• Copying of the commercially available music sequence data and/or digital audio files is strictly prohibited except for
your personal use.
• The software and this owner’s manual are exclusive copyrights of Yamaha Corporation.
• Copying of the software or reproduction of this manual in whole or in part by any means is expressly forbidden without
the written consent of the manufacturer.
•Yamaha makes no representations or warranties with regard to the use of the software and documentation and cannot
be held responsible for the results of the use of this manual and the software.
• The screen displays as illustrated in this Owner’s Manual are for instructional purposes, and may appear somewhat
different from the screens which appear on your computer.
• The company names and product names in this Owner’s Manual are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their
respective companies.
• Click on the red-colored text to jump to the related item in this manual.
This owner’s manual assumes that you are already familiar with basic Windows/Macintosh operations. If you are not,
please refer to the owner’s manual which came with your Windows/Macintosh software before using the MOTIFRACK XS Editor.
For information about hardware requirements, the interconnection of devices and the installation of the MOTIFRACK XS Editor software, refer to the separate Installation Manual as well as the Owner’s Manual for the respective
MIDI device.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor is a convenient tool which lets you edit and save the various parameters of your
MOTIF-RACK XS tone generator. These include Voice and Mixing parameters (edited in the Voice or Multi
mode of the MOTIF-RACK XS) such as Volume, Pan, EG, and Cutoff and other settings. Thanks to its easy-tounderstand graphical interface, you can edit various parameters of the MOTIF-RACK XS right from your
computer—using the mouse to adjust the virtual knobs, sliders, and buttons and entering values from the
computer keyboard. Finally, all the changes you have made can be saved to your computer or transmitted to
the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument.
You can use this MOTIF-RACK XS Editor as a plug-in for the software below
• Studio Manager
•DAW application software compatible with Studio Connections
Studio Manager
Studio Manager V2 is a cross-platform application that enables you to start multiple Editors for controlling
Yamaha hardware products remotely, and to save multiple Editor settings. You can run Studio Manager as a
stand-alone application, or as a plug-in within DAW applications compatible with Studio Connections such
as Cubase 4 or Cubase AI 4.
For more information, refer to the Studio Manager PDF manual.
Studio Connections
Studio Connections is a joint project begun by Steinberg and Yamaha. Music
production systems now increasingly rely on both software and hardware, and there
is a pressing need for closer integration between the two. Studio Connections
provides a comprehensive and seamless music production environment—making the
use of hardware and software both easier and much more efficient. The following
functions are available in Studio Connections.
With the Recall function, all settings in each Editor can be saved within Studio Manager, and then called up
again when needed. This enables you to recall all the settings of multiple devices from Studio Manager and
control the entire system easily, instantly and automatically.
When executing the Recall function in the Studio Manager, the parameter settings of either device (MOTIF-RACK XS or DAW
software on a computer) are synchronized with the other. You can determine which device (MOTIF-RACK XS or DAW software) is
regarded as the master of the parameter settings by setting the Auto Sync Setting (page 41).
Recall is especially convenient when used with a DAW application compatible with Studio Connections. This
lets you save the Editor data directly to the project file of the DAW letting you recall all necessary hardware
settings automatically by simply opening the project file.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
About Open Plug-in Technology
Audio Integration
Plug-in software such as software synthesizers and software samplers are exceptionally convenient in that
they let you easily change the various settings and parameters within the host application. However, control
over hardware is not so easy—with the need for various setups such as audio connections, driver settings
and MIDI port connections.
By using a Studio Connections-compatible DAW software, you can control the external hardware synthesizer
within the application, without the need to set up complex connections within a DAW software application—
just as easily and conveniently as you would with plug-in software. The Audio Integration function makes all
this possible. For details about Recall and Audio Integration, visit our web site at:
About Open Plug-in Technology
Open Plug-in Technology (OPT) is a software format that enables you to control MIDI devices from a music
DAW application software. For example, this allows you to start up and operate various parts of your music
system, such as voice editors of the synthesizer and mixing control editors—directly from an OPT-compatible
software, without having to use each separately. OPT also makes it unnecessary to set MIDI drivers for each
application, streamlining your music production system and making all operations more convenient and
In addition to the original OPT, Open Plug-in Technology Version 2 (OPT 2), designed for Studio Connections,
is also available. The host application Studio Manager supports OPT 2.
