Xerox Versant 3100 Press Optional Devices Guide

Book Version 1.0 April 2017 702P04571
3100 Press
Optional Devices Guide
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Table of Contents

1 Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)..............1-1
Trays 8/9 Components.......................................................................................................1-2
Paper and Media for Trays 8 and 9..............................................................................1-3
Paper and Media Overview.................................................................................1-3
General Paper Loading Guidelines.....................................................1-3
Unsupported Media.................................................................................1-3
Paper / Media Storage Guidelines......................................................1-4
Supported Paper.....................................................................................................1-4
Paper Size Ranges for Trays 8 and 9..................................................1-4
Paper Specifications for Trays 8 and 9.............................................1-4
Paper Tray Information for Trays 8 and 9.......................................1-6
Loading Paper in the Trays 8 and 9................................................................1-7
Paper Feed Performance in Trays 8 and 9....................................................1-8
Improving Paper Feed Performance in Trays 8 and 9.................1-9
Printing on Special Media.................................................................................1-12
Hole-punched Paper..............................................................................1-13
Tab Stock....................................................................................................1-14
Glossy Paper.............................................................................................1-15
Tray 8/9 Maintenance.....................................................................................................1-24
Ordering the Feed Roll Kit for Tray 8/9........................................................1-24
Checking the Status of Consumables..........................................................1-24
Replacing the Tray 5 Feed Rolls......................................................................1-25
Replacing the Tray 8/9 Feed Rolls.................................................................1-28
Trays 8 and 9 Troubleshooting....................................................................................1-32
Paper Jams in Trays 8 and 9............................................................................1-32
Paper Jams When the Bypass is Installed on Trays 8 and
Paper Jams Inside Trays 8 and 9......................................................1-34
Trays 8 and 9 Paper Jams at Lever 1a and Knob 1c.................1-34
Trays 8 and 9 Paper Jams at Lever 1b and Knob 1c.................1-35
Trays 8 and 9 Paper Jams at Lever 1d and Knob 1c.................1-36
Trays 8/9 Fault Messages.................................................................................1-36
Trays 8/9 Fault Code Information...................................................1-37
Optional Devices Guide
iXerox®Versant®3100 Press
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Trays 8 and 9 Specifications.........................................................................................1-37
2 Interface Decurler Module (IDM).......................................................2-1
Interface Decurler Module (IDM) Components......................................................2-2
IDM Control Panel..................................................................................................2-2
IDM Curl Correction............................................................................................................2-3
IDM Curl Correction Modes and Functions..................................................2-4
IDM Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................2-6
IDM Paper Jams......................................................................................................2-6
Clearing IDM Paper Jams......................................................................2-7
IDM Fault Messages..............................................................................................2-8
IDM Fault Code Information................................................................2-9
3 Inserter..........................................................................................................3-1
Inserter Components..........................................................................................................3-1
Inserter Control Panel...........................................................................................3-2
Paper and Media for Inserter Tray T1.........................................................................3-3
Supported Paper for the Inserter Tray T1.....................................................3-3
Loading Paper in Inserter Tray T1...................................................................3-3
Printing on Special Media...................................................................................3-4
Purge Function for Tray T1...............................................................................................3-5
Tray T1 Purge Function Settings......................................................................3-6
Changing the Purge Function Setting for Tray T1.....................................3-6
Inserter Troubleshooting..................................................................................................3-7
Inserter Paper Jams...............................................................................................3-7
Clearing Paper Jams from Inserter E1 Area...................................3-8
Clearing Paper Jams from Inserter E2 Area...................................3-8
Clearing Paper Jams from Inserter E3 Area...................................3-9
Inserter Fault Messages....................................................................................3-11
Inserter Fault Code Information......................................................3-11
4 GBC AdvancedPunch Pro........................................................................4-1
5 High Capacity Stacker (HCS)................................................................5-1
High Capacity Stacker (HCS) Components................................................................5-2
HCS Circuit Breaker................................................................................................5-3
Output Trays.............................................................................................................5-4
Control Buttons.......................................................................................................5-4
Unloading the Stacker Tray / Cart...................................................................5-4
HCS Troubleshooting..........................................................................................................5-5
HCS Paper Jams......................................................................................................5-5
Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E1...........................................5-6
Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E2...........................................5-7
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Optional Devices Guide
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Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E3...........................................5-8
Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E4...........................................5-9
Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E5........................................5-10
Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E6........................................5-11
Clearing Paper Jams from HCS Area E7........................................5-12
HCS Fault Messages............................................................................................5-13
HCS Fault Code Information..............................................................5-13
Additional HCS Troubleshooting Information.........................................5-14
Hints and Tips for Using the HCS.....................................................5-14
HCS Specifications............................................................................................................5-14
HCS Media Guidelines.......................................................................................5-15
6 Two-Sided Trimmer..................................................................................6-1
Two-Sided Trimmer Components..................................................................................6-2
Two-Sided Trimmer Maintenance.................................................................................6-2
Emptying the Two-Sided Trimmer Waste Container................................6-2
Two-Sided Trimmer Troubleshooting..........................................................................6-4
Two-Sided Trimmer Paper Jams.......................................................................6-4
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E1..................................6-5
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E2..................................6-6
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E3..................................6-8
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E4................................6-10
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E5................................6-11
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E6................................6-12
Clearing Paper Jams from Trimmer Area E7................................6-14
Two-Sided Trimmer Fault Messages............................................................6-16
