Xerox Versant 3100 Press User Interface Manual

Versant 3100 Press
User Interface Manual
User Interface Manual
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Thank you for selecting the Versant 3100 Press.
The Versant 3100 Press is a color printing system that quickly processes data from client computers and
delivers high-quality outputs. The Versant 3100 Press consists of the printer unit and a variety of optional
units as well as a Print Server.
The Versant 3100 Press offer high-speed color printing: up to 100 sheets/minute (A4) (the actual speed
depends on the size, type, and weight of paper).
This manual is intended to provide first-time users of the Versant 3100 Press with necessary information
on user interface operation.
Before using the Versant 3100 Press, please read this manual thoroughly to obtain the best performance
of the Versant 3100 Press.
After reading this manual, please keep it in a safe place for further reference. It will be useful in case you
forget how to perform operations or if a problem occurs with the printer.
For information on functions and operations of the Print Server, refer to customer documentation supplied
with Print Servers.
Fuji Xerox Co.,Ltd.
User Interface Manual

Table of Contents

Preface...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Table of Contents................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Types of Manuals................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
Using This Manual ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface ..........................................................................................10
1.1 Power On/Off .............................................................................................................................................................10
1.1.1 Powering On ...................................................................................................................................................................10
1.1.2 Powering Off .................................................................................................................................................................. 12
1.2 Components on the Control Panel .................................................................................................................... 13
1.2.1 Services Home ...............................................................................................................................................................14
1.2.2 Error Information.........................................................................................................................................................16
1.2.3 Operating the Touch Screen................................................................................................................................... 17
1.2.4 Switching to a Different Language...................................................................................................................... 18
1.3 Log In to and Out of Administrator Mode..................................................................................................... 19
1.4 Power Saver Mode ...................................................................................................................................................21
Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Print Jobs..................................................................................23
2.1 Print Job Processing................................................................................................................................................. 23
2.2 Job Status.................................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.1 [Active Jobs] Tab.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.2.2 [Completed Jobs] Tab................................................................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 3 Maintenance .................................................................................................................26
3.1 Maintenance.............................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.1.1 Consumables Status ................................................................................................................................................... 26
3.1.2 Setting Restore Tool ...................................................................................................................................................27
3.2 Machine Status ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.2.1 [Machine Information] Tab ....................................................................................................................................28
3.2.2 [Faults] Tab..................................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.2.3 [Billing Information] Tab..........................................................................................................................................31
3.3 Tools .............................................................................................................................................................................. 33
3.3.1 Clean Fusing Unit......................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.3.2 Full Width Array ............................................................................................................................................................34
3.3.3 DFA Finisher Profile..................................................................................................................................................... 37
Table of Contents
Chapter 4 Tools.................................................................................................................................38
4.1 Common Service Settings..................................................................................................................................... 38
4.1.1 Machine Clock / Timers .............................................................................................................................................39
4.1.2 Power Saver Settings ..................................................................................................................................................42
4.1.3 Audio Tones ................................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.1.4 Screen Settings ............................................................................................................................................................. 45
4.1.5 Paper Tray Settings..................................................................................................................................................... 46
4.1.6 Image Quality ...............................................................................................................................................................48
4.1.7 Reports..............................................................................................................................................................................48
4.1.8 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................................................. 49
4.1.9 Plug-in Settings .............................................................................................................................................................54
4.1.10 Other Settings................................................................................................................................................................ 54
4.2 Connectivity and Network Setup ....................................................................................................................... 58
4.2.1 Port Settings................................................................................................................................................................... 59
4.2.2 Protocol Settings ..........................................................................................................................................................60
4.2.3 Machine's E-mail Address / Host Name ............................................................................................................ 63
4.2.4 Proxy Server Settings ..................................................................................................................................................64
4.2.5 EP Proxy Server Setup.................................................................................................................................................66
4.2.6 Security Settings........................................................................................................................................................... 67
4.2.7 Other Settings................................................................................................................................................................ 70
Chapter 5 Accounting, Authentication / Security Settings...............................................71
5.1 Accounting.................................................................................................................................................................. 71
5.1.1 Accounting Type .......................................................................................................................................................... 72
5.1.2 Create / View User Accounts...................................................................................................................................75
5.1.3 Reset User Accounts ...................................................................................................................................................77
5.1.4 Accounting Login Screen Settings........................................................................................................................ 78
5.2 Authentication / Security Settings .................................................................................................................... 80
5.2.1 System Administrator Settings .............................................................................................................................. 81
5.2.2 Authentication ..............................................................................................................................................................83
5.2.3 Job Status Default....................................................................................................................................................... 87
5.2.4 Overwrite Hard Disk .................................................................................................................................................... 88
Chapter 6 Network and Encryption Settings..........................................................................90
6.1 CentreWare Internet Services Settings ...........................................................................................................90
6.1.1 Display CentreWare Internet Services................................................................................................................ 90
6.1.2 Troubles with CentreWare Internet Services...................................................................................................92
6.2 Encryption Settings .................................................................................................................................................93
6.2.1 HTTP Communications Encryption...................................................................................................................... 94
6.2.2 Encryption Using IPsec..............................................................................................................................................94
User Interface Manual
Chapter 7 Authentication and Accounting Features ..........................................................96
7.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................................................................96
7.2 Configuration for Authentication...................................................................................................................... 99
7.2.1 Enabling Authentication........................................................................................................................................... 99
7.2.2 Configuring for IC Card Reader.......................................................................................................................... 100
7.2.3 Configuration for Account Administration.................................................................................................... 101
7.3 Authentication Operations.................................................................................................................................102
7.3.1 User Authentication Operations ........................................................................................................................ 102
7.3.2 Changing Passcode.................................................................................................................................................. 104
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Error Codes.......................................................................105
8.1 IPv4 and IPv6 Connection Problems..............................................................................................................105
8.2 Error Messages ........................................................................................................................................................106
8.2.1 Remedies for Other Error Codes......................................................................................................................... 106
8.2.2 Error Codes...................................................................................................................................................................107
Chapter 9 Appendix...................................................................................................................... 122
9.1 Notes and Restrictions .........................................................................................................................................122
9.2 License ........................................................................................................................................................................124
Index ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................138

