2N VoiceBlue User Manual

2N VoiceBlue Enterprise
User Manual
Version: 1.11
Dear customer,
let us congratulate you on having purchased the 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise system. This new product has been developed and produced in order to provide the maximum utility value, quality and reliability to the user. We hope you will be fully satisfied with the VoIP GSM gateway for a long time.
The manufacturer constantly improves the software contained
in the product (the so-called firmware). The technology used therein helps you download the latest firmware version to the VoIP GSM gateway using a common PC anytime. For the latest firmware version see www.2n.cz. For necessary instructions refer to Section 13 hereof. We recommend you to apply the latest version to avoid problems that have already been eliminated.
You also find the latest version of the User Manual at
Check your delivery for completeness according to the packing
list and study this manual carefully before installing this product. The manufacturer shall not be responsible for damage caused by any use of this product in contradiction with the User Manual. The warranty terms and conditions do not apply to damage incurred as a result of gross handling and/or undue storing of the product or violation of the technical parameters included herein.
This manual is very much detailed and includes subsections
that are irrelevant for the basic installation purposes as well as subsections referring to other VoIP GSM gateway models. Therefore, pay attention to hints informing you which subsections are necessary for you and which are not.
Packing List
Please check your 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise delivery for compliance with the following packing list.
Item Pieces
VoIP GSM gateway – check the model type according to the order number, see the type label on the gateway back side
12V/2A mains adapter 1 Serial cable 1 Antenna 1 Wall mounting holder 1 Dowels 2 Screws 2 Quick user guide 1 Warranty certificate 1 Compliance certificate 1 2N product CD 1
SECTION 1 PRODUCT PRESENTATION........................................1-1
1.1. Purpose...............................................................................................1-2
1.2. How to Save Telephone Costs.............................................................1-2
1.3. Other Advantages and Applications....................................................1-3
1.4. RF Radiation Safety Precautions.........................................................1-4
SECTION 2 INSTALLATION...............................................................2-1
2.1. Before Installation..............................................................................2-2
2.2. Brief Installation Guide.......................................................................2-3
2.3. Proper Mounting.................................................................................2-4
2.4. LAN Connection.................................................................................2-6
2.5. Antenna Connection...........................................................................2-6
2.6. Gateway Power Supply.......................................................................2-7
2.7. SIM Card Insertion.............................................................................2-8
2.8. PC Connection....................................................................................2-8
2.9. Status Indicators.................................................................................2-9
Power Indicator..............................................................................2-9
GSM Indicators............................................................................2-10
SECTION 3 INITIAL SETUP................................................................3-1
3.1. Before You Start Configuring….........................................................3-2
3.2. Console Access...................................................................................3-3
3.2.1 Serial console access..............................................................3-3
Commands and Values...................................................................3-4
About Menus…..............................................................................3-5
DTR Signal Monitoring..................................................................3-6
3.2.2. Telnet console access............................................................3-6
3.3 Web Browser Access............................................................................3-21
Survey of Group Bookmarks and Menus......................................3-23
3.3. Network Parameter Setting...............................................................3-25
Serial Console Access..................................................................3-25
Web Browser Access....................................................................3-27
GPRS router.................................................................................3-29
ii List of Figures
SECTION 4 ADMINISTRATION........................................................4-30
4.1. General Gateway Parameters.............................................................4-31
4.2. User Accounts...................................................................................4-33
4.3. Rights Groups...................................................................................4-36
4.4. Emergency Change of Administrator Password.................................4-37
4.5. Switching of protocols SIP and H.323...............................................4-37
SECTION5 INSIGHT INTO VOIP GATEWAY...............................5-1
5.1. VoIP Network Arrangement................................................................5-2
5.2. Lines...................................................................................................5-5
GSM and SIM................................................................................5-5
5.3. Routing...............................................................................................5-7
Within VoIP Network.....................................................................5-7
From VoIP to GSM........................................................................5-8
Incoming Calls from GSM..............................................................5-8
SECTION 6 COMMUNICATION LINE SETTING.........................6-1
6.1. SIP lines..............................................................................................6-2
SIP Line Parameters.......................................................................6-4
