3Com Corporation reserves the right to revise this documentation and to make
changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of 3Com
Corporation to provide notification of such revision or change.
3Com Corporation provides this documentation without warranty, term, or condition
of any kind, either implied or expressed, including, but not limited to, the implied
warranties, terms, or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, and fitness
for a particular purpose. 3Com may make improvements or changes in the product(s)
and/or the program(s) described in this documentation at any time.
If there is any software on removable media described in this documentation, it is
furnished under a license agreement included with the product as a separate
document, in the hardcopy documentation, or on the removable media in a directory
file named LICENSE.TXT or !LICENSE.TXT. If you are unable to locate a copy, please
contact 3Com and a copy will be provided to you.
If you are a United States government agency, then this documentation and the
software described herein are provided to you subject to the following:
United States Government Legend: All technical data and computer software is
commercial in nature and developed solely at private expense. Software is delivered
as Commercial Computer Software as defined in DFARS 252.227-7014 (June 1995)
or as a commercial item as defined in FAR 2.101(a) and as such is provided with only
such rights as are provided in 3Com’s standard commercial license for the Software.
Technical data is provided with limited rights only as provided in DFAR 252.227-7015
(Nov 1995) or FAR 52.227-14 (June 1987), whichever is applicable. You agree not to
remove or deface any portion of any legend provided on any licensed program or
documentation contained in, or delivered to you in conjunction with guide.
Unless otherwise indicated, 3Com registered trademarks are registered in the United
States and may or may not be registered in other countries.
3Com and the 3Com logo are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. VCX is a
trademark of 3Com Corporation.
Other brand and product names may be registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective holders.
Related Documentation13
Your Comments14
Installing a License on a VCX Server15
Obtaining a License15
Copying the License File to the EMS Server16
Uploading a License to a VCX Server16
Activating a License on a VCX Server16
Managing License Files17
Viewing License Details17
Viewing License Components18
Viewing System Information18
Creating Backup Configuration Files19
Creating a Backup File19
Setting the Current Configuration as Baseline19
Restoring Backup Configuration Files20
Recovering a Failed Restore21
Starting and Stopping VCX Services21
Golden Template Configuration22
Verifying State of the VCX IP Telephony Server22
Verifying VCX IP Telephony Server Software Version22
VCX IP Telephony Server Identification Tab23
Identification Tab Location23
Verifying the Type of Office Configured24
Verifying the Type of Components Installed on a Server25
Verifying the Amount of Disk Spaced Used on an IP Telephony Server25
Configuring Date and Time Variables for the IP Telephony Server25
Configuring the Date of an IP Telephony Server26
Configuring the Time of an IP Telephony Server26
Configuring the Timezone of an IP Telephony Server26
Configuring Authorization Station Agents27
Adding Authorized Station Agents27
Deleting Authorized Station Agents27
Enabling and Disabling the Web Provisioning Server (Tomcat)28
Rediscovering the IP Telephony Server in EMS28
Back-end Server Maintenance29
Monitoring XML Accounting Server Activity on the XML Accounting
Restarting Systems and Services29
Reserving and Unreserving the Back-end Server30
Updating the Server State30
Configuring Replication for the VCX Data Server31
Setting Up Replication for a VCX Data Server31
Dropping Replication for a VCX Data Server31
Checking Replication Status on a VCX Data Server32
Deleting Replication Errors on the VCX Data Server32
Managing SSH Scripts32
RAID Monitoring33
UPS Monitoring33
Setting Up UPS Master/Slaves33
Enabling UPS Monitoring33
Viewing UPS Monitoring Information34