About the OPT 2 Overview
OPT 2 is a plug-in format that enhances OPT Level 1 (Panels) and adds some convenient
functions for Studio Connections.
Plug-in software compatible with OPT 2 is indirectly
connected to the DAW application compatible with
Studio Connection, via the Studio Manager.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
Data Structure of the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor
Data Structure of the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor
Unlike the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument, the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor lets you edit Voice and Multi parameters with
an easy-to-understand graphical interface. The editing performance on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor is basically the
same as that on the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument with the exception of the following points.
• The MOTIF-RACK XS Editor handles all the Voice parameters including the Element parameters while the MOTIFRACK XS instrument handles only the Common parameters. This allows you to use the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor to edit
more detailed parameters than you can on the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument.
• The MOTIF-RACK XS Editor has the advantage of letting you edit Voices in the Multi mode—something that cannot be
done on the tone generator itself. A Voice edited in the Multi mode can be stored as a Mixing Voice or a User Voice.
• The MOTIF-RACK XS Editor handles the Global data which includes the part of the Utility parameters (shown in the
HARDWARE UTILITY window called up via [File] → [Hardware Utility]) and the parameters shown on the “G” row in the
Mixer section.
The diagram illustrated below indicates the structure of the data created via the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor, the
structure of the data stored in the internal memory of the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument and the relationship between
those two types of data.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor (computer)
Data sync
Data sync
Data sync
Current Global data
Current data in the Voice mode
Current data in the Multi mode
• Multi Common data
Part Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Voice*2 (page 48)
Mixing Voice data
(16 Voices)
Current Global data
Current data in the Voice mode
Current data in the Multi mode
• Multi Common data
Part Voice data
(16 Voices)
Store Voice
(page 48)
Store Voice
(page 48)
User Voice data
• Normal User 1 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 2 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 3 (128 Voices)
• Drum User (32 Voices)
MOTIF-RACK XS instrument
Store Global
Store Voice
Store Voice
(page 48)
Store Mixing
Store Voice
(page 48)
(page 48)
(page 49)
(page 48)
Global data
User Voice data
• Normal User 1 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 2 (128 Voices)
• Normal User 3 (128 Voices)
• Drum User (32 Voices)
Multi data
• Multi Common data
Mixing Voice data
(16 Voices)
Editor file
(Extension: .X1E)
*1 When the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument is connected to the computer properly with the ONLINE status, editing a parameter on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor affects the same parameter
on the MOTIF-RACK XS itself, and vice versa.
*2 The Store Voice operation on the Editor will store the Voice data to the memory of the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument as well as the memory of the Editor.
*3 The Store Global operation and Store Mixing operation will store the data only to the memory of the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument.
As illustrated above, the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor lets you save the current settings of all the parameters as well as
the User Voice data and Mixing Voice data consisting of the same Voice Banks as those of the MOTIF-RACK XS
instrument to a single file. Because the current settings of all the parameters are saved to the file even if they were
not stored as a User Voice or Mixing Voice, you can recall the last editing status simply by starting the MOTIFRACK XS Editor.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
Starting the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor
Starting the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor
Install the driver (USB-MIDI driver or AI driver), Studio Manager and MOTIF-RACK XS Editor by following the
respective Installation Guides, then install the host application such as Cubase if necessary. After making
the required connection and setting the MIDI IN/OUT parameter to “USB” or “mLAN” in the Utility mode,
follow the instructions below to start the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor.
n For details about connection between the MOTIF-RACK XS and a computer, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the MOTIF-
1. Start the Studio Manager.
Studio Manager can be started as a plug-in within a Studio Connections-compatible DAW software, or
can be started as a stand-alone application.
2. Set the MIDI Ports.
When starting Studio Manager as a stand-alone application:
Set the MIDI Ports by calling up the MIDI Por ts window via [File] → [Setup] → [MIDI Settings]. When the
connection is done via a USB cable, enter the checkmarks to the boxes of Por ts 1 and 4 for the MOTIF-RACK
XS in both the Input Ports and the Output Por ts, as illustrated below. When connection is made via the
IEEE1394 cable, enter checkmarks to the boxes of the Por ts corresponding to the mLAN MIDI In and the
mLAN MIDI Out of the MOTIF-RACK XS, in both the Input Por ts and the Output Ports.
n A MIDI Thru function is available on Studio Manager version 2.3.0 or later. This new feature lets you transmit
note on/off messages from the MIDI keyboard to the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument through the computer
(without starting the DAW software), letting you hear the sound of the edited Voice by playing the keyboard.
