User Guide
Guide de l'utilisateur
What can you do with
Store up to 5 gigabytes of files in your online organizer, accessible from anywhere with a web browser.
Share large files with others, without sending the files by e-mail. You can limit access to just people you invite, or make your documents accessible to everyone by embedding a link on a web page or blog.
Convert 5 documents to PDF. Create documents with Adobe Buzzword, an online word processor Hold web meetings with Adobe ConnectNow web conferencing software
Manage your files
The organizer is your home base in It shows files that you've uploaded to the web, and files that other users have uploaded and shared with you. From the organizer, you can browse file contents, share a file, or convert a file to Adobe PDF. You can also access other services, such as Adobe To upload new files to the organizer, click Upload at the top of the organizer window. Select one or
more files from your computer to upload. See What file types can I upload and share? for supported file types.
You can view your files in List view or Thumbnail view. Click a View icon in the toolbar to switch views. In either view, use the Sort icons in the toolbar to change how your files are grouped in the organizer: alphabetically, by author, by date added or modified, by file type, by size (in megabytes), or by share status. Move the pointer over a Sort icon to identify it:
Buzzword and Adobe ConnectNow.
Whatever sort method you choose, you can filter the files that appear to quickly access a particular set of files and temporarily hide the rest. To add a filter, click a heading in your current sort view. For example, when sorting by file size, click a size heading, such as Less Than 1 MB, to view just those files in the organizer.
After applying a filter, you can sort the remaining files by any other sorting method. You can also apply additional filters to narrow down the files you are currently displaying. For example, after displaying just files of less than 1 MB, you can sort the remaining files by file type. Then click a file type heading, such as Text File, to see just text files. The filters you've applied—in this case, File Size and File Type—display as tiles above the currently displayed files. Click the arrow next to a filter tile to see a menu of other choices for that particular filter. For example, if you're filtering file types to
show just text files, you can change the filter to show just Microsoft Word documents.
Click the X on a filter tile to remove the filter. You can remove filters in any order. Whatever filters you have left are then in effect. For example, you filter files less than 1 MB and text files, and remove the File Size filter. In this case, all text files display, not just text files of less than 1 MB. Remove all filters to return to viewing all files.
To browse file contents, click the filename to open the previewer. In the previewer, you can page through documents such as Microsoft Office files, OpenOffice files, PDF files, and images. For other file commands, click a document icon to reveal a menu button context menu:
, then click it to open the file
At the lower right of the organizer window, the status/progress indicator shows how much storage space you have left on It also shows whether you are connected to the Internet and tracks progress when you're uploading, sharing, or converting a file to PDF.
Clicking the icons in the upper right of the organizer takes you to the other services: Adobe Buzzword, an online word processor, and Adobe ConnectNow, a web conferencing program.
Click New to open a new, blank Buzzword document. Click Buzzword Docs in the toolbar to open the Buzzword organizer. Click Meet to go to a ConnectNow meeting room.
Create Adobe PDFs
You can use to create PDFs from any of the following types of files: Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Excel (.xls), text (.txt), Adobe PostScript
(bitmap, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG), Corel WordPerfect (.wpd), and OpenOffice and StarOffice presentation, spreadsheet, graphic, and document files (.odt, .odp, .ods, .odg, .odf, .sxw, .sxi, .sxc,
(.ps), image
.sxd, .stw). You can create up to five free PDF files.
To convert a file to Adobe PDF:
Click Create PDF at the top of the organizer window. Click a file in the organizer, then click the menu button to open the context menu. Choose
Convert To PDF.
You can browse for a file on your computer, or drag a file that's already in your organizer into the Create PDF pane. While the PDF is being created, you can select or preview other files in the organizer. When the conversion is done, you can share the PDF file or preview it.
You can create Buzzword documents and save them as PDF files. See What can you do with
Buzzword? for more information.
Collaborate Live on PDF files
Use Collaborate Live to review a PDF with one or more remote users in an online session. In a Collaborate Live session, the participants view a document with a live chat window. When sharing pages, the document page and magnification is shared with all participants, so that everyone sees the same part of a document. Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9 is required to participate in a Collaborate Live session.
