001Mad TubeC1 - B4An extremely aggressive sound that lies between synth lead and distortion
002VintgLdB-1 - C6Multi-oscillator type synth lead.
003SpaceZoo***Try moving PB, MW, and AT in various ways.
004GuitHeroG0 - C5A distortion guitar. Controlling the feedback with AT is particularly effective.
005StoneHngF0 - G6MW produces a sustained sound.
006WhizzerG#0 - F#5Long sustaining synth tone similar to bass guitar harmonics.
007SimpleBaC0 - C6Straight ahead synth bass with some distortion.
008ClavBassC0 - E3Bass sound with both electric/acoustic and synthesizer qualities. If you use FC
009SuperBasC0 - F#3DX7 style slapped bass.
010New SlapC0 - D5New type slap bass with punchy power.
011RockPigsC0 - E4Organ-type synth lead sound. AT produces a neighing effect.
012IgneousC0 - C5Feedbacked synth lead sound.
01350 / 50C0 - F5Simple Square wave synth lead.
014CybastrgC-1 - C6Metallic driller killer sound.
015WynthA-1 - G5Filter wind synth with control from BC and velocity.
016BuzzSawE-1 - C6Play with lots of MW filter control.
017ZubZubB-1 - C6Biting analog synth sound. MW controls filter.
018BlueG0 - D3Fizzy synthesiser sound.
019OsciLeadC0 - G5Octave synth lead sound.
020SqrLeadD#0 - C6Nice Square lead tone. Lowering FC (CC#4) closes filter.
021BiggerC-1 - C6Big analog synth sound - velocity controls filter and volume.
022AnaSquidG-1 - C6Analog synth type sound with MW filter control.
023SharpSynG0 - C6Slightly mode unstable velocity sensitive sound.
024AnaWaveC0 - E4Analog synth type sound with MW filter control.
025AnaWurlC0 - C6Velocity sensitive sound somewhat like a Vintage EP passed through a
026BabalogC0 - C6Velocity controlled synth wind sound.
027FngerBassB-1 - C4Vigorous finger bass sound.
028UprightB-1 - C4Simulation of accoustic bass.
029FngroundA-1 - C4Finger bass with particular sound of rear pick up.
030BirdlandA-1 - C4Midway between an analog synth and an electric bass sound. The high range
031FlageoBsG0 - C4Harmonics of a fingerd electric bass.
032DampBassG-1 - C3Damped Pluck-Bass with a dry speaker sound.
033Fretles!E-1 - C4Fretless bass usable for either rhythm or melody.
034Frtles!2B-1 - C#4Another fretless bass, good for melody play.
Note Range
(CC#4) you can get “clavinet” style overtones.
resonant filter.
produces harmonics.
No.Voice Name
035ThumBassC0 - C3Thumped Bass.
036RockBassG-1 - C4Heavy overdrive rock bass sound.
037SmooBassB-1 - A#3Expressive synth bass sound with filter control by velocity and “vintage
038WarmBassB-1 - C4Warm electric Precision bass sound. Use FC (CC#4) to make sound brighter
039YamaBassA-1 - C4Yamaha 5-string electric bass with brand new strings and “studio EQ”.
040Box BassC0 - C4Similar to FM synth bass with filter control on MW. Uses resonator for “boxy”
041BassCabB-1 - G#4Slightly distorted electric bass with Resonator simulation of speaker cabinet
042FruitBasC0 - C4Fruity electric bass sound.
043AcidBas!B-1 - C5Bass sound for acid jazz.
044SqrBass!B-1 - G4Square wave synth bass.
045PulsClavA-1 - G5Synth-Clavinet for funky licks.
046MogueBasB-1 - C#7A classic synth bass sound.
047BoppaBasB-1 - C4Synth bass with sub-octave undertone.
048BuzzrBasD0 - E4FM style, bright and buzzy electronic keyboard bass. For fast tempo trance,
049MuteHrBsC0 - C5Upper register bass harmonic sound, with accentuated fingering “pop” similar
050TekBassB-1 - C4Synth bass with sub-octave undertone.