Viewing UPS Slaves34
VCX Data Server Database Configuration35
Changing the VCX Data Server Database Name35
Changing the VCX Data Server Database Server Name35
Changing the VCX Data Server Database User Name36
Changing the VCX Data Server Database User Password36
Configuring the VCX Data Server Database Keep Alive Timeout36
Configuring the VCX Data Server Client Activity Interval37
Configuring VCX Data Server Client Request Threads37
Configuring the VCX Data Server Logging Level37
Enabling VCX Data Server Packet Tracing38
VCX Data Server Configuration Tab Descriptions38
Tab Location38
3 Q Protocol Configuration38
BES Common Configuration39
BES Common Statistics39
Flow Control Configuration40
VCX Data Server Maintenance41
Restarting the VCX Data Server41
Shutting Down the VCX Data Server41
Verifying the VCX Data Server State42
Configuring the Client Activity Interval43
Configuring Client Request Threads43
Configuring the Logging Level44
XML CDR Configuration44
XML CDR Control44
Enabling Packet Tracing45
XML Accounting Server Configuration Tab Descriptions46
Tab Location46
3 Q Protocol Configuration46
BES Common Configuration47
BES Common Statistics47
Flow Control Configuration48
Accounting Server Maintenance49
Restarting the Accounting Server49
Stopping the Accounting Server49
Verifying the Accounting Server State50
QoS Monitoring50
Enabling or Disabling VCX Data Server61
Monitoring Call Statistics62
Verifying State of a Call Processor62
Call Processor Maintenance63
Restarting the Call Processor63
Stopping the Call Processor63
Verifying the Call Processor State64
QoS Monitoring64
Verifying State of an IP Messaging Server65
IP Messaging Server Identification Tab66
Verifying IP Messaging Software Version66
Verifying Connection to Call Builder Interface67
Configuring Call Builder Variables67
Configuring DTMF Payload67
Configuring RTP67
Configuring Dialing Domain of IP Messaging Server68
Configuring Call Processors for IP Messaging Server68
Configuring SIP Registration68
Configuring the Signaling Server69
IP Messaging Server Maintenance69
Verifying the IP Messaging Server State69
Gracefully Stopping the IP Messaging Server69
Stopping the IP Messaging Server Hard70
Gracefully Restarting the IP Messaging Server70
Restarting the IP Messaging Server Hard70
Restarting the Application Downloader74
Stopping the Application Downloader74
Verifying the Application Downloader State74
Verifying State of the Common Agent75
Verifying Common Agent Software Version76
Common Agent Identification Tab76
Enabling Back-end Server Traps77
Configuring Trap Destinations77
Enabling Back-end Server Traps77
Receiving Traps78
Common Agent Maintenance79
Restarting the Common Agent79
Verifying the Common Agent State79
Verifying State of the O/S81
Verifying O/S Software Version82
O/S Identification Tab82
O/S Entity Maintenance83
Gracefully Restarting the O/S Entity83
Verifying the O/S Entity State83
Maintaining VCX Versions86
Viewing Installed Versions of VCX86
Removing an Unused Version of VCX86
Upgrading VCX Server Software from 7.0 to 7.187
Upgrading a Multiple Site Configuration from 7.0 to 7.188
Upgrading the VCX IP Telephony Software from 7.0 to 7.1101
Installing IP Messaging Software Patch Release102
Installing SIP Phone Downloader and Boot File Software Patch
Upgrading VCX Server Software from 6.0x to 7.0105
Upgrading a Multiple Site Configuration from 6.0.x to 7.0106
Upgrading the VCX IP Telephony Software from 6.0x to 7.0118
Uploading Music on Hold Files119
Upgrading the IP Messaging Software from 6.0x to 7.0120
Upgrading the SIP Phone Downloader and Boot File Software from 6.0x to
VCX Call Processor124
Setting QoS Monitoring Parameters124
Specifying Phones for QoS Monitoring124
3Com IP Phones125
3Com IP Phones125
XML Accounting Server126
Settings QoS Collection Parameters126
Viewing Call History128
Viewing Phone Statistics128
Viewing Quality Detail Records (QDRs)128
Supported Media Gateways129
Backing Up and Restoring Media Gateways129
Creating a Backup File129
Performing a Restore130
Upgrading Software131
This chapter contains an overview of this guide, lists guide conventions,
related documentation, and product compatibility, and describes how to
contact Customer Service.
