Xerox DOCUPRINT N2025, DOCUPRINT N3225, DOCUPRINT N2125B User Manual

The Xerox DocuPrint Network Laser Printers
Technical Information Guide
VERSION 4. 0.2

Copyright © 1999/2000 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

XEROX®, The Document Company®, the stylized X, and DocuPrint are trademarks of Xerox Corporation or its subsidiaries.
Adobe® and PostScript® are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. PCL, HP, and LaserJet are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. IBM
is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Word, MS, and MS-DOS are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Univers is a trademark of Linotype AG or its su b s idiaries . WordPerfect is a trad emark of WordPerfe c t Corporation. Centronics is a trademark of Centronics Corporation. Macintosh and TrueType are trademarks of Apple Computer, Incorporated. OnPage is a trademark of COMPUTER:applications, Inc. All other pro duct names are trademarks/traden a mes of their respec ti ve owners.
printer contains an emulation of the Hewlett Packard PCL command language, recognizes HP PCL commands, and processes these commands in a manner comparable with Hewlett Packard LaserJet printer products.
are trademarks of Hewlett Packard Company. This
Specifi c a tio ns described i n this pub li cation are subject to chan ge without notice. Use of some features may be limited by your hardware or software configuration. Contact your dealer, Xerox, or Xerox Limited for details.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Document Introduction........................................................1-2
Purpose of this Section......................................................1-2
Objective ......................................................................... 1-2
How Can I Print This?..........................................................1-3
Other Inform ation Resources... ........................ .....................1-4
How Do I Proceed?..............................................................1-5
First Time PrinterSetup.....................................................1-5
Configuration of an Existing Printer...................................1-5
Connecting to You r N etw ork
Overview............................................................................. 2-3
Objective ......................................................................... 2-3
Requirements ................................................................... 2-3
Organization ...................................................................2-4
Quick Steps For Connection & Setup....................................2-5
Set An IP Address.................................................................2-6
Static Addressing..............................................................2-7
Setting from the Control Panel 2-7 Setting from Win dow s Op erat i ng Sy st ems 2-9
Setting from Unix Operating Systems 2-11
Dynamic Addressing (RARP/BOOTP)...............................2-13
Dynamic Addressing
Setting a SUBNET MASK at the Control Panel.....................2-15
Setting from Windows or Unix Operating Systems........... 2-16
Setting up APPSOCKET ............................ ................ ..........2-17
Setting from Windows or Unix Operating Systems........... 2-18
: -3
Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY at the Control Panel ................2-19
Setting from Windows or Unix Operating Systems........... 2-20
Print the Configuration Sheet .............................................2-21
To prin t th e Configu rat ion Sheet fr om the Con t ro l P an el: 2-21 To Print the Configuration Sheet from the Xerox CentreDirect
External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter).............2-22
Resetting the Printer..........................................................2-23
To Reset your printer from the Control Panel:..................2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External P rint Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) .................. ................. ........................ .......2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External P rint Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) to factory defaults......................................2-24
DIP Switch settings for your CentreDirect External Print Server
(External E th ern e t Ada pter)........ ........................ ............2-25
Where do I go from here?..................................................2-26
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Novell NetWare Setup
Introduction ........................................................................3-2
Objective .........................................................................3-2
NetWare 3.1X Print Server Setup NetWare 4.X/5.0 (NDS) Print
Server Setup........................................................................3-3
Setup with CentreWare DP...............................................3-3
Advanced Setup in Bindery Mode or for NDS (NetWare Direc-
tory Services) Network......................................................3-3
Netware (NDPS/NEPS) Novell Distributed Print Services™.3-4
NetWare Troubleshooting ....................................................3-5
NetWare Troubleshooting Quick Check.............................3-6
Novell NetWare Troubleshooting Step-by-Step..................3-7
Novell NetWare Hardware Step-by-Step 3-7
Novell NetWare Software Step-by-St ep 3-9
Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
-4 DocuPri nt T ech nical I nfor matio n Gu ide
Objective ......................................................................... 4-3
Windows 95/98 Peer-to-Peer Network (NetBEUI).................4-4