6.2. H.323..................................................................................................6-6
H.323 Line Parameters....................................................................6-6
6.3. SIM...................................................................................................6-10
SIM Card Detail...........................................................................6-11
SIM Card Parameters....................................................................6-11
SMS Setting..................................................................................6-12
6.4. DISA lines........................................................................................6-13
SECTION 7 LCR – SAVING AUTOMAT...........................................7-1
7.1. What is saving automat?......................................................................7-2
7.2. Saving automat setting........................................................................7-3
7.3. Routing rules.......................................................................................7-3
Adding of rule................................................................................7-4
Change of rule................................................................................7-5
Removal of rule..............................................................................7-5
Change of sequence........................................................................7-5
Forbidding/permitting of rule..........................................................7-5
7.4. Routes.................................................................................................7-6
List of Routes.................................................................................7-6
Contents iii
Adding of Route.............................................................................7-6
Change of a Route setting...............................................................7-8
Removing of a Route......................................................................7-8
7.5. Normalisation of numbers...................................................................7-9
7.6. Tariffication of calls..........................................................................7-12
7.7. Forbidden numbers...........................................................................7-14
7.8. LCR Test..........................................................................................7-16
SECTION 8 – ROUTING OF CALLS FROM GSM............................8-1
8.1. Setting of the operator service.............................................................8-1
Adding of the operator service........................................................8-2
Change of the operator service.......................................................8-3
Removing of the operator service...................................................8-3
Change of the operator service sequence........................................8-3
8.2. Adjusting of SIM routing rule.............................................................8-3
Adding of SIM routing rule............................................................8-3
Change of the SIM routing rule......................................................8-4
Removing of the SIM routing rule
8.3. Setting of the GSM routing rule..........................................................8-4
Adding of SIM routing rule............................................................8-4
Change of the SIM routing rule......................................................8-5
Removing of the SIM routing rule
8.4. Normalisation.....................................................................................8-5
SECTION 9 SIP PROXY.........................................................................9-1
9.1. Survey of Registrations.......................................................................9-4
9.2. Switching on/off.................................................................................9-4
SECTION 10 SMS SERVER.................................................................10-1
10.1. Message Delivery.............................................................................10-2
Delivery According to Contents...................................................10-3
Reply to Message.........................................................................10-3
VIP Numbers...............................................................................10-3
10.2. List of VIP Numbers for SMS Delivery............................................10-3
10.3. SMS sending by SMTP/POP3...........................................................10-5
SECTION 11 GPRS....................................................................................11-1
11.1. Dialling and hanging up....................................................................11-2
11.2. Setting of computer...........................................................................11-3
SECTION 12 MONITORING AND DIAGNOSTICS.....................12-1
iv List of Figures
12.1. Tariff Drawing Status........................................................................12-2
12.2. Currently Made Calls........................................................................12-3
12.3. Call Accounting Records...................................................................12-3
Call Record Saving Setting...........................................................12-5
12.4. Operation Journals............................................................................12-6
Operation Journal Setting..............................................................12-7
12.5. Journal File Loading..........................................................................12-8
SECTION 13 FIRMWARE UPDATE.................................................13-1
13.1. Licence file.......................................................................................13-1
13.2. Firmware updating............................................................................13-2
SECTION 14 TECHNICAL PARAMETERS....................................14-1
List of Figures
Fig. 1 – Bottom View.......................................................................................2-2
Fig. 2 – Top View............................................................................................2-2
Fig. 3 – Gateway Holder Wall-Mounting..........................................................2-4
Fig. 4 – Gateway Holder-Hanging....................................................................2-4
Fig. 5 – LAN Connection.................................................................................2-6
Fig. 6 – Antenna Connector Connection...........................................................2-6
