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The LogiCORE™ IP Ethernet AVB User Guide provides information about the Ethernet
Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Endpoint core, including how to customize, generate, and
implement the core in supported Xilinx FPGA families.
Guide Contents
This guide contains the following chapters:
•Preface, “About this Guide” introduces the organization and purpose of this guide
and the conventions used in this document.
•Chapter 1, “Introduction” introduces the core and provides related information
including additional core resources, technical support, and how to submit feedback to
•Chapter 2, “Licensing the Core” describes the available license options for the core
and how to obtain them.
•Chapter 3, “Overview of Ethernet Audio Video Bridging” provides an overview of
Ethernet Audio Video Bridging, including relevant specifications and a typical
•Chapter 4, “Generating the Core” provides information about generating and
customizing the core using the CORE Generator™ software.
•Chapter 5, “Core Architecture” describes the major functional blocks of the Ethernet
AVB Endpoint core.
•Chapter 6, “Ethernet AVB Endpoint Transmission” describes data transmission over
an AVB network.
•Chapter 7, “Ethernet AVB Endpoint Reception” describes data reception over an AVB
•Chapter 8, “Real Time Clock and Time Stamping” describes two components that are
partially responsible for the AVB timing synchronization protocol.
•Chapter 9, “Precise Timing Protocol Packet Buffers” describes two components that
are partially responsible for the transmission and reception of Ethernet Precise Timing
Protocol frames; these frames contain the AVB timing synchronization data.
•Chapter 10, “Configuration and Status” defines general guidelines for configuring
and monitoring the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core, including an introduction to the PLB
configuration bus and a description of the core management registers.
•Chapter 11, “Constraining the Core” defines the Ethernet AVB core constraints.
•Chapter 12, “System Integration” describes the integration of the Ethernet AVB
Endpoint core into a system, including connection of the core to the Xilinx Tri-Mode
Ethernet MAC and Ethernet Statistic cores.
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guidewww.xilinx.com17
UG492 July 23, 2010
Preface: About This Guide
•Chapter 13, “Software Drivers” describes the function of the software drivers
•Chapter 14, “Quick Start Example Design”Chapter 3, “Quick Start Example Design”
•Chapter 15, “Detailed Example Design (Standard Format)” provides detailed
•Chapter 16, “Detailed Example Design (EDK format)” provides detailed information
•Appendix A, “RTC Time Stamp Accuracy” describe the necessity of accurate time
This document uses the following conventions. An example illustrates each convention.
delivered with the core.
provides instructions to quickly generate the core and run the example design
through implementation and simulation using the default settings.
information about the core when generated in the standard CORE Generator format,
including a description of files and the directory structure generated
about the core when generated in the Standard Embedded Development Kit (EDK)
format, including a description of files and the directory structure generated.
stamps, essential to the Precise Timing Protocol across the network link, and provides
some of the ways inaccuracies are introduced.
The following typographical conventions are used in this document:
Courier font
Courier bold
Helvetica bold
Italic font
ConventionMeaning or UseExample
Messages, prompts, and
program files that the system
displays. Signal names in text
Literal commands that you enter
in a syntactical statement
Commands that you select from
a menu
Keyboard shortcutsCtrl+C
Variables in a syntax statement
for which you must supply
References to other manuals
Emphasis in text
speed grade: - 100
File → Open
ngdbuild design_name
See the User Guide for more
If a wire is drawn so that it
overlaps the pin of a symbol, the
two nets are not connected.
Dark Shading
Square brackets [ ]
18www.xilinx.comEthernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
Items that are not supported or
An optional entry or parameter.
However, in bus specifications,
such as bus[7:0], they are
This feature is not supported
ngdbuild [option_name]
UG492 July 23, 2010
ConventionMeaning or UseExample
Braces { }
Vertical bar |
Angle brackets < >
Vertical ellipsis
Horizontal ellipsis . . .
