ZALMAN ZM-WB4 User Manual

Please visit our website and watch the ZM-WB4 Gold installation video for easy installation.
Please read this manual thoroughly before installation.The specifications of this product and its components may change without prior notice to
improve performance.
ZM-WB4 Gold
(English Version)
for Higher Water Cooling Performance
The specifications of any product may change without prior notice to improve performance.
1) Test the product for leakage away from the system before ins talling it on the system. confirming no leakage, proceed with the installation and use.
2) Use approved coolant for computer water-cooling to prevent corrosion.
3) Use coolant tubes listed under the compatibility list.
4) Do not use the product if it interferes with any motherboard components.
5) Familiarize yourself with this manual.
6) Keep this product and its associated system away from children.
1) Weight : 135g
2) Materials : Pure Copper (Water Block Base) and Polyester (Water Block Cover)
3) Dimensions : 63(W) x 63(L) x 16.5(H)mm
4) Compatible Tubes (Outer x Inner) : 14x10mm, 13x10mm, 13x9mm, 12x9mm, 12x8mm, 11x8mm, 10x8mm
2. Specifications
1) Zalman’s creative dimple-type processing technology allows lightness in weight and excellent cooling performance.
2) Pure copper-base material water block provides excellent heat transfer, and gold-plated base prevents corrosion.
3) Use of transparent and strengthened plastic water block cover allows lightness in weight, excellent durability, and view for the user to be able to check the flow of internal coolant.
4) Connection fitting for the hose is a single-body cover in the form of two connection structure types, which allows for various types of hoses to be used.
5) Compatible with Intel Pentium 4 (Socket 775/478) and AMD (Socket AM2/754/939/940).
Zalman Tech Co., Ltd. is not responsible for any damages due to external causes, including but not limited to, improper use, problems with electrical power, accident, neglect, alteration, repair, improper installation, or improper testing.
1. Features
The specifications of any product may change without prior notice to improve performance.
3. Exploded View
Water Block Assembly
Fixing Bolt for Clip Support
Clip Support for Socket 775
Clip Support for Socket 478
Backplate for Socket 775
Clip Bolt
Clip for Intel
Retention Guide
Clip for AMD
ZM-WB4 Gold
Retention Guide for AMD
IInntteell PPeennttiiuumm 44 ((SSoocckkeett 777755)) IInntteell PPeennttiiuumm 44 ((SSoocckkeett 447788))
CClliipp CCoommbbiinnaattiioonnss ffoorr IInntteell
AAMMDD ((SSoocckkeett AAMM22//775544//993399//994400))
Tube Clamp B (11.5 X 8mm):13x9mm, 12x9mm, 12x8mm, 11x8mm, 10x8mm
Tube Clamp A (13.8 X 8mm): 14x10mm, 13x10mm
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ffoorr DDiiffffeerreenntt TTuubbee SSiizzee
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