Fig. 7 – Supply Adapter Connection.................................................................2-7
Fig. 8 – SIM Card Inserting Procedure.............................................................2-8
Fig. 9 – Serial Console Pin Connection.............................................................2-8
Fig. 10 – Web Administration Login Page......................................................3-21
Fig. 11 – Web Interface Desktop....................................................................3-22
Fig. 12 – Network Parameter Configuration by Serial Console.......................3-25
Fig. 13 – Network Parameter Setting by Web Browser...................................3-27
Fig. 14 – General Gateway Parameter Setting.................................................4-31
Fig. 15 – Survey of User Accounts.................................................................4-33
Fig. 16 – User Account Setting.......................................................................4-34
Fig. 17 – Survey of Rights Groups..................................................................4-36
Fig. 18 – Rights Group Setting.......................................................................4-36
Fig. 19 – Switching to SIP protocols...............................................................4-37
Fig. 20 – VoIP PBX Arrangement....................................................................5-2
Fig. 21 – "Point-to-Point" Arrangement............................................................5-3
Fig. 22 – VoIP-to-GSM Gateway with PBX.....................................................5-3
Fig. 23 – 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise as SIP Proxy..............................................5-4
Fig. 24 – 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise as SIP - H.323 Gateway.............................5-4
Fig. 25 – Call Routing by VoIP PBX................................................................5-7
Fig. 26 – Routing of Incoming Calls from VoIP...............................................5-8
Fig. 27 – Routing of Incoming Calls from GSM...............................................5-8
Fig. 28 – Survey of SIP Lines...........................................................................6-2
Fig. 29 – SIP Line Detail..................................................................................6-4
Fig. 30 – Survey of SIP Lines...........................................................................6-6
Fig. 31 – H.323 Line Detail..............................................................................6-7
Fig. 32 – Survey of SIM Cards.......................................................................6-10
Fig. 33 – SIM Card Detail, SIM Card Parameters Bookmark.........................6-11
Fig. 34 – SIM Card Detail, SMS Setting Bookmark.........................................6-12
Fig. 35 – SIM Card Detail, GPRS Bookmark..................................................6-12
Fig. 36 – Overview of routing rules of the saving automat................................7-3
vi List of Figures
Fig. 37 – Guide.........................................................................................7-4
Fig. 38 – Change of routing rule........................................................................7-5
Fig. 39 – Removing of routing rule...................................................................7-5
Fig. 40 – Forbidding/permitting of the routing rule...........................................7-6
Fig. 41 – Removal of routing rule.....................................................................7-6
Fig. 42 – Adding of Route.................................................................................7-7
Fig. 43 – Overview of normalisations..............................................................7-10
Fig. 44 – Example of calling tariff definition...................................................7-12
Fig. 45 – General tariff table...........................................................................7-12
Fig. 46 – Tariff detail......................................................................................7-13
Fig. 47 – List of forbidden numbers................................................................7-14
Fig. 48 – Parameters of the LCR test...............................................................7-16
Fig. 49 – List of the operator services................................................................8-2
Fig. 50 – Adding of the operator service............................................................8-2
Fig. 51 – List of SIM routing rules....................................................................8-3
Fig. 52 – Adding of SIM routing rule................................................................8-3
Fig. 53 – List of GSM routing rules...................................................................8-4
Fig. 54 – Adding of GSM routing rule..............................................................8-5
Fig. 55 – Normalisation of CLIP.......................................................................8-6
Fig. 56 – Example of Integrated SIP Proxy Server Routing Table.....................9-2
Fig. 57 – SIP Proxy Routing Rule Detail...........................................................9-3
Fig. 58 – SMS Delivery Settings.....................................................................10-2
Fig. 59 – List of VIP Numbers for SMS Delivery............................................10-4
Fig. 60 – VIP Number Detail for SMS Delivery..............................................10-4
Fig. 61 – Connection of the local LAN network into Internet by means of GPRS
Fig. 62 – Dialing of GPRS connection............................................................11-2
Fig. 63 – Setting of PC for connection into Internet by means of GPRS..........11-3
Fig. 64 – Tariff Drawing Statuses....................................................................12-2
Fig. 65 – Survey of Calls Currently Made Via Gateway..................................12-3
Fig. 66 – List of Call Record Files..................................................................12-3
Fig. 67 – Call Accounting Setting...................................................................12-5
Fig. 68 – Operation Journal Settings...............................................................12-7
Fig. 69 – Adding of licence file.......................................................................13-2
Fig. 70 – Updating of firmware.......................................................................13-2
Product Presentation
This section presents the 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise product including its application options and advantages.