Online Document
The following conventions are used in this document:
A list of items from which you
must choose one or more
Separates items in a list of
User-defined variable or in code
Repetitive material that has
been omitted
Repetitive material that has
been omitted
The prefix ‘0x’ or the suffix ‘h’
indicate hexadecimal notation
An ‘_n’ means the signal is
active low
lowpwr ={on|off}
lowpwr ={on|off}
<directory name>
IOB #1: Name = QOUT’
IOB #2: Name = CLKIN’
allow block block_name loc1
loc2 ... locn;
A read of address 0x00112975
returned 45524943h.
usr_teof_n is active low.
ConventionMeaning or UseExample
See the section “Guide
Contents” for details.
See “Title Formats” in Chapter 1
for details.
See Figure 2-5 in the Vir tex-5
FPGA User Guide.
Go to www.xilinx.com
latest speed files.
Blue text
Red text
Blue, underlined text
Cross-reference link to a
location in the current
Cross-reference link to a
location in another document
Hyperlink to a website (URL)
for the
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guidewww.xilinx.com19
UG492 July 23, 2010
Preface: About This Guide
List of Abbreviations
The following table describes acronyms used in this manual.
AcronymSpelled Out
AVAudio Video
AVBAudio Video Bridging
BMCABest Master Clock Algorithm
CRCCyclic Redundancy Check
DADestination Address
DMADirect Memory Access
DSPDigital Signal Processor
EDK Embedded Development Kit
EMACEthernet MAC
FCSFrame Check Sequence
FIFOFirst In First Out
FPGAField Programmable Gate Array.
GbpsGigabits per second
GMIIGigabit Media Independent Interface
GUIGraphical User Interface
HDLHardware Description Language
IESIncisive Unified Simulator
IPIntellectual Property
ISE®Integrated Software Environment
KHzKilo Hertz
LLDPLink Layer Discovery Protocol
MACMedia Access Controller
MbpsMegabits per second
MDIOManagement Data Input/Output
Microprocessor Hardware Description: a proprietary file format,
using the .mhs file extension, for a XPS project
MHzMega Hertz
MPMCMulti-Port Memory Controller
20www.xilinx.comEthernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
UG492 July 23, 2010
AcronymSpelled Out
PHYphysical-side interface
PHYADPhysical Address
PLBProcessor Local Bus
PTPPrecise Timing Protocol
REGADRegister Address
RTCReal Time Clock
RORead Only
SFDStart of Frame Delimiter
SRPStream Reservation Protocol
TEMACTri-Mode Ethernet MAC
TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol.
TOETCP/IP Offload Engine
UCFUser Constraints File
VHDLVHSIC Hardware Description Language
(VHSIC an acronym for Very High-Speed Integrated Circuits)
VLANVirtual LAN (Local Area Network)
WOWrite Only
XCOXilinx CORE Generator core source file
XPSXilinx Platform Studio (part of the EDK software)
XPS_LL_TEMACXPS LocalLink Tri-Mode Ethernet MAC
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guidewww.xilinx.com21
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Preface: About This Guide
22www.xilinx.comEthernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
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This chapter introduces the core and provides related information including
recommended design experience, additional resources, technical support, and how to
submit feedback to Xilinx.
The Ethernet AVB Endpoint core is a fully verified solution that supports Verilog-HDL and
VHDL. In addition, the example design in this guide is provided in both Verilog and
VHDL formats.
System Requirements
•Windows XP Professional 32-bit/64-bit
•Windows Vista Business 32-bit/64-bit Linux
•Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS v4.0 32-bit/64-bit
•Red Hat Enterprise Desktop v5.0 32-bit/64-bit (with Workstation Option)
•SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) desktop and server v10.1 32-bit/64-bit
Chapter 1
About the Core
•ISE® software v12.2
The Ethernet AVB Endpoint core is available through the Xilinx CORE Generator™
software included in the latest IP Update on the Xilinx IP Center. For detailed information
about the core, see the Ethernet AVB Endpoint product page
licensing options, see Chapter 2, “Licensing the Core.”
