Apple APERTURE User Manual

User Manual
Apple Computer, Inc.
© 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Aperture software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, such as selling copies of this publication or for providing paid for support services.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Because Apple frequently releases new versions and updates to its system software, applications, and Internet sites, images shown in this book may be slightly different from what you see on your screen.
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Preface 11 Introducing Aperture
What’s Next?
Part I Interface and Acquisition
Chapter 1 15 An Overview of Aperture
A First Look at Aperture
Creating Projects and Importing Your Photos
Photo Editing with Aperture
Image Processing
Backing Up Your Work
Chapter 2 39 The Aperture Interface
The Aperture Main Window
Projects Panel
Viewer and Browser
Control Bar
Adjustments Inspector
Metadata Inspector
Import Panel
Vaults Panel
Book Layout Editor
Webpage Editor
Light Table
Heads-Up Displays
Workspace Layouts
Customizing the Toolbar
Setting Aperture Preferences
Chapter 3 71 Working with Aperture Projects
Basic Components of Aperture
Working with Projects
Creating and Naming Projects
Opening and Closing Projects
Creating and Showing Favorite Projects
Deleting Images from Projects and Albums
Deleting Items from the Projects Panel
Working with Library Files
Quickly Accessing Commands
Chapter 4 87 Importing Images
An Overview of Importing Images
File Formats You Can Import into the Library
Planning Your Import Strategy
Importing from Your Digital Camera or Card Reader
Importing Image Files Stored on Your Computer
10 5
Automatically Naming Your Imported Images
10 8
Adding Metadata to Images During Import
10 9
Creating Stacks Automatically During Import
11 0
Adjusting the Image File’s Time When Importing
11 0
Dragging Files from the Finder to the Projects Panel
Importing Folders of Images from the Finder
Importing Your iPhoto Library
11 4
Transferring Projects from Another System
11 4
Making an Immediate Backup
11 5
Where Aperture Stores Your Managed Files in the Library
Part II Photo Editing
Chapter 5 119 Working with Images in the Browser
12 0
An Overview of the Browser
12 2
Navigating Through and Selecting Images
12 4
Working with a Selection of Images
12 5
Working with Images in Grid View
12 6
Working with Images in List View
12 7
Searching for Images in the Browser
12 8
Rearranging Images in the Browser
12 9
Sorting Images in Grid View
13 0
Rotating Images
13 0
Creating Versions of an Image
13 2
Deleting Images from the Browser
13 4
Dragging Images into Different Projects and Albums
13 5
Working with Referenced Images
Working with Two Projects Open
14 2
Displaying Specific Metadata with Your Images
Chapter 6 145 Displaying Images in the Viewer
14 6
An Overview of the Viewer
14 8
Showing or Hiding the Viewer
14 8
Changing the Viewer Background
14 9
Changing the Number of Images in the Viewer
15 0
Comparing Images
Viewing Stacks
Viewing Images with the Loupe
15 2
Using the Color Meter
15 4
Showing Hot Areas in Your Images
15 5
Viewing Images at Full Resolution
15 6
Viewing Master Images
15 6
Setting Up the Viewer for Onscreen Proofing
Viewing Images on Multiple Displays
15 8
Displaying Metadata Associated with Images
Selecting Image Preview Options
Quickly Accessing Commands
Chapter 7 163 Viewing Images in Full Screen Mode
An Overview of Full Screen Mode
Entering and Exiting Full Screen Mode
Working with the Filmstrip in Full Screen Mode
Working with the Toolbar in Full Screen Mode
Using HUDs in Full Screen Mode
17 3
Changing the Display of Metadata in Full Screen Mode
Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Full Screen Mode
Quickly Accessing Commands
Chapter 8 175 Stacking Images and Making Picks
17 5
An Overview of Stacking Images
17 7
Creating Stacks
18 0
Working with Stacks
18 6
Keyboard Shortcuts for Working with Stacks
Chapter 9 187 Rating Images
18 8
An Overview of the Aperture Rating System
19 0
Rating Images
19 2
Sorting Images by Rating
19 4
Including Image Rating in Your Workflow
19 5
Comparing and Rating Images
19 7
Keyboard Shortcuts for Displaying Images with Specific Ratings
Chapter 10 199 Applying Keywords to Images
An Overview of Keywords
Viewing Keywords Applied to Images
Applying Keywords Using the Keywords HUD
Applying Keywords Using Keyword Controls and Keyword Presets
Applying Keywords Using the Lift & Stamp HUD