051TranzBasC0 - F#4TB303 style synth bass. For fast tempo trance, acid, house, and techno style
052ChamlionC0 - B4Dry Synthbass.
053ParaSynA-1 - C4Strong, up-front synth bass, ideal for 70’s Jazz-Funk. If you like that sort of
054SteamBasC0 - C#7Use lots of PB (Embouchure) for finger slides. Gives greater tonal variety.
055BooBassB-1 - C5MW controls filter and gives sharper attack.
056WhelkBasE-1 - C#5Synth bass. MW controls filter as does velocity.
057AtackSynG0 - B4Synth bass sound with strong attack.
058Q.KlavA-1 - C#4Deeply funky clav sound. Tr y with Phasing on in Chorus section, or alter low
059Sitar!G0 - E4Simulation of Sitar.
060IndiaF#0 - C6Sitar-type ethnic sound.
061YamSteelA2 - C6Steel drum-type ethnic sound.
062StungStF#0 - B5FM style, metallic overtone synth. Can use as lead or bass .
063Mu***MW brings in noise. CC#13 can be used to modify the character of the noise.
064Waterphn***Mysterious percussion instrument. Attack is softened with MW. Squeakiness
Note Range
analog” character.
or darker.
acid, house, and techno style sequenced basslines.
to playing muted guitar style with the palm of the picking hand on the bridge.
sequenced basslines.
and upper mid with Equaliser in modifier section. Altering the Aural Exciter
parameters will also have a big effect.
(embouchure) on CC#13. Violent SCRAPE sound with AT.
* Aural Exciter® is a registered trademark and is manufactured under license from Aphex Systems, Ltd.
No.Voice Name
065DinoPerc***Use with different combinations of MW and PB to produce complex noise
066Formula***Engine-like sound effect.
067Jurassic***Use PB, MW, and CC#13 to produce the cries of various dinosaurs.
068Devil***A sound effect using extreme oscillation. Try moving PB, MW, and CC#13 in
069SpcHorse***While applying MW, add AT to create a neighing sound.
070Jason***Use the MW to turn this into a strongly noisy sound effect.
071SuedheadF-1 - C6Sound effect. Make liberal use of Pitch and MWs.
072SpanishF-1 - E4Spanish type acoustic guitar.
073JazzGtr!B-1 - A4Electric guitar suitable mainly for jazz.
074JazzyGtrA-1 - C6Velocity dynamic jazz style sustaining guitar lead.
075L7 PluckB-1 - E4A classic pluck sound.
076WetPluckB-1 - E4A guitar sound that readily accepts effects such as flanging.
077Comp GtrB-1 - A4Compressed, clean electric strat guitar sound.
078FunkyGtrB-1 - D5Snappy “70’s style” funk guitar, for rhythm and comping.
079Thin GtrB-1 - G5
080CarlosB-1 - G4Overdrive guitar, front pick up type.
081DestinyC0 - C5Distortion guitar made from a sustained sound with strong attack. CC#13 for
082GonzoB-1 - G5Velocity controlled. PB down controls noise effect.
083GrungeC0 - B6Dirty synth lead.
084OssyncroB-1 - G5Cross modulation-type synth lead.
085Talk BoxF#0 - E7Voicy Lead, somehow like a guitar-Talkbox.
086SyncLedB-1 - E6Sync type lead tone. Use with Exp or BC - with no pressure sound has
087Old MiniA-1 - A5A classic analog synth solo sound.
088Fat MiniG-1 - A5A classic analog synth solo sound with fatter timbre.
089ParlophoB-1 - C5If it was possible to mix an accordion with a trumpet it might sound like this.
090SimpleSyB-1 - E5Breath controlled filter synth sound.
091ChoronicC0 - G5Synth brass solo sound.
092SlitMinuF0 - C6AT control of Rotor Speed of FX.
093SynHarmoB-1 - G6Filter changed by velocity.
094FlaggootC0 - D4Vibrato will cause sound to drop an octave except in lower range.
095SynSkexC0 - A#5Analog/acoustic hybrid lead sound with resonant filter.
096ResoSqrA-1 - D5Lowering FC (CC#4) opens filter.