Two-Sided Trimmer Fault Code Information..............................6-17
Two-Sided Trimmer Specifications.............................................................................6-17
7 C/Z Folder.....................................................................................................7-1
C/Z Folder Components.....................................................................................................7-1
Trifold Output...........................................................................................................7-2
C/Z Folder Troubleshooting..............................................................................................7-3
C/Z Folder Paper Jams..........................................................................................7-3
Clearing Paper Jams from Folder Area E10....................................7-4
Clearing Paper Jams from Folder Area E11....................................7-5
Clearing Paper Jams from Folder Area E12....................................7-6
C/Z Folder Fault Messages..................................................................................7-7
C/Z Folder Fault Code Information....................................................7-8
C/Z Folder Specifications..................................................................................................7-8
Optional Devices Guide
iiiXerox®Versant®3100 Press
Table of Contents
8 Production Ready (PR) Finisher / Production Ready (PR)
Booklet Maker Finisher.......................................................................8-1
Finisher Components..........................................................................................................8-3
Finisher Output Trays............................................................................................8-3
Top Tray.........................................................................................................8-4
Stacker Tray.................................................................................................8-5
Booklet Tray.................................................................................................8-5
Paper Curl Correction with the PR Finishers.................................................8-5
Bi-Fold Feature (PR Booklet Maker Finisher Only).....................................8-5
Booklet Output Button.........................................................................................8-6
Finisher Maintenance.........................................................................................................8-6
Finisher Consumable Supplies...........................................................................8-6
Checking the Status of Finisher Consumables............................................8-7
Replacing the Basic Staple Cartridge (for Side Stitching)......................8-8
Replacing the Booklet Staple Cartridge (for Saddle Stitching)............8-9
Replacing the Finisher Staple Waste Container.......................................8-11
Emptying the Hole Punch Waste Container..............................................8-13
Finisher Troubleshooting................................................................................................8-15
Finisher Paper Jams............................................................................................8-15
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Area E1.................................8-16
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Area E2.................................8-17
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Area E3.................................8-18
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Area E4.................................8-18
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Area E5.................................8-19
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Area E6.................................8-20
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Booklet Area E7................8-20
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Booklet Area E8................8-21
Clearing Paper Jams from Finisher Booklet Area E9................8-22
Finisher Staple Faults.........................................................................................8-23
Clearing Staple Jams in the Basic Stapler....................................8-24
Reinserting the Basic Staple Cartridge..........................................8-25
Clearing Staple Jams in the Booklet Stapler................................8-28
Finisher Fault Messages....................................................................................8-29
Finisher Fault Code Information......................................................8-30
Finisher Specifications....................................................................................................8-30
Staple Output Capacity.....................................................................................8-34
9 SquareFold Trimmer.................................................................................9-1
SquareFold Trimmer Components................................................................................9-2
SquareFold Trimmer Circuit Breaker...............................................................9-3
Output Trays.............................................................................................................9-3
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Optional Devices Guide
Table of Contents
Control Panel............................................................................................................9-4
SquareFold Trimmer Paper Path.......................................................................9-4
Square Fold and Trim Features.......................................................................................9-5
Square Fold Feature...............................................................................................9-5
Square Fold Adjustment Settings.......................................................9-6
Trim Feature..............................................................................................................9-7
Trim Options................................................................................................9-7
Trim Guidelines..........................................................................................9-7
SquareFold Trimmer Maintenance...............................................................................9-9
Emptying the SquareFold Trimmer Waste Container..............................9-9
SquareFold Trimmer Troubleshooting......................................................................9-11
SquareFold Trimmer Paper Jams...................................................................9-11
Clearing Paper Jams from SquareFold Trimmer Areas E1
and E2...............................................................................................9-12
Clearing Paper Jams from SquareFold Trimmer Area
SquareFold Trimmer Fault Messages...........................................................9-13
SquareFold Trimmer Fault Code Information.............................9-14
Guidelines for Using the SquareFold Trimmer.........................................9-14
Full-Page Images on Booklets...........................................................9-14
Booklet Considerations........................................................................9-14
Considerations for Obtaining Desired Booklet Output............9-15
SquareFold Trimmer Specifications...........................................................................9-15
10 Production Ready (PR) Finisher Plus.............................................10-1
PR Finisher Plus Components.......................................................................................10-2
PR Finisher Plus Maintenance......................................................................................10-2
PR Finisher Plus Troubleshooting................................................................................10-3
PR Finisher Plus Paper Jams.............................................................................10-3
Clearing Paper Jams in Finisher Module Areas E1-E6..............10-4
Clearing Paper Jams in the Finisher Module Area E7..............10-4
Clearing Paper Jams in the Finishing Transport.........................10-5
Stapler Faults in the PR Finisher Plus...........................................................10-8
PR Finisher Plus Fault Messages.....................................................................10-9
PR Finisher Plus Fault Code Information.......................................10-9
PR Finisher Plus Specifications.....................................................................................10-9
11 Job Workflows.......................................................................................11-1
Booklets with Full Bleed Using Four Optional Finishing Devices....................11-1
Creating Booklets with Full Bleed on the EX Fiery Print
Creating Booklets with Full Bleed on the FreeFlow Print
Optional Devices Guide
vXerox®Versant®3100 Press
Table of Contents
Using the Production Ready (PR) Finisher, Basic Punch, and C/Z
Using the Inserter to Include Sheets or Tabs into the Printed
Using the GBC AdvancedPunch Pro........................................................................11-13
Producing Simple Folded Sheets with the EX Print Servers.................11-7
Producing Simple Folded Sheets with the FreeFlow Print
Inserting Folded Sheets into a Document with the EX Print
Inserting Folded Sheets into a Document with the FreeFlow Print
Inserting Sheets andTabs into the Printed OutputwiththeEXPrint
Inserting Sheets and Tabs into the Printed Output with the
FreeFlow Print Server.............................................................................11-12
Using the AdvancedPunch Pro with the EX Print Servers..................11-13
Using the AdvancedPunch Pro with the FreeFlow Print
Xerox®Versant®3100 Pressvi
Optional Devices Guide

Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)

The Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder is an optional feeding device that may be added to the system to extend the paper capacities by providing two additional trays. This optional feeding device contains Trays 8 and 9.
These traysfeed a variety of stock sizes, including standard, heavyweight,andlarge-sized stocks up to 13 x 19.2 in. / 330 x 488 mm in size and weighing between 52 gsm and 350 gsm. Each tray holds 2,000 sheets of coated and uncoated stock.
The following illustrations show the Trays 8 and 9 with and without the optional Tray 5 (Bypass).
Trays 8 and 9 without the optional Tray 5
Trays 8 and 9 with the optional Tray 5
Optional Devices Guide
1-1Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
For information about optional Tray 5, refer to the User Guide for your press.

Trays 8/9 Components

5.1. Tray 8Paper Jam / Error Indicator Panel
2. 6.Paper Level Indicators Tray 9
7.3. Feeder Front CoverOptional Tray 5 (Bypass)
4. 8.Circuit Breaker Switch Top Drawer (on Trays 6/7)
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-2
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)

Paper and Media for Trays 8 and 9

Paper and Media Overview

Before loading paper, consider the following:
• To define attributes for a stock, to add a new stock to the Stock Library, or to assign
a stock to a paper tray for the print job, access the Stock Library Manager on the print server. If you have restricted access, contact your System Administrator.
The Stock Library Manager is an application that is loaded onto the print server and is used to manage the stocks and paper trays for your press.
- Bydefault, the Stock Library feature is available to both the operator and system
administrator modes.
- Your System Administrator may restrict user access to change or add stocks.
- When you are loading paper, the Stock Library Manager application opens the
Tray Properties window for that tray and you can view or change the stock assigned to that tray.
• The press supports the ability to pull different stock sizes and paper types from various trays and assemble them as part of a single job. To select multiple paper trays and insert different papers within one job, program this custom job at the print server using features such as special pages.
• The press supports Automatic Tray Switching, which allows a job to switch automatically from an empty tray to a full tray containing the same size paper, orientation and stock type. Refertothe SystemAdministration Guide for information on how to enable this feature and prioritize the order of trays to search on and use.
General Paper Loading Guidelines
• Fan paper before loading it in the paper tray.
• Do not overfill the paper trays. Do not load paper above the indicated maximum fill line in the tray.
• Adjust the paper guides to fit the paper size.
• If excessive jams occur, use paper or other approved media from a new package.
• Do not print on label media after a label has been removed from a sheet.
• Use only paper envelopes.
• Print envelopes 1-sided only.
Unsupported Media
Some paper and other media types can cause poor output quality, increased paper jams, or damage the press. Do not use the following:
• Rough or porous paper
• Inkjet paper
• Paper that is business-card size
1-3Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
• Paper that is folded or wrinkled
• Paper that is curled more than 0.47 in. / 12 mm
• Paper with cutouts or perforations
• Stapled paper
• Damp paper
• Thermal or heat-transfer paper
• Envelopes with windows, metal clasps, side seams, or adhesives with release strips
• Padded envelopes
In addition to the above list, there may be other media that is not recommended or supported. For details, please contact your local Xerox representative.
Paper / Media Storage Guidelines
Storing paper and other media properly contributes to optimum print quality.
• Store paper in dark, cool, relativelydrylocations.Mostpaper is susceptible to damage fromultraviolet and visible light. Ultravioletlight,from the sun and fluorescent bulbs, is particularly damaging to paper.
• Reduce the exposure of paper to strong lights for long periods of time.