This guide describes how to configure and maintain the following:
■ 3Com Accounting Server
■ 3Com Application Downloader
■ 3Com Authentication Server
■ 3Com Directory Server
■ 3Com SIP Call Processor
■ 3Com SNMP Agent
■ 3Com VCX Data Server
■ IP Messaging System
■ UNIX OS Entity
This guide is intended for operators and administrators of the system
and assumes you have a thorough understanding of
telecommunications, VoIP technology, Linux operating system, Oracle
databases, network knowledge, and system administrator privileges.
Release notes are issued with some products. If the information in the
release notes differs from the information in this guide, follow the
instructions in the release notes.
Table 1 and Table 2 list conventions that are used throughout this guide.
Tab le 1 Notice Icons
IconNotice TypeDescription
Information noteInformation that describes important features or
CautionInformation that alerts you to potential loss of data or
WarningInformation that alerts you to potential personal injury
Tab le 2 Text Conventions
Screen displays This typeface represents information as it appears on the
SyntaxThe word “syntax” means that you must evaluate the syntax
CommandsThe word “command” means that you must enter the
The words “enter”
and “type”
Words in italicsItalics are used to:
potential damage to an application, system, or device
provided and then supply the appropriate values for the
placeholders that appear in angle brackets. Example:
To enable RIPIP, use the following syntax:
SETDefault !<port> -RIPIP CONTrol =
In this example, you must supply a port number for <port>.
command exactly as shown and then press Return or Enter.
Commands appear in bold. Example:
To remove the IP address, enter the following command:
SETDefault !0 -IP NETaddr =
When you see the word “enter” in this guide, you must type
something, and then press Return or Enter. Do not press
Return or Enter when an instruction simply says “type.”
■ Emphasize a point.
■ Denote a new term at the place where it is defined in the
■ Identify menu names, menu commands, and software
button names. Examples:
From the Help menu, select Contents.
Click OK.
Related Documentation13
These 3Com documents contain additional information about the
products in this release that are a part of or support the 3Com
Convergence Applications Suite.
The following documents are a part of the VCX IP Telephony Module:
■ VCX Maintenance Guide
■ VCX Administration Guide
■ VCX Business Telephone Quick Reference Guide
■ VCX Telephone Display Quick Reference Guide
■ VCX Manager’s Telephone Quick Reference Guide
■ VCX Basic Telephone Guide
■ VCX Business Telephone Guide
■ VCX Manager’s Telephone Guide
■ VCX Feature Codes for Analog Telephones Quick Reference Guide
■ VCX Security Guide
Installation Guide
Basic Telephone Quick Reference Guide
The following documents are a part of the IP Messaging Module:
■ IP Messaging Module User Guide - 3Com Native Interface
■ IP Messaging Module Quick Reference Guide - Traditional Interface
■ IP Messaging Module User Guide - Traditional Interface
■ IP Messaging Module Operations and System Administration Guide
■ E-Mail Reader Application Quick Start Guide
The following documents are a part of the IP Conferencing Module:
■ IP Conferencing Module Installation Guide
■ IP Conferencing Module Administration Guide
■ IP Conferencing Module User Guide
■ Convergence Center Client User and Administration Guide
The following documents provide information on products that support
this release:
■ Enterprise Management Suite
■Enterprise Management Suite Getting Started Guide, Version 2.3
■Enterprise Management Suite User Guide, Version 2.3
■Enterprise Management Suite 2.3 for VCX 7.1 User Guide
■ Digital Gateways
■V7122 and V6100 Digital User Guide, Version 4.8
■V6100 Digital Fast Track Installation Guide, Version 4.8
■V7122 Digital Fast Track Installation Guide, Version 4.8
■ Analog Gateways
■V7111 Analog Fast Track Installation Guide, Version 4.8
■V7111 Analog User Guide, Version 4.8
■V6000 Analog Fast Track Installation Guide, Version 4.8
■V6000 Analog User Guide, Version 4.8
Your CommentsPlease send e-mail comments about this guide or any of the 3Com Voice
Products documentation and Help systems to:
Please include the following information with your comments:
■ Document title
■ Document part number (found on the front page)
■ Page number
■ Your name and organization (optional)
Enterprise Management Suite User Guide for VCX
Part Number 900-0385-01 Rev AB
Page 25
Please address all questions regarding the 3Com software to your
authorized 3Com representative.