Here is a survey of what you will find in this section:
Purpose of the product;
Application possibilities;
Instructions how to save telephone costs;
Overview of interesting and useful properties.
1-2 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
1.1. Purpose
The 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise gateways provide direct
interconnection of VoIP and GSM networks with the aid of SIP signalling protocols.
The voice mode, i.e. an outgoing or incoming call, is the basic
function of the system. The gateway is equipped with all functions necessary for such use and provides a very high comfort in this mode.
In addition to voice transmission, 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise can
send and receive short text messages. For remote control purposes, diagnostic SMS can be sent in regular intervals from the gateway to a selected mobile number. These additional functions enhance the utility value of the product.
2N VoiceBlue Enterprise contains a built-in SIP proxy server
and can thus serve as a PBX for SIP telephones. However, the use of the gateway is not limited to this SIP proxy function only, it can be applied with any SIP supporting PBX.
No extra equipment (an external GSM telephone, etc.) is
needed for normal operation. All programmable parameters are default-preset in such a manner that you can commence your telephone traffic the moment you connect the Ethernet and supply cables, antenna and SIM card and set the IP parameters.
1.2. How to Save Telephone Costs
Once your 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise gateway has been
connected to your VoIP PBX, all calls going out to a mobile network are made directly. This saves your PSTN - mobile network call costs. The mobile telephone calls of your personnel in the field are cheaper too.
You are advised to use the most advantageous tariff of your
GSM provider for your GSM gateway because all gateway
user call accounts are added up for billing purposes.
If you use a call answering machine as a GSM network
service, you pay for your voice message deliveries as a rule. However, if you connect your answering machine to the GSM gateway, you pay nothing for your voice message deliveries.
Product Presentation 1-3
You can bar selected numbers or groups of numbers in your
gateway. You shall pay nothing for the calls you have barred.
2N VoiceBlue Enterprise keeps detailed records on all calls.
This helps you find out easily why your bill is higher than it should be.
The Least Cost Router is flexible enough to help you set rules
for GSM calling at the lowest possible operation costs.
1.3. Other Advantages and Applications
VoIP-GSM gateways integrate the best of their respective
communication technologies.
With the aid of a built-in SIP proxy server you can create a
complete VoIP network without additional third party products' costs.
The intelligent routing of incoming calls accelerates the
connection of incoming calls and makes calling more comfortable.
An easily recordable DISA voice message function is
You can use the conditioned or unconditioned call forwarding
Unlike mobile telephones, this system does not expose you to
the RF electromagnetic field while making calls.
1-4 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
1.4. RF Radiation Safety Precautions
! It is prohibited to use any transmitters, including GSM
gateways, in areas where explosives are used, such as quarries.
! It is forbidden to use mobile phones and thus GSM gateways
too at petrol stations.
! A GSM gateway may affect sensitive life-saving devices in
medical centres. So it is prohibited to use mobile phones and GSM gateways here.
! In general, any prohibition regarding mobile phones based on
RF energy radiation applies to GSM gateways.
! Where necessary, a GSM gateway may be installed at a safe
distance (in the neighbouring building, e.g.) and an Ethernet cable may be carried from the GSM gateway to the original building.
! Although GSM gateways are not intended for aeroplanes or
cars, all relevant prohibitions and regulations regarding mobile phones apply to them here.
This section shows how to install the 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise gateway including all accessories.
Here is a survey of what you will find in this section:
What you should know before you start;
Overview of installation steps;
How to choose the right place;
Connection to PC network;
Antenna connection;
Supply mains adapter connection;
SIM card replacement;
PC connection with a serial cable;
How to read LED statuses.
2-2 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
2.1. Before Installation
Before you start installing your VoiceBlue Enterprise gateway, get familiar with its physical structure, arrangement of connectors and status indicators, see fig. 1 and fig. 2.
Status LED indicators
Power supply
MMC card
10/100 BaseT (Twisted Pair Ethernet)
Fig. 1 – Bottom View
Antenna connector (SMA female)
Fig. 2 – Top View
Serial console
Factory setup button
SIM card drawers
Installation 2-3
2.2. Brief Installation Guide
Proper mounting – 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise is designed for
suspension on a vertical surface. Fit the holder included in the delivery on a wall and hang the gateway on it. For details on the prescribed working position and other recommendations refer to Subsection 2.3.