• Maintain constant temperatures and relative humidity.
• Avoid storing paper in locations that are damp or collect moisture.
• Store paper flat, either on pallets, cartons, shelves, or in cabinets.
• Avoid food or drinks in the area where paper is stored or handled.
• Do not open sealed packages of paper until you are ready to load the paper into the trays. Leave stored paper in the original packaging. The paper wrapper protects the paper from moisture loss or gain.
• Some special media is packagedinsideresealableplasticbags.Storethemediainside the bag until you are ready to use it. Keep unused media in the bag and reseal it for protection.

Supported Paper

Paper Size Ranges for Trays 8 and 9
Maximum SizeMinimum Size
13 x 19.2 in. / 330.2 x 488 mm3.86 x 5.75 in. / 98 x 146 mm
Paper Specifications for Trays 8 and 9
Always refer to the RecommendedMediaList(RML)for a comprehensivelistofsupported media. The RML can be downloaded from
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-4
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Coated and uncoated
Hole-punched paper Coated and uncoated)
(coated and uncoated)
(coated and uncoated)
Paper SizePaper Type
(LEF / SEF*)
SEF / LEFA4 Cover
7.25 x 10.5 in. SEF / LEF
SEF / LEF8 x 10 in.
8.46 x 12.4 in. SEF
SEF / LEF8.5 x 11 in.
8.5 x 13 in. SEF / LEF
SEF8.5 x 14 in.
9 x 11 in. SEF / LEF
SEF11 x 15 in.
11 x 17 in. SEF
SEF12 x 18 in.
12.6 x 19.2 in. SEF
SEF13 x 18 in.
16-kai (TFX) SEF / LEF
SEF / LEF16-kai (GCO)
Pa-kai (TFX) SEF
SEFPa-kai (GCO)
Weight (gsm)Feed Direction
52 to 350Plain paper
64 to 105Recycled paper
106 to 350Embossed
Postcard (coated and un­coated)
Double-Thick (DT) Special A4
Double-Thick (DT) Special A3
215.9 x 330.2 mm
226.0 x 310.0 mm
310.0 x 432.0 mm
• #10: 4.125 x 9.5 in.
• C4: 229 x 324 mm
• C5: 162 x 229 mm
SEFMonarch: 3.875x7.5
LEF8.5 x 11 in. (A4)Transparency
106 to 350SEF4 x 6 in.
SEF / LEF8.5 x 13 in.
SEF / LEF8.90 x 12.20 in.
SEF12.20 x 17.00 in.
Optional Devices Guide
1-5Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Paper SizePaper Type
(LEF / SEF*)
LEF = Long Edge Feed; SEF = Short Edge Feed
Weight (gsm)Feed Direction
106 to 350LEF8.5 x 11 in. / A4Labels (coated and un-
163LEF9 x 11 in.Tabs and Dividers
Paper Tray Information for Trays 8 and 9
Each feeder tray has a stock loading label. When loading media into the tray, refer to the labels on the inside panel of the feeder tray for the correct orientation of that stock type.
The specifications for each tray are:
• Maximum of 2,000 sheets of 24 lb. (90 gsm) uncoated paper; 2,100 sheets of 82 gsm and 2,300 sheets of 64 gsm
• Paper weight range of 52 to 350 gsm
• Stock types include transparencies, heavyweight,coated and uncoated, hole-punched, and tabs
Transparencies perform best when printed from Trays 8 and 9.
• It is recommended that you use Tray 5 (Bypass) to feed envelopes. However, Trays 8 and 9 may also be used for feeding envelopes.
- If you use Trays 8 or 9, envelopes must be fed either with the Postcard Bracket or the optional Envelope Support Kit installed.
- If the Postcard Bracket is used, the stack height is limited to 200 envelopes.
Postcard Bracket
The postcard bracket is delivered with Trays 8 and 9 from manufacturing. The postcard bracket allows you to print on smaller size media without requiring post-processing cutting or sorting. The postcard bracket accommodates 4 x 6 in. (101.6 x 152.4 mm) SEF media and smaller. For more information, refer to Paper Size Ranges for Trays 8
and 9.
For more information, refer to Postcards.
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-6
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Optional Envelope Support Kit
The Envelope Support Kit enables a greater quantity of envelopes to be loaded and printed from Trays 8 or 9. This optional kit consists of two plastic pieces that fit into the bottom of the tray and a postcard bracket that attaches to the side of the tray. The plastic pieces lift one side of the stack of envelopes to offset the extra thickness of the flaps. This keeps the stack level for feeding and enables more envelopes to be fed from the tray.
For more information, refer to Envelopes.

