Xantrex Technology Inc. is a world-leading supplier of advanced power electronics and controls with products from
50 watt mobile units to one MW utility-s cale systems for wind, solar, batteries, fuel cells, microturbines, and backup
power applications in both grid-connected and stand-alone systems . Xantrex products include inverters, battery
chargers, programmable power supplies, and variable speed drives that convert, supply, control, clea n, and distribute
electri cal pow er.
T rademarks
Xantrex Grid T ie Solar Inverter is a trademark of Xantrex International. Xantrex and Xanbus are registered
trademarks of Xantrex International.
Other trademarks, registered tradema rks, and product names are the prope rty of their respective owners and are used
herein for identi fication purposes only.
Date and Revision
September 2004 Revision B
Part Number
Contact Information
Telephone: 1 800 670 0707 (toll free North America)
The purpose of this Owner’s Manua l is to pr ovide explanations a nd pr ocedures f or
installing, operating, maintaining, and troublesh ooting the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar
The manual provi des sa fe ty guide lines, detail ed planni ng and setup inf ormation. It
provides procedures f or installing the inverter and information about operating
and troubleshooting the unit. It does not provide details about particular brands of
photovoltaic (PV) panels. You need to consult individual PV manufacturers for
this information.
The manual is intended for anyone who needs to install and operate the GT
Inverter. Installers should be fully educated on the hazards of installing electrical
equipment. Certified electricians or technicians are recommended.
This manual is organized into 6 chapters and an appendix.
Chapter 1, “Introduction”, contains information about the features and functions
of the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter.
Chapter 2, “Installation”, provides information about planning for and installing
the GT Inverter. It contains information to help you plan wire routes, AC and DC
connections, and find a suitable location for installation. It also discusses
requirements for grounding the GT Inverter and your PVarray.
Chapter 3, “Wiring the Inverter”, provides procedure s for making DC and AC
wiring connections , and grounding the GT Inverter and the PV array. Instructions
for wiring inverters in pa rallel are also provided.
Chapter 4, “Starting the Inverter”, contains informati on on starting up the Xantr ex
Grid Tie Sola r Inverter and performing a Functional Test.
Chapter 5, “Monitoring the Inverter”, contains information for understanding the
LCD screens and the LED indicators.
Chapter 6, “Maintenance and Troubleshooting”, contains information about how to
provide general maintenance for the Xant rex Grid Tie Solar Inverter. It also
provides information about troubleshooting the unit.
Appendix A, “Specifications”, contains information about the electrical and
environmental specifications of the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter.
About This Manual
Conv en t io n s Used
The following conventions are used in this guide .
Warnings identify conditions that could result in personal injury or loss of life.
Cautions ide ntify conditions or pra ctices that could result in damage to the unit or othe r
serious as a caution or warning.
These notes des cribe th ings whi ch are import ant for y ou to know, but not as
Abbreviat i ons and Acronyms
ACAlternating Current
CSACanadian S t andards Association
DCDirect Current
GTGrid Tie
GUIGraphical User Interface
LCDLiquid Crystal Display
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MPPTMaximum Power Point Tracking
PCPersona l Computer
PVGFPPV Ground Fault Protection
PWMPulse Wi dth Modulation
STCStandard Test Condition
ULUnderwriters Laboratories
Va cVolts AC
VdcVolts DC
Voltage at Maximum Power
Open Circuit Voltage
Relat ed Inf o rmation
You can find more information about Xantrex Technology Inc. as well as its
products and services at www.xantrex.com
Other useful documentation on photovoltaic systems includes:
•“A Guide to Photovoltaic (PV) System Design and Installation”, California
Energy Commission (CEC), publicati on #500 -01-02 0, June 2001 (a vailable at
•“California Interconnection Guidebook: a Guide to Interconnecting
Customer-owned Electric Generation Equipment to the Electric Utility
Distribution System using California’s Electric Ru l e 21 ”, Ca lifo rni a E nergy
Commission (CEC), publication #500-03-083, September 2003 (avail able at
About This Manual
Important Safety Instructions
SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS—This manual contains important instructions that shall be followed
during the installa tion and maintenance of the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inver ter.
1. Before installi ng and using the G T Inverter, read all instructions and cautionary markings on the
inverter, wiring box, and all appropriate sections of this guide.