Cable connection – connect the gateway using a patch-cable
to the LAN (Local Area Network). For details on proper wiring refer to Subsection 2.4.
Antenna connection – connect an internal antenna or an
external antenna cable to the SMA antenna connector. Place the external antenna on a place with a good GSM signal (refer to Subsection 2.5).
Gateway power supply – the delivery includes a mains
adapter. Plug in the adapter connector into the gateway and the power adapter into a mains socket (230V/50Hz). The gateway
turns on immediately (see Subsection 2.6).
SIM card insertion – SIM cards are inserted in holders on the
gateway top. To slide the drawer out of the gateway press the yellow button on the drawer with a suitable tool (pin, pencil, ...), see Subsection 2.7.
PC connection and initial configuration – a web browser is
used for gateway configuration in normal operation. If you have not defined the IP address for the gateway, use the serial cable included in the delivery (refer to Subsection 2.8) for initial configuration of the basic parameters (see Section 3).
Setting and monitoring – Having set the basic network
parameters (IP address, etc.), you can configure the VoIP gateway using a standard web browser. Configuration options and essential procedures shall be discussed in detail in respective sections.
2-4 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
2.3. Proper Mounting
The gateway is designed for mounting on a vertical surface.
For this purpose a wall mounting holder is available. Just fit the holder with dowels and screws (fig. 3) to the wall and hang the gateway as shown in fig. 4.
Fig. 3 – Gateway Holder Wall-Mounting
Fig. 4 – Gateway Holder-Hanging
It is possible to operate the VoIP GSM gateway in another
working position (e.g. on a desk) for a short time only, for example in servicing centres for quick testing purposes.
The allowed working temperature and relative humidity ranges
are included in Section 14.
Installation 2-5
Exceeding the recommended operating temperature values
need not affect the gateway function immediately but may result in more rapid ageing and lower reliability.
The gateway is intended for indoor use. It may not be exposed
to rain, flowing water, condensed moisture, fog, or mist.
The gateway may not be exposed to aggressive gas, acid
vapours, solvents, etc. or aggressive liquids, during cover cleaning, for example.
The GSM gateway is not designed for high-vibration
environments, e.g. means of transport, machine rooms, etc.
Free space has to be left under and over the gateway for cables
and agitated air to remove operational heat.
Install the gateway on a place with a good GSM signal.
A misplacement of the GSM gateway or its antenna near
television, broadcasting or similar RF-sensitive devices may exercise an adverse effect upon their function.
Being a source of RF energy emission, the gateway antenna
should not be located close to human bodies. The hazard is higher than with mobile telephones because the gateway is usually used by many people and thus employed more often.
2-6 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
2.4. LAN Connection
2N VoiceBlue Enterprise is connected to the 10/100BASE-T (Twisted Pair Ethernet) LAN using a standard straight (non­crossed) cable terminated with RJ-45 connectors like other types of equipment (PC, VoIP terminals, etc.).
2.5. Antenna Connection
No matter if equipped with two or four GSM modules, the VoIP gateway has just one SMA antenna connector, see fig. 6, to which an external antenna cable is connected. This external antenna should be installed vertically on a place with a good GSM signal.
Fig. 5 – LAN Connection
Fig. 6 – Antenna Connector Connection
Tighten the antenna connector gently with your hand, never use a wrench!
Installation 2-7
2.6. Gateway Power Supply
Be sure to use only the mains supply adapter that is included in
the GSM gateway delivery.
Before plugging in the gateway, make sure that the mains
voltage value meets the data given on the mains adapter label.
Furthermore, make sure that the antenna has been connected. If
you connect the gateway to the power supply without an antenna, the GSM module transmitter might get damaged.
Now plug the supply adapter into a mains socket and connect
the adapter connector to the gateway, see fig. 7. The status indicators indicate the proper operation. For their meanings refer to Subsection 2.9.
Fig. 7 – Supply Adapter Connection
2-8 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
2.7. SIM Card Insertion
To insert your SIM card in the gateway, press the yellow button on the appropriate card drawer with a suitable tool to make the drawer slide out a little. Remove the drawer, insert the SIM card and replace the drawer. You can replace SIM cards even with your gateway on.
