ZyXEL ES-105A v2, ES-108A v2 User Manual

User’s Guide
Hardware Installation
ES-105A v2 / ES-108A v2
Installation de r Hardware | Instal ación del hardwar e
Installation du m atériel | Install azione hardware
Maski nvaruins talla tion | Hardw are Ins tallatie
Laitteen asennu s | 硬體安裝
Port 1-3/1-5
High-Priority QoS Ports QoS-Ports mit hoher Priorität Puertos QoS de prioridad alta Port QoS Haute Priorité Porte QoS di alta priorità Hoge Prioriteit QoS Poorten Högprioriterade QoS-portar Korkean tason QoS-portit 高優先權的QoS端口
Wall Mounting
IP Phone
Standard Ports Standard-Ports Puertos estándar Ports Standard Porte standard Standaard Poorten Standardportar Vakioportit
M3.5 screws
Wandmontage | M ontaje en pared
Fixation murale | M ontaggio a muro
Wandinstall atie | Väggmontag e
Seinä än asennus | 壁 掛式安裝
Betri eb prüfen | Co mprob ar operaci ón
Contr oleer Werking | Kontro llera drift Toiminn an tarkast amine n | 檢查作 業
- Lampan tänds.
- Lamporna blinkar vid trak.
- valo syttyy.
- valot vilkkuvat kun liikenne kulkee.
- 電源 指示燈亮起。
- 乙太網路埠 指示燈閃爍,代表傳輸進行中。
Check Operation
- The light turns on.
- The lights blink when there is trac.
- Die LED beginnt zu leuchten.
- Die LEDs blinken bei Datenverkehr.
- La luz se encenderá.
- Las luces parpadearán cuando haya tráco.
Vérif ication du f onctionnement | C ontro lla il funzi oname nto
- Le témoin lumineux s'allume.
- Les témoins lumineux clignotent quand il y a du trac.
- La luce si accende.
- Le luci lampeggiano quando c'è traco in trasmissione o ricezione.
- Het lampje gaat branden.
- Het lampje knippert bij verkeer.
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Product information
Green Product Declaration
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU
Grünes Produkt Erklärung
RoHS Richtlinie 2011/65/EU
Declaración de Producto Ecológico
Directiva RoHS 2011/65/UE
Déclaration de Produit Vert
Directive RoHS 2011/65/UE
WEEE Directive 2002/96/EC (WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) 2003/108/EC;2008/34/EC
Declaration Signature: Name/Title: Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2012/07/09
ElektroG Richtlinie 2002/96/EG
(ElektroG: Über Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte) 2003/108/EG;2008/34/EG
Unterschrift des Erklärenden: Name/Title: Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2012/07/09
Directiva RAEE 2002/96/CE (RAEE : Residuos de Aparatos Eléctricos y Electrónicos) 2003/108/CE;2008/34/CE
Firma de declaración: Nombre/Título: Thomas Wei / Quality Department/ Senior Director. Fecha (aaaa/mm/dd): 2012/07/09
Prodotto dichiarazione di verde
Direttiva RoHS 2011/65/UE
Direttiva RAEE 2002/96/CE (RAEE: Rifiuti di Apparecchiature Elettriche ed Elettroniche) 2003/108/CE;2008/34/CE
Firma dichiarazione: Nome/titolo: Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Data (aaaa/mm/gg): 2012/07/09
RoHS Richtlijn 2011/65/EU
AEEA-Richtlijn 2002/96/EG (AEEA: Afgedankte Elektrische en Elektronische apparatuur) 2003/108/EG;2008/34/EG
Verklaringshandtekening: Naam/titel: Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Datum(jjjj/mm/dd): 2012/07/09
RoHS Direktiv 2011/65/EU
WEEE Direktiv 2002/96/EG (WEEE: om avfall som utgörs av eller innehåller elektriska eller elektroniska produkter) 2003/108/EG;2008/34/EG
Deklaration undertecknad av: Namn/Titel: Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Datum (åååå/mm/dd): 2012/07/09
Ai se nsi del l’art . 13 del De creto L egisl ativo 2 5 lugli o 2005, n .151” Attua zione d elle Di retti ve 2011 /65/U E, 2002 /96/C E e 2003/ 108/C E, rela tive al la ridu zione d ell’u so di sos tanze p erico lose nel le appa recch iatur e elett riche e d elett ronic he, non ché all o smalt iment o dei rif iuti”
Il si mbolo d el cass onett o barra to ripo rtato s ull’a ppare cchia tura o su lla sua c onfez ione in dica ch e il pro dotto a lla fin e della p ropri a vita ut ile dev e esser e racco lto sep arata mente d agli al tri rif iuti.