Applying Keywords Using the Metadata Inspector
Applying Keywords to Images in the Light Table
Removing Keywords from an Image
Importing and Exporting Keyword Lists
Chapter 11 225 Working with Metadata
An Overview of Metadata, Metadata Views, and Metadata Presets
228 Displaying Metadata with Your Images 231 Turning the Display of Metadata On or Off 232 Viewing and Changing Metadata in the Metadata Inspector 235 Working with Metadata Views 238 Working with Metadata Presets 241 Batch Changing Metadata 242 More Information About IPTC Metadata 243 Understanding Badge Overlays
Chapter 12 247 Searching for and Displaying Images
248 An Overview of Searching 252 Controls in the Query HUD 253 Searching Across the Entire Library 253 Searching by Image Name, Caption, or Other Text 255 Searching by Keyword
Searching by Date
256 258 Searching by Rating 259 Searching by IPTC Information 260 Searching by EXIF Information 261 Searching by Import Session 262 Searching by File Status
263 Searching by Other Metadata 264 Searching by a Combination of Criteria 265 Saving Your Search Results
Chapter 13 267 Grouping Images with Smart Albums
268 An Overview of Smart Albums 270 Collecting Images in a New Smart Album 271 Searching Within a Smart Album 272 Revising the Contents of a Smart Album 272 Transferring Smart Album Images to Another Project or Album 273 Deleting a Smart Album
Part III Distribution and Backup
Chapter 14 277 Printing Your Images
277 An Overview of Printing 279 Controls in the Print Dialog 281 Printing a Single Image 282 Printing a Series of Images 282 Printing a Contact Sheet or Series of Contact Sheets 283 Printing a Book 284 Printing a Light Table Arrangement 284 Creating and Modifying Print Presets 286 Proofing Your Images Onscreen 287 Turning Off Color Management in Your Printer
Chapter 15 291 Exporting Your Images
292 An Overview of Exporting Images 293 Exporting Copies of Digital Master Files 296 Exporting Image Versions 306 Working with Export Presets
Chapter 16 311 Creating Slideshow Presentations
312 An Overview of Slideshows
314 Creating a Slideshow
315 Controlling a Slideshow 315 Arranging the Order of a Slideshow’s Images 315 Controls in the Slideshow Presets Dialog 317 Creating Slideshow Presets
318 Modifying Slideshow Presets
319 Creating a Growing Grid of Images 320 Playing Your Slideshow on Your Main Display Only 321 Displaying Your Images to Music
Contents 7
Chapter 17 323 Using the Light Table
324 An Overview of the Light Table 325 Creating a Light Table Album 326 Placing and Viewing Images in the Light Table 327 Moving and Resizing Images in the Light Table 328 Aligning and Arranging Images in the Light Table 330 Adjusting the Light Table View
331 Setting View Options for the Light Table
331 Transferring Images from the Light Table 332 Printing a Light Table Arrangement 332 Deleting a Light Table Album
Chapter 18 333 Creating Webpages
334 An Overview of Creating Webpages 336 Creating Web Galleries 339 Creating Web Journals 341 Viewing and Navigating Through Webpages 342 Choosing and Modifying Themes 345 Working with Web Gallery Pages 346 Working with Web Journal Pages 348 Exporting Webpages 351 Working with Web Export Presets
Chapter 19 357 Creating Books
358 An Overview of Creating Books 363 Planning Your Book 365 Creating a Book Album 366 Controls in the Book Layout Editor 369 Choosing a Theme 370 Viewing Pages 372 Placing Images in a Book 374 Adding and Removing Pages 379 Working with Pages 383 Working with Images 388 Working with Text 393 Working with Master Pages 396 Copying a Book Album 397 Printing Books
8 Contents
Chapter 20 399 Backing Up Your Images
400 An Overview of the Backup Workflow 401 Planning Your Backup System 402 Working with the Vaults Panel 404 Creating Vaults 405 Updating Vaults 406 Disconnecting a Vault’s Hard Drive from Your System Temporarily 406 Reconnecting a Vault’s Hard Drive to your System 407 Deleting a Vault Permanently 407 Backing Up Images from a Portable in the Field 409 Restoring Your Aperture System
Part IV Appendixes and Glossary
Appendix A 413 Setting Up an Aperture System
414 Setting Up a Basic System
415 Optional Equipment to Consider
417 Setting Up Your System with Two Displays
419 Configuring Mac OS X for Multiple Displays
Appendix B 423 Calibrating Your Aperture System
423 An Overview of Color Management 427 Calibrating Your Camera 428 Calibrating and Profiling Your Display 430 Calibrating and Profiling Your Printer
Appendix C 431 Credits
Glossary 433
Index 453
Contents 9