2.8. PC Connection
You need direct interconnection of your 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise gateway and PC especially when you do not know the gateway IP address and thus cannot configure it using a web browser. In such a case, connect the gateway directly to your PC serial port with the cable enclosed and select the basic network parameters using your console interface.
Fig. 8 – SIM Card Inserting Procedure
Fig. 9 – Serial Console Pin Connection
1 – RTS 2 – TX 3 – GND 4 – GND 5 – RX 6 – CTS
You can control the console interface with any terminal-emulating program according to the VT-100 specification at least. The Microsoft Windows OS, e.g., contains a communication tool HyperTerminal, which can be used for this purpose.
By default, the gateway serial port communication parameters are set at 115,200 bits per second, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, no flow control. Set the communication program on the PC side identically.
Installation 2-9
2.9. Status Indicators
There is a panel with five LEDs on the gateway upper cover. The Power indicator signals that the gateway as a whole is in operation. The other LEDs, marked GSM 1 to GSM 4, indicate the status of each GSM module.
Power Indicator
Basic diagnostic tests are performed automatically whenever the gateway is connected to supply voltage. Each test step is signalled by a specific colour combination of the LEDs. The testing process is usually shorter than 0.5 sec and so it looks like a quick sequence of LED flashes at first sight. If, however, a test step fails, the indicator combination related to the failed test remains lighted. This provides a convenient troubleshooting tool to the technical support personnel.
After all hardware tests have been completed successfully, the operating system kernel is loaded. During the process, all GSM module indicators are off and the blue continuous Power light blinks with the period of approximately 1 second.
When the operating system kernel has been loaded, the blue Power indicator keeps shining continuously.
In exceptional cases, when a fatal failure of software occurs and the gateway stops working, the Power indicator starts flashing quickly. All you can do is disconnect the gateway from the power supply for a few seconds and restart it.
Power Indicator (blue)
No light The system is not working. Blinking The system kernel is being loaded. Continuous light The system is working. Quick flashing "Kernel panic“ – fatal failure
2-10 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
GSM Indicators
The GSM 1 to GSM 4 indicators signal the status of the respective GSM module. After connection to the power supply, the VoIP gateway application starts within two minutes. During that time, the installed GSM modules and SIM cards are detected. If a GSM module or SIM card is not detected, the respective indicator remains off.
If they are detected, the process of module and SIM card initialisation is commenced. The respective indicator shines red during the process. If the process is unsuccessful, the LED goes off. If the indicator turns orange, it means that the module has not logged-in to any GSM network.
If the LED is green, you can make calls and send SMS via the respective module.
The respective module LED blinks green quickly during call establishing. When the connection has been built successfully, the indicator remains green during the whole call.
GSM Indicators
No light The module is ready Red light SIM card initialisation in progress or
Yellow light The SIM is not logged-in to any
Quick green blinking A call is being established (dialled). Green light A call is being made.
no SIM card is in the drawer.
GSM network.
Initial Setup
This section shows you how to control tools that you will need later for gateway configuring.
Here is a survey of what you will find in this section:
Default communication parameters;
Basic setup via a serial link;
Description of the web configuration interface arrangement.
3-2 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
3.1. Before You Start Configuring…
The following values are set for the 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise gateways by the manufacturer:
Serial console communication port:
Transmission rate: 115200 Data bits: 8 Parity: none Flow control: none
Network parameters:
IP address: Network mask:
Having unpacked the gateway, you can configure it using any of the following two ways:
1) Connect it to your PC via a serial link (refer to Subsection 2.8)
and set the basic network parameters using a terminal communication program, e.g. HyperTerminal. Then connect yourself to the gateway through a web browser to complete the setting procedure.
2) Interconnect the gateway with your PC using a crossed
Ethernet cable, set an arbitrary IP address for the PC from the network 10.x.y.z, other than, and set the required IP address for the gateway using a web browser. Having changed the IP address, connect both the PC and gateway to the LAN in a standard way and complete the configuration process using your web browser.
Let us discuss the two ways in the subsections below.
