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The Welch Allyn SmartLink Wireless system consists of four software components:
•SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station (required)
•eSync Application (required)
•SmartLink Wireless Gateway Service (optional)
•SmartLink Wireless Gateway Client (optional)
The SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station runs on a dedicated computer typically
located within a hospital location accessible to medical personnel (e.g. the Emergency
Department). The primary functions of the system are to receive 12-Lead ECG data
transmitted wirelessly from one or more Welch Allyn PIC 50 units in the field; to display
the 12-Lead data in a standard format; and to route the 12-Lead data to one or more
intended recipients.
The eSync application runs on Pocket PC-based PDAs and handheld devices. eSync is
used to download 12-Lead ECG data from PIC 50 devices and to transmit the 12-Lead
data wirelessly to the hospital receiving station via a cellular network.
The SmartLink Wireless Gateway Service typically runs on an existing server within a
hospital’s computer center. The primary function of this software is to receive 12-Lead
transmissions from the eSync application via the internet and forward the transmissions
to the monitoring station.
While the monitoring station is capable of receiving transmissions directly, the gateway
can be used to prevent the monitoring station from being exposed directly to the internet.
The gateway can receive transmissions on a well known address and send them to an
internal hospital LAN address. This also allows the monitoring station to be part of the
Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) zone.
The SmartLink Wireless Gateway Client can be run on any workstation that has network
access to the gateway service. The client connects to the service and enables
administrative personnel to monitor the current activity of the gateway service. This can
be useful for configuring the system and troubleshooting communications problems that
may arise.
The SmartLink Wireless software provides a real-time list of transmissions received. This
list is referred to as the Transmission Event Log. Each entry of the log displays information
about the transmission such as the sender, transmission status, date and time of the
transmission, and the patient associated with the transmission.
The 12-Lead data associated with a transmission in the Transmission Event Log can be
viewed by double clicking the log entry. The SmartLink Wireless software will display the
12-Lead snapshot on the screen in a 4x3 waveform format. Information such as the
patient data and analysis results (if available) are displayed on the left side of the screen.
2OverviewWelch Allyn SmartLink Wireless
The main features of the SmartLink Wireless software include:
•A Transmission Event Log to display real-time incoming transmissions and provide
details about each transmission.
•Automatic notification to selected personnel via email, text messaging and pager
when a new transmission has been received.
•A snapshot view of 12-Lead data in a convenient graphical format together with
patient and analysis information.
•The ability to print the 12-Lead data in graphical format.
•The ability to manually forward the 12-Lead data to selected personnel.
•Automatic archival of each transmission received.
•The ability to retrieve, review and print archived transmissions even after deleting
them from the Transmission Event Log.
User ManualOverview3
System requirements
Monitoring Station System requirements
This system should be a dedicated system for the Monitoring station.
Minimum requirements
NT-class monitoring station computer (Windows® 2000, Windows® XP,
Server 2003)
•x86 processor
•50 MB of available hard disk space
•Video card and monitor running at 1024x768
•Mouse (or similar pointing device)
•COM 1 serial port availability
•Network/Internet connection
•Microsoft® ActiveSync
Recommended system configuration
NT-class receiving station computer (Windows® 2000, Windows® XP,
Server 2003)
Pentium® 4 1.0 GHz processor
•512 MB of RAM
•500 MB+ of available hard disk space (for 12-Lead data storage)
•Video card and monitor running at 1024x768
•Mouse (or similar pointing device)
•Printer connection, local parallel port or network
•COM 1 serial port availability
•Internet Connection
•Microsoft® ActiveSync
Gateway System requirements
Minimum requirements
a. Only needed if an external modem will be used for paging.
b. Depending on your system configuration, the SmartLink Gateway Monitoring Station and Gateway will need a network and/or Internet
This system may be an existing server and does not need to be a dedicated
NT-class computer (Windows® 2000 SP3, Windows ® XP SP2,
Server 2003)
•x86 processor
•5 MB of available hard disk space
•Video card and monitor
•Mouse (or similar pointing device)
•Network/Internet connection
connection to receive 12-Lead data and to send email and text message notifications.
.NETTM 2.0.50727 Framework
4OverviewWelch Allyn SmartLink Wireless
Recommended system configuration
NT-class computer (Windows® 2000 SP3, Windows® XP SP2,
Server 2003)
Pentium® 4 1.0 GHz processor
•512 MB of RAM
•5 MB of available hard disk space
•Video card and monitor
•Mouse (or similar pointing device)
•Internet connection
•Microsoft .NET 2.0.50727 Framework
Gateway Client System requirements
The gateway client may be installed on any existing computer which meets the
minimum requirements.It does not need to be a dedicated system.
