Preferences folder) for the AppleShare File Server 3.0.
Using server control calls
This section presents each of the server control calls available with the AppleShare File Server 3.0. The server control calls are presented in logical functional groups, more or less in the order in which you would use them in server additions.
For each server control call, there is a function named MycallName. Typically, this function shows how to fill in the parameter block, make the server control call, and retrieve any result values returned by the call. When necessary, the MycallName functions also include code that makes the server control calls supported by Macintosh File Sharing behave as much as possible in the same manner as they behave when used under the AppleShare File Server 3.0. For example, a MycallName function may return a value that is normally returned by the AppleShare File Server 3.0 but that is not supplied by Macintosh File Sharing. In other cases, for example with the SCGetExpFldr call, the function contains code that makes the call work "as advertised."
Some of the server control call descriptions are accompanied by a second segment of sample code that shows a particular use of that call. Each of these additional code segments performs one of the following tasks:
- gets the server version, status, and setup information and then stores that information in global variables for later use by other functions
- lists the shared volumes and folders
- lists the installed server event handlers
- lists the users connected to the server
- gets the mount information for a user's mounted volumes or folders
- disconnects a user from the server
- sends a message to all connected users
- disconnects the users of a specified volume
Some of the code samples use global variables to store information that might be needed by other functions. Here are the global variables used within these code samples:
- General
- gErr: OSErr
- gHasServerDispatch: Boolean
- Used by SCServerVersion
- gServerExtensionName: Str31
- gServerType: Integer
- gServerVersion: Integer
- Used by SCPollServer
- gServerState: Integer;
- gDisconnectState: Integer;
- gServerError: Integer;
- gSecondsLeft: LongInt;
- Used by SCGetSetupInfo
- gSetupInfoRec: SetupInfoRec;
- gMaxVolumes: Integer
- gMaxExpFolders: Integer
- gCurMaxSessions: Integer
Determining if server control calls are available
Before using any of the other control calls, use the TrapAvailable call to make sure that the server dispatch trap is available. The following line of code tests directly for the existence of the server dispatch trap:
gHasServerDispatch := TrapAvailable(ServerDispatch)
The "Compatibility Guidelines" chapter of Inside Macintosh, Volume VI, contains the source code for the TrapAvailable call.
Calling conventions
After assuring that server control calls are available, issue the SyncServerDispatch call with the following code:
The actual interface for the SyncServerDispatch call is defined by the server control call interface file. See Appendix B for a listing of that file. The SyncServerDispatch call appears in the "Server Control Routine" section of Appendix B.
Getting and modifying server
configuration information
This section describes the server control calls that you use to get and to modify server configuration information.
The following function calls SCServerVersion to get the name of the file server extension and the server's type and version.
FUNCTION MySCServerVersion (ExtNamePtr: StringPtr;
VAR ServerType: Integer;
VAR ServerVersion: Integer):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.versionPB.scCode := SCServerVersion;
scPB.versionPB.scExtNamePtr := ExtNamePtr;
MySCServerVersion := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
ServerType := scPB.versionPB.scServerType;
ServerVersion := scPB.versionPB.scServerVersion;
The following segment of code gets the server version information and stores it in global variables for later use. (Global variables and their data types are listed in "Using Server Control Calls," earlier in this chapter.)
err := MySCServerVersion(@gServerExtensionName,
gServerType, gServerVersion);
The following function calls SCGetSetupInfo to get the file server's setup information. If the server is a Macintosh File Sharing server (type = MFSType), this function also fills in the fields that aren't returned by the server control call. Before using this function, you must initialize gServerType by using the SCServerVersion control call.