097WurliLdB-1 - C6Dark, reed electric piano style synth lead.
098FlatLeadG#1 - G5Analog / digital lead with thick, fat non-dynamic character.
Note Range
various ways.
Clean uncompressed electric guitar with “thin gauge” new strings, good for country,
R&B, lead solos etc. Using a high velocity input results in a continuous sound.
feedback effect.
stacatto muted tone. Increase for full tone. FC (CC#4) at full produces wide
open tone. Lowering darkens timbre. Try striking at hard velocity with no BC,
pitchbend up, and slowly.
No.Voice Name
099PhilTurB-1 - C6Bright, resonant synth brass lead with accentuated filter dynamic range.
100ChalPulsB-1 - C6Synth lead with an indefinably “acoustic” atmosphere.
101Pluck LdB-1 - C6Speedy Synthlead with Guitarlike attack.
102BrassynB-1 - C6Bright analog synthbrass.
103AcoSynLdA-1 - C6Analog synth lead-type sound with an acoustic flavor.
104MobyG-1 - F5A strange sound in which gradual application of AT increases the fundamental.
105DigitrnC0 - C6Digital wavetable style wind controller synth lead.
106LyricOffB-1 - C6Pulse wave style analog wind controller synth lead.
107RezzawiB-1 - G5Bright, resonant sawtooth style analog wind controller synth lead.
108MacroB-1 - C6Assignable Controller(CC#16) control of harmonic enhancer gives a variety of
111MokoPipeC0 - C6Somewhere around Uillean pipes.
112AliBabaB-1 - C6Play with lots of PB. Try controlling vibrato from Pitch Wheel.
113PersinetB-1 - G5Single reed new acoustic model.
114PicoPipeG#0 - C6Try using lots of PB embouchure control.
115GertrudeC0 - C6Ethnic wood wind sound.
116XynthG-1 - C6Woodwind guitar synth thing.
117DualityG-1 - C6Synth wind instrument.
118AltKwekG#1 - C7New hybrid, double reed driven cynlindrical metal woodwind (oboe reed and a
119SoftblowC0 - C6Gentle sax type sound.
120AlbaPipeC0 - C6Boxy sounding double reed with additional lower octave undertone.
121ElectrumC0 - C6Expressive brass like sound.
122EdgeophoB-1 - F5Somewhere between a ’30s saxophone and distorted blues harmonica. PB
123BassCla!C0 - C6A simulation of Bass Clarinet.
124WX ClariC1 - C6Clarinet sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
125WX OboeC0 - B5Oboe sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
126WX J GtrC0 - A4Jazz guitar sound suitable for performance with a wind controller. Breath
128LipClariF-1 - C6LipClari Imaginary instrument simulating a trumpet mouthpiece blown through
Note Range
The key lies in how you use AT.
piccolo body).
control of embouchure is inverted.
character simulates string muting.
a clarinet body.
■ Preset 2
No.Voice Name
001VentoC0 - C6High noise content in this flute type sound.
002FloboeC0 - C6Imaginary instrument combining a flute and oboe.
003SintaxF0 - C5Synthetic sax type sound.
004EasternE0 - C6In conjunction with mode shift from PB can be used for “classic” Shakuhachi
005Trumpet!C0 - C6Simulation of Trumpet.
006SoprSax!C0 - C6Simulation of Soprano sax.
007LiteAltoE0 - C6Light-feeling alto sax with significant noise component.
008Trmbone!C0 - C6Simulation of a trombone.
009BtlFluteC0 - C6Flute sound similar to a softly blown bottle.
010Air SaxG0 - C6A sax-type instrument that could not exist in reality, produceable only by the
011TenrSax!C0 - C6Simulation of Tenor sax.
012CocaC1 - C6Pan flute sort of thing. Vibrato using pressure (BC) is particularly effective.
013JetLpBowA-1 - C6A subtle sound with a violin-like attack, combining a reed (oboe type) and
014Viol InnC0 - C6A new acoustic sound based on bowed string instruments. Quite usable as a
015MuteConeG0 - C6Muted trumpet with PB “mode” effect.