. For information about
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guidewww.xilinx.com23
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 1: Introduction
Recommended Design Experience
Although the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core is a fully verified solution, the challenge
associated with implementing a complete design varies depending on the configuration
and functionality of the application. For best results, previous experience building highperformance, pipelined FPGA designs using Xilinx implementation software and user
constraint files (UCFs) is recommended. In addition, previous experience using the
Embedded Development Kit (EDK) and developing embedded software applications is
recommended. Contact your local Xilinx representative for a closer review and estimation
for your specific requirements.
Additional Core Resources
For detailed information and updates about the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core, see the
following documents, available from the product page
•Ethernet AVB Endpoint Data Sheet
•Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
From the document directory after generating the core:
•Ethernet AVB Endpoint Release Notes
Technical Support
For technical support, see www.support.xilinx.com/. Questions are routed to a team of
engineers with expertise using the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core.
Xilinx provides technical support for use of this product as described in this guide. Xilinx
cannot guarantee timing, functionality, or support of this product for designs that do not
follow these guidelines.
Xilinx welcomes comments and suggestions about the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core and
the documentation supplied with the core.
Ethernet AVB Endpoint Core
For comments or suggestions about the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core, submit a WebCase
from www.xilinx.com/support/clearexpress/websupport.htm/
Be sure to include the following information:
•Product name
•Core version number
•Explanation of your comments
24www.xilinx.comEthernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
UG492 July 23, 2010
For comments or suggestions about this document, submit a WebCase from
This chapter provides instructions for obtaining a license key for the Ethernet AVB
Endpoint core, which you must do before using the core in your designs. The Ethernet AVB
Endpoint core is provided under the terms of the Xilinx
Before you Begin
This chapter assumes that you have installed the required Xilinx® ISE® Design Suite
version following the instructions provided by the Xilinx ISE Installation, Licensing and
Release Notes Guide, www.xilinx.com/support/documentation/dt_ise.htm
software requirements can be found on the product web page for this core,
The Ethernet AVB Endpoint core provides three licensing options. After installing the
required ISE Design Suite version, choose a license option.
Simulation Only
The Simulation Only Evaluation license key is provided with the ISE CORE Generator tool.
This key lets you assess core functionality with either the example design provided with
the Ethernet AVB Endpoint core, or alongside your own design and allows you to
demonstrate the various interfaces to the core in simulation. (Functional simulation is
supported by a dynamically generated HDL structural model.)
Full System Hardware Evaluation
The Full System Hardware Evaluation license key is available at no cost and lets you fully
integrate the core into an FPGA design, place and route the design, evaluate timing, and
perform back-annotated gate-level simulation of the core using the demonstration test
bench provided with the core.
In addition, the license key lets you generate a bitstream from the placed and routed
design, which can then be downloaded to a supported device and tested in hardware. The
core can be tested in the target device for a limited time before timing out (ceasing to
function), at which time it can be reactivated by reconfiguring the device.
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guidewww.xilinx.com27
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 2: Licensing the Core
The Full license key is available when you purchase a license for the core and provides full
access to all core functionality both in simulation and in hardware, including:
•Functional simulation support
•Back annotated gate-level simulation support
•Full implementation support including place and route and bitstream generation
•Full functionality in the programmed device with no time outs
Obtaining Your License Key
This section contains information about obtaining a simulation, full system hardware, and
full license keys.
Simulation License
No action is required to obtain the Simulation Only Evaluation license key; it is provided
by default with the Xilinx CORE Generator software.
Full System Hardware Evaluation License
To obtain a Full System Hardware Evaluation license, do the following:
1.Navigate to the product page
2.Click Evaluate.
3.Follow the instructions to install the required Xilinx ISE software and IP Service Packs.