Types of Manuals

Types of Manuals
The Versant 3100 Press comes bundled with the following manuals:
For information on functions and operations of the Print Server, refer to customer documentation supplied
with Print Servers.
Some of them come with manuals. The manuals for optional components describe all the necessary steps
for using the optional components and installing the software.
For details on the functions of your 3rd Vendor Finisher or GBC
AdvancedPunch™ Pro, refer to the manual
supplied with the device.
PDF Manual
The Manuals are stored as PDF files on the Versant 3100 Press Instruction Manuals CD.
Double-click "index.html" and select the language of the manual you wish to display.
Versant 3100 Press User Interface Manual (this manual)
Describes the operations of the user interface (UI) for operating the printer.
The user interface allows you to confirm status of the printer, and to set the printer behavior.
Versant 3100 Press Printer Unit Manual
Describes how to load paper, how to replace consumables, how to clear paper jams, and the daily mainte-
nance procedures for the printer unit. (These descriptions are also applied to the printer unit equipped
with Offset Catch Tray.)
Versant 3100 Press Optional Units Manual
Describes how to replace consumables and how to clear paper jams in the optional units (High Capacity
Stacker, Finisher, and others).
Versant 3100 Press Paper Jams: Quick Access Guide
Illustrates possible paper jam areas, allowing you to quickly identify a paper jam location.
HTML Manual
Stock Library Manager Manual
Describes Stock Library Manager with which you can change the paper settings.
The manual can be viewed from the [Help] menu of Stock Library Manager.
CentreWare Internet Services Help
The help describes CentreWare Internet Services where you can change various settings of the printer
using a client computer.
Click [Help] in the upper right corner of CentreWare Internet Service window to display the help.
To display the online help for CentreWare Internet Services, users need to have the environment to connect
to the Internet. The communication fee shall be borne by you.
Paper Manual
Versant 3100 Press Safety Notes
Provides information for using the printer safely. Read this manual before using the printer.
User Interface Manual