For DocuPrint Ne t wor k ed Printers................................... ..4-4
Quick Install Steps 4-4 For CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter)
Quick Install Steps 4-7
Windows 95/98 Peer-to-peer Network (Peer-ro-Peer IPP)....4-11
Step-by-Step Setup (Peer-to-Peer)............. ... ................ ...4-11
Windows NT 4.0 Network.................................................4-12
Preliminary Steps............................................................4-12
Quick Install Steps (TCP/IP Protocol)...............................4-13
Quick Install Steps (DLC/LLC Protocol)............................4-16
Quick Install Steps (AppleTalk Protocol)..........................4-18
Chapter 5
Windows Trou bleshooting.. ........................ ........................4-20
Requirements...................... ........................ ...................4-20
Windows (all versions) Quick Check................................4-20
Quick Check For CentreDirect External Print Server (External
Ethernet Adapter) (NetBEUI)...........................................4-22
Windows 95/98 Troubleshooting for DocuPrint Network Printers 4-23
Windows 95/98 For CentreDirect External Print Server (Exter-
nal Ethernet Adapter) (NetBEUI).....................................4-25
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (TCP/IP).....................4-26
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (DLC/LLC)..................4-28
Windows NT 4.0 Troubleshooting (AppleTalk)................4-30
Macintosh Netw ork S etup
Introduction ........................................................................ 5-2
: -5
Objective ......................................................................... 5-2
Quick Step Overview............................................................5-3
Macintos h Dri ve r In s t a llation....................... ........................5-4
Requirements............................. ........................ ..............5-4
Driver Installation for Macintosh System 7.0+...................5-4
Step-by-Step Setup (AppleTalk) ........................................5-5
Configuring EtherTalk at the Control Panel 5-5
Select ing the Pr inter from t h e Chooser 5 -6
Macintos h Tr oubleshootin g ......................... ........................5-8
Requirements............................. ........................ ..............5-8
Macintosh Quick Check....................................................5-8
Macintosh Troubleshooting Step-by-Step ..........................5-9
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
UNIX Network Setup
Introduction ........................................................................6-2
OS/2 Network Setup
Overview............................................................................. 7-2
Objective ......................................................................... 7-2
Requirements ................................................................... 7-2
Compatibility....................................................................... 7-3
Network Operating Systems.............................................7-3
Required OS/2 FIXPACKS..................................................7-3
Quick Step (OS/2 Warp Server V 4.0) ..................................7-4
Quick Install Setup...........................................................7-4
Step-by-Step Setup for IBM TCP/IP for OS/2.....................7-6
TCP/IP Protocol Configuration 7-6
OS/2 Softwar e Inst allation.............................. ................ .....7-7
Installing the DocuPrint OS/2 Print Driver.........................7-7
OS/2 Trouble s h ooting .................................... .....................7-8
Requirements............................. ........................ ..............7-8
-6 DocuPri nt T ech nical I nfor matio n Gu ide
OS/2 Quick Check ............................................................7-8
TCP/IP for OS/2 versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 .......................7-9
OS/2 Troubleshooting Step-by-Step..................................7-9
OS/2 Warp V 4.0, OS/2 Warp V 3.0 (all versions), Warp
Server, LAN Server 4.0, & Warp Connect using TCP/IP for
OS/2 versions 2.0, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0 7-9
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Appendix A
CentreWare DP and Centre Ware M C
Internet Printer Services
Requirements ...................................................................9-2
Configure You r Web Browser....................................... .........9-3
Additional information on Internet Services..........................9-4
Telnet and NBMON command mod e options
Monitor Menu:....... ....................... ........................ ..............A-3
............................................................Configure Console:A-4
......................Display summary configuration parameters:A-4
Display/set ethernet options:............................................A-5
Flash firmware load enable/disable:..................................A-5
Display/set IP address: .....................................................A-5
Limit monitor network access by password:.......................A-6
Network protocols menu: .................................................A-6
AppleTalk options: A-7
HP DLC options: A-7
Microsoft Windows print services options: A-8
Netware options: A-8
SNMP options: A-9
TCP/IP options: A-9
......................Display/set parallel port parms and status:A-11
: -7
Reset nvram to factory defaults:......................................A-12
......................................................Print ASCII test page:A-12
Print Postscript test page:............................................... A-12
-8 DocuPri nt T ech nical I nfor matio n Gu ide