When starting Studio Manager as a plug-in:
Set the MIDI Ports on the DAW application. For details, refer to the manual of your DAW application.
When connecting the MOTIF-RACK XS to a computer via a USB cable, the MIDI Ports are automatically
set simply by starting Studio Manager from Cubase 4 or Cubase AI 4. This is also true when connecting
the MOTIF-RACK XS to a computer via an IEEE1394 cable and installing “Extensions for Steinberg
DAW” to the computer.
3. Start the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor from the window of the Studio Manager.
For details, refer to the Installation Guide and the PDF manual of the Studio Manager.
When using Studio Manager as a plug-in with the Audio Integration features of Studio Connections
(within a compatible DAW), you can start the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor just as you would any other
software synthesizer. For details, visit the following web site.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
There is no single way to use the many components in the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor. Your editing needs and
preferences may differ; however, the following example gives you a simple step-by-step guide in how to use
the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor. As an example, this section explains how to edit a Voice in the Voice mode, edit
a Mixing program in the Multi mode, then store the edited data to the memory of the MOTIF-RACK XS
instrument and save the final results of your editing to a file.
n If the [Multi] indication (at the top left of the display) is on, perform the instructions below from step 1. If the [Voice]
indication is on, perform the instructions below from step 2.
1. Change the mode to the Voice mode by clicking the [Voice] indication (at the top left
of the display).
If the MOTIF-RACK XS has been connected to the computer properly and the MIDI Port (page 40) has
been set properly, starting the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor will set the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE] indication to
[ONLINE], meaning that the settings of the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument
are synchronized with each other. In this case, the Auto Sync window is called up automatically via this
step 1, making step 2 is unnecessary. Go to step 3.
2. Click the [OFFLINE] to call up the Auto Sync window if the [ONLINE]/[OFFLINE]
indication is set to [OFFLINE].
3. On the Auto Sync window, set communication-related parameters such as Input Port,
Output Port and Device Number in the Data Port section, then set the direction of Data
Auto Synchronization (Global, Current and Voice) in the Auto Sync Setting section.
When you want to use the settings on the MOTIF-RACK XS itself as starting data for editing, set the
boxes of Global, Current and Voice in the Auto Sync Setting to on so that the data flows from the
instrument to the computer. To use the settings on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor as starting data, set both
Global, Current and Voice to the opposite, so that the arrow indicates data flow from the computer to the
keyboard. For details, see page 40.
Keep in mind that when you set Global, Current and User Voice to On, enable data sync from the computer to the MOTIFRACK XS (instrument), and then click the [Start] button at the bottom, this operation transmits these types of data currently
on the Editor to the MOTIF-RACK XS itself, automatically overwriting and erasing all the corresponding data already existing
on memory of the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument. When you want to use the settings on the MOTIF-RACK XS itself as starting
data for editing, set the boxes of Global, Current and Voice in the Auto Sync Setting to on so that the data flows from the
instrument to the computer.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
Regarding the data transfer for synchronization, the setting here takes precedence over that specified in Studio Manager.
Make sure to set the desired data transfer direction, regardless of the setting on the Studio Manager, in order to avoid data
4. From the Auto Sync window, click [Start] at the bottom.
The data synchronization will be started if the Port settings are correct. As soon as data synchronization
is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed, then the OFFLINE indication is changed to ONLINE
indication automatically. In this ONLINE status, editing a parameter on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor
affects the same parameter on the MOTIF-RACK XS itself, and vice versa.
5. Edit the Voice in the Voice mode.
5-1 On the “V” row of the Voice section, click the Bank name or Voice name to call up the
5-2 From the list in the VOICE LIBRARY, select the desired Voice to assign it temporarily to
the current Part.
You can confirm the sound of the selected Voice by clicking any note on the virtual keyboard.
5-3 Click the Voice name or [OK] at bottom right of the window to close the VOICE LIBRARY
You can cancel the Voice selection by clicking the Close (X) button or [Cancel] button at bottom right of
the window. By executing this operation, the Voice selection is reset to the original status and the VOICE
LIBRARY window closes.
When a different Voice has been selected, your edits of the previously selected Voice will be lost. If you want to store the
edits, make sure to store the Voice by using the Store window (page 48) before changing the Voice.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
5-4 Edit the Voice parameters as desired.