Administration 3-3
3.2. Console Access
The console system is arranged as a set of nested menus. By selecting a menu item you either get into a submenu, or have the required operation executed, or set the selected parameter.
3.2.1 Serial console access
When the gateway is powered on, the main menu should get displayed after terminal connection.
VoiceBlue Enterprise V1.01 Main Menu VoiceBlue
Option Value Description
1 – Configuration [ menu ] – General configuration 2 – Set Admin password – Set administration password 3 – Help – Display help for serial console settings
Enter an option number, <ESC> previous menu >
Every menu consists of the following parts:
Header: Contains (from the left): the product name, firmware
version, menu name and network name assigned to the equipment.
Options column: Displays numbers and names of available
Value column: If "[menu]" is displayed, the item includes a
submenu. Otherwise it shows the actual value of the option.
Description column: Explains briefly the meaning of every
option in the menu.
„Enter an option number…>“: Here enter the option
To select an option from a menu, enter its first number and press
for confirmation.
3-4 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
If you select a submenu, this submenu gets displayed. Now you can select items from the selected submenu or return by pressing
Commands and Values
If you are requested to enter some information after selecting an item, you should enter one of the following values:
Key word: A list of one or more fixed strings. To select one,
enter only so many initial characters as can differ it unambiguously from other key words.
Enter one of [ansi,color,teletype] : a
In the above mentioned case, select a key word by entering just an "a", "c", or "t"“ and press .
String: an arbitrary number of characters. The acceptable value
interval may be included in the prompt.
Enter a hostname from 1 to 32 characters: voiceblue
Integer: A decadic integral number. The acceptable value
interval may be included in the prompt.
Enter a size between 1 and 100 : 99
A hexadecimal integral number – number to be entered in the hexadecimal format using characters 0÷9 and a÷f or A÷F.
Enter a hex number between 1h and ffh : 1a
MAC address: up to 12 hexadecimal digits of the physical
address. Zeros at the beginning can be omitted.
Enter the remote network address : 50C229C4E2
IP address: an Internet address in the format of four digits of
0÷255 separated with dots.
Enter an IP address :
Administration 3-5
As soon as the requested information is entered, the respective operation is executed. If the operation changes the parameter settings, new values are displayed in the redrawn menu.
Some configuration parameters may have just one of two constant values. By selecting such an item you immediately make its value opposite to that preceding the selection. Typical examples are on and off parameters. If their value is on, then it becomes off when the item is selected and vice versa.
Some commands execute operations that have a serious impact on the behaviour of the entire system (such as restart). Therefore, the system usually "makes sure" before execution whether it is really your intention.
Are you sure [y/n] :
If you give an answer other than "y" or "Y", the command will not be executed.
To cancel the command execution and quit the prompt press the
key any time.
About Menus…
We shall discuss the serial console menus in detail in sections devoted to gateway parameter settings. Below is a brief survey of these menus only.
Main menu: Appears after the serial cable is connected to the terminal. From the main menu you can get into the configuration menu, change the administrator password, or display the help.
Configuration menu: Contains two submenus: network configuration and serial console settings.
Network configuration: Used for setting the gateway IP address, network mask, initial router, DNS addresses, network name and domain.
Serial console configuration: Helps set the terminal type and change the initial serial link parameters – transition rate, data and stop bits, parity and flow control type.
3-6 2N® VoiceBlue Enterprise
DTR Signal Monitoring
The VoiceBlue Enterprise software monitors continuously the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal. This signal is used for detecting the presence or absence of terminal connection to the serial console port.
When terminal disconnection is detected, the following operations are performed:
All initiated operations are cancelled.
The main menu gets displayed.
If the connecting cable does not interconnect the DTR signal, you cannot work with the serial console!
3.2.2. Telnet console access
This is a short description of new features added to the serial console configuration. For the standard serial console configuration capabilities refer to the 2N VoiceBlue Enterprise
Now you will see the window similar to the standard serial console configuratoin window and you can work with it in the same way. To log out Telnet configuration, get to the main menu and choose Logout option (this option is not visible in the serial console window).
There are two new menus added to the Configuration menu - menu States and menu Command line. They allow you to control and configure VoiceBlue devices, calls, lines and routes.
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