Introducing Aperture

Aperture is a powerful and easy-to-use digital image management system that can track thousands of digital images and provides the professional photographer with high-quality image management and adjustment tools.
Designed for the needs of professional photographers, Aperture is an all-in-one post-production tool that provides:
 An advanced RAW workflow: From capture to output, you can work with your images
captured as RAW files, without having to first convert them to another format before viewing, adjusting, organizing, or printing them. Aperture supports RAW formats from leading digital camera manufacturers (including Canon and Nikon).
 Flexible image management: A new, open Library structure lets you store photos
anywhere you want. You can have Aperture either store image files in the Library or simply link to image files in their current locations. You can also have Aperture link to your iPhoto Library without copying the images into the Aperture Library. Aperture can work with photos stored on any number of hard disk drives and other storage media. You can catalog and search for images that are stored on multiple hard disks, including offline volumes, CDs, and DVDs.
 Professional project management: Aperture allows you to manage thousands of
projects and provides flexible organizational tools, comprehensive metadata support, and powerful search tools that let you find files instantly.
 Nondestructive image processing: Designed to protect your images from the moment
they’re imported, Aperture identifies your original images as digital “master files,” and it has built-in safeguards to help ensure that you don’t accidentally overwrite or modify them.
 Versatile printing and publishing: Working directly with your RAW images, you can
create color-accurate prints, custom contact sheets, stunning websites, and unique bound books with tools that are intuitive and powerful.
With Aperture you can efficiently import digital images, perform a photo edit, adjust and retouch images, publish images for the web or print, and back up your entire image library for safekeeping. Aperture lets you work with high-quality JPEG, TIFF, and RAW image files directly from your camera or card reader and maintain that high quality throughout your workflow.

What’s Next?

This manual is only one of several types of documentation you can use as you work with Aperture.
 For instructions for installing Aperture software, see Installing Your Software.
 For an introduction to the basic concepts, procedures, and digital photography
workflow for using Aperture, see Aperture Getting Started.
 For an overview of Aperture, an introduction to the Aperture interface, and
detailed instructions for using the many features and tools in Aperture, continue reading this manual.
 For information about making image corrections and adjustments in Aperture, see
Performing Image Adjustments in the Aperture Help menu.
 For a list of the keyboard shortcuts you can use to perform tasks in Aperture, see
Aperture Quick Reference.
 For an introduction to the fundamentals of digital photography, see
Digital Photography Fundamentals in the Aperture Help menu.
 For information about ordering printed books of your images, see
Ordering Books and Prints in the Aperture Help menu.
 For the most recent technical and release information about Aperture, see
Late-Breaking News in the Aperture Help menu.
 For information about new features in Aperture, see New Features in the Aperture
Help menu.
 For the latest articles about technical issues and solutions, go to the Aperture
Support website, available from the Aperture Help menu.
12 Preface Introducing Aperture

Part I: Interface and Acquisition

This section provides introductory information about the application and its interface. It also explains how to set up your image management system and import images into it.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture
Chapter 2 The Aperture Interface
Chapter 3 Working with Aperture Projects
Chapter 4 Importing Images