Edit the parameters (EQ, chorus, reverb, etc.) in the “V” row by clicking them.
To confirm how the parameter edit affects the Voice sound, click any note on the virtual keyboard.
To make detailed settings of the selected Voice, click the arrow button at the top of the right panel
next to the main window to call up the Detailed Parameter section.
6. Store the edited settings as a User Voice, as necessary.
6-1 Click [Store Voice] under [Edit] in the menu bar to open the Store window (page 48).
6-2 Select a Voice Bank from the following list:
• Normal User 1
• Normal User 2
• Normal User 3
• Drum User
n Normal User 1 – 3 are shown in the Store window when editing the Normal Voice while Drum User is shown in
the Store window when editing the Drum Voice.
6-3 Open the selected Bank, select the desired number as destination, then enter the name
of the Voice in the box at the top of this window.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
6-4 Click [Store] to store the edited Voice to the selected number in the selected Bank.
Performing this operation will store the Voice data to the User Voice Bank in the MOTIF-RACK XS
instrument as well as that within the Editor.
When you execute the Store operation, the settings for the destination memory (of both the Editor and instrument) will be
overwritten. Select the destination Voice number carefully to prevent important data from being erased accidentally.
n You can store the settings of the parameters in the “G” row by clicking [Store Global] under [Edit] in the menu
7. Edit the Mixing parameters in the Multi mode.
7-1 Change the mode to the Multi mode by clicking [Multi] of the [Voice]/[Multi] indication.
The Auto Sync window appears automatically.
7-2 From the Auto Sync window, click [Start] at the bottom.
Data synchronization will be started if the Port settings are correct. As soon as data synchronization is
completed, the Auto Sync window is closed.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
7-3 On the “G” row of the Global/Multi section, click the Multi name or Voice name to call up
the MULTI LIBRARY window.
The MULTI LIBRARY lists the template programs each which contains parameter settings related to multitimbral operation. You can call up the Multi setup simply by selecting one of these listed template
programs. These setups listed here the same as the Performances provided in the MOTIF XS keyboard,
meaning that you can play the same sound as in the Performance mode of the MOTIF XS keyboard by
turning on only Parts 1 – 4. You can simply and instantly turn on just Parts 1 – 4 by entering a checkmark
to the checkbox next to [Layer 1-4 Parts] at the bottom left of the window.
7-4 From the list in the MULTI LIBRARY, select the desired Multi program to be edited.
All the Multi parameters such as the Voice assignment to Part 1 – 16 are set automatically only via this
7-5 Edit the parameters of the Mixing and Voice assigned to each Part.
If you want to change the parameter values from the original ones of the selected Multi, click (drag and
drop) each of the parameters such as EQ and effect lined up to the right of “G” in the Global/Multi section
and “1” – “16” in the Part section.
To confirm how the parameter edit affects the Voice sound, click any note on the virtual keyboard.
To make detailed settings of the selected Multi, click the arrow button at the top of the right panel
next to the main window to call up the Detailed Parameter section.
n The MOTIF-RACK XS Editor lets you edit the Voice parameters in the Multi mode as well as Voice mode. In
the Voice mode, you can edit only the selected Voice. In the Multi mode, on the other hand, you can edit the
parameters of the Voice assigned to each Part as well as the Mixing parameters. The edited Voice can be
stored to the same Voice Bank as a User Voice regardless of the mode used for editing.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
An Example of MOTIF-RACK XS Editor in Use
8. Store the edited Voice or a Multi, as necessary.
8-1 On the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument, press the [STORE] button to call up the Multi Store
window, select the destination, then press the [ENTER] button to store the edited Multi.
For details, refer to the Owner’s Manual of the MOTIF-RACK XS.
n You can store the edited Multi also by selecting [Store Mixing] under [Edit] in the menu bar. Note that this
operation does not allow you to select the Multi number as destination and the edited Multi will be stored to
the currently selected Multi number.
8-2 Select the Part to which the desired Voice is assigned, select [Store Voice] under [Edit] in
the menu bar to call up the Store window (page 48) then store the Voice via the same
operations as in steps 6-1, 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4.
9. Select [Save] or [Save As] under [File] on the menu bar to save the edited data as a file
(extension: *.X1E).
All the settings you made and the Voice data you stored to the User Banks will be saved as a single file
(extension: X1E). When you open this file next time to call up the Auto Sync window, click [Start] to
synchronize the status of the parameter settings between the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and the MOTIFRACK XS instrument.