Obtaining a Full License Key
To obtain a Full license key, please follow these instructions:
1.Purchase the license through your local sales office. Once the order has been entered,
an email will be sent to your Account Administrator with instructions on how to
access the account.
4.Follow the instructions to generate the required license key on the Xilinx Product
Licensing Site, www.xilinx.com/getproduct
Further details can be found at w
Installing the License File
for this core.
The Simulation Only Evaluation license key is provided with the ISE software CORE
Generator system and does not require installation of an additional license file. For the Full
System Hardware Evaluation license and the Full license, an email will be sent to you
containing instructions for installing your license file. Additional details about IP license
key installation can be found in the ISE Design Suite Installation, Licensing and Release
Notes document.
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Chapter 3
Overview of Ethernet Audio Video
Figure 3-1 illustrates a potential home network, consisting of wired (ethernet) and wireless
components, which utilize the technology being defined by the IEEE802.1 Audio Video
Bridging Task Group. This illustrates potential audio/video talkers (for example, a Cable or
Satellite Content Provider, or home MP3 player) and a number of potential listeners (for
example TV sets which may exist in several rooms). In addition, users of the various
household PCs may be surfing the internet. It is important to note that all of this data is
being transferred across the single home network backbone.
X-Ref Target - Figure 3-1
Home Network
Home Network
Home Network (wired)
DVD player
Figure 3-1: Example AVB Home Network
Te rr e strial
Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guidewww.xilinx.com29
UG492 July 23, 2010
Chapter 3: Overview of Ethernet Audio Video Bridging
To understand the requirements of this network, we must differentiate between certain
types of data:
•Audio and Video streaming data, referred to in this document as AV traffic. Requires
a good quality of service to avoid, for example, TV picture breakup, and must be
transferred reliably and with guaranteed low latency.
•Other data, referred to in this document as legacy traffic. Does not have the strict
requirement of AV traffic: data can be started, stopped and delayed without serious
consequence for example, a PC surfing the internet.
For these reasons, an important aspect of the AVB technology is therefore to prioritize the
audio/video streaming data (AV traffic) over that of standard data transfer (legacy traffic).
AVB Specifications
The IEEE802.1 Audio Video Task Group is currently working on new specifications which
combine to define this technology:
This specification defines how to synchronize a common time base across an entire AVB
network, utilizing functionality from IEEE1588 (version 2), and known as Precise Timing
Protocol (PTP). This common time base is in the form of a Real Time Clock (RTC),
effectively a large counter which consists of a 32-bit nanoseconds field and a 48-bit seconds
field. A single device on the network is designated as the clock master (by automatic
resolution) using a Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA). All other devices resolve to be
slaves. Using the P802.1AS PTP, all slave devices will regularly update their own RTC to
match that of the network clock master.
This common time base has various applications:
•It can be used to synchronize media clocks (audio clocks or video pixel clocks) across
the entire network to match audio and video data rates between talkers and listeners.
•It can be used by an Ethernet AVB Endpoint System, that is, configured as a "talker",
to time a class measurement interval for an SR stream. (The class measurement
interval for a stream depends upon the SR class associated with the stream: SR class A
corresponds to a class measurement interval of 125 microseconds; SR class B
corresponds to a class measurement interval of 250 microseconds). The class
measurement interval for a stream is used to limit the number of data frames that are
placed into the stream's queue per class measurement interval.
•It can be used by higher layer applications (for example IEEE1722) to provide
presentation time stamps for audio and video data. This is used, for example, to
synchronize the lip sync on a TV set so a viewer hears the words at the same time as
they see the lips move.
The P802.1AS specification is implemented in the Ethernet AVB Endpoint using a
combination of hardware and software. The hardware components are incorporated into
the core, and the software component is provided with the core in the form of drivers.
These drivers should be run on an embedded processor (MicroBlaze™ or PowerPC®).
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UG492 July 23, 2010
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