V7000 Components
Installing a License
on a VCX Server
This chapter describes how to install a license on a VCX IP Telephony
Server, and view and configure the features that are associated with the
VCX IP Telephony Server.
In VCX 7.0 and later, you must install a license to use the VCX IP
Telephony Server.
The license file must be installed after you complete the network
configuration and service configuration (that is, after you have run the
vcx-config-network and setup scripts).
Installing a license involves the following steps:
1 Obtain the license file.
2 Copy the license file to the EMS server.
3 Upload the license file.
4 Activate the license file.
Obtaining a LicenseTo obtain a license file, contact your authorized 3Com representative.
When you request a license file, submit the machine ID for your VCX IP
Telephony Server. This machine ID is available from the command line
vcx-showmachineid or from the License Info tab in EMS.
Copying the License
File to the EMS Server
Uploading a License
to a VCX Server
To copy the license file to the EMS server:
1 Place the license file you received from 3Com in the following directory
2 From the EMS client Explorer tree, navigate to 3Com VCX IP Telephony
3 From the Properties tab, click License Info.
4 In the Planned License File field, click the license file from the drop-down
list. The license file you placed in step 1 is listed in the drop-down menu.
5 Click Save all.
The license file is copied to the EMS server. Next, upload the file to the
VCX server.
To upload the license file to the VCX server:
1 From the Explorer tab, right-click 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select Licensing and then select
Upload License File.
Activating a License
on a VCX Server
The license file is uploaded. Next, activate the license file.
To activate a license on a VCX server:
1 From the Explorer tab, right-click 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select Licensing and then select
Activate License Key.
The license is activated.
Managing License Files17
Managing License
Viewing License
Enterprise Management Suite allows you to view the details and
components of your VCX 7.x license.
This information is useful for monitoring the status of your license.
To view details of an installed license:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click License Info.
For a description of each field, see Ta bl e 3
Tab le 3 License Info Tab
Customer/AcctNumberThe customer account number associated with the
CustomerAddressThe customer address.
CustomerNameThe customer name this activation key was issued to.
ExpiryDateThe VCX license expiry date present in the activation
IssuerNameThe VCX license issuer name for the activation key.
LicenseStatusThe status of the license. This contains the reason code
MachineIdentifierThe VCX license machine identifier present in the
Planned License FileThe file containing the planned license file. This file
Remaining Grace PeriodThe remaining time, in hours, the license will be
SerialNumberThe VCX license serial number present in the activation
UpgradeExpiryDateThe VCX license expiry date for software upgrades
activation key.
for identifying licensing-related failures.
The system version the activation key is associated
activation key.
must be located in the following directory on the EMS
server: software_upgrades/voice/ActivationKey
available for during the grace period after a license
present in the activation key.
Viewing License
Viewing System
To view a list of license components:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Licensed Components.
A list of components appears. These components vary depending on your
EMS allows you to view summary information for the VCX IP Telephony
To view summary information:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click System Info.
A list of attributes appears. For a description of each attribute, see
Ta bl e 4
For complete details of each attribute, view the context-sensitive help for
each attribute in EMS.
Tab le 4 System Info Tab
RAID StatusThe status of RAID.
Site typeThe VCX server site type.
System Machine IdentifierThe machine identifier reported by the system. This is
reported independent of the activation key.
System TypeThe type of VCX IP telephony server. The Server Type is
determined by the combination of running software
components, which affect the features made available
by the server.
UPS Monitoring StatusThe UPS configuration information showing if the VCX
machine is configured as a master or slave.
Creating Backup Configuration Files19
Creating Backup
Configuration Files
Creating a Backup
EMS allows you to save the configurations for the IP Telephony Server
and IP Messaging server and create backup configuration files. Use these
files to restore the IP Telephony Server and IP Messaging Server to a
previous set of configurations.
Backup files contain configuration and backup information for all of the
installed applications, as well as server and operating system configuration
information. User profiles, voice mails, and database schemas are not
backed up.