FUNCTION MySCGetSetupInfo (SetupPtr: SetupInfoRecPtr;
VAR MaxVolumes: Integer;
VAR MaxExpFolders: Integer;
VAR CurMaxSessions: Integer):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.setupPB.scCode := SCGetSetupInfo;
scPB.setupPB.scSetupPtr := SetupPtr;
MySCGetSetupInfo := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
CASE gServerType OF
MaxVolumes := 10;
MaxExpFolders := 10;
CurMaxSessions := SetupPtr^.SIMaxLogins;
MaxVolumes := scPB.setupPB.scMaxVolumes;
MaxExpFolders := scPB.setupPB.scMaxExpFolders;
CurMaxSessions := scPB.setupPB.scCurMaxSessions;
The following segment of code gets the server version information and stores it in global variables for later use. (Global variables and their data types are listed in "Using Server Control Calls," earlier in this chapter.)
err := MySCGetSetupInfo(@gSetupInfoRec, gMaxVolumes,
gMaxExpFolders, gCurMaxSessions);
The following function calls SCSetSetupInfo to set the file server's setup information.
FUNCTION MySCSetSetupInfo (SetupPtr: SetupInfoRecPtr):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.setupPB.scCode := SCSetSetupInfo;
scPB.setupPB.scSetupPtr := SetupPtr;
MySCSetSetupInfo := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
Checking the server's status
This section describes the server control calls that you use to check the server's status.
The SCPollServer call returns information about the server's state, its disconnect state, whether or not there has been an error, and how many seconds are left before the server shuts down or before it disconnects a user. The following function calls SCPollServer to get this information.
FUNCTION MySCPollServer (VAR ServerState: Integer;
VAR DisconnectState: Integer;
VAR ServerError: Integer;
VAR SecondsLeft: LongInt): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.pollServerPB.scCode := SCPollServer;
{ Macintosh File Sharing doesn't return scSecondsLeft }
{ so zero it. }
scPB.pollServerPB.scSecondsLeft := 0;
MySCPollServer := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
ServerState := scPB.pollServerPB.scServerState;
DisconnectState := scPB.pollServerPB.scDisconnectState;
ServerError := scPB.pollServerPB.scServerError;
SecondsLeft := scPB.pollServerPB.scSecondsLeft;
The following segment of code gets the server state, disconnect state, server error, and seconds-left information and stores it in global variables for later use. (Global variables and their data types are listed in "Using Server Control Calls," earlier in this chapter.)
err := MySCPollServer(gServerState, gDisconnectState,
gServerError, gSecondsLeft);
The following function calls SCGetServerStatus to get the file server's current status information, including the server flags, the number of active sessions, the date of the last modification of the user list, the level of server activity, and the date of the last modification of the volume list.
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCGetServerStatus (NamePtr: StringPtr;
VAR ServerFlags: Integer;
VAR NumSessions: Integer;
VAR UserListModDate: LongInt;
VAR Activity: Integer;
VAR VolListModDate: LongInt):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.statusPB.scCode := SCGetServerStatus;
scPB.statusPB.scNamePtr := NamePtr;
MySCGetServerStatus := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
ServerFlags := scPB.statusPB.scServerFlags;
NumSessions := scPB.statusPB.scNumSessions;
UserListModDate := scPB.statusPB.scUserListModDate;
Activity := scPB.statusPB.scActivity;
VolListModDate := scPB.statusPB.scVolListModDate;
Starting and stopping the file service
This section describes the server control calls that you use to start and stop file servers.
The following function calls SCStartServer to start the Macintosh File Sharing server.
!! IMPORTANT The AppleShare File Server 3.0 is normally started by the AppleShare File Server application. When the AppleShare File Server application is launched, it checks to see if the file server is running. If it is, the AppleShare File Server application assumes its role as the file server's user interface. If the file server is not running, the AppleShare File Server application starts the server by calling SCStartServer before assuming its role as user interface.
If a server addition starts the AppleShare File Server 3.0 by calling SCStartServer, the file service starts up, but the AppleShare File Server application (the user interface) does not. Unless your program provides the functionality of the AppleShare File Server application, it should probably not call SCStartServer to start the AppleShare File Server 3.0. Instead, start the file server in the usual way -- by launching the AppleShare File Server application. !!
FUNCTION MySCStartServer: OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.startPB.scCode := SCStartServer;
scPB.startPB.scStartSelect := kCurInstalled;
scPB.startPB.scEventSelect := kFinderExtn;
MySCStartServer := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following function calls SCShutDown to shut down the file server.