Introduction Chapter1

Document Introduction
Purpose of this Section .................................................... 1-2
Objective ....................................................................... 1-2
Requirements ................................................................. 1-2
How Can I Print This? Other Information Resources How Do I Proceed?
First Time PrinterSetup ................................................... 1-5
Configuration of an Existing Printer ................................. 1-5
1-3 1-4 1-5
Chapter 1: Introducti on ❖ 1-1

Document Introduction

Document Introduction
The purpose of this Technical Information Guide (TIG) is to serve the informational needs of System Administrators with a reference providing the platf orm-specific information necessary during th e DocuPrint network setup and configuration. Softw are-related information is organized by platform-specific chapters.
Purpose of this



The purpose of this introductor y section is to give a brief over view of the net work in stallat ion process, and to provide a guide to the information contained in this Technical Information Guide (TIG).
Using the information contained in this document, System Administrators will be able to conn ect th e DocuPrint printer to their network, configure the printer for optimum printing performance, and tro uble s hoot printing problems.
To correctly install and configure your printer based on the information in this document you will need:
• A DocuPrint network printer or a printer with a X erox CentreDirect Extern al P rint Server (Externa l Ethernet Adapter).
• A Windows, Macintosh, UNIX or OS/2 wo rkstat ion with appropriate operating system software installed.
• A working knowledge of your operating system and your network topology.
In this manual there are many examples utilizing Ethernet. These same examples apply to Token Ring if that option is installed.
1-2 Doc uPrint Te chnical Inf ormati on Guide

How Ca n I Print This?

Printing this TIG in hard copy form must be accomplished with the Print command in the File drop-down menu of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
To print, simply click your mouse on the File drop-down menu and select Print.
Please, be aware that this is a larg e document. You may want to select specific pages to print rather than the entire document. You can do this in the Print dialogue box.
You may get Help on operating the Adobe Acrobat Reader application at any time by clickin g th e Help drop-down menu and selecting Acrobat Reade r Help, or by pressing the F1 key on your keyboard.
How Can I Prin t This?
Chapter 1: Introducti on ❖ 1-3

Other In form atio n Re sou rces

Other Information Resources
This Technical Information Guide complements use of other documentation that is supplied with your printer as hardcopy or as electronic pdf file on the Printer Management Software CD or the DocuPrint CD. T he electronic pdf files are contained on the CDs in the folder \doc\.
• The Quick Installation Guide expla ins procedures for physically setting up the printer.
• The DocuPrint Quick Network Install Guide provides an outline of the network setup process for an “As Soon As Possible” installation.
• The User Guide explains all procedures related to routine printer maintenan ce and day-to-day use.
• The System Administrator Guide provides more detailed printer information than is co nt aine d in th e User Guide.
• The CentreW are DP User Guide e xplains how to install and use CentreWare DP Services to install, connect, and configure Xerox p rinters on a network.
• The CentreWare for Unix Systems and TTY User Guides provide an experienced System Administrator with information required to install the printer in various Unix environment s
• User Guide and set up information for ot her utilities supplied on the CDs may be cont aine d in th e same folder as the utility. Consult the CD cover booklet f or information on these utilities.
• This T echnical Information Guide provides procedures for establishing a physical printer network connection, informatio n on establishi ng network pri nting by platform, and provides proc edu res for tasks typically performed by a System Ad ministrator.
• Electronic Help is available for installation of software, CentreWare DP, and all printer drivers supplied with your DocuPrint printer.
1-4 Doc uPrint Te chnical Inf ormati on Guide

How Do I Proceed?