Minimum requirements
NT-class computer (Windows® 2000 SP3, Windows® XP SP2,
Server 2003)
•x86 processor
•1 MB of available hard disk space
•Video card and monitor running at 1024x768
•Mouse (or similar pointing device)
•Network connection with access to the gateway service
.NET® 2.0.50727 Framework
Minimum eSync PDA requirements for transmitting 12-leads
•ARM® Processor with Windows® CE 4.2, 4.21, 5.0 for Pocket PC 2000, 2002,
•Display size of 240x320
•Available serial port
•Vendor-specific serial data cable
•Internet connection
Minimum (Physician) PDA requirements for receiving 12-leads
•Display size of 240x320
•Standard e-mail program, such as Pocket Outlook, to receive 12-lead e-mail
•Internet connection
Reader® for Pocket PC
Installation and upgrade
The Welch Allyn SmartLink Wireless CD may be used to install or upgrade any or all of the
SmartLink Wireless components: SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station, SmartLink
Wireless Gateway Service, SmartLink Wireless Gateway Client and the eSync PDA
application. The following sections describe the installation of these components in detail.
Configuration options
SmartLink Wireless components can be configured in several ways depending on the
network configuration and available computers. The possible configurations are:
•Monitoring station with no gateway
•Monitoring station and gateway on separate computers
•Monitoring station and gateway on a single computer
For the latter two configurations, the gateway client may then be installed on any
system that has network access to the gateway. See “Monitoring Station
configuration options” on page 16 for more information.
Connecting a PDA to the SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station
When installing the SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station on a system, it is
recommended to connect a PDA for installation of the eSync software. While it is possible
to install ActiveSync and connect a PDA for installation after the SmartLink Wireless
installation, it is recommended to complete this step prior to SmartLink Wireless
To configure the ActiveSync application on the PC
1.Double click the ActiveSync icon.
2. Select the File menu item then select Connection Settings. This will bring up the
3. Connect the handheld to the PC using a serial cable via a COM port, or via a USB port.
Microsoft ActiveSync should be installed on the PC and handheld computer prior
to installing the SmartLink Wireless software. If ActiveSync is not installed on the
system, it can be downloaded from
Connection Settings dialog box.
To use a serial cable and COM port:
Select the check box for Allow serial cable or infrared connection to this COM port.
Click on the combo box below the check box to select an available COM port.
6Installation and upgradeWelch Allyn SmartLink Wireless
To use USB:
Click on the check box for Allow USB connection with this desktop computer.
4. Status Icon: Select Show status icon in the TaskBar.
Click OK.
To connect the handheld to the PC
A cable or docking cradle is needed to connect the handheld to the PC. The cable
or docking cradle must be supplied by the manufacturer of the handheld or its
approved vendor.
1.Connect the handheld using the cable or docking cradle to the USB port, or to the
COM port (selected in the previous step while configuring the ActiveSync application)
of your PC. This should automatically connect the PC to the handheld via the
ActiveSync application. (Once connected, the round-shaped ActiveSync icon both on
the PC and the handheld should turn green in color).
2. If the connection is not made automatically:
a.Double click the ActiveSync icon.
b. On the ActiveSync application, select File. Select Get Connected.
c.If still not connected to the PDA, reset the PDA following the manufacturer’s
instructions for a reset. Typically this is done by inserting the stylus in a small hole
at the bottom of the PDA. After the reset, repeat Step 1 above.
3. Depending on the version of ActiveSync, a “New Partnership” dialog screen may
appear. If so, select Guest Partnership and press Next.
User ManualInstallation and upgrade7
SmartLink Wireless installation
Upgrading from a previous version
The SmartLink Wireless installation disk can be used to upgrade the SmartLink Wireless
Monitoring Station (previously known as the SmartLink Wireless Server or Receiving
Station) from version 2.0 and higher. It is not necessary to uninstall the previous version.
A backup copy of the system and the SmartLink Wireless installation directory should be
made before proceeding with an upgrade. When the backup is complete, follow the
instructions below and use the same folder as the previous installation for the upgrade of
the Monitoring Station. This will save the current settings as well as the current
transaction log.
Upgrading to the current version of the Monitoring Station will enable it to be used in any
of the configurations described in the previous sections.
Installing SmartLink Wireless
To start the installation and select components
1.Insert the Welch Allyn SmartLink Wireless CD into the CD drive of the PC.
2. If the installation does not start automatically, start the 'Setup' application by double
clicking on the CD setup icon. This will launch the Setup wizard. Follow the prompts
on the Setup wizard, Setup wizard will display the following pages or screens:
a.Welcome. click Next.
b. License Agreement. Read the licensing agreement and if you agree, select the
radio button for ‘I accept the agreement.’ Click Next.
c.Information. Read the pre-install information and click Next.
d. User Information. Enter the User Name and Organization and click Next.
e. Destination Directory. Click Next to install to the default directory or select a
different directory and click Next. The default directory is “C:\Program
Files\Welch Allyn SmartLink Wireless.”
f.Select Components. Select the components to be installed on the computer.
If Gateway Service or Client is selected, Microsoft .NET 2.0 must be installed on
the system. If .NET is not already installed, select it. If you are not sure, see
“Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework” on page 8 for more information.