Loading Paper in the Trays 8 and 9

1. Select the appropriate paper stock for your print job.
2. Pull out the tray slowly until it stops.
3. Open the ream of paper with the seam side facing up.
4. Fan the sheets before loading them into the tray.
5. Extend the paper guides outward until they stop.
6. Load and align the edge of the paper against the right edge of the tray.
Paper can be loaded either in the LEF / portrait or SEF / landscape direction.
7. Adjust the paper guides by pressing in the guide releases and carefully moving the
guides until they lightly touch the edges of the material in the tray.
Optional Devices Guide
1-7Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Do not load materials above the MAX line located on the guides.
8. Gently push in the tray until it comes to a stop. The paper Tray Properties window displays on the print server (on Stock Library
Manager). You can view and set stock attributes and verify trays are assigned with
the correct stock. The Stock Library Manager is available from the print server only and not at the press.
9. From the Tray Properties window, enter or verify the correct paper information, including size, type, weight and, if necessary, paper curl and / or alignment option. Select the stock and assign the stock to the tray to be used.
10. Select OK to save the information and close the Tray Properties window.

Paper Feed Performance in Trays 8 and 9

If misregistration / skew occurs on printed output that was fed from Trays 8 or 9, manual adjustment of the paper-feed levers may improve and correct the printed output.
For most print jobs, these levers should remain in their default position. The position of these levers should be changed only if there is a skew problem when running a specific print job and / or media type. Changing the levers may cause more skew problems when running certain media types such as coated, label, tab stock, hole-punched paper, transparency, film, postcards, and envelopes.
The paper-feed adjustment levers are found in Trays 8 and 9. These levers are used to improve paper feed accuracy and to reduce paper skew problems.
Rear Paper-feed Adjustment Lever
2.1. Right-side Paper-feed Adjustment Lever
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-8
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Improving Paper Feed Performance in Trays 8 and 9
1. Open the tray by pulling it out slowly until it stops.
2. Ensure that the desired paper is loaded into the tray.
3. Go to the Stock Library Manager on the print server.
a) From the Tray Properties window, verify the correct paper information including
size, type, weight, and paper curl or alignment option for the tray.
b) Select OK and close the Tray Properties window.
4. On the tray, slide the rear paper-feed adjustment lever to the right.
5. Close the tray by slowly pushing it in until it comes to a stop.
6. Run your print job.
7. After the print job finishes, open the tray and return the rear paper-feed adjustment
lever to its default position by sliding it to the left.
Leave the tray open, and continue to the next step.
8. Retrieve and evaluate the printed output; choose one of the following:
• The paper is fed accurately without skew and the printed output is satisfactory. Close the tray and your task is completed.
• The paper is skewed and the printed output is unsatisfactory; proceed to the next step.
9. Adjust the right-side paper-feed lever:
Optional Devices Guide
1-9Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
a) On the tray, slide the right-side paper-feed adjustment lever toward the rear of
the tray.
b) Close the tray and verify the tray settings from the Stock Library Manager on
the print server.
c) Run your print job.
10. Retrieve and evaluate the printed output; choose one of the following:
• The paper is fed accurately without skew and the printed output is satisfactory; perform the following:
1. Open the tray.
2. Return the right-side paper-feed adjustment lever to its default position
by sliding it toward the front of the tray.
3. Close the tray and your task is completed.
• The paper is skewed and the printed output is unsatisfactory; proceed to the next step.
11. Adjust both levers: a) Open the tray and slide the rear paper-feed adjustment lever to the right.
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Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
b) Ensure that the right-side paper-feed adjustment leverstill is in the rear position.
c) Close the tray and verify the tray settings from the Stock Library Manager on
the print server.
d) Run your print job.
12. After the print job finishes, open the tray and return both levers to their default
a) Return the rear paper-feed adjustment lever to its default position by sliding it
to the left.
b) Return the right-side paper-feed adjustment lever to its default position by sliding
it toward the front of the tray.
c) Close the tray, and continue to the next step.
13. Retrieve and evaluate the printed output; choose one of the following:
• The paper is fed accurately without skew and the printed output is satisfactory; your task is completed.
• The paper is skewedand the printed output is unsatisfactory; continue to the next step.
14. If you are still having skew adjustment problems, refer to the Advanced Stock Setup
information on the Stock Library Manager on the print server. If necessary, perform one of the following:
Optional Devices Guide
1-11Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
• Create / use an Alignment Profile to resolve the problem.
• Adjust the Aligner Roll Pressure to resolve the problem.
• Adjust the Regi-Loop to resolve the problem.
If the problem continues, contact the Customer Support Center.
If using an Advanced Stock Setup feature, always return the feature to its default setting before using the press.