In addition to creating backup configuration files and performing restores,
EMS allows you to recover from a situation where an attempted restore fails.
You can save the IP Telephony Server configuration to a backup file. After
you have saved the configuration, you can set the backup file as a
baseline so that you can restore it later.
To save the IP Telephony Server configuration:
1 From the Explorer tab, right-click the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select Configuration and then select Backup.
The progress is shown in the Job Progress section of the EMS GUI. When
the command is finished, the Working icon changes to a Finished icon.
3 Click Close.
Setting the Current
Configuration as
This file becomes the current, or most recently saved or restored, version.
You can set the current version as the baseline version.
To set the current, or most recently saved or restored, configuration as
the baseline version:
1 From the Explorer tab, right-click the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select Configuration and then select Set baseline
to current.
The progress is shown in the Job Progress section of the EMS GUI. When
the command is finished, the Working icon changes to a Finished icon.
3 Click Close.
This file becomes the baseline version.
To restore the IP Telephony Server configuration, refer to Restoring
Backup Configuration Files.
Restoring Backup
Configuration Files
You can restore the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server configuration from
the last backup (current), the baseline, or the planned backup file.
All VCX services are shut down during a restore. The services are not
restarted automatically when the restore is complete. Use EMS to restart
VCX services when the restore is finished. See Starting and Stopping VCX
Services for instructions.
To restore the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server configuration:
1 From the Explorer tab, right-click the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 Select the configuration file you want to restore (baseline, current, or
3 From the pop-up menu, select Configuration and then select one of the
a To restore the configuration to the last saved configuration, select
Restore current.
b To restore the configuration to the saved baseline configuration (refer
to Setting the Current Configuration as Baseline
), select Restore
c To restore the configuration to the planned configuration, first select
the file, and then select Restore planned.
The progress is shown in the Job Progress section of the EMS GUI. When
the restore operation is finished, the Working icon changes to a Finished
4 Click Close.
5 Restart VCX services. See Starting and Stopping VCX Services
Starting and Stopping VCX Services21
Recovering a Failed
Starting and
Stopping VCX
If a configuration restore operation fails for any reason, EMS allows you
to perform a Restore Failure Recovery.
This recovery operation uses a backup file stored on the VCX system to
restore the configuration state to exactly where it was before the failed
restore operation was launched.
To perform a failure recovery:
1 From the Explorer tab, right-click the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select Configuration and then select
Restore Failure Recovery.
The progress is shown in the Job Progress section of the EMS GUI. When
the recovery is finished, the Working icon changes to a Finished icon.
3 Click Close.
When you perform a restore, all VCX services are shut down
automatically. The services are not restarted automatically when the
restore is complete. This section describes how to restart VCX services
when a restore is finished, and how to manually stop VCX services.
CAUTION: The Stop All Services option causes all VCX services (except
the SNMP agent) to shutdown. Your system will not take any calls when
you select this option.
To start or stop all VCX services:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, right-click 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the pop-up menu, select VCX Services and then select Start All Services.
To stop all VCX services, select Stop All Services.
Golden Template
Verifying State of
the VCX IP
Telephony Server
Configuring Golden Templates is a feature that is not specific to just VCX
components. For more information on Golden Template configuration,
see the Enterprise Management Suite User Guide.
Use the State tab to view basic statistics for the VCX IP Telephony Server.
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click State.
4 For a description of each field, see Tab l e 5
Tab le 5 IP Telephony Serber State Tab
Operational StateIndicates the current operational state.Read-only
ReservedIndicates if the object is reserved by another
Reserved byIndicates who has reserved the object.Read-only
Usage StateIndicates how busy the resource is.
Active is displayed when working properly.
Verifying VCX IP
Telephony Server
Software Version
To verify what the operating system version is:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Identification.
4 In the Version field, the O/S version is listed.
VCX IP Telephony Server Identification Tab23
VCX IP Telephony
Identification Tab
Identification Tab
Use the Identification tab to view basic statistics for the operating system
such as the software version.
To view the Identification tab:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Identification.