2. T o reduce risk of fire hazard, do not cover or obstruct the heat sink.
3. Observe the clearance recommendati ons as described on page 2–18. Do not install the G T Inverte r in a
zero-clear ance or non-ventil at ed co mp a rt ment . Over he ati ng ma y resul t.
4. Use only accessories rec ommended or sold by the manufacturer . Doing otherwise may result in a risk
of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons.
5. To avoid a risk of fire and electric shock, make sure that existing wiring is in good condition and tha t
wire is not undersized. Do not operate the GT Inverter with damaged or substandard wir ing.
6. Do not operate the GT Inverter if it has received a sharp blow, be en dropped, or otherwise damaged in
any way . If the GT Inverter is damaged, see the Warranty section.
7. Do not disasse mble the GT Inverter. It conta ins no us er -se rvicea ble par ts. S ee Warranty for instruc tio ns
on obtaining service. Attempting to service the GT Inverter yourself may result in a risk of electrical
shock or fire and will void the factory warranty.
8. T o reduce the risk of electrical shock , disc onnect both AC and DC power from the GT Inverter before
attempting any maintena nce or cleaning or working on any circuits connected to the inve rter. Turning
off controls will not reduce this risk. Internal capacitors remain charged for 5 minutes after
disconnecting all sources of power.
9. The GT Inverter must be provided with a n equipme nt-grounding conductor connected to the AC
Regulatory Compliance
The GT Inverter has complete on-board over-current, over-temperature and anti-islanding protection, and
meets U.S., Canadian and international safety operating standa rds and code requirements:
•UL 1741 – Standard for Inverters, Converters, and Controllers for Use in Independent Power Systems
•CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-01 General Use Power Supplies
•IEEE C62.41 Recommended Practice on Sur ge Voltage s in Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit s (Location
Categ ory B3).
To locate the firmware version number
The firmware version number for the protection processor is visible on a screen that appears when the unit
starts up or is powered up after switching the AC/DC Disconnect switch to “on.” The screen reads:
Flash= 01.01
ROM = 01.01
The number appearing after “ROM” is the firmware version number for the protecti on processor.
FCC Information to the User
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate r adio frequency
energy and, if not install ed and used in a ccordance with the in structions , may cause ha rmful inter ferenc e to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installati on. I f this equipment does cause harmful interfere nce to radio or television reception, which can
be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encourage d to try to correct the interfe rence
by one or more of the following measures:
•Reorient or relocate the rece iving antenna.
•Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circ uit different from that to which the re ceiver is connected .
•Consult the dealer or an experie nced r adio/TV technician for help.
Verification and Commissioning Test
This procedure is design ed to verify corr ect operati on of the Xantrex Grid T ie Solar In verter both on initi al
operation and periodically through its life as required by the utilities.
Commissioning Test
Follow the startup and monitoring procedures as documented in Chapters 4 and 5.
When operation of the inverter has been ver ified and the unit is producing power, run the Non-Islanding
test as described in this procedure.
Verification Test
Periodically run the Non-Islanding test. The inverter must respond within the 2-second limit for
compliance and then hold of f on producing power for the required delay (default valu e of 5 minutes) .
Non-Islanding Test
This test requires that the AC circuit for the inverter be switched off. This can be accomplished by
switching the breaker on the main panel that feeds the inverter(s). As an alternate, the disconnect for the
home or business may be used as well. Have someone watch the front panel of the inverter. Within 2
seconds of switching the brea ker, the green light on the front of the inverter must go out. The display will
respond with an AC Fault display, indicating that the AC is out of the operating range.
Re-energi ze the breaker to the inverter. The unit will respond by beginning its countdown. The green light
will be off dur ing this tim e. Five minute s aft er applying AC (default value ), the gr een lig ht will tur n on and
the inverter will beg in to push power to the grid. The display will then retur n to its on-l ine displa y showing
the power being produced along with the tota l kWh produced to date.
Note: The default voltage, frequency and reconnec t delay value s as defined by UL1741 and CSA 107.1-01
are programmed into the unit at time of shipment from the factory. No changes to these settings can be
made in the field by the user. Only authorized personne l with the utility’s permission may change these
settings. Contact Xantrex Technology to gain permission and the procedure/e quipment to make these
Chapter 1, “Introduction”, contains information about the features
and functions of the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter.
