Alesis Ion Chart

Red Bank Green Bank Blue Bank User Bank
0 TomSawyerBass 0 Super Mini 0 Purr Bass 0 Spit Bass 1 Mini Twin Bass 1 Machinery Bass 1 Junkie Bass 1 Hacker Bass 2 TB Or Not TB 2 StudioBass 2 Big Bass Pedal 2 DemolitionBass 3 JacoInTheBox 3 J00p1t3r 3 NoizeBass 3 Parabola Bass 4 Vlad Bass 4 Growl BASS 4 Down And Dirty 4 Anti-Static 5 Black & Knobby 5 Syncombass 5 P-Bass D-Luxe 5 Hood Bass 6 What's down? 6 Low I.Q. 6 Rave Bass 6 Bottlecap 7 Expressive 7 GrapSquishyBaz 7 Thumper 7 Old Favorite 8 TaurusBassPdls 8 SubBass 8 AcidAnOilBass 8 Cellar Bass 9 RubbrBulletBs 9 Knock-Knock 9 PantherModerns 9 Closet Bass 10 StixMiniMogue 10 Mini Classic 10 Odyssee Lead 10 Wakeman Mogue 11 Sizzler 11 Executioner 11 Ghostly Lead 11 Triad MW2 Faze 12 Warperheim 12 SunsetMiniLead 12 Infamous Lead 12 Adrastea 13 Trantor Lead 13 Seven Days 13 Flatulent Duck 13 Whistler’s Mom 14 Cars Sync 14 Bambam Lead 14 Lunar Orbit 14 SpankTone Lead 15 Mahavishnoid 15 LazyAnalogLead 15 Wakemini 15 Mecha-Canary 16 Lucky PortaMW2 16 Frogstar IV 16 U CrazyDiamond 16 Fuzzy Buzzy 17 Mini 5th 17 Tarkus Carcass 17 AquamarineLead 17 Wichita Falls 18 CoolMellowLead 18 PortaLead 18 SandpaperLead 18 Zippy the 5th 19 Wowza 19 Suboscillators 19 ScreaminWarpLd 19 LeadOfSixSines 20 Dream Pad 20 Oberpad 20 Soupy Jupiter 20 Dirty Dreamer 21 Soundtracker 21 Movie Pad 21 PhasePAD 21 Concert Pad 22 SoftCake 22 Materialize 22 SoftSweetPad 22 8-PoleWarmPad 23 Take My Pulse 23 Vanilla Pad 23 Landing Pad 23 Twenty Acres 24 Whisper 24 Blue Doll 24 4-PoleSoftPad 24 Lost Children 25 Intruder 25 Morten’J 25 Jurassic 25 Cauldron Pad 26 Shader 26 2-PoleDarkPad 26 Mod,Vangelian 26 Ionic Voyage 27 Melancholy Pad 27 Massive Pad 27 Dagon Visitors 27 Ecology 28 SoftBalls 28 SoftPad 28 Joan d’Arc Pad 28 Scarlet Lights 29 Hollow Pad 29 Kiramamoru 29 Home Forgotten 29 Royal Pad 30 Silkworm 30 Aeon choir 30 Infrastructure 30 Journey West 31 16-PoleDeepPad 31 What’s that? 31 My Friends 31 VoxySynth 32 Pretty Panner 32 Liquid Sweep 32 Pneumatic Pad 32 Ionian Sweep 33 Choirbox 33 Ionizer 33 Elektronique 33 Shady Business 34 Ensemble 34 eMotion Pad 34 Moonbase Pad 34 PhobosianSweep 35 Rounder 35 GhostyVoice 35 DynaAahOohVox 35 AnotherLongDay 36 Steam Valve 36 Metal Moths 36 Not From Here 36 Sandy Sweep 37 SynChoir 37 AutoPlayer 37 Triumphant Pad 37 Vox Layer 38 Vindicarum 38 SolarWire 38 StonehengeDawn 38 Undercity 39 String Dream 39 Maresh 39 Undergrowth 39 Spectral Warp 40 Moody Sweep 40 StarGate 40 Regurgipad 40 JustForJustin 41 Clusters 41 Deep Space 41 Remember Me 41 Moartal 42 Spectral Sweep 42 Waterpiano 42 Voices 42 