1 An Overview of Aperture

Aperture is designed to be the center of your digital photography workflow, from capturing new images to the final delivery of professional-quality photographs.
This chapter provides an overview of how Aperture works and what you can do with it. If you’re new to Aperture, this chapter is for you. If you’re familiar with the Aperture features and interface, feel free to skip this chapter. The chapter doesn’t provide all the detailed information and instructions needed to perform work on your images. Once you’re familiar with Aperture, you’ll find in-depth explanations and instructions in later chapters.
This chapter covers:
 A First Look at Aperture (p. 16)
 Creating Projects and Importing Your Photos (p. 17)
 Photo Editing with Aperture (p. 20)
 Image Processing (p. 31)
 Distribution (p. 32)

A First Look at Aperture

When you first open Aperture, you see the following areas:
To create a project to hold your imported images, click here.
Click here to open the
Import panel.
Your projects appear
Click here to open the Vaults panel. You select a hard disk to use for backing up images here.
Note: Because you can customize the toolbar, adding and deleting the buttons you want, your toolbar may appear different from the one pictured in this manual. For more information about changing the toolbar, see “Customizing the Toolbar” on page 65.
16 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Aperture imports the
images into a project.
Click the project to
see its images in
the Browser.
After you import images into a new project, your screen will look similar to this:
The Viewer shows the selected image.
Select a thumbnail
in the Browser.
Your project’s image thumbnails
About Aperture Sample Projects
The Aperture installation disc includes several sample projects containing high-resolution images. When you first open Aperture, a dialog appears asking if you’d like to install a sample project. Other sample projects are available in the Sample Projects folder on the Aperture installation disc. You can import these projects into Aperture from the Aperture installation disc at any time after installing the application.

Creating Projects and Importing Your Photos

To use Aperture, you first import your photos. You can import digital photos directly from your camera or a card reader and from hard disks or other storage devices where you’ve archived digital files. After a shoot, you can connect your card reader or digital camera to your computer and Aperture automatically detects it. You can then easily import your new images into Aperture.
Creating Projects
As you work with Aperture, you create projects to hold your images. A project is similar to a folder that can hold dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of images. For example, after completing a travel shoot to Antarctica, you might create a new project named Antarctica and import the photos into it.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 17
Your new project appears in a list in the Projects panel.
Examples of items in
the Projects panel
As your portfolio increases and you create more and more projects, you can organize your work into hierarchies of folders, projects, and albums.
You can create as many projects as you need and name them according to any naming scheme you prefer. It’s important to name projects so that they will be easy to identify and access. When you need to further subdivide and organize images in a project, you can create albums.
Over the long term you may be using Aperture to track years of projects, so you’ll want to develop a naming system that is easy to use and understand. For more information about organizing your images in projects and albums, see Chapter 3, “Working with
Aperture Projects,” on page 71.
18 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Select your camera, card
reader, or hard disk here.
Importing Images
When you connect a camera or card reader to your computer, the Import dialog appears. You can select your camera or card reader and see the images you’re about to import. You can select all the images on a memory card or select and import only those you want. You can also select image files on your hard disk for importing.
Specify import options here.
When you click Import All, your images are imported into the selected project or a new project.
You can then specify options for importing your images. For example, you can specify that your images be imported into the Aperture Library in your Pictures folder, or specify another location to store them. If you have images already stored on a hard disk, you can simply allow Aperture to access them without changing their current locations. You can choose how images are named and include other information that is recorded with each image to help identify it. For example, you can specify the event name, date, time, photographer, and location, as well as copyright information.
You can also specify other import options, such as whether you want Aperture to group related images together in stacks. For example, if you have bracketed images or images shot in quick succession, you can have Aperture import and stack these images together to make reviewing and working with them easier.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 19
Importing Files from Your Body of Work
You can easily import your collection of archived digital images into Aperture from any hard disk or storage device connected to your computer. When importing legacy images from your portfolio, you can move them into the main Aperture Library, or simply identify where the images are located, and Aperture adds them to its management system without changing the image locations. This means that with Aperture, you can still work with your images in their current organization and on multiple hard disks without relocating or reorganizing your current files. You can also move or copy images to new locations when needed.
Aperture can also import your iPhoto Library and files stored in a variety of common file types and formats, including:
 RAW files from a variety of supported digital cameras
Note: For a list of supported digital cameras, go to
For more information about importing images, see Chapter 4, “Importing Images,” on page 87.