Using This Manual

This manual is intended to provide first-time users of the Versant 3100 Press with necessary information
on user interface operation.
Organization of This Manual
This manual consists of the following chapters:
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface
Describes powering on/off the printer, the Services Home and logging on to and from the Administrator
mode. Please read this chapter first.
Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Print Jobs
Describes basic operation of print jobs.
Chapter 3 Maintenance
Describes daily maintenance such as printing reports and checking meters.
Chapter 4 Tools
Describes basic functions of the printer and how to setup the network.
Chapter 5 Accounting, Authentication / Security Settings
Describes how to create user accounts, to configure accounting administration, and to setup authentica-
tion and security feature of the printer.
Chapter 6 Network and Encryption Settings
Describes how to setup CentreWare Internet Services and to encrypt data communications.
Chapter 7 Authentication and Accounting Features
Describes overview, setup and operation of authentication and accounting administration.
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting and Error Codes
Describe how to address troubles, and error codes.
Chapter 9 Appendix
Describes precautions and restrictions on using the printer, as well as notes on licenses.
Using This Manual
This manual uses the following symbols:
The feed direction shown above works in an opposite manner for Printer Unit Trays and Inserter Tray.
Terminology Used in This Manual
In this manual, we refer to the part with buttons as "Control Panel" and the screen as "Touch Screen",
which are on the user interface to configure the printer.
The number of characters you can input is indicated in "bytes". A single-byte character takes one byte, and
a double-byte character takes two bytes.
Screen Images in This Manual
All images contained in this manual are captured from the screen with all optional units installed.
Indicates important information you have to know or be reminded before operations.
Indicates supplemental information useful for operations.
Indicates references to other chapters and manuals.
< > Indicates the Control Panel, and buttons and lamps on the printer or optional units.
[ ] Indicates the names of tabs, options, buttons, menus and file names on the touch screen
> Indicates the path to the touch screen. e.g. [XXX] > [XXX]
" " Indicates the names of reference sections in this manual, characters to be entered, path
names, and messages.
XXX Manual Indicates the names of the reference manuals.
There are two paper orientations: Long Edge Feed (LEF) and Short Edge Feed (SEF).
The figures below describe front, rear, top, and bottom edges of the paper for LEF and
Long Edge Feed (LEF )
Long edge: landscape (width),
Short edge: portrait (height)
Short Edge Feed (SEF )
Short edge: landscape (width),
Long edge: portrait (height)
The front of the printer The front of the printer
Feed direction
Front edge
To p
Rear edge
Feed direction
To p
Front edge
Rear edge
User Interface Manual
Chapter 1
Using the User Interface
1.1 Power On/Off .............................................................................................10
1.1.1 Powering On .......................................................................................................... 10
1.1.2 Powering Off ......................................................................................................... 12
1.2 Components on the Control Panel....................................................13
1.2.1 Services Home ...................................................................................................... 14
1.2.2 Error Information ................................................................................................ 16
1.2.3 Operating the Touch Screen........................................................................... 17
1.2.4 Switching to a Different Language ............................................................. 18
1.3 Log In to and Out of Administrator Mode.....................................19
1.4 Power Saver Mode ...................................................................................21

Power On/Off

The printer warms up and becomes ready to print within about 5 minutes after powered on.
Switch the power off at the end of a day or if the machine is not used for a long time.
The warm-up time may vary with an initial temperature of the printer.
After being inactive for a while, the printer automatically enters the Power Saver mode to reduce power
For detailed information about the Power Saver mode, refer to "1.4 Power Saver Mode" (p.21).

1.1.1 Powering On

Press the power switch on the printer unit.
User interface will be powered on.
When powered on, the printer immediately gets started to proceed with image quality adjustment,
but it takes some time before the printer becomes ready to print.
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface
When the printer becomes ready to print (i.e. enters the Standby mode), the message changes to "Ready
to Print."
Power on your Print Server to start the Print Server.
For detailed information on functions and operations of the Print Server, refer to customer docu-
mentation supplied with Print Servers.
On Print Server, make sure the Stock Library Manager is activated.
User Interface Manual

1.1.2 Powering Off

Make sure all the printing is finished and the <Data> lamp is not blinking.
Shut down the Print Server.
Stock Library Manager will be closed as the Print Server is shut down.
For detailed information on functions and operations of the Print Server, refer to customer docu-
mentation supplied with Print Servers.
Press the power switch on the printer unit.
On pressing the power switch, the printer will be turned off after the time displayed on the screen lapses.
When you switch the power off, the <Power Saver> button on the control panel may continue blink-
ing even after the touch screen goes dark. Do not switch the main power off until the light of the
<Power Saver> button goes off. (You can turn on the printer again.)
For detailed information about the main power switch, refer to "1.2.3 Main Power Switch" in the
Printer Unit Manual.
When powering the printer on after it has been switched off, wait 10 seconds or more after the
touch screen has gone dark.
You can also switch the power off by clicking [Power Off] on CentreWare Internet Services under
[Status] tab > [General].
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface

Components on the Control Panel

You can operate the control panel by pressing the buttons and tapping the touch screen on the display.
<Tools> button
Press to display Tools Screen.
<Job Status> button
Press this button to check or cancel the current
job, or to check completed jobs. (p.23)
<Machine Status> button
Press this button to check the machine status
and meters, and to print reports. (p.28)
<Log In / Out> button
Press this button to log in to Administrator mode. (p.19)
<Power Saver> button
Press this button to activate Power Saver
mode. (p.21)
Numeric keypad
Use the numeric buttons to enter passcodes and other
numerical values.
<C (Clear)> button
Press this button to cancel the values entered with the
numeric keypad.
<Stop> button
Press this button to suspend a print
job in progress. (p.24)
<Start> button
Press this button to resume the
suspended printing. (p.24)
<Language> button
Press this button to switch languages
displayed on the touch screen. (p.18)
<Home> button
Press this button to display Services
Home. (p.14)
<Clear All> button
Press this button to reset all of the functions
and values that have been set, and then
return to Tools Screen.
Tou c h s c re e n
Displays messages required for operation
and buttons for various features. You can
directly touch the screen to operate the
printer or configure the settings for
fea tur es.
<Power> indicator
Lights up when the main power is switched on.
<Error> indicator
Blinks if a system error occur.
This indicator lights up when a problem other than
system errors occurs with the printer, including paper
jams and running out of paper or toner.
<Data> indicator
Blinks when receiving data from Print Server.
User Interface Manual

1.2.1 Services Home

Tray Status Area
Allows you to check the paper level. (Each cell indicates 25% of the capacity.)
For Bypass Tray and the Inserter Tray, paper levels are indicated either 0% or 100%.
If an incorrect level is indicated for High Capacity Trays, make sure the plate is lowered, and then push the
Tray into the machine.
After loading the paper to High Capacity Trays, it may take some time for the area to display. This is
because the printer is raising the bottom plate or setting up the Air Assist function, and thus not a malfunc-
When (Manual Tray Switching) is displayed on the Tray in use, tap and choose Tray so that the
Tray to feed papers can be changed.
You can only switch Trays with the same Stock applied.
is not displayed when [Disabled] is selected under [Tools] > [Common Service Settings] > [Paper Tray Set-
tings] > [Manual Tray Switching].
For detailed information about [Manual Tray Switching], refer to "4.1.5 Paper Tray Settings" (p.46).
For detailed information about the Stock, refer to "Stock Library" in the Stock Library Manager Manual.
Printer Message / Job Status Area
Status of the printer is shown here.
Login mode
Displays the login mode. Tap this area to log in
to Administrator mode. (p.19)
Error Message Area
In case of an error such as paper jam, open covers, or printer malfunction, the affected area is displayed in red and the
relevant message is displayed. (p.16)
For detailed information about messages, refer to "8.2 Error Messages" (p.106).
Tray Status Area
Displays the Tray numbers and the paper level
remaining in the Trays.
Ton er S tat us A re a
Displays the toner level.
Consumables Status
Tap this icon to display toner levels and detailed
information on consumables. (p.26)
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface
Cooling Mode
When overheated, the printer will display [Machine Cooling in Progress] message and enter the cooling
[Machine Cooling in Progress] message closes automatically when machine cooling is finished. Wait until
the message closes itself.
If the room temperature is high, it takes longer to cool off; Lower the room temperature.
Do not open covers or switch off the power as the fan runs to cool the heat off during the cooling mode.
[Machine Cooling in Progress] message can be closed by selecting [Close], however, the cooling mode will
not be disabled; Meanwhile, you cannot operate the printer.
The printer will not enter the Sleep mode during the printer cooling is in progress.
User Interface Manual

1.2.2 Error Information

In case of an error such as paper jam, open covers, or printer malfunction, the affected area is displayed in
red and the relevant message is displayed.
Tap [Faults] on the Services Home.
Tap the item shown on the error list.
The items are listed in descending order of priority.
Clear the errors down the list.
Tap an error item to view the procedures in details.
If you do not follow the list, errors may keep displayed although all the errors are removed.
Attention is required to remove jammed papers in the part where is displayed. Please read
the instructions well and remove the paper.
Clear the error according to the message.
When you have finished, tap [Close].
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface

1.2.3 Operating the Touch Screen

Screen Operations
Item Screen Description
Tabs Tap one of the tabs to display the corresponding
and [
buttons Tap [] or [] to change the numerical value. Tap
and hold the arrow to change the value continuously.
A fixed range is shown in the parentheses.
Ta p [] or [] to switch pages if there are two or
more pages.
List Box Tap [] to select an item.
Unavailable button Buttons or options that are in unusable state due to a
particular combination of functions or other reasons
appear in gray.
[Change Settings] Tap this to configure the selected item.
[Save] Tap this to confirm the settings you made and close
the window.
[Cancel] Tap this to discard the settings you made and close
the window.
[Close] Tap this to this to close the current screen and go
back to the previous screen.
User Interface Manual
Entering Text
During operations, a screen for entering text sometimes appears.
The following describes how to enter text.

1.2.4 Switching to a Different Language

The touch screen can be switched to other languages.
Press <Language> button on the control panel.
Select the language you prefer.
The language setting switched by clicking [Language] lasts only temporarily and will return to the
default language specified at [Default Language] under [Tools] > [Common Service Settings] >
[Screen Settings] once you turn off the power.
For detailed information about [Default Language], refer to "4.1.4 Screen Settings" (p.45).
Item Description
Enter alphabets and numerals Tap [Shift] to enter uppercase letters.
To return to the lowercase letters, tap [Shift] again.
Symbols Tap the [abc] tab to switch the sets of symbols displayed.
Keyboard arrangement Tap the [Qwerty] tab to switch the arrangements of the keyboard.
Space Tap [Space].
Delete Tap [Backspace] to delete one character at a time.
Tap [Delete Text] to delete all characters.
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface

Log In to and Out of Administrator Mode

Logging in to the Administrator mode allows you to configure the settings which cannot be performed in
Guest mode.
Logging in to Administrator Mode
When power is switched on, the printer is in "Guest" mode.
For detailed information on how to change the administrator ID and passcode, refer to "5.2 Authentication /
Security Settings" (p.80).
Tap the Login mode displayed in the upper right corner of the Services Home.
You can also log in by pressing the <Log In / Out> button on the control panel.
Enter the administrator ID, and tap [Enter]. (Enter the user ID when the authentication
feature is enabled.)
When passcode is required, tap [Next], enter the passcode and then tap [Enter].
The default administrator ID is "11111".
The default passcode is "x-admin".
Once logged in to Administrator mode, the Login mode will be displayed as "Admin" in the upper right
corner of the Services Home. Then <Log In / Out> button will also lights up.
User Interface Manual
Logging out of Administrator Mode
Tap the Login mode displayed in the upper right corner of the Services Home.
You can also log out by pressing the <Log In / Out> button on the control panel.
After logging out of Administrator mode, the Login mode will be displayed as "Guest" in the upper right
corner of the Services Home.
Chapter 1 Using the User Interface