Initiate a Collaborate Live session
1. Upload the PDF to, or create a PDF on
2. Click the PDF in the organizer, then click the menu button to open the context menu.
3. Choose Live Enable. creates a copy of your PDF and adds "_collab" to the existing filename. For example, if your original PDF is titled project.PDF, the collaboration version is titled project_collab.PDF.
4. Share the collaboration copy of the PDF with other users.
5. Download the PDF from your organizer to your computer and open it using Acrobat 9 or Reader
The Collaborate Live navigation pane opens in the document. Once at least one participant joins the session, you can share pages and chat online.
Participate in a Collaborate Live session
1. In the e-mail invitation you receive from, click the URL or type the URL in the address box of a browser. If prompted, log in with your Adobe ID and password. The PDF opens with the Collaborate Live navigation pane open.
2. If prompted, sign in as a guest or with your Adobe ID and password.
3. While participating in a Collaborate Live session, do any of the following as needed:
To communicate with others in real time, type chat messages in the box at the bottom of the pane. Click the color box to choose a different color for your chat text.
To share your pages so that the same page view appears for all participants, click the Start Page Sharing button. During page sharing, the button changes to Stop Page Sharing, and you can stop sharing at any time.
To share your screen in an Adobe ConnectNow meeting, from the options menu , choose Share My Screen.
To save the chat history, from the options menu , choose Save Chat.
Disable live collaboration
(If using Acrobat 9) From the Options menu, choose Disable Chat & Page Sharing In My Copy, or
(initiator only) Disable Chat & Page Sharing In All Copies. If you disable live collaboration in all copies, then users cannot log in to a live collaboration session with any copy of the document.
(If using Reader 9) In your organizer, click the PDF collaboration file, then choose Live Disable from the context menu.
Only the owner of the PDF file can disable collaboration. The PDF remains in your organizer after live collaboration is disabled. However, you can no longer chat or synchronize page views in the PDF.
Share files lets you share large files with others without sending the files by e-mail. You can share a file that you've already uploaded to the organizer, or share a file from your computer.
To share a file and notify others:
Click Share at the top of the organizer window. In the Share panel, browse for a file on your computer, or drag a file from the organizer into the drop area.
Click a file icon in the organizer to select the file. Click the menu button to open the context menu, then choose Share.
Select a file in the organizer, then click the Share button in the Collaborator bar.
In the Share panel, enter the e-mail addresses of the people you want to share the file with, and how you want to notify them:
1. Click Share With to see a list of people you've previously shared files with, or who have shared files with you. You can also enter one or more addresses in the field next to Share With. Any new address you enter is stored for future use.
2. Check Notify recipients of Shared files to send an e-mail message to your recipients. The e-mail contains a thumbnail image of the file and a URL link that the recipient clicks to access the file. If you want to share a file without sending an e-mail, leave this box unchecked. The next time the user logs in to, the shared file automatically appears in their organizer.
3. Click the Share button.
For a selected file in the organizer, the Collaborator bar at the bottom of the window shows whom you've shared the file with. If you created of uploaded the file, you are listed as the author, and anyone you shared it with is listed as a reader. If you share a file with someone, you appear in their organizer Collaborator bar as the file author, and they appear as a reader.
If you're the author of a file, you can stop sharing it at any time. Move the pointer over the icon of the person sharing the file in the Collaborator bar. Then click the menu button Remove from the context menu. If you delete a file you've shared, it is removed from the organizers of anyone you're sharing it with. If you update a file you've shared, the updated file appears in the organizers of anyone you are sharing the file with.
If you're a reader of a file, you can remove the file from your organizer by choosing Delete from the context menu. To copy the shared file to your hard drive, choose Download from the context menu.
and choose
Access levels for shared files
The Collaborator bar also shows the access level for files that you uploaded or created. There are two levels of access: Open and Restricted.