4 For a description of each field, see Tab l e 6
Tab le 6 IP Messaging Identification Tab
ClassThe internal schema className for this
FQNThe fully qualified name of this object. This is
the complete path from the root of all
LocationIdentified the physical location of the server.String
Serial NumberSerial Number of the server.
This field is reserved for future use.
Site TypeIdentifies what type of office this server is.
1 – unknown
2 – regional
3 – branch
4 – standalone
Tab le 6 IP Messaging Identification Tab
System TypeIdentifies the server type based on the
User LabelA label assign by the user.String
VendorThe vendor name of this software.Read-only
VersionThe current version of this software.Read-only
components that are installed and running
on this server, which affect the features
made available by the server.
■ allComponents – both the IP
Telephony and IP Messaging servers are
■ callServer – only the VCX Call
Processor is installed
■ dataServer – only the VCX Data Server
is installed
■ ipMessagingServer – only the IP
Messaging server is installed
■ Softswitch – only the IP Telephony
server is installed
■ billingSupportServer – only the
billing support server is installed
■ undetermined – cannot determine
server tye
Verifying the Type of
Office Configured
To view the latest values, click Refresh.
To determine if the server is a regional or branch office:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Identification.
4 From the Site Type field, the office type is listed such as
regional or
Verifying the Amount of Disk Spaced Used on an IP Telephony Server25
Verifying the Type of
Components Installed
on a Server
Verifying the
Amount of Disk
Spaced Used on an
IP Telephony Server
To determine the type of components installed on a server:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Identification.
4 From the System Type field, the type of server is listed, which is used to
determine what components are installed. See the Installation and
Maintenance Guide for an overview of what components are available
with each configuration listed.
This option is useful for monitoring how much space is left on a server for
log files, back-ups, and any processes that require disk space. You can
even configure traps to warn you of when disk space is becoming limited
so you know to purge old files and increase space availability.
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Memory.
4 From the Memory Utilization (%) field, the percentage the total amount
of space used is listed. If the server has reached 100, there is no more
space left on this server.
Configuring Date
and Time Variables
for the IP
Telephony Server
This section provides information on how to configure the timezone,
time, and date for an IP Telephony Server. This option can sometimes be
used in place of the
In a VCX system the daylight savings and timezone configuration should
only be modified using the
located on the VCX server. Even though it appears the timezone and
daylight savings time can be modified using Enterprise Management
Suite (EMS), all configurations are not currently supported since you
cannot change the daylight savings status (enabled to disabled or vice
versa) from the original configuration. Also, not as many timezone
options are available in EMS as there are through the
vcx-config-network -- wizard tool.
When using the
Savings and Timezone preference are configured at the same time.
vcx-config-network --wizard script.
vcx-config-network -- wizard tool that is
vcx-config-network -- wizard tool, both the Daylight
Configuring the Date
of an IP Telephony
Configuring the Time
of an IP Telephony
To modify the configured date of an IP Telephony Server:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Time.
4 From the Date field, enter the new date in the
DD:MM:YYYY format.
5 Click Save All.
To modify the configured time of an IP Telephony Server:
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Time.
4 From the Time field, enter the new time in the
HH:MM:SS format. You
must use military time (24 hour format).
5 Click Save All.
Configuring the
Timezone of an IP
Telephony Server
To modify the configured timezome of an IP Telephony Server:
Using the
vcx-config-network -- wizard tool is actually preferred if
possible since both the Daylight Savings and Timezone preference are
configured at the same time.
1 Log into EMS.
2 From the Explorer tab, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
3 From the Properties tab, click Time.
4 From the Timezone field, double-click the field and choose a new
timezone from the drop-down menu.
5 Click Save All.
Configuring Authorization Station Agents27
Station Agents
Adding Authorized
Station Agents
For this feature to become available (activated), you must enter the
IP addresses of the Authorized Management Stations when prompted during
the installation and initial configuration of the VCX IP Telephony System.
If at least one IP address is entered, this feature becomes active, and only
that machine can manage the server. If no IP addresses are configured at
initial installation, the feature is not enabled (not activated).
The Authorized Stations table lists which IP addresses the common agent
accepts SNMP request from. Requests originating from other sources are
dropped. This is a security feature on the common agent.