016BrethBowB-1 - C6A sound somewhere between strings and a blown feel.
017Trumpt!2C0 - C6Trumpet sound.
018FluglHr!C0 - C6Simulation of Flugelhorn
019CornetC0 - C6Cornet sound suitable for classical music.
020JzTrumpF#2 - C6Trumpet sound suitable for jazz.
021JzTrump2G#1 - C6Bright trumpet. PB can be used to imitate a lip slur.
022FlumpetD0 - C6Resonant trumpet/flugely thing. PB controlls embouchure and pitch. Legato
023WXTrumptC0 - C6Trumpet sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
024MuteTp!E0 - C6Simulation of Mute trumpet.
025MuteTp!2C0 - C6Another Mute trumpet.
026MelwboneC0 - C6Mellow Trombone sound.
027NerzoBrE0 - C6Bright synthetic brass with PB “shake” effect.
028Horn!B-1 - C6Simulation of Horn.
029Horn!2C0 - C6Another Horn.
030NuHorneB-1 - C6Mellow french horn with PB “shake” effect.
031WX HornB-1 - C6Horn sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
032Tuba!C0 - C6Tuba simulation.
033NuViolinC0 - C6A light violin sound.
034C ViolinC0 - C6Violin sound suitable for classical music.
Note Range
sample effect.
flute-type instrument.
playing creates different tone.
No.Voice Name
035BrtViolnC0 - C6A bright violin sound.
036MuteViolC0 - C6The sound of a violin with an attached mute.
037BrtViolaC0 - C6A bright viola sound, extending from cello range to violin range.
038ViolOuttC0 - C6Bowed-string sound with a sliding feel to the bow.
039Cello!C0 - C5Cello simulation.
040EleanorC0 - C5The sound of a cello being played in the center of the string. Becomes a wind
041Nu CelloB-1 - C6Cello variation sound.
042ContrairA-1 - C5String bass simulation.
043DoublBowA-1 - C5A string bass that is fairly close to a wind instrument.
044Piccolo!C0 - C7Simulaton of piccolo.
045Piccol!2C0 - C7Another piccolo.
046BowPicolC0 - G6A piccolo flute sound with a bowed string flavor.
047C FluteC0 - C6Flute simulation. Editing the controller settings to increase the breath noise
048C Flute2C0 - C6Another flute simulation.
049JazFluteB-1 - C6Flute sound suitable for jazz.
050OakFluteE0 - C6Flute sound with hard wooden resonance.
051BtlFlut2C0 - C6Flute-type bottle sound.
052RzdeFltE0 - C6Expressive resonant flutey sound.
053FlutuenG1 - C6Heavily filtered, synth flute/woodwind lead.
054Nz FluteC0 - C6Flute sound with large noise component.
055WX ShakuC1 - C6Shakuhachi sound suitable for performance with a wind controller.
056Pan PipeE0 - G5Pan flute simulation. It is effective to edit the controller settings so that growl
057PanPicolC0 - G6Another pan flute sound with a beautiful high register.
058BambooC0 - C6The sound of a bamboo pipe.
059AndeanC0 - C6The sound of a wooden or bamboo flute such as the quena.
060FlurinetF0 - C6Clarinet with flute mouthpiece.
061SoftReedC0 - C6A sound that mixes oboe with soprano sax, but having a unique feel pos-
062FlurmodF0 - B5New hybrid, woody reed flute. Keep high breath pressure and hard tonguing
063JhopaliG0 - C5New accordion/hurdy gurdy hybrid with unique AT controlled fifth’s undertone.
064BaroquenC0 - C6A nostalgic sound combining a flute and reed instrument. Try a slow build-up
065SquealATC0 - C6Pipe-type synth-lead sound. Try using AT to create extreme performance
Note Range
instrument-like sound in the high register.
depth will change the nuance of the sound.
can be applied.
sessed by neither instrument.
when playing in upper mode (with PB = max).
Play ethnic style melodies, playing with hard finger pressure to bounce off the
aftertouch sensor to emphasize selected notes with the fifth undertone.
of breath for refined elegance.
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