How Do I Proceed?
First Time
Printer Setup
Configuration of an
Existing Printer
Chapter 2: Connecting to Your Network provides
instruction on connec ting your p rinter to the network.
Chapter 3: Novell NetWare Setup contains Softwa re
Installation and Troubleshooting information for NetWare versions 3.1X, 4.X and 5.0.
Chapter 4: Windows / Peer-to-Peer Network Setup
contains Software Installation and Troubleshooting information for the various Windows versions.
Chapter 5: Macintosh Network Setup contains Softw are
Installation and Troubleshooting information for the Macintosh.
Chapter 6: UNIX Network Setup contains a referen ce to
Software Installation for the various supported UNI X platforms.
Chapter 7: OS/2 Network Setup contains Software
Installation and Troubleshooting information for the OS/ 2 operating system.
Chapter 8: Centre W ar e DP and Centre W a re MC provides
references for using the CentreWare DP and CentreWare MC applications.
Chapter 9: Internet Printer Services provides references
for using a web browser and the embedded we b se rver in your printer, if it contains one, for such tasks as set up, monitoring the status of your printer and submitting print jobs.
Chapter 1: Introducti on ❖ 1-5
How Do I Proceed?
1-6 Doc uPrint Te chnical Inf ormati on Guide

Connecting to Your Network Chapter2

Overview ........................................................................... 2-3
Objective ....................................................................... 2-3
Requirements ................................................................. 2-3
Organization ................................................................. 2-4
Quick Steps For Connection & Setup .................................. 2-5
Set An IP Address ............................................................... 2-6
Static Addressing ............................................................ 2-7
Dynamic Addressing (RARP/BOOTP) ............................. 2-13
Dynamic Addressing (DHCP) ........................................ 2-14
Setting a SUBNET MASK at the Control Panel ................... 2-15
Setting up APPSOCKET .................................................... 2-17
Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY at the Control Panel .............. 2-19
Print the Configuration Sheet ........................................... 2-21
Resetting the Printer ........................................................ 2-23
To Reset your printer from the Control Panel: ................ 2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External P rint Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) ................................................................ 2-23
To Reset your CentreDirect External P rint Server (External Ether-
net Adapter) to factory defaults .................................... 2-24
Chapter 2: Connecting to Your Network ❖ 2-1
Connectin g to You r N etwor k
DIP Switch settings for your CentreDirect External Print Server
(External Ethernet Adapter) .......................................... 2-25
Where do I go from here? ................................................ 2-26
2-2 Do cuP rint Techn ical Infor mation G uide


The purpose of this Connection & Setup chapter is to outline the physical connection and configuration of your DocuPrint printer for use on a network. This task would ordinarily be performed by an expe rienced System Administrator.



The objective of this chapter is to enable you to:
• Identify the overall steps to physically connect and
configure your printer to work with your n etwork.
• Connect network cabling to your printer.
In general, the requireme nts needed for printer connection and se tup include:
• Appropriate cabling to link the printer t o your
• A working knowledge of your network cabling scheme
(for example, coaxial cable; shielded or un shield ed twisted pair; RJ45 or DB9 connection).
Chapter 2: Connecting to Your Network ❖ 2-3


This chapter contains the following sections:
“Quick Steps For Connection & Setup” (page 2-5)
provides the experienced System Administrator with enough information to q uickly c onnect the printer to the network.
“Set An IP Address” (page 2-6)
steps for connecting the printer to a TCP/IP ne twork.
“Setting a SUBNET MASK at the Control Panel”
(page 2-15)
security mask on a TCP/IP network.
“Setting up APPSOCKET” (page 2-17)
detailed steps for confi guring the printer to use th e AppSocket protocol on your network.
“Setting DEFAULT GATEWAY at the Control Panel”
(page 2-19)
gateway address.
“Print the Configuration Sheet” (page 2 -21)
the detailed ste p s for obtaining the current printer settings.
provides the detailed steps for setting a
provides the detailed steps for setting your
provides the detailed
provides the
2-4 Do cuP rint Techn ical Infor mation G uide