Printing on Special Media

Guidelines for Printing on Transparencies
Always refer to the following guidelines before using transparencies:
• For optimum system performance and image projection, use Xerox removable stripe transparency materials. These premium transparencies are specifically designed to provide optimum print quality.
• Use of other transparencies may cause machine damage and result in excessive service calls.
• Transparencies can be printed from all trays.
• Use only transparency stock listed in the Recommended Media List (RML).
• Do not intermix paper with individual transparencies in a tray. Jams may occur.
• Do not load more than 100 transparencies in a paper tray at one time.
• Load 8.5 x 11 in. (A4) transparencies long edge feed only (portrait).
• Fan the transparencies to stop them from sticking together before loading.
• Load transparencies on top of a small stack of same-size paper.
• At the Stock Library Manager, make sure to select Transparency as the Paper or Media Type and select the tray containing the transparencies as the Paper Source.
• The maximum output stack height should not exceed 100 transparencies.
Loading Transparencies in Trays 8 and 9
Load the transparencies in the LEF (portrait) direction and align the edge of the transparencies against the right edge of the tray, with the side to be printed on facing up.
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Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Hole-punched Paper
Guidelines for Printing on Hole-punched Paper
Hole-punched paper is defined as having two or more holes along one edge for use in ring binders and notebooks.
Always refer to the following guidelines before using hole-punched paper:
• Paper with punched holes can be printed from all trays.
• Hole-punched paper can be loaded either in the LEF / portrait or SEF / landscape direction.
• Position the holes along the feed edge, as shown on the image on the front of the tray.
• Load hole-punched paper with the side to be printed on facing up.
• To prevent jams or damage, make sure that any plugs (pieces cut out of the paper to create the holes) do not remain in the stack.
Loading Hole-punched Paper in Trays 8 and 9
Long-edge (LEF) Feed Direction
Load and align the paper against the right side of the tray for LEF direction.
Short-edge (SEF) Feed Direction
Load and align the paper against the right side of the tray for SEF direction.
Optional Devices Guide
1-13Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Tab Stock
Guidelines for Printing on Tab Stock
Always refer to the following guidelines before using tab stock:
• Tab Stock can be printed from all trays.
• Tabs are loaded in the tray only in the long-edge feed (LEF) direction.
• Tab stock is loaded so the straight edge of the stock is in the feed direction.
• You can load either single straight collated or single reverse collated tab stock.
• Refer to the print server documentation for more detailed information on how to set up a tab job at your print server.
• If a jam occurs while running tabbed sets, cancel the job and start again.
• Before loading tab stock in a tray, program your tab job at the Stock Library Manager application on the print server or from your print driver:
- Select Tab Stock or Precut Tabs as the Paper Type.
- Select the tray containing the stock as the Paper Source.
- Select the correct Paper Weight for the tabs, usually 163 gsm. The weight range may be 106 to 176 gsm.
- Set Modules to the number of tabs in the set.
- For the stock size, set a Custom Size of 9 x 11 inches (229 x 279 mm) LEF.
- For the Print Output Order / Tab Sequence, select N to 1.
- For Output Delivery, select Face Up.
Loading Tab Stock in Trays 8 and 9
Load the tab stock LEF, with the side to be printed on facing down; align the straight edge of the tab stock against the right edge of the tray and the tabs to the left.
Loading Straight Collated Tabs
Load straight collated tabs with the first blank tab cutout toward the front of the tray.
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-14
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Loading Reverse Collated Tabs
Load reverse collated tabs with the first blank tab cutout toward the rear of the tray.
Guidelines for Printing on Labels
Always refer to the following guidelines before using labels:
• Labels can be printed from all trays.
• Trays 8 and 9 can hold a maximum of 350 gsm.
• When submitting your print file, select Labels as the Paper Type, and select the tray
containing the labels as the Paper Source.
• Use labels designed for laser printing.
• Do not use vinyl labels or dry gum labels.
• Only print on one side of the sheet of labels.