Power Saver Mode

Power Saver mode reduces power consumption to conserve electricity.
After being inactive for a while the printer automatically enters the "Low Power mode". Then after a given
time, the printer enters the "Sleep mode".
Low Power mode
The power supply to the user interface and the Fusing Unit is lowered.
Sleep mode
The power supply to devices such as hard disk drive is suspended, and the power consumption will be
smaller than the Low Power mode.
The printer is equipped with the feature to save electricity by supplying power only to the devices neces-
sary to activate the printer after exiting the Power Saver mode
Entering Power Saver Mode
The printer enters the Power Saver mode by the following instances:
Pressing the <Power Saver> button on the control panel (enters Power Saver mode in about 5 seconds)
The printer is not operated for the set period of time to enter the Power Saver mode.
If the printer enters Power Saver mode while authenticating, the authentication will be disabled.
The printer will not enter the Sleep mode during the printer cooling is in progress.
When the printer enters the Power Saver mode, the touch screen goes off and the <Power Saver> button
lights up.
Stock Library Manager cannot be operated when the printer is in Power Saver mode.
Exiting the Power Saver Mode
The printer exits the Power Saver mode by the following instances:
Touching the IC Card Reader with a card (only in Low Power mode)
Pressing the <Power Saver> button on the control panel
Receiving jobs such as print
Clicking [Apply] in CentreWare Internet Services
When the printer is in the Sleep mode, it takes longer to exit the Power Saver mode than when the printer is
in the Low Power mode.
It may take longer to exit the Power Saver mode when the <Power Saver> button is pressed immediately
after the touch screen blacks out, or when the printer has not completely entered the Power Saver mode.
Wait for a few seconds until the printer can comply the instruction to exit the Power Saver mode, and then
press the <Power Saver> button again.
When the printer enters the Power Saver mode with the optional IC Card Reader, it may take longer than
usual to exit the Power Saver mode.
When exiting the Power Saver mode, the printer supplies power only to the devices necessary to activate
the service.
For detailed information on how to configure, refer to "Power Saver Deactivation" (p.43).
User Interface Manual
Power Saver Timers
Log in to the Administrator mode, press <Tools> button, and then select [Tools] > [Com-
mon Service Settings] > [Power Saver Settings].
For detailed information on how to display the window, refer to "4.1.2 Power Saver Settings" (p.42).
Select [Power Saver Timers], then tap [Change Settings].
Specify the time after which the printer enters Power Saver mode, and tap [Save].
From Last Operation to Low Power Mode
Specify the time the printer enters Low Power mode after not having been used for a certain amount of
From Last Operation to Sleep Mode
Specify the time the printer enters Sleep mode after not having been used for a certain amount of time.
If the set time to enter the Power Saver mode is the same as the time to enter the Sleep mode, or if the set
time for Sleep mode is shorter, the printer enters Sleep mode immediately.
If you print when the touch screen is blacked out in Power Saver mode, only the devices necessary to print
will be activated.
In this instance, the printer enters Sleep mode in 15 seconds regardless of the time specified.

Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Print Jobs

Chapter 2
Basic Operation of Print Jobs
2.1 Print Job Processing.................................................................................23
2.2 Job Status....................................................................................................24
2.2.1 [Active Jobs] Tab.................................................................................................. 24
2.2.2 [Completed Jobs] Tab........................................................................................ 25

Print Job Processing

What Is a Job?
Each data unit processed by the printer is called a "job".
Print job
A print job is the data submitted from a client computer to the printer though the Print Server. One job
consists of a file containing print instructions such as the number of sheets and paper properties. This file
is created by an application program.
Paper Properties Specified for a Job
A print job contains paper properties such as paper size, paper type and paper weight.
On loading the paper, be sure to set the paper properties on [Tray Stock Properties] window on Stock
Library Manager.
Also, Versant 3100 Press has Stock Library feature. Stock Library feature manages the stocks by naming
them according to paper attributes (size, type, weight etc.).
The registered "Stock" can also be applied to print jobs.
The job sent to the printer ends with an error unless all of the followings are consistent; the loaded paper,
the paper properties set on [Tray Stock Properties] window, and the paper properties contained in the
print job.
Client computers
Print Server
Job printed
Print Jobs
User Interface Manual

Job Status

You can check the job information and progress.
The information may not be displayed depending on the settings at [Authentication / Security Settings] >
[Job Status Default].
For detailed information about [Job Status Default], refer to "5.2.3 Job Status Default" (p.87).
Press the <Job Status> button on the control panel to display Job Status window.

2.2.1 [Active Jobs] Tab

Display Job Status window.
For detailed information on how to display the window, refer to "2.2 Job Status" (p.24).
Select the job to operate.
Print Waiting Jobs
The following jobs will be forcibly printed: suspended jobs, waiting jobs to be printed at the time set
under [Tools] > [Common Service Settings] > [Machine Clock / Timers] > [Auto Print].
For detailed information about [Auto Print], refer to "4.1.1 Machine Clock / Timers" (p.39).
Tap the button for desired operation.
Chapter 2 Basic Operation of Print Jobs
Tap this button and the job will forcibly be canceled and deleted.
Promote Job
Tap this button to raise the priority of the job to be printed. will be displayed on the list.
Tap this button to suspend a print job in progress.
You can also suspend the job by pressing the <Stop> button on the control panel.
Tap this button to resume the suspended printing.
You can also resume the suspended job by pressing the <Start> button on the control panel.