Quick Steps For Connection & Setup

Quick Steps for printer conn ecti on and setup, for use by the experienced System Administrator, are provided within this section.
Quick Steps common to virtually all plat forms include:
1. Install cabling to link the Network Interface to your network.
2. Print a Configuration Sheet to determine the printer’s current Network settings. See the section “Print the
Configuration Sheet” (page 2-21)
3. If you are connecting this printer using TCP/IP protocol, refer to the section “Set An IP Address”
(page 2-6)
4. Go to the appropriate chapter(s) within this Technical Information Guide (TIG) covering your workstation Operating System and follow the setup instructions provide d.
Quick Steps For Connection & Setup
5. If your job doesn’t print correctly, refer to the Troubleshooting section within the applicable Operating System chapter of this TIG for problem-solvin g info rmation .
Chapter 2: Connecting to Your Network ❖ 2-5

Set An IP Address

Set An IP Address
Your DocuPrint printer can b e se t up on a variety of TCP/ IP networks. There are several ways in which your printer can be assigned a TCP/IP address depe nding on your network.
• Static Addressing TCP/IP address is assigned manually by the System
Admini strator.
• Dynamic Addressing RAR P /BOOTP TCP/IP address is assigned automatically by the Server.
• Dynamic Addressing DHCP (Dynamic Host Resolution Protocol)
TCP/IP address is assigned automatically by the Server.
This section contains procedures for each of these methods. Determine which method will be used for your network and follow the steps of the appropriate procedure.
The foll owing examples refer to Ethernet but are a lso applicable to Token Ring if you have that option.
2-6 Do cuP rint Techn ical Infor mation G uide
Set An IP Addr ess

