Installing Your Software
The following information is intended to get you up and running with Aperture as
quickly as possible and covers the following topics:
About the Aperture Installation Disc (p. 1)
Upgrading Mac OS X (p. 2)
Installing Aperture (p. 2)
Registering Aperture (p. 4)
About Aperture Sample Projects (p. 4)
About Onscreen Help (p. 4)
Contacting AppleCare Support (p. 7)
Make sure to also review the
installation disc. For the latest information about Aperture, go to the Aperture website
at http://www.apple.com/aperture.
Before You Install Aperture
document on the Aperture
About the Aperture Installation Disc
The Aperture 1.5 installation disc contains:
Before You Install Aperture:
to do before you install Aperture and its accompanying content.
Aperture installer:
installation process.
Documentation folder:
this document) and the
other Aperture PDF documentation, including
Aperture Getting Started
Sample Projects folder:
as well as a short document containing information about the sample projects.
This installation disc contains the files required to install Aperture 1.5 on either
PowerPC-based or Intel-based Macintosh computers. The installation process is
identical for both.
Double-click the Aperture installer icon to begin the
This document provides system requirements and things
This folder contains
Aperture User Manual
, and
Aperture Quick Reference
This folder provides sample images to be viewed in Aperture,
Installing Your Software
. Open the
Performing Image Adjustments
Aperture User Manual
(a PDF version of
to view

Upgrading Mac OS X
Before you install Aperture, update your system software to make sure that you have
the latest version of Mac OS X installed.
Mac OS X v10.3 Panther or an earlier version.
To update Mac OS X v10.4 to the latest available version:
Choose Apple menu > Software Update.
A dialog appears showing new or updated software available for your computer.
Follow the onscreen instructions to update Mac OS X to the latest version.
You must purchase Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger or later if you’re upgrading from
Installing Aperture
When you install Aperture, the application is placed in the Applications folder on the
hard disk you specify, typically your startup disk.
By default, the Aperture installer installs the Aperture application on your hard disk,
along with documentation and one sample project to help you get started using the
various tools in Aperture for managing, processing, and publishing your photos.
Before you can install Aperture, you must log in to your computer with an administrator
account, using the administrator password. See Mac Help for more information.
installation of Aperture may not be allowed. Refer to the
document on the installation disc for a list of minimum system requirements.
If your system does not meet the minimum system requirements,
Before You Install Aperture
To install Aperture and enter the serial number:
Insert the Aperture installation disc into the computer’s DVD drive.
Double-click the Aperture installer icon, then follow the onscreen instructions.
Read the Welcome text in the Introduction, then click Continue.
Read the Software License Agreement. You can print or save the agreement by clicking
the Print or Save button. When you’ve finished reading, click Continue, then (if you
agree) click Agree.
Select the startup disk, then click Continue.
Your startup disk must have the latest version of Mac OS X v10.4 installed.

In the User Information pane, enter your first and last name. Entering an organization
is optional.
Enter your name
Enter your organization
Enter your serial number
including dashes
In the Serial Number field, enter the Aperture serial number printed on the Software
Serial Number label attached to the front of this document, then click Continue.
Following are some tips for entering your serial number correctly:
Make sure you are copying the original serial number that is on the front of
this document.
Make sure you enter the software serial number, not the Support ID number.
Make sure you enter a zero and not an O, a 1 and not a lowercase L, where appropriate.
Include dashes in the serial number.
Don’t enter spaces before or after the serial number.
Verify that you have typed the serial number correctly.
Click Install to perform a basic Aperture installation. To customize your Aperture
installation, click Customize, specify custom installation options, then click Install.
A dialog appears requiring you to authenticate yourself by typing your name and
password. Click OK when finished.
After three incorrect serial number entries, the Aperture installer quits. To begin
the installation process again, return to step 2.
The installer displays a progress bar to indicate the status of the installation.
When the software installation is complete, click Close.
Once you have installed the software, you are ready to begin using Aperture.