2.2.2 [Completed Jobs] Tab

Display Job Status window.
For detailed information on how to display the window, refer to "2.2 Job Status" (p.24).
Tap the [Completed Jobs] Tab.
Select the job to operate.
Checking the [Group Parent Jobs] box does not enable the function.
Tap [Print this Job History Report] to print the job history report.
User Interface Manual
Chapter 3


3.1 Maintenance..............................................................................................26
3.1.1 Consumables Status .......................................................................................... 26
3.1.2 Setting Restore Tool........................................................................................... 27
3.2 Machine Status.........................................................................................28
3.2.1 [Machine Information] Tab ............................................................................ 28
3.2.2 [Faults] Tab............................................................................................................. 31
3.2.3 [Billing Information] Tab.................................................................................. 31
3.3 Tools...............................................................................................................33
3.3.1 Clean Fusing Unit................................................................................................ 33
3.3.2 Full Width Array ................................................................................................... 34
3.3.3 DFA Finisher Profile............................................................................................. 37

3.1.1 Consumables Status

The status of the consumables is displayed.
The status is shown as "OK", "Replace Soon" or "Replace Now".
For detailed information on how to replace consumables, refer to "4.1 Consumables" in the Printer Unit Man-
Tap (Consumables Status) on the Services Home.
Select [Other Consumables] from the list box to check the status of other consumables.
Chapter 3 Maintenance
Select a consumable to display the status message.

3.1.2 Setting Restore Tool

Setting Restore Tool backs up the settings data to reduce the time required to reconfigure in case of mal-
function of the printer or hard disk replacement.
For the Setting Restore Tool, contact your local Fuji Xerox representative.
The following data can be backed up on the client computer:
Job log
Error log
Auditron log
Other information such as user setting data
Users cannot replace the hard disk by themselves. When replacing the hard disk, contact your local Fuji
Xerox representative.
User Interface Manual

Machine Status

You can check machine status and the number of printed pages on the screen. You can also print various
reports/lists to check the job history, settings and registered information.
Press the <Machine Status> button on the control panel to display Machine Status win-
Press <Machine Status> button to update the consumables status when replacing consumables.

3.2.1 [Machine Information] Tab

Display Machine Status window.
For detailed information on how to display the window, refer to "3.2 Machine Status" (p.28).
Tap the button for desired operation.
[Print Report] is displayed only in Administrator mode when [Disabled] is selected for [Print Report
Button] under [Tools] > [Common Service Settings] > [Reports].
For detailed information about [Print Report Button], refer to "4.1.7 Reports" (p.48).
Machine Configuration
Tap this to display the attached Optional Units.
Software Version
Tap this to display the installed software version.
Chapter 3 Maintenance
Print Reports
Tap this to print reports and lists.
The reports are printed with the setting selected under [Tools] > [Common Service Settings] > [Reports].
For detailed information about [Reports], refer to "4.1.7 Reports" (p.48).
The items other than [Job Status] and [Printer Reports] are displayed only in Administrator mode.
Job Status
Select the history to print and press the <Start> button.
Job History Report
Up to 200 latest jobs can be printed.
Error History Report
The latest 50 errors can be printed.
Printer Reports
You can check the hardware configuration, network information, and print settings of the printer.
Tap [Configuration Report] and press the <Start> button.
User Interface Manual
Job Counter Report
You can check the breakdown of the number of actual printer use by feature (such as the number of pages
printed and the number of times used) and cumulative time of when the printer is not in use (such as
standby time, Low Power mode, Sleep mode, and power-off time) by minutes on the Job Counter Report.
Tap [Job Counter Report] and press the <Start> button.
Auditron Reports
You can check the number of pages printed by each user ID on the screen.
The items to be printed vary depending on the setting selected under [Tools] > [Accounting] >
[Accounting Type].
For detailed information about [Accounting Type], refer to "5.1.1 Accounting Type" (p.72).
When [Accounting Type] is set to other than
[Local Accounting]
Tap [Meter Report (Print Jobs)] and press the <Start> but-
[Meter Report (Print Jobs)] counts pages from the time at
which the data is initialized.
When [Accounting Type] is set to [Local Accounting]
Except when [Disable Accounting] is selected under [Accounting Type] > [Auditron Mode] > [Print
(1) Tap [Auditron Report (Print Jobs)].
(2) Select the range of user ID numbers to print and
press the <Start> button.
+ 108 hidden pages