Static Addressing

The printer is assigned a T CP/IP address by a network administrator. The address can be set at the control panel or by using ARP and telnet commands.
If you u se the X erox CentreDi rect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the network, you cannot use the control panel to set a Static IP Address. Use the ARP and telnet procedures that are described in the sections for Windows or Unix Operating Systems.
Setting from the Control Pa n el
Perform these steps to set the Static IP Address at the control panel:
Menu Up
Menus Ethernet Menu
Item Up
Ethernet Menu IP Address Res.
Menu Down
Item Down
until you see:
unti l you see:
Value Up
IP Address Res. = Static
Ethernet Menu IP Address Res.
Item Up
Ethernet Menu IP Address
. You will see:
Item Down
Chapter 2: Connecting to Your Network ❖ 2-7
Value Down
. You will see:
until you see:
Set An IP Address
Value Up
Value Down
. You will see:
IP Address =
Value Up
character above the cursor. The value is incremented or decremented by 1 each time the key is pressed. Holding
Value Up
down scrolling through the values.
To change other characters in the IP address, press
Item Down
through the character string, then press
Value Down
the cursor (as in Step 4).
When you have completed setting the IP address, press
. You will see:
Value Down
Va lu e Down
to scroll r ight or left respectively
to change the value of the character above
to change the value of the
causes continuous
Va lue Up
Ethernet Menu IP Address
. You will see:
On Line
2-8 Do cuP rint Techn ical Infor mation G uide
Set An IP Addr ess
Setting from Windows Operating Systems
Perform these steps to enter the IP Address using ARP and telnet from a Windows OS. Some DocuPrint network printers do n ot support telnet. For these pri nters, enter the IP a ddress fr om the Control Pa nel as described in the previous section.
Telnet only w orks if the device is on the same subnet as the host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Open an MS-DOS session
2 Ping a kn o wn I P a d dress on the network by typing
Create a static ARP entry by typing the following
command: x.x.x.x is the IP address you are assigning and aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa is the Ethernet Address
host that was pinged and the new entry
, where x.x.x.x is the IP a ddress of a device on the
This step is required
arp -s x.x.x.x aa-a a-aa-aa- aa-aa [Enter]
The Ethernet Address can be found on the Configuration Sheet. If you are using a XeroxCentreD irect Ext ernal Print Serve r (External Ethernet Adapter) the Ethernet Address can be found on a label located on the bottom of the Adapter.
arp -a [Enter]
. A list should app ear tha t show s t h e
Chapter 2: Connecting to Your Network ❖ 2-9
Set An IP Address
Telnet x.x.x.x[Enter]
Make sure that telnet is enabled on the External Ethernet Adapter by examining the position of the DIP switches which are located on the rear panel. D1 should be in the up position and D2 should be in the down position. If you change the position of the switches, make sure you cycle the power off and on before proceeding.
When the telnet window appears, type
(exclamation point) and then monitor mode.
I [Enter]
address .
Reboot the network interface by typing
When you reboot the network interface, you will lose your telnet connection. Close the telnet session window and open a new connection after the network interface has rebooted.
to enter the IP add ress. E nter the d esir ed IP
yes [Enter]
! [Enter]
to enter
When the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) acquires an IP Addre ss, the SYS LED blink s once per second. If the IP Address is not set the SYSLED blinks 5 times per second.
2-10 DocuPrin t Tech nica l Info rma tion Guide
Set An IP Addr ess
Setting from Unix Operating Systems
Perform these steps to enter the IP Address using ARP and telnet from a Unix OS. Some DocuPrint network printers do not su pport te lnet. For these printers, enter th e IP address from the Control Panel as described in the previous section.
Telnet only w orks if the device is on the same subnet as the host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Use a text editor to open the /etc/hosts file.
Add the following line:
the IP address you are assigning and name is the host name.
Save the /etc/hosts file.
Create a static ARP entry by typing one of the following
commands, depending on your system:
• arp -s ether name aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa[Enter] (no leading zeros: RS-6000)
• arp -s name aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa[Enter] (no leading zeros: most UNIX sy st ems)
• arpbypass set name 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa. 0xaa[Enter] (AT&T and NCR)
where aa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aa is the Ethernet Address For example, on a SunOS system if the Ethernet Address
was "0040C800012B" and the h o st name was Alp ha you would type: arp -s alpha 0:40:C8:0:1:2B
The Ethernet Address can be found on the Configuration Sheet. If you are using a Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) the Ethernet Address can be found on a label located on the bottom of the CentreDirect.
x.x.x.x name
, where x.x.x.x is
Chapter 2: C onnect ing to Your Ne twor k ❖ 2-11
Set An IP Address
Open a telnet session by typing
Make sure that telnet is enabled on the CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) by examining the position of the DIP switches which are located on the rear panel. D1 should be in the up position and D2 should be in the down position. If you change the position of the switches, make sure you cycle the power off and on before proceeding.
When the telnet window appears, type
(exclamation point) and then monitor mode.
address .
Reboot the network interface by typing
When you reboot the network interface, you will lose your telnet connection. Close the telnet session window and open a new connection after the network interface has rebooted.
to enter the IP address. Enter the desired IP
telnet name[Enter]
! [Enter]
yes [Enter]
to enter
R [Enter]
When the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) acquires an IP Addre ss, the SYS LED blink s once per second. If the IP Address is not set the SYSLED blinks 5 times per second.
2-12 DocuPrin t Tech nica l Info rma tion Guide
Set An IP Addr ess
Dynamic Addressing
The TCP/IP address i s assigned automatica lly by the Server. Follow the steps below:
Power on your DocuPrint network printer and allow time
for an IP address to be assigned by the RARP/BOOTP server (this time may vary depending on network traffic).
If you are using the Xero x CentreDirect Externa l Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the netwo rk, make sure the Adapter is po wered on in addi tion to the printer.
When the CentreDirect External Print Server acquires an IP Address, the SYS LED blinks once per second. If the IP Address is not set the SYSLED blinks 5 times per second.
Perform the steps contained in the section
Configuration Sheet” (page 2-21)
Obtain the hardware and TCP/IP addresses from the
Configur a tion Sh eet.
Update the RARP/BOOTP server’s /etc/ethers, and the /
etc/hosts files with a host name, TCP/IP and hardware addresses. Consult your UNIX documentation for more RARP/BOOTP server configuration details.
“Print the
Chapter 2: C onnect ing to Your Ne twor k ❖ 2-13
Dynamic Addressing
The TCP/IP address i s assigned automatica lly by the Server.
Power on your DocuPrint network printer and allow time
for an IP addre ss to b e assi gned by the DHCP server (this time may vary depending on network traffic).
If you are using the Xero x CentreDirect Externa l Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the netwo rk, make sure the Adapter is po wered on in addi tion to the printer.
When the CentreDirect External Print Server acquires an IP Address, the SYS LED blinks once per second. If the IP Address is not set the SYSLED blinks 5 times per second.
Perform the steps contained in the section
Configuration Sheet” (page 2-21)
On the Xerox CentreDirect External Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) set both DIP switches, D1 and D2, to the UP position to disable automatic printing of the configuration page.
Obtain the hardware and TCP/IP addresses from the
Configur a tion Sh eet.
Update the lease time, if necessary, d epending on your
printer usa ge pat terns.
If your network is using this protocol to assign TCP/IP addresses, be aware that the lease on the assigned address can run out if your printer is taken off the network for longer than the allocated lease time.
“Print the
2-14 DocuPrint Technical Information Guide