WahWehWuhWoo 43 Sweet OB Sweep 43 Scary Bouncer 43 MiddleBandVoko 43 TranceTube 44 Rusty Strings 44 Repeater 44 I Understand 44 Matrox 45 Nitrogenius 45 Some Trouble 45 I Comprehend 45 New Horizons 46 Venusian Sweep 46 Tempopansweep 46 Vocoded Ents 46 Vocojam 47 AstrologySweep 47 GritterPad 47 Uvula 47 Welcome Back 48 AquarianString 48 Ripley 48 Golem Emerges 48 Silver Lining 49 FilterSweep101 49 eLen8r 49 Exhalation 49 Bad Acid 50 Sweet Dreams 50 J Strings 50 CrispBrassPad 50 Fr.Horn Chorus 51 DarkOberstrngs 51 Profit Strings 51 SteelAndBrass 51 PolyWannaBrass 52 VelocityStrngs 52 Violacoder 52 OB Puff Brass 52 Caterpiller 53 JP Strings 53 High. Very high 53 Prog Brass 53 ff AnalogHorns 54 Dutch Choir 54 Buzzy Strings 54 T-Bone Steak 54 Zoik Brass 55 Eight Strings 55 Brassic Class 55 UnpolishdBrass 55 SynHornz 56 AheadOfItsTime 56 Nice Brass Pad 56 WowThat’sBrass 56 Regal Horns 57 Solina Strings 57 Twumpet 57 JBrass 57 Fat Brassy 5th 58 Fast1stViolin 58 (Greco)Fr.Horn 58 ABitOffTheTop 58 Kugel Flugel 59 Ion Flute 59 Fast n Brassy 59 FilmNoirTrumpt 59 Bass Trombone 60 JP Journey 60 PulseDecay 60 Jump 60 Froggy 61 Resonant Comp 61 Owbercomper 61 Unmistakable 61 Howlercomp MW2 62 OB Sensible 62 RubberSynth 62 Kitchen Sync 62 Princely One
63 Dude! 63 VelocityCtrl 63 Looker 63 Rotwang 64 FM Wheel 2 64 Laser Surgery 64 WhiskerComper 64 Rustscraper 65 Nervoso Strngs 65 Animator 65 ElpTime 65 Get Funky! 66 Beefy Sync 66 Spank Tone 66 SineDrops 66 Latenight Comp 67 Wet Comper 67 TouchPhaseComp 67 Mustard Planet 67 Pluck You 68 Punchy Harp 68 BreathyTone 68 Operator 68 Formant WEH 69 Synclav 69 The 80s 69 Baba O’Riley 69 Tweakdriver 70 Tiny Bell 70 Marimbaphone 70 Norelco 70 Crystallizer 71 Bone Kalimba 71 Glass + Steel 71 Classic Decay 71 Stargazing 72 SwirlyToyPiano 72 PawnShopAnteek 72 PolyWannaComp 72 Boing Bongs 73 DynaEthno Bell 73 Bellsichord 73 WontGetFooled 73 Rosemary’sBaby 74 ItsJamaicaMon! 74 Toy Steel Drum 74 Surface 74 IntoTheValley 75 Plucky K 75 Self-Oscillate 75 Hollow Machine 75 Out of Style 76 Carillon 76 Romulan Bells 76 Massiva 76 Ice Tongs 77 Warped Steeple 77 InHarmonics 77 Unapologetic 77 Troll Scat 78 Ringmod Bell 78 RingmodMyBell 78 Safe Landing 78 TheDancer 79 ReverseBellFX 79 Mind Bell 79 Laryngitis 79 RoomfulOfZoik 80 Vintage Piano 80 6WivesOfRickW. 80 ArEmEye Piano 80 Sheriff Piano 81 SynWurly 81 E.P.? O.K.! 81 Rendezvous6:02 81 Stereo EP MW2 82 RockOrgan 82 Dusty Organ 82 Plastic Keys 82 PhantmOfThelon 83 Heavy On The 5 83 Zorgan 83 60’s Organ 83 TurboPhiliOrgn 84 Stops On MW2 84 RockWheelOrgan 84 Organ P 84 Glass Keys 85 Funky 70s Clav 85 LektrikEelClav 85 Key Clavi 85 MiamiVyce 86 GroovyAuto-Wah 86 Clavitude 86 Clavy 86 OttowaRezoClav 87 Bach Overdrive 87 Stockbaroquer 87 ElecHarpsi8’4’ 87 Harpsiwarp 88 StreetsOfParis 88 Circus 88 Oktoberfest! 