The topics in this chapter are organized as follows.
“About the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter”:
•“S tandard Features” on page 1–3
•“Safety and St andards” on page 1–5
“Removable Components”:
•“Wiring Box (standard on North American models)” on page 1–6
•“Optional Heat Sink Cover and Fan” on page 1–7.
“Model Configurations”.
About the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter
The Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inver ter (GT Inverter) is designed to convert solar
electric (photo voltaic or PV) power into utility-grade elec tricity that can be used
by the home or sold to the local power company.
Installing the GT Inverter consists of mounting it to the wall and connecting the
DC input to a PV array and the AC output to the utility. See Figure 1-1 for a
simple diagram of a typical inst allation.
In order t o opera te, t he GT Inverter must have gri d power a vaila ble and co nnected.
It will not provide backup power if the AC grid fails.
Photo voltaic (PV)
Panels - PV Array
solar energy
Grid Tie Inverter
Figure 1-1 Basic System Overview
DC converted
to AC
GT Inverter
Utility Grid
Surplus powe r
rout ed to U tility Grid
Powe r route d
to loads
Main Utility
Service Panel
About the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter
PV compatibilityThe G T I nverter is de signed t o take advanta ge of solar mo dules c onfigure d as hi gh
voltage PV string arrays—single crystalli ne , poly crystall ine, or thin film—with a
195 to 550 Vdc input voltage Maximum Power Point range.
Maxi mum Power
Point Tracking
The GT Inverter uses Xantrex pr opr ietary Maximum Power Point Tracking
(MPP T) technology to harvest the maximum amount of energy from the solar
array. MPPT learns your array ’s specific char acteristics, ma xim i zin g its outp u t at
all times.
High efficiencyThe high-frequency, solid-state design of the GT Inverter is extremely efficient—
up to 95%.
ExpandableMultiple GT Inverters may be connected in a parallel configuration for increased
net metering capacity or future system growth.
The GT Inverter uses the Xanbus
communi cate w i th othe r uni ts co nn ected in p ara llel with in the sys tem . Fo r more
Communications protocol, enabling it to
information, see “Xanbus Network Technology” on page 3–12.
Standard Features
The GT Inverter has the following standard features:
•Sealed inverter sect ion with multiple wiring options to facili tate a variety of
installati on requir ements ( e.g., h ard-wir ed, “quick-connects,” wiring box wi th
terminals, or with AC/DC disconnect);
•LCD providing easy-to-read system status and daily cumulative energy
production information;
•Two LED indicator lights providing status and ground fault indication;
•Wiring box providing protection for all AC and DC connections and eliminating exposed “live” wiring if the inverter is removed.
WARNING: Shock hazard
The 600 volt DC/AC disconnect in the wiring box meets NEC Article 690. It is a nonserviceable component and shall rem ain in place. Removal can exp ose energized
Optional Features
GT Fan Kit (Xantrex part # 864-0201) includes:
•Heat sink cover
•Fan assembly.
Xantrex GT3.0 Inverter
Heat Sink
Optional Heat Sink cover
Figure 1-2
LED Indicator Light s
Wiring Box
AC/DC Disconnect Switch
Mounting Slots
Main Features of the GT Inverter
Safety and Standards
About the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar Inverter
Meets standards and
The GT Inverter has complete on-board over-current, over-temperature and antiislanding protec tion, and meets U.S., Canadian and internationa l safety operating
standards and code requirements:
•UL 1741 – Standard for Inverters, Converters, and Controllers for Use in
Independent Power Systems
•CSA C22.2 No. 107.1-01 General Use Power Supplies.
Safety Label
Data Label
Figure 1-3
Safety and Data Label Locations
Figure 1-3 shows the location of the safety la be l and the data label with model,
serial and part num b er i nfo rma t ion.
Removab le Compo ne n ts
The wiring box is standard for all North Ameri can models of the G T Inverter.
Some European models are available without the wiring box. See “Model
Configurations” on page 1–8 for specific details. The heat sink cover and fan
assembly are available in the optional Fan Kit.
Wiring Box (st andard on North American models)
The wiring box provides a location fo r making AC, DC and ground connections.
It also contains the combine d AC/DC (Utility/PV array) Disconnect Switch.