Setting a S UBNE T MA SK at the Co ntro l Pa nel

Setting a SUBNET MASK at the Control Panel
If your p r inter is connected to a WAN (Wide Area Network) you may restrict user access by setting a Subnet Mask.
If you are using the Xero x CentreDirect Externa l Print Server (External Ethernet Adapter) to connect your printer to the network, you cannot use the co ntrol panel to set a subnet mask. Use the telnet procedure that is described in the section for Windows and Unix Operating Systems.
Menu Up
Menus Ethernet Menu
Item Up
Ethernet Menu Subnet Mask
Value Up
Subnet Mask =
Menu Down
Item Down
Value Down
until you see:
unti l you see:
. You will see:
Value Up
character above the cursor. The value is incremented or decremented by 1 each time the key is pressed. Holding
Value Up
down scrolling through the values.
T o change other characters in the Subnet Mask, press
Item Down
through the character string, then press
Value Down
the cursor (as in Step 4).
Value Down
Va lu e Down
to scroll r ight or left respectively
to change the value of the character above
to change the value of the
causes continuous
Va lue Up
Chapter 2: C onnect ing to Your Ne twor k ❖ 2-15
Setting a SUBNE T MASK at the C ontro l Panel
When you have completed setting the IP address, press
. You will see:
Ethernet Menu Subnet Mask
On Line
. You will see:
Setting from
Windows or Unix
Operating Systems
Perform these steps to enter the Subnet Mask using telnet from a Windows or Unix OS. Some DocuPrin t network printers do n ot support telnet. For these pri nters, enter the Subnet Mask from the Control Panel as described in the previous section.
Telnet only w orks if the device is on the same subnet as the host (i.e. computer or workstation).
Open a telnet session.
Windows: Open a MS-DOS window type
Unix: Type
Select the Network Protocols Menu,
Select the TCP/IP Opt io ns Menu,
, where
telnet hostname
and then
is the IP addr es s
in a shell
to enter monitor mode.
Select the Engine Options Menu,
Select Subnet mask,
Enter the new Subnet Mask,
2-16 DocuPrin t Tech nica l Info rma tion Guide
X [Enter]
to exit this menu or end the telnet
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