La ra ccolt a diffe renzi ata del la pres ente ap parec chiat ura giu nta a fin e vita è or ganiz zata e ge stita d al pro dutto re. L’ut ente ch e vorrà d isfar si dell a prese nte app arecc hiatu ra dovr à quind i conta ttare i l pro dutto re e segu ire il si stema c he ques to ha ado ttato p er cons entir e la racc olta se parat a del l’app arecc hiatu ra giun ta a fine v ita.
L’ad eguat a racco lta dif feren ziata p er l’av vio suc cessi vo dell ’appa recch iatur a disme ssa al ri cicla ggio, al tr attam ento e al lo smal timen to ambi ental mente c ompat ibile c ontri buisc e ad evit are pos sibil i effet ti neg ativi s ull’a mbien te e sull a salut e e favor isce il r eimpi ego e/o r icicl o dei mat erial i di cui è co mpost a l’a ppare cchia tura. Lo sm altim ento ab usivo d el prod otto da p arte de l deten tore co mport a l’app licaz ione de lle san zioni amm inist rativ e previ ste dal la norm ativa v igent e.”
安全警 告
為了您 的安全,請 先閱讀以下 警告及指示 :
請勿將 此產品接近 水、火焰或 放置在高溫 的環境。
避免設 備接觸
任何液 體 - 切勿讓設備 接觸水、雨 水、高濕度 、污水腐蝕 性的液體或 其他水份。
灰塵及 污物 - 切勿接觸 灰塵、污物 、沙土、食 物或其他不 合適的材料 。
切勿重 摔或撞擊設 備,並勿使 用不正確的 電源變壓器 。
若接上 不正確的電 源變壓器會 有爆炸的 風險。
請勿隨 意更換產品 內的電池。
如果更 換不正確之 電池型式, 會有爆炸的 風險,請依 製造商說明 書處理使用 過之電池。
請將廢 電池丟棄在 適當的電器 或電子設備 回收處。
請勿將 設備解體。
請勿阻 礙設備的散 熱孔,空氣 對流不足將 會造成設備 損害。
請插在 正確的電壓 供給插座( 如:北美/ 台灣電壓1 10V AC,歐 洲是230 V AC)。
假若電 源變壓器或 電源變壓器 的纜線損壞 ,請從插座 拔除,若您 還繼續插電 使用,會有 觸電死亡的 風險。
請勿試 圖修理電源 變壓器或電 源變壓器的 纜線,若有 毀損,請直 接聯絡您購 買的店家, 購買一個新 的電源變壓 器。
請勿將 此設備安裝 於室外,此 設備僅適合 放置於室內 。
請勿隨 一般垃圾丟 棄。
CE Ma rk Warning
Thi s is a clas s B produ ct. In a do mesti c envir onmen t this pr oduct m ay caus e radio i nterf erenc e in whi ch case t he user m ay be req uired t o take ad equat e measu res.
請參閱 產品背 貼上的 設備額 定功率。 請參考 產品型 錄或是 彩盒上 標示的作業溫度 。
Directive DEEE 2002/96/CE (DEEE : déchets d'équipem ents électriques et électroni ques) 2003/108/CE;2008/34/CE
Signature de la déclaration : Nom/Titre : Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Date (aaaa/mm/jj) : 2012/07/09
Vihreä tuote ilmoitu s
RoHS-direktiivi 2011/65/EU
WEE E-Dir ektii vi 2002/96/EG (WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) 2003/108/EG;2008/34/EG
Ilmoituksen allekirjoitus: Namn/Titel: Thomas Wei / Quality Management Department/ Senior Director. Päiväys (yyyy/mm/dd): 2012/07/09
Declaration of Conformity
Product Name :
Model Number :
Produced by
Company Name : ZyXEL Communications Corporation
Company Add. :
to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the following standards or other normative documents:
EN 55022: 2010
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A2:2009
EN 61000-3-3: 2008
EN 55024 : 2010
RoHS 2.0 :EN 50581
The Product herewith complies with requirements of the following Directive : The Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC , The EMC Directive 2004/108/EC, The R& TTE Directive 1999/5/EC, Out of Scope of the ErP IM Regulations EC No 1275/2008
amend Art.1, The RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and carries the CE Marking accordingly.
The TCF-File is located at: Local contact for regulatory topics only :
Company Name : Company Address :
Person is responsible for marking this declaration:
5-Port Desktop Fast Ethernet Switch 8-Port Desktop Fast Ethernet Switch
ES-105A v2 ES-108A v2
No. 2, Gongye E. 9th Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300, Taiwan
Safety :
EN 60950-1:2006+A11:2009+A1:
ZyXEL Communications Corporation
Hsinchu Office : No. 2, Gongye E. 9th Rd., East Dist., Hsinchu City 300,Taiwan : TAIPEI Office :11F., NO.223, SEC. 3, BEIXIN RD., XINDIAN DIST., NEW
Thomas Wei Senior Manager
Name (Full Name) Position/ Title
No. 6, Innovation Road II, Science-Park,Hsin-Chu,300,Taiwan
Quality Management Department
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