!! IMPORTANT The AppleShare File Server application automatically quits if the AppleShare File Server 3.0 is shut down with the SCShutDown call. !!
FUNCTION MySCShutDown (NumMinutes: Integer; Flags: Integer;
MessagePtr: StringPtr): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.disconnectPB.scCode := SCShutDown;
scPB.disconnectPB.scNumMinutes := NumMinutes;
scPB.disconnectPB.scFlags := Flags;
scPB.disconnectPB.scMessagePtr := MessagePtr;
MySCShutDown := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following function calls SCCancelShutDown to cancel a shutdown or disconnect call in progress.
FUNCTION MySCCancelShutDown: OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.disconnectPB.scCode := SCCancelShutDown;
MySCCancelShutDown := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following function calls SCSleepServer to temporarily shut down the file server ("put it to sleep"). You might want to put a file server to sleep before switching networks or temporarily turning off AppleTalk.
- Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCSleepServer (NumMinutes: Integer;
Flags: Integer;
MessagePtr: StringPtr): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.disconnectPB.scCode := SCSleepServer;
scPB.disconnectPB.scNumMinutes := NumMinutes;
scPB.disconnectPB.scFlags := Flags;
scPB.disconnectPB.scMessagePtr := MessagePtr;
MySCSleepServer := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following function calls SCWakeServer to reactivate an AppleShare File Server 3.0 that has been temporarily shut down (that is, a file server that is "sleeping").
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.startPB.scCode := SCWakeServer;
MySCWakeServer := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
Obtaining status information about users, volumes, and shared items
This section describes the server control calls that you use to obtain information about file server users, volumes, and shared volumes and folders.
The following function calls SCGetExpFldr to get information from the call's return parameters about shared volumes and folders at a specified index position. The return parameters provide information such as a folder's AFP short name and directory ID, the number of users who have mounted the volume or folder, and the index of a volume or folder. (See "SCGetExpFldr" in Chapter 3 for detailed descriptions of the call's return parameters.) Before using this function, you must initialize gServerType with the value returned by the SCServerVersion control call.
FUNCTION MySCGetExpFldr (NamePtr: StringPtr;
VAR VRefNum: Integer;
VAR Logins: Integer;
Index: Integer;
VAR DirID: LongInt): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.standardPB.scCode := SCGetExpFldr;
{ Initialize scVRefNum to 0 so we can tell if }
{ SCGetExpFldr returned something when used with }
{ Macintosh File Sharing }
scPB.standardPB.scVRefNum := 0;
IF Index < 0 THEN
{ File Sharing trashes memory if (scIndex < 0) and }
{ (scNamePtr <> NIL), so we'll prevent that from }
{ happening here. }
scPB.standardPB.scNamePtr := NIL;
{ and we'll return an empty string }
IF NamePtr <> NIL THEN
NamePtr^ := '';
scPB.standardPB.scNamePtr := NamePtr;
scPB.standardPB.scIndex := Index;
MySCGetExpFldr := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
CASE gServerType OF
IF scPB.standardPB.scVRefNum <> 0 THEN
VRefNum := scPB.standardPB.scVRefNum;
Logins := 0;
DirID := scPB.standardPB.scDirID;
ELSE { there's nothing at this index position }
{ so force the error code to make it act }
{ like AppleShare }
MySCGetExpFldr := fnfErr;
VRefNum := scPB.standardPB.scVRefNum;
Logins := scPB.standardPB.scLogins;
DirID := scPB.standardPB.scDirID;
The following procedure creates a list of shared volumes and folders. Before using this procedure, you must initialize gMaxVolumes and gMaxExpFolders with the values returned by the SCGetGetupInfo control call.