Photo Editing with Aperture

Aperture allows you to easily view and work with your images onscreen. It provides easy-to-use tools and controls, as well as efficient methods for rating images, searching for images, and comparing and adjusting them.
Viewing and Working with Images in the Browser and Viewer
To work with your images, you select a project in the Projects panel and Aperture displays that project’s images in the Browser. You use the Browser to review, organize, and select images.
20 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Select images here.
A selected image appears
with a white outline.
When you select a thumbnail image in the Browser, the image appears in the Viewer.
The Viewer displays the selected image.
The Browser can show your images as thumbnails arranged in a grid. You can click an individual image to select it, and a white border appears around the image. To quickly move to and select other images, press the arrow keys. You can drag images to rearrange them in the Browser, or drag them into different projects or albums. You can also display your images as a list of files.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 21
You can also view your images in Full Screen mode, where you can work with them in detail.
Toolbar available in Full Screen mode
The displayed image fills
the screen.
Filmstrip available
in Full Screen mode
To see images in Full Screen mode, you press F. Press F again to switch back to the Viewer.
In Full Screen mode, you can change the display of images to show single images, three images, or up to ten images at once. For more information about using Full Screen mode, see Chapter 7, “Viewing Images in Full Screen Mode,” on page 163.
22 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Displaying your images clearly and accurately is a pivotal function of Aperture. With Aperture you can take advantage of the latest display technology and view and work with your images in Full Screen mode and on dual displays.
Using Aperture with two displays is ideal for creating a large workspace. You can easily compare and adjust images, play slideshows, and present the best of your photos at optimal size during client reviews.
Working with Heads-Up Displays
To work efficiently in Aperture, you can use floating panels of controls called heads-up displays (HUDs) to change images. For example, when you view images in Aperture in
Full Screen mode, you can open an Adjustments HUD to adjust your images.
HUDs are available for use in Full Screen mode and can make adjusting images easier.
As you work on your images, you can position HUDs anywhere on the screen and use them to make changes. For example, Aperture provides a Keywords HUD that you can use to quickly assign keywords to your images. To assign a keyword, you simply drag it from the Keywords HUD to the image.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 23
Working with Inspectors
Aperture also provides an Adjustments Inspector for applying adjustments and a Metadata Inspector that allows you to review and assign metadata to your images. You can show or hide the Adjustments and Metadata Inspectors together or individually whenever you want. Showing the Inspectors panel is as easy as double-clicking an image in the Browser or pressing the I key.
Adjustments Inspector
Metadata Inspector
For more information about making adjustments and retouching your images, see Performing Image Adjustments in the Aperture Help menu.
24 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Five stars indicate the
highest rating (Select).
Rating Images with Aperture
You can rate images as you review them in the Viewer or the Browser, or in Full Screen mode. Rating controls appear below the Browser and in the filmstrip in Full Screen mode. By selecting an image and clicking a rating button, you can quickly rate images as rejected, or assign them from one to five stars (with five stars being the highest, or Select, rating). Image ratings appear as easy-to-read overlays on the image.
Stars indicate a positive rating.
An X indicates a negative rating (Reject).
Once images are rated, you can have Aperture display only images of a certain rating, so you can focus on a particular group of images. For more information about rating your images, see Chapter 9, “Rating Images,” on page 187.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 25
Finding and Displaying Images with the Query HUD
You can use the Query HUD to search for and display only certain photos in a project or album. Click the Query HUD button beside the search field in the Browser and the Query HUD appears. In the Query HUD, you can specify criteria for the photos you want to work with.
The Query HUD is set to show images rated five stars.
Click the Query HUD button to open the Query HUD.
You can enter any search criteria you want to display specific images. You can also display images based on rating, date when shot, keywords, or import group. After you specify the search criteria, Aperture displays only those images that match the criteria and hides the rest. For more information about searching for images, see “Searching for