• When starting the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor from Studio Manager, you can save the MOTIF-RACK XS
Editor data into a Session file of Studio Manager.
• When using DAW (digital audio workstation) software compatible with Studio Connections and the
Studio Manager together, the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor data can be saved into a project file of the DAW.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window: Overall section
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window
Overall section
1 File, Edit, Bulk, Help
Refer to page 37.
2 Voice/Multi mode
Determines the mode of the MOTIF-RACK XS, Voice or Multi. As soon as “Voice” or “Multi” is selected
here, the mode of the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument changes accordingly and the Auto Sync window
(page 52) opens. After setting parameters as necessary on this window, click [Start] to execute data
synchronization between the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument.
Clicking this switches the status of the Editor between “ONLINE” and “OFFLINE.” When “ONLINE” is
indicated, the edited status is completely synchronized between the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and the
MOTIF-RACK XS instrument, meaning that any parameter edit you make on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor
is reflected in the same parameter on the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument and vice versa. When OFFLINE is
selected, editing on the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor will not affect the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument and vice
versa even if the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument is connected to a computer.
Note that the indication here is automatically changed according to the status of communication
between the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument. For example, the ONLINE
status changes automatically to OFFLINE when the cable is disconnected accidentally.
Indicates that the current status is set to ONLINE. Clicking this calls up OFFLINE (2) described below.
Keep in mind that the ONLINE indication cannot be enabled when the MIDI Port is not set properly or the
MOTIF-RACK XS instrument is not properly connected to a computer.
This OFFLINE indication shows that the MIDI Port is set properly and the MOTIF-RACK XS is properly
connected to a computer. Clicking this calls up the Auto Sync window. From the Auto Sync window, you
can synchronize the settings between the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and the MOTIF-RACK XS by clicking the
[Start] button. As soon as data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is closed and the
status of the Editor changes from OFFLINE to ONLINE.
n When the Global, Current and Voice settings are set to “Off” and Auto Start is set to “On” in the Auto Sync
window, clicking here changes the Editor status from OFFLINE to ONLINE without opening the Auto Sync
This OFFLINE indication shows that the MIDI Port is not set properly or the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument is
not connected to a computer properly. Clicking this calls up the Auto Sync window. After making sure to
connect the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument to a computer, set the MIDI Port properly then click the [Start]
button in the Auto Sync window to execute data synchronization between the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor and
the MOTIF-RACK XS instrument. As soon as data synchronization is completed, the Auto Sync window is
closed and the status of the Editor is changed from OFFLINE to ONLINE.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window: Mixer section (when the Voice/Multi is set to “Voice”)
Mixer section (when the Voice/Multi is set to “Voice”)
1 Global
This strip lets you edit the main parameters in the Voice mode, such as effect-related ones. Clicking “G”
turns this section on as illustrated below.
n When editing any of the Global parameters described below, a small square appears at the top right of the
“G” box until you save the edited data as a file. This indication is the same as the white [G] indicator
(page 29).
Before editing
After editing
Lo, Lo-M, Mid, Hi-M, Hi (Master EQ)
Edits the Master EQ parameters.
Ins FX (Insertion Effect)
Turns the Insertion Effect on or off.
Turns the Chorus on or off and selects the Chorus type.
Turns the Chorus on or off and selects the Reverb type.
Master Effect
Turns the Master Effect on or off and selects the Master Effect type.
Adjust the entire volume.
2 [Voice]/[mLAN Part] tab
Selects the Parts to be edited from [Voice] and [mLAN Part]. The illustration below indicates that the
[Voice] tab is active.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window: Mixer section (when the Voice/Multi is set to “Voice”)
3 Voice
When the [Voice] is selected:
Edits the Voice parameters. Clicking the “V” row turns this section on as illustrated below.
n When editing any of the Voice parameters described below, a small square appears at the top right of the “V”
box until you save the edited data as a file or you store the edited data as a Voice. This indication is the same
as the blue [V] indicator (page 29).
Before editing
After editing
Category, Bank No., Voice Name
Indicates the Category Bank and name of the Voice. When clicking here, the VOICE LIBRARY window
appears at the right half section, letting you select a different Voice for editing.
1 Close button
Click this to close this window without applying the changes to the MOTIF-RACK XS Editor.