Index: Integer;
shortName: Str13;
VRefNum: Integer;
Logins: Integer;
DirID: LongInt;
err: OSErr;
FOR Index := -gMaxVolumes TO gMaxExpFolders DO
IF Index <> 0 THEN { index 0 is undefined }
err := MySCGetExpFldr(@shortName, VRefNum, Logins,
Index, DirID);
IF err = noErr THEN
IF Index < 0 THEN
{ do something with the shared volume }
{ information }
{ do something with the shared folder }
{ information }
ELSE IF err <> fnfErr THEN
{ fnfErr only means there is nothing at this }
{ Index position }
{ handle any unexpected errors }
The following function calls SCGetUserNameRec to get information about a user connected to the file server.
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCGetUserNameRec (NamePtr: StringPtr;
VAR Position: LongInt;
VAR UNRecID: LongInt;
VAR UserID: LongInt;
VAR LoginTime: LongInt;
VAR LastUseTime: LongInt;
VAR SocketNum: AddrBlock):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.userInfoPB.scCode := SCGetUserNameRec;
scPB.userInfoPB.scNamePtr := NamePtr;
scPB.userInfoPB.scPosition := Position;
MySCGetUserNameRec := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
Position := scPB.userInfoPB.scPosition;
UNRecID := scPB.userInfoPB.scUNRecID;
UserID := scPB.userInfoPB.scUserID;
LoginTime := scPB.userInfoPB.scLoginTime;
LastUseTime := scPB.userInfoPB.scLastUseTime;
SocketNum := scPB.userInfoPB.scSocketNum;
The following procedure creates a list of the users logged on to a file server.
PROCEDURE GetAllUserNameRecs;
err: OSErr;
UserName: Str31;
Position: LongInt;
UNRecID: LongInt;
UserID: LongInt;
LoginTime: LongInt;
LastUseTime: LongInt;
SocketNum: AddrBlock;
Position := 0;
err := MySCGetUserNameRec(@UserName, Position, UNRecID,
UserID, LoginTime, LastUseTime, SocketNum);
IF err = noErr THEN
{ do something with the user information returned }
ELSE IF err <> fnfErr THEN
{ fnfErr only means there are no more users }
{ handle any unexpected errors }
UNTIL err <> noErr;
The following function calls SCGetUserMountInfo to get information about the status of a particular volume or shared folder, such as the number of open files on the volume, the number of files that are open with write access, whether the volume is mounted, and whether the volume is mounted with owner privileges (that is, whether the user is a superuser).
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCGetUserMountInfo (VRefNum: Integer;
VAR FilesOpen: Integer;
VAR WriteableFiles: Integer;
UNRecID: LongInt;
VAR Mounted: Boolean;
VAR MountedAsOwner: Boolean):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.volMountedPB.scCode := SCGetUserMountInfo;
scPB.volMountedPB.scVRefNum := VRefNum;
scPB.volMountedPB.scUNRecID := UNRecID;
MySCGetUserMountInfo := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
FilesOpen := scPB.volMountedPB.scFilesOpen;
WriteableFiles := scPB.volMountedPB.scWriteableFiles;
Mounted := scPB.volMountedPB.scMounted;
MountedAsOwner := scPB.volMountedPB.scMountedAsOwner;
The following procedure gets the user-mount information for all of the volumes and shared folders that a user has mounted. Before using this
procedure, you must
initialize gMaxVolumes and gMaxExpFolders with the values returned by
the SCGetGetupInfo control call.
PROCEDURE GetAllUserMountInfo (UNRecID: LongInt);
err: OSErr;
Index: Integer;
VRefNum: Integer;
FilesOpen: Integer;
WriteableFiles: Integer;
Mounted: Boolean;
MountedAsOwner: Boolean;
FOR Index := -gMaxVolumes TO gMaxExpFolders DO
IF Index <> 0 THEN { index 0 is undefined }
err := MySCGetUserMountInfo(VRefNum, FilesOpen,
WriteableFiles, UNRecID,
Mounted, MountedAsOwner);
IF (err = noErr) AND Mounted THEN
{ do something with the information returned }
Disconnecting users
This section describes the server control calls that you use to disconnect users from file servers and from file server volumes.
The following function calls SCDisconnect to disconnect specified users from
a file server.