If “SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station” is selected, the computer will also be
used to install eSync on the PDAs. See “SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station
installation” on page 8 for more information.
If no components are selected, the installation will proceed to copy just the user
documentation and license agreement.
g. Start Menu Folder. Select the shortcut folder and click Next. The default folder is
“Welch Allyn SmartLink Wireless.”
h. Ready to Install. Review the installation options and click Install.
If installing the SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station and Microsoft Active Sync
has not been installed or not properly installed on the PC, the application will
8Installation and upgradeWelch Allyn SmartLink Wireless
display a failure message. The message will say Microsoft ActiveSync is not
found and inform the user that only the SmartLink Wireless software will be
installed to the PC.
If necessary, download Microsoft ActiveSync from
i.The installation will begin and display a progress bar as the SmartLink Wireless
software is copied to your system. Proceed to the following sections, depending
on the component selection(s) made above.
Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework
If not already on the system, Microsoft .NET 2.0 Framework will need to be installed to
install and run the Gateway Service and Client. For more information on the system
requirements for .Net 2.0, refer to the Microsoft Download Center.
To install .NET 2.0
1.If .NET is already installed on the system, you will be given the option to Repair or
Uninstall .NET. Press Cancel to cancel the .NET installation, and then confirm by
pressing Ye s and Finish. Proceed with the SmartLink Wireless installation.
2. If .NET is not already installed on your system, the .NET setup wizard will guide you
through the .NET installation. Follow the prompts and accept the Microsoft end user
license agreement when appropriate. Once the .NET installation is complete, press
Finish. Continue with the SmartLink Wireless installation.
SmartLink Wireless Monitoring Station installation
Use the Server Configuration dialog to configure SmartLink Wireless monitoring stations
for use with eSync. The settings may be conveniently downloaded to handheld
computers. By storing the settings on PC files, the settings may be downloaded to
multiple handheld computers, eliminating the need to enter them individually on each
To configure use with eSync
1.Create the Server list:
a.Enter a name in the Server Name edit box. The name must be a text string up to
64 characters in length. The field may not be blank.
b. Enter an address in the Server Address edit box. The address must be a text
string up to 64 characters in length. The address may be in the dotted number
format (e.g., or a text string to denote a hostname (e.g. The field may not be blank.
c.Enter an available port number in the Control Port edit box. The control port must
be a number between 1 and 65,535.The field may not be blank. The control port
has the default value 2098.
d. Enter an available port number in the Data Port edit box. The data port must be a
number between 1 and 65,535.The field may not be blank. The data port has the
default value 2099.
e. Press Add to add the Server to the list.
User ManualInstallation and upgrade9
f.Repeat the process to add up to 32 servers to the list.
g. Press OK.
ETA/Altitude Entry: You may check the box to turn on the ETA/Altitude feature.
When this option is enabled, the PIC50 users transmitting a 12-Lead will be
required to enter their ETA and Altitude on the PDA each time a 12-lead snapshot
is transmitted.
2. When prompted to install eSync on the handheld, press Ye s if ready to install on one
or more handlhelds.
If No is selected, a message is displayed informing that Welch Allyn eSync may be
installed later using the shortcut, Upgrade or Install Welch Allyn eSync. In this case,
only SmartLink Wireless is installed. Skip the following steps and proceed to next
section relevant to your installation configuration.
3. A message box is displayed to prompt the user to connect the handheld to the PC
using ActiveSync. Press OK if the handheld is already connected, or connect the
handheld to the PC and then press OK.
Pending Application Install. If proceeding without connecting the handheld to the PC,
the application will display a message that the SmartLink Wireless eSync application
will be downloaded to the handheld the next time the handheld is connected to the
PC. Only the PC portion of the SmartLink Wireless system (the hospital monitoring
station) is installed.
The next time the handheld is connected to the PC, a message is automatically
displayed asking to install SmartLink Wireless eSync application. Press OK to install
SmartLink Wireless eSync application on the handheld.
4. Add/Remove Programs. This option for Microsoft ActiveSync is automatically
5. Retrieving Device Data. This message box is displayed.
6. Installing Applications. Press Ye s to install to the default directory on the handheld.
Press No to display a combo box. Select the media location to install.
7.Application Downloading Complete. Check the handheld screen and press OK.
The handheld will not require any intervention for a typical install. If the program is
already installed, the handheld will wait for user confirmation. Also if the handheld has
Windows Mobile 2003 or later, the message “The program you have installed, may
not display properly because it was designed for a previous version of Windows
Mobile software” may be displayed. There is no known problem for Windows Mobile
2003. This alert may be dismissed. If there is a problem with your version of Windows
Mobile, contact Welch Allyn technical support.
8. The application will prompt to install the eSync application on another handheld. If
installation to another handheld is needed, disconnect the current handheld. Connect
the new handheld to the PC. Press Ye s .
If not, select No and the Completing screen of the Setup wizard will be displayed.
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