88 Glasspipe 89 Strawberry 89 E-SitarLayer 89 CompJazzGuitar 89 Sitary 90 Helicopter 90 Space Jalopy 90 Bombs Away 90 Panning ZAPS 91 Windy City 91 Wind 91 Howling Dogs 91 Wheely Windy 92 Seafoam 92 Thunderstorm 92 Ocean->ModWhls 92 Close one! 93 This just in.. 93 Fly-By 93 Shortwave 93 Last Breath 94 Mad science 94 StartTheMach in 94 The Lab 94 Frankenstein 95 UFO Blastoff 95 Lava Stream 95 Landing 95 Da Ring 96 Dead Pack,Man 96 Herge 96 Asteroids D-Lux 96 Airlock Door 97 Modularized 97 Hatching 97 X-Mod 97 From Venus 98 Insane Dentist 98 Swamp Gas 98 Bromide 98 Brainpounder 99 Gizmo 99 Dog vs. Cat 99 The FM Police 99 Whazzat? 100 Bio Rhythm 100 Gene Splicer 100 TechnoToyTump 100 Robot Shuffle 101 Threefinity 101 Symphonic Fall 101 SymphonicClimb 101 Bioinformatics 102 Deutsche Bahn 102 Orbital Frame 102 Joggin’ 102 CyberWasher 103 Metallic Body 103 Alien Womb 103 SilverSweep 103 TellMeAStory 104 Electrorail 104 Seek Seque 104 HappyCarribean 104 U-Bahn Jam 105 Funky Slide 105 Amsterdam DJ 105 Sambalby? 105 Lectro Bass 106 Splak 106 Tabulate 106 Flatron 106 Machete Beat 107 SpringCleaning 107 1and2and1and2 107 |! |! |! |!... 107 S-Bahn Jelly 108 Rhythmo 108 Electric Jello 108 Plucky Duck 108 Harptronic 109 RememberMyJuno 109 Plucky Arp 109 Pulsar 109 Boss Battle 110 Club Kick 110 BD Mipmap 110 BD Hello Buck! 110 Future Kick 111 Cotton Snare 111 Simmonsy Snare 111 Bright Snare 111 Clap Happy 112 Tunnel Pong 112 Simmonsy Toms 112 Noiz Chew 112 Krafty Zap 113 Pacific Rim 113 Blipper 113 Sizzlin’ Snare 113 HiHead 114 ClosedE-HiHats 114 Open E-HiHats 114 Snappy Snare 114 Blaster Fight 115 Stringed Pots 115 Pit-Pat 115 Cowboy Jungle 115 Tin Tapper 116 BD Distresser 116 BD Math 116 Filter Kick 116 Hi-Tech Kick 117 Picky, Picky 117 Plucked Can 117 Burst Snare 117 Dumpster Snare 118 Pitched E-Kick 118 BD Cool 118 Osc Kick 118 *ExtIn-Filter 119 Thin Snare 119 Clean Rhythms 119 China Cymbal 119 *ExtIn-ArpGat 120 Real Hat 120 909 Kick 120 Wheel Snare 120 *ExtIn-Dly+FM 121 Cowbell 121 909 Snare 121 Hardcore Beat 121 *ExtIn-Flt+Pn 122 Zap Snare 122 Ping Ride 122 CR Kick 122 *DeepVocoder 123 Electrobeat 123 KHO Beats 123 CR Snare 123 *Sing’Coder 124 FM Ride Cymbal 124 Clave 124 CR Hat Closed 124 *Goblin Talk 125 Woodblock 125 FM Hat 125 CR Hat 125 *101 Vocoder 126 FM Gong 126 Metallic Snare 126 808 Kick 126 *Hobbitronix 127 Jungle Beats 127 Harsh Reality 127 Metal Machine 127 Default