Open access is the default access level for files you upload to A file with open
access is available to anyone who has the URL to the file. Open access files can also be shared by embedding them into external web pages, blogs, or wiki pages.
Restricted access files are only available to users with whom you've shared the file. These users have to sign in to with their e-mail addresses before they can access restricted files.
To change the access setting for a file, select the file in the organizer. In the Collaborator bar, move the pointer over the access tile and click the menu button. Changing the access setting does not affect sharing for users with whom you've already shared a file.
Sharing files in web pages
Documents stored in the organizer can be distributed by embedding a Flash web page, blog, or wiki page. The viewers of the web page see an embedded previewer window in the page that displays the contents of the file you're sharing. They can enlarge the preview window to full screen, view the file at different zoom levels, and page through multi-page files. They can also download the shared file directly from the web page. See How do I share a file in a web page?
preview of the file in a
Embedding a shared file in a web page.
Create documents
Adobe Buzzword, part of, is an online word processor that lets you create, store, and share online documents. Buzzword documents are stored securely on the web and are available to you from any computer with a web browser and an Internet connection. See What can you do with
Buzzword? for more information.
Click the Buzzword icon in the upper-right corner of the organizer to switch to the Buzzword Document organizer. In the Buzzword Document organizer, you can create and edit
Buzzword documents. Click the New icon the organizer from Buzzword, click the Files icon
to open a new, blank Buzzword document. To return to
in the Buzzword
Hold web conferences includes the Adobe ConnectNow web conferencing service. You can use ConnectNow to conduct free web conferences with up to two other users. Users can share their computer screens, switch between screens, and switch control between attendees. See What can you do with
ConnectNow? for more information.
Click the Meet icon launched in a separate browser window.
at upper right in the organizer to start a web conference. Your meeting is
Using from your desktop is also available as an AIR application, a Flash-based version of the program which runs on your desktop instead of in a web browser. AIR is identical to browser-based, with the added advantage of drag and drop support between your computer's file system and the AIR application.
To install the AIR application:
1. Choose Get for My Desktop from the More menu. You're directed to the AIR installation web page.
2. Click Install Now.
3. When prompted to open or save the application setup file, click Open, then follow installation instructions.
Drag and drop support
The AIR application can operate in full-screen or widget mode. In full-screen mode, you can upload, share, convert, or download files by dragging them to or from the AIR application window.
To upload a file, drag it into the AIR organizer window and drop it on the Upload button in the toolbar.
To share a file, drag it into the file list area or onto the Share button. To convert a file to PDF, drag it onto the Create PDF button. To download a file from the web to your computer, drag it from the organizer to your desktop (or
another folder).
Click Minimize The widget icons give you quick access to all functionality.
AIR widget
at the upper-right part of the AIR application window to change to widget mode. AIR application running in widget mode
Drag one or more selected files onto a widget icon (Upload, Share, or Convert to PDF) to open the organizer in full-screen mode with the corresponding pane open and populated with the selected files. Click the Buzzword or ConnectNow icons in the widget to start those services in new
browser windows.
Updating the AIR application
The AIR application prompts you at startup when updates are available and how to obtain them. Some updates are mandatory to ensure proper application performance.
(Windows) Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs. Select and click Remove.
(Mac OS) Drag the application folder to the Trash. tips
What file types can I upload and share? Is there a limit to how many files I can store on How do I know how much storage I have left? How long can I store a file on How do I change my login name or password? How do I search the documentation? How do I print the documentation? Can I use when I'm offline?
What file types can I upload and share?
You can upload and share any of the following file types on
Microsoft Office 2003 and 2007 formats, Rich Text Format (RTF), OpenOffice formats, text, and PDF.
HTML Adobe supported image formats: GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG
Adobe Creative Suite® file formats SWF and Captivate® formats
ZIP Source files (.c/.h/.as/.cpp/.java)
You cannot upload and share the following file types:
Media: Mp3, AAC, MOV, WMV, OGG, FLV, XVID, DIVX. Fonts: TTF, DFONT, OTF Archive: TGZ, 7Z, SIT Executable files or script code: EXE, DLL, JAR, RAR, WAR, CAB, JS, VB Additional unsupported file types: BAT, CHM, CMD, COM, CPL, CRT, HLP, HTA, INF, INS, ISP,
Is there a limit to how many files I can store on
There is no limit on the number of files, but you are limited to 5 GB of total storage.