• Do not use any sheet where labels are missing as it may damage the press.
• Store unused labels flat in their original packaging.
• Leave the label sheets inside the original packaging until ready to use.
• Return any unused sheets of labels to their original packaging and reseal.
• Do not store labels in extremely dry, humid, hot or cold conditions.
• Rotate stock frequently.
• Long periods of storage in extreme conditions can cause labels to curl and jam in the press.
Loading Labels in Trays 8 and 9
Load labels in Trays 8 and 9 with the labels face up.
Glossy Paper
Guidelines for Printing on Glossy Paper
Glossy Paper is a type of coated paper that can be printed from all trays.
Always refer to the following guidelines before using glossy paper:
• Select Coated as the Paper Type, and select the tray containing the glossy paper as the Paper Source.
• Select the correct Paper Weight and Size.
• Do not open sealed packages of glossy paper until you are ready to load them into the press.
1-15Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
• Store glossy paper flat in the original packaging.
• Remove all other paper from the tray before loading glossy paper.
• Load only the amount of glossy paper you plan to use, and remove the unused portion from the tray when you are finished printing.
• Replace the unused portion in the original wrapper and seal for later use.
• Rotate stock frequently.
• Long periods of storage in extreme conditions can cause glossy paper to curl and jam in the press.
Guidelines for Printing on Postcards
Always refer to the following guidelines before using postcard stock:
When printing postcards in Trays 8 or 9, the Postcard Bracket is required. Always install the postcard bracket before loading and printing postcards from these trays.
• Postcards may be printed from Trays 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.
• Do not open sealed packages of postcard stock until you are ready to load them into the press.
• Store postcard stock flat in the original packaging.
• Remove all other paper from the tray before loading postcard stock.
• Load only the amount of postcard stock you plan to use, and remove the unused portion from the tray when you are finished printing.
• Replace the unused portion in the original wrapper and seal for later use.
• If using Trays 8 or 9, always remove and store the Postcard Bracket when you are finished printing.
• Rotate the postcard stock frequently.
• Long periods of storage in extreme conditions can cause postcardstock to jam in the press.
• When submitting your print file, from either the Stock Library Manager or from your print driver, select the following options:
- Select Custom Paper as the Paper Type, and enter the Size dimensions of the
- Enter the Paper Weight for the postcard stock.
- Select the tray (Tray 8 or 9) as the Paper Source.
Supported Postcard Sizes
Feed DirectionPostcard Size
Short Edge Feed (SEF)4 x 6 in. / 101.6 x 152.4 mm
Short Edge Feed (SEF)A6 / 148 x 105 mm
(5.8 x 4.1 in.)
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-16
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Loading Postcards in Trays 8 and 9
Install the postcard bracket before printing postcards.
1. Slowly open one of the paper trays until it stops and remove the paper.
2. Move the paper guides out to their largest position.
3. To remove the postcard bracket, loosen the screw on the left side of the tray ( )
and remove the bracket ( ).
4. Install the postcard bracket:
a) Sit the bracket on the locating pins on the upper frame and in the grooves on
the bottom of the tray.
b) Tighten the thumb screw so it locks the postcard bracket in place.
Optional Devices Guide
1-17Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
5. Load the postcard stock SEF and against the right side of the tray.
6. Adjust the paper guides against the stock.
7. Close the paper tray and confirm the new settings at the print server.
8. Run your print job.
9. Upon completion of your print job, remove the postcard stock and the postcard
bracket from the tray.
10. Store the postcard bracket by inserting it into the storage area on the left side of the
tray ( ) and tightening the screw ( ).
Guidelines for Printing on Envelopes
• The recommended tray for printing envelopes is Tray 5 (Bypass).
• Envelopes also may be printed from Trays 6, 7, 8, and 9. Before printing envelopes from Trays 8 or 9, one the following must be installed:
- The Postcard Bracket
- The optional Envelope Support Kit
• If using Trays 8 or 9 and the Postcard Bracket is mounted, the envelope stack height is limited to a maximum of 100 envelopes. Capacity may vary based on envelope type and manufacturer.