and Displaying Images” on page 247.
26 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Comparing Photos
Aperture allows you to carefully compare images. You select an image and press Return to have Aperture display it for comparison against other images in a selection.
Select an image and
press Return to select it
as the “compare” image.
Select an image for comparison by pressing the arrow keys.
While comparing images, you can rate the selected images or make adjustments to them. For example, you might use the comparison method to make final selections of the best images in a series. Or, you might compare two versions of an image and make adjustments.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 27
The Stack button
indicates the number of
images in the stack.
Stacking Images
Photographers frequently work with large selections of images. To help you work efficiently with a series of shots, such as bracketed shots or shots taken in quick succession, Aperture can automatically stack related shots. You can also select and manually stack related shots yourself and review them for a “pick”, the image that you intend to use.
A stack with five images is shown expanded, or open.
Once photos are in a stack, you can work with them as if they were a single image instead of many individual photos. A stack appears as a series of linked photos in the Browser. The pick of the stack appears on the left with a Stack button. You can drag an image in the stack into the pick position. By clicking the Stack button, you can close the stack so that only the pick image appears. You can then work with the single pick image without the encumbrance of the other stacked photos. You can expand a stack to see all its images whenever you want.
Only the pick image
is shown when the
stack is closed.
Working with stacks can greatly increase the efficiency of reviewing large collections of photos. For more information about working with stacks of images, see Chapter 8, “Stacking Images and Making Picks,” on page 175.
28 Part I Interface and Acquisition
Assigning Keywords to Images
Carefully assigning keywords to images is critical for the photographer who needs a means to easily locate specific images among thousands. Applying keywords is also required if you plan to sell images to image libraries, such as Corbis or Getty Images.
You can use Aperture to assign keywords to images using standard IPTC fields (the standard metadata fields defined by the International Press Telecommunications Council). You can also select images and assign keywords that you define.
You can display images in the Viewer with their version names and any assigned keywords appearing on or below the image.
Keywords and
other metadata
The Keywords HUD lists all the keyword categories and keywords that you define. For example, if you shoot weddings, you might create a wedding category with specific keywords that include Candid, Ceremony, Guests, and so on.
You can apply a keyword directly to a selected image or group of images by dragging it from the Keywords HUD to the selection in the Viewer or Browser.
Chapter 1 An Overview of Aperture 29
You can also show keyword controls in the control bar at the bottom of the Aperture main window by choosing Window > Show Keyword Controls.
Using these simple controls, you can display different categories of keywords and easily apply those keywords with a quick click or keystroke.
Your Aperture keyword scheme can ensure comprehensive accessibility to your images, and even help with the management of your copyrights, sales, and usage rights. For more information about assigning keywords, see Chapter 10, “Applying Keywords to
Images,” on page 199.
Grouping Images with Smart Albums
Photographers often need an easy way of regrouping and presenting images based on the needs of a client or project. For example, a corporate client might call to request images of a general location or subject, such as airports or Asian temples, to be included with future collateral. Aperture allows you to easily make selections from across the entire library of images and group them in Smart Albums, which are albums that can be dynamically generated based on search criteria you specify.
Disclosure triangle
A Library Smart Album
has this icon.
Aperture comes with a selection of predefined Smart Albums set up in the Library for you. For example, there are Smart Albums that gather all your select images, all images taken in the last week, and all images taken in the last month. When you click the Library disclosure triangle, you see the list of Smart Albums created for you. Select a Smart Album to see its contents in the Browser
Although a Smart Album appears similar to the other projects or albums in the Projects panel, the contents of the album are specified by search criteria. You don’t import master files or versions into a Smart Album. You use the Query HUD to specify the image keywords or other criteria that identify the images you want, and image versions automatically appear in the album. By adjusting the search criteria, you change the contents of the Smart Album.
30 Part I Interface and Acquisition
+ 446 hidden pages