MultiMix 6 Cue
6-Channel headphone amplifier and mixer
GET YOUR MIX. The MultiMix 6 Cue headphone amplifier is a universal,
multi-purpose mixer and amplifier for rehearsal, studio, and stage headphone,
in- ea r m o ni tor, an d p e rs on al mo ni tor m ix in g. It f e at u re s s ix i nd ep en de nt hi gh -
power stereo amplifiers in one compact rack unit, and delivers maximum
audio quality, even at very high and very low volume levels.
The MultiMix 6 Cue enables you to create up to six different mixes for up to
18 sets of headphones or monitors for clear, powerful, precise listening. The
MultiMix 6 Cue contains six individual power amplifiers, which drive each
channel’s connected headphones.
Professional headphone amplifier system for stage and studio applications >
6-channel stereo headphone amplifier >
Six independent high-power amps in compact, 1RU size >
Six independent input/mix sections – your own mix! >
Maximum audio quality even at low levels >
Three headphone outputs per channel >
Can be daisy chained for expansion >
All info rmatio n is preli minar y and su bject to ch ange.
MultiMix 6 Cue
P: [401] 658.5760 // F: [401] 658.3640