You should have ownership rights for any files stored and shared on See the Services Agreement (choose More > Services Agreement) for details.
How do I know how much storage I have left?
Move the pointer over the Status indicator at the lower right of the window.
How long can I store a file on
There is no time limit or expiration date for stored files.
Extended inactivity in your account may result in account cancellation. See the
Services Agreement (choose More > Services Agreement) for details.
How do I change my login name or password?
At the top of the organizer window, choose More > Settings & Preferences to open the login settings dialog box.
How do I search the documentation?
To find specific information in this web page, use the search function in your browser. In many browsers, you can click Ctrl+F to search.
How do I print the documentation?
To print the information in this web page, click Print Page in the upper-right corner of the window. You can select a printer or, if you have Adobe Acrobat installed, print to PDF.
Can I use when I'm offline?
Not at this time. However, future functionality may be added to the AIR version of to support offline processes. See Using from your desktop for instructions on installing and using the AIR version of
Using the organizer
How do I preview a file? What types of files can I preview? How do I exit preview and get back to the organizer? How do I remove a file from the organizer? Can I copy a file that someone has shared with me to my computer? I see my Buzzword files, but where are my files?
How do I preview a file?
Click the filename, or choose Open from the file context menu.
What types of files can I preview?
You can preview Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Excel (.xls), text (.txt), Corel WordPerfect (.wpd), and OpenOffice and StarOffice presentation, spreadsheet, graphic, and document files (.odt, .odp, .ods, .odg, .odf, .sxw, .sxi, .sxc, .sxd, .stw).
How do I exit preview and get back to the organizer?
Click the My Files icon at the upper right of the preview window.
How do I remove a file from the organizer?
Click the file icon, then open the context menu for the file. Choose Delete.
If you delete a file you've shared with someone, the file is also removed from their organizer.
If you delete a file someone has shared with you, it is removed from your organizer only. It is not deleted from the author's organizer or the organizers of anyone else sharing the file.
Can I copy a file that someone has shared with me to my computer?
In the organizer, click the icon of the shared file to select it. Click the menu button context menu, then choose Download.
I see my Buzzword files, but where are my files?
You may be in the Buzzword organizer. Your files are stored in the organizer. The organizer may include files you uploaded from your computer, files that were shared with you, or PDFs you created. From you can switch to Buzzword, which has its own Document Organizer. The Buzzword Document Organizer contains only Buzzword documents (your own and documents shared with you by other collaborators).
In the Buzzword Document Organizer, click the Files icon in the upper-right corner of the toolbar to switch to the organizer.
In the upper-right corner of the organizer, click the Buzzword Docs icon to open the Buzzword Document Organizer.
to open the file
File sharing
How can I tell who is sharing a file? How do I stop sharing a file with someone? How do I share a file in a web page? Can I change the size or orientation of the web page previewer window? My e-mail has changed. Can I still get to my shared files? I updated a file that I'm sharing. Will other people see the new file? What share statuses can I assign to a file?
How can I tell who is sharing a file?
Click the file in the organizer. The Collaboration bar at the bottom of the organizer window shows the author of the file and the readers (people sharing the file).
How do I stop sharing a file with someone?
Click the file icon in the organizer to select the file. In the Collaborator bar, move the pointer over the icon of the person sharing the file. Click the menu button and choose Remove from the context menu. You can only stop sharing a file if you are its author.
If you remove a file, it is automatically removed from the organizer of any other user you have shared the file with. However, if the user has already downloaded the file, the downloaded version is still accessible.
How do I share a file in a web page?