2 [Category]/[Bank] checkboxes
Click either of these boxes to determine whether the Voices listed here are divided into Category
folders or Bank folders.
3 [+]/[–] buttons
Click the [+] button to open all the folders so that all Voices appear in all folders. Click the [–] button to
close all folders.
4 Folder (Category or Bank)
Click each folder to open or close it.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window: Mixer section (when the Voice/Multi is set to “Voice”)
5 Voices
Indicates the Voices included in the folder. You can select the Voice temporarily by clicking it. When
double-clicking a Voice, the Voice is actually selected and this window closes. You can also copy the
Preset Voice(s) and User Voice(s) from the original location to any location in the User Bank by
dragging-and-dropping the Voice(s). In the User Bank, you can rearrange the Voices by dragging-anddropping the Voice(s) to a new location.
When the Category checkbox is entered, a checkbox is shown at left of each Voice. If you enter
checkmarks to the checkboxes of your most-used or favorite Voice, you can call up a list of these
Voices on the VOICE LIBRARY by setting the [Favorites] checkbox to on.
n Selecting, copying, pasting or dragging-and-dropping multiple Voices is done in the same way as
normal on your computer OS.
n By right-clicking this section and selecting a menu, you can use the following functions.
• Opening/closing all the folders
• Determining whether the Voices listed here are divided into Category folders or Bank folders.
• Copying/pasting
• Changing the Voice name
• Deleting all the checkmarks of the Favorites checkboxes at left of the Voices
6 Search Box
You can search for your desired Voice by inputting a keyword here.
7 [Favorites] checkbox
By entering the checkmark to this checkbox, you can call up a list of your favorite Voices on the VOICE
LIBRARY. You can select your favorite or most-used Voices for this list by entering checkmarks to the
appropriate checkboxes (appearing only when the [Category] checkbox is entered) at the left of each
8 [Auto Audition] checkbox
Determines whether or not the Audition Phrase is played back automatically when the VOICE LIBRARY
is called up. When set to on, opening the VOICE LIBRARY will automatically play the Audition Phrase of
the current Voice and closing the VOICE LIBRARY will stop playback. When the VOICE LIBRARY is
shown, the Audition Phrase is changed automatically by selecting the different Voice.
9 [OK]/[Cancel] buttons
Click the [OK] button to apply the settings and close this window. Click the [Cancel] button to quit
without applying the Voice selection.
) Refresh
When the VOICE LIBRARY is shown in the Editor and you store the Voice(s) on the MOTIF-RACK XS
itself, the name(s) of the Voice(s) in the VOICE LIBRARY may be different from the Voice name(s) on the
MOTIF-RACK XS. If this happens, click this button to update the Voice names of the VOICE LIBRARY.
EQ Lo, Mi, Hi (Part EQ)
Adjusts the equalizer settings for the current Voice.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level and stereo Pan position for the current Voice by using
the graphic knobs.
Adjusts the volume of the current Voice.
ARP (Arpeggio)
Turns Arpeggio playback on or off for the current Voice.
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Window: Mixer section (when the Voice/Multi is set to “Voice”)
When the [mLAN Part] is selected:
This section lets you edit parameters for the mLAN Part in the Voice mode. Clicking “mLAN” row turns
this section on as illustrated below.
Cho, Rev, Pan (Chorus, Reverb, Pan)
Adjusts the Chorus Send level, Reverb Send level and stereo Pan position for the mLAN Part in the Voice
mode by using the graphic knobs.
Adjusts the Volume for the mLAN Part.
Output Select
Determines the specific output(s) for the mLAN Part.
LCDOutput jacksStereo/Mono
L&ROUTPUT L and RStereo
m1&2mLAN OUTPUT 1 and 2Stereo (1: L, 2: R)
m3&4mLAN OUTPUT 3 and 4Stereo (3: L, 4: R)
m5&6mLAN OUTPUT 5 and 6Stereo (5: L, 6: R)
m7&8mLAN OUTPUT 7 and 8Stereo (7: L, 8: R)
m9&10mLAN OUTPUT 9 and 10Stereo (9: L, 10: R)
m11&12mLAN OUTPUT 11 and 12Stereo (11: L, 12: R)
m13&14mLAN OUTPUT 13 and 14Stereo (13: L, 14: R)
m14mLAN OUTPUT 14Mono
MOTIF-RACK XS Editor Owner’s Manual
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