The GT Inverter unit may be easily remove d from the wiring box in the event that
the inverter requir es servicing.
requirement. It must be attached during operation. Che ck with your local authorities
before removing the GT Inverter wiring box.
DC Connect holes
AC/DC Disconnect
Figure 1-4
In North America and other locations the wiring box is an electrical code
Control Board
Connect hole
AC Connect hole
Wiring Box
Front Cover
1.9 cm (3/4”) Threaded
Conduit holes
Wiring Box for the GT Inverter
Optional Heat Sink Cover and Fan
In areas where high ambient temperatures (>45°C/110°F) may be experienced
(such a south-fa cing install at ion), a he at sink cove r and fan ass embly (GT Fan Kit,
Xantrex part # 864-0201) can be added to the front of the unit. The fan assembly
provides forced-a ir ventilation directly over the heat sink. The heat sink cover
shades the heat sink from direct sunlight and provides a pathway to funnel the
forced-air from the fans over the heat sink to optimize cooling.
WARNING: Burn hazard
In ext reme cond itions, the GT Inverter chassis can reach temperatures over 70°C (158°F),
which can cause skin burns if accidentally touched. Ensure that the GT Inverter is located
away fro m normal t raffic areas.
See Figure 1-3 on page 1–5 for safety label loc ati on.
Removable Components
Heat Sink Cover
Top view
Fan Assembly
Front view
Figure 1-5
Optional Heat Sink Cove r and Fan Assembly for the GT Inve rter
Model Configu rations
The GT Inverter model number is in the format GTx.x-aa-bb-ccc, where:
•x.xOutput Power:3.0 KW
•aaRegion:NA (N ort h Am eri ca)
•bbWiring Box:WB (wiring box only)
•cccOutput Voltage: 208 Vac/60 Hz (North America) 3 phase
See Figure 1-3 on page 1–5 for data label location.
DE (Germany)
SP (Spain)
IT (Italy)
FR (France)
DS (wiring box with AC/DC disconnect switch)
HW (no wiring box)
QC (Quick Connects and no wiring box , Europe
T able 1-1 shows the different model conf igurations available.
Table 1-1
Model Number
1. 208 Vac/60 Hz and 230 Vac/50 Hz models not available at this time
2. any region (aa) exce pt NA
GT Inverter Models
Installation and wiring instructions are provided in Chapter 2, “Installation”, and
Chapter 3, “Wiring the Inverter”.
Chapter 2, “Installation”, provides information about planning for and
installing the GT Inverter. It contains information to help you plan
wire routes, AC and DC connections, and find a suitable location for
installation. It also discusses requirements for grounding the GT
Inverter and your PVarray.
Procedures are provided for installing the Xantrex Grid Tie Solar
The topics in this chapter are organized as follows:
•“Ins talla tion Options” on page 2–2
•“Planning the Installation” on page 2–2
•“Pr ep aring for the Insta llation ” on page 2–13
•“Mounting the Inverter” on page 2–15
•“Installing Accessories” on page 2–23.
Installation Options
The GT Inverter may be installed as a single inverter for a single PV array of one
or two PV strings, or in a multiple inverter configuration for multiple PV arrays
(see Figure 2-1 for diagrams of both options) .
Single Inverter Installation
In this configuration, a single inverter collects the harve sted solar energy and
routes the power to the main utilit y servic e panel to be used by the loads. Any
surplus power not used by the loads will be injected into the utility grid.
Multiple Inv erter Installations
If multiple inverters are use d, each inverter must be wired to an independent PV
array. In this configuration, each inverter collects the harvested solar energy from
a separate PV array and routes the power to the main utility service panel to be
used by the loads. Any surplus power not used by the loads will be injected into
the utility grid.
Communications between inverters is optional, but can be enabled by installing
communications cabling to the inverter RJ45 ports. See “Connect the
Communications Cable between In verte rs in Parallel” on page 3–16.
Planning the Installation
The following issues need to be considered when planning for an installation
using the GT Inverter. See the specified sections for more inform ation.
•“Inverter Location” on page 2–4
•“PV Array Requirements” on page 2–5
•“Grounding Requirements” on page 2–8
•“Routing the Wire s” on page 2–11.
Ensure that you have obtained all permits required by local authorities or utilities
before commencing instal lation.
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