Authorized station agents can only be added if an authorized station
station agent was added when the IP Telephony Server was initially
configured. Up to four authorized station agents can be configured.
To add authorized station agents:
1 From the explorer tree in EMS, click on the IP Telephony Server you want
to add authorized station agents to.
2 From the right-hand pane, click the Authorized Stations tab.
3 Click Add.
The Add row to table window appears.
Deleting Authorized
Station Agents
4 From the IP field, enter the IP address of the server you want to be
allowed as an authorized station agent.
5 From the NetMask field, enter the subnet mask IP address of the server.
6 Click OK.
The authorized agent is added to the table.
To delete an authorized station agents:
1 From the explorer tree in EMS, click on the IP Telephony Server you want
to delete an authorized station agents from.
2 From the right-hand pane, click the Authorized Stations tab.
3 Click the row containing the IP address you want to delete.
4 Click Delete.
The authorized agent is deleted from the table.
Enabling and
Disabling the Web
Provisioning Server
Rediscovering the
IP Telephony Server
in EMS
Through EMS you can enable and disable the web provisioning server
(Tomcat). When disabled, the administrator cannot access the VCX data
server configurables through the web provisioning server.
To enable or disable the web provisioning server GUI:
1 From the EMS explorer tree, navigate to the 3Com VCX IP Telephony
2 Right-click and select Web Provisioning and then click one of the
following depending on whether you need to enable or disable the web
provisioning server:
■ Enable – click Enable Web Provisioning.
■ Disable – click Disable Web Provisioning.
After making configuration changes on any of the VCX components,
rediscover the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server to refresh the
configuration MIB values.
To rediscover to 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server in EMS:
1 In the explorer tree, right-click the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, click Rediscover.
The progress is shown in the Job Progress section of the EMS GUI. When
the command has completed, the Working icon (it is yellow) changes to a
Finished icon (it becomes green).
Back-end Server Maintenance29
Back-end Server
Monitoring XML
Accounting Server
Activity on the XML
Accounting Server
This section provides maintenance tasks that are specific to the XML
accounting and VCX data servers.
The Monitor State command opens the Monitor State window. Use this
window to monitor the operational state, usage state, or administration
state of the accounting server.
To monitor the activity of the XML accounting server:
1 In the explorer tree, right-click the 3COM XML accounting server.
2 From the pop-up menu, click Monitor State.
Refer to the Enterprise Management Suite User Guide for more
Rediscovering the XML Accounting Server
After making configuration changes on the accounting server, rediscover
the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server to refresh the configuration MIB
To rediscover to 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server:
1 In the explorer tree, right-click the 3Com VCX IP Telephony Server.
2 From the pop-up menu, click Rediscover.
Restarting Systems
and Services
The progress is shown in the Job Progress section of the EMS GUI.
When the command has completed, the Working icon (it is yellow)
changes to a Finished icon (it becomes green).
After performing routine maintenance on either the XML accounting and
the VCX data servers must be restarted.
To restart the back-end server systems and services:
1 From the explorer tree, click the individual component.
2 Right-click and select Maintenance, and then click Hard Restart.
Reserving and
Unreserving the
Back-end Server
Updating the Server
The Operator Reserve command reserves either the XML accounting or
the VCX data servers so that no one else can perform operations on the
server except the administrator. The Operator Unreserve command
cancels the reservation.
Reserving Back-end Servers
To reserve the back-end server using EMS:
1 In the explorer tree, right-click the individual back-end server.
2 From the pop-up menu, click Operator Reserve to reserve the back-end
If the back-end server is reserved, check the State tab to see who has
reserved the card.
Unreserving Back-end Servers
To unreserve either the XML accounting or the VCX data servers:
1 In the explorer tree, right-click the back-end server.
2 From the pop-up menu, click Operator Un-reserve to unreserve the
back-end server.
Use the State command to update EMS with the current operational
state, usage state, or administration state of the back-end server.
To update the state of either the XML accounting or the VCX data
1 In the explorer tree, right-click the back-end server.
2 From the pop-up menu, select State and then click Update.
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