Absolute Realism, Massive Power.
AVENTAGE Separate Components.
11.2-channel AV Pre-Amplifi er
Yamaha is proud to introduce two fl agship separate components that stand at
he pinnacle of the AVENTAGE Series of ultra-high performance components.
They are the fullest expression of the AVENTAGE concept, which combines
ne craftsmanship, superb sound quality, unequalled sound realism,
nnovative technologies and enhanced controlla
of uncompromising design and technological integrity manifested by our Z11
agship receiver, the CX-A5000 and MX-A5000 take the AVENTAGE Series to
new levels of audio performance, as well as greater than ever fl exibility for use
n network environments. By delivering not only great sound quality but also the
ability to achieve the best possible performance from any source, they take
he home theatre experience to a new standard of excellence and enjoyment
11-channel Power Amplifi er
ty. Drawing on the spirit

11.2-channel AV Pre-Amplifi er
and other players, and high quality signals from
educes the transmission o
ation due to the connectio
11-channel Power Amplifi er
Overwhelming Power and High Density
Presence Achieved by 11.2-channel
Separate AV Am
Making full use of Cinema DSP H
pinnacle of 3-dimensional sound fi eld
eproduction, the CX-A5000 AV Pre-Amplifi er
ealises detailed, accurate sound imaging.
The MX-A
ower Amplifi er delivers powerful driving
orce that provides superb quality and
performance for all channels. Combining these
two achieves overwhelming silence and sound
lled with dynamic feeling, the goal to which
Yamaha constantly aspires. With all types of
ound sources, you w
that immerses you in music with the full scale
presence of 11.2 channels.
Back L/R
Rear Presence L/R
enjoy a deep resonance
Subwoofer L
Surround L/R
Presence L/R
Main L/R
Subwoofer R
Specially Designed High Rigidity Chassis
Eliminates the Effects of Vibration for
Greater Sound Purity
As part of the no-compromise design policy
or these two amplifi ers, Yamaha created an
dvanced chassis with strong rigidity. Chassis
tiffness is enhanced by an H-shaped cross
rame that boosts mechanical strength, by
dopting aluminum side panels that increase
the st
ness of the housing, and by a three-ply
tructure with ind
anels. Any external vibration from the rack
other sources is damped by heavy insulators.
in the centre of the
dditional vibration countermeasure and fi rml
ts the internal circuits and delicate
arts.In addition, both models have a double
ndent top cover and side
esonance Technology) Wedge
ottom, with
the MX-A5000’s
consisting of
plates made of
1.6mm black steel,
the same type of
construction used
n the previous
agship model
11. In order to
support the heavy heat sinks and other parts,
t has a left-right independent construction
strengthened by a rigid-frame structure. The
m frame r
vibration produced by the large power supply
transformer and
heat sinks. It also
ncorporates a heavy
nsulator that blocks
xternal vibration.
Density Presence and Ric
etailed Sound Ensured by High Soun
uality Parts and Design (CX-A5000)
In the CX-A5000, all
channels use ultra
high performance
ESS ES9016 DACs,
compatible high SN
ratio and dynamic
range, ensurin
that it can faithfull
reproduce audio
signals from Blu-ray
and other players, and high qualit
It reali
h f
t throu
the DACnetworks. Matched to the design o
d potential circuit, which achieves stable
high(DAC on Pure Groun
mp is a high precision D/A conversion. The OP
p models,
es even
three-layermore detailed sound by adopting
ards, which video and
uency have different nose levels and
s the
er, by
e analogue
quency circui
ircuits. The
se radiation
inimisesand th
resolution sound sources inp
e a
ted on
or maximum
circuit board
esign that
s, and
st poss
audio circuit b
n that
er suplies to t
it elimi
erence from th digital
er su
ower tran
t route. Furt
stricts no
Highest Quality Parts Achieve High Power
o 11 Channels and Unrestricted Speaker
Drive (MX-A5000
The MX-A5000 uses a current feedback power
mp with a Three-stage Darlington circuit
that has superior phase properties and is
esistant to speaker impedance fl uctuation.
To fully realise its inherent power, it uses high
uality parts with
uperior sound
uality that were
trictly selected
ased on listening
tests. The power
upply transformer
s a specially
developed high output, high effi ciency, large
ize toroidal transformer. With two specially
developed high capacity (27,000uF) block
apacitors, it minimises energy loss and
eatures power supply capacity with generous
headroom. This ensures sound capable of
uperior musical expression. The speaker
output terminals are high quality gold-plate
types, and are
with Y plugs
or optimum
oise Resistant, Highly Reliable Balanced
Connection (CX-A5000/MX-A5000
lectrical noise may be generated due to
onnection with other AV components and
even to the connection between them, as
well as from other sources of external noise.
To ensure that the CX-A5000 and MX-A5000
re not affected by this distortion, they use
alanced connections that are highly noise
esistant—the same type generally used in pro
udio equipment. Even the RCA unbalanced
onnection uses a ground sensing transmission
ethod that achieves simple balanced
transmission. And in cases such as that where
each channel with the XLR is used selectively,
the impact of noise fl owing between the
pre-amp and the chassis of the power amp
s removed, minimising sound quality
The CX-A5000 also allows balanced audio input
onnection to high grade source components
uch as CD players