To embed a Flash preview of your shared file on a web page, select the file icon in the organizer. Open the file context menu and choose Copy Embed Code. The necessary HTML code to embed the preview is copied onto the clipboard. Open the HTML file and paste the code into the file. Viewers can
browse a multipage document in the previewer, change zoom level, or maximize the previewer to full
screen. The Flash previewer can display any document type that can be converted to PDF: Microsoft Word
(.doc), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Excel (.xls), text (.txt), Corel WordPerfect (.wpd), and OpenOffice and StarOffice presentation, spreadsheet, graphic, and document files (.odt, .odp, .ods, .odg, .odf, .sxw, .sxi, .sxc, .sxd, .stw).
A file must be set to open access to be previewable.
Can I change the size or orientation of the web page preview window?
The default size of the embedded web page preview window is designed for documents with an 8.5 x 11 aspect ratio. You can change the preview window to accommodate smaller or larger embedded documents. To resize the preview window, edit the width and height parameters in the embed code that you paste into a web page. The width and height parameters appear twice in the embed code:
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,115,0"
width="365" height="500"> <param name="movie"
value="" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"/> <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/> <param name="flashvars" value="ext=jpg&docId=99f3eeac-217a-11dd-a5cc-6592cbe3615d"/> <embed src="" quality="high" pluginspage=" P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="365"
height="500" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" flashvars="ext=jpg&docId=99f3eeac-
217a-11dd-a5cc-6592cbe3615d"> </embed> </object>
To change the orientation of the preview window from portrait to landscape, reverse the width and height settings (width="500", height="365"). To maintain the aspect ratio of the default window, use a width and height proportional to the default settings (365, 500). For example, to increase previewer window size by 50%, increase both the height and width settings by 50% (width="547", height="750").
Web previewer window in portrait (rear) and landscape (front) orientation
My e-mail has changed. Can I still get to my shared files?
To access a shared file for the first time, use the e-mail address that the file was originally shared with. You can then update your e-mail address in your account preferences (choose More > Settings & Preferences). After updating and verifying your new e-mail address, you have access to all your shared files, even files shared with your previous address.
I updated a file that I'm sharing. Will other people see the new file?
Yes. If you upload a newer version of a file, others sharing the file see the new version the next time they preview the file. The newer version of the file must have the same filename as the original file.
What share statuses can I assign to a file?
A file can be Open access or Restricted access. Open access is the default access level for files you upload to A file with open access is accessible to anyone who has the file URL. Open access files can also be embedded into external web pages, blogs, or wiki pages. Restricted access files are only accessible to users you have shared the file with. These users have to sign in to with their e-mail addresses before they can access restricted files.
PDF creation
What file formats can I convert to PDF? I created a PDF from a file on my computer, but I don't see it in the organizer.
What file formats can I convert to PDF?
Microsoft Word (.doc), Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt), Microsoft Excel (.xls), text (.txt), Corel WordPerfect (.wpd), and OpenOffice and StarOffice presentation, spreadsheet, graphic, and document files (.odt, .odp, .ods, .odg, .odf, .sxw, .sxi, .sxc, .sxd, .stw).
I created a PDF from a file on my computer, but I don't see it in the organizer.
You may need to change your current sort. For example, if you sort by file type, and filter your sort for .doc files, the PDF you created is not visible in the organizer. Your current filters appear as tiles above the file list. Click the X on a filter to remove it. Remove all filters to view all the files in the organizer.
Additional Resources
Visit the Support Center at You can also visit the Support Forum at to share information with other users. Read the blog at
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Adobe Systems Incorporated, 345 Park Avenue, San Jose, California 95110, USA.
A quoi sert ? est un ensemble de services en ligne permettant de créer et de partager des documents, communiquer en temps réel et faciliter la collaboration avec d'autres utilisateurs de tout site. permet d'effectuer les opérations suivantes :
enregistrer jusqu'à 5 gigaoctets de fichiers dans votre organiseur en ligne, accessible depuis tout poste avec un navigateur Web ;
partager des fichiers volumineux avec d'autres utilisateurs sans les envoyer par message électronique. Vous pouvez limiter l'accès uniquement aux personnes que vous invitez ou mettre vos documents à disposition de tous les utilisateurs en incorporant un lien sur une page Web ou un blog ;
convertir 5 documents au format PDF ; créer des documents à l'aide du traitement de texte en ligne Adobe Buzzword ; tenir des conférences en ligne à l'aide du logiciel Adobe ConnectNow de conférences Web.