Note Although Macintosh File Sharing implements SCDisconnect, there is no way to use this call with Macintosh File Sharing because Macintosh File Sharing does not implement the SCGetUserNameRec call. SCGetUserNameRec retrieves information -- namely user name record IDs (UNRecID) -- that is necessary for SCDisconnect to work.
FUNCTION MySCDisconnect (DiscArrayPtr: LongIntPtr;
ArrayCount: Integer;
NumMinutes: Integer;
Flags: Integer;
MessagePtr: StringPtr): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.disconnectPB.scDiscArrayPtr := DiscArrayPtr;
scPB.disconnectPB.scArrayCount := ArrayCount;
scPB.disconnectPB.scCode := SCDisconnect;
scPB.disconnectPB.scNumMinutes := NumMinutes;
scPB.disconnectPB.scFlags := Flags;
scPB.disconnectPB.scMessagePtr := MessagePtr;
MySCDisconnect := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following procedure delivers a disconnect message to and disconnects the specified user after ten minutes.
PROCEDURE DisconnectUser (UNRecID: LongInt);
err: OSErr;
ArrayCount: Integer;
NumMinutes: Integer;
Flags: Integer;
Message: tLoginMsg;
ArrayCount := 1; { one user }
NumMinutes := 10;
Flags := UNRFSendMsgMask; { send a message }
Message := 'Goodbye.';
err := MySCDisconnect(@UNRecID, ArrayCount, NumMinutes,
Flags, @Message);
IF err = noErr THEN
{ the disconnect was started }
{ handle any errors }
The following function calls SCDisconnectVolUers to disconnect the users of specified volumes.
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCDisconnectVolUsers (DiscArrayPtr: LongIntPtr;
ArrayCount: Integer;
NumMinutes: Integer;
Flags: Integer;
MessagePtr: StringPtr):
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.disconnectPB.scDiscArrayPtr := DiscArrayPtr;
scPB.disconnectPB.scArrayCount := ArrayCount;
scPB.disconnectPB.scCode := SCDisconnectVolUsers;
scPB.disconnectPB.scNumMinutes := NumMinutes;
scPB.disconnectPB.scFlags := Flags;
scPB.disconnectPB.scMessagePtr := MessagePtr;
MySCDisconnectVolUsers := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following procedure delivers a message to and disconnects the users of the specified volume after ten minutes.
PROCEDURE DisconnectVolUsers (VRefNum: Integer);
err: OSErr;
VolToDisconnect: LongInt;
ArrayCount: Integer;
NumMinutes: Integer;
Flags: Integer;
Message: tLoginMsg;
VolToDisconnect := VRefNum; { note: Integer -> LongInt }
ArrayCount := 1;
NumMinutes := 10;
Flags := UNRFSendMsgMask; { send a message }
Message := 'A volume is going away.';
err := MySCDisconnectVolUsers(@VolToDisconnect,
ArrayCount, NumMinutes, Flags, @Message);
IF err = noErr THEN
{ the disconnect was started }
{ handle any errors }
Sending messages to users
This section describes the server control call that lets you send messages to users.
The following function calls SCSendMessage to send a message to the users specified in the array pointed to by DiscArrayPtr.
Note This call is not supported by Macintosh File Sharing.
FUNCTION MySCSendMessage (DiscArrayPtr: LongIntPtr;
ArrayCount: Integer;
Flags: Integer;
MessagePtr: StringPtr): OSErr;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
scPB.disconnectPB.scDiscArrayPtr := DiscArrayPtr;
scPB.disconnectPB.scArrayCount := ArrayCount;
scPB.disconnectPB.scCode := SCSendMessage;
scPB.disconnectPB.scFlags := Flags;
scPB.disconnectPB.scMessagePtr := MessagePtr;
MySCSendMessage := SyncServerDispatch(@scPB);
The following procedure sends a message to all connected users. Before using this routine, you must initialize gCurMaxSession by using the SCGetSetupInfo call.
PROCEDURE SendMessageToAll;
{ This routine depends on gCurMaxSessions being }
{ initialized with SCGetSetupInfo. }
err: OSErr;
ArrayPosPtr: LongIntPtr;
Position: LongInt;
scPB: SCParamBlockRec;
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