• Use only supported envelope sizes, and load them in the recommended feed direction. For more information, refer to Supported Envelope Sizes.
• Use of other size envelopes may be used, but performance is not guaranteed.
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-18
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
• Envelopes must be run 1-sided only.
• Recommended capacity is 30-40 envelopes. Capacity may vary based on envelope type and manufacturer.
• Always load envelopes with the flaps closed and flaps face down.
• When loading SEF, place the flaps facing the front of the press.
• When loading LEF, place the flaps facingthe lead edge (feeddirection into the press).
• When submitting your print file, select a custom paper as the Paper Type, and enter the dimensions of the envelope.
- The width is measured from the lead edge to the trail edge of the envelope.
- This means that if you are loading the envelope SEF, enter the long dimension of the envelope as the width.
- If you are loading the envelope LEF, enter the short dimension of the envelope as the width.
• Enter a heavy weight for the media, such as 176 gsm or greater for 24lb envelopes. Best results will vary based on envelope type and manufacturer.
• Select the Tray 5 (Bypass) as the Paper Source.
• Do not use padded envelopes. Use envelopes that lie flat on a surface.
• Store unused envelopes in their original packaging to avoid the excess moisture or dryness which can affect print quality and cause wrinkling. Excessive moisture can cause the envelopes to seal before or during printing.
• Some wrinkling or embossing may occur when printing on envelopes. Successful envelope printing depends on the quality and construction of the envelopes. Try another envelope brand if problems occur.
• Greater image registration variance may be experienced on envelopes.
• Maintain constant temperatures and relative humidity.
• Removal of the envelopes from the output top tray is recommended to minimize poor stack quality and possible jams.
• Printed envelopes are sent only to the Offset Catch Tray (OCT) or to the top tray of the standard finishers.
Supported Envelope Sizes
Feed DirectionHeight x Width DimensionsEnvelope Size
SEF3.875 x 7.5 in.Monarch
SEF4.125 x 9.5 in.#10
SEF / LEF229 x 324 mmC4
SEF / LEF162 x 229 mmC5
Loading Envelopes in Trays 8 and 9 with the Postcard Bracket
Install the postcard bracket before printing envelopes.
Optional Devices Guide
1-19Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
1. Slowly open one of the paper trays until it stops and remove the paper.
2. Move the paper guides out to their largest position.
3. To remove the postcard bracket, loosen the screw on the left side of the tray ( )
and remove the bracket ( ).
4. Install the postcard bracket:
a) Sit the bracket on the locating pins on the upper frame and in the grooves on
the bottom of the tray.
b) Tighten the thumb screw so it locks the postcard bracket in place.
5. Load the envelope either in the short-edge-feed (SEF) or long-edge-feed (LEF) direction:
• When loading envelopes SEF, ensure the flaps are closed and face down, and
postion the flaps along the front of the tray.
Xerox®Versant®3100 Press1-20
Optional Devices Guide
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
• When loading envelopes LEF, ensure the flaps are closed and face down, and
postion the flaps along the right of the tray.
6. Adjust the paper guides against the stock.
7. Close the paper tray and confirm the new settings at the print server.
8. Run your print job.
9. Upon completion of your print job, remove the remaining envelopes and the postcard
bracket from the tray.
10. Store the postcard bracket by inserting it into the storage area on the left side of the
tray ( ) and tightening the screw ( ).
Optional Devices Guide
1-21Xerox®Versant®3100 Press
Dual Advanced High Capacity Feeder (Trays 8 and 9)
Loading Envelopes in Trays8 and 9 with the Optional Envelope Support Kit
If available, use the optional Envelope Support Kit to feed and print envelopes from Trays 8 or 9.
The Envelope Support Kit enables a greater quantity of envelopes to be loaded and printed from the tray.
1. Slowly open one of the paper trays until it stops and remove the paper.
2. Move the paper guides out to their largest position.
3. Locate the Envelope Support Kit.
4. Install the L-shape envelope bracket:
a) Sit the bracket on the locating pins on the upper frame and in the grooves on
the bottom of the tray.
b) Tighten the thumb screw so it locks the L-shape envelope bracket in place.
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Optional Devices Guide
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