Gestion de fichiers
L'organiseur constitue votre référence dans Il affiche les fichiers que vous avez téléchargés sur Internet et ceux que d'autres utilisateurs ont téléchargés et partagés avec vous. Depuis l'organiseur, vous pouvez rechercher le contenu d'un fichier, partager un fichier ou en convertir un au format Adobe PDF. Vous pouvez également accéder à d'autres services tels qu'Adobe Pour télécharger de nouveaux fichiers dans l'organiseur, cliquez sur Télécharger dans la partie
supérieure de la fenêtre de l'organiseur. Sélectionnez un ou plusieurs fichiers à télécharger depuis votre ordinateur. Consultez la rubrique Quels types de fichier puis-je télécharger et partager ? pour les types de fichier partagés.
Vous pouvez afficher vos fichiers sous forme de liste ou de vignettes. Cliquez sur une icône d'affichage dans la barre d'outils pour passer d'une vue à une autre. Dans chaque affichage, vous pouvez utiliser les icônes de tri de la barre d'outils pour modifier le classement de vos fichiers dans l'organiseur : par ordre alphabétique, par auteur, par date d'ajout ou de modification, par type de fichier, par taille (en mégaoctets) ou par état de partage. Placez le pointeur au-dessus d'une icône de tri pour l'identifier.
Buzzword et Adobe ConnectNow.
Quelle que soit la méthode de tri choisie, vous pouvez filtrer les fichiers qui apparaissent de manière à accéder rapidement à certains d'entre eux et à masquer temporairement les autres. Pour ajouter un filtre, cliquez sur un en-tête dans votre affichage de tri en cours. Par exemple, lors d'un tri par taille de fichier, cliquez sur un en-tête de taille tel que Moins de 1 Mo afin d'afficher uniquement les fichiers de cette taille dans l'organiseur.
Après avoir appliqué un filtre, vous pouvez trier les fichiers restants à l'aide d'une autre méthode de
tri. Vous pouvez également appliquer des filtres supplémentaires pour cibler davantage l'affichage de vos fichiers. Par exemple, après avoir affiché uniquement des fichiers de moins de 1 Mo, vous pouvez les trier par type de fichier. Cliquez ensuite sur l'en-tête d'un type de fichier tel que Fichier texte afin d'afficher uniquement les fichiers texte. Les filtres que vous avez appliqués, dans ce cas Taille de fichier et Type de fichier, s'affichent sous forme de titre au-dessus des fichiers affichés. Cliquez sur la flèche en regard du titre d'un filtre pour afficher un menu contenant d'autres options pour ce filtre particulier. Par exemple, si vous filtrez par type de fichier pour afficher uniquement des fichiers texte, vous pouvez modifier le filtre afin d'afficher uniquement des documents Microsoft Word.
Cliquez sur la croix (X) au niveau du titre d'un filtre pour supprimer le filtre. Les filtres peuvent être supprimés dans n'importe quel ordre. Les filtres non supprimés sont donc appliqués. Par exemple, vous appliquez les filtres Moins de 1 Mo et Fichiers texte et supprimez le filtre Taille de fichier. Dans ce cas, tous les fichiers texte s'affichent et pas uniquement les fichiers texte de moins de 1 Mo. Supprimez tous les filtres pour afficher tous les fichiers.
Pour rechercher le contenu d'un fichier, cliquez sur le nom du fichier afin d'ouvrir le générateur d'aperçu. Le générateur d'aperçu permet d'effectuer des recherches dans des documents tels que des fichiers Microsoft Office, OpenOffice, PDF et des images. Pour accéder à d'autres commandes de fichier, cliquez sur l'icône du document pour afficher un bouton de menu
, puis cliquez dessus pour
ouvrir